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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jul 1967, p. 14

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Wa 19--Mele and ___Help W NURSING A lorge modern cated Hospital and Convalesc has immediate the following N Reg. Nurses, Gra 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 18, 1967 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. | 17--Female Help Wanted 8--Articles for Sole 11--Pets and Liv a Nursing Orderlis EXECUTIVE SUITE furnishings, Must|IRISH SETTER, one 'ouah- ed) and Nursing s---Believe Believe It or N be ccedh -Miked ltafian Motpces-soentah | Ore' trained for "hunting, excellent con WOULD YOU BELIEVE Tha Vecance styling. Telephone 726-8849. dition, $75. _ Telephone , TOY CHEST . ' : p three rooms of new |SEVEN-MONTH-OLD part ca time, Bort-time oh FURNITURE, -- Thee Toor gon |ecuen csoragor tomate bashed sal OFFERS relief stot. MOUNT ATHOS Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South, [needles and is spayed, very sriendly, MORE $$$ MORE FUN Child day core need ------~-------------- | Telephone 728-9894. H ts THE SITE OF FF TYPEWRITERS, new, used, 'er serv- les W aa NO perryeric stof id ice, all makes. Free estimates. your 12 Artic les 'ant We Wi rain You. n addition to e 40 MONASTERIES i a Royal dealer, 728-3664 anyti No | sts, Collections, or ing conditions INHABITED BY |. FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $29.95 ! Dolevetien : salar rTP : : " 5 'y range, wi Accountants Building Trades Instruction Sales and Service SOME 7,000 |s~* Solin starters art penerafers, 105 Nee OVER, a oven 723-3568 pragronuean al. GORDON R. DAY, Certified General Nios ik Glaus 7 son St. 725-2162, SIDEWAYS, DO benefits. Accountant, Suite 205, Osawa Shop- REPAIRS h f d' 5 ' D liti he FISHING RODS and reels. Coleman| No matter eagle look at LADIES ft Applicants are | Centre, 3. 'oducts repaired by experts on prem- it ii it prices ' SOB-CLANCYS ACCOUNTING Service ALTERATIONS Rut erford S$ away Demolition Co. fses, Sportsman's Corner, 103 Byron sk.j yi, we Pay the nanest P oy yn pene Complete berths 7200 37. Res "he 5005. a as ie aa Hiictent orlliag CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat. MR. TV TOWERS Start earning now and you i " PERSONNEL ree' A iT rvi is irom Fy '" . . | ios EPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun- ADDITIONS Drivin School tresses half price,, all sizes, headboards ' will be prepared for the big | JOSEPH 6 SUTMANN: Chartered sccoun.| Call Us At 728-2801 for an one-third off. Factory outlet. 723-3889. 378 KING ST. W. Fall selling season. For infor- The RIVERDAL Easi Telephone 723-4833 " estimate. No Job Too Lorge GLASS REPAIRS to aluminum and) 723-9525 or 725- 9303 _ mation, please call Oshawa YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- _ OFFICES-FACTORIES (Licensed by Police Commission) or Too Small. Fully Insured. wood windows: Free pick-up and de.) 576-1301 evenings. ST. MATTH tants. Licensed » Trustees in ec Rooms and Kitche ic ; livery, Telephone 728-2284. ; erage agp TORONTI Bankroptey, 372 Simcoe Street North, S Sachin @ Courteous Instructors [VACUUM and polisher repairs, all GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers,|Tighest prices, Call anytime. MacNe WHAT, i rene 'am car and good _ OREN EO. Oshawa, 728-7371. 7s @ Dual Control Cars Jack Lees, pick up and delivery, 728- rn eth Forte and" Appliances yt z business places. Phone Mr. Williams 728+ Short Ord peg egg id » S.gie| James Allen and Sons| @ Fully Insured [eine Simcoe South, 723-001 ' ""/13--Articles for Rent pl ice wa aaa To work in oi 187 King Street East, Oshawa, . 4 ' ITER, x : ard " : BABYSITTER to live-in. To w buffet ; rock 725.3507; S. T. Hopkins, CA; H _ 725-6126 Septic Service LEE CLAFLIN aan parteple geri, anere Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- ee ere 1 and Monday off. Call i Beadle, , CA; E. Lukow, CA. BRICK and block work, chimneys, ver- 725-6553 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv-j| _ ( !79\- i871) $20.; cash register $35, 723-4434, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee leenrar. ciawies or bookie one ply Chat Gave MI Sin AEH Riga" eiieed" Bes [oui 'Concrete' cemevtt, types. Sf Stet west Why, sora) CPL MINSON VACUUM REPAIRS. al masts, airy | Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal iemsan' telephone manner, and. hand: mon Hotel, an' 4 ' , iy a 2 le ' A | a Siephone Oshawa 725. 6539. Brees] ons rss, ° estimates. Call M. 14 ALBERT STREET P SN ane Fleming Vac sonics, viMein ea wee ens high White itl all assets. Post Oiiice "Box a Telephone 62 > ca, Surveyors BOSTON Pickering. ox Furs, Mink Stoles. tween 1-6 P.M ALL TYPE: build A annem sas i ae Yr IGE weed pee CLERK . - - over al, with "rome ra bw. oh Niet Blueprir ting aan | CHIMNEYS, 3, building Fepairs._ Rooting, Janitor | Service H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor.) UNIVERSITIES, bball hd ee era res -- SARGEANT'S RENTALS typing. Telephone 723-4893 between 1-4 REAL ESTATE sales "BELL DRAFTING @nd ReproductionS|masonry. Gord May, Whitby, 668-2774 Oftice, 47 Prince St. Res, 103 Elgin $1. A TRUSTEE OF ne i '° City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe P.m., ask for Mr. Street. experienced. One whi Lid., 53% Simcoe Street North. 723-4461. 725-6881 WILBRAHAM (BarH wHiTte REBT ill IS ly ' 462 Ritson Rd. S$. 725-3338 EXPERIENCED crag el fr Smiths' work and likes to rm Blueprinting and photostatic copies. ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get ED JEFFREYS BEERS watever tne & reet South, : us ac as ac hans aie lem: is five bonus as well a: your driveway paved by experts. 20c DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On| ACADEMY AND BUTTERFIY | |cLoseD FOR HOLIDAYS, July 15 to) WHEEL CHAL nospltal peo gio ho raan pecitioa Call Jack Osborne. Building Trades sq. ft., all work guaranteed for three JANITOR SERVICE and tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue] WESLEYAN WAS. NAMED Aug. 15. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985. (or ae races ce. IS-1bMd, ase Rr, ace aa in Estate 576-1200 eve re "ar WINDOW CLEANING erin sari Stalag UNIVERSITY, IN ENGLAND | |Z ENTERTAINING? -Fifly to one hundred|nim person. Telephone setae le Eavestroughing, free estimates, guar- mgr 5 ri "TRI \ seid ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Service. ly fo one hundred|right person. Telephone 576-043 o-- No Down Payment anteed work, "Murray Holliday. Tele: Residenitiot, oS Commercial, TV--Radio Repairs PEPSI . mouse OF a Repairs, cycle Centre. 204, Bond 'Bre Bee rae weddings. "Bar, witchen,|ORY CLEANING presser required. Top 20--Real Este phone 725- Hee ae ae hurches, chools oors aOR RLY FRR RE NRE RT CF . E, 725-6344 king, 723-77 . '§ wages, must be experienced. Apply to Monthly Instalments YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaners, chim-| washed, waxed and buffed, TV SERVICE oe REGMBLONGS | Gaus vines oa ail ins PEGt ane Vadiant Cleaners, Oshawa Shopping A neys built and repaired, gas linings in- BOA TO A PIECE Goodrich, 88 King Street West. rasa Centre. Remodelling stalled, roofs repaired. 723-2997. 668-8658 WHITBY COLOR Oe Ue OF EMBROIDER!') \wuying OR SELLING furniture cr ap 18--Male Help Wanted _ CREATED iN! | |8 a a Carpentry Money to Loan or OF BOSTON BATH ENGLANE>| |Pllances. Call_Elmer, 263-2294, 265-205.) We are offering to the right @ Bathrooms - eee «BLACK ond WHITE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Sarees [BUY AND SELL -- good used urn'! persons an opportunity to HOMES mn jate a oo @ Kitchens Quality Carpentry buy that new cer, boat, travel' expenses: FOR THE BEST CALL |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. make excellent earnings with @ Recreation Rooms GENERAL REPAIRS bea Pals tea martowee ernlietier on: FREE! Furnace creaned, adjusted free.| a prime manufacturer of pa- R ' @ Gorages none sb li ye eto fidential, private funds. Call 723-4631 . . . . 5--Trailers '8--Articles for Sale on ween a Gorears. venee PISSY |e trourerg ci Preview of = erving Oshawa and District 1 2a | SR ee ate Ue ate errata eas (Pru seca aga? oN dV ASRS see eerie MRRRERRO AR ASE Sear Yaeger s owe ea ca ee aa Guar mas seam rae rR emicaSy 725-1212, lucts presently mercnandis- . a tor Many. Years TELEVISION "EAST END TEXACO REPRIGERATOR:-galy -é-monikeeia;| ind through many of¢ North MAN AGER awa's Quality Builder Honest and Depenable Service |Mortgages _ __._] FOR CLEANER, SHARPER TRAILERS for SALE seldom used, $100, Telephone 942-3158. America's largest' retailers KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Phone 725-8576 TV RECEPTION Tent Trailers for sale or rent, LIKE NEW 12.2 cu. ft. Frigidaire re-| in a multi-million dollar, Ya Call Today For Free Estimates or 623-3411 MORTGAGE Your Own 8 models from $299 up. frigerator with 100 Ib, freezer. Tele-| growth, secure, jet age in- " Camping Supplies, hitches phone _ 723-7461 im a dustry. 728-7583 HOME ADDITIONS: "1 recreation rooms, Tv. TOWER made, 10 to 12 foot boats SIX SERVICE BAYS GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers| Modest investment guoran- rim wor remodelling and genera e- er levision, ref erator, tc., $34. an . ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, |Pairs. Telephone E. Behm, 725-7066 : 728 5] 43 $89 and $159. FOR FASTER SERVICE |[°"i0l Furniture and Appliances, 452| teed by inventory, completely repairs, large and small jobs.L.andH.|A-1 CARPENTRY, biock and cement LOANS i ___ 576-1250 WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Simcoe South, 723-0011 (3s returnable. Local retail firm requires an a Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. work, new and repairs of all kinds Corner Bond and Division TRAILER HITCHES made and installed. 4 e COPPERTONE REFRIGERATOR $175, We will contact you for a aggressive young man to SAND AND GRAVEL copplies. Taie:| Telephone 725-401. 3 JAlso all types of welding done, Portable} Chev., Dodge, Ford, Plys- wringer washer $90. both almost new! private, fully informative in- manage credit office. Pre- phone 725-0697 D > ----- Moneys available for first equipment for rent. 723-6840. mouth, Pontiac. We correct and stove $20. Telephone 655-3682. teryiew at our factory or in ferred age 21-35. Excellent OSHA eae CHIMNEYE, al pe Cee. = | and: gecond mortoagia; Open TRAD IN Ws TRAVEL TRAILER, excellent condi-) wheel alignment, inspect anid BEAUTIFUL HIGH fashion suits some! your area, SEDOHUNIY. for adventeniht. cement wirk, stoops, sidewalks, etc.|CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental Sur mortgages. No bonus. First - ar aoa sick ona" oe ; radieen Alea f correct castor and comber, {final and Re The wi Fur| We are interested in the per- Should have Grade 12. On 655-3061. F. McCann, RR 2 Oshawa. __/geon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, For! mortgages, second mortgages . Beaulitally, Call D'S Knight, days s76| align toe - in and toe - out tea hats, purses. Reasonable. 728-6386. nw joint to this situa- i ini ji A( Seeeeur aril 10 years in busi-|2Ppointment, 728-5174. gages, gag YOUR PRESENT bei ully. 5 night, days Pe nde ats, purses, 01 je FaeOreO. SO} e appor js the job training provided. ee ee ne ; and agreements for sale pur- hhc int | correct condition ... 7.951 |srEREO SYSTEM incivding @ Duell tion. We will allow port time | Excellent pension plan, em- N.H.A. 2 far 17 Bond East. 723-5841. i Dressmaking chased AERIAL 5A--Camping @ Ports extra if required Changer, General Tape Recorder,| but the person:must be pre- ployee discounts, .group. in- DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted suits, M. F. SWARTZ @ Torsion bar adjustment | oeover cabinets. 725-4465 anytime. pared after a trial period to surance, holidays with pay. NOW SI SIFIED RATES coats, dresses, Beautifully tailored " Ip- 7 F. ' extra HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, combination] 9° into full time. Salary commensurate with CLAS covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 26% K ee = C co T.V. and Stereo, kitchen table and| Write giving only name, ad- past experience. WORD ADS " ee DRESMAHG-- nesenaune oraee and 2 NiDg ate Bast amMping chairs, dresser and other articles tele-| dress and phone number to rom 1 fash -- 1} insertion of 24 words, 1.20; | tach service. Telephone 725-3143 between Oshawa, Ontario BRAKE SPECIAL phone 723-0332 _ after five. 4 idditional words, 5c each: 3 _consecu- lore " H d t ee | FE oa Bolla ltt : Box M71699 All replies strictly contiden- Hoe icarions of 24 worth 3.24, ose 723-4697 gc saad Sek NE eh Ot pon tal. Our staff is eware of this Down Payn ional eac! consecu- * * as ° Iso portable sewing machine, 3 'ue nations of 7) each; 5.76; addi- Gardening and Supplies OSHAWA Ww ey lake f woud ae ole tr c gular, eplitier and microphone, OSHAWA TIMES advertisement. y' ! tional words 24c each a ee CABLE TV fe rent a comp ae ine © $14 88 \ |s45, 623-2951. 1,4 ae i : ; al RE SES Charge--10 per cent odditional charge ° MORTGAGE FUNDS Senn ONIN si aaah 1 ae | |BRUNSWICK SNOOKER table, 4° x 8', TWO REPAIR BAYS Apply in writing: te: er ee nn 2 er ardeén ouppiles LTD. To oe poe is 92.00 Fer Wheel | et eee ee | ond SYOER ROOK : 4 Method of Counting -- Less thon 24 @ Low Rates @ Immediate 723-5278 ents -- 9 x _- x (labor cost) Cee rien Gr apply 1183 : BOX 73714 words counts @s°24 words; each word N 8 Kill Committment @ No Obliga- - aves -- Sleeping Bogs -- e Ritson § Large, located in modern ser- new attract initial, figure or abbreviation counts os iagar ui illers te. ion. tuni ne word: 'phone number counts two] plodaTd UG tion. A. ROSEN a WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |[SIRL'S DRESSES, size five, large baby) vice sation, Gone opportunity en ee acre Sea T.V. TOWERS WEEK-END SPECIALS | Including weights per wheel, |crn, "tenho -060. © eee : Go south on Ste BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- Gardenall Matriber Ort. MBA. ae each 1.95 \Siwgow GUIFAR; Jan case ba sirae 725-5021 by Pgs SORIAG : venings TRAILERS RE i "sora 'or follow $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents di Cygon 2E ond Weekends 728-5623 "BUILT IN OSHAWA" Fad ee ae SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, ncluded. Like new. Telephone 728-1777. |5urcwew swop, wel cateblioheds doleg ee Tanai charse if pot paid within 8 davs.| Ant ond Grub AT OUR OWN. PLANT lepoucts. Sur Valley FRONT.END. WORK ct ESS0 UNIFORM, nearly new, coat size|good busines, $5400, down to eens CAREER IN MEMORIUMS FIRST AND ) SECOND mortgages, sale omplete BS 2 operator. Box No. 73258, Oshawa Times. oy Ente the first 26 work aod 4c| Malathion agreements purchased and sold. Hennick] We 0 1 a better tower @ Kor-A-Van Our own quol- COMPARABLE PRICES peeene ma _ | BUSINESS RTUNITY, avail OPPO tach thereafter plus 13c per line of} Chlordane and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street 9 y' . @ ity Trailer $449.00 com- TWO-PIECE chesterfield, four-seater,|for ambitious il enterprising man. IT verse; 25¢ additional charge if net paid] DHT East, 723-7232. _}| for less money, let UN | ROYAL and chair, also two end tables and cof- Minium investment with extraordinary within 8 days. Chi R Dust FIRST AND SECOND ¢ r rE ey Bs Ladvkirk Full fee table, Telephone 728-3549. return. Porther Information call F. 1 ga dig eRe CARDS OF THANKS hipman Rose Dus ee one anes H W T VV bel acelae I creda CENTRES MOTOROLA, 71" television console. Ex- gaasias or Young * §2.50 for the first 35 words ond 7e Diazinon , 3 storage u cellent condition. Reasonable. Telephone izes eEAUTY SALON and barber M 1 23 REAL ESTA sach thereafter with 25c additional A Painti D. ° 595.00 complete. 725-4198, shop, located on ground floor in the en 8-25 charge if not paid within 8 days tox 'ainting and Decorating SUPPLY LTD (Prices above include 2 -- 3" The New Name Of FUR CAPE STOLE, grey squirrel, $100,|UPtown area. Long lease available if COMING EVENTS Slug Killer INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR. Free esti- . mottresses ond spore tire. DOMINION TIRE STORES Like new. Fur neck piece, three skins, | | Seutte or Ta3.28 Ed bisney, #2 Simcoe Sales aan MRI Mor has 723-6 2.38 per inch (disploy); $2.00 for the} B Kill mates, Call 723-1253 after 5 p.m. TAUNTON RD. E AGS | \ 7P R perfect condition, $20. Telephone 725-) 90U!h, 2333. PIES . S F dharoatier ing Bug Killers mato atl -- -1 quality Sleeping 17 Park Road South 2383. NI HAWA. Eslablisned yes.| dents available. Management OR Fist 26 words and 6c each there PAINTING AND PAPER hanging. Inte- ust eat of Riteao) 8.49 hh 7986511 _________ DOWNTOWN OSHAWA. Established res. : (Word Ads). DDT and Dithane rior and exterior. Free estimates, and oe tis Bogs 4 hone 725-6511 _|vixinG portable stereo record player, taurant business, seats 100. All equip-| training in the soles and AUCTION sAt Weed Killers fw Brice Telephone 7240 723-8131 723-8132 | $%'9 Tourst Tens 3595 | Si, apn ST"earanl Sree!" [eal vie 0. Morin Renter, 7."| $119 Ner'weeh, ne SeIOY ia R INCH PER INSERTION, bs e x ourist Tents $200. Apply 571 Farewel reel net er w $2.38 PE 5 Dust Guns Plumbing and Heating 9 x 11 Picnic Canopies 24.95 A L U M | N U! M | UHER 'track stereo tape recorder, 3-|GROCERY "VARIETY at stor $ per week, OR DEADLINES Tank Sprayers ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- TELEVISION -- RADIO USED -- Hi-Wall and Tour- @ SIDING jspeed, new price $500. Asking $190. Tele- Tati, 'stio per mont rn $4,000 'Applicants must be above f 576-2 WORD ADS : Lawn Soakers ling, new and used materials, Reasonable ist Tents for Sale @ AWNINGS Bnd | Benen Bierns $6,500 plus stock. East end ocation,| 'average in ambition and in- ke -- 4 p.m. DAY itl Dawn Gece rates, Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. 24 hour Service f \|9--Market Basket main street, small town. 839-3620. telligence. ai LOST AND FOUN ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- KAMPING @ WINDOWS isonet ye PJ. B. a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION RX: 15, 20,30 plies, Telephone 75.3821, Harold 8 HOLMES @ DOORS FRESH RASPBERRIES, picked daily,|!5-----Employment Wanted Telephone for interview ar' 0 umbing, eating end of July. RR 2, Townline, 1% miles - BIRTHS AND DEATHS Everything for the Garden | Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South, UNLIMITED LES Inorth oh Kita atrae: Tha Baik Seco Vax appointment. ~ McMULL/ IN MEMORIUIS and Cooper Smith Co. |Rug- Upholstery Service ELECTRONICS GTOWNLINE ROAD NORTH EVENISS | 9A--Eggs & Poultry CLEANING BY FRED 725-2541 > Realtor 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS 16 CELINA ST. ile North of King St. E. SALES LTD. EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY --| Windows--General, Commerciat CLASSIFIED DISPLAY | INTERIORS by. WINDOLF V RENTALS 728-9942 | 15 Prince St | 725.4632 | White, Feather Farms, Oshawa, 685-4782 Industrial, Residential 9-12 noon 120 Dundas Wes Leics. Ooh Coy previcts: 2 cor) 723-23\2 723-1139 @ Custom Upholstery TOWERS | votkswaGeN BUS camper sleeps four| -- : Po fay patiistaa Galt ie ig es POE a = Delivery Service @ Re-Covering PHONE 668-5679 A ee ee DRAPES REPAIRED 10--Farmer's Column FRED'S WINDOW CLEANING HI CORRECTIONS | Sidewalk Siabs - Patio Slabs - @ Antiques Restored | amie AND RELINED MIXED HAY, prime quality, condition 668-6973 POWERS Supermarket 668 6201 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Flog Stones - Planters « SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 \6--Marine Equipment Telephone: Part ERY erste, |PERMANENT PART-TIME % DE Severrranpent. cance lea. Deine Dry Walls-- Sond 39 Simcoe N. Fast T.V. S : Speen eae M&C HAY, cut, raked and ie ei New equip:|Wanted. Girl Friday: experienced. In "all requires an experienced publication wil tged one doy s ast T.V. Servi ment. Also hay.for gale. 942-1593. . j insertion BOWLER'S _ 728-3651 eee FREE ESTIMATES DRY GOODS STANDING HAY FIBLBS Go TREAT Gai (bo are penton, Work. Telephone: 720 PRODUCE CLERK } APARTMENT BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 GARDENING SERVICE REUPHOLSTERING DOMINION to repair or refinish your boat, & DRAPERIES and baled, Picked up or delivered. 728-\i apy wants sewing of apronsy -shifis, Older brick hor Tuan eslies t8 pox Tumba ete the| Phone 728-7787, Oshawa, Ont. 725-9332 any size or construction. 723-7827 ped |dolt clothes, also knitting for factory.| Previous supermorket e ; | of 4 self con advertisers as soon as possible, we oc- Lowns Seeded - Sodded - @ Wide Selection of Fabrics TELEVISION CALL CITY Tv tele at ACRES of standing hay. Telephone | Telephone 725-7755. epee as ments. Close sept no liability in respect of los Farilized @ \Weikmarehin Gdaranthed ; TV televisions, radios, 674 or 723-447) _|WILL CARE for two or three children in| @Nce preferred, 40 hour week, Whitby on con Jomaged alieged to arise through either 28-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Oshawa Yachthaven service and repairs, Service [DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick-|my home, vicotly Hd = General} good starting sala ith d lot. Lis failure or delay in forwardi such re Pruning - Hedge Clipping = (five full years) IC YE" "WE YT R- wae dept. open 7 days a week. [£0 UP Promptly. Margwill Fur Farm,|Motors. Apt. 5, 255 Mi + Oshawa. .. 'id mt $00. Patt eee gies however covsed weiner Py ieol:| Fertilizers - Trees - Hedging = | @ Easy Budget Terms--Free | JOE'S COLOR TV 723-8186 Also TV. towers, color and |imtine mca "19 Bemale Mele Wanted | at. 70, increcses e responsible for replies uncalled for Nursery Stock stimates and Radio Servi black and white T.V. Anten- |¢.o0p ALFALFA" r 7 P and company-paid benefits. FOUR in 20 days eae : @ Over 20 yeors experience ce CHRIS CRAFT nas, rotors installed. Sales [standing in field, ea x J. KAMSTRA THE FURNITURE CENTRE SPECIALIZING IN SALES and SERVICE nd Service 9 to9 ihone 655-3823. | Apply Mr. Baker, 564 King APARTA Paeee sae oc ha ote saulate 90 Simcoe St. North EUROPEAN RADIOS AND McVay fibreglas sail boats, 548 uence Be Gell F085, 111 P aa i oo PUBLIC St. East, Oshawa, Consisting of ty r AWA Crestliner, Peterborough and : --Pets an ivestoc room apartmen PONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- . , 9 0500. All work guaranteed. TIBEMENTS | sUMBITTED OTHERWISE CANE PROFESSIONAL TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS Nosthecatt runabouts Evin- Bt tah W-BARJ omcarUny bedreem apertn M 1 167) rude outboard motors. rt oO toy THAN ONEVINSERTION OF any"aB-| GARDEN 'SERVICE BUG SLEe SING 3 rk -- 0} "OSHAWA. YACHTHAVEN Let George Do It RIDING STABLE PO Scoped lot. Sho ly oervice t , (F. | L z H) : ICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- ; .v. Rentals 723-8186 '" ormerly Lazy INTERNATIONA W return on inv SERTION a We u FRROR OPEUR: 728-8267 i ee New Sets 100 HP MERCURY motor, 15' fibregias panne aA ited Hlotees, for tent by tne bel FINANCIAL : . -- s Gar ' ibre: 4 Mary St... Whitb: day or week. Also horses E The Oshawo Times reserves the right t Angus-Gra don ALCAN boat with convertible top and trailer : ry y ORGANIZATION slassify advertising according to its E y Telephone 723-784) after 6. : boarded HILLCRES proper classification. CUCsRee tae SOD 728-6254 FURNITURE and "STARCRAFT," Grew Traveller boats,| _, 668-6211 = R.R. No, 3, bldg IN requires experienced 2 bedroom bri bo a gee Ft Sepia, cxvertcaments Sage ae APPLIANCES Tk mae De ke ae ee oe alle 623-7349 OSHAWA AREA living oem, Kk er el tee ares Excellent Quality, Low Prices. OSHAWA 452 Simcoe South Brooklin 655-2641. : --|H ORSEMEN -- Horses boarded, knee eee PRODUCE parc. Wa \ actual error occupies. The publishers oaded or Delivered RUG CLEANERS 723-0011 BOAT LIFT for sale. Will lift approx-| SUMAMERTIME SPECIALS |%22? ,bosture.,Reasonable. Telephone! requires intelligent and alert 12x 31, laune vheiwxaia Oe Sagal ig SN ee Visitors Welcome Dict i 5 uahél epi oee ~ fimateiy 1,500 Ibs. Telephone 726-8944, Faort Perry 985-7773. woman in its sales office. CLERK ity room, many poecant f uae in las rofessional rug and uphol- ity towers SPECIAL -- 40-foot t y i ot C19ZY-J Ranch, Reg'd. German Shep- On targe lond: nt if any inaccuracies in 3 foot tower|14' PLYWOOD boat, fiberg): bottom, eg erman Shep. 9 Be Peeeonn Hany noc aig 725-9674 stery cleaning done in your |structure, all- channel antenna installed,|windshield, siering. ahaa Swill take Wilson's Fu rn trerds, pups. Show mare in foal to quar-| Successful applicant must be x 145 with ple IT'S EASY TO PLACE A home or our office. Call for oo naeee re meealy, Lites, auton up to HP. motor. Reasonable. Tele- ena # bbs us eres. "Chathing." Ashourns 6554662. 7 between 25-40. Car neces- Apply to Store Manager bery, List price TIMES ACTION WANT AD ite: : information, Sadness Scala ites bad ecllouisninincetel appar Yip Mo rresses : sary, good salary commen- ; illside Landscapin R|LARSON FIBERGLAS runabout with| 2-pc. chesterfield suite 109.95 PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE. -- : M Coll Classified Direct Pp g 725-9961 SELL unwanted articles. Phone 723-3492 H.P. Evinrude, complete wiih Poi. 2 pc. bedroom suites 99.50 Glipping all breeds, poodles our spe- surate with ability. Usual 564 King ae, : BROO 723-3492 Rost ae i shield controls and trailer, $950. Tele- PS cially. Free pick-up and delivery; board-| fringe benefits. For, appoint- Beautiful brick re ock garden, stepping stones, |e: UPHOLSTERY by" experis. 1 Esiab-|2--Personal phone 725-3032 ; ____20 CHURCH STREET ing and training, Doberman Pinschers ment call trically heated, SOARES ------} sidewalk slabs, patio slabs. [lished 20 years. Wor guaran- LEVENS 14/1, fibergias, 22 H.P., Mer re a spreads Amt heed Ve alia oF ae. z bungalow style: feed. Free estimates. "Credit terms. Mat- Meal a " achurst Kennels, 655-3881 Inga! ty! INDEX TO: Free. estimates tresses re-built, furniture __re-finished. ELECTROLYSIS Pan ii or PRR al tg et bade MR,.TV TOWERS" MINIATURE TierouaRDRRS ; chihuabos MR. HARWOOD REAL ESTATE 12 x 18, m : ae Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue, Me BOAT nche nad eatiene lolly (USED FURNITURE) peippies, Telephone $76-0116. 7 t 364-4151 REPRESENTATIVE boards, exhaus' CLASSIFICATIONS _ Telephone 723-9020 HESTERBIRUDS Teopheuiere anal besten + equipped. Apply 235 Edward St. 8., off a a cop [ELAR RIDING. STABLE =: Horges OLONEO z Openings available on our vanity bath, Ie i s tvarded, % A ee " sm wyomen's Colm MERION-KENTUCKY Savin ak calms tee cage) Newer! of supertinous ie a eae eee tds f°" [ecatite' ad wal top meio EARN EXTRA | Seles staff for an ambitious, 0 5 1? vie 2--Persona) SOD rial for re-covering. Slip covers made} Marie Murduff will be in |35 HP. MOTOR, "Gale" and boat with lower prices. See us at : 2 id ta Albu dependable man seeking a windows, scree S-Sportsman's Column BLUE GRASS to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Oshawo, July 24th, 25th ond |hardware. Telephone 725-6291. 398 KING ST. W feo aine fanley ate abe. MONEY career in an interesting and stone front, T.V 5--Trailers All-Green N dail bdatih 26th. Phone Genosha Hotel ja '--Swap and Soer 723. 9525 5 By oad, 114 Elgin East. Show Canado's finest line of most rewarding occupation. Many ether ex 6--Marine Equipment ee ursery Sales and Service on these dates for appoint- |! Pp | eer ag or 725-9. 9303 __|QiJALITY CLIPPING SERVICE again} Christmas cards, Wraps, No- Ability. to speak a foreign ous to mentic Peo ag Bare Sod Growers ment. 8 ATHTUBS, $20. JFush-o-matic Toilets TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 #1. structure|2¥allable, all breeds. Telephone 728-9609. ney ate Cerny . language a definite asset, Ex- $22,900. Shia basket Vidtors Welcome i ° sinks, cabinets, piping fillings, Jal! channel antenna, $50. TRIO Televi- PO\ODLE CLIPPING and shampooing, or free, beautifully illus- cellent training and educa- 10--Farmer's Column 725-9674 -- TOWN LINE N APPLIANCE 4--Motorbikes ats, motors, trailers, cars, trucks. H. sion, 728-5143 reiisonably priced. Whitby. Telephone] trated catalogue ,samples, on tidnal:course.. Employee bene- AFTER HOt 1--Pets and Livestock A Ben P CHESTERFIELD suite (1 J, Ex: | $6t 6977. | = H allah had casing ; Va--Articles Wanted 2 _M. north Taunton Village : REPAIRS fA oy ate naan 8--Articles. for Sole cellent condition, oly eas gen one|GE RMAN SHEPHERD pup for sale, ee ee wis Members of Phote eo. rticies tor i xpert repairs to all mokes pe year old. Apply 822 King St. East, Apt.'onty nine weeks old, Sandy-black in " " sheds , a 14--Business era sontiee of washers; dryers: ranges ms HONDA Super Hawk: 305 st ; No. 2 ean colcr. Telephone 723-8825. Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. E., For strictly confidential inter- Doug Winstan| ai gi pl me ee ae besaki RUTHERFORD'S DIVING EQUIPMENT -- Dacor iwo| TVI O-HORSE 'trailer for sale, $995. Tele-| --omilton. Ont. view please contact Mr, 17--Female Help Wanted : 5 7 3-room groups, Living Room, stage _dial-a-breath__ regulator. Double pho ne 942-0984 of 725-5235. Bosco, JOSEPH BOSCO, R I. meee tati e | AND REBUILT | ® A'SO PARTS AVAILABLE © [8 SaNPs Te Gi TREE BRA] Bcc Dmg Room, $399, [ime Mh ae ome, mone muanuxpurpieswghwaks| , AVON CALLING |: ferGappgyy.oco Ree egiakin ale or j $499, $599, $699. Easy If eh old, registered and reasonable. Tele- you need extra money Cosy tive ro Sal '6 Suro ndition, , , * ween 6 and 7 p.m., ask for Andy. Se ae pacers. ALCAN best offer. MS i EL terms Wockade'te delivery or {SENSATIONAL SAVINGS for baby! phate PEN | daley = -becomeyon Avon WAITER tor boveroe room. Must have + with attached 21--Farms for sale Phone' 728- 3] as FURNITURE and APPLIANCE i965 HONDA 90, € 200 model. Excellent} loyaw Chrome: high "chairs from $9.03, new erhaghie arene frigate: eae coniatine. Pa a ager, Hotel Lancaster, Oshewa" My place, full be 22--Lots for Sa condition. Telephone 725-1619. RUTHERFORD' Ss strollers $12.88, large cribs $29.95, |900C! z Piceird available immediately in - Ieee ~ | home. F -- ted 52 Si -- fi 1, |Phor ve. 668-8242, : i AL ESTATE -- e clean e. Teen oirces end: Storage $$$ aie Ge ceca 156 "Simone SF Saath sen Burniure Co.."30' Church Since," PEEISIAN KITTENS FOR SALE. Love: 9W, Whtiby ond Darlington |selling exclusive tots and it ed. Choice Io 9s--Houses for Rent wee ; Telephone 723-0011 5--Trailers oe ia CEM BOY'S bicycle, in good cond 1, Fargared fluffy kittens, with or with-| Twp. Mrs. J. Hill, 140 Non- S.No canvassing. Quali. 86 Switzer Dr., Apartments for Rent Hillside Landscaping NOW Sy OWWER fion, 'Telephone 7252099" out pedigree. Telephone 7 quon Rd., Oshawa-725-9696. able. Ae xceptlonel com a 27--Rooms for Rent Bri ; VACATION TRAILERS HOLIDAY SPECIAL PIANO AND BENCH, Mason end Risch,|BICV'CLE -- Good used 3 2%--Room and Board Sodding ond seeding, green ring me your mowers, tillers, for RENT " médium size. Good condition. Apply 114|wnee!s. Telephone 723-4586. JEWELLERY N D A %--Wanted to Rent velvet sods, Marion blue and outboards, all makes, air : 50' 1% inch heavy-duty {Colborne East, Oshawa. REGISTERED thoroughbred yearling, SALES LADY Florida Sales Division sad Manager, EE %--Automobiles for Sale Kentucky blue, also No. 1 cooled engines. Parts ond Corsairs, Mobilux, Hunter, structure with double B2-13 |pEDDING BARGAINS! Spring - filled|S!U% $375. Telephone 942-0964 or 725-) po. a goo gi Real Estate Lita, 'be mson N--Compact Cars for Sale f : ; Tag A Long, Wood's, West- " | | matt 19. 4 npn. | 5235: equired for full time per- JOB ? nT for Sale ield sod service. Largest service in '9, " all-channel antenna com-_ |mattresses $19.88, roll-away cots com Smack eee Naeem A E . f BEM ede 'Wanted Oshowa ern, etc. pletely installed, $70 plete $19.95, bunk beds from $69,;,PUP:S FOR SALE ie part Basset and Hose lO ed lth xperience : i by iat % Smooth-top continental beds $49.95. Wil-|Beayz le, excellent pets for hunters. Apply preferre ut not necessary. HeAviomoblie | Repair _Telephone 723-9020 74 BARRIE AVE Trailer Refrigerator | TRIO TELEVISION. 728-5143 |S Furniture Co., 20 Church Street. to 3 Harmony Road South between 6 pply: is Want-Ads Don't Read Help -Saisiastics seeallons 728- 2791 725- 4633 Clearance ' : and 8 p.m i 3--Lega! or j DRESSES AND SUITS, size 10-12, al- °°. ae ---------- BURNS Jewellers Ltd. i E-Auctions King wast GARORN CENTRE. Com THOUSANDS read Times Action Classi MILLER TRAILERS RENT THAT VACANCY tn ar most new, also several electric appli. ST. BERNARD PUPPY for Band 20 Simcoe North R C Ads Daily i ents 3 lon jassl- rough entiances, and many other. article: 723-4402 | weeks old, female, purebred, but with- -- h . he dg Telephone 728-942, Prop. H. Lamers. | fied ads daily, Harwood N., Ajox 942-3491 [Ady -- Call 723-3492 today for an or 918 King Strest Eas, lout papers. Telephone 723-4834, between 10 a.m. © 5S p.m ost T ey P ay! The Times iy si pO OO A MO OL

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