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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1967, p. 9

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SOps: [ the game. Pinch-hit- 'ole singled after one re Rowden and Cole e on an infield out Knight's second hit e. port by Gale Lum- ially in the infield, ite's good pitching te completely off the ies Down Vee Stars Drive-In trounced 'All-Stars" 14-2 in a -erosse game at st night. srs shared in Rob- ng with Doug Ban- x the way with five | Toutant and Phil d two each, with ig to Kevin Toutant Abbot. ton and Larry Down goal each for the All-Stars". econd game of the o Steeler bantams d's Esso 9-6. n scored five goals with Larry Down 0. Singles went to n and Paul Bradley. epine and James ged in two each for le Bill Coedy and y scored one apiece, 'Y KRAMER )0-Mile War- ced by Trent INBEAM 'DANS ice $2099 iw 99 EY LAST! ds the nee- , Trent will ice in Vaca- : ef BACK AT THE HELM Pirates' general manager Joe L. Brown. ; (AP Wirephoto) burgh Pirates, He succeeds Harry Walker, who was re- lieved of the position by This is Danny Murtaugh, who yesterday was renamed as manager of the Pitts- Home Plate Collision Costs Twins Victory By MIKE RECHT ;Wilson pitched the Tigers|game winner in | ce "Vulture" To Win As A Starter By DICK COUCH today after a |delphia Phillies. Relief specialist Phil Regan, who earned the "vulture" tag' last season by swooping out of late-inning victories, beat Phil- adelphia 2-1 Tuesday first start in nearly two years. "I have no illusion. I still! like the bullpen,' Regan said} jafter working seven strong in- jnings in his National League|verdict over San Francisco be-| Associated Press Sports Writer |from r The vulture was ready tojdropped the twi-night double-|Louis Cardinals, beaten by Cin- glide back to his favorite perch| header opener 5-0 to Rick Wise,|cinnati Reds 7-4. rare distance|who scattered four hits for his flight that picked apart Phila-/first major league shutout, It also prevented the Dodgers folding up after they |THREATEN DODGERS Regan's clutch performance | kept the eighth place Dodgers the Los Angeles bullpen for 14/one game in front of New York Mets, who trimmed Houston 4-2 in his|and sent the Astros into the cel-|inning and blanked Houston on lar. Pittsburgh Pirates gave new, manager Danny Murtaugh a winning sendoff with an 8-6 |debut as a starter. 'But this|fore the Giants came back to start did me good, It helped me straighten myself out.' take the doubleheader nightcap 13-2, Chicago Cubs beat Atlanta| Pittsburgh - | "BASEBALL SCOREBOARD National League Los Angeles 0-2 Philadelphia 5-1| Kansas City 38 52 'Leafs Split Twin Bill {St. Louis 4 Cincinnati 7 W L Pet. GBL Atlanta 3 Chicago 9 |St. Louis 52 37 .584 -- San Francisco 6-3 Pittsburgh 8-2 |Chicago $1 38 .573 1 American League | Cincinnati 51 41 .554 24) WL Pct. GBL Atlanta 46 40 .535 4% Chicago 50 38 568 -- /San Francisco 48 43 .527 5 | Minnesota 49 39 5: 1 4 Pittsburgh 43 43 .500 7% Boston 47 2% Philadelphia 42 44 488 84 Detroit 46 3% jLos Angeles 37 51 .420 1434 California 49 3% |New York 35 51 .407 15%4/Baltimore 42.27 84 Houston 36 53 .404 16 | Cleveland 42 84 Tuesday's Results | Washington 42 : Houston 2 New York 4 |New York 29 be 10%4 Tuesday's Results \Chicago 3 California 6 {Minnesota 2 Kansas City § | Washington 2 Detroit 5 | |New York at Cleveland, ppd., rain Boston 6 Baltimore 2 | International League By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Rochester 50 36 .581 Rochester Red Wings, Inter-| Richmond 50 39 .462 1% national League baseball lead-|Columbus 43 44 494 714 ers since the opening week of |the schedule, are finding the |second-place Richmond Braves |}tough to shake off. Rochester and Richmond split the major|a doubleheader Tuesday night,| Jacksonville 42 45 .483 814 | Toronto 40 43 482 8% 9 Buffalo 39 43 .475 | Syracuse 40 46 .465 | Toledo 38 46 452 11 Tuesday's Results Associated Press Sports Writer) within 3% games. by stopping! leagues this season as he halted|the Braves taking the opener|Richn-ond 6-2 Rochester 0-3 Jim Nash stumbled over Har-| Washington Senators 5-2. mon Killebrew again, but it was| New York Yankees illeb: d the Minnesota/rained out at Cleveland. i I r egg flat on their) Ken Harrelson had doubled tributed a run-scoring single in f mi d another|home two unearned runs and/a five - run second inning that polly aa. the 'American|scored a third in the first in-/wrapped the Red Sox' fifth League lead. ining, giving Nash a 3-0 lead. Straight victory. the Orioles on five hits including 6-0 and the Wings rallying to} were|Curt Motton's two - run homer,|win the nightcap 3-2. The split) with 11 strikeouts, He also con-/left the Wings 1% games ahead| jof the surging Braves, who meet the Wings again tonight at i Rochester. Doubleheaders were also split] 7 Killebrew slammed his 27th) It was 4-2 when the decisive) homer and fourth off Nash this|play occurred in the seventh. | season, but he and the Twins|Killebrew had walked, took sec- G G | ond on a balk and tried to seen reen ae S got their lumps later on a con- | troversial play that insured last-|on Tony Oliva's single, but Kil- 4 d c place Kansas City Athletics 5-2)lebrew missed the plate as he By THE CANADIAN PRESS ' victory over Minnesota Tuesday,and catcher Phil Roof collided night. jand Roof tagged him out. Roof Nash combined with Jack|then threw out Oliva trying for Aker for a three - hitter, keep-|second, completing a strange ing the Twins a game behind/doubleplay. | league - leading Chicago White) Bobby Knoop's two ~ run sin-|'78 , Sox. gle climaxed a four-run first in-|!@tion Junior A *"The White Sox held their lead|ning off Gary Peters, 11-5, and series Angels who climbed within 314|victory in 41 games. ownship refuses to give up. games of the Sox. | Boston Red Sox and Detroit/Clark's sixth straight triumph Tigers also moved up. The Red| with 31-3 innings of relief, Sox closed within 24% games by|yielding only a two-out homer|Onto Marlboros 25-15. beating Baltimore Orioles 6-2)by Walt Williams in the ninth.) In other activity, Brampton behind Jim Lonborg and Earl! Lonborg became the first 13-|edged- Huntsville Hawks 14-13 in Injuries To Key Players squeezed by Long Branch 15-13 Hurt Pennant Chances to gain sole possession of {fifth place. Joe Hore and George Wilson engineered Toronto Township's victory by scoring five goals each. Earl McNeil and Bob NEW YORK (AP) -- Brokenyout of the lineup and out of the |Bill McKenzie, Tom Campbell bones, flu germs and sore arms| All-Star game with double vision|and Dan Russell scored twice may have more to do with the|/also cost Chicago White Sox the|and single goals came from lan 1967 pennant races than 20-|services of their regular second|Ennis, Barrie Salazarra and game winners and .300 hitters.|baseman, Al Weis. |Bob Gardner. With the big league clubs dig-| Robinson has been out of ac-| Jim Moore paced Marlies ging into the second half of the|tion three weeks and still does|with seven goals while Paul season, the absence of injured|not know when he'll be back. Suggate and Brian McCutcheon key performers has served to| The Orioles' fine young pitch-|fired two each. Other scorers open up both races. St. Louis Cardinals, already|vanished as a result of an/Bill Coghill and Walt Okihiro. | crippled by the loss of Curt/epidemic of arm trouble. Steve} Brian Wilfong was instrumen- | Flood, suffered a blow during|Barber is now a Yankee andjtal in Brampton's victory with) the weekend when Bog Gibson,|Jim Palmer is on the disabled|four goals. Brother Dave scored} their ace pitcher, was hit by a/list of the Rochester farm club|three while Ziggy Musial added line drive and suffered a broken/with a sore shoulder. a pair. bone in his right shin. The hard x pest: throwing right - hander will be out of action for at least six) weeks. | Just when San Francisco Giants were beginning to make menacing gestures, Willie Mays | was forced out of action with a) touch of the flu. | "Cincinnati Reds are fighting R S Is g I g to recover from a series of bad Harper and Leo Cardenas on) the disabled list. Billy McCool also just came off the disabled list in time to| pitch Sunday. | The loss of Frank Robinson | was a severe blow to Baltimore | Orioles, who have been bounc-| ing around the second division. | The injury that took Robinson breaks and still have Tommy | North Oshawa |] ryis 1s WHAT YOU GET FOR ONLY GOLF @ Remove the pan Driving Range @ Replace pon gasket S y JOIN OUR S Mise ho atags | gy ase arin' @ Adjust the bands @ Rood test 337 Bloor * Street West Oshawa 576-1080 _ TOURNAMENT SAT., JULY 22 3 GRAND PRIZES Private and Group Lessons John Kerr, P.G.A. bas PH. 725-3092 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Turn left at Oshawa Shrine Club (i) CANADA'S LARGEST AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS Oshawa Green Gaels are lead- jing the Ontario Lacrosse Asso-| i and) SCATTERS 5 HITS commanding most of the head-| A four-run third inning was| despite a 6-3 loss to California started the Angels to their 29th a but second-place Toronto enough for Richmond in their Bill Kelso saved rookie Ricky| Toronto Township moved to}Carroll. pitched a five-hitter for| within four points of Oshawalhis first win for the Braves | Tuesday night by troucing Tor-|since being sent down by At- Siczinski contributed three each.| ing staff of 1966 has all but|were Dave Roach, Bob Smith, | jat Toronto and Syracuse. The) | Jacksonville 2-6 Syracuse 6-0 Toledo 5-3 Toronto 6-2 Columbus 9 Buffalo 3 Today's Games | Toledo at Toronto |Columbus at Buffalo Richmond at Rochester Flies Bullpen z Tuns with two doubles and two WL Pet. GBL 10 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS one game of first place St. Dodgers Len Gabrielson pro- vided the margin of victory with a two-run homer in the second \inning. STAMP MOUND | New York's Hal Reniff came out of the bullpen in the sixth two hits the rest of the way.| Bud Harrelson stole home in the fifth inning, snapping a 2-2 |tie, after Ed Mathews' two-run |homer had pulled the Astros even in the top of the fifth. Murtaugh, who managed from 1957 through 1964, replaced Harry Walker Tuesday morning, then watched |the Pirates erupt for six runs jagainst Juan Marichal in the fifth inning of the first game, |with Donn Clendenon's two-run double and a two-run homer by Gene Alley the big blows. The Giants gained a - split when Willie McCovey greeted reliever Billy O'Dell with a two- run homer in the seventh. Don Kessinger drove in five singles and right - hander Fer- guson Jenkins of Chatham, Ont. boosted his pitching mark to 12-7 as the Cubs rolled to their fourth straight victory and snapped Atlanta's four - game }winning string. The Reds buried the Cardinals with a seven - run burst in the seventh inning keyed by Dick Simpson's three - run double. | Jim Maloney, lifted for a pinch- jhitter during the winning rally after being tagged for homers by Roger Maris and Orlando Cepeda, picked up his eighth vic- tory in 13 decisions. BASEBALL STARS Pitching--Rick Wise, Phillies, held Los Angeles without a hit until the sixth inning and fin- | jished with a four-hitter for his first major league shutout as Philadelphia beat the Dodgers 5-0. Cubs, stroked four hits, includ- jing two doubles, and drove in five runs as Chicago pounded For Three Days MEN'S SUITS | Silk and Worsted Regular 105.00 .) 84.00 It's time for... Braves 9-3 and moved within ' SUMMER ¢ SALE + © - and it's time for great, great savings throughout the store. Shop at Cannings dur- ing their extraordinary summer sale and save. Come in right now. Here are examples of the saving at Cannings. Starts Thursday Ce acksonville at Syracuse !Atlanta Braves 9-3. |Maple Leafs won their opener) jagainst Toledo Mud Hens 6-5, and lost the nightcap 3-2. The| Chiefs defeated Jacksonville | |Suns 6-2 in their opener and| jwere blanked 6-0 in the second | \game. In a single game at Niagara) Falls, N.Y., Columbus Jets wal-| loped Buffalo Bisons 9-3. Jopener against Rochester, Clay | lanta of the National League. The Braves opened the scor-/ ing in the first inning of the} second game on a walk; Adrian| Garrett's single and an infield) out, They picked up a second} run with three hits in the fifth. !But a triple by Cammy Carreon |for Rochester and a home run by Lloyd Fourroux tied the terare. The Wings winning run was scored on a wild pitch. | Three unearned runs in the | third inning gave the Mud Hens) their victory over the Leafs in the second game. Jose Calero hit a two-run homer in the sixth for the Leafs but Toledo pitcher Bill Graham hung on for his sixth win against five losses. 39 PRINCE ST. SALES - SERVICE - PARTS - ACCES. Ses recut ad, cM Repairs to All Makes of Shavers and Clippers OSHAWA SHAVER SERVICE & SUPPLIES OSHAWA 728-4284 Mohair and Worsted Regular 89.50 s71 00 Polyester and Wool Regular 85.00 $7 2.00 Fortrel and Wool Regular 69.50 $55.00 Extra Trousers $12. HE ings. COMPLETE BRAKE JOB--Reline all 4 wheels. For example, Chey., Pontiac '59 to '66.... OSHAWA Fred A. Smith Co. Ltd. 115 Simcoe St. S. 728-6272 MODELS DON'T DRIVE AROUND WITH FAULTY BRAKES FIX THEM! Brake Special RE'S WHAT WE DO: Remove front wheels. Pock wheel bearings, adjust brakes, inspect wheel cylinders, com- plete report as to condition of present lin- 1.99 $19.15 MOST C. Stewort MeTavish 160 Church St. 623-7111 BOWMANVILLE LIGHTWEIGHT SPORT JACKETS Regular 45.00 For $36.00 "JACK NICKLAUS" Koratron treated GOLF SLACKS Regular 14.95 $41.95 White yellow blue and style. black, wheat, -- Deep belt powder loop Tee-Kay Jeans Regular 6.95 * 5.89 Forsyth polyester = 35% cotton. Soft-spread, but- ton-down, white, maize and powder blue. "Tacoma", short sleeve, DRESS SHIRTS Regular 6.00. $4.95 65% Swim wear, shorts, cotton pants, Jac shirts, light windbreakers. SUMMER WEAR O% orr Wool & Mohair SLACKS "Fortrel"" Reg. 22.95 $19.88 Short Sleeve and Leg PYJAMAS Reg. 4.00 $3.18 35% blue. spread. SHIRTS 'Long sleeve, "Tacoma", 65% polyester-- ' ectton, White, maize and powder Dome tob, button down and soft All colors and styles not available in every size. Reg. 7.00 $4.88 Cannings Ltd. Oshawa's Shop For Men Since 1920 20 King St. East Phone 725-1512

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