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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1967, p. 10

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' 'another year the price and wa Poetule 'ical stand 2 | SPECIAL! ALLENS, ALL VARIETIES LIFEBUOY pound, 'was approved 202 to 146, al- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 19, 1967 Algerian Court To Try Tshombe ALGIERS (Reuters) -- For- mer Congolese premier Moise Tshombe will appear Wednes- ddy before the Algerian Su- preme Court which will consider the demand for his extradition, his defence lawyer said today. The Congo has asked for his extradition to face a death sen- tence for treason passed in his aljsence. Rene Floriot, French lawyer, defend her husband, flew here | rétained by Mrs. Tshomoe to today. 'Tshombe will appear in court} and answer questions put to him| by the court president. Findings! will be made public. 'Floriot, who is not a member| of the Algerian Bar, said he would be represented in the Su-| @ preme Court by Algerian ita' ABdessamad Benabdallah The Supreme Court will de- cide whether the Congolese death and prison sentences | pessed on Tshombe in his ab-| seace last March were for politi- cal or criminal offences. Only) criminal offences are normally | Held to justify extradition. If the court decides against extradition, the decision is le- gally binding on the head of sate. ! *Tshombe wound up in Algeria after his plane was hijacked in| _ Se % : : x we : jal over the Mediterranean 18 '. . 3 '. : ; . ' binge Government! Hunts Mercenaries . ' 4 - ¢¢ RA ND BEEF KINSHASA, The Congo (AP) The Congo government made preparations today to hunt down mutinous white mercenaries with paratroops aided by foreign Sftican. pilots and US: Aut SPECIAL! GOLDEN BELL FANCY COHOE Force transports. Ww iii Reliable sources said 150 Con- golese paratroopers trained by Israel were flown in the Amer- ican C--130s to Kisangani, the| SPECIAL! SWIFTS FROZEN northeastern city from which) the mercenaries and rebellious Katangan troops fled July 13. | President J 0s e ph Mobutu's | government has asked Ghana to, SPECIAL! CHEERIOS 10%0Z. TRIX& COCO PUFFS 840Z. 1 Pes, [00 8 02. PKGS, 7§ ¢ 6FLOZ.TINS a 10 FL. OZ. f 00 TINS co .- od oD part of the austerity program to halt inflation and stabilize te] The prices and incomes pil Jend it two jet fighters and) SPECIAL! TREESWEET FLORIDA FROZEN Seven more pilots. Mobutu also| SPECIALI KRAFT SALAD DRESSING is expecting help from the Ethi-| opian Air Force. 32 a tropical rain forest 155 miles! southeast of Ksangani. They are * LONDON (AP)--The House of| SPECIAL! DEODORANT SOAP SPECIAL; SPRAY DEODORANT poo ¢ SECRET §.0Z, AEROSOL ¢ BANDED TIN FRU IT D R ; A KS rere ty though at least 22 members of, ee I° ee aaa Seven SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS SPEC oe IAL: DREAM WIP MK FRANKFURTERS month PKG. -_____________ PINEAPPLE sare hae ah: F T 2 207 Bik 402 : paewsnaoes even ee EXCHANGE FACELIFTED JELLY RINGS ; PGS. TOP QUALITY! SWEET AND JUICY! * The mutineers have retreated deader, Maj. Jean Schramme, in sith ancien estimated to include 50 to 180 | SPECIAL! GOOD TASTE, CHOICE HALVES | ' 2 England Extends | - JELLY . ¢ : . 14FL OZ. TINS Price Control POWDERS ARTLETT PEA Commons today extended for Prime Minister Wilson's Labor party were believed to have| pss gcoalh died abstained to protest the restric. | Wi 31%4-OZ. PKG $ ' 4 we tion of wage increases. e 5 iN POLY BAG SPECIAL! VAC PAC power to demand notification of SPECIAL LOOLAWs SUPERMOSENIZED SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS 5 7 wage agreements and permits| 1LB. JAR ; --es re ant i SPECIAL! SHOPSYS SPECIAL! SWIFTS PREMIUM SLICED ALL in 55 MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF, PICKLE 602. 2B MONTREAL (CP) -- A cul-/ SPECIAL! HOSTESS CANDIES : ural chipotle is aranmtonre ¢ SPECIAL! MAD HATTER CHEESE FLAVOR ing the former Montreal Stock FRUIT SLICES Ni OZ. PiKG. CORN STICKS 19 ¢ : DZ. PKG. to the plantation of their Belgian PEAS & CARROTS, WAX OR GREEN BEANS whites and 200 to 800 Katangans. SPECIAL! ALL VARIETIES The bill gives the gov: ernment | Exchange in the city's old town into a centre for playwrights, SPECIAL' STOKELY'S FANCY SPECIAL! CORONATION LARGE 59 MEDIUM "DOZEN and performing groups. Cham- ber music, experimental the- TOMATO JUICE 3 48 FL [00 paige Vk MIXED 24FLOZ. 4 | atre and n.inute opera will find sais . aUrreR ss BOTTLES ¢ SIZE SIZE DOZEN opportunity in two theatres SPECIAL! DENTAL CREAM SEACLIFF FANCY WHOLE ' "BRITISH COLUMBIAS FINEST: NO! T LARGE SIZE amid an exhibition gallery, pub, discotheque, book-store and cof- PEPSODENT SUPER TUBE ne SMALL 1 FL. OZ. c EA r fee shop. WHITE TINS POUND FROM SUNNY CALIFORNIA: NO] GRADE! TASTY SALMON FLESH: WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUFCN & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF GOOD SIZE ONE 120 PKG. ONE TLE TIN: y ONE GIANT SIZE PKG. ONE 14.07. AERO TIN ¢ LIPTON'S corre DETERGENT WITH BORAX ponte tre or TEA BAGS CHOCK FULL-O'NUTS extaa FAB PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 19, 20, 21,22 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6.07. JAR NABOB INSTANT COFFEE i WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-07. AERO TIN WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 360 NOXZEMA GUARD et edeanade FACIAL TISSUE COUPON BxPIRES JULY 26 UPON IXPH ut 1s On F PEEVES 111 COUPON ExPiNEs JULY 26 192 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 407. SHAKER ONE 6 FL OZ. BOTTLE ONE 25 - ANY ONE PKG, ANY ONE 9" PKG, or FLORA MOUTHWASH & GAROLE BETTY CROCK! CARNATION FONDA om Fy ey aa eS a SY mY om DS GOOD-AIRE ACCENT SCOPE BISQUICK MIX INSTANT BREAKFAST CHAROOAL LIGHTER PAPER PLATES (iA Ai LOBLAWS KAKO COUPON BxPrees JULY 26 17 COUPON PxPIEES JULY 26 18 COUPON ExprRES JULY 76 4 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 26 110 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 26 418 COUPON ExPrmes JULY 26 114 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 26 . 4 ONE 18°50 FT. ROLL BOK ANY ONE TOT. ate ONE 48 FL. OZ. TIN ONE 24 FL O7, BTL AMY ONE 2.18. COLO PEG, ONE 24.07. TIN TWO LLB. PKGS. APPLEFORD SORATY RASDUAD or RTI MITCHELLS CHOICE THRIFT wv aepasig Burns ROSE PARCHMENT COLOURED )) Sfacnerm, ns0W FREEZER PAPER INSTANT SHAVE APPLE JUICE LIQUID DETERGENT MACARONI or BABY SHELLS DEANS & WIENERS MARGARINE 1.20 COUPON pxriRes JULY 26 )) 38 COUPON FxpiRES JULY 26 116 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 26 117 COUPON ExPiRES JULY 26 118 COUPON HxPiRES JULY 26 119 COUPON BXPIRES JULY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH courON & WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15-07. TIR ONE 16-07. CELLO BAG 'TWO 19 FL OZ. TINS ONE 4) FL. OZ. BOTTLE AMY ONE 2-ROLL PKG. BURNS staven DOLE FANCY Sraniin nic NEw WooDBURY SCOTT-PURLX WHITE or PINK . CHICKEN STEW PEANUTS is SHELL FRUIT COCKTAIL RICE-A-RONI SHAMPOO TOILET TISSUE PICKLED BEETS CLIP was certificate FoR THs SALAS 12) couroN 9 122 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 26 122 COUPON axriRES JULY 24 124 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 26 125 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 26 198 COUPON EXPies JULY 26 139 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 26 = THE HEINTZMAN PIANO RENTAL PLAN Here's a novel plan for parents 'WITH COUPON & WITW COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ITM COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'WITH COUPON & PUREHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF who wish to test their children's pean yea one b62, Px ONE 13 PL. OZ. TUBE TWO 14FL.OZ. TINS ANY TWO 14 FL. OF. TINS "iy Wanieen tie mulical ability before purchas- CORDON BLEU MEVITIE & PRICE MACYITA, GILLETTE HAIRDRESSING PLASTIC BANDAGES YELLOW FYE CATELLI sooery ing a piano. Heintzman will rent BONELESS CHICKEN BISCUITS HEADS UP CURAD CLARK'S BEANS Fouato SAUCE BEEF or LIVER CHUNKS toe courom wxpints JULY 96 127 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 26 128, COUPON wxPIEES JULY 96 129 COUPON expinis JULY 26 190 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 26 14 COUPON BxPIRES JULY 36 141 COUPON werines DULY 26 LIMIT ONE CERTIFICATE PER CUSTOMER-REDEEMABLE ON LY you an attractive, new small iano for 6 months--if y 6 ap i, de scagannnaygot ie Wer chron omar OP Wr copra lees iets canbe a poacher rr Covron a ARIUS OF Nain coana FeO oar Nilo truant cna one cide to purchase it, the six 'TWO 6FL. OF. TINS ANY ONE PKG. ONE 100-FT, ROLL BOX ANY ONE 60's PKG." OPE HALF or ORE 'Two FRESH 'TWO HEADS month's rent and cartage will be hebagnn oars Se arom wun Hainnow need cucu pres Ke) BL AW S allowed on the purchase price, FRUIT PIES GRAPE JUICE CHINESE FOODS WAXED PAPER SERVIETTES WATERMELON MBERS CABBAGE 131, COUPON XPS JULY 38 132 CourON xPinES JULY 26 131 couron txnmes UL 24 134 coupon exnints JULY 26 197 COUPON exPiRES LT 26 142 couron txniees Ly 36 143 couron expats cy 36 MERIAL 146 couron marines ny 96 The balance on Heintzman's Own Budget Terms. 79 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-2921 Double Your Money Back! Guaranteed | 38s Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs., Fri. Till 9:30 p.m. - Bowntoas Store ka Thurs. and Fri. Till 9 p.m. | x - a "@peeee8ei 29 Fear Ni: Could A LONDON (CP)-- Nigeria would set reaction reducing A host of "petty princ Nigerian leader sail Chief Anthony En a pened plea for ing of the federal g "police action"' aga geriai Federation' Eastern region, month proclaimed i dependent Republic Information and ! ter in the mixed m jan government of Yakubu Gowon, Er Britain should not in the fight against Jeader Lt.-Col. Odu kwu. Sketching in the | Enahoro recalled : conferece that N been the "showpiece in political developn as in size. Its futur significance to all / SEES DISINTEGRA "Jf secession by | his group is accom geria will most pro Fulton | For Que ST. JOHN'S, Nfl Davie Fulton, mem liament for Kaml and a contender [ leadership of the Conservative ' party Liberal government Minister Pearson h keep pace with cha and the problems | ation and this is a Quebec separatists. Mr. Fulton, who a John's Sunday to be day tour of Newfou' a press conference is encouraged by the is receiving across the national leaders! He declined to be any discussion on Leader Diefenbake: or Plans ! for the le WE! The winners and in the games played awa Duplicate Bridg 3 and 10 were: JULY 3 North and South konen and R. Mo and R. Morr Kidney G To 12-Ye TORONTO (CP)- old girl and a man were in fairly good hospital Tuesday ni, ceiving kidney tran: a woman who died their operations. Officials at Toro hospital refused to of the names until had been informed. Tuesday's operati the hospital's tran: to 11-10 of them in months. Two patier one, whose body | transplanted kidney the waiting list for [2 SEITE C te al yc

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