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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1967, p. 16

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forms for the American Legion | prior to each parade every piece|tume or trapping must be STUDYING THE GP MIDDLE EAST SCHOLARSHIP THE ( 1G THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, July 19, 1967 | ri A . iF B as Or mer erla ist ecomes Band of Oconomowoc, Wis., the | ™ust be tagged and handed out, [rorted, aired, repaired, cleaned,|| EDMONTON (CP)--A project) At the request of the United Wednesday, J! After the parade, each piece) stored and catalogued. for medical students to study|Nations the Unitarian Service --_------ ' CHILD GUIDANCE . only mounted musical aggrega-| 'e-| It's w big-job f the role of the family physician|Committee, Ottawa, has con. ee! Expert Wardrobe Mistress ton a! th. eauntey. [must be checked oft an eat te Or ey vom "lig peing set up at the Univer-|tributed $1:500 for an. eleven UFOs | In this job, she had to make|when the wagons return to| But it's not too big for Mayme|sity Hospital in Edmonton. Stu-}months Public Health Nursing dents will observe a normal|Training Course for a Palestin. Coaxed To Show 6 Off, Child By ROBERTA ROESCH 'flyer' and the only woman aer-|matching trappings for the 28) Baraboo on their special steam-|Ward who has already started i At an age when many women /ialist ever to perform a double yy fee oi Je-handed \drawn train, every piece of cos-|dreaming of costumes for 1968,!cross-section of office patients. lian refugee, Miss Amal Habip. decide it is time to retire,|somsersault blindfolded," said Mayme. m ate pe tee tee May Become Offensive |Mayme Ward of Barboo, Wis., | Mayme when I asked about the| these elements in the Milwau- . a " sat down at her sewing machine background that led her | kee Days' parade; the 102-mem- By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD jsions with an "old friend" or °#! : [PACES up to her tae PARIS (Re Liecadet ' i 3 ber B ! The little child under three,|Pal. When it does happen it is and took her first stich on the | job, me ee ee on eg ore 0 spurring repo cer" sighting Italy. Airline pilo tions and nig! unidentified f ing across t four or five may enjoy having, full of hazards and could be the first of the 4,600 accoutrements ia ; we | his parents talk before guests in beginning of marital wreckage.|(costume trappings) she hes] oye pe : 2 | pene Sng . -- ---- his presence about his good) When we consider how serious| created for circus parades since | was also 'wardrobe sida rae : si aa Ble at er, Benge! | traits and achievements. He such matters can be, we shall |she started in 1963. tress for a circus and for Sally loo kaights' . pide ee oe The accoutrements she con- Rand, the fan dancer (and that | shiny teu tau a anner 16 | may be delighted to have them be on guard and not allow our- . , i show him off, repeat some of selves to take such liberties tinues to make at the age of 73|iob wasn't the cinch that it may|Queen Elizabeth's court mem- the utterances of his they and with relationships which are so are far from ordinary creations, Se€M, even for a seamstress).| hers: 16 courtiers of King Ar-| adoring relatives think are very|intimate and precious as those They're the dazzling costumes; 'My first assignment in my|thur: and 20 green-pantalooned " smart, If he can read he will| between husband and wife, par- flags and banners that Mayme) job as costumer and wardrobe! Turkish acihta, sa 2 ty g § g § groups and almost surely have to read for! ent and child. | Ward ve ag up each year for|mistress for the parade called si " ee as 4 * eange and Tr guests. f : oe : the grand street circus parade!|for real circus style robes for) OUTFITS HAREMS 8 : =. This youngster may grow so ANSWERING QUESTIONS | _|presented each July as the/11 female elephants," Mayme! She has created costumes for g i ae ee | oh gs we intoxicated over such display of Q. By what practice may we ynique, colorful and exciting fi-| said. bevies of harem girls; Uncle) it.) ae Pde ees g vid "the m his exploits as to become. of-| Parents help the growing young nale of Old Milwaukee Days, a| "Each elephant had to be|Sams; chariot drivers; a live w > 5 : Ese a a in that tt fensive. Before long he may) 'Hild to grow hardened to little four-day celebration sponsored measured separately and they|Statue of Liberty; and red- | 8 = 23 z bd stp "7 the euffer from the lack of attention physical bumps and hurts? by a beer company varied in their proportions as|COated outriders. - Res § ey 3 entering before guests. A. By controllj@g our own ex- "Before I became a costumer much as girls and women do."| As a result of her industry, | i pee 8 8 The i, Of course. an occasional par- pressions of fea§ and anxiety and wardrobe mistress for this} From that assignment,|five wagons are now required ae 5s 2 Pi ee 3 'Deal poh ag out wil rate ta a guest in the then a ow ae parade, a was : an ex-circus | Mayme went on to making uni-'to carry her handiwork, and 3 e828 3 e aca she presence of the young child e EE A A GR RN SRR RNR LF) % é a § Me = = Rranibe. some of his naughty ways, but | g Be ze 8 ae wae if my observations are correct, y 4 ae z ede Siveate : his best is usually displayed. As = foe Sasorite 4 a rule, the youngster over eight ta 8 = 3 2 4 acter ' or nine dislikes to have his par- -- 8 5 oe ae : sp ents in his presence talk to other eee g z 2 om Mag Hos : adults about him at all. The a > 3 os "0! teenager dislikes this more so. OPEN FRIDAY i 6 e x v : 2 cuban Sone parents are inclined to AG | yo 2 $4 of five at g brag about their child at any gree ge: gathering, a church or church and early - r k ty across Franc group, PTA or cocktail party. cece TILL 9 P.M. nia From Swit These bragging parents bring down the ire of other parents listening as a rule and the child thus bragged of may hear about it.;He may discover that this practice hampers him among ports of shini orange and y them. From Italy valleys, obje footballs" we his pals. What embarrasses: children of school age, especially teen- g eT nat agers, is to discover that a par- pete es ent has discussed some prob- ah gta A train cre a reddish ot Jem she or he has had with this child. Such discussion may be aroused, indeed, by -a parent who can't stand to hear much praise by another parent of her own youngster. MAKE OBSERVATION Next time you are in a group of parents, where the best or worst in a child is aired, make some silent observation of what happens. Put yourself in your imagina- tion, in the place of a child from eight to 17 who hears that his mother had discussed very per- sonal matters about him in a group of other parents, If you will do so, you will probably re- solve that you won't talk about | such things except in privacy | with, your husband or 'ith @ mid - Summer If you already have -aired such natters in a group you should admit to your child the particular indiscretion and beg of him forgiveness. Otherwise, | the child may often worry about what you have told or will tell and may imagine it to be worse than it really was. How can any | child feel secure if he feels an- | xious about what his parents might say about him to other parents? A related problem is the in- clination of some wives or hus- | bands to air in public their pri- vate relationship with the spouse, Though this may not so readily happen in a_ public group, it does sometimes hap- pen in "confidential" discus- three or four a brilliant fire CREW | KESSENNU Returning fro land fishing huge shark c: the crew of boat conducte morial rite wv coins symboli the deceased coins were f of the shark devoured the' 18 SIMCOE ST. S. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA HE Subs ) 5 Women's Half Slips, Flirty Rayon half slips, with elastic waist # and lace trim around bottom, Available in } ¢ sizes S-M-L_in Pink, Blue, Maize, Aqua ;. <and white, Reg. 79, Kresge July Special & k & Biloba ilegs 2 ron 998 > 2 a see: 4 a eG New Drug Produces No Side Effects MONTREAL (CP) -- A new synthetic hormone for the treat- ment of cancer of the breast, said to avoid the masculinizing side effects of other such drugs has been developed, it was an- noynced Monday. E. R. Squibb and Sons Ltd said in a statement the hor mone is capable of checking temporarily without producing the growth of the malignancy the fundamental biological ac- tivity of a hormone. Such activity,' the statement said, usually produces in women a deepening of the voice and other signs of masculinization. HURRY Dr. Bernard Lavalee, com- pany director of clinical re- search, said the mechanism of action of the new hormone is FOR not yet clear. The new drug, called Teslac, has been aprpoved by the Food and Drug Directorate in Ot- BEST tawa. "MONTREAL (CP)---Good. old SELECTION ! | Get in the Swim . . . with a swim suit from our wide selection at Kresges! Surfer styles, boxers, lace tied, and many more all in a wide range of prints and solid shades, Reg. $1.99. Kresge July Special ney 1.47 i S| } TRON Thy WM sca cee nh Girls& Short Sleeved BLOUSES Sonforized cotton blouses for summer in gay assorted prints. Choose from round, Bermuda and button-down styled §& SALE STARTS : ee | juur'specian. ... bold THURSDAY Thurs., Fri., Sat. ALUMINUM CHAISET TE LIS Deluxe model with plastic handles. Wide com- fortable polywebs in green, yellow, red and blue. Hagth Of course n N) 66 read what | EXTRA 8 REG, $8.77 Lend me you SPECIAL VALUE SO. 9 P.M. standby one - piece bathing suit, how you've changed! Win- 3 : : z he latest ner of top-awards at midsum- we ' . : pe eee) mer collections one + piecers SHOP SHARP ALL STEEL Waffle Weava Dish Cloths 3 everyone us cone in materials fr a Ww. cenre aon Picnics tette oe HAMPER ' Rainbow patterned dish c! ths thot last and lost! Toke 4 pete fetas accented with generous Features be H advantage of our July savings and buy now! 'Reg. 19¢ ee. © i results Ever amounts of the wearer's tan. EARLY ! 9 Cushion top cover Kresge July Special S| ; "od E'S Thermo baked enamel ; / ¢ i being sold, ce Many sport cover-ups like see finish Thurs., Fri., Sat f + through voile jackets or harem ss Rust restart tial ' , . eee ee or motors,. golf body f so make it y @ Available in Pink, va ™ in on Oshaw White, Aqua & Tan. mis" 1" Plush TOILET TISSUE pee Kresge July Special pans @ ALL SALES FINAL @ re : Buy this k and ! Eight roll | Y f @ NO EXCHANGES @ @ NOREFUNDS @ ce ee oe x ae Kresge July Special ¢ ' r AM Fis SON seve es oe k ne 79 "otitis " wn ee : ea ee ae For instant 3-PC. SALAD SET POLYTHENE FLOWER ARRANGEMENT 723 Dress up your table or shelf with this elegant flower and fern Attractive plastic salad bowl, complete with fork and arrangement, based with simulated driftwood, spoon servers. Available in Tangerine, Turquoise, Maize © gam) DAVIDSON'S OSHAWA De es... 1 ne We tes 67° aCi RT ae ere -- CLASSIF VIC TANNY'S S H O - Se O RE TREES STORET eee Treen "read by eve 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER ANADA'S LARGEST 31 SIMCOE ST. NOR OSHAWA ' : ORTH DOWNTOWN OSHAWA KRES GE'S BAN cin SHOPPING CENTRE ) i, L, | i ft f ee seine - - - tae yt ae ae me tS, a eS ON OS fr 0 98 ON rs onan ie mpegws

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