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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1967, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, July ~~ 1967 Lawyer Says Firm Trapped - ee City Extracting $100,000 Richard Donald, solicitor for Claybridge Holdings Ltd alleged at a board of contro meeting that the company wa technically trapped and cit; council was using the trap tc extract $100,000. Mr. Donald had requested a meeting with the board Mon- day to discuss the firm's re- quest for a new site plan agree- ment involving about 13 acres of land on the south side of Gibb Street Commissioner of works, F. E. Crome, in a report, said Clay- bridge Holdings originally sub- mitted plans for development f the land with 552 apartment suites. The firm now wished to develop only semi + detached units He recommended the firm should pay the full service harges of $136,157 for develop- ment of the site as a semi- detached subdivision If they paid full service charges, as recommended, it would result in a price per foot of $128.31, which Mr. Crome said was "very little more than the vendors of the land, Centre Square' Developments Ltd., had sold other lots in the} area with almost no pre- paid services. Mr. Crome added in his view it was the high price Claybridge Holdings Ltd. paid for the land, on the assumption they were| going to develop it as pd ments, which had increased the price of the lots. Asking for the board to come to an early decision on the ap- plication, Mr. Donald claimed vhen the original application for zoning as an apartment area was made, Claybridge Holdings had signed the site plans prematurely He said the firm paid $49,000 for services which had never been used for the apartment de- velopment. If they had applied for semi-} Jetached development at that | Sarnia Seeking City's Support Oshawa ma n a demar al for provi 1 leg dation to en-| able Ontario municipaliti es to clamp down on litterbugs Council's public workers com nittee endorsed a Sarnia coun:| 4 1 resolution that reads | "That the province of Ontario be requested to provide enabling legislation by which municipalities may pass byl to make it unlawful for any on to sweep, place, depos it,| hrow, drip or pour any paper trash, garbage or debris, upon the land or premises of another without the consent of the own- er or occupant, or the agent or servant of either If city council clears the com-| mittee's endorsement, and the} provincial government acts on it -- bylaws across the prov- ince would be forthcoming to ws make litterbugs or people dumping debris on proper y vithout an owner's consent ink twice Sicamble Sesto, Not Recommended! Following a study of "scram ie} yste for pedestrians at intersections in the cen- jusinéss district, ¢ committee has i.not recommend stem at the and Sim ci 'B ond he traffic e-timed to aration of Bus Crash | Kills Two Cc OLORADO SPRINGS, Colo ying 33 elderly on @ Cross- od off the) 1e@ sic opes | Peak Tues 16- foot Pikes Lester L. Banks, 65, and| Elizabeth r of Baltimore, died . The other 31 pas and driver Mer! Woods, f pena were taken to 'three 0} i rings hospitals. |featured at the Bowmanville |Recreation Country. and West- fee the Dominion store parking ime they would not have had] a er Badour and his o meet the additional service) "Country and Western Four", harge of $136,157 suggested by/sojoists Joan Harper, Doreen 1r. Crome, said Mr. Donald. Black and Ivan Wannamaker, The board agreed to give the/will open the show at 8 p.m. matter its early consideration. !The McHaffey Trio, Mike Kir- 1 ton, and Joe and Peter Both- | Western Jamboree well will round out the show. J. C. Coyle, Sr., producer of the show, will be the caller for square dancing at the jam- boree The jamboree is the second of a series of four being held by jern Jamboree Wednesday night/Bowmanville's Recreation de- partment. The series will end in late August with a 'gigan- tic' jamboree in the town hall. BITE IN DAY Black flies bite only by day and stay out of buildings. Centennial Class At Fair A centennial class will opened in the women's pn of exhibits at the Oshawa Fair, July 27, 28 and 29. The class will include dis- Plays of antique glass, china, clothing and quilts. A special class in needlecraft, knitting, sewing and woodwork- ior agricultural class exhibits. ing will be held' for people over)The departments of highways 65 years of age. jand Exhibits in the buildings will|Motor League, Wild Life Mu- a or ine educational displays ence, junior girls' and the j an r ic Ss : At de amd will also be exhibited at the fair. be needilecraft, Other sections will includ transport, the MacDonaid's Farm be|the junior vegetable show for people eight to 16 years of age, B ; E and the junior gins' ovine of yping rror sewing, flowers baking, hobbies and dairy and beef Livestock entries will in- Ends "D ream' clude sheep, cattle, horses and saddlejone and one-half storey house classes for adults and children.|at 196 Drew St., to the city. jearlier board of control meet- Ontario|ing brought exclamations of surprise from controllers. While three demolition firms quoted prices to be paid by the city for the work the fourth gave a price of $750 to be paidjaccepted by Opinions varied as to wheth- er the amount was for scrap resulting from the demolition. "Do you mean they want to pay us?" asked Con. Margaret Tenders for demolition of a|Shaw in astonishment, Monday the dream was shat- opened at anitered when a clerk from the'spring of 1966. purchasing department reveal- ed that it was all due to a typ- ing error, and the figure of $750 was in the wrong column, Price of $495 submitted by Dan MacDonald, Oshawa, wag the board, which also acknowledged an a from the fourth firm whic! Pod ed leave to withdraw its bid, SHEEP ARE FEW The Canadian sh popule. tion was at an all-time low of 545,000 breaiing animals in the sledge from the of A-P What we are about to say is not new. A&P IS DEDICATED TO BRINGING THE MOST GOOD FOOD, TO THE MOST PEOPLE, That is the basis on which our company has grown and prospered over the years. We think it's important during this period of time to reiterate that pledge. We want there to be no doubt in your mind about our policy with respect to food costs. We want you to know we are concerned. We want you to know that above all, "We Care... About You." A&P Brand Breaded Reg. price pkg. 590e--SAVE COD PORTIONS management Matter of fact, it's been our policy from the start. FOR THE LEAST AMOUNT OF MONEY. We want you to know we're doing our level best. Bee Seatood Selection! Daum v. versio 9 LIBBY'S BEAN «09 33° FRUIT COCKTAIL cunney "39 MEAT SPREADS a YORK VEGETABLES vor ewe: vxcime OQ Wax Beans, Fancy Quality, Regular er French Cut. Green Beans, Fancy Quality, Regular or French HADDOCK FILLETS 1... rinse oove HADDOCK FISH FRIES no, r.t"s_Sive Price 490--SAVE 10¢ 8-0zp) Fresh Produce! PORK LOINS QUARTERS 9 TO 11 CHOPS INA PACKAGE COTTAGE ROLLS SWEET PICKLED VAC HALVES 3 3 LAMB SHOULDER +39 CHOPS '45: IMPORTED FROZEN, NECK, SHANK AND BREAST REMOVED FRESH MEATY SIDE SPARE RIBS ASSORTED SX COLD CUTS SUPER-RIGHT SMOKED VAC HALVES COOKED HAMS CANADA GRADE "A" OVEN READY CORNISH ROCK evis, each CHICKENS «* BONELESS DEFATTED 69: 79 '89: 87: PORK HOCKS MAPLE LEAF SLICED BEEF BOLOGNA " VAC PAC BURNS b WIENERS DAVERN BRAND, PURE -- TRAY PACK PORK SAUSAGE " "25° "3° 37 > 3 CALIFORNIA THOMPSON, SEEDLESS, Ne. 1 GRADE NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P =| GRAPES 39 OUTSPAN, NEW CROP ORANGES ome 10/2 oz. AYLMER CATSUP JELL-O JELLY POWDERS rusvoun eve 2 = Frozen Foods! & York Baby LIMA BEANS Reg. price DEEP BROWNED IN TOMATO SAUCE SAVE ite Dvr eQ Good Buys on Fine Groceries! 3 28-FL-OZ TINS 1 .00 3 vncrms BY 4 3-01 TINS 49: CLARK'S ASSORTED VARIETIES Cut. Peas & Carrots, Choice Quality. Mixed Vegetables. Whole Kernel Corn, Fancy Quality, T-oz PINEAPPLE JUICE BIG "G" CEREALS er 2. rcs Qe Wheaties 12-oz., Coco Puffs 9 V/ oz., Trix 8 ox, Lucky Gharms 8 '/2 og. Frostyos 9 Y% ox., Cheerios io 2/45* 3 3-02 PKGS 2% -- PEEK FREAN siscurr CORNED BEEF DOLE FANCY QUALITY SAVE 4 TOMATO! FEATURE PRICE! pkg. 8ic -- SAVE 13 48-L-O7Z TIN 3 5: Royal Instant Beef, Irish or Lamb Cerdon Bieu Boneless CHICKEN Sunnyfield Beekist Sunmaid Fancy Quality RAISINS Assorted Flavours Ann Page SAVE 200 SAVE 60 CRESCENT SAVE 100 YORK STEWS WALNUT PIECES AMBER HONEY 7 VARIETIES FRAY BENTOS LEAN Reg. price pkg. 680 -- SAVE Se CHEESE CAKE tune mx trezets 5 5 Reg. pries tin 37e---SAVE tie 3 15-0z tins 1.00 Reg, price tin 45e -- SAVE 6e T-oztin 3 G 3-07 cello pkg 1 Ge Reg. price etn. 650 -- SAVE be 2-Ib cin 5 9 Reg. price pack SAVE Se 2 packs of 6 1'A-0z pkgs 49: REGULAR KOOL AID 5 >s29¢ ris B5e SAVE UP TO 6 OVER OTHER BRANDSI SALAD DRESSING Yukon Club (5 varieties) No additional charge for low Gall BEVERAGES CANNED case of DBA 10--0z tins 1.79 READY - SWEET 32-fl-oz jar 5 Ox 3 sans 7 Qe com Be Mixe Britc LONDON (CI bor governmen: and commende slashes in defe dicted in a wi day There were | tions from th over the further thin red line ¢ spokesman wa would not be | comn.itments w power. Some left - \ complained the not go far enou, spending cuts. erals. Some major welcome the | Britain's armet nearly one - si and the mid-19 ably The Daily front-page cart lion pulling its the governmen' The Times s¢ East policy "n sense" but cr Secretary Den "studiously ign lems of th of the M Wheat Will F BARRIE (CP prices because in Saskatchewa! at Tuesday's jo ence of the Na Union by Roy president. "Optimisticall least get better after noting cr imminent. There might prices on the U Robert Esdale grain division trade departm« has been sellin Canadian grain Mr. Esdale s: fident the curre ence at Rome w ful, despite U.S. clines since th the Kennedy Re gotiations. Minimum 2 wheat prices w cents a bushel national Wheat the change was and Mr, Esdale pressed becaus talk at Geneva minimum rath mum prices. Speaking for ers, Ltd., Toro ager E. Roberts and poultry con continue to inc his company r profit on the 1 Masonic Reports | TORONTO (C lan, Ontario's t said Tuesday the Masonie Loc decline in the is now climbing The order has members in the Mr, Allan attrib the number of dying off. The Free Mas their annual co Toronto this we When Mr. All: office of Grand Grand Lodge o! and A. M., in 0: ago, he said h bring a new lo elent and honor and make it n fer non-member ways viewed i fraternal organi He viewed th tions that have with the Knigh recently as proo changing image Mr. Allan y Thursday as the to be replaced b of Toronto as Master of Can: DUMP AR KENNEBUNI (AP)--Dump a Kennebunkport. brated Nationa' with an art | dump. eddities a of Miss Dumpy Reg. price pkg. 880--SAVE tbe SHRIMP SMALL CHEESE CAKE = v7 KLEENEX towns "wx. cz Real (Whi Pink) FEATU -- 2 ie 49. LEMONADE "uisst" sss 1Qc« KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE 222°, 2 rxcs or 00 & Be J-CLOTHS PINK or BLUE "*:,runrese 3 4A-O1 TIN 49: Sara Lee Pineapple-Topped NAVELS, No. 1 GRADE serious condition S the passengers were re ased Tuesday night | mi wAd: Leamington Field Grown, No. 1 Grade, Large Size CUCUMBERS 2 25x NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&Pi i2 EP vy. BI NONE PRIGED HIGHER AT A&P Pennywise Beef Steakettes or Reg. price pkg. 650--SAVE 6e ~ TOWELS SAVE 6, PKG OF 12 BEEF BURGERS ==: 59% California, Sungrand Variety, Sweet, Full of Juice, Ne. 1 Grade ' Te Fresh Ba ked F | | Pama meta Beauty Aid Buys! Fea | FOOaS STOCK NECTAR INES AT A&P! ase: 3 ey Prepriced at $1.09 bettle -- SAVE 20. pop ier ~ oe aaa JANE PARKER Rhubarb- Apple PIE @ 160 Acres of Li @ Indoor Arene @ 70 Horses of e! @ Western end En: RAISIN: PIE 0m: Se Jane Parker Reg. price loaf 280 -- SAVE ile RAISIN Bread 2-45 f REEF sounwasy Hair Spray ADORN 12-fl-oz bil 8 % Prepriced at $2.96 tin -- SAVE 966 giant size aerosol tin 1.99 ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED VISIT WITH US AT... Wy - THROUGH Petroleum Jelly Prepriced at 68¢ jar -- SAVE 10 full 8-ineh @ Trail Rides Cx ( ) VASELINE 8-oz jar 59% 24-0x pie € Jane Parker Orange, Lemon or Banana large size @ Hore Rentals | SATURDAY, . Reg. price each 59¢ --- SAVE 100 pret Reed JULY 22nd, 1967 Woodbury Hair Prepriced at 990 bottle -- SAVE 2. Reg. Bie -- SAVE be vd : WE'RE SPONSORING THE "EGG GRADING FACTORY" : | CANADA'S LARGEST POULTRY SUNDING | RGRICULTURAL SECTION CREME RINSE 13%-fl-oz bil 79: CHIFFON CAKE -- each 4% ore iy AND FINEST CHAIN OF 4 ml. North of j HF SI TH SPa Ss eer eee 2a aetaaclanor a einer Serer SS nemenie 728-7 "Raaiasmnearsseciinis 1, c bE |

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