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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1967, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, July 19, 1967 eS EO HR RO OE OS eH i 1---Odd tot, 400 Abitib Alta Gas 7 -- Alta Nat Argus B pr 28 TORONTO 10:40 A.M. Distributed by CP | Toronto Stock Exchange--July 19 | Quotations in cents unless marked $. id xd---Ex-dividend, rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale. 510 INDUSTRIALS Argus € pr 100 $1i%% li" + Asbestos $60 $23 23 23 , ------ Atl Sugar 700 $1014 10% 1014 EN i ie nee Auto Elec 900 $7 ? 7 rs WHY SNAKES BASK Bank Mtl 1610 $12% 12% 2s \ Bank NS 815 $ld%e la 144 \¢ Reptiles eat little in relation Bathust P 725 $7 ? to body weight--they get heat aver 0 $362 3642 356'4 | Fy A ass oe 88 for their bodies by basking in Bell Phne 1020 $48% 48% 48%-- % {he sun f Brdg Tank 200 400 400 400 --S xre-Ex.| BA Constr (100° $6%4 6% 61% ae BA Oil 0917 $38 «37% 37% a B 4+ eee eS ES ee HOS es DR te enemy TODAY'S STOCKS 6 susiness SPOTLIGHT | Bow Bramal w 600 470 450 450, 10 Brazilian 300 $1214 12a 124+ Ve BC Phone $0 $67 67 67 BCPh 5% p 40 $9914 9914 974-- Ve ye Trade from wholesale egg deal- ers: Extra large 41-4414; 39-4214; medium 32-3314; 19-21; B 27; C20. a+ large small +% 0 +% MA a ae Butter: Canadian' Dairy Com- Tor 34 14 +e mission tenderable carlots: OILS CR eee *e Buying 39 score 62; buying 40 1176 $327 32's Suu. ~-- Score 63: selling 63. Am Ladue 4500 J RX. 18 = 1814 4. ars if n 46% are -- % re sp ee Asamere #33 9 219m 214 71+ Bant 100 $8'4. 81% " ND cs a 50 240 240 BO c Ex 5 125 $20 20 : C. Grido we at TORONTO (CP)-- The Ca- Cc Homestd 9 4 640 . Can Sup O 1 «+ Sa--\ nadian bond market was C Del fe fay «| Weakened in quiet trading Tues- Chiettan D oe ee Ma day : Dynamic +1 Hf oo ee ae a . Short - term Government of Walk G 344 +38, Sate $53 | Weste'st se) oF Canada bonds were unchanged Gr Plains West Ind A 100 385 385 385 +10 jwith the 414-per-cent June 15,' Gt COillsa: + 1% Westrel VW 2 25% 75% } es aA " ' Mat sealnen | W Cdn Seed 1 5 245 1968, issue closing at 99.70 bid Mill City 4 W Pacific 1 and 99.75 asked. a cain eeu 8 ~"* Long-term Canada and prov- NC "sine +5 Wetn 6pr inciai bonds were off 14 of a Numac S| een, eee ee point with the 414-per-cent Sept Shh add oe Salek to 11 gan BND 1, 1983, issue closing at 8544 bid Place G t6 oe Z ------jand 8534 asked. Ranger er Sciny es 1 a Day-to-day money traded at Triad Oil +3 334 per cent. U Canso 5 Treasury bills remained un- U Canso w 26 +1 THE CANADIAN 28S : Voce So Sth By THE CANADIAN PRES changed with the 91 - day bills Aunor Gold Mines Ltd., 5 cinsing at 4.24 per cent and the cents, Sept. J, record August 7.\499.qay bills at 4.53. Bank of Montreal, 12 cents,! Sept. 1, record July 31. Have you heard about it? Hallnor Mines Ltd., 4 cents, Sept. 1, record August 7. Cresta Roja is a deliciously " < | medium dry red table wine Royal Bank of Canada, 15, made from French hybrid , cents, Sept. J, record July 31.| grapes grown in Niagara. tt KAMPING Fast Action HOUSE SALES! Coll @ Member of the OSHAWA end DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD ond List Photo UNLIMITED Townline Road North (1 Mile North of King St. £.) PH. 728-9942 9 Column in the Section for our od. Check the Clossitied MI al S| MULTIPLE LISTIRG SERVICE | Phone Brights for free home delivery! i 1] A L L, Doctor's Suggestion Leads through with the mortgage." The net result was that the cleared. This, and union trouble, decide to Trump move east with his family, Now he is in business again, and recently expanded the plant from here three years ago. Today we have a $500,000 backlog of or- Forfeiting his patents in B.C. meant devising new wrinkles for aerial lifts in order to mar- ket them from a new plant. the Brampton plant makes smaller versions of the feet, which sell for about half Mr. Trump recalls. the debt could be scratch U.S. Crop - Heating Product ToBe Tried OutOn Tobacco DELHI, Ont. (CP) -- A newjcompany said experiments have) crop-heating product which its)been successful. manufacturers think could save; Charles Roe, general manager Ontario's $168,000,000 tobacco|for Cardinal-Crest Ltd. of Sim- crop from frost damage will be| coe, the product's Canadian dis- | introduced at the agricultural/tributor, said 100 packages an) experiment station field day to-|acre can make the air from day. : {three to ee feet above the The product, known as.Tree-/8tound two degrees warmer. | Heet, conalats of two two-pound| This is enough to save crops bricks wrapped in a plastic bag.|U"der most harvest-season con- It can be burned close to crops| ditions, he said. to protect against frost. |\TESTS NEEDED The product has been manu-| 'The effects of wind velocity, i i ; soil conditions and strength of factured in the United States for [hee rEi ows Hil hace {6 be three years since its develop-| checked in the field, however. farmer to leave the heaters un- der his plants until needed dur- ng a lighted, tive heat for about five hours.| i ment by Mobil Oil Corp. The} Mr Roe said one man can Pvp Ales eal statement i light from 300 to 600 of the jhas successfully protected) packages an hour. The principal jgrape, tomato, blueberry, citrus ingredient is petroleum coke Mr. Trump gradually modified | bank took over plant and pat! and deciduous tree fruits, lwith an igniter cap on: the top It has not been used com-|for easy lighting and quick tem-| mercially for tobacco, but the|perature response. NOW IS THE TIME TO CALL Take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks always ready to serve you. Le) Fuel Oil Budget Plan Available OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! McLAUGHLIN coAL & 723-3481 King sw. SUPPLIES "Ontario tobacco growers face frost hazard from | mid- August to mid-Septen:ber, Mr. sudden freeze. Once/Roe said. "Usually anywhere the bricks emit effec-|from one-seventh to three-sev- enths of the crop is in danger. The plastic bags permit the Need capital? Look into the YN $25,000 to $1,000,000 -- or more -- for any business or industrial purpose. Terms up to 15 years. See RoyNat Ltd. at Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Vancouver. Or enquire through any branch er THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE MONTREAL TRUST COMPANy THE CANADA TRUS' COMPARY GENERAL TRUST OF CANADY DRISTAN ° FOR HAY FEVER RELIEF Spray or Tablets. Reguler 1.25. For Price I Sake CATALYTIC HEATERS Flameless, sofety and comfort. Ideal for tenting, boating, ice fishing. 2600 B.T.U. output is more than sufficient for most outings. 8.97 Special 12x9 VISTA TENT Front woll 5'6" high Rear wall 4° -- 7'6" in centre. Lorge picture window and rear window. Full floor, storm flops all around. 59 97 ie Special TAPE PLAYER HOME UNIT Portable cased unit, complete with speokers. Plays anywhere you can plug it in. One only OPEN TONIGHT, THURS., FRI, & SAT. UNTIL 10 P.M. FOR | HOLIDAY SAVINGS CAMPER'S HOLIDAY SPECIALS For Price Sake BABY'S FLANNELETTE DIAPERS 26 x 26 Canadian Made. Compare 4.98. dox. For Price Sake, doz. ALBERTO V0-5 HAIR SPRAY Herd WHITE PETROLEUM JELLY 81% ox. Compare 79. For Price Sake .... SCEPTER HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC JERRY CANS Full one gallon size liquid corrier. Complete with exten- 1.88 sion spout. Compare 2.49. For Price Soke . WHISKY GLASSES Rolled Sefety Edge 6'4- ox. size Are ideal for all occasions. Special MUNTZ at this price -- Slight cabinet damage. COMPARE 198.00 FOR PRICE SAKE 2' x 3' Folding Picnic Camp Tables. For Price Sake .. 6.66 4-Way Lounge Cots Flushobye Disposable Baby Diapers. For Price Sake .. 1.88 Fold-Up Camp or Picnic Stools For Price Soke and Super Hold. Regular 2.98. 1 ay . MINES Bontin Rid 500 $11%@ 11% 11% I bed Burns Fads m0 $14 14 14 ie ci"! Inventor Into business 0: Net | Caloy $40 p $0$10714 107 107'4 + " Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge' Cp Sugar 2 ag gy ig 4 4 bid f titi A Uren 100 4 4 4 -- Ve} Can Cem 0 $3 4 , 2 i si Jni ade a bid for certifica- aera 230 Th Th 7 Con Perm 600 $10% 10! 10% 4 % By JANE BECKER |falling ladders. He designed, )Union m Agnico 400 160 158 160 +1] Cdn Brew a+ Me "e ae built, and, in 1950, sold his first) tion, Am Lerder 1500 21 2) 2) --1| Gon Can A is BRAMPTON, Ont. (CP) --\hvdraulic ladder, designed to|"There was trouble, and the Am Moly 2200 1§ 15 15 ce Manas 3° +? |Back in 1944, a West Coast doc- prevent pickers from falling out} mortgage company wouldn't go Ang Ruyn 500 105 05 105 --3 in Equty ¢ ; ested to Ted Thornton- Ang U.Dev 7200 78. 78 7B ei 2% a itor suggested to Ted Thornton: | oF trees. Argosy a7 Bt 8} wl + 1) C Marcon) ee Trump that he buy a hand loom! -phings went well in B.C., as "pha yiol bes A Ce Cl Can oF ¢ -- 14,80 he would have something to | ralorn 1 151 ae. 1 i Bro, ROW weno sae | Se Sa ne ag My epg hag best his hydraulic lift--by now known jents until ae, aap a 3 . at Chemcell 1715 $10% 10% 10% + % The doctor told him to go to as the Giraffe, for various kinds Cam Mine 2450 65 «6565 Chrysler asi $ 51 $1 ja small town and lead a quiet of construction and high repair}made Mr. Camfio 1000 .350 350 350 lairton ie 1s 2 "ke ie . ¢ Tung 900 225 222 22 --% | Columbi p 100 $16% 16% 16% life. work. He built his plant 4 C Jamiesn 1300 87 87 87 plas i oa tad ides bp Ted Trump went to the small/100 men and a net worth o Can Nise 2000-272) €or Pee, "Soo asia '36M Sele a town--Oliver, B.C, in the Oka- about $1,000,000. | Candore sooo 18 «618 «618 Ut Con Papr p- 250 $25, 25 25 + Veli nagan Valley. But he never had About 85 per cent of his pro- at Brampton. Can-fer 1700 111 110 110 6 | Cons Gas 1760 $18' 18\a: 18% to buy a hand loom for occupa- duction was exported, and Gir-| «owe started era Car a a ee 7738 W 2 tion affes became licensed in 35 cons ea Bi sees Ms --_ bit 00 Pe 4 a, 4 ae 4 Instead, he started a small re. Countries, 4" 7 Crush Intl 320 $i1% 11% 11% + % . 4 mie ; ts 3 ' eras Pag | oe ie os ne ak Td). Cygnus A 100 390 390-390 s pair shop that grew into an in- pIRE HITS PLANT ders. Co Halll 2900 70 67? 1 Dist seae. as oy ' a 2 an ventor's warehouse for his pat Then, in 1962, fire destroyed © Mogul 200 335 330 335 bates toy fate Doe soe tg ented hydraulic aerial ladders. the plant, Trump Ltd, had al- bP io oo oe '<< in Dom Store He has hardly stopped since, ready opened a branch assem- ~C Rambler 400 125 125 125 omer and, thanks to an operation a bly plant at Brampton, 30 miles ed € Red Pop 5100 38 37 37 % " few year: 7 rthw: { Tor But Mr. foday 4 Eme> ew years ago, feels fine. northwest of Toronto. But Mr y; 1000 50 $0 50 --2 ' 4 eihelg ate n fon oes SEED NS # Trump decided to rebuild the i Daering Fed 'an '» LIFTS ARE VERSATILE B.C., plant, rather than move.! giraffe, with lifts of up to 44 ae Fleet Mtg 5 | The hydraulic lifts, patented; It cost |} $300,000 DE Ida Pe 3 S, patente t cost him $300,000. f v Denison teat hand * as Giraffes and Trumpetts, are, 'About then the Steelworkers 'its price. peanen we 2 Fraser {manufactured under licence in : - sy Donal 16500 21 20' 21 'gl ae x 75 countries. They are used for a a ae ap S00 +31 Goodyear ' everything from picking apples Giant vk 100 #90 80 ROD 20 thls 3 in the Okanagan to bolting up Goldrim 2000 47 «447 (47 Bios ap 7) mine roofs in Quebec's Gaspe, Grandroy 4000 45 ad'g 8 1 | Greyied $ from fighting fir Amster Granduc 100 $0$ 505 sos --$ | Greyhnd aed * ghting fires in Amster- Granisie 3400 600 590 599 --20 spree 2a Sue ; ,, dam to spraying aircraft in Green Pnt 3000 $5 $4 55. +1 Hard Carp 200 $ 14 +4 Tokyo Gunnar 228 200 200 200 pe Sh Soles AB gg 28 GIS APE 2 ne tienen 30 35 990 O98 5s | Home A 2085 $23 22% 23 _ Mr. Trump, now 48, arrived | ine: 'is me 8 +1 Home B 400 $2358 2388 2348 + Ye in the Okanagan without much Jelex 1900 35 38s TT FH eay Gos tite give eo ~ e| More than a set of mechanic's i ) SO 0 7 D 394 _- joa A EE a Hi Huron Erl 100 $94 9% 9% tools and $200. But he set up Kerr Add 1535 $14% 14% 1414 pate 3) ae Me 4 shag sa oa the Southern Okanagan Machin- K Anacon Husky Dw 100 915 915 915 + § (ery Ltd., and in his spare time Kirk Min laerey 720 $7\4_ m eS began repairing equipment Kirk Twns m : at He noticed orchard workers ¢ imp Oil +% t ak Imp Toh ++ % from the surrounding country- , Ind Miner] 400 $142 14% 14a i rar i a : t, Sere Ig fire" Soh tu d+ side were frequently hurt from Hl IT'S NOWHERE Leitch LL Lae Inland Gas teas? 1B a RO He STOCK MARKET ELSE Macdon iW! ype pode Ja oe 2 "+ a Macl Msh A Fe eae TORONT ' Mos Madsen is il et aa it ai eer NTO (CP) -- Golds de- Narchant Ir pine ty 1b0. $10% 10%. 16% + clined but other sections of the Mattgm nt Pipe w D 2 2 10% o n Maybrun Intpr Steel 850 410) 410, 410, market posted good gains Tues- Mc Adam Inv Grp A be ; gra * ,,.day on the Toronto Stock Ex- Me Intyre Ea is erage ero Sn " change. The gold index dropped Meta i baba 2.11 to 162.09. Rubberized fabric, heavy-duty adult idri ! on ' Min-Ore 3 Labett tg othe 1 gry og size with pillow -- Air Mt Wright LOnt Cer wake % at 4 and Kerr- 8 +e Lav Fin attresses. For Price Sake srallasie Lau Fn 140 Addison % at 14%, abide . Newconx Lav F 2.00 Slater Steel rose % to 11 i N Harr! Levy * ey b 8 ana . as N Heseo Levy B er Salada Foods % to 10% after 9 x 9 Campers Tourist Tents N Imperal ne ue t\ Slater offered to buy 250,000 Anglo Butyl-Dry Process. Compare Newiund Lob Co B shares of Salada at $11.50 net. 45.00. For Price eer pelgss pr uo iva 3 e+% AMong other industrials, Soke " N. Sanater ne Lid 265 $28% 7% ed ~% Chrysler of Canada rose 3 to Norbask Magna E! $ is 4 4 x ¢ ~ -- Norbeau. M Lt Mills 250 SIP 19 19 sprays . to. 87. i Worst ML Mills p _80$1 44 Stocks of silv ¢ "er . piel ely Mass-Fer 790 $21% 21% 21%4 + '6 silver producers con Northgat Met Stores $50 $23!2 2312 2314 tinued Monday's rise. Silver ' : N_ Rank MPG ive 1m sn 2 2 4M fields and United Keno Hill rose Baby s Plastic North Can Acison z 2 RE bshab ld Mon Food 480 $1018 10%, 04 -- ghee each to 4.70 and $5, Osisko Montex 100 2 e western oil index rose 1.46 | PANTS Mont -Trst $00 $154 154 iS' ' * ' Patino. | Moore 1380 $31% 31% 31% + %/to 199.26, down from a record Pce Exp 49200 114 Murphy 100 sere Bag Sedge 200.22 reached at 2:30 p.m. - a Be Mcrae" ais 48 Hau Hy wy Dome Petroleum rose 14 to 65 fg Wesheble, senitery, water Placer Nor Ctl G 1800 $107» 108 i \jand Hudson's Bay % to 3914 proof. Sizes up to Extra Large Ocean Cm 200 $182 182 18'2-- Ve P . i : Sun than 1000 Ogilvie 300 $12% 12i4 12%' On index, industrials gained for babies over 24 Ibs. Q Mattgm! 4500 124 Oshawa A 44% or ': 38 at 167.78 and base metals 3 ic Pe + 2, Suemont am Hl fg 1346 + | -43 at 99.24. Volume was 3,874,- For Price 4, 4a Radiore 1000 PC Jwi pr ah $992 2 ga. 000 shares compared with 3,410,- Soke , bal k hillips . 1 ; Rid Algom 2660. $35 Prem Trst_ , 108190 190° .190 +10 | 000 traded Monday. Rio 580 Pr 25 Price Com 470 $12. 11% 12. asa Rix Athab 1500 QN Gas 134 $9% 9% 9% tea ee BRECK Ryanr 10000 Revelstk 50 $82 Bla Bla Satellite d R Nowell 300 (180 5s 1 ; ' Sherritt Rockowe 100 $7 7% a+ TO INTO ~ recs , Sil Eureka " Ronald Fd 275 $id 4M TORONTO (CP)-- Wholesale HAMP Silvrfids vino 470 Rothman 25 $264 264 264+ % 10 relall carton eggs average Sil) Miller 7500 nk Ais 315% 1% 'S4 + @ weighted prices quoted by the Sisco SS5 $05 800800 2 10% ' sb : cok Sr are a 3 ; department of agriculture as of With Breckset Sullivan 200 395 Ss 48 ave Tuesday: A large 42.9: A me- 200 480 = 5 3° + vw dium 34.2; A sirall 25.2 49000 104 «101 +4 a+ spat hee rig eacepiste, : : FS 500 6363 63 : Eggs: Wholesale price to Hair Setting Lotion. Regular Noturel or ot i ae oe country stations fibre cases 1.60 Velue. 11 00 425 425 475 'i 5 oe x : 1000 919 9a 9a s quoted by the Toronto Board of For Price Sake For Price Soke ne ¥ 144.44 Oshawa Discount House 1038 King St. W. at cannanp np. f, \ Fer Price Sake, trom. sO Ww Campers Safety Matches For Price Sake, carton .. es) ir Aluminum Folding Lown Choirs. For Price Soke .. ISODOL -- Quorts For Price Soke ; 1,88 LADIES' RAYON BRIEF Small or Lerge. For Price Scke, each . FACTORY REMNANTS Lace -- All Kinds of Mater- ial -- Leatherette Sheeting, Acrylic and Orion Pile, ete. Save 29° Oversize. For Price Sake, each RIGHT GUARD SPRAY DEODORANT FOR THE FAMILY Reguler 1.39. For Price Sake NEW SCOPE MOUTHWASH Compare 79c For Price -22 CALIBRE LONG RIFLE RIMFIRE SPORT CARTRIDGES 500 AIR GUN PELLETS .177 Diebold Brand, For Price Sake Compare 1.20 for 50 Tr' rounds. For Price Sake +22 Webley Brand. For Price Soke . WOOD'S ANGLO Tent Specials All reduced to sell, 9 x 18 ranch tent. Full floor large kitchen area, Ideal addition to this tent. gg 98 eee to) Speciel 9 x 15 Rench Tent smolier ver- sion of above. SPECIAL--$88.! SEPTO-BAC For Septic Tanks ENGLISH MADE HURRICANE LANTERNS Operates on Coal Oil, Com- 1.22 pare 1.95, For Price Sake VARSOL Deodorized Cleaning Solvent Positively Guaranteed -- All Ideal peint thinners 1: ag eluminum, Special. Compore 1.59. Special . ceramics, 1 gal 3 Months supply. Compare 89e For Pri 1.11 io . rice Coleman Snowlite Picnic Jug. -- Model 5501D. Comp. For Price Sake Colemon Tent Heaters, For Price Sake Coleman Stove Ovens 11 9g : 2 For Price Sake Fishing Rods For Price Sake ......++ 1.99 Foce Cloths. a 19° For Price Soke .... 12 Dish Cloths 49° 9.85. @ 99 le 16.88 For Price Soke ..... Towels For Price Sake $1.00 SIZE 'LUCERNE' BUBBLE BATH OIL In Lily, Lilee and French Jgs- mine Fragrances For Price Sake TECHNIQUE HAIR COLORS "That's My Color" end "Beach Blonde". Compare 2.25. For Price Sake NIVEA CREME REGULAR 1.49 SCORE HAIR CREAM COMPARE 89ec For Price For Price Sake Muntz Auto Model STEREO PLAYERS For Price PRESTONE PASTE CAR WAX Cleans, polishes, protects. A new silicone and carnaube wax product. Cuts polishing time in half, Compare 2.25. For Price Sake 9x15 Trans Canadian Tent TENT Outside frame gives lots of room inside. Sleeps 8. Yellow roof and orange walls with outside storm flaps. 59 97 oe s Special Two room family tent is div- ided by permanent roll-up curtain. Full sewn-in 69 99 e floor. Special ... KELTON SWIM RINGS 20" SIZE MANTEL RADIO Solid state in molded beige plastic cose .Full 90 day war- ranty. Top performance from e low priced set. Compare 22.95. For Price 15 88 a Sake KELTON SWIM POOLS 10' x 20" DEEP Steel Construction -- Heavy Gauge Liner with Drain Extruded Plastic Tubing Protects and Holds Liner 24.88 12' x 24" DEEP 32.88 ----_ 6é Bl Accountan BOB CLANCY': Complete bookk coe Street Nort JOSEPH GUTM tant, Licensed East. Telephone YALE, FRIEDL tered Accountan Bankruptcy, 57! Oshawa, 728-737! HOPKINS, BEA ed Accountants, ing, 187 King § tario, 725-3509; § Beadle, CA; E. WILLIAM C. H ed Accountant, Telephone Osha Blueprintin "BELL DRAFT Ltd., 53% Simcec Biveprinting anc Building Ti No Do Monthly Rem @ Bathr @ Kitch @ Recre @ Gara A new de ewa's Quol KASSINGER Call Today SAND AND GI phone 725-0697. _ cHii ment wirk, | 3 cel 655-3061, F. McC TERRANO PAV! ness. Guarantee 17 Bond East. 7: ------------ CLASS WORD ADS Cash -- | inser nal words ertions © words 1; tive insertions © tional words 24 Charge--!0 per If not paid with Method of Cou words counts a: initial, figure or one word; phot words, BIRTHS -- DEA SOCIAL NOTICE $2.50 per insert tional charge if IN MEMORIUM: tach thereafter verse; 25c¢ addit within 8 days. CARDS OF THAI $2.50 for the 1 aoch thereafter charge if not pr COMING EVENT $2.38 per inch ( first 20 words ¢ {Word Ads). AUCTION SALES $2.38 PER INCH DE, WORD ADS 4 p.m, DAY PRE LOST AND FOU! 3 a.m. DAY OF BIRTHS AND DE 9 am. DAY OF iN MEMORIUMS CARD OF THAN 4 p.m. DAY PRE CLASSIFIED DISP 1 column-----4 p.n umns or larger -- CANCELLATIONS Sle ca publication will insertion. BOX NUMBER R While every ende forward replies t advertisers os so cept no liability damaged alleged failure or delay | plies however cal gence or otherwi 2e responsible fc in 20 days. REGL THE OSHAWA ° RESPONSIBLE FO SERTION IN WH The Oshawa Time classify advertisi proper classificati In the cases of | The Times will n for more space actual error occ endeavor to repr matter correctly, oof advertisement any form are con IT'S EASY TIMES ACT Call Cle 72. IND CLASSI! women's Colu Personal 3-Sportsman's | sh tes 5--Trailers Ct wtb ag ig 14--Busine + Oppe 15--Employment V Wanted 'emale Help Hilp We 19--Male or Fem 20--Real E 'ate F 20a--Summc- Proj 2\--Farms . ~ Sal 22--Lots for "ale 23--Real Ee V 24--Stores C ices 25--Houses { - Re 26--Apartme s fo 26a---Expo com 27--Rooms 1 - Rer 26--Room 0 29--Wanted 1- Rer utomebi + fo 31--Compact = ars 2--Trucks f Sal ut ay, 34--Automob e it and. our 36--Legal 37--Auctione 38--Coming © cnt '99--Notices

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