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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1967, p. 24

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 19, 1967 |20--Reol Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale {20--Real Estate for Sale {|20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale -- | SA fhe cde pense _ PRIVATE SALE -- Jarvis Street, brick 3--Real Estate 4 \8--Mole Help Wonted |18--Mele Help Wanted | e | DE OLIVE HOWE 'SCHOFIELD AKER JOHN F H MILLEN Lined peehvatnenly elec ea cr _£ihitatanva . Ses oe | - A with $2,000 down, Telephone 728-7242, _ WANTE ZELLERS LTD. | REAL ESTATE LTD. | REALTOR LIMITED CENTRAL : REAL ESTATE LTD, 812300 bungalow. garage. northwest ai: Lond, Forms, Hon P " i ing. Elmer Fr id District Requires | (REALTOR) | ; 2753, Keith Peters Really Ltd. Realtor. own ene ¢ . TAKE YOUR R | REALTY LTD. 515 B i D mech et ged ONTARIO & | 9 Bagot St. PORT PERRY -- Three-bedroom brick the Buyers if you v estaurant 5 Brock St. S., Whitby istrict for over 31 years 995 DOWN bungalow, attached garage, corner lot, gait sat i | : ' , electri 63 King St. Managers 16 Simcoe St. §,| 668-5853 723-2265 TRUST REAL ESTATE LTD. | ouasS tend ow 3 bed: (feat indaretig shu ee aBarig BIG STEP Mon we ore looking for | | 2% ACR WOOD ST. 14 Frank Street room twin homes, possession |7iee! wilt chimney for fireplace. Oshaw should hove a minimum | y) 2 ACRES | $16,90 - 19 Simcoe St. North Bowmanville in August. MADISON AVENUE, 5-room brick home B lifyi f grade 10 education, be be 7 3-528] Older design 4 bedroom home | ,900 REAL ESTATE DEPT. 623-3950 in northwest area of Oshawa asking only y qualifying for one Rola 30 Gnd SA years oF | located on No, 12 highway, | Modern family home located RALPH SCHOFIELD $1,900 DOWN $15,500 with, $4,000 down mee ones TORE FOR REN jold the ' of our career sales op- age, should be willing to ac- OLIVE AVENUE | with garage and carport, | close to schools, shopping and REAL PRIVACY: 3. bed- Immediate possession can be |be seen to be appreciated. For appoint- South. 725-5132. se: cept periodic expense paid | stable and chicken house, | transportation, Consisting of Manager back bi \ 20 given on this ranch style |ment to inspect. Call Dick Barriage at ati! endo Oa portunities. ' alles ! @ A real family size living] implement shed, 4 pc cer- | three bedrooms, large dining room brick bungalow on Ronsalow with tec Tourn 725-3557, 25--Houses for : room with extra spacious kit- . j itati acres, surrounded by trees. 9 : ERE YL aa fs echsdestata Nia acu ale eh biter tothe amic bathroom, oil heating. | room and kitchen, imitation Beau Valley Beaut L All dk LOT FOR SALE - 132' x 121', lot on FURNISHED HOUSE Fi Becouse of our outstond- git chen ond 3 nice bedrooms.| Asking $21,600, To arrange fireplace in the living room, y bg args stream: ere) $3,800 FULL PRICE Nash Rd. one block east of Oshawa four gentlemen. Close right person a minimum Semi-tinished recreation room . y tae front a" Mikal If you are looking for a like- conveniences. Asking $22, , city Mmits, asking only $4,200. Must be aee' heute 1 \ ing growth, we are selecting rack \ # $90 | appointment call 668-5853, large front veranda. Nicely An excellent well treed 120 = |soid. Cail Dick Barriage at 725-2557 ee ere oe . » starting salary o} per in the high, dry basement. Pov- 1 : new home at much less than 500. A yi two additional men to train k landscaped lot with plenty of . x 660 lot just outside Osh- is 1 CENTENNIAL ACRES, ; week, based on ability ond ed drive. $11,000 mortgage ot NEAR HENRY i Li new home cost, with a walk- y FOUR a This i nue. Two-bedroom homes for sales ond future soles post experience 614% can be carried for $120 HI S Gail ace ay oon 3 Corse out finished basement and OSHAWA: 3 bedroom, 2 awa. 2 streams at rear of pro- pee cee ee loom, TV towers, from : i dSag ill acce, i i; - : "s as a large ultra modern kitchen, large 4 % management: positions. Paid training. period, incen- @ month including taxes. Allow) 3 4, GH SCHOOL | range sd inspect ae fine immaculate chatm, then you year old brick home. Elec- perty.. Terms may be ar- [fri 'sized. living room, and. delightful P2771) alway Pe tive bonus, free life insur- | us to show you this home to- edroom ranch bungalow ome bi ilin th should see this home, inside: trical heated, 4-pc. bath. ranged. dining room, two bathrooms, attached FOR RENT. Three be : attached garage, hollywood ry calling now, Nicely fand: a d garage, rec room facilities. NHA mort- tached house, $145 per rr EXPERIENCE ance, health plan,' purchase night 'y garage, y | Extras such as garburetor, icely tanescaped. Located in DETACHED BUNGALOW [save of 614 percent and close to publie ties. 728-9462 discounts, paid summer ond | | kitchen, fireplace, storms ond | ANNAPOLIS AVE. carport, vocu-flo, tappan new district. Asking $18,500. and separate <chools, Listed at only 5. 725-1956. UNNECESSARY | winter vacations INCOME HOME | screens, patio, oil heating, | ® storey ome with atibcnad built-in stove and oven, all Terms. Call George VanDyk $2,000 down, brand new $22,500. Call George. Twaites for ap NEWCASTLE FOUR b | py 3 es I! @ This #2 room home is di-| large lot. Call 668-5853 for | pordge, fir bade, <p0: the drapes and mony other 623-7437, detached bungalow with gar- ipolneinen! ib, tnsoecd. This. iene: yeatoud Available SOW 15 Rent | lease apply in person to: | vided into 4 opartments show- further information | Beak © besoin 'living costly items ore included ---- Keron rh age. Near Oshawa Shopping jReal Estate Nebr scons and chure If you are: ZELLERS LTD ing a monthly income of $320 room, large kitchen, two bath- On a roomy ravine lot. Par- ahh eu iota elt Pentre, NORTH-EAST -- three-bedroom, _twor ' "WOUEE recalled | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | G WOODED LOT 9 , with new oil furnace, 4-pc. (oer iene oe ipeeearoary, te LARGE HOUSE requires _OSHA\ SHOP S CEN 300d southeast rental, location rooms. Situated on a nicely ticularly adapted to a small FOUR BEDROOMS | 0 ith priva' a cation, suitable for men' 21 or over 1 h | In prestige location. Call both. Large lot. Nicely land- |all large rooms, three-piece bath and ini at Raat ESTATE -- inks more money| close % s pping, nchiopls ONd|" Audeag Moos at AAR-SREG landscaped lot. $4,000 down family who desire o luxury scoped. Asking $15,500. | $2,500 down, Brand new two |i! furnace, Inspect this home now by bl rly y Aoayge M: usive lots anc jomes to ma. buses nd oe . > ' *: | ' bd ii i <i 4 Bondable ture purchasers. No canvassing. Quali-| plese cn hal or eran or 668-4088. | Poyment. lg Si eee cost. ASKING Terms. Call George VanDyk storey home with carport. Stnee's Be ice Uke cela gllals 73936, Oshawa Times. jfied vailable. Exceptional com-| iad as 623-7437. ; % ae ae HOUSE TO RENT -- | Own A Car jteieslen rates. No Real Estate. experi-| REAL ECONOMY | FOUR BEDROOM SEMI VERY MODERN F MW Pri 149 $3 000 DOWN vig Do 5 twoererey, Threats bungalow to rent in ¢ ence necessary; but enquiries from 3 bedroom bungalow. situeted ull Price $14,900 -- , 4 area, $145. per month e io T | licensed salesman invited. For contiden 1 Near school and shopping J gle airuote ENNISKILLEN: 8 roomed, 2 Completely finished 3 bed- [ast area. Large modern kitchen, huge Howson, Douglas J. M. | ree to lrave tial interview phone Sales. Manager,, |! @ Brand new 3 bedroom) 4 io) on a professionally landscap- South Oshawa storey home in village on Pie living room and good sized dining room. sy Tara tn Florida Sales Division, W. T. Lamson bungalow with beoutifully fin-| 'Ss nome features broadioom d-lot with b ful shrubs s y is] room brick bungalow, fully Electric heat. Only one year old. Call 723-1168. i j mW. 0 9 y |< an Jia poor, dining room ed lot wi eautiful shrubs Completely redecorated 3 lorae lot. Consider $1,500 5 Ik- |George Twaites at 723-200 Sehinte THREE-BEDROOM upper 'This' con. be your big step» Joo ished kitchen and bathroom,| 9 : S and plants. Featuring com- bedroom brick -bungalow d Read 1ee Teen ae ee |ment. Schofiel ae aout fo schools and bus, wa : - 1 cal 4 n | -- ---------- mee Decoration 'in. neutral "ahades and hallway, panelled recre- pletel finiched 'vaereaticn * ing A lown out built - in gorage. ment. Schofield-Aker Realtor. y ae ice Pi orwor J se nas you ve |19---Mele and Female thratoheut. Thig home hae S| ation room, completely fenc- | ried ee gid 8 ne bain sigegy re Aube Bea Ha COUNTRY LIVING: Lovely 4 728-1656 728-1678 hee ddel lg SMART brick ranch bung+ able August 1 Telephone receive, two weeks training a' Help Wanted $ $ a ed lot, lovely kitchen with Di D . id plus room an inish- 3: ively 4 or vs alow, three nice bedrooms, owner re- 6 compa , and th BREE eb ois eather basement gorage. Exceptional : room, walk-out basement. d bedroom brick bungalow, All |--/"- ==" =" *"°""™* © | tocating, Must be sold. Call Bessie Crys ANE: fs a gibi hee east Oshowa location, listed at! lots of cupboards, paved Many extras with this home, al ord spelt liglbe conveniences R bg r le 724-5103, W. 0. Martin Realtor. FOUR. TEORCOM hou So ee |, Sek Order Com only $18,995 with a very rea-| 'tive, for further information | Which is in a choice location dill aaah sedi Asking $17,900. Call George ! |SUBURBAN DANDY. Edst limits, seven vo ee ° irst month, | ree , J tenet i NM ion. 2 sking , all George on a ur band! 4374 while being trained in the | ee e Lal abt pone down-payment. We in-; Gaba corecea ang 668- | Call now for an appointment Full Price $11,900 VanDyk 623-7437. , | condition, We ee Oe. and pi THREE - BEDROOM ho tield. urteteria. Excellent wages, vite your enquiry | to inspect. Don't miss out on this com- Must be sold. Owner returning to Eur- garage, walkout basemr I f i : | ; : | Aski w . 0, i landscaped garden. Quiet ply Chet Gaye, Flying Dutch. 150 ACRES | 5, ONLY $16,200 DUPLEX et peo gael ery de tg V0 ge hori cen ss"thuh Resid | ae Hotel " axa msrviile IV @ On Highway 115 just eost| For this solid brick 3 bed- | jn Whithy -- beautiful build with garage -- private drive rs Bathicen ss Wat REAL ESTATE LTD. $15,300 -- OLDER BRICK ?\2-storey ch CALL; Teleph 623 72 . # 35. roll iad I | room charmer, featuring hol- | Y eautiful Duiid- and nice rear yard. This de FR || 728 7576 |home with five bedrooms, all in good elephone 623-7242" be- of 35, rolling land mixed bush.| joo kitchen, 4 tiled | 109 situated on a large nice- home is in good condition and $11,000. Terms. Call Tom | bd |condition, garage, nice lot, and very 26--Apartments { MR. Z. BRKICH tween 1-6 P.M Christmas trees, good hunting.| {Y¥> itene s fe diver | (ly. landscaped lot 50' x 184' won't last long. Can be pur- Donnelly 985-7264 | lcentral, Call Maible Boudreau of Scho- a ra Peer ae oe cee ra Priced right. Please call for de-| pe fest oe ener | with 'shrubs: and -trees.- Both chased Wii Ox Nile soa 81 | JUST LISTED jemoner Ltd. St 728-2223 oF ATMS. . 723 5271 HAIRSTYLISTS Gee ly PIT. located fies sents | epartments have two _ bed- 500 down : ee hey * bedreom, | Extra large six room brick i eee carries for $90. lf you like f j | : : 7 : forey home on "4 acre | and stone bungalow with ' A bs cl ogee gal iad o rooms and separate entrances. : | 9 ' 75' x 190'. ly $250. ly. Fam- . WANTED EAST-END AREA ate and public scHools. | Lower apartment has a lovely Newly-Weds'" Delight lot. All modern conveniences. very modern basement apart- ily size kitchen: x 18, 9000 ae high rents peor | V @ A lovely home in this pre- QUALITY IS NEVER stone fireplace. Hot water oil A cleon 3 badicom - backe Asking $15,500. Terms ar- | ment, large brick and block iivingroom plus many other extras. THURSDAY ONLY | For choice locations in Osh- ferred area with paved drive AN ACCIDENT heating. Carries for $150 per split-level bungalow that will ranged: Call George VanDyk | garage and paved driveway. Moskal, 723-4134, Griffin Real Tatete . 9AM 6PM | awa, with or without clientel. and a ah Large panelled . ere naga ; month with reasonable down give years of first owner de- 623-7437. Broadloomed living room and |Limited. If you like on ae MA, | ? ae room. ullt-in stove, oven and! either 1S goo aste an |- payment. Call to-night. light rae Bale i | many other extras. Inspect ONLY $2,500 DOWN, ies f 668-2377 Mrs. Hughes { fon in modern kitchen. Rea-| sound judgement. Here is a perk Soe Hated hinges he ides above mentioned we | this ulleS: HOMBI RERe Hew. OBR Mireetontont nck or $103. inconvenier re E ee 2 sonable down payment home offered for the first INCOME PROPERTY Weehroen COMIBBEE Tour fash many more to choose sbawruniey 6 bol Seve pat schools and Sigg aad ~ {REAL ESTATE salesman or sales lady| time and one that will ap- | Consisting of large three bed- any Me 2 : aa MEN ITE Le Blas Possession can he ar- [werk and ines to moke ieay. ieee rea UL -- | peal to a wide field of buy- | room apartment on main ipsa hl peo | KEITH 16 suite downtown location |2nai34, Griffin Real eerate vieited, lf you dislik tive bonus as well as good commission. Boot. N: ers. It is a stone and cedar | floor with separate dining ey of Whitby. Corner 132 x [6s PER CENT NHA RE-SALE--\2-yr2 CREDIT Call Jack Osborne. R. Pete VI @ 3 bedroom bungalow with| Pagada design with 3 huge | and - living room; two self- price bracket at $16,900, 137 lot with a 6 room bung- {old four-bedroom split-ievel Ful price havin fun ones eee eee ee finished recreation room, Paved| bedrooms, 23' kitchen, 33' contained one bedroom apart- 21% on Your Money dss on site of present rent- size Seta Toes about toon ear g lartinn chante we can use eight' driveway and garage. Extra} panelled family, room with | ments upstairs with fridge, 'Modern 8 suite apartment ing for $85 monthly. Buy now lover 1,600 square feet of living 'space, MANAGER i Vewredietely. Bir apnciniinadt call nl large ravine lot. Immediate} fireplace and broadiocm, es- | stove and washer. Ideal as a house,: north end of pala for future development. Fairy size Bitchin, 1 x is L-shaped THEN YOU: 9692, 723-2647, or 725-6678 between 6-8] possession. Phone: tonight for} uisite living room with family home plus income. ; : ith builtin hit, Pane. ana Canes et appointment to: inspect, | stone fireplace and entrance Substantial down payment re- patio oF ote peo ve REALTY LTD., 728-7328 ie VACANT LAM CO Me ee A tae aces WANTED WORM PICKERS wanted, 86 per thous AMAZING VALUE to balcony. A choice Icca- | quired, investinent: (Resulfes. about 103 King Street East No? tn oe bagel Shirley | Moskat, 7234134." Griffin. Real HATE.. . ee tion on quiet paved street. i Realto 4 ' = 'Tiss EIRENE ES Sens BNI RTO J , EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted! 1] @ Located on Sylvia Street| Call for information. Ask for | CLOSE to $20,000 down. ' with frontage of 625 ft. Ex- |PRIVATE -- Aareement of sale. Three: Lear oe crr4 between 9 a.m. and 5! in Ochaws, with the bus stop] Audrey Moore at 668-5853 BILINGUAL SCHOOL OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE BETWEEN OSHAWA and cellent building site, all good Price Sisto ga a etd in ee RINCE:! Local retail firm requires on = |------------__________________ at your door and the John F.| or 668-4088 This five room bungalow has |MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY WHITBY -- Ranch bunga- homes in area. Payments, $146 monthly, P.I.T, Must be ' Sggressive young man to 20--Real Estate for Sale Kennedy school across the! Lu : a large family size kitchen, ; low about one year old, spa- Call Nick Siblock et 728- pie BY September. For -- Informatioe manage credit office. Pre- | street. Home has 4 extremely| VE in LUXURY completed recreation room, LIST WITH cious living, dining room, 7576 for appointment to see BOWMANVILLE EXECUTIVE --boncst NN ferred age a - te Excellent GORDON | large bedrooms, one 11' x 14', nod you ptt ars this extra 2 pc. bath in basement. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST pel etal oie ong these ond other SIBBY'S list- [low -- brick ranch bungalow. Close to ®pportunity for advancement. a spacious kitchen, dining room,| charming 2 storey 4 bedroom Listed at just $13,900 and 723-5221 -- 9:00 to 5:30 S10 fLSMERS. aKING * | ings schools, shopping, finished rec room, Should have Gredé 12. On | | living room and paved drive: 3 bathroom home family Shae ' : (aa 900. |__'ngs. nicely landscaped, double attached ga- G . , pen mortgage with rea- rage. O ile' the job training provided. | woy. Call to-night. | room, The kitchen is a house- sonable monthly payments. NO TOLL CHARGE FOR KEDRON DI . homes, $24,500, terms. Call Ken Hockine Excellent pension plan, em- | wife's dream of unlimited THESE PHONES STRICT -- Tobe | Pp T 623-3393; W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. ployee discounts, group in- "K'" MART AREA cupboard space. Rustic living For full particulars call | AFTER HOURS eS het 2 Levis old € er | es euracow a hostaidl paved ad alleg Ge surance, holidays with pay. VIII @ Featuring 4 lorge bed-| room with beams and fire- | 723-2265 URS PLEASE CALL deste ungalow with an lot, finish On, SaBIaR, Ree Salary " commensurate with | REAL ESTATE ETD: rooms, good site living: room,| place, double car garage, | Harvey Hogan 655-3663 open 'stone fireplace, broad- Ltd. loom 'ihrpughast, "Chinen Nig one Udy ey agtty '| past experience. | dining room and kitchen, At-| large treed lot. Everyth Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 T H loom in the living and din- Realtor City conveniences. | $22,500, terms, Call we Aue, Banco : | 0 chen, : ything is om Houston 668-4416 |Ken Hockin, 623-339: and don't like co al ; ig | 218 DUNDAS ST. E tached garage, Almost on ocrel the finest ond you owe it to | eee. sere Allan Thompson 728-2870 ing room, a tiled bath with 1349 St. Clair W. |Estate Ltd, Realtor. 'Mg adele rc but if you're in the replies strictly confiden- | | f | rs a self and tamil cman ths | arg Ha - | ' vanity and situated on a TORONTO se ma Wrempeeed r SAL Gav ataFt 1k swale ot thic WHITBY ° and close to school. Beauti-| yourself and family to see this | jor? pon 795.3867 |--Ralph Schofield 725-5067] POY int ecamed lor 100% COLLEGE HILL -- "Attractive five-room who DON'T we off No. 2 Highway ully landscaped grounds. Pric- delightful home. Call 668- y Pr 0 brick bungalow with garage, paved : odvertisement. | ; ary #4 Gt $23,900: Call now. te inc} S858 for appointment Mike Belmonte 576-1908 | 150 ft. 250 ACRES. dairy or beef drive and well landscaped lot, Large new concept in ¢ DIAL anect George Twaites 723-2008 $16.950 farm, 140 under cultivation, Hake ak le room, finished 'In living in Oshawa, ; nh ines | FREE As The WIND Mel Dale 623-5638 $16, -- 3 bedroom brick highly productive loamy soil, |by calling Nick Siblock a! gop yer, Ow ° % ' f , 28-7576 the Olde Eng! Apply in writing to: alk erie 18,700 SQUARE FEET *Thal'el How veuik fennily. ill Maible Boudreau 728-2233 : dle Ai ee Ute edg barns and 8 room modern arrange Malle appointment. sibBy's } ~~, .* pe | | | feel on this } lot | rumm i) yess od pal, only ut ome, piggery *- house, ma- bigagh (2 ihe ce oe) BOX 73714 OSHAWA 728-5157 | ©, Commarsigl Brepanty all Osh i Th 1m Sia cd Reg Aker 725-0201 LTD 8 years old, located near chine shec garage, all in 2), o, Impossible to replace this fine vators Gnd Personal OSHAWA TIMES GREENWOOD RD Se te ig) te a eed ee | ee ee rere af Duke of Edinburough School. | excellent shape, unlimited | want taieinatytne, Vender Is, asking, you Pr 2/2 il ahi i H 2 storey bric uilding can me is in immaculate condi- PHOTO ML REALTOR a id : ve you see it. Call now, loor swimming poc z s | Cares i ater supply in buildings, |Jack Osborne 576-1200, 7: | Sitting high on a scenic hill- be adapted. Now earns $215 tion ene features 22' living OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 303 HILLSIDE COTTAGES -- 2 furnished at onda: She aa, ged tin Real Estate. monet R. iar P sauna room and side, overlooking the country per month. Please phone to in-| oom with natural fireplace, | Williams Point. Try your of- lace for mati oney $27, |$14900 and only. asking $2500 down, convenient suites yc THE. DEPARTMENT OF ond park, with the lights in | vestigate this opportunity, separets dining room a dream | Member of the O.D.R.E.B. 576-0330 fer. 600 Maal ibleshued * Towner is being very lenient and Ie Hi a place to stretct the surrounding communities | itchen with 'island break- WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. cu i This eon" Seats family. has. outgrown : VO 2 4s REPRISE UONS twinkling after dusk. This two | RENT or BUY fost bar, 2 complete bath- 110 McLAUGHLIN BLVD,| $500 DOWN -- 4 room | | i won't last Call Jack eborte iene " requires a 9 lusk, . ; ic meer Only $7 00 acres 80 workable pro- {it won't last. Call Jack Osborne. 576-1200 re Model suite -- furni: COOKING INSTRUCTOR storey brick and stone 8 room - e This specious Ladies Wear poe ) basting; cee MORTGAGES ARRANGED | ' Ojder two storey brick home, jome -- Only $7,800. ductive medium soil, dairy |¢¥e- 728-5836 R. Martin Real Estate, Wilson Foriilore; 6 beauty with 2. fireplaces, usiness located just north o schools and shopping. Like a 1 Ad bain with wate ti il - -------- Fi oe A og doable Gathse BAM 6 2 cere ihe "Four Cornars" ih Oshewarl pun of thls hone call Audrey: 360 King St: West, Oshawa ee er San so Me a home en Pedicle tle ie 20a--Summer Properties by Angus-Graydon, scnoile . lot is a reo! buy ot $39,000. ios Lovely Sie ay vies, | Bg at 668-5853 or 668- dintig' morn. Pevad "drive garag acres, cue ahd. Srodm aced Houke: For Sale or Rent Models open daily 2 Dudes Fie We disinicn | walk-in traffic ond loads of F | W. ond garage. Call Gord $13,500 -- Brick bungalow pond in pasture $12,000 -- 9 p.m. Sat. and Sun. rie Hed tea ee | Poser [hipped stad | storage space. | PEACE. PRESTIGE Charlton, 728-8569. with 7 room, garage, patio. $5,000 down. Camp Allandale till 7 p.m, Pd ree bedroom bric unga- | ! ' ' -- provides oeek oe | lows Harmeny Rd: S. location. VACATION LAND PLEASURE INCOME HOME $14,700 -- Suburban home 18 acres with large creek, 6 Outdoor Fun for Boys conmnereial Sone conte With recreation room. Quol- X! @ Beautiful acreage within) This beautiful decorated 3 Two storey home with two -- Finish to suit yourself, room convenient home, barn Dally riding, Swimming Pool, 725-993. sadiaaak De tod it wd | ity construction, pleasing dec- pets distance of Paranal bedroom brick bungalow with apartments separate en- LOTS paler: best garden soil $8, Overnight Camping : rr § ; | rotior overlooking a on tor if ee s H ist aed ae | oe | take Scugog: Poved rood due| Seseore Seesicancre | REAL ESTATE LIMITED | tronces, dutie garage, paved wis Ae Veen tre ao! Qualifications required: Grade 1265 é . ais eine FVEWOY, OU ON. sGT@: LOt. 74 x 314 T F Coll A s mie bed tedtch alate -- 0. preferably cucplanieiied COMMERCIAL ro fo . lifting thi yeor or! with breakfast oreo, fully 21 King Street West Ideal location. Only $15,500. 5 sunten Rd 2 SOOLERE, Gablatno Box 152, Bowmanville he acu a i PROPERTY next. Cail us today ond make landscaped this must be seen Bowmanville Cal! Idso Wiersma, 728- 60 x 166 Adelaide St 344-7887 or 487-3361 623-55 ; a! at "ld scie poh vires | In Whitby. - Very central an appointment to inspect this! to appreciate its charm, Call 5683 : eee TORONTO aoe jouseho' ience; completion | 1.31 4.) office or a service property. today 668-5853 : 10 acres and ba Wie) oo "------|SCENIC 10-acre lots beautifully located, CAVALIE of the apprenticeship require- | peda ae egies na he og EF al it shea EE 623-3393 oe PAC ONIV et AUmeroUSs Services Also 100' Pugin' ments for thw cooking tre: tot puns ie = COMMERCIAL PROPERTY. 65 ACRES 000 DOWN | CABOT STREET ins tots. Oon't miss this opportunity, jue tiv 'ah | blocks from Town Hall. $22,- elie ; W. iB ¢« Member Oshawa ond District Clay loam farm with barn | they are going fast. Telephone 983-5129. plus tive years experience at | XI! @ Simcoe Street North, 37 : " 10 h k | pe adie Pah. lecda be the journeyman level; ability 500. 1oa tat lob with acven Geek Real Estate Board and eight room two storey acres with creek $6,000. | OSHAWA SHOPPING MAIJAC COTTAGES for rent, good H | x 12 with s co aa : keeping, ili i to instruct and contro! ward | 1 ROOM DUPLEX brick home and garage. Call ESTATE SALE brick house with all conven Call 728-7328. CENTRE ; skiing ng mia students | a. i now for full particulors iences. Four duck ponds, ex- --_..|._ 4 year old modern brick 3 0 ACRES in He EN onc nek PAO Solary commencing ot $2.71 | We Heiss property is on | $ N 8 room frame house with ex- cellent duck hunting area. bedroom bungalow with pav- sulated house. sera a One and two bedr cae Houk. Wits Sonus. Where: | tees te Eye with eact lack Graham 728.2634 te lot ge tol located in 18 vig ye of Oshawa. ed drive. Clean home -- land- hunitlog. Telephone 725-6185 after 6, ments to $2.93 per hour. | Ree eee. See Jean Peacock 725-4330 ewcastle. Handyman's _op- Asking $29,000 with terms. scoped, 'only $16,900; ond) |Weenuee Mite oe talaahone (Oc BA Gee | pny Aone 2 As Evelyn Cassel 725-3710) Realtor | portunity. Full price $7,200. el Idso Wiersma, 728- carries complete with taxes Kfeheld anes <vrent 2 Bedroom cor Modern and Conv pointment with the Superin | ven Lets rae z iiss ee Leonard B ! 725-2070 683. for only $111. a month. Call Telephone 'Campbeliford 53-1634 bag : tendent, Pine Ridge School, | Blinds ond cs included for | Vernon B. Corson 723-9785! 1363 Simcoe St. N._ | NEWCASTLE nea ovo Mee Jack Appleby -- evenings |3773, or write Mrs, Douglas Slapley, él Beautiful T.V. re Beeravite | only $21,50 Steve Englert 728-5581 7 room home, Lot 130' x EXCELLENT BUY 40 King St. E. 723-3398. Bolahood Bros, |Bride Street West Campbeliford. jig i STEWART Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313 725-1109 150'. Fruit trees, strawber- Two storey brick duplex, Ltd. 728-5123, 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE on Maire Lake Se REAL ESTATE 14 Mommy f Mervis. Fogel 723-2563) ee ore 2 eee | cee 2 aera 4 BEDROOMS: |sracious SUN@ALOW, 3 bedroama,|*03 waters Por tattatin whe Sie "en REPRESENTATIVE ok d KednOGk G loon ue | been Monitius 728-2754| WHITBY $13,500 -- $3,000 down. apartments, T.V. aerial, alu- Family: man's special -- 9 jden, recreation room, fireplace, half |L. Lippelt, Box" 309, Madoc Ontario. / is edrooms, a large kit- | Emest Mueller 728-0208] minum and wood storms and year old, 2 storey brick, only acre, double garage, workshop. Earle|COTTAGE FOR RENT on Lake Kushoo, Equipped with Openings available on our chen, cozy living room ond | Kathryn Armstrong 723-1884 Executive two storey family | ORONO AREA screens. Double car garage. 2 blocks from separate and |Allen_725-7782 Keith Peters Realty Ltd.!inside conveniences, good fishing. aed auipee sales staff for an ambitious, | 3 rooms in basement. Ask- George aimaver 738.4241| ome with four bedrooms and 2 bedroom bungalow. Lot Terms available. Call Frank public schools, asking cnly {$2200 DOWN. $126 per month for this|swimming, boat. Telephone 725-6070 or fridge, drapes and dependeble man seeking a | ing $16,200 Allen Bertrand 985.7251 den or nursery on second 150' x 150'. Suit V.LA. % Smith 576-1415. $14,500. Terms are quite too can wilate gaps ate eee ee SSSI Narr coreer in an interesting and 5-ROOM BRICK Ray Flintote 725.3454| floor. Custom built, and lo- mile from 115 and 35 Hwys. flexible. Schofield-Aker Ltd. i S| ROR TAGE. SLEEPS SIX, gas, heat Cl t h : most rewarding occupation. | . C : Italo Bortolussi 723-6329, coted on a quiet street just Only $9,000 | TRI-LEVEL WHITBY DUPLEX. Very modern with| flush Toilet "and ahowar" Bartecie onc Cee Ae: SP RPING Ability to speak a: foreign | This lovely eight year old sed Conon 723.2537, Off No. 2 Highway. Golf | Beautiful seven room house $2,368 DOWN [large landscaped lot and privacy. Ideal|trict. Telephone D. S. Knight, day 576. and schools. language a definite asset, Ex. | home is a buy with brood- Lucas Peacock 725.4330| Course - landscaping ~ with NEWTONVILLE | in the most sought after Hurry only: one lett few 3. jmeettemns cocyan ter a. Dome Biss oan Ole, evens S/6-N0le cellent training and educo- loom sjheluded and a recreo Dick Young 723.7183| Heal many. rosebushes and 5 room bungolow with 3 bed- | area of Oshawa, delightful bedroom brick bungalow, _| Johnston, 728-1086. Schofield-Aker ud." sdemue ina Le Opera New 3-bed- iécbl course: Emploves Bend: ae ticed 'to: sell. ot) | --------__"8__ eet o. Decorated by pro- rooms. Lot 82' x 206'. All' | Braemor Gardens, This home with spacious kitchen, locat- |WHAT HAVE you, $1,000 down. We have|and ceiling file anrouhomt' vociny alls for informa' fits. Members of Photo Nave ' 1377 CEDAR trialled pee eg for wenienees Double gorage. | is loaded with extras -- ed close to Eastdale Colle- he hommes nied low with 'on gow n|south ot Haliburton, sandy beach, good q MLS | e East. Looking for a = nly $11,900 -- $2,900 built-in stove and oven, door Giate. Only $2,368 down, |PEymers: Cal: Sow. Sle shape bar- | eM ae: NYCLO.:- (28-0978. ' 5 . ' a ins last, Call 728-5103, W. 0. . --~----- Fe teh crtiitit hie: | Wa yo cares ww wih, | tk On meme ae ~ chimes, two batroorm, ond | $107.83 monthly, immediate [Rion "™ Bis. © MOV meagon, corrAge ad sepia Contd. view please . contact' Mr. a is 90 , no high || s ungalow, com- o lovely landscaped back- possession, don't delay, see |CAESAREA, HANDYMAN'S special, |ton County. Gcod fishing. Fourh iles Bosco; JOSEPH BOSCO, 'Real-- taxes, economy living, coun | pletely redecorated through- MARY STREET, OSHAWA Call 623-3393, 728-7518 yard completely fenced. Call it today, tomorrow could be -- |four room frame cottage needs" some of lake without portage, Trelgphone' ss, tor, 728-7377 ty atmosphere, over one acre | out, floors all resanded, new Large two bedroom BUNGA- or Toronto 923-9174 Frank Smith, 576-1415 too Igte work, year round accommodation for a/ 5364. te of lond with a 4 bedroom | ° kitchen and bathroom tiles LOW with separate dining an cats : Fe cation ran Only $4300..W. ©. /COTTAGE fer reni, Haliburton district, : ' bungalow, only 4 years old, | Ready te move into. this room, natural fireplace in liv Atter 9 p.m TN MUST SELL SUSY -LisTEDS iE ierey banding $40 per week, good 'ishing, good swim: - r : - in 4 EXPERIENCED con be bought with o low | weekend Phone Bill Millar, | ing room and GUMWOOD Ken Hockin 623-5055 Owner: leaving the city ond ing a steam bath, ar spartan nd DANcROET Su sol or see us al down payment. Don't delay | 725-2557 -- 725-1186 TRIM, Try an offer on this Pat Yeo 623-3077 most anxious to relocate in jowner plus an extra house, garage and for rent With best' telnet Rainy -REAL ESTATE | call to-day DUPLEX ON CADILLAC | bho home close to the Hos- Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Mi time for September school Pohang CER ee UNCLE TN inside conveniences, propane cook stove, 340 Marl d SALESMAN: ALLAN ST... WHITBY c pital with $2,000 down Clare McCullough 723-7843 term. Real value only $15,- [Owner anxious to sell, other. interests. Good swimming, fishing. Call G. Hood, arian Sh $2,000 DOWN $11.90 | Rod Kruger 723-7900 200. Clean 3 bedroom brick [Call Steve Lehan now at 728-7576. for |e i om (s) } ' i s " rr rt I. For 'Provieisive Office Good family home, double SALE OR RENT hind ot i a Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Realtor adc ge with paved. whe 'apee INCOME Wowes--sbereon og, RERUNT COTTAGE so Laka Sas Apt. ] 1 ] | ore i ng ou monthly payments only . sleeps eight. Available July 24 through garage, large kitchen, and Brick st half | | Bob Johnston 725-6788 4 dining area, lovely lot 66' x ick. storey and o half, ready Here's the spot. Located on | Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 |. 25 PRINCE ST. try your offer, very anxious from ah ur aly palace but 8 real Ua. sor bOre: Many benefits, P.S.1,° f mm be b , , j for immediate ssession. | i 164', lots of room for the fe be GIBB Street, close to down Weston Banister, (Corner Prince and Bond) to sell. Foebenalele Couple: BES hr hath Gan eae ies homereee, oe cee Apply in confidence children to play, also if you Good location for renting | town. Two 'bedrooms, ul responsible couple. Box No. 73257, Osh-|cabin, also housekeepi \ i ) ; Coil Bill Mil " ec] is s, ultra Garden Hill 102312 lo. + Os! Iso housekeeping cabin on Lake to Wolter Frank ore looking for extra income Ae lar, 725-2557 | modern kitchen, finished rec- | Howard Forder, NORTH OSHAWA CHOICE LOCATION ee gl Fel ited Saunt, good fish. PARKWOC | there are 4 rooms in. the | reation room. with BAR. | Brookl OWNER TRANSFERRED -- Your op-|779 Tine Ot 1OKS Withert norton W. FRANK He PA a EU a es - | rooklin 655-3853 6 room 2 storey home on 7 room split level, soacious | portunity to obtain 2 bargain. on this|/ 5% _ MAN R ' sement. Close to high an TEN ROOMS ON | wner has grown out of this George Beaton, Masson Street. Deep lot, family room, 2 bathrooms, [spacious two-storey twin home, contains 2 SRE VEE" Oo Real Estate Limited separate schools. Moke oan DIVISION ST | cute home and this moy be Port Perry 985-2987 fully landscaped and fenced. all electric heat, 3 good size fur reese auite octen Pens Wises: 22--Lots for Sale 21_ King ot. W. ee Commercie!l zoned. 'Lorge Se $2,500 down. Owner will bedrooms, N.H.A. terms, only | king area. Only 18,200 with. terms, Call | "LOTS" -- We have several lots for sale, APARTMEN 728-7518 ak ae ae ee Ss brick 2) | | take back one open mort- one left, may be seen any- | Sally Wallace, 725-6297. Joseph Bosco,/0ne of which is a ravine type lot on | fe ge | ric ¥2 storey home with | BAY RIDGES | $995 gous for the Bolshes. Close ine: Realtor, 728-7377. Leskard Road, ten minutes drive from Saguenay Ave | |Vivian Halligan 942-0296} | business opportunity for the BRICK RANCH SIX ROOM | to public. and high school THREE - BEDROOM brick bungalow. in ihe city. Douglas J. M. Bullied Realtor. = |Marlow Hancock 723-0288] | aggressive person. Contact HOME of 1,300 square feet. DOWN PAYMENT onde k And Icok ot thc. | OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE [excellent condition. Carries for s75[ruee Bachelor, 1 ond 2b POWERS 5$ k N..Van den Broek 668-2675 | Bill Millar, 725-2557 -- Owner is a. prof ld | spake Cpe a a ; monthly. Close to school and bus serv-|TWO LOTS -- 5S x 922 and 55x 1a on te. availebie tt upermarket A Saal ort ME og a. professional dec- | -- asking only $14,900. Call | Dig] 728-4678 ice. Located at Athol East-Wilson Road. |59 Riverside Drive South, west of Hare NE) Wd alain | Clare Shank 723- 2 - 6. | orator and its in spotless con- erfect for larger family, Dolores Ross on this one, | For more information call 728-0712. mony, five minutes to O'Donnell School. Lowest Rents in town requires on experienced' | |2e0tse Abramoff 723-4871 W | dition. Located just seven | 3 bedrooms, kitchen, dining now! at PRIVATE SALE -- 6 per cent NHA re. | 2° 272 | |Gordon White 668-6337 | OWNER WILL DISCOUNT] minutes from the GO-GO | room, dinett, living room and | Roy Yeo 725-2217 |saie, carries for $102 monthly in south: 23--R Sisis Waal Call 728-1 PRODUCE CLERK | | Barbara Reynolds 723-1887} ($2,000 FOR QUICK SALE} Train. For an appointment to | bathroom. One mortgage for BUILDING LOT | John O'Driscoll 725-8585 [Saet sction of Oshawa, Ti-veer-id Brick | Sarat eal Estate Wanted a 8-16 | [George Sullivon 668-6226/ | Attractive rancher with fire- | inspect ony of the above | balance. ANY reasonable of- 51 x 112, all prepaid ser- qo ene weeares [livingroom end good family kitchen. tm- for appointmer Previous supermericnt experi. | place,-.on Harmony Road | homes coll | fer accepted, monthly pay- vices. © Northeast' Oshawa, i k sc i 758-5416 eelllad Leveadersalatth Aas lx Oi Nae Guaranty Trust |-----. --------- ----- --' South. Electric heot, brood- | ments only $95, call; 500. T Ter Cron ru ter * TWO-BEDROOM bungalow, close to Col- ; SST SE Ayr ence preferred. 40 hour week, | on taal 4 | BOB WELLS at | $6,500. Terms Mark Tomina 668-2121 [lege Hill school, basement has extra bed.| We will sell your home and NO DEPOSIT \ h | PRIVATE SALE loom, built-in range. Many | a jroom and washroom. Only $13,900 with| arrange the mortgage. Poisesti A 1 15 good starting salary wit - ; extras. 725-1109 Schatzmann Realtor oo. ay ee MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. Jonnston' Tee, eenbtosetin Lite SONIOET. bedrocan aharenant in heduled sala increases osy five room bungalow | room brick bi low. . ms WR inlB tan Mie sbir ste Holl Heat a if died fi with attached corage gid | Coll BILL MILLAR 725-2557 After hours 723-5467 | at 668-3338 $85 monthly includes OHI We list exclusive ond M.L.S. MONEY MAKING DUPLEX, walking JACK SHEPHARD built-in range, broa and company-poid benefits. fj 9€, 725-1186 : distance to downtown, two self-contain- hardwood ond tile place, full basement. Very . } cipal, interest and toxes. Open NEED A ed apartments and recreation room. 728-1653 sirniieed ki Apply Mr. Boker, 564 King ¢clecn home. Fully landscap | : to offers. Call Dolores Ross Tite ee Bt Oe A | ean YOUR WOM Suitoble i yous on oc an | ' 900. Cal ally jallace, 725-6297. -- Yes, | hn Deere ge Shoe, fecaron. Amoly | WT, LAMSON | Want-Ads Don't) ties action «| JOB? pee I a OR rd gry a Ml ad Dr.,, Oshawe j H Read Help Wanted OWNER WILLING TO TRADE -- tive: Nog to sell. Call Willard Johnston, 728- Rd. S. after 7 p.m. room brick home in north end of city,; ----"_~" M PUT AWAY a tidy sum by re apartment. Phone 723-3492 and apt, for rent ad in The Time Times Action Classifieds REAL ESTATE | Cost-They Pay! | CLASSIFIED ADS | 576-0140 | Ads Daily "n on summer cottage property, within 100| PERSON would like to buy thr Ds Classt-| : Ted 000 days Aon Ciewh' Get Spot Cash-- Use | 67 King St. E. BRING RESULTS! Member -- O&DREB. The Times aint Sean ten. lara wee /

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