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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1967, p. 3

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MR sccceone SF vb) ON ceecscees 58 80 harines Garden Problems irdens 23-5757 assure Quality, URES | FINEST ide of Beef 59¢c Ib, ' that poor security around their ' despite several complaints . about cases of vandalism at the Hees Moves Into High Gear In Final Stages Of PC Race By KEN CLARK OTTAWA (CP)--George Hees has made a sharp strategy switch to capture votes in his final campaign push towards the Sept. 6-9 Conservative leader- ship convention in Toronto. The 57 - year - old leadership candidate has bolstered his or- ganization with a strong corps of professionals to help make a direct pitch to convention dele- gates, his earlier strategy was to develop a more broadly-based popular support with the hope this would influence delegates. The campaign . arr nts told a capital news conference his new approach will cost a "helluva lot" of money, but it has to be done. Under the new approach Mr. Hees will make direct appeals for Support at meetings of likely delegates and alternates in 'a final eight-week pre-convention drive. He termed the new look an "entirely different" campaign, a more intensive effort remini in a national organization for | the latest drive. There are 47 on the headquar- ters staff in Toronto. Of these 25 are fulltime people, not nec- essarily paid, All told, 12 in the national organization are paid. The 46-year-old Macaulay said the campaign staff will grow even more. Both men refused to be drawn cent of a party leader before a general election. HAS NEW STAFF His campaign manager, Rob- ert Macaulay, a former Ontario were made by amateurs. The former cabinet minister cabinet minister out of, politics for four years, said the candi- date has more than 140 persons Expo's Security As Both Hindra MONTREAL (CP)--There are times when one could be ex- cused for thinking Expo's 1,500- man security force is on the site| quate security" would be pro-|was a third contender grouped to hinder instead of help. The blue-uniformed force is Herve Poudrette, 59, and he is explicit about the n.ember's duties. "They are responsible for Force Seen nce And Help |rector of Olympic House, said jhe had finally been given as- }Surances by Expo 67 that "ade- vided. | Meanwhile, delicate negotia-|man in terms of support, but commanded by ex - Mountie| tions were in hand to soothe the;did not name him. This could angry Finns, who wanted the| have been Donald Fleming. $65,000 statue returned to Hel-|Both Mr. Fleming and Mr. Ful- sinki immediately. Monday, a gate guard at the| Hees. into any d of the other six candidates in the race or about present leader John Die- fenbaker, who has not yet com- mitted himself. The Cape Breton Post said Tuesday night that Premier Robert Stanfield of Nova Scotia will also enter the PC national leadership race. Mr. Stanfield, however, could not be located to confirm the report. Mr. Macaulay said Mr. Hees has an edge in delegate support now over his "closest oppo- | Some believe he was referring | | helping visitors, fighting fires,|site was so out of touch with! keeping emergency communica- tions working, running medical services, enforcing hygiene and sanitation regulations and run- ning Expo's transit systems," he has said. There is no doubt that they have been very helpful to puz- zled visitors trying to find the nearest hamburger joint but there have been occasions on which other fairgoers have found cause for criticism. When a Finnish national mon- ument, the statue of runner Paavo Nurmi, was knocked off its pedestal during the night a week ago, inquiries the follow- ing day indicated that senior force officials did not know whether the area of vandalism --Olympic House on Cite du Havre--was patrolled by Expo) * security men. CHARGED BAD SECURITY | Olympic House officials were able to charge, without rebuttal, pavilion had not been improved pavilion. Tuesday, Henk Hoppener, di-| Scientists Hope Atlantis Found BOSTON (AP) -- Scientists reported Tuesday the discovery of archeological evidence giv- ing hope that Plato's lost con- tingent of Atlantis did exist. The ruins of a Minoan city of some 30,000 persons, covered by 30 to 50 feet of volcanic dust have been discovered on the Aegean Sea island of Thera, The find was reported at a press conference Tuesday by Dr. James W. Mavor Jr. of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, and Emily Vermeule, | a research fellow at the Bos-) ton Museum: of Fine Arts. | They were part of a_ joint] U.S. - Greek expedition which jto take a |W. A. C. Bennett of British Co-| Expo regulations that he re-|opinion'" was that only about fused entry to an army bus|half the 2,500 delegates to at- carrying 26 men of the Royal|tend the convention have been who were onj Picked so far. Of those selected, their way to the Canadian pa-| Only about half have committed vilion to carry out the daily| their votes. 22nd Regiment ceremony of raising the Cana- dian flag. DRAPEAU BANNED Montreal's mayor, Jean Dra- peau, the man who did more than most to bring the fair to Canada, and whose bald head and horn-rimmed spectacles are one of the city's best-known sights, has twice been refused entry to the Expo site because he was not carrying: his Pass| and once refused entry to an Expo parking lot because he did not have the required sticker on his car. nent," but did not name him. to Davie Fulton, first to hire professional aides. Mr. Macaulay indicated there with. Mr. Hees and the second ton are old cabinet mates of Mr. Mr. Macaulay's "curbstone For his part, Mr. Hees pre- dicted a wide-open convention because of the uncommitted | sifting. |arrangements and other mat- |ters, it was disclosed. RCMP, FBI Get Hot-Line WASHINGTON (CP) -- The | eae | Police said tire tracks also in-| wrong side of the road at point Into Record 10 - Fatalities Crash er ESPANOLA, Ont. (CP)--An i into the head-on colli- RCMP will b d by a "'hot-line crime wire" wit the computerized crime-data network of the FBI about Aug. 15, Solicitor - Pennell said Tuesday. Pennell, here on a three - day fact - finding mission, said Canada will get the benefit of FBI leadership in putting sta- tistics about stolen cars, crim- inal records and other data on a computer. The link to Ot- tawa headquarters will be telex will remain on manual data- The solicitor - general said, however, the justice depart- ment has asked for $7,500,000 to set up a computer service for the RCMP, which eventually would tie in with a provincial system. Pavilions Re - open MONTREAL (CP) -- All the pavilions at Expo 67's Africa| Place were opened to the pub- lice Tuesday night after eight had closed their doors Monday. The closedown constituted a protest against lack of security The eight pavilions -- all be- longing to French - speaking | African nations--agreed to re-| open their doors following a meeting between their repre-| sentatives and those of the) world's fair. Seven other nations repre- sented at Africa Place were not' involved in the dispute. General Larry|Tyesday. |car while wearing seat belts. sion that took 10 lives on High- way 17 Monday will be held later this month, district cor- oner Dr. P. J. Iverson said He said the accident, which claimed more lives than any other car crash in Canadian highway history, was "the worst I have ever seen." A chartered aircraft Tuesday left Sudbury, 40 miles east of here, carrying the bodies of four Americans killed in the| - crash, They were: George Batho, 64, of St. Paul, Minn.; | his wife, Althea, 67; and women| believed to be his sisters, Vera, 61, and Ruth, 51, Batho of Elm- wood, All died sitting up in 'their Killed in the second car were Donald, 39, and Beverly Blais, 35, of Ottawa; and their chil-| dren, 12, Christopher, 8 and! Joanne, 11. Another daughter, Nesseth was on the railway District Coroner Orders Inquest ::::: about 75 feet north of the | 'oad. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 19, 1967 3 | dicated the U.S. car was on the! of impact, although there were no skid marks. tario Provincial Police said the possibility of Batho having fal- len asleep or suffering a heart attack just before the crash is being investigated. Archie J, Neeseth, assistant roadmaster for the Canadian Pacific Railway, told police he saw the accident. He said the American car, travelling east toward Sudbury, appeared to be on the wrong side of the two- lane highway on a slight curve. 25 PRINCE ST. Corner ond Prince For All Your Reel |Paula, 5, died Tuesday in Es- Estate Needs Coll panola hospital as a result of bee eee 576-0140 Sgt. Bob Purdy of the On-! ! SUBDIVISION TECHNICIAN CITY OF OSHAWA SALARY RANGE ---~ $5,099. to $5,908. (3614 hour week), (Subject to increase November, 1967) To assist in complete subdivision development from initial phases to construction, and to be responsible applications and construction plans, defniite asset. Applications to be registered as an Engineering Technicion or have equivalent experience. Some experience in Civil Engineering field a Comprhensive welfare beneftis are available Apply IN WRITING ONLY, stating age, marital status, education, experience, approximate starting salary required, to The Personnel Officer, City Hall, Oshawe, Onteria for maintaining files, standards, etc group. He'll complete an On- tario swing July 25 and then spend three weeks in Quebec be- fore embarking on a_ cross- country windup tour. There'll be eight policy state: | ments between now and the con-| vention wrapping up his views | on several subjects. | He hoped to talk to potential delegates in 140 to 150 ridings by convention time. That is BUY DIRECT TONE-CRAFT KING PARK PLAZA more than half of the total. There would not be time to! During the weekend a news-| reach them all. paper photographer and a mag-|---- azine publisher fell foul of the expo security men. Saturday morning, the pho- tographer was setting up a trick shot at Place des Nations when} he was approached by an Expo| security sergeant who told him to stop what he was doing. $ CANADIAN HEARING AID CONSULTANTS 10 Bond St. E. 725-2771 The photographer was trying | shot of Premier) lumbia under an Expo flag. After the ceremony, the ser- geant approached the photog- rapher and took his site press pass from him. The pass was returned to the photographer Tuesday without explanation. CALL OR SEE DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 OPEN SOON OSHAWA IC TANNY'S CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST CHAIN QF HEALTH SPA'S turned up the first intact Min- oan town yet uncovered, they said. POPULATION GROWING At its present rate of growth| the population of Latin Amer- | ica will be 387,000,000 by 1980. | DOWNTOWN DELIGHTFUL AIR CONDITIONED DINING ROOM GOOD FOOD REASONABLE PRICES Special Noon Luncheons Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST. WEST FREE _Estimetes, Reasonable Retes, Repair Specialist. Hydro 24 Hour Tanks Service Installed Fast Dependable Rodio Dispatched Plumbing Service. : SERVICE MADE US. Coll 723-1191 Weekend Specials BREAKFAST SLICED BACO @ MEAT DEPT. ® Assorted BUTT PORK ROASTS .,. 49° i © 3 ss 1.00 LB. 69° KLICK © GROCERY DEPT @ SOFT In cans CASE , Coke - Sprite OF D Fresco & & Orange 24 NABO JELLY 3-0Z. PKGS. POWDERS EACH NABO LEMON PIE * TWIN 25° FILLER PKG. SALADA SUPER SHAKE Chocolate or Vanilla P EANUT BUTTER 32-0Z. JAR 12-0Z, TIN 63° 69: 89° YORK Produce Dept. GRAPEFRUIT Pink or White 10 ror 98° CELLO Ls. ONIONS . pac 29% Fresh Bunch of . . . RADISHES or 3 GREEN ONIONS Bunches CLOTHING REDUCED TO CLEAR! Children's Dresses - Shorts - Swimsuits, etc. GLECOFF'S supcrmanxer 174 Ritson Rd. S. -- Oshawa FREE PARKING AT THE REAR Drugette Dept. antiseeric. Reg. 1.49 20 ox, 1.35 MODESS ROG: BOB ricckeis vite 43 Ladies' SWIMSUITS Sizes 32-34 Only. 9 Reduced to 'e a VU 'PATIO PAINT| SALARY RANGE -- $4,783.00 to $5 The Public Work Department of Municipal Draftsman to work Supervisor. Duties include the preparation of and blueprinting, Comprehensive employee benefits o: Reply, IN WRITING ONLY, giving f education, experience, etc., 'CITY OF OSHAWA MUNICIPAL DRAFTSMAN under the direction of a Drafting plons sewer, sidewalk and paving construction pions, mapping, filing before July 24th, 1967, The Personnel Officer, City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario. 437.00 (3614 hour working week), the City of Oshawa, requires a preliminary profile and location re provided 'ull deptails of age, marital status, to: SLABS; SPECIALS 1, First Quality -- Non Std. | Colors | 2. Seconds | 3. Discontinued Lines .4) STORRAR Limited Simcoe St. North (Opposite N. Oshawa Driving Range) CROSS CANADA PAVING has 3 YEARS --E also 6- 12-18-20-36 month to pay No Pay For 2 M GUARANTEE hs After Completion @ FREE ESTIMATE... Call 728-9292 Oshawa | | | | | | \ +++» @ Mame for fine clothes MID-SUMMER Clearance Sale Our Complete Stock of SUMMER MERCHANDISE FOR MEN Now on Sale! Reductions 20% to 50% ! HHH HHH HHH HHH HHH HHH oo en oo oe OG ee ee ae 2 ce ee Se eae 2 Be "DOORWAY TO A MAN'S WORLD" 23% Simcoe 1 7 St. South 728-7974 DOWNTOWN OSHAWA --_--_-- HHO BLACK'S SUMMER SALE Starts Thursday at 9:00 a.m. Regular from 99. 115.00. Reduced STOCK SUITS $69-95| 50 to to eeee SHIRTS Short Sleeve for the :price of BOYS' SHIRTS Short sleeve Regular 2.98 Extra Special Swimwear | | and Bermuda SHORTS UP TO % O ii Many Savings Nof Mentioned Above SHOP IN AIR 74 SIMCOE NORTH ALSO MEN'S WEAR LTD. ESTABLISHED 1924 oP CONDITIONED COMFORT - pS. EN FRIDAY TILL 9 BUEHLER'S JULY VALUES RELAX and ENJOY the SAVINGS Lean Meaty lb PEAMEAL 'bacon 79% 99% End Cuts Centre Cuts 3 lbs. BOLOGNA 4 lbs. COUNTRY LEAN, SLICED SIDE BACON 7 9: SEASONED BEEF PATTIES 8 FOR 69° ANY ONE ITEM $].00 by the piece 3 lbs. VEAL PATTIES SAUSAGE Skinless WIENERS sua 9.99 ox 299 5 BOX e LEAN 2 iss. PORK srears 9] -00 FRESH KILLED FOWL a" 39° 12 King St. East 723-3633 UEHLER'

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