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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1967, p. 8

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e @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, July 19, 1967 SPORTS MENU Ry Geo. H. Campbell Associaie Sports Editor DON'T HESITATE --you can mark down the 1967 All- Ontario Junior Softball Tourn- ament, 10th annual edition of the Oshawa City and District Softball Association's yearly classic, as one of the best of them all. There was one 8-5 score and another 5-0 and those were the two "'biggest wins" of the entire tourna- ment. In most of the games, it was a case of a shutout. Oshawa Scugog Cleaners al- lowed only one run against them all day -- but it was a 1-0 elimination defeat, in the semi-finals. Jim Davidson's Motors from Scarborough did the trick in what was easily the best game of the day. Davidson's went on to win the tournament final, but re- ceived astern, 10-inning argu- ment from Oshawa's other Junior team, People's Cloth- ing. WE THOUGHT the surpris- ing show by People's was one of the day's highlights. They played a fine brand of ball to reach the finals, their wins ever Ancaster and Peterbor- ough Heating both being in the "'special" category. Early next month, People's and Scu- gog Cleaners will clash in a playoff series to decide which team represents Oshawa this season, in OASA playdowns. A month ago -- or perhaps, even just a week ago, this event was considered to be just a case of going through the motions, for Scugog Cleaners. However, in recent weeks the Scugog team has been far from impressive in the matter of offensive strength. True, they have a powerful one - two pitching staff in Pete Landers and Dave Leaming, but as a team, Scugogs have been weak at the plate. On Satur- day in the semi-finals, David- sons proved it -- if you can stop the opposition from scor- ing, you'll eventually win the game and on this basis alone, People's can not be counted out -- they do have a chance and it could be a mighty in- teresting series. SOFTBALL ACTION around these parts is "perking up" to the usual playoff peak and judging by the competition being produced, the action is going to be lively indeed. Pam International had to go 12 innings to eke out a 3-2 win over Markham Hawks, in Markham last night. Here at home, the doubleheader saw Bay Ridges Shells blank Jay Cees Juveniles 2-0 in a tidy Gilt while the nightcap found Gale Lumber beating Ajax Merchants 6-0 but it was a great battle most of the way, scoreless for about five frames and only 3-0 until the 8th, when Gales erupted with @ three-run rally that put the In OASA elim- inations, Kingside Park pulled a big upset on Monday night, game on ice. winning 9-1 right in Storie Park. If Kingside can repeat on their home diamond to- night, they will represent the Kiwanis Bantam League of Oshawa Minor Softball Asso- ciation in this year's OASA Bantam 'A' playdowns. GREEN GAELS scored an- other impressive win on Mon- day night and with the league schedule almost at a close -- Gaels have one more game to play at home, with Long Branch here on Monday night -- the fans are looking for- ward to the playoff action, Gaels go to Hastings this Sat- urday and wind up_ their schedule with a visit to Hunts- ville the following Saturday night. The loss of Dwight Davies, sidelined with mono- nucleosis, puts the Gaels' de- fensive department in a pre- carious position, An injury to Higgs, Stinson or Jones, to- gether with the absence of Davies, would. really hurt. Gaels have always sprinted to victory on the strength of outstanding physical condi- tion and an extremely crisp attack, featuring smooth passing and accurate shoot- ing. But not to be overlooked is the fact that they also have a very solid rearguard and. their defense department is.a big. factor in every win. They'll manage without Dwight Davies -- but he'll be missed. BEING MISSED brings us to the sad note that marred last weekend's activities. Herb Mackie was extremely well-known in many channels of this city's daily action, Aside from his own business, he was very active in Cour- tice area school board activ- ities, Oshawa Safety Council and with other groups, An ardent lover of softball, after he finished as a player, he ran the Inter - County League for several years and more recently was a conscientious umpire. Frank and likeable, with never a harsh thought of his fellow-man, Herb was a respected and admired mem- ber of the local softball um- pires' fraternity. He once said to us "I may never be the best, but I can always be the most honest', and that's ex- actly how he worked. Herb "worked" the semi-final game on Saturday, along with the writer and a few hours later, after attending a soft- ball "'benefit dance" for an injured player, he suffered his fatal heart attack. On behalf of all who knew Herb well and were privileged to count him as a friend, we extend deepest sympathy to. the members of the bereaved family. SPORTSCOPE TODAY LACROSSE OLA Senior 'A' League: Brooklin Redmen vs Toronto Maple Leafs; at Maple Leaf Gardens, 8:30 p.m. SOCCER Darlington Senior League: Maple Grove at Zion; Tyrone at Solina and Salem at Cour- tice; all games at 7:00 p.m, BASEBALL Legion Tyke League: Ath- letics vs Legionnaires; Indians vs Tigers and Orioles vs Car- finals; all games at K of C Field, at 6:15 p.m. Legion Bantam League: UAW vs Oshawa Dairy; at 6:15 p.m. and Jury and Lovell vs Sklar Furniture; at 8:15 p.m.; both games at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium, Eastern Ontario Tyke League: Cobourg at Bowman- ville, 6:30 p.m, * SOFTBALL City and District Assoc.: People's Clothing vs Mister TV Towers: at 6:15 p.m. and Scugog Cleaners vs Pam International; at 8:15 p.m.; both games at Alexandra Park Civil Service Leaguer Rundie's Garden Centre vs Woods Transport; at North Oshawa Park, 7:00 p.m. and Rexcos vs. Cross-Canada Pav- ing: a t North Oshawa, 8:15 p.m Foley's Plumbing rs Cadillac Billiards; at Lakeview Park (West. diamond) at 7:90 p.m. Durham Ladies League: Port Hope at Courtice and Newtonville at Newcastle; both games at 7:00 p.m. TRACK AND FIELD Legion Track Club: Nightly training session; at McLaugh- lin Collegiate Campus; from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. THURSDAY BASEBALL Legion Pee Wee League -- Credit Union vs Police Assoc.; Oshawa Dodgers vs South End Billiards and Quality Fuels vs Oshawa Towing; all games at K of C Field, at 6:15 p.m. Eastern Ontario Midget League -- Oshawa 'A' Majors vs Oshawa 'A', at Lakeview Park, 6:30 p.m Eastern Ontario Bantam League -- Whitby vs Oshawa Legionnaires, at Alexandra Park, 6:30 p.m. ' Eastern Ontario Pee Wee League -- Oshawa at Co- bourg, 6:30 p.m. TENNIS Kawartha Mixed League -- Oshawa at Lindsay TC, 7:30 p.m. Inter-County 'A' Mixed \League -- Oshawa at Credit Valley TC, 7:15 p.m. | LACROSSE | OLA Senior 'B' League --~ Fergus Thisties vs Oshawa Lasco Steelers, at Civic Audi- torium, 8:30 p.m. | SOFTBALL Oshawa City and Disirict |Assoc. -- Jay Cees vs Bay }Ridges Shells, at Pickering, 18:00 p.m.; Georgian Motor |Hotel vs Mister TV Towers, at Alexandra Park, 6:15 p.m, and Markham Hawks vs Gale Lumber, at Alexandra Park, 8:15 P.ne, East York Intermediate |Ladies' League -- Whitby |Scugog Cleaners vs Donlands, at 8:15 p.m. | Searborough Junior Ladies' League--Bridlewood vs Osh- awa, at North Oshawa Park, }8.30 p.m Durham Ladies League ~ Courtice at Bowmanville, 7:00 |P.m. | SOCCER Darlington Junior League -- |Hampton at Courtice and Ty- jrone at Solina; both games jat 7:00 p.m. 'World's Champion Kiniski Gets Help From Referee National "world title" Auditorium fended his Association at the Civic helping hand from strong bid by Tiger Jeet Singh. judo chops and a_ variety fother punishment, right the opening bell and Tiger Jee Singh took the first fall, in abou 10 minutes, | Eager to get with it and de throne the champion, Tiger Jee Singh moved in for the kill in the second fall but he was too | Second Period Goal Spr booted along the ropes and had ambitious, He got himsel Gene Kiniski successfully de-|taliated with a punch -- Wrestling made the here referee Dunlop. The blow dropped the official| hate "The Assassin," night, in the main bout of thejand also hurt his dignity and) possible, wrestling card but he needed a when he got back on his feet, referee Al/he took a turn at "The Tiger' ertson battled to a draw, in a, \"Bunny" Dunlop to thwart a and when the latter retalaited) rousing preliminary bout and in him- the second preliminary, | Genial Gene found himself on self disqualified so Kiniski re-|Beast" and Lorenzoe Parente) the receiving end of some lusty tained his title, without having also wrestled to a draw, but at! of to prove his mettle, in the de-|the conclusion of last : he| mistake of clipping with some kicks, he got {)/ minute mark. defeated Siki, Assassin" - Daddy" t man's drop trick, a win that was' Parente the winner. jto take a sample of his own |judo chop punishment. As Tige !Jeet wilted, Kiniski moved in | Sinks Oshawa Steelers rT for 'the kill, using a back {breaker drop across his knee three times to soften "The QwEN SOUND (Staff) --Owen) |Tiger" for the kill far customers, Fred Atkins and Dewey Rob-| from ciding fall, It ended at the 31-|""The Beast" Steelers opened from popular who favor Daddy" even more than they| if that's the action,| charged referee} Dunlop, claiming he had earned t In the semi-final bout, "The a win. His actions cost him the "Sweet draw decision -- with his hang- annoyed at the abuse, declared) ----| Higgs Vaults ee To Third Place |two singles and four walks. Vic- the official, the scoring with the "Sweet "The} JIM HIGGS e+ Third In Scoring Jimmy Higgs collected 12 |points in Monday's Junior "A" lacrosse game and vaulted from \fifth in the Oshawa Green Gaels scoring race to third. Higgs' 12-point night gives Sound North Stars broke loose} midway through the first period pin, a total of 75 points and Manager Fred Atkins tried to for eight second period goals|but North Stars led 3-1 at the|moyes him ahead of Phil Clay- | coach his protege to a win in the' .44 went on to hand Oshawajintermission. North Stars held/ton and Charlie Marlowe who ilLasco Steelers a 13-4 setback in|an 11-2 advantage after the sec-| are now fourth and fifth respec- | third fall but champion Kinisk put on a flurry of "high boots' Jeet Singh re |Oshawa Pams \Nip Markham | I 12 I . Robins. : d Randy Campbell picked up Sunday at 2 p.m. | n nnings three assists for North Stars,; OSHAWA: |} MARKHAM (Staff) -- Pam)while Lemon and Brainard each Clarke, Abbott, Oke, Ludlow, |International nosed out lham Hawks 3-2 in a 12-inning |Oshawa City and District Soft- ball Association thriller last {night in Markham. | Back-to-back doubles by J Orr and Grant Leisman, plus a one-out single by Howie Burk- holder, gave Markham. their |two runs off Larry Marshall, in |the second inning. After that, Marshall gave up only three scattered hits, all singles, to keep Markham bat- ters under complete controt Marshall claimed 22 strikeout lvictims, over the 12-inning dis- tance. Murray McDowell pitched for the homesters and he had nine ) strikeouts. | Pams scored a run \third on Marshall's single with jone out, followed by Gord Wil- json's two-bagger and a sacri- \fice fly by "Rich" March. They itied the score in the seventh! on Ron Wright's opening single, ja catcher's error and single by {Brian Gaskell. The winning run was score ; three wins. in the 12th inning, after two rekG run in the seventh, a home-ru lout, on back-to-back doubles|..:%e Whitby entry of Doreen) io. ay oitcher Joe P Sie \by Marshall and Dave Kelly, stortreed, 'Mid Muir © ¥td Dow by pitcher Joe Popowich. sere Les anal dnt Mary Lou Lott won the top People's couldn't do much \prizes in the two-win division| With Popowich's pitching until Oshawa Ties Credit Valley Oshawa Tennis Club hosted | win prizes. Credit Valley T.C. in an Inter- County 'A' Mixed League match, last night at the local fcourts and the rival teams jended in a deadlock with six | points apiece. | Ray Petre ahd Jack Taylor won 6-1 and 6-2 over Gerry Hool- |boom and Frank Ebenhardt of iCredit Valley, in the men's | doubles; Geoff Fowler and John Loader of the visiting club, won 6-3 and 6-4.over Ralph McKen- dry and Terry Keys of Oshawa and Oshawa's Ron Guiltinan {and Sid Dodsworth won 6-0 and 6-2 over John Petch and Don Counter. | In mixed doubles play, Max |Leutze and Carol Terbrugge of Credit Valley, won the first set 6-3 but lost 6-0 to Ron Cox and) Mary Moore in their other set. Doug Panter and Allison Mac- Millan of Credit Valley, defeated Peter McNiven and Carol Dods- worth 7-5 and 6-0. In ladies' doubles; there was ,another split, with Jean Rose and Jane Withrow of the visi- jtors beating Oshawa's Jeanette \Kilgour and Kay Hopkins 6-1 in | the first set but losing out in the jsecond set, in an exciting 8-6 finish, /Ontario Lacrosse "!senior "B" play last night. John Matheson led the Owen with Steelers Sound attack with three goals | short Association | ond period. Four Owen Sound goals came playing a man Oshawa notched while In the first game, Larry Higham pitched Bay Ridges' Shells to a 2-0 shutout over District. Softball Association) Oshawa Jay Cees, in one of the doubleheader, last night, at/season's better games, Andy Alexandra Park. Konopacki took the loss for Jay : Cees but actually was not hit hard, with one of the Bay Ridges' runs being of the un- earned variety. However, Jay Cees them- selves didn't deserve to win -- they didn't score even one run. Reg White pitched the win for Gale Lumber in the second half of the twin-bill. He struck lout 14 batters and gave up only, three hits, all singles. Hugh Pugh, with singles in the first and ninth frames, was the only hitter for Ajax. Marshall got a single in the eighth frame, for their only other hit. Neil Pasco went the distance Ajax and blanked Gale for the first four Gale Lumber blanked Ajax Merchants 6-0, in the second game of an Oshawa City and Woodview Girls Have Handy Win Woodview Park girls walloped Victoria Square in their York Central Juvenile Ladies Soft- ball League game, last night, here at North Oshawa, 17-2. Cathy Stead pitched the win for Woodview, giving up only toria Square got their lone run in the seventh on a walk to L. Draper, an infield error, a walk to D. Craigie and a single by S. Venus. | Woodview girls scored single- for tons in the first, third and fourth |Lumber frames and then when pitcher|frames. J. Mortson tired, Woodview| Dan Price was safe on an staged a five-run rally in the outfield bobble in the fifth and tively. Gaylord Powless holds down top spot on the Gaels points with Ross Jones second) while Cy Lemon, George Irwin| only one goal while playing with at 99 points. Although Jones has| and Tim Campbell each scored a man advantage. 'twice. Other marksmen were Randy Campbell, Hec Brainard, | at Harold Carson and Barney Thursday at 8:30 p.m. and en- Govier, Ed Hutzel, and Carson. Brian Drew scored twice for Abbott and Ken Henning. Referees assessed only 15 pen-|~ alities in the game, eight to Owen Sound. 'Oshawa Trio | In Port Perry | PORT PERRY (Staff) -- Osh- awa People's Clothing won a 5-3 Pe decision over Port WHITBY (Staff) -- Helen An- iors in an Oshawa City and Dis- derson, May Price and skip trict Softball Association 'B' in the) Yi' Norris won their three Teague game, last night here. : "4 . for number of points, to win the People's but gave way to Dieter Ladies' Trebles Tournament, at) a njauf in the second inning. Roy Wins Tourney games and scored jhe highest Steelers play against Fergus a : Auditor |has accumulated enough assists) Oshawa Civic tertain Wallaceburg Red Devils | hawk Indian, scored the most goals, Powless| to almost put him out of reach. Powless, a full blooded Mo- has scored 62 |goals in 17 games and picked M. Campbel *\up 65 assists. Jones has scored Mark- earned two. Others went to Bob; Davenport, Aru, A Matheson! Craggs, Vann, Henning, Drew, | Matthews, Armstrong. OWEN SOUND: Govier, Hut- the shorthanded Steelers, with|zel, Busey, Goodfellow, Lemon, Matheson, Campbell, im Bill Davenport and Neil Arm-|R. Cam p bell, ! strong notching the others. As- Brainard, Irwin, Kazarian, Car- sists. were garnered by Al son, Davis, Gavaris, People's Win Perry Hank Keleta started Cruick- shank, Robins, T. Campbell. Jun- this week. Another Oshawa Cay, S. Dewland and with Elsie Biddulph, G |and L. }awa, next in line. |the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club,'stephens opened the fourth for trio of G. lad Joyce i '4 Clemence, skip, of Osh-|? oded for a five-run rally, their Another Oshawa entry of S.| |Litster, D. Bentley and Nettie! /Brown, ski, won the high one- a scored on Don Beare's bunt and =4 : : iene tt) Cutcheon skip, finished in the Hughes' sacrifice: fly q runners-up position, also scoring geist "bP Port Perry with a _ double, latter scored later on The homesters got their other the sixth inning, when they ex- total output of the game, Spiers walked to start it going, Anlauf 66 goals in 19 but has only 33) assists, | Phil Clayton also moved up in the standings when he pulled ahead of Charlie Marlowe. Mar- lowe went from 66 points going into Monday's game to 70 points while Clayton advanced from 64 gained on Marlowe he lost on |Higgs. Monday was Marlowe's |20th game while for Clayton it | was game number 19. After 20 games Larry Lloyd has shown that he has come into his own this season scoring 37 goals and 27 assists for a 64 point total, six ahead of Joh Clayton. Clayton, John not Phil, has 31. goals and 27 assists in 20 games and is the only player to score in every league game this year. This sets an Oshawa Green Gael record. Peter Vipond, Oshawa's high- est standing rookie, is eighth with 39 points while Dwight Davies has 37 in ninth spot) Mike Lewis, another rookie, is 10th in points at 29 and is a good prospect for future |Gael teams, Whitby Downs Richmond Hill was safe on a choice play then Korback doubled. With one out, |Clapp and pinch-hitter Dennis |_ WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby | Scugog Cleaners whipped Rich- |mond Hill 7-3, in their East with 121) points to 71, but what Clayton | fifth and paraded for eight runs |Scored on a solid hit by Palmer in the sixth, with M. Mortson Knight. replacing J. Mortson but un-| Ralph O'Reilly opened the able to do any better. jsixth and got bn via another Bonnie Nichol and Cathy outfield error and Jim Rowden Stead each hit homers while|poled one over the fence for a triples by Cathy Chapman, Rita |two-run homer, with one out. Bradley and doubles by Bradley, Gale Lumber added their and Gail Oderkirk all figured |three runs to double the score, prominently in the Oshawa/in the eighth inning. scoring. Nichol and Bradley| Bob Young opened the eighth each had three hits for the|with a solid triple and Rowden homesters. |brought him home with his sec- Gale Lumber Cops: Shutout Victory ond hit of the game. Pinch-hit- ter Doug Cole singled after one out, to score Rowden and Cole came home on an infield out and Palmer Knight's second hit of the game. Solid support by Gale Lum- ber, especially in the infield, backed White's good pitching te keep Ajax completely off the score-sheet. Robbies Down Pee Wee Stars Robbie's Drive-In trounced Pee Wee "All-Stars" 14-2 in a bantam lacrosse game at Brooklin last night. Six players shared in Rob- bie's. scoring with Doug Ban-. non leading the way with five goals, Paut Toutant and Phil Kift scored two each, with singles going to Kevin Toutant and Steve Abbot. Jim Branton and Larry Down scored one goal each for the Pee Wee "All-Stars"'. | In the second game of the jnight Lasco Steeler bantams |downed Boyd's Esso 9-6. Bill Down scored five goals lfor Lasco with Larry Down notching two. Singles went to Jim Branton and Paul Bradley. | Chuck Lepine and James |Heaslip banged in two each for |Boyd's while Bill Coedy and |Steve Bailey scored one apiece, Se a ET ea 67 SUNBEAMS | GALORE !! Choos e from Our Large Stock | NOW FOR LESS | --.AT.-- i 1 | So LEER OEE OT ESE THE SUNBEAM KINGS | /: KEVIN CHIPMAN AND GERRY KRAMER A special prize, donated by the host club, was won by Mrs. Gordon of Cannington. Participating in the tourn ment were entries from Osh-| awa, Toronto, Cannington, Agin- court, Stouffville and Whitby. Steelers Top Hambly 8-5 unbeaten string to seven with/last night. an 8-5 win over Hambly Block in Garrard Road Minor La-\were Jim Kran Other Oshawa Dairy scorers} tz with two and|Singied, to produce two more | 'Ewart and Dick came through| York Intermediate Ladies Soft- |with three-straight singles and|ball League game, last night. |Selleck wound up the rally with a-|2 double. Dairy Defeats | Westmount 8 - Three goals by Peter Fallaise to score. In the sixth, June Peck' led Oshawa Dairy to an 8-2 vic-) opened the inning with her sec- tory over Westmount Kiwanis injond hit of the game. Sandy | Judy Spencer pitched the win |for Whitby, allowing Richmond ~|Hill 11 hits. She gave up a run |in the third inning when Mary Williamson singled and Linda Breedon doubled with two out. Richmond Hill loaded the bases in the fourth, on two singles and an error but failed | Lasco Steelers extended their|a pee wee minor lacrosse game Glass got her second single and then with two out, Williamson doubled and Irene Bryson crosse novice action last night.|Kevin Whyte, John Kift and tU9s for Richmond Hill. Tim Morris paved the way for Randy Bonello with singles. > ; with singles going to Chuek | oanny ---- mod Haney the Steelers scoring six goals,| Halliday and Joe Mcintyre. | goals. Hambly's scoring was shared | by Eddie Szczur with three and! Larry Graham with two. | In other action last North American Steel defeated Whitby Legionnaires 4-2. John Armstrong led North ton and Robbie Harrington. John MacDonald 'Legionnaires only two goals. Westmount's Aggie Thrower was the big run for Whitby. She singled in \the first and scored on a single the third, advanced on an error Bobby Small's four goals were| and scored on an outfield bob- enough to carry night | Workers to a 4-3 win over Kelly | DeGray's in other action last night. . Scoring for DeGray's American with two goals, while John Powers, Gord Self and/on a walk, error and Judy Spen- single goals went to Glen Johns-|Larry Wetherup. r fi In the final game of the eve- run in the sixth, on a walk to United Steel-/ble and LeNora Smith's single. Pat Jewell singled in the sec- ond and came home ahead of "Pat" Rockert who homered. were Whitby added two in the fourth | cer's double and got their final scotedining the Novice All-Stars: de-| Thrower then a doubl |feated Johnny's Pals 4-2. ry | Taylor. 'Sunkist Growers are proud of the opportunity of providing fresh VADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST CHAIN OF HEALTH SPA'S There is no substitute Sunkist Oranges daily to the athletes participating in the PAN AMERICAN GAMES WINNIPEG, July 22-Aug.7 for a fresh Sunkist Orange. | 1 j | | | | | fe 1 | by Karen White. She walked in| | | | OA Rg Ve 1 eo re PIES ARR RS ae NGOS AR SUNBEAMS--In a wide range of models with 5-year or 50,000-Mile War- ranty. Quality built in Britain -- Sold and Serviced by Trent TRENT AUTO SALES LIMITED PETERBOROUGH AND BOWMANVILLE 1967 SUNBEAMS --CARS for every member of the family.. Sunbeam 1725 Purchasers if Your Trade is Worth *200 "400 "600 *1000 *1400 Monthly Payment (over 36 mos.) is 54.21 47,43 40.66 27.10 essary Down 1726 SEDANS Regulor Price $2099 WHILE THEY LAST! If your trade-in exceeds the nee- Payment, Trent will refund you the difference in Vaca- tion Cash. Stock Imp. Sports Sedan 1 1725 Deluxe Sedans 6 1725 Deluxe Sedans (automatic) 2 ARROW 4-Door Sedans 3 ARROW 4-Door Station Wagon 1 Alpine Sports 2 Tiger V-8 Sports 1 NOBODY UNDERSELLS TRENT RAMBLER - AMBASSADOR SUNBEAM - TRIUMPH - ROVER TRENT SUNBEAM $1799 b } This is Danny | who yesterday was as manager of | ------_--_--_--_--_--_--------_-- Hom Cost By MIKE RE Associated Press Sy Jim Nash stumble mon Killebrew agair Killebrew and the Twins who fell fle faces and miss¢ chance to share th League lead. Killebrew slamm«e homer and fourth o! season, but he and got their lumps late troversial play that | place Kansas City victory over Minnes night. Nash combined Aker for a three - | ing the Twins a & league - leading Ch Sox. *The White Sox hel despite a 6-3 loss t Angels who climbec games of the Sox. Boston Red Sox Tigers also moved 1 Sox closed within 2! beating Baltimore behind Jim Lonbor; Injuries Hurt Pe NEW YORK (AP) bones, flu germs an may have more to 1967 pennant race game winners and With the big leagu ging into the second season, the absence key performers has open up both races. St. Louis Carding crippled by the lo Flood, suffered a | the weekend when | their ace pitcher, w line drive and suffer bone in his right shi throwing right - hat out of action for < weeks. Just when San Giants were beginni menacing gestures, was forced out of a touch of the flu. "Cincinnati Reds : to recover from a Si breaks and still he Harper and Leo C the disabled list. Billy McCool also off the disabled list pitch Sunday. The loss of Fran was a severe blow t Orioles, who have | ing around the seco The injury that toc North Osh GOLI Driving R JOIN O Me: TOURNAM SAT., JUL' 3 GRAND P' Private and Group | John Kerr, P.C PH. 725-3 Simcoe St. N., Turn left at Oshawa

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