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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jul 1967, p. 23

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|30--Automobiles for Sole 58 CHEV stationwagon, power steering, |V-8 automatic, radio, good tires, new paint' job. '55 Chev. good mechanical condition, Telephone 725-5179. : 1964 PONTIAC, strato - chief, stands 'lard transmission, 4 door. Telephone 576- |3457 after 5 p.m ELL, WHAT WAS WANTE:! ay TSK! Tsk! WAY YOU FEMALES HiT A NAIL THE SAM You THROW y= YES, SOUTH AMERICAY...T'LL |} "TAKE MARY AWAY, CUT ALL TIES WITH THE PAST. DISAPPEAR. By x WOULD HAVE TO BUT NO! CHANGE MY NAME, PERHAPS THERE'S PERHAPS--ACH-DII LIEBER! WHAT IS -- HAPPENING "10 ME®.... MUST HAVE SOME OTHER THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 20, 1967 23 59 FORD convertible, 383, 4 shift. with = FOR? tT was'. : THEN I COULDN'T TIME TO THINK. gpprecitee, Very "sharps 8378" or beth HANGING 'THIS SAWYER WOULD NEVER PRACTICE MEDICINE, BRIDGE | offer 65 DODGE Polara 880, two-door, hard 'vinyl! top, power steering, brakes, push button radio, back window defroster. Stl under warranty. 725-2551 Sunday '|1966 PLYMOUTH, @, automatic, $1,50B |Will accept small car as part trade, Telephone 668-3049. : 1960 FORD, !wo-door, 6 cylinder, stand- lard. $200 or best offer. Telephone 57 Telephone 728-9147. A PICTURE AND HIT MY 'THUMB! BUZ SAWYER K | 4 1 | LN ttt] 'ows ias By B, JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer. East-West vulnerable, }1214 h WS | '61 GALAXIE 500, two - door hardtop, © a tii yg '|B, automatic, power steering and brakes, 'ae ---- $932 two-tone paint. 176 Annis Street after WK @AKQ sar a vEbe ix cylind tandard, , beet six cylinder, standard, 1 TE Ya GOT TO FIND A PLACE To bAKQ 30, iles . $500, |Apely S07 Dundas West, whiiby. HOLE UP! s WEST EAST |1956 PONTIAC, 6 autcmatic. $125 or bes? 46 @K754 offer. Telephone 576-2295 after 4:30 p.m, @IO8752 ood |"67 CYCLONE convertible, 390 engine, 4 K10543 o392 \ Power steering and prakes. stereo pack, 3 &J109432 silver blue with black top. $3,400. 725 : F<] SOUTH 'S8 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, standard, Fy 4AQJ108 reliable transportation. $125 cash, Telé- 3 910643 |phone 725-2549, i * oA 1959 PONTIAC, twordeor, in, good condi- { $365 [koeiy eles Seema : ee 1963 CHEV sedan, Pure white with red H North East South West trim, Automatic, faalo, Perfect car, Lic, A feo 16 Pass 14 Pass hel WORLEY, Gy sor automatic. i rv Pa 36 $400 or nearest | offer, _ Reconditioned e & " - motor. in excelien| ion, lephi |668-a6is. * eu ih elias Opening lead - seven of ALL USED PARTS, fires, wheels, radi- MARCIA PERKINS 1® hearts, ie mane aa LIPSGIVEOFF J | deems AND THOSE Fr pete ee en THLE There. ie ge. doukt set $574 buys '60 Falcon, two-door auto- 45! DEGREES I'M SURE "TWO SYNDICATE J IWON'TASK TWICE, POP, | $] I'M TURNING many deals the declarer would matic. Lic. 383264. Easy to finance al FAHRENHEIT OF THE KEY TO THE MEN AREN'T EVEN WHERE DID CORRIGAN AND ! THE REST OF play his cards more effectively Nicols_in Whitby. 668-3331. ELECTROMAGNETIC SAFE-DEPOSIT BOX ont? if he could see the adverse SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used 1S IN BIG JOE'S R, hands, However, in most deals Cars, '55's and up. Trades arcepted Terms arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor East |$2,272 buys brand new '67 Rambler. Eady ito, finance at Nicols Motors in Whitby. | 1, 9 CHEVROLET bus, 'GMC half-ton V-8, ible. 723-5238. $1,074 buys '63 Plymouth V-8 automatic. Lic. 239104. Easty to finance at Nicols in Whitby, 668-3331 $1,174 full price buys '61 Oldsmobile, two door hardtop. Immaculate condition. 34900H. Easy to finance at Nicols in Whitby 668-3331 '50 MERCURY convertible powered by '56 Oldsmebile engine, bored out to 345 cubic inches, % cam, solid lifters, 2 holiey four -barrel carbs. Hag Offen- houser, high rise manifold, Mallory igni- tion, Sheifer aluminum fly wheel and clutch. Brand new top. Must be seen to be appreciated. 728-4842 1965 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, convertible, luxury and power equipped, bucket seats, floor console, 330 engine, Telephone 723- 15 seater. '64 '63 Pontiac convert- PONTIACS LETTER TO YOU, CHERYL. SECRET AGENT X9 SELL OUT CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 3| OVER TO M YOU'VE NO BUSINESS HERE THE row s| SOUTHSIDE! | the declarer can play equally well without seeing the missing cards - largely because the clues usually available permit him to diagnose precisely what is go- ing on behind the scenes and apply that knowledge to the problem at hand. For example, take this deal played in the annual Intercol- legiate Tournament of 1965, in which 200 colleges participated. South is in six spades, which looks like a fine contract: until East ruffs the opening lead of a heart. East returns the jack of clubs, taken with the queen, and declarer leads the nine of spades and finesses when East 2734. oo follows Pog Rls more -- cat Cae aca tad radio, eutomatie Low G.M.A.C. x rete ee ae a PRICES BUICKS BEAUMONTS VAUXHALLS BINANCING filer aut tind someway of tale 3800 or best cash offer. Apply 571 Fare- yell Street $9 CHEVROLET convertible, power top, , Standard, excellent condition $435, Felephone 723-5705. 960 CHEVROLET, 2-door, custom re HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE SUMMER HOURS: MON. TO THURS. 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FRI. 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 1 P.M, ing care of his losing heart, Consistent with this aim, he cashes the ace of diamonds, leads a club to the king, and ruffs a diamond in the hope io_in good shape. Best offer. Tele- 4 " rf nen after 4:30 723-6163. that the king will fall, The -- ONTIAC, V-8 standard, one awn- io does not appear, but, since re yor a THE WEATHERMAN T E i. E V I S I O N i O G HUBERT West has shown out on the king arlsionine: "acenssoriegy ovary niood? ear' AREN'T YOU '0. 6AI0 IT WAS GONNA | of clubs, South is now in a posi- irene Wilt take, best offer. Must sell f | RAIN BARLY IN Channel 2--Buttalo | 4--Movie 2.8---Personality GREAT tion where he is certain to "thin week. 623-3621 after 4.30 GONNA SET YOUR THE MORNIN' oe 3-6-12--Telescope | 7--Supermarket Sweep EXCITEMENT= make the contract. 4 PONTIAC convertible, 283, avto- q LEAK \6 RIGHT Channel 3--Barrie 9:30 P.M, | 4-Andy Griffith . natic, power steering and brakes, new : ee NM Chiesa 4-enen 9--Vie Damone 11:30 A.M. JUST WAXED West is known to have start res, low mileage. $1885. Telephone S76. =] z OVER MY oy a fe 28--Dragner © }1-Bonnie Prudden THE FLOOR ed with six hearts, two single- _- Si acca a | < Se -- bed 3-612--Hogen's, Heroes $-2---Hollywood - Squares tons, and hence five diamonds. 464 PONTIAC, Laurentian, sedan, 6 'am | Ed : Hy, Channel 7--Butfalo | 10:00 P.M. 7--Family Game iti i : ylinder, 24,000 miles, completely B 5 ia Channel 8--Rocheste: | 12--Rowan and Martin 4--Dick Van Dyke The position at this point is: auipped. Blue. Excellent condition 4 3 SN 37% -- sinennacad | Hi>The Mery Griffin Shew | 3--Ed Allen, Time x Laon hed ke ei i. FH a, Channel 9--Toronto 8-2--Vic Damone @AK~ . Naw oar Wek eee ees standard ' 3 \ Channel 11--Hamilton Lgorraeee oerin | Sotocone tessy 28 res, Telephone 5762494 between 6°. 8 { %, a / Channel 12--Peterborough | 3--Long Hot Summer | 2-4 Jeopardy ba m. imei m : .M. | .7--Mov -- : "i 5 * * ay, ee | 9--T.H.E. C 3-6--Lunch Date 4 OLOSMOBILE Cutlass, power 4 Fi THURSDAY EVENING | Farry Leis 'yen ata Weniners 398 r re} Ss, power steering, automatic, rea- j 00 #M 11:00° P.M. | "Sports " we nable offer. Telephone 728-7705, { go VRIES Bleccen 12-11-9-87-6-4-3-2--News | 12:30 P.M. @K10 8 10948 St THUNDERBIRD, restored. -- Must Ti--Movie ee ee | Sizhews. Weather | meee $1,175, Telephone 942-0984 barge é-viewpoint ls Sac a H 4Q ve 3 ae . , : .M. | &--Merv. Griffin 8 PONTIAC fale eae nas : PUBLIC 6--Sunshine Canada | dycStarre werkar G4Search Fi 91064 ansmission, under Warrant mee 3 LIBRARY me is eNews, Weather, Sports | Tomorrow «i bs w top, body excellent shape. Best 4 @--McHale's Nav 11:30 P.M. 12:45 P.M. 7 fer. 728-8584 after 7 iy =. ie 7--Movie 4-4--Gviding Light AND THE NEW SCATTER RUGS L i When South now leads a club ) CHEVROLET station wagon, body ld 34-12-Scouting eweanale ied Licswarelase contdeitie BOUGHT ARE SCATTERING HIM ' to the ace, West has no safe Pane, mechanically A+. Telephone : & ' oe ore tM | 2 -eirl_ From UNCLE. SMe tare ALL OVER THE 4] |discard. He can do no better '2 OLDSMOBILE 88 sedan, black, red i 12--News, Weather, | 9--Talk Back Virginia Graham 3] |than discard a diamond, but rior, fully equipped. Licence J 95-192, F Sports : 11:45 P.M _7--Fugitive 3] '|declarer then ruffs a diamond one van e . i cei ee || eee 3] |'o establish the queen and' thus 4 PONTIAC Parisienne, four - dap? 6--Klahani New Wiesihees 30. PAM. 4 make the contract. rdtop, power brakes, power steering, H 4--News, Weather, Sports 11--Movie = tomatic and radio, clean car Licence - Sports 12:00 P.M. 4-6--As The World Turns ci 17688. Phone evenings 942-5693 i 3--My PM ly 1l--Mystery Theatre | 8--Let's Make A Deal 3 . "BUICK siation wagon, automatic Had shut 12:10 P.M. | 3--Movie } T Ch f issih, , . -- 12--Lost in Space 9-Movi 2--Match id Mates s| nkes. Good omiton. Sen ioe li--Pierre Berton | GE eopatent Headlines spel ou i s ruce le 0. Private. 723-9696, SEA Nsw Weither SOE gata | 12--€d Alien Time i ah - oc UBF RRs 4 a > x 'ovl 7--Newlywed Game e id Sport: 1--Compact Cars for Sale 24--Huntiey-Brinkiey FRIDAY $--culsine Fi Issues Appeal $$$ Ne jews 8:00 A.M 2 (RE MARRIED-- 1 MEAN IF |...AND INSIDE T'LL HAVE 7:00 P.M, a #-2--Days of Our Lives * VOLVO and PEUGOT ET ETAT BUILDING A SPECIAL | | SAGE FOR DOMESTIC VIRTUE, T--Littlest Hobo ee AM 2:30 PLM. TEL AVIV (Reuters) -- Lt. j MERCEDES BE GREENHOUSE FOR US, EVE. AND I'LL PLANT} | AND OXEYE FOR PATIENCE... 9--Batman University of the Air, 12--Summer Scene _ Gen. Odd Bull, the UN Middle G re NZ LINDEN TREES ALL AROUND-- THAT'S AND Li gaat aay o-Srnall World 8:55 AM. se reonie: tn Corie Bs East truce chief, has appealed Ping epair and THE SYMBOL FOR LOVE... re thag i EVEL IGNIT pes F--Plating for Pollet | G--House. Party | to Israel and Egypt to refrain uto-Electric Service IT EXCITING 21! a--Time Tunnel 'M. | Coronation Street | YOUR HEALTH from any action that might up- ill' News, Weather YW 1 imi | 2-8--Drctors | a Jake and Bill's Garage Sports Pe pte allbg iia 3:00 P.M set the ceasefire in the Suez 449 Ritson Rd. South "a ; Feb tnt &--Biography 9--Words and Musie _}Canal area, UN spokesman Al- Oshowa 728-0921 = Ke Te ea eee ver Peconeta) Haniel H C ] d Sh bert Grand said today. DE Rae cesseNaao od 12---Bewitched eh "6.12--Tak t ZOLTAN and NICK'S =| N=Candid Camera Te AM, 2t--Another World ot, LO owels ;An urgent appeal from - the . -- 9--Movie i uawheve 3: Norwegian general followed re- 'our Authorized Datsun e vr ae anal Boone 9---Uncle Bobby 11--Mike Douglas . ' ports of rising tension along the ond Fiat Dealer \ Vie Oeste Wite Eos toh ae Kee He Lol aad Don t Prevent Colds blocked canal over the issue of Specializing in Volkeswagen ' sei eeced Comedy | 2--Jack La Lanne | 34-6:12---Edge, of Night navigation. Rapsir and Service 4 yh ews BE gt do | ntite Peose petal ite By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ; Grand said Bull will meet Is- --Mo' 8-2--Snap Jud: U 9~1 Love Li : i - Mini 160 Simcoe South WEEK FROM FRIDAY, Arar TF00 | Zcanala cemere t--Maich Game Dear Dr. Molner: A _ cold|mobile unit was x-raying em- foes tn a sg ___ 728-0051 ere UNCLE | eps People pratt all ae shower to finish a hot one--good|ployees where he works and his) #."t9 Cairo for talks with Beyp- win 900d condition, gas healer: P Med ae 9--Cartoon Playhouse | 2--Mike Douglas jor bad? I was raised in a|card was mailed back saying his|+i3, officials. Both meetings had 50. accept trade « er, 8-2--Concentration | 4: i lnk re pe ae ive. ' y St i Banc EA com |S Rme yames hie----_|mUaly parian viemnment ndlches. wat eRRe ag ig teen Toeied by the UN truce oem Tebetnsalt Geet condition Hl, AWIN™ 1/0 LIKE i tae RN org | &-Huckleberry Hound ~-- | shower with a cold one--"the! 'The mobile units are primar- Oe cen - a . eee 6651. -- i - -- Sees li ae A o servers MGB god condiflon, accept "any eee 7-Thet Girl | 9--Fractured Phrases | 9-612--Vacation Time hot shower leaves your poresjily screening for tuberculosis. joa craft in Ge ke onable offer. Telephone 725-2951. by CKECHIANIC! ae = open and susceptible to a cold," |Your husband may be negative)' i © Meh buys '62 Volkawagen Hie SAE i I was told. [for TB but still have emphy-|'etway appeared to have Easy to finance at Nicois in Whitby, = CROSSWORD But now I heard that "a cold|sema. ~ eager Sg oy an uo fen ere cetera i re ary se aeat prithe canal zone last week. No SPRITE, lent condition, $550 or shower when you are warm is The screening test used for : ' "offer. Tisha Be enor = g "ean i aa a shock to your heart and nerv-|emphysema is a breathing test te ppt nde using the AUSTIN Healy 3000, wire "wheels; b ACROSS ee FR) canes re jous system. lrather than x-ray, If your tins-|"ane! at PESeenh, rive, fagio, and. other extras, good | + vin e mae Saint | Just please don't suggest a/band is smart, he will heed the 2 Has thsiabd 9. Gae : ' |tepid shower. To me, that's like| warning to stop smoking. | (AUXHALL for sale. F. 9. Cony cupboard 25. Calcium: jR] pig Soa He placate alt am tu t price. Telephane Rg cna cteor. Very (x) 40. Hints 7. Bject rave a moved egg sandwich following é ae en osen ALCON Deluxe. Twodoor, radio and S 12. Ones 8. Linden 26. Will- a good top sirloin.--D. W. Dear i gg ost ger . i ' » New standard transmis, 4 ; rae ' Silver peso jams e ei ae dower with|son, now five, w: orn with arian gree, Condition, Telephone my * Sermane é at Spain or Mack etal a Seats figs SP ari fluid in and around the right; alry rincess "SALE. 1964 Morris i100 'gare ye 14.Ceremony -- 11. Observe 28. En- i] EDMSrIN! | matter of preference, > be testicle. Is there a chance of Baie Pertect, $550. Phone Taveatse 60 I GOT MY 15. Steal Ab, Beers rai Sag gag linsigornting for posta may be this clearing up?--Mrs. 1. H. SEAGRAVE -- A student at 2 telephone excellent Conditions SCISGORS... 16 seins ae pnd 6 pio Yesterday's Answer As to open pores and suscepti- This is called congenital hy- egy ike pein l ns 3 ' lila SESE ta : 4 6 35 Bi bility to colds--I don't buy that.|drocele. At times the fluid may|,°° bead -_, 1GB in top conditi feathered 32. Baking 35. Bind rake n | . A S y 4 8. Call alter Spm ar yaa" 47. hg gcaie chamber _36, Ghostly First of all, cold viruses don'tjabsorb. There is no urgency Princess for Ontario County. f OLKSWAGEN, motor and trans: "vestment: 20.Performs 83. Height: combining jenter through our pores. Andjabout correcting the condition| Miss Norma Jibb, RR 2, mgood. Telephone 728.9894 archaic 22. Conflict abbr. form besides, the pores adjust readily|as long as it is not increasing|Blackwater, Ont. is a medical MGA, Good condition. 847s or beat 18.Degrade 23. Placed 34. Plant 37. Entice and automatically to tempera-|in size. Surgery may ultimately|student at Queen's and was etkiwans SOO 6 Din 7 po 21. Double apart ovule 39. Cinder ture around you, You don't need'be necessary but it does not/Selected over five other con- LOURSWAGER, sine owner. Excel fgrtcs 25. Earthens Tes WPT PL a blast of cold water to slam!/damage the testes. testants. About 500 people at- carefully maintained. Body, Interior ware /} them shut. tended the annual event Mone culate. Private. $795. Telephone ' jar 9 ZA w I don't think that a person! Dear Dr. Molner: What is a! 4ay. a 6. Plague with heart disease should chi!l|sacrolized fifth lumbar, and can 0 7 ais : on suabe or necaa ea o ! 27. Oriental ie Ze himself suddenly. by a _ coldjit be on one side only?--Mrs. QUEENIE 3132, , nurse Vs shower any more than I think he! P.S. -Trucks § sua ee 28. Five in 1 's should plunge into a cool lake| The lower spine consists of thal or Sale os Stlon. - each Loy VA, 7 without first gradually acclimat-|five lumbar vetebrae plus the : r Handy AL. pick-up. Also. "62 ve 16 Y vf YW) ing his body to the temperature. |triangle - shaped sacrum. The f ly Van, '57 GM Tandem, I COULD TELL 31, Behold LVJ4, 4, A f * 0. Chevrotet Tandem dump tek' SVERVEDOY T 33. Abaft Taal 7a lee 125 24 But for a person with a nor-|fifth lumbar is the vetera abut- ii eecora ae aad | OUR PARAI 11 Gor A BIRDIE! 36. Serb y, mal heart, the cold is not physi-|ting the sacrum. & A, SONOLINE. "new paint, ooo "run: eg GOT OUT OF 2 1H : 38 Depart U7Aee cally shocking. Some just don't} The iliac or wingbones of the Maltin. $780 or best 'offer. Tele: # HER CAGE... H pa td te es Y like it. Including me. jhip attach to the sides of the WUT = ODGE % ten, aa000 original . H 40. Wigwam. 7 V77\28 Y As to a tepid shower -- Ijsacrum--these are the sacroil- 1 | OTN et condition * | Ww V, 4A \wouldn't mention it in yourliac joint t crer aise iat asking "$200 he oo The see Oocasionally'a taully devel f ission, 45,000 orient tomatic 3 signal V//\29 |30 I case, eCasionally a faulty develop- F = H condition, "Asking. $600" yop. 53, i 42. Writing N44 /) Z, VA, /ment occurs in which the fifth Pla 4 wy) VT Mc. Yaon pick-up. Very gond 4 table 33 134 [35 (7) >6 137 Dear Dr. Molner: Two doctors|Iumbar vetebra becomes fused mK elephone Tas spanteye body fair, , : { 43. Cultivated Z) said my husband has emphy-/to the top of the sacral bone, HEVROLET 14 jon roa i } F bob 38 Wie sema from smoking two andjand this is the condition to alter six, 668-2453" UC tele 1 ts les a AO three packs of cigarettes a day|which you refer. RVAIR: Van. coed ant j f (: -- 40 Y and that he was not to smoke| It can occur on one side or Suitabl g00d running con- J q 2. Leave out : ; Perea gfer camper or service ; h 3. Shake- cd as 7, if he wanted to live. Well, hejboth. It may or may not cause bias { i=] " sperian, Y Z went back to sneaking cigar-|pain in the lower back. The| "I know it was foolish--but { = ° shrew < 7-20 ettes and says the doctors arejdisc in the connection between| I've always been in the habit ; quacks, and to climax it all, the!the two bones also can be de- of obeying signa.' a o 3) 4 " ¢

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