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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jul 1967, p. 5

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PARK . Battle WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS | Venturers Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Dobrindt, Mrs. Sidney Donnithorne and TO QUARTER-FINALS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 20, 1967 § MILWAUKEE, Wis. (AP)-- Mike Belkin of Montreal and Miami advanced Wednesday to|over Mexico's Marcello Lara. ment with a 6-2, 6-2, victory,;meet defending champion Cliff Richey of the U.S. in the quar- ter-finals. the quarter - finals of the Na-|Belkin, fourth - seeded for- jtional clay court tennis tourna-ieigner in the tournament, will 309 High St, celebrated their|her son Brian, Oakridges are sixth wedding arniversary July spending a few days at the Beaches Welcomed 15. To celebrate the occasion Begun awa, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth : ous : : Phe Cochrane, Hampton and Mr,|!!3 Annes St., were weekend) WHITBY (Staff) -- Upon ar- "Available for immediate delivery in Pion and Mrs, Terrance Beatty, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnirival in Ottawa, Wednesday the following capacities"? Ajax. : '| Griffin at their summer cottage! morning the Fifth Whitby Ven- ig cap ~The Battle of the started, groups on Lake begun to invade f, privately held movement can be pread, s the most critical n the province at tuse there is a lot 1g the lake, a lot se it, and most of te hands and not ublic. there are other province where derable public re. ainst private ©-2\R. McLaughlin, Beaverton; | bible school. The theme this trip to Expo, the most exciting 4 | Robert Flett, Oshawa and Har-|year was 'God's power for stop-over was in Ottawa". e Lake Erie lead = /old A. Werry and Son, Oshawa,| my life'. There was an average The Venturers were the t it in these other ! under the name of The Telstar|daily attendance of 50 pupils. guests of. the Edenboro canoe obably break out ' |Syndicate, has been shipped to club last night. "No Pe concrere Jans were made for today ne d st is very much georel topped the National John McLeod; Mrs. Dudley Wil \ pest alan over should be Mas- pro ucts LTD. ' e : z eee son, Mrs. Allan Forbes, Mrs.| he of our times these Holstein Sale of 1964 at $25,000| Ruth Pickering Mre, Jegn Jan, | Som Queber : spreads quickly. ' artificial service by Canadian} yr Keith Surridge. Mr: ins Sweden's bi st department wos Fog and foreign breeders. id White and Miss. ue i store is the NK (Nordiska B UY OF H E WEEK pach situation .| The bull, which is reported elius. Mrs. William Hewis was Kompaniet) in Stockholm j ibtful if it will do * 'to have been: sold for a record secretary treasurer, Mrs. Ron- : time to prevent 1p serious out- conducting @ sur- roperties in south» id their availabil- Ic, survey is pretty 1 as {0 be studied. is been broken lyzed the govern. is to decide on sion will be how land and where n the public do- will be the even problem of how ne. Forests Minister _ discussing the » house, said he PROVING that age is Warner Lynde, Brooklin, vited to play ae in lson. Roybrook Ace is the sire fs) ss ' H whether beach Gest Hieun a titng who at 98 years and five gethers", he is only too gla of Telstar, while her daughter, What ' inspect wou. privately held a months of age still enjoys to. nwa Photo (the. "excellent" Royal Delight they d . red by purchase you still have that swing, playing the violin, When in- --Oshawa Times Pho is the dam of Telstar's dam, ey do | 'we or perhaps bg |Roybrook Model Lass, also j j | e th bi e id bd \ classified "excellent". Bis te together.. \ -1S a Crime? e problem ig tn ey oa 8 MICHAEL =~ ne orebiem 98-Year-Ol i0olinist --_| PS winigle : ed ta Hina eat'e* nwa |e Mat AINE ,, CAINE 3 | private holder's =f ord parchesed' in 1914 and " RESIDENCE beach property e Ford purchased in an ee " B 9 OFFICE ti . that same car could be used to 655. 668-8841 668-4003 roposal is that ear! LLI lg eWwW ul I ] ers: feed, but, 'they don't use 10:00 P.M, TECHNICOLOR. the high-water jcars for that vege! 'igeent A Universal Picture = public property, Mr, Lynde's a 'high ice ALSO -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION ~ Ae obvious diffieut- BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Agile|stay at the Lodge, four years|lease bar. He said "he is re-/z0ing, don't take it. sitting : Seu : sions an being in mind and fingers, Warner\ago. ducing the washing and_ iron- down. "Country Music Holiday" Begins 8:40 reat H e it alljing" by wearing plaid instead '. : 1 a Lynde, 98 years young in Feb-| Mr. Lynde is batching a 2B vy gz pi With ---- FERLIN HUSKY -- JUNE CARTER. tar Pe venti 3 ruary this year, plays the vio-|the way, cooking his ownjof dress and white shirts. SPEEDY TAXI SERVICE vd ell into existing lin several times each week, |meals, doing his own washing! Lighting his pipe for the es. He even transcribes musical and ironing. Asked if he wasjthird Hime, Mr. Lynde gaid. that 668-6841 > over-al yes. ij more|not afraid to catch his fingersjafter the daily chores are donc ' , ich woe' oe Titties but grinning, pags. "che|!® the wringer, he insisted on/he enjoys listening to the radio Mdbuh ded M Office FOR SALE Residence 34 ef giving a demonstration on the/an watching television. c DAY & NIGH |. Mr. Brunelle vision 1s not what it used to|-atety of his machine with re-/likes car rides, but it is a long 668-8841 668-400 uld be done until e meantime, we violent protest, \Y IN J rell, 1002 McCullough Dr. ; price for a Canadian Holstein| ald Getz and Mrs. Tita Dutley |ture Co-operative | to | "White : ord. as a five-year-old of 21,260 home of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Donnithorne, 328 Dovedale Dr. Mr. and Mrs, E. F. Douglas. they entertained at their resi- dence the following friends: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harden, Osh- In Ottawa turers parked their canoes at Centennial Park, near the Par- liament buildings. Advisor Ben LaHaye had an jat Lake of Bays. Allan Dockrell and Miss Carol | . ' Drope, Toronto were weekend| Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Ander. guests at the home of his par- rig Figg nd agg 0 Pg bya Mrs. rry Ashton, ax}, : ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dock-| 2 oe uendine 4 ae oe interview with the secretary of | vacation at Roseneath at a sum-| Michael Starr, Ontario riding ~~ | mer cottage. |/MP, and the members of Ot jtawa centennial committee wel- a an Bu Ss i Pickering senior _ Citizens comed the group. group enjoyed a bus trip to Pet-| wherever the Venturers went made by the president of the| cheered them. The boys were group, Mrs. W. A. Pyas for the) most attracted by the Beatnik 47 residents to visit a carpet|town at the Mall BROOKLIN -- Roybrook Tel- | conte 'al star, a Holstein bull bred by' nie ale, ' ceives daily reports from her Roy. Orn.iston, Brooklin and| Whitby Baptist Church has husband, said "that so far in | Venturers' 475-mile canoe erborough. Arrangements were jarce crowds gathered and Prize Bull factory, they also visited the Mrs. Ben LaHaye, who re owned by Mr. Ormiston, George) concluded its 1967 daily vacation | the Leaders were: Rev. and Mrs and has since been widely used) vig Mrs. Richard Adams, Mrs in artificial service by Canadian Philip Alleorn, Mrs. Ross Ward BIGGEST STORE FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON"S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 sold to Japan, was purchased| were in charge of the baby nur by the Federation of Agricul-|sery. Mrs. Everett Pogson was Societies of refreshments convenor. Others Hokkaido, Hokuren, Japan. who assisted were: Mrs. Don Roybrook Telstar is classified|Dair, Miss Dorothy Dair and "excellent" and is line bred| Miss Irene Lockie through both his sire and dam) ~~~ : Roy Ormiston's famous Cow", Balsam Brae 'RINTON. Engl is Pu ovtces, crete ar ng|_ERINTON. England (Reuter All-Canadian Aged Cow of 1956 | heaton 6-4, 6-3 by K, Wooldrige the White Cow, classified "'ex-\qf Britain in the fourth round jcellent", is a three Star Brood! of the men's singles at the essex jCow and three times has been! jawn tennis championships Wed the dam of the All - Canadian! necday, | Produce of Dam, She has a nine nee lactation lifetime record of 163,- BROCK Evening Programs at 6:55 - 8:55 WHITBY Last Complete Show ot 8:35 BRITON WINS 719 lbs. of 3.85 per cent butter- fat milk and has a 305 day rec {pounds of 3.70 per cent milk. | 'The White Cow's "excellent" 'SEPTIC brooklin ~ 460 GALLONS 525 GALLONS 600 GALLONS 700 GALLONS 1000 GALLONS IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER PHONE boo dst! = $3,000. DOWN -- OSHAWA EAST 5 roomed bungalow with CUSTOM FINISHED RECREA- TION ROOM AND BAR. Three large bedrooms, panelled living room, BROADLOOM in halls and living room. Te be. Believing that a person ts never too old to learn, he is at present learning a new number entitled "Golden Dawn Waltz" by Andy De Jarlis. Can't Buy! Everybody - During a recent interview, : Mr. Lynde played several se- 9, When The Model Is New And 'ORY lections, by memory, keeping el 8 you g a e care | an even tempo. Asked if he i ADIAN PRESS played any other instrument, of British Co- d Confedera- ago today--in came a_ selfs vince of Can- ion and settles area was less s old and the nmem only est in 1849 to aims to terri- Hudson's Bay es in 1858 and thousands of ie colony was he verge of wig Whole life has Been de. look like much. Even RAE JONES. Pacific Rail- tant vine Ge CGA ase to another coriander. of the condi- den and cut the lawn, but he is ' re her eed leaving all that to younger men And maybe that sa fter a heat "ae still has one living sister, bigreason why English SEE US TO DAY 3 Miss Cath Lynde, 94, ' 4 *ho Villa was veidéat o tie Lode. gin-makers in 1769 NO END 10 THESE VALUES! Whitby, who is visited by her neglected this funn F Y : rid pb! oS brother, once a week, since her . 7 or our New mep today m5 looking herb so much. sh Ger- < < ee ee John Ovens 6. QD. | Except Alexander re ee ) nister Keren- emier as new e out among he replied "one is enough." On the wali next to the pic- ture of his father and mother is a framed picture of himself taken with King Gannam, weil known Western television per- sonality, each holding a violin. Born on the Fourth Conces- sion, Brooklin, Mr, Lynde at- tended Bagdad school with his eight brothers and four sisters He now lives on the Seventh Concession alone since Mrs. Lynde died in 1948. They had no children. FARMING OPTOMETRIST PHONE 723-4811 more about coriander than everybody else? Let's face it. A coriander doesn't Gordon, a Highland Scot. He had a hunch. But You Ca Prices are High n Save A "BUNDLE" Now AND OWN A DELUXE MODEL T00... CHEVROLET E FOUR BEDROOM - HENRY ST., WHITBY Priced for quick sale. This fine executive home. Located in one of Whitby's finest areas. Custom built with many extras, Finished recreation room with log burning fireplace and bar. Large land- scaped lot. Two car garage and drive. Be sure to inspect. CALL fe . * ; "at: Creonne 8 BOND ST..E., OSHAWA And it paid off. He dis- MOST MODELS, COLORS AND OPTIONS | 1 Front. covered that by treat. s years ago to- Ab gieiies, . hesenaie ing the very best coe CHEVELLE HARDTOPS é -- Allies an- | capture of | at El Ala- African war- riander just right, it would give gin a won- INCLUDING SPORTS EQUIPMENT Summer Clothing Reduced sprig tor derful new taste. That cu T LASS HAR DTO PS rans. seized ce gin had never had be- SUPREME AND HOLIDAY COUPES 2 % to % % ar Voronezh, oe eet Installed fore. CAMAR Fest Dependence Ree Devens The rest is history. 0S AGO S AGO , 1952 onsumption in an all time iv when there lions pumped. SERVICE MADE US. Coll 723-1191 BUY YOUR 200 years later, Gordon's is now the largest selling gin in the world. And still made exactly to the same secret recipe. 327 CU. IN. 3 SPEED, 4 SPEED AND AUTOMATIC ONE STOP SHOPPING Cash Your JULY BABY BONUS CHEQUE at the MERCANTILE $25.00 in Merchandise to Winner ni of St. Julian e SuNDEAM Nobody else knows it. And it's not G.M.A.C, TERMS --s M.1.C. INSURANCE ve 3 | UAWA pieni¢ $ ARROW | hard to understand why. of draw. § AGO ° SIMCA, | hates Pras reo do ~~ know, DRYGIN. CHEVROLET June Winner Mrs. G. Umphrey, Brougham, Ont. a . who really care about what happens OLDSMOBILE | eet, an evan- Mile Power Train Warranty to a coriander? LTD. cting services he gospel tent rcial Hotel. BELL'S GARAGE 668-3693 DUNDAS £. WHITBY DISTILLED IN CANADA BY TANQUERAY GORDON @ CO. (CANADA) LTDy MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE 321 BROCK ST. S.

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