2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 26, 1967 l A GLANCE RROUND THE GLOBE Cabinet Orders Inquiry Into Windsor Land Sale TORONTO (CP)--The provin- cial cabinet has approved an in- quiry under the Municipal Act into lands sales in a portion of Sandwich West Township an- nexed last year by Windsor. The inquiry by Judge Sidney Leroy Clunis of Windsor will study the sale of lands in the annexed portion of the period between the Ontario Municipal Board's approval of the annex- ation Aug. 5, 1965, and Jan. 1, 1966, effective date of the merf- ger. Plans for the inquiry were an- nounced recently by Munici- pal Affairs Minister Wilfrid | Spooner, to whone Judge Clu- nis will report. The inquiry was approved in a provincial cabinet order re- leased Tuesday. Bomb Threat | ORILLIA (CP)--Magistrate's HON. J. W. SPOONER ... Under Municipal Act | WEATHER FORECAST TORONTO (CP) | day. To Build Plane LONDON |have decided they will jointly|turbance has already \develop a European giant air- liner over the next decade, Brit-|districts around the Lakehead. lain will develop an engine for|These will move east ithe 250-300 passenger plane|Superior toda while France will lead in de-|mostly sunny, w signing the air frame. will prevail but giving way to a a week because radioactivity * . i a 1 > regions: Sunny and warm today. rte SSCaL NAS, the United iis Variable cloudiness with scat- dom Atomic Energy, Author ty} 5 ered thundershowers tonisht -- Officialjern forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. to-|Cochrane regions: Mostly sunny ) n Scattered|Havens, president of the Greater|the major employers at this| plant. Synopsis: Warm air now Is moving eastward ahead of a (Reuters) -- Brit-/weak disturbance which willjintervals and cooler Thursday. Winds southwest 15 today north-|terview. caused/west 25 Thursday. | showers and thundershowers in lain, France and West Germany| Cross the lakes tonight. This dis- above iable Elsewhere | Thursday. warm weather Thundershowers Expected Tonight And Thursday Timagami,|tan area eventually could reach) White River, and warmer today. cloudiness west 25 tonight. Winds westerly light tonight * ss dershowers tonight and early Radioactivity Thursday. Partly cloudy, = a |windy weather will preva ar acne Rod te throughout upper lakes districts lat Dounreay on the north coast agp itng Wiidccr. take oh of Scotland has been closed for! (air, take Erie, Lake Hurea| } Forecast Temperatures | Windsor showers and thundershowers to-|Detroit Board of Commerce. night. Cloudy with a few sunny) Northern White River, west- ; i , ; ern Sates Bay régions: Vereen ee Fag a almost) much worse than it is," he said. today and Ae ed Showers this after-| noon and early tonight. Cooler| }and windy Thursday. Southwest few scattered showers and thun-| winds near 15 becoming north- Montreal and Ottawa regions: |the total loss in saad <a lohan -- production is more or Mainly sunny today and Thurs-|alone may be $60,000 day. A little warmer Thursday. 15 becoming |jection is based on the year's) which had been closed were re- |Low overnight, high at | be no more pillaging. If there is| hours because of the 9 p.m. cur- 65 court recessed for 15 minutes Tuesday while about 60 persons were cleared from the building after a telephoned bomb threat.|jniyversity of Waterloo Monday The 40-foot tower in the Sit/announced the start of the sec- pj building was) no bomb was) Samuel Steele checked but found. Plan New Housing | TORONTO (CP)--Cabinet or-| Accident Study | WATERLOO, Ont. (CP)--The ond phase of a study on individ- hy contemporaries as the coiner 15. ual accidents and their causes. of the word surrealism, died Sponsored by the provincial) Monday night in his Paris home.'northern Georgian Bay, south-|Sudbury ..... government, the study will es-| 4s editor of a Literary Review,| tablish alarm levels which will/ Birot cance up with the word to} | announced Tuesday night. The and early Thursday, clearing |St. Thomas 80 statement Said ,n0 radioactivity | phursday afternoon. Westerly| London .. 5 80 contained in shielded structures wings near 15 becoming north-|Kitchener . 65 80 around the reactor, escaped] wot Thursday. Mount Forest ...+-. 65 75 after failure of a metal con-| 'Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara,|Wingham .. wie 15 tainer for nuclear fuel in the! ake Ontario, southern Geor-|Hamilton .. + 6 = 80 core of the reactor. gian Bay, Haliburton regions: | St. Catharines + 65 80 . Sunny and warm today. Vari-/ Toronto .... « 65 80 Poet Dies able cloudiness tonight and|Peterborough 6080 Thursday with a few scattered| Kingston .. 60 80 PARIS (AP) -- French poet) thundershowers late tonight and|Trenton .. a) erre-Albert Birot, 91, credited/ Thursday. Westerly winds near Killaloe .. 60 75 Muskoka .. + 65 75 Sudbury, North Bay, Algoma,| North Bay . . a e ders issued Tuesday cleared'|testing techniques show when an excessive number| describe the play Les Mamelles! of accidents is occurring and) qe Tiresias, by Guillaume Apol- eséarc eport ows indicating) |inaire. The words grew to mear! thé way for Ontario Housing! correlations between accidents) an entire movement in lierature Gorp. to work out an agreement|ang hazard conditions, or be-| and art. with Central Mortgage and}tween injuries and work experi- Housing Corp. for construction) ence. of a 25-unit senior citizens' housing project in Stratford and fo purchase land for projects in| the other communities. An OHC| gpokesman said the government agency 'will obtain also a 30- acre site in Windsor for a pub-| lic housing development. A 2.46- @cre purchase in Leamington would be for senior citizens' bousing. Art Auctions | | "LONDON (CP) -- Interna-) tional art treasures are to go! én sale in Toronto in a series of auctions organized by Sotheby's|1,000,000 feet of film that Peter|grate to Canada this year. The} Metis and Eskimos. Actor To Marry Minister Quits LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Actor A Vince Edwards, 37, and actress; LONDON (AP)--Social Secu-|,; 'Sat euedy taal rity Minister Margaret Herbison| inet eee. gent sr wy resigned Tuesday in protest 2 or at against Prime Minister Wilson's He eg gd Parl Aug. domestic policies. Miss Herbi-|,° ee ee ae SEA TARE son, 60, is a defender of Brit-|{0" Miss Foster. Edwards pre- ain's welfare state, set up by viously was married to actress the first poet-war Labor govern- Kathy Kersh ment. j . . Hi Bead | Emigration | im Vestroye | LONDON (CP) -- Britain esti-| OTTAWA (CP)--Fire Sunday mates that between 60,000 and| at Beaconsfield, Que., destroyed'65,000 of its residents will emi- during British Week in October.|Morris, curator of the Canadian/forecast was given in the Com- They will be flown to Canada in|Film Institute, called the "cor-| mons Tuesday in a written reply four planeloads. The auction-jnerstone of Canadian film ar-)by the Commonwealth relations)tpe povernment's confidential eers estimate the sales may/|chives."' The film, stored by the/ office. In 1966 a total of 63.808 | realize some $900,000. Jailed For Perjury ) HAMILTON (CP)--Mrs. Eliz- abeth Fekete, 56, of Hamilton| was sentenced Tuesday to three) t.onths in jail for perjury. The} incident concerned testimony she had given when charged National Film Board, covered' left for Canada in one of the big- three decades of Canadian film-| gest emigration years since the making--from 1920 to 1950. The' Second World War. curator said the film was irre- placeable and he was unable to Three Executed | TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Three place a value on the loss. men were executed by firing Korea Apologizes squad at dawn Tuesday in Shi- BONN (AP)--South Korea has|)o/ tor burning an education of- with obstructing justice after|apologized for conducting coun-|ii.6 near Shiraz. Three others accepting a bonus for posting|terespionage activities in West/i, the group received life im- $7,000 bail for an accused per- gon. ' Workers Killed |South Korean Ambassador Gen. LIMA, Peru (Reuters) -- At|Duk Shin Choi. The Bonn gov- feast 10 workmen were killedjernment had protested against Germany, the foreign ministry ' said Tuesday, The apology was|Drisonment, and 11 were given contained in a note handed the| foreign ministry Monday by shorter prison terms. | Severs Relations QUITO (Reuters) -- Ecuador} Racial Hostility In Canada TORONTO (CP)--The Globejsay it will be released officially and Mail says a report pre-jin several week's time, when pared by a social research team|the French translation is fin- for the federal government in-|ished. dicated racial hostility between| The paper states several Indians and whites in several!dozen copies of the draft report Western Canadian cities is near|are in the hands of Indian af- the explosion point. fairs specialists, social workers, The paper says the re-| social scientists and administra- ~ ang | tOrs. search team, headed by Gene} "Tn many places," the paper Rheaume, a former member of/ quotes the report, 'Indians are Parliament for the Northwest|exploited by unscrupulous mer- Territories, urges immediate ac-|chants, bootleggers or others. tion to remove injustices, soothe'. . ." inter-racial anger and help ef It says the study shows that) make a better life for Indians,|feeling is widespread among the {Indians and Metis that police The Globe says the report, In-/push them around, arrest them dians and the Law, is still on|on the slightest provocation and \rioting in the Detroit metropoli-|estimate will rise. : As to the payroll loss, he said: "We're using a ballpark fig- Sadly." | ure on this," f said in an in-|_ "If this had happened at a dif- ferent time, when the auto com- |panies were operating at full 'steam, this could have been "It's really such a guessti- _ |He said General Motors js in "There's material that is\the middle of its model change- either stolen or damaged beyond |over and almost no production recall, There's obviously going | js going on. to be a large loss of tax rev-| Although absenteeism is high enue. We are estimating that|_yp to 65 per cent in one Ford | lless under way in the auto in- Havens explained that the pro-|dustry. Three Chrysler plants anticipated total volume propor-jopened Tuesday, with absentee- tioned down to three days--jism running about 50 per cent. which assumes that there will] The night shift was cut to four U.S. High Altitude Bombers 'Hit Cong Emplacements -- SAIGON (AP) -- Waves of|Saigon into the Mekong Delta. | high - altitude B-52 Stratofort-| --Viet Cong guerrillas wear-| resses made one of their rare|ing South Vietnamese army uni-| |invasions of North Vietnam to-| forms, seized a Red Cross am-| day for a saturation raid on gun|bulance, surprised a militia post emplacements and dug-in bunk-|and police station six miles ers of the North Vietnamese |northwest of the capital, killed 341st Division just above the|11 policemen ahd militiamen 17th parallel frontier. jand wounded seven others. PP io command said the! President Johnson's special ig bombers came in waveSienvoys, Gen. Maxwell D. Tay- two hours apart and bombed an! jor "and Washington lawyer area almost two miles long and/cjark Clifford, completed a two miles wide. | two-day visit to Saigon. The target area was just north of the demilitarized zone dividing Vietnam and about 14) miles inland--the area where) the 341st Division is posted and | from which heavy guns have for} weeks fired deadly barrages on/| U.S. marines dug in about seven | miles to the south. Although ground action was scattered and_ inconclusive, there were these other develop- ments in the war: --The U.S. command an- nounced that the 76,000-ton For- restal, third largest U.S. air- craft carrier, has joined the 7th Fleet operating against North Vietnam from the Tonkin Gulf. The Australian destroyer Hobart also rejoined the fleet OPEN SOON OSHAWA discriminate against them at every turn. list and that Ottawa informants Police Blame Political Feud For Much Of Detroit Strife TORONTO (CP)--The presi-! wanted all\the credit they could dent of the Detroit Police Assoc-|get, but didn't want to make iation Tuesday blamed bungling,| mistakes, so the decision to get indecision and jockeying forjthe troops was made and political advantage be tweenj|changed from one hour to the much of Detroit's racial strife.) Mr. Parsell charged that offi- Carl Parsell, who left Detroit cials attempted to with- Tuesday afternoon to come tojhold damage estimates and the the International Conference of|fact that five policemen had Police Association here, told/been shot. | bombarding North Vietnam. | --Two U.S. jets were downed | over North Vietnam Tuesday. --South Vietnamese head- quarters said two more mines ripped up the road and blew up a small concrete bridge on Highway 4, the main road from A'S LARGEST EST CHAIN OF TH SPA'S VIC TANNY'S "Two gilt-edged Investments... Detroit Riot Aftermath Predicted At Billion Dollars :«::""\" """ *"" To Property Owners considering Sale of their pro- perty and who want the best deal they can get ! The Real Estate Department of CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST can get you the best deal in the sale of your property -- WHY ? DETROIT (AP)--The cost of more, which seems likely, the|few, and the overnight shift was eliminated. Ford opened all its facililies|much in taxes the city will lose $1,000,000,000 predicts D wig h t|'We can't even get a guess frum)except the Dearborn assembly|from the destruction of taxable Not enough workers|property. The fire department's. time. They just sort of chuckle} showed up there to keep the pro-|preliminary damage estimate jduction line running. 1--Because we are also a mortgage company who can often refinance the sale to get The industrial loss in other fields also is great. Detroit is a centre of plastics manufactur- ing, pharmaceuticals, metal fab- rication, non-passenger automo- Detroit's information office says it will be several days at least before it is known how exceeds $150,000,000. you more cash. 2--Because we charge you ONLY 4 on town. and city homes (That saves you a lot of money !) So just think about this when you wish to sell COMMISSION your property to YOUR best advantage--then call us. Real Estate Dept. Central Onfario Trusf TEL. ae Tom Houston 668-4416 Allen Thompson 728-2870 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 Rolph Schofield 725-5067 To VAN BELLE : @ FERTILIZER Take A Drive GARDENS For The... DO-IT-YOURSELF @ SPREADERS and another 20 seriously injured|the activities after the when the scaffolding on a build-jious disappearance of 17 Sout! img collapsed Tuesday. Koreans from West Germany. myster-|has severed diplomatic relations h|with Haiti. A government com-/ the delegates that the arrival of munique said Tuesday Ecuador troops was delayed by jockey- could no longer remain indiffer-|ing between Mayor Jerome Ca- ent tc grave violations of human|yanagh and Governor George DX -- DX -- DX -- DX Debentures & Guaranteed Democrats and Republicans for|next." | | BE WISE: 'rights by President Francois Du- an valier's government. | PEANUT SCRAMBLE - Members of Oshawa Kiwanis Club held their regular meeting on Tuesday noon at Kiwanis Camp. The second camp session of the summer season is cur- rently in session, with over 60 boys enjoying a two-week out- ing. Kiwanians gave the boys an old-fashioned treat, following their meeting, when they put on a peanut and candy scramble. BOWMANVILLE PARKS Several parks in Bowman- ville are being renovated this | | } HOSPITAL REPORT | | Fifty-eight babies were born Kents Tour Expo \ Lyspengap at ! SP)--The Duke} at the Oshawa General Hospi-/.nq Duchess of Kent toured tal during the week ending July | Expo 67 Tuesday, visiting the 22, Three hundred and ten pa-|pavilions of Great Britain and tients were admitted and 323)Czechoslovakia and the tele- discharged. Eighty-four major, | phone showplace. Spokesmen for 112 minor as well as 65 eye,|the pavilions said the couple ear, nose and throat operations | showed interest in a number of were performed. Three hundred exhibits on display and fifty-six treatments and|-- a ECONOMIZE! $ Romney. : $ "We have a Democratic who wants to run for mayor Governor against a Republi- $ SAVE $$ can," he said. "They both $ CANADIAN $ HEARING AID ¢ DX =: CONSULTANTS $19 J one cos.saai IS -- WTH -- FUEL $ Investment Certificates @ TOOLS ® SEEDS, ETC. @ TOPSOILS @ Advice on your Garden Problems Van Belle Gardens "Your a Garden Centre" @: 5 Minutes East of Oshewe On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 10 725-2771 $iDX -- DX -- DX -- DX examinations were given and| 37 casts applied. The physio- | therapy department gave 807 treatments and made 476 visits. Weekend Specials @ MEAT DEPT. LOIN PORK CHOPS summer. Lord Elgin Park is|The occupational therapy de- being levelled and Memorial|partment handled 24 cases. Park is being equipped vith) ---------- sneer food lights, fencing and a pic- Pi nic agg A fence was erected | Fast Action around the swimming pool at Kiwanis Park and the creek's HOUSE SALES! Swimming area was cleaned out. Cell @ Member of the BICYCLE RODEO OSHAWA end DISTRICT : About 60 children participated REAL ESTATE BOARD in the Bowmanville department end List Photo of recreation's annual bicycle rodeo at St. Joseph's school MOLTIPLE LISTING SERVICE recently, Skill tests included: balancing, diminishing, clear- ance, change of balance: single obstacle, stop street and traffic procedure. : THURS., FRI., SAT., JULY 27 - 28 - 29 CITY OF OSHAWA Requires A Secretary to the Board of Control (Male) To work with the Boord of Control, check ng thot their directives to Departments 'ore carried out; to set up o 5 3 10 endo: "d to Boord of Control generally at meatings" . we Should have Grade 13 educotion Pius a commercial course providi shorthand ond typing: Clerk-Treasurer's: course could be gn oe Some experience in Municipal Affoirs, such os participation in council meetings in c Deputy Clerk capocity preferred. Salary commensurate with experience, comprehensive welfore benefits at available. Apply in writing only, giving full detoils of age, marital stotus, educa- tion, experience, etc. before August 11, 1969 to ' The Personnel Officer, City Holl, Oshewe, Onterio Thursday Friday @ Midway @ Old MacDonald's Farm @ Bands Saturday -- Children's Day reduced rotes on some Mid- Judging of Dairy Cattle, Light and woy rides), Gates Open 9 a.m. Heavy Horses, Sheep Buildings Open 1 p.m. | 6:15 p.m.-- Horse Races (Wagering Privileges) 4-H Club Activity Day --Heovy Horses CITY OF OSHAWA TREASURY DEPARTMENT Requires An INTERNAL AUDITOR Reporting to the Treasurer with the responsibility for performing operational audits in all departments to review and appraise the soundness, adequacy and application of all accounting, financial and operational controls, Solory commensurote with experience. Apply in writing only, giving ful details of oge, morital status, educa- tion, experience, etc., betore August 11, 1967 to. The Personne! Officer, City Hell, Oshawa, Ontario 8:30 p.m. -- Modern 5:30 p.m.--Saddle Classes Square Dancing with eollers from Oshawa, 9:00 p.m.--MISS OSHAWA FAIR CONTEST and CKLB TEEN DANCE Bowmonville ond Brooklin, Livestock Judging -- Beef Cattle, Child- | for any term from 1to5 years Canada Permanent's Debentures & Guaranteed Investment Certificates now earn these exceptionally attractive irtterest rates. Issued in amounts from $500 or more; our Debentures and Guaranteed Certificates have been a popular shorts term investment with Canadians for generations. Canada Permanent--Growing since 1855--Federally ~ incorporated and supervised. ae | ren's Saddle Pony Class 2:30 p.m. -- Horse Racing (Wagering Privileges) 7:15 p.m. -- OLD TYME FIDDLERS CONTEST 9:00 p.m. -- OLD TYME SQUARE DANCING Music by the Hoedowners, callers Eorl. Brown ond Art Winter. ADULTS 75c C Children under 12 -- 25¢ ae CANADA PERMANENT SA\ + TRUST. SERVICES » MORTGAGES | Please send me a descriptive folder for ( Debentures (J Guaranteed Investment Certificates i Name. | Add City. Prov. | | Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-9482 J. W. Froud, MANAGER Canada Permanent Trust Company Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation SPARERIBS MEATY u. 69 u. 59° WIENERS MAPLE LEAF BACON MAPLE LEAF @ GROCERY DEPT. @ CELLO ine 49* u. 19 SUGAR BABY FOOD «..: PEANUT BUTTER...;'\.. 89° BREAD BUTTER @ PRODUCE DEPT. @ 5 1c 09° 4 FOR 45° YORK 24-02. LOAVES 89° u. 67° BANANAS . B.C. BING CHERRIES @ DRUGETTE DEPT. e@ 2 LBs. 29° ore 39° JOHNSON BABY POWD rama HAIR SPRAY HALO SHAMPOO CONFIDETS Seca, 85° REG. sreciar 85° views 90" REG. S3e 43° GLECOFF'S 174 RITSON RD. S. -- OSHAWA Free Parking ot the Rear. Supermarket PATRIAI left, of th dox Churc VI embra in Instanb Pope To |. ISTANBUI airliner can day on a pil cient Christi and nearby apostle fron took his pap of his great Turkish P Sunay, Pren mirel and a the Roman from Istanbu Monday for to Turkey in Patriarch ual leader o 000,000 Orth headed the who came te The Pope who Tuesday Rail From HONG KO traffic bet Hong Kong 1 an unexplain which set of! sible serious Observers road disru} there had t the railway province. Another pc ing stock is troops down Yangtse Rit and _ suppo Head of Sta' reported loc struggle. Last . wee Hsie Fu Ch member of revolution ¢ portéd to. h died and ar ist groups.. On their r urday 'they roes at hug tions. Defen --Mao. Tse-| ~ and Prén were amo! who attende in Peking " officials. GUARDS-T Right - w newspapers people who by road Tue had been f Guards anc Canton. 25 | Corner and