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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Aug 1967, p. 18

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lall but a few small canneries|tions had been discussed with as rere sea } ffed by 14 pretty hostesses|ingly called on to explain the bad * ' isle , T T HAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August ated cane |Blackfoot entertainers from,to tribes across Canada asking; Sta M . > serv ly a local market injrepresentatives of the major 18 THE os ee Cluny, Alta., making their first|Indian people what they wanted|from tribes across Canada, the|Indian point of view. ew 1S Ing he anion. canneries and fishing COncerns beat ) |their pavilion to look like and to) pavition was built and is man-| "I wouldn't call us spokesmen The new regulations, adopted|and approved by them. There ; }trip ever to the East to dance say. Pp Me doe' Canktan's Te Qian 5." Mr.| a P d J 29, replace a 1954 order-jwill be a period of grace qj. J i me ti y By. ere une 29, r i Canadian Indians Find Expo and chant at Indian eg i The result is a hard-hitting aged en dios! i a rege h Moses says. "But Mr. Deslisle, | aws asse in - council. They require fish|lowed, however, before the new 4 i brations, scheduled for Friday| qemand for Indian control of| 4" advisory board of eight In-).+ ieast has come to represent ae New fish-|canneries to be registered, and|order-in-council is rigidly en, | afternoon in Place des Nations. "sae Oe "hi -lisle|dian leaders, including Chief|*. - alt - aching) OTTAWA (CP) -- New fish-|can i 'i ' + i.e sng | odian affairs that Chief Desiisie/\7 | Gros . Louis of Quebec's|What this pavilion is asking .¥(0. "qepartment _ regulations|their registrations can be can-|forced appy eeting ace es oe the sunny paver ee ee Huron Indians, meets to settie|T-" have been passed by order-in-|celled for failure to maintain) -- ee a war song on the sunny pave-|fee] "they are at last saying . an eT sae iri tandards | proper cleanliness. DA by osEMANY SPE |e hts await a epic, Pani of a al im es CB eas ox waunnce Snr uae Beate nage | HOW FO F lieve a ns wi * ' 5 : Mol MONTREAL (CP)--Micmacs,|his comfortable pavilion office ieprse Teepe. the West Coast|FIRST INDIAN SURVEY Russell Moses and T. R. Kelly.| FORT WILLIAM (CP) ond chenra eon el for Ota transporting fish or shellfish to iis ten eee vali Mian Montagnais, Swampy Cree,|am informal meeting place cy with a totem pole carved for| "I doubt any Indian had ever} Lately Mr. Kelly, a Haida|Bears are causing problems for! mercial fishing. a oo olerting nyetemie naeaat Onermanes by ¢ Blackfoot and Haida. ager gr len a gpa Expo by Kwakiutl craftsmen: |before gone across Canada like|from British Columbia, and Mr.|farmers and resort operators in) The regulations apply to all|proper ror i SR galt aan tion causing the Ra veg gy Slag ter Canada's Indians are travel-|'° Febice Rowan) Islany. and the East with birchback|that ,finding out what other In-|Moses, a Delaware from the Six|this area Farmers have report-|canned fish and shellfish prod-|their cate! bi bil thar backache. Soon eee ta, whotndivibgs i f ll about. White in-| Nations reserve near Brantford,jed the loss of calves to the ucts so}d in_ interprovincial weather and from bilge or o' you fee! bees -- Fights, xw--x-warrants,. Ne ling to Expo from all points of | TRIBE CHANTS DANCE canoes resting on a quiet pond./dians were all abou : , a eri t of the woods trade. Officials said this will in| contamination. cect det er. Dee ern aterinos | Wea eter cha the compass this summer to} Tyesday his office was| For two years before Expo! vestigators have done it before.|Ont.. have found that, like Chief/bears, driven out of the i a mate 'them applicable tol OMAeaIa daid tbe abw reguis- pon BN good srt unity a jammed by a friendly troupe oti opened; Chief Deslisle travelledibut never an Indian Deslisle, they are being increas-|by hunger. TAD seas ms ] MINES mut understanding at their ~ ' i popular, teepee-shaped pavilion. i | Stock Sales High Lo "The only knowledge my ' Accra 2000 wv? 9 people once had of other tribes -- pipe ee eH such as the Sioux, they got from Ang u v 2000 " 7 white men's omg gl gon Nets be Andrew Deslisle o! e 5, B-Dqu 2000 14 «+14 member Caughnawaga Iroquois Brovl Reet yo00 "0 "0 band near Montrea] said Tues- Brunewk 350 500 580 day. unker z 3 c Mi 19500 83 80 Those magazines made us be- Camfio 2100-330. 325 afd poy gens READY TO SERVE com mi iy Ww , ¢ Jamiesn se BB and we can see they're not." y c. Nisto 13598 2s " As commissioner - general of ah Can-fer 100 110 110 the controversial pavilion, soft- e% nuit ons slau 1 3 Cent Pat 200 16) 161 Chestrvile 7400 25 (25 Chib M 1000 5353 > Carter Report Sa ee ras onigo a 4 Cc Bellek 1500 6¥ . | Callh $000 13% 139 And Farming SHANK PORTION | BUTT PORTION | CENTRE CUTS | WHOLE HAMS. ccs, 2 2 | OR STEAKS | 14 TO 16 POUNDS € Morisn "00 a 445 MONTREAL (CP)-- Concern xg C Neg 1808: n about "the effects on farmers : | ¢ Rambler at us "3 of certain recommendations" of sith ata ea | Conwest 500 610 610 h gre report _ taxation by | Eran! a " e rter royal commission Crowpe 00 bla was expressed Tuesday at a ib : ib ¢ lb ¢ Daering 3000 9 «9 meeting of provincial ministers | oo st FAR ee and deputy ministers of agricul- Dome as $5 ss ture. said a statement issued | Enaeke pod 81% Ws F* Be woo +12 1 -- a oT Gt -Masct 300 120 «120 The statement said: Glenn Exp 500 25 25 " rti lar. - In particular, recommenda Solarm ooo ts) tions regarding the change from FRESH CUT HALF HAMS -- SHANK OR BUTT HALF -- NO CENTRE NO FURTHER PROCESSING peal igh Hyreinnene Fron SLICES REMOVED -- AVAILABLE AT SLIGHTLY HIGHER RETAILS AT THIS LOW PRICE, PLEASE earre "ae So the change from cash to ac- : aS canna 'sa 218. 28 crual system of recording in- & Ma 23% nee ; SWEET PICKLED -- HALVES | Hea Pee adler pas gains tax would appear to be TURKEY Wels WHOLE Hoge Say isa! san ny gala ¢g . ¢ COTTAGE , ¢ a. aa © vincial_ minis Ul Visi 67, don't miss seeing the Kerr Add 2420 $15% 158 pineal vocnes ese Whew tri it Expo 4 g CUTS FRESH LEGS BREASTS ROLLS | Bo 300 n A atiended the annual, two - day Automated Egg Factory sponsored by A & P Kirk Min 218) 6 Lab Min 230 $312 31% Oe wae eae te, at the "Man the Provider" Pavilion. SCH eeer S FROEEN Eom ve es The statement Tuesday said ae : 2 yy, Macedon 2500 2121 Officials "'decided to continue When you visit your local A & y. don't miss TURKEY ib 9: TURKEY NECKS ib 1 ¢ SERF pkg of 4 g Mac Mah 'ooo 2 2 support of the Canadian agri- . attigm| 4 ere erent es mek buying A & P's own Sunnyfield Eggs, Grade "A" WINGS AND BACKS STEAKETTES meyagem ron "a at rs "44° entor z 7 ent agricultural policy research Eggs, the finest you can buy. We sell millions So NR H tare' m0 18 group. : : The council is financed jointly by the federal and provincial "34° uper-Ri Quality H ur Super-Right Brand Vac Halve ri upon millions of them every year. MINCED BEEF +59 HAMS S32 «89 SMOKED WIENERS roa ees a ae inane tee Fine eggs are just one of thousands of products Super-Right Brand Picnic Style Shopsy's Cole Slaw or ' i, <i Newconx 200 620620 ° ° SMOKED =| } N Hosco 3200 189 187 The meeting received a re- A & P is proud to offer every week. Serving the pork SHOULDERS »49c POTATO SALAD = 2cn33e vac ¢| Bac g Nine i 3 ques: from the Canadian 4-H s3° Assorted Burns Vac Pac b N Que Ragl 200 535 530 Club Council regarding possible families of our country has been our pleasure for SX COLD CUTS «+79« COOKED HAM ime' a Wi Senator" 3in0 3" extension of that group's activi- 0 ' . c 6-02 pkg ¢ Norbaske, 800 888 ties, the 4-H program and the 4 years. We're unhappy about only one thing. Shopsy's Boil Bag -- 2-oz. Allgood Smoked, Sliced, Rindless cm Seafood By s| ston Northgat 3100 685.675 po lal ga laa We wish we were as old as Canada, so we could CORNED BEEF 4::::89: SIDEBACON 1079 © " ee fe sie No was d have served you for 100 years. A&P BRAND BREADED } SEA SEALD Brand Hadkiock Patino ee na s an 9 in : Ontario Comes ||| | socaday, wa wil be'100 years cid. Thon, asmow) | (aura onaas COD FISH CAKES | FISH and CHIPS a Gat i ing 6-OZ Preston 150 $19%4 19% Poor Second aa S chai ? Doz. 7 9: "PKG ¢ |'PKe é at, Se ie most good food, to the most people, for the Svisigm so 135 ~ _ i 99 Liberal leader 'Rober zen, », least amount of money. Reg. pkg. 58ce--SAVE 10e | Reg. price pkg. 49c--SANE 60 Roman i 13s Hi : 67, sald Tuesday Ontario comes 1 Sf tion ae tes a poor second in its centennial verti pgelten. Seayege ogo Yukon Club (5 Varieties) No Additional Charge for Low Cals i sit Eure ise it i Siscoe 1000 460 450 the city of Montreal particu- BEVERAGES case of BA 10-f-021ins 1.79 SPECIAL BLEND akacng s FEATURE PRICE! te te oe "a Wak mid 0 tate Cong eieh opomaggiy A&P TE A Reg. Price pkg 73¢ 9 4 Suitiven "08 4040s ment the provincial government FLUSH-A-BYES pkg of 24 1.29 SAVE 4c Il pkg ¢ CORN RELISH ae 'S-oz jar 3 7 Texmon pegged 1 pocoendtan, fog acy Po et nee Slack's--Stems & Pieces FEATURE PRICE! 3 te Fpl Ande idee hauls: toe as 1 . or pg wheats | in rg ee one MUSHROOMS 3 10-fl-oz tins1.00 I E REAM porte gi _Ye-gallon ctn in cx 9; FRUIT DRINKS 2 48.-fl-oz tins 69< Tribes 109 us us Meters ae nore than ip Geisha FEATURE PRICE! C 'E CR . on a ae Regular or Diet (Plus Bottle Deposit) FEATURE RRICEI Un kane " s rE esol lg Pin ORANGES »noarn 2 i-froz ins Ae BEEF OR IRISH PEPSI-COLA carton of & 10-tI-0z bils A Ge wie ne isn a "a that -- have ee com- | Pride ef Jamaica--Sectiona FEATURE PRICE! PURITAN STEWS | Reg. SAVE Pe 57e 24-02 tin 49; GEISHA TUNA Fl FEATURE a3. Wineld | 4000 18,19, coe ee ee GRAPEFRUIT 4 is-ioztins 9Qe 2 IEE oo Ss SH 2or1inh3e OILS, GAS capsed eae peslous sochtent. Scott White or Coloured Reg. Price pkg. 57¢ -- SAVE 4e TOMATO i ~~ AYUMER BRAND Betty Crocker White Reg. price pkg. 59¢ -- SAVE 4e SNe eae tas e Py 'i niarearene' carina! Hl TOILET TISSUE ricci: 5 3c ite tek ister tins J ¢ ~ ANGEL FOOD csctnic sro $e om gos C Gridoil 760 725 720 € Homestd 4000 365 365 Cdn_ Tricnt 27 880 880 Del lane, while Ontario's section is White or Coloured (Paper) Reg. price pkg. 55e -- SAVE 60 ----_-- ----_____--___-- . ser Reser a Basset's Candies Reg. price pkg. 59¢ -- SAVE 100 eee || Scortowets ""o:2049° WAFER PICKLES ete sexi Fy LICORICE ALLSORTS | +»49: Stanfield Talks | || MARGARINE son 99 ee ee NUFLUFE einai 59 Cnconiton | | BSSINGS rm vacvag. SWIFT'S PREM xcir oa SQ aia Bindi" Lneae (7 VARIETIES) MONTREAL (CP)-- Premier Robert Stanfield of Nova Scotia, a candidate for national leader- 4 ship of the Progressive Conser- JANE PARKER vative party, said Tuesday "there is sufficient interest to R PIE justify giving consideration to fi rewriting the constitution, or Mull 5) = Soy Pig 10760: $18 «© 17% Charter O 2100 430 420 ne _ scsi REA | OSH, M.L.S. -- Cae -- -- Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! Jane Parker Reg. price each 45c--SAVE 60 \.: COFFEE CAKE pinearrte twist each 39 7 omar Grown, Hydra-cooled, No. 1 Grade, Fresh Picked Young Tender Cobs : part of it." am \ This is not something to! é ee Oe be Fg oc overnight, he os ¢ i es ~ Jane Parker Reg. price pkg. 290 -- SAVE 4e Scns said, and meantime "we must e, re © 3 ¢ make the best of what. wel ; ne TWIN ROLLS pkg of 122 Se priced : have." : } : oe | Beg So ed . Jahe Parker Reg. price each' 59¢ -- SAVE 100 higher , He a press conference he} \e ACH 59 -- SAVE 10c is not ready yet to take a fixed| \ . : ICED SQUARE CAKES each 49- at A&P «stand at'on a possible special 4 >» | Status for Quebec within Con- "federation. AaP's Own A € ozen Mr. Stanfield discounted the SULTANA (BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY) a Frozen imeye) Ss) j-- idea the Conservatives are hope-|: FC 4 ful of attracting Mayor Jean : | catieat -- oe MEA IES oe ae ee BLUEB NEW JERSEY, wer gwar TASTY ; ri KERNEL CORN 212222151 39% ERRIES hoe ge mn ox 5g There also were no prospects NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P! for any formal association be- Vv tween Quebec's Union Natipnale 8-OZ alley Earn FEATURE PRICE! CALIFORNIA SALMON FLESH ; eee and the Conservatives, he POTATOES FRENCH FRIED 2-lb poly bag 39 Nui aiden talan Pearly EACH 4. 5 ¢ ge PIES DFsnah Coneen es Dim peice & tins te => BANS Abe OUTSPAN NAVEL -- FULL OF JUICE as part of a national tour dur- ¥ HONEY we 4 10-f.02 tins € ORANGES NO. 1. GRADE -- LARGE SIZE 88's 49 ing which he is meeting dele- DE 99 NONE PRIC@@ HIGHER AT A&P! DOZEN ¢ gates to the Conservative leader- ship convention scheduled for the fall. DEODORANT AcP STORES WILL BE ' ) sregrepTe * ARRID SPRAY Closed All D LERWICK, Shetland Isles Hair Dressing : Reg. price tube $1.09 -- SAVE 308 © $ e a y s | Shirley (CP)--Manufacturers of the * uy) Scottish island group's famous M é s itt Fair Isle woollen garments are 5-FL-OZ ¢ GROO ve & CLEAN = 7 ube 7 De M G AUGUST 7TH t Griffin Rei Sine tek awe egular or Hard to Ho |. pr ~ WE'RE SP. going into the mini-skirt market AEROSOL TIN : vocal aS on a Yy, CIVIC HOLIDAY routrey Boome -- acricuurutal stenon oe M.LS.. sal to keep up with the times. 3 i vo5 HAIR SPRAY 15-1102 2er0s0ltin 2, 4Q DON'T FORGET TO BUY EXTRA JANE PARKER "Young girls in Scotland are wearing mini-skirts anyway," Golden Rich or Dry Hair Formula Reg. btl. $1.39--SAVE 40 BREAD FOR THE LONG WEEKEND, said Stuart Donald, the islands' > development officer, "and it SHAMPOO WOODBURY 13%-Alor bl Ye seemed reasonable to link the famous Fair Isle patterns in the new style." All Prices in This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, August 5th, 1967 -- Oshawa, Whitby & Bowmanville' REG. PRICE TIN $1.29 -- SAVE 400 List PHOTC

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