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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Aug 1967, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 2, 1967 1-2-3 bedroom suites BONUS share bath {26--Apartments for Rent |27--Rooms for Rent Your Authorized Datsun |32--Trucks for Sele | cylinder standard. Good transportation Telephone 668-5019. 1 and 2 bedroom, large apart- ATTRACTIVELY ------ MUST SELL 59 Pontiac, V-8 auto A Cf ments, fully equipped FURNISHED ROOM matic. Mechanically A-1, body good, WE PAY MOVING EXPENSES has '64 pontiac transistor radio and WE PAY MOVING EX ad Available in private home. mew shocks. $275, 668-6108 { 190 Nonquon Road Call between 5 and 7. p.m. |1959 CHEVROLET excellent mechanical ly. Good body. Telephone after 6 p.m N @) W 728-9726 82 PARK RD. N. 723-2155 WHITBY. One-bedroom apartment, $ '5B PONTIAC two door automatic, six available August Two-bedroom 728-8671 good clean condition. Telephone 468 available August 15. Te.ephone 468 - 4386 Call teday SINGLE room for gentleman. Close 'two Room apartment, fully furnis > South General Motors. Telephone 576-| 61 CHEVROLET Bel Air, four door tiled kitchen and. bu phoard eee ; : sedan, automatic, six cylinder. Excel 2369 a 18: i MR. JOHN LEE Broadicom in living room. Reasonab 69 or apply 155 Mill. Street lent condition throughout. Must! be sold ren Couple preferred. 7 $10 ig at Fooms to share, private $16, Best offer 723-2014. ONE TWO bedronm furnished Ao an! gent monthly (#5 liege CORVAIR, aviomat room. furnished" apar Teles phone 68-5201 800 Brock S!, N: «automatic, very good | me Also one two bedroor furr body and mechanically A-1 $325, Tele shed apartment, compiete with washer, FURNISHED BED - SITTING room, re- phone 576-1983 ldryer, refrigerator and stove. Bot 5/1. frigerator vanity cabinet, not andi, oy . rv" PE FE able immediately. Telephone 668-5354, cold water in room, 5 minuies to Osh 56 C EVY $90 or best offer. & cylinder Veekdoys 12-9 pm awa Shepping Centre; 460 King Street.| Telephone 723-4928 ONE BEDROOM apartment. Sto 6 pm. iigersibr, | Wather, and. dryer, Par king ROOMS FOR RENT weekly and nightly STATION WAGON '61 automatic, excel Bath." aseexsion »--inimedlarely weekly. Maid service, restau-|!ent. condition $89 or best offer. Tele. 'phone 728-BS0R premises. Queen's 'Hotel, 67 Sim-|Phone 668-8483 N to - - i '$7 CHEV. convertible, three 2's, cam, | THREE ROOM apartment, private er : va trance, private bath, Immediate pos FURNISHED bedroom, laundry and Solids and Hurst. Telephone 623-5750 | La Aus ion. Telephone 728-684 tchen privilege ld space. Apply |'65 CORVAIR hardtop in top condition. | 74 Crerar Avenue, Oshawa | 44 | \THREE-ROOM apartment, private e Private. Telephone 668-5413 | Apartments | |trance and bath, available August |, No BACHELOR APARTMENT in private 49 PONTIAC four-door Laurentian, twa | i | |children, Telephone 725-2R49 nished, private entrance. Near tone blue. One-owner car, A-l cond | A Distinguished Address | ISYNG AVENUE -- two-edroom, unlur. ison and Dean. Telephone 725-6280. ition. Make offer, call 725-8106 | ee oe Inished, around floor es TWO furnished rooms, all modern con- 1967 MERCURY Cougar, yellow, 4,500 d Free washing fa e Couple pr red. Telephone mites, & cylinder, new condition, owner prated Available nov 2 must sell. Apartment 307, 291 Marland Choice ki nites electric- . | orate ; 307, all a nd Pee setall ane ROOMS FOR rent for single man. Cook. or Cal! 576-0303 | be c a h y ONE BEDROOM apartment. Refrigera. ing as ties and retrigerator. Cicse to "§9 METEOR, two-owner car, with con coroted throughout stove, parking facilities. Adults on US elephone 728-1720. tinental tire, built-in radio, rear speak . $100, 'meth Craydon Road, Whit TWO LARGE furnished "rooms with |@r, new automatic transmission on June Parking swimming pool, by. Apartment fh Completely private. King and 2!. Owner must sell for $250. 671 Park Souna and recreation rooms FOUR-ROOM, one-bedroom, self-contair area, Available now, Telephone |Road South, 576-3986 ed apartment. garage included. Re 5-7 286 '64 PONTIAC Laurentian, four door dential area. Suitable for couple. Call FURNISHED ROOM in private home sedan, six cylinder, a:tomatic transmis CLOSED CIRCUIT TV o 0 pm 2825 with kitchen privileges "gentleman pre- sion. Low mileage, excellent condition BASEMENT APARTMENT, three bed: ferred, $60 monthly. Telephone 668-6524 Can. be aren at 132 Hillerest - Drive, ee cn your own television) |r vingroom. kitchen, bathroom, MARY STREET, north end, furnished LR exci tl ha screen who is ringing your | $100. monthly, 'heat and hydro included. hedroom, quiet home, two bathrooms,|PRIVATE: '57 Chevrolet station wagon, TR A Betars: v6 ive elephone 576-2 parking. Superior accomodations tor gen- Six Cylinder, automatic _ transmission, wake cd 43 NASSAU, two-room furnished apart. fieman in residential area, 125.0145 fwo-donr Good condition. Telephone 723 them ' t ° an tove ct 5 1 ATORSG tang pss 17 THREE ROOMS and bath on second | dren. Ample parking, Triephone 725-5617 4,1 an oe rented together or sep-|65 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, convertible, POWNTOWN, near mcoe and John arately so one room and kilchen on! Power steering, power brakes 330 engine,| tes 9 oble for adults Streets, bright one-bedroom tt Telephone 723-0154 bucket seats, floor console. $2,200. Tele. 6 raft furni# ; phone 723-2734 t {, FURNISHED light housekeeping room, |" ant vn nished: AY now all conveniences. Apply &59 Dundas $t./'63 CHEVY II Nova Wagon, 4, automa or quiet. and com- 35-6 Whitby, or telephone 668-4365 from tic, radio, new motor ' job, geod con-| fanablet FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent,i8 &.m. to 4 p.m aon 43 Rembie classic $ siandard:) nite od sittin 1, kitchen , er °, radio, bed - sifting room ie Revit ONE BEDROOM and kilchen furnished pe he ee NNT ec Ove enirance, parking. elephone rent. Gentleman preferred. 584 Mont- Rental office sn the premises D.m., 668-808 gomery St. Telephone 728-6319. '58 BUICK stationwagon, must be sold. J si ent r in "4 - Best offer s 140 Nonquen Read, Oshowe |aperieen eule ioe erator ow LIGHT HOUSKEEPING room in. vicin eee Si Sree See a GC InG: etrig F ty cf Oshawa Shopping Centre, Private Call 725-1481 atime arsine SU atrace, atone ai |3?--Compect Cors for Sole «J- wits only. 668-3591, 668-8 | FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room, S18, WEERLY: refrigerator, very central, close to bus| ZOLTAN and NICK'S Ha AEA or es. Lady only. Telephone 725-955 wen 7 TWO ROOM completely furnished apart-| F GOVERNOR Leona pepasement apartment. ment, "and. one room bachelor apart-| ond Fiat Deoler MANSIONS Ihumidifter included. '$9S, monthly. Avail; ment. Partly furnished. Share bath, $18} Specializing in Volkeswagen weekly each. Telephone 728-8353. e September 1. One child welcome. Repair and Service T PRESTIGE 769. COMPLETELY furnished bedsit Ll RES n si fr Residential) 5 0 ADUL ced TWO-BEDROOM basement apartment UA SORE A Ae eae | 160 Simcoe South RESIDENCE Stove, refrigerator, laur ities Be | 728-0051 cluded, Close to Genera Tele. FURNISHED BEDROOM, kitchen priv-| ws Papa hon 79R-A97S Niges if desired. Quiet home, no child Now available one 2-bedroom [Phone 7? P. e n arking, near hospital. Telephone suite. For appointment to FURNISHED ONE arimenty 790 aya; % VOLVO ond PEUGOT view this outstanding suite, | piex adequate parking eid wel. WHITBY. CENTRAL location. Room fe MERCEDES BENZ \ GM ne {wil $ rivileges, ase call Jose fo south G.M. Telephone with housekeeping privileges, for young aes 6 gentleman or reom and board. Parking, | ee Repair and | siot Tel 4928. uto-Electric Service 728-1712 |LARGE ONE and two bedroom apart. sion, Telephone 668 : A ments corpiately broadioomed Refrig TWO FURNISHED light housekeeping} ane oe trator and siove, No security or dam {rooms, semi - private entrance. Ritson| Jake and Bill's Garage 728 2911 age deposits "Apply a8 Simcoe North, Rd buses at door. Suit one or 449 Ritson Rd. South apartment ckingham Apartments two. Telephone 723-0479. | O és ag 03 } hawa 728- 0921 eae jor 723-570 WANTED - ELDERLY widow to share! FURNISHED APARTMENT. Living| horne with another elderly widow. Terms|1961 SUNBEAM Alpine in good condi 4_. |Toom, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom. Suils| reasonable, Telephone "725-0556 before/tion, $590 or nearest "offer. Telephone | Want-Ads Don fT [working couple or gentieman. -Apply 306 )6 p.m 1723-6651 after 6 p.m Pacitic Ave., side door LARGE BED - SITTING room, private|62 VOLKSWAGEN with new inotor still FOUR-ROOM apartment. Private bath, entrance and bath, television, refricer-junder guarantee, $250 repairs complet-| C st-The Pa | Private entrance, Ritson jth area.lator, one block from hospital, 612 week-\60 Telephone 468-2744 or apply m8] (@) Close te bus, Telephane $76. ly, Telephone 725-1402, Green St. Whitby. L-1252 Bowmanville Lowest or any other offer not necessarily accepted T. R. Hilliard, Deputy Minister, NOTICE OF TENDER Tenders the .construction of a new Hospital building for Whitby General Hospital, Whitby, Ontario will be re- ceived not later than 4:00 p.m., Thursday, September 7th, 1967 at the office of the Whitby Generol Hospital, 101 Dundos St. W., Suite 308, over Bank of Montreal, WHITBY, Ontario. Bid de for mechanical and trades closes 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 5th, 1967, at the Toronto Construction Association, 92 Yorkville Street, Toronto, On- tario. tor pository electrical Appiications in writing for the plans, specifications and form of tender may be submitted by general contractors to the Architects, Craig, Zeidler and Strong, 147 Hunter Street West, Peterborough, Ontario, on or after August 2nd, 1967. Plans will be made available on or after August 7th, 1967. Applications shall be accompanied by a deposit cheque in the amount of $200.00 Plans will he on display ot the Builders Exchanges in Toronto, Hamilton and Osh- awa and plans will be avail- able to subcontractors for short periods from the of- tices of the Architects. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted, CRAIG, ZEIDLER and STRONG, _ARCHITECTS _ | FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET 136--Legel -- ( READY TO move in - two bright clean|'61 CORVAIR van, good running eondi- ney Bisraetbied ite tsb "es| tien rooms. Hydro and parking, (tion, suitable fer camper or service 26--Apoartments for Rent |26--Aportments for Rent Peinbhone eter # Gan Teka? |in good home, Call 723-1789 ltruck, Telephone 725-5132. --------$ Fie antl ieee ante 1 TON panel truck, 4 speed transmis- : ; APARTMENTS FOR RENT. sob 8l 9B --Room end Board lot Breas! "Pee temenie For Limited Time Only The best volue in oportment ayne p <a | ~ _ - 5010. living can be seen ot TWO-BEDROOM front room and kitchen. |ROSSLAND-SIMCOE area, large Coolio ee . arge apartment. Wilson Plaza, calljroom, for gentieman, good meais, park ; $4011 TUCK, Good FUN: anytime at 728-149) ling, close to bus stop. 728-4845. ning condition. Telephone 728-2135, -- |FWOROOM lupnished tment, close|ROOM AND beard for gentleman, very | 4 | ea ened terial in Osh. | centrally located, Apply 147 Brock Street 33--Automobiles Wanted -- e REGENCY | |awa. $65 monthly includes heat and|East. Telephone 725-2938 | | jhydro. Telephone 668-56? |ROOM OR room and board for two TOWERS @ | MeDery rivestoom asaiment sewing, fo she, "oom, singe bee CARS WANTED electri heat three-room lunches packed, seven day week { Ge- ' | Seainent, peiteantainedy oil "healing sired. King - Park Rd, area. 728-5455. Buying A New Car? 349 MARLAND AVE Available August 1. Telephone 723-8995 Sell your used cor to Ted' cheatin -- |FURNISHED bachelor apartment, 29--Wanted to Rent Talk "Cash" to the New |kitchen, bathroom," working lady Or |HOME REQUIRED py banker, two, Cor Dealer and 'Save' Nr Lowy erry alba oval esti Apart-|pedrooms or three preferred, Contact TED CAMPIN MOTORS AND Pea AN ol Ale Re |Mr. Ferguson, 668-335) 723-4494. Res, 725-5574 |SMALL bright basement apartment, one| RELIABLE. young couple with one : : jDedroom, built-in cupboards, three-piece | <choolage child requires bungalow. Har- SELL unwanted articles. Phone 723-3492) | FAL erage ccd couple, $70 many school area preferred, Possession for Action. | non 3 4 1 | e PREMIER @ | y p September. J. Write Box 30839, Oshawa wantep; cars and trucks lor wreck. | de fe ggg Re eg ery ng, Naenrae, earn, Be ee fe: 321 MARI AND AVE | $80 monthly. Telephone 623-2375 30--Automobiles For Sale par gr ss ey -4549 anytime." Rob- THREE-ROOM" mein Hor apartment: | : SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars és Privele enirance, 'tod |bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals @ MODERN | AND 2 Apply Sas Sree, Bive MORE CASH Ibought, 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. BEDROOM = SUITES TWO BEDROOMS, kitchen, front room) p, C 'aid for Good Clean Cars, : nd bath A ivat ot A . If You Sign A Lease Now) . yewiy pECORATED and. bathroom, private entrances, steve! TOG Ur or down, Liens paid. 34--Automobile ~epair ond | @ STOVE AND FRIDGE telephone 728-1491: anytime DODD MOTOR SALES. | AUTOMATIC @ BALCONIES $60 MONTHLY, bachelcr apartment in | TRANSMISSION Move In On or Before apartment building. Available August 1. 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH | September 1 to @ FABRIC DRAPES Telephone 655-3611, Brooklin, 723-9421 CENTRE : @ LAUNDRY FACILITIES NEAR CREDIT UNION building. Two: | -- - 2 --| 1038 Simcoe St, N., 728-7339 " bedroom unfurnished apartment, $105) | SUA hionE are Our Onl stag @ FREE HYDRO m y. couple only. Apply 330 Buena ( sUS BROWN bd Y Oy ae hess ROADLOOM IN HALLS Vista, Apt. | Business --- Repairs, Adjust- | A S A * 38 : LS Ru Large ork 300 taoecreor | MOTORS LIMITED ments, Exchanges, All Work e@ ELEVATOR apartments, appliances optional, near SR Ne 3. Odiews _ Guaranteed si! schools and shopping. Telephone 947 © INO: Sys SO @ LOCKERS 0130. RADE UP OR DOWN. Top MANANA || © contours evreance tori mtu aig) Pree god fo, Gad Chon | FRED STONE | @ AMPLE PARKING tove, refrigerator and -- drapes No Cors, liens paid. TERMS | | sti damage deposit. One child welcome.| Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 Brooklin 86 Queen St. | 230 Nipigon St | @ CLOSE TO SCHOOL Breiner. Shes ARS ae | REBUILT ENGINES as RSET RES CHURCHES and SHOPPING piel fits | ous seoaton wines amen! = WANTED. | 'wij bo clos 1 apartme three-pie bathr ti | An exclusive building in the APPLY 349 MARLAND AVE. entrance, two girls, nurses or teachers) 00d clean focal cars for | For Holidays heort of town close to trans "PHONE sek hey D d. Telephone 728-0260 cash ST 5-20 portation, shopping, churches 725-222 82 SIMCOE North - five room. apart AUGUS - and schools Z "iment. Private entrance, hot water and MORLEY STALKER oar | NOW RENTING isinatasuis Se | aero a (SS tee aad Foard ply. Rainbow Re anytime ing West i OR ayy. (REWARD - CAT, jaroe orange persian KING STREET 8 fe. 25, three room 723 a 23-6322 hare lip, tip of tail previously am More and more of Oshawa's lane August 13h quiet col ple putated. Beau Valley area. Missing since} a ' y eatigganl As pr inesday. ao AY, information appreci LEN | | tect bese or, erevino sue woe RAMBLER is A | | reasonable rents at the MODERN id ea in two bedroom) anart SALES -- SERVICE FEMALE COLLIE, Oshawa licence tag, | Sri 1h gage gk isle waikine ahd PAINT area of King East and Townline. Tele-| as dy Lise shel hone 728-7432 } | R A A ear 401. Orono 983-5016. | pad eles de Ss € | TWO BEDROOM h h New 6nd Used 03 36--Legal i | T apartment, heat, hy Easy to Finance at ega | se. | heavy duty stove Private entrance. : 3 ue cou eat | gh Oden. 11 0 R . dfen welcome Response ent NIGOLS MOTORS LTD, | x hee 4 S M A able now. Apply 478 Park Road WHITBY 668-3331 ngiasuetritacen - ios S R BEDROOM unfurnished apa OSHAWA Building for comfortable fam | 3 n duplex on skirts at whitoy TRANSMISSION SERVICE | ily living with spacious ploy- ie re ee eineeaty ner si New Convenient Locotion ground for children, within | Y M___WHITRY = MODERN one. and io tea) > 116 BOND ST. W. | walking distance of south | 'oom apartmen ent immediately Transmissions are still our |} GM. plont | H re stove and outdoor swim-| specialty, but we do now | | He e ee ee Room teased < " have facilities to do all gen- | | THR DROOM apartment, almos aial eepaire: Ail wank am | w building, north end area, children pairs guor- | BOTH APARTMENTS | T la cued. Tela He anteed | FEATURE | LARGE ONE bedroom apartment, cen- 576-2610 | | rally located, heat and hydro included. 2 GALAXIE two-door, 352 cubic inch @ Impressive lobbies S mmediate possession... Telephone 576-8 standard, very good condition. Tele-| ONTARIO p Phone 725-5716. @ Controlled entrance doors | PHONE 728- 9724 | SEPTEMBER 'st, Two bedroom around "49 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE with radio DEPARTMENT OF with intercom Ciese to shopping cen-\and w.w. Excellent condition throug! Les all schools pie p " 1 Port Perr Hedger i @ Modern spacious suites | LUSANNE VILLA one child, or two school 'eachers a stages a aa ee . S PUBLIC WORKS ; sedan. Pure white with re @ Large balconies : : trim. Automatic, radio. Perfect car. Lic @ Hi-fi musie in every suite 330 GIBR STREET Lance ¢ ONE and two bedrocm. apart. 73679. Evenings 942-569 2 OFFICE SPACE @ New kitchen appliances Exciting prestige building and &26 monthly. Child. 1961 WOLESLEY, 699 series, automatic ' Centrally located, electrically Apply apartment 6, 300 $400 or nearest offer. Reconditioned REQUIRED @ Colored ceramic tiled hanted ies again Re Whitby or 668-546: motor. In excellent condition. Telephone / | | Roomy breakfast nook 668-4685 | spacious bathrooms kit eo oe ONE AND two bedr art ts, | sarees and kitchen. Tennis court He 1 Se omuriited< BT '39 CHEVROLET bus, 15." seater. '64) BOWMANVILLE | @ Lots of closet space and barbeque Marland Ave. ast MC half-ton V-8, '63 Pontiac convert- | S : foles 728-5238 @ Dropes FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM apartment, downtown abe & Latindiy focilitios e e newly decorated, private entrance, $85 1962 CHEVROLET Super Sport, V8, Submissions are invited from L A oS ee Availab! mmediately. Ca tomatic, convertible, Telephone 723 re Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room es 270: owners or authorized agents @ Lockers vd Metcalf at 728 8-4678 Lloyd Metcalf 270 : | and Boord.' Office Hours Estate o St. € 41 CHEVROLET Bel A 3 4 cod! t0 lease approximately 2,900 @ Free parking A ave el Air. Sedan, goo' ! ' | Mon. to Fri. 8:30-0.m. to 6 APARTMENT - CLEAN and new con condition. Telephone 725-024 square feet gross of office . aro la Glen Onk [Pam ort: Piste ro. tae Bn je bed ' ou 62, RAMBLERS, three from which to Space to accommodate the t slen On om | kitchen and large stor 5 le > " ola Gler yo | LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION SE gh nedp Bcd 9° 'choos eee Hent summer transporte. Ontario Provincial Police De Extra powder room in > / 792,107 { Pi ad conaittoned: | & tachment at Bowmanville Ail. Gea 3: hadrenn 23 Athol West 28-1070 . |refrigrator and drapes. Private entr ance, weekly. Wellman. for Rambler," 728-733) Seas ee 0 < -- a ¥ cilities ionth V 10 = ee B hodro wiehaded 668 i 1962 OLDSMOBILE Starfire convertible) ou'tlona' requirements pre suites and hydro include Eondlordic A Aictic Asking $1000. Also Ford Touring, ° ferred all services and in rent andiorad s /\ssociation oR UpH airs 2 Seaman. svar restored. Telephone 576-3004 required partitioning, includ- | CLOSED FOR ni $130 'monthly, possession. im. |1963 CHEVROLET station w ing inside accommodation for e ly. Referer ired. $i good condition, tow mileage. $ | THIS IS | HOLIDAYS (UA Suiehake esas lecaaas or sade, Commande, | e.care ONG. outside, parking : u -- Aug. APARTMENTS AVAILABLE now and) i iscayne _ 4-door July 29 -- Aug. 8 1%5 CHEVROLET 8 | gs y : | j mi Gerrgian Court Apart-\Sedan, V-8, automatic, radio. Private! Weis, tf : 23 Athol W ments. Whitby. Telephone 668-2296 or Caf, one driver, now driving company ritten offers on existing or YOUR 728- 1070 car, Telephone 839-3588. proposed buildings will form { -- " TWO BEDROOM apartments in. anart- SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used the basis a subaie Henle: : building. Septemb 1, Quiet s and up rades accepted tions and shou e forwa SHELDIAN MANSIONS its "only. Telephone "660-2991" or -ess:|Terms arranged, R. 8." Motor Seless| poy ister thon Anaunr rae wea : 509 BI East I ugust 17th, 885 Oxford St., Oshawa 1967. to Me OW. G Under New Management 'sa VALIANT = a0 cubic 'inch, stent) gti, Chie! Property Offic: in i ix, excellent condition. Gond gas mile ney te? Property ic- Enjoy comfortable modern | 26A--Expo Accommodation ji. ee ote aes oe Real Estelb Branch: De. For Comfortable Living | ue "pokaaerehaatta sushi "FIFTEEN MINUTES to Expo, Two 1960 FORD Fairlane, standard, spot partment. of Public Works, At Reasonable Rents | de 3 A aul ae us fast it Hi Pe AP dal Btbal oN 'arate ass Paid $500. Telephone -- 723 880 Bay Street, Toronto, On- | ro nv orkir a ' esir , | si 5154 ter ao eci P |. tario Teleph | CALL NOW 1, Special rates children. 725-447. | eeigare "és Pontiac convertible, $2 : elephone: Area Your Best Choice of AIEEE Sa : 100. Telephone 576-1402 ete 416, Diol 365-4778. 27--Rooms for Rent 1957 CHEVROLET, four door sedan, six lease refer to File No. Land Titles a IN THE MATTER OF part of Lot 8, Sheet 11A, Plan 357 for the Township of East Whitby, now in the City of Oshawa, together with a Right-of-woy 8 feet in per- pendiculor width, which lands moy be seen on a plan of survey filed in the office of Lond Titles at Whitby; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thot WILLI --. ROTH, WIL- LIAM TONNO and A. PARKHILL, have made an application to the Master of Titles at Whitby for a certi- ficate of title to this land of which they claim to be the owner in fee simple free from all encumbrances Wherefore any other: person having or claiming to have ony title to or interest in the land or any part thereof is required on or hefore the 11th day of August, 1967 to file a statement of his claim in my office at the Town of Whitby, and to serve a copy on the Applicant. The address of the Applicant for service is: PARKHILL & YANCH, Borristers, etc 8 Simcoe Street, South OSHAWA, Ontario. DATED ot Whitby this 27th doy of July, 1967. W. H. MOORHOUSE, DEPUTY MASTER OF TITLES IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OLIVE MAY McKEEVER, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, MARRIED WOMAN, _ DE- CEASED NOTICE to CREDITORS ALL persons having claims agoinst the Estate of OLIVE MAY McKEEVER, late of the City of Oshawa in the Coun- ty of Ontario, who died on or about the 20th doy of July, A.D, 1967, are hereby notified to send full particu- lars to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of Aug- ust, A.D, 1967, after which dote the Estate will be dis- tributed with regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have hod notice: DATED at Oshawo this 24th day of July, A.D. 1967. JOHN HENRY McKEEVER Executor By His Solicitor JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., 14% King Street East, OSHAWA, Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MABEL MITCHELL, deceased. ALL claims against the es- tate of the late Mabel Mitch- ell, lote of the Town of Bow- manville, in the County of Durham, Spinster, who died on or about the 25th day of February, 1967, must be fil ed with the undersigned on or before the 9th day of August, 1967, after which date the estate will be dis- tributed according to low Tracy Clinton Glaspell, Executor, c/o Creighton, Drynan, Murdoch and Victor, 5 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ontario. |}, LLOYD C. COPP or 209 Stacey Avenue | will not be responsible for any debts con-| jafter Sales Managers and Auctioneers | | | tracted in my name by anyone on or this date August 2, 37--Auction Sales Auction Sale of Modern and Antique Fur- niture, Electrical Appliances, Dishes, Glasswore, Bedding, Linen, etc The estote of the late Violet B. Walters selling Saturday, August 5, at her late resi- dence, Lot 29, Concession 8, Hope Township at Elizabeth- ville. Sole to commence promptly at 10 A.M. ond will continue until everything is _-- sold. Terms cash, property sold Plon to attend this important auction. J. A. REID and SON AUCTION SALE at Stirte- vants Auction Hall, 33 Holl St., Oshowa, THURSDAY, AUG. 3 at 7:30 P.M. Dining room suite, electric floor polisher, electric range, refrigerator, beds, floor lamps, chesterfield suite, radio, tele- vision, vacuum cleaner, many more articles too numerous to. mention. Terms cash. Myles King, auctioneer -725- 3039. i 38--Coming Events LIONS BINGO TO-NIGHT Early Bird Game 7:45 JACKPOT 52 and 58 | ONE MUST GO Bus leaving King and Simcoe Sts. 7 and 7:15 p.m, Every Wednesday Jubilee Pavilion All proceeds to charity See Tuesday Ad NEED HELP in a hurry? Place a Help, flowers Wanted ed now by dialing 723-3492, 1967 without my written consent. Signed Aleye Copp. OBITUARIES CARMEN A, N. NEIL The death occurred, July 30, in Saskatchewan Memorial Hos- pital, Saskatoon, of Carmen Al- bert Norman Neil in his 29th year. The deceased was sef- iously burned while working with an acetylene torch and was in a coma for three weeks are to his death. A former resident of Oshawa, deceased was a member the Satan's Choice Motor- 38--Coming Events -- DEATHS Kindness beyond Price, within reach of all GERROW SUNNYSIDE FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Mo N Sle [ 28-6226 BINGO eric TWO JACKPOTS BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers 56 and 58 yet the of cycle: Club and worked as & construction worker ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS here. 318 Dundos St. E. 668-3552 ca brother Whitby, Ont. : i 2 Nos. or less ice will be x Smith Funeral IN MEMORIAM nsonville, Ont., at 2 200 "Aug. 4. Interment will be In announced Nos, FEBBRINI -- In wing memory ot 918 Mnsonville Cemetery. fath randtather, % ; BE Cantsleien Pig eer rinti no left us'se suddenly August| MISS DOROTHY M. $25: Consolation Prize 2 1962 one WORSTER = 10 Beh pein comes. Hie eemaries ter us to. keep: Seriously sick for two weeks Within our hearts he'll always stay, | M Dorothy M. Worster, $ ] 50 Jackpot And be remembered every day." - | 919 Simcoe Street South died Sadly missed and always remembered by daughter Louise, son-in-law Maurice and grandchildren. Aug. 1, at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. $20 PER LINE ae FU CARP of the late Wil- LOTT -- In loving memory of @ dear 4 daughter $800 mother and grandmother, Glodys rene liam and Ada Worster, the de- Lott, who passed away August 2, rig: ' The depths of sorrow we cannot tei ceased was born in London, REGULAR GAMES $20 PER GAME Of the loss of one we loved so weil, And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. England and had been a res- ident of Oshawa since 1913. She $40 IN 17 NOS. or LESS Lovingly remembered by daughter received her education in En- Hazel, son-in-law Ted and grandchildren. | 51.47 hl aren.| sland. $150 A_LASTING TRIBUTE A clerk for Pedlar People For Permanence ond dignity (Limited for 43 years, prior to SPECIAL GAMES we suggest q her reitrement April 30, 1961, $50 SRB AL Bane Miss Worster was an active ' ; member of St. George's Men.- | DOOR Eee ee ee ea orial Anglican Church and at | EARLY BIRD GAME ot 7:45 visit the Park Office one time was of the Altar | 723.2633 {Guile She was a member of ADMISSION $1.00 the Westmount Group of the E Th al chureh, ver ursdaa 4 member of the Oshawa Y y CARD OF THANKS Horticultural Society, Miss Wor- ster was also a member of the RED BARN DENT - Mrs. R. W. Dent and family! Oshawa Women's Progressive bal eal childs Ola bl Conservative Association and a thy and flowers during our bereavement former member of the Wor.en's BUSES LEAVING especially thanking the Reverend John on sy FOUR CORNERS at Nekibbin, and the W. Cc. Town Funeral League of Health and Beauty. 7:00 d 7:30 P.M Home, and the Whitby Legion No. 112, Predeceased by her parents : ae : he pba ied egal and a brother, Philip, Miss Wor- Children under 16 Not Admitted MARTIN -- 1 wish to thank my friends, ster is survived by several relatives, and neighbors, for the many cousins in Oshawa and Fonthill cards, flowers and gifts received during clay in the Oshawa General Hospi-/and many friends. B | N G O tal Special thanks to Dr. B. A. Brown,! The deceased is resting at r. Robert K. Miller, nurses and staff PES : . of SF and Reverend H. A. Bellow. the McIntosh - Anderson Fume --Mrs. Eva Martin. eral Home for service in St. j oe JONES - | wish to express my sincere George's Memorial Anglican JAYCEES thanks to my family, friends and neigh. Church at 2 p.m., Aug, 3. Can- jours for cards, gifts anf flowers and . CG clevy w . et AUGUST |visits during my 'stay in the Oshawa OM F. G Ongley will cond Gentral_ Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. the service. Interment will he ae atterson, Dr. D. Smith, nurses in St George's Anglican Ceme- SPECIAL and staff on 2A, Bishop Fred Etcher el sabes ad: Nbr jand members of the Mormon Church tery, Park Road North land fellow employers al Croven (West-- The pallbearers will be three jern Ly h jane fs Chas. DB. (Mildred) | Hediay People employees, Jack TWO JACKPOTS MONMIE. Ac Wes: MG a lKellington, Eric Pym and - Mr. rs. Robert Morris le a and Jacobs family wish to extend their | Murray Sparkes and : three sincere thanks and appreciation to! cousins, William Whittington, riends, relatives and neighbors for their @ . | ¢ B TH MU i acts of Kindness, messages of symoamy, Georee Puckett and Ted Tozer. flowers and donations to the Cancer In lieu of flowers donations in the recent toss of their dear af ni 7 seoanare Dorothy, wife of Ernie Ja to the | Heart Fund would be $500 cobs and mother of Paula, Peter and appreciated, Donna. Special thanks to Morris Funeral IN 50 NOS. OR LESS Home and Rev. H, Robertson for his FUNERAL OF comforting words. | MRS. VERA ELIZABETH STUART - $200 STUART "ie Elizabeth Stuart wishes ANDREWS han . * sell, . 4 . IN 51 NOS. OR MORE the nurses of SF and 2A, and especiaty| The _memorial service for $10 PER LINE BOTH GAMES fer sister, Mrs. W. Hamilton, for kind- Mrs. Vera Elizabeth Andrews, General Hossa "TAY '* OMe who died July 29. at the Osh: $ ] 75 ---__ awa General Hospital, was held achuidk aawis jat the Armstrong Funeral Home at 11 a.m., Aug. 1. $20 per line plus Fire Erupts The service was conducted $75 first full card, also |by Canon F. G. Ongley, rector of St. George's Memorial An- $500 glican Church, Interment was On Freighter IN 50 NOS. OR LESS in the Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were John oh, reguler garmek pgy LONDON (AP)--Fire broke|Cowle. Robert B. Brown, J. double in 17 Nos. or less | out on the 7,506 - ton British Duke Andrews, Fred Dally, Five $30 Games freighter Manchester Exporter Andrew Thomson and William 450 miles west of Northern Ire- land today. The RAF reported |it appeared to be under control. The ship was bound for Cana- jdian and U.S. Great Lake ports McIntosh. FUNERAL OF ROBERT TUNSTALL, The memorial service for Early Bird Game 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 | STAFFORD - Joe and | $100 in DOOR PRIZES 'join aconew ot 4 and nine|Robert Tunstall, who died July passengers, including women!29. al the Oshawa General Hos- Thurs Au 3rd and children. pital, was held at 2 p.m., Aug. os g. "The Manchester seems to be !, at the Armstrong Funeral kay,"' an RAF spokesman said. |Home. at the rd fire appears to be under The service was conducted Bee ol.' by Rev. A. Woolcock, rector of J bi | Pp ili He said an RAF plane that St. Mark's Anglican Church. In- U | Ce avi ion | spotted flames in a hold on the terment was in Mount Lawn ship would "stay around for cemetery. BUSES LEAVING jabout an "aed to make a final| The pallbearers so _ assessment of the position." Judd, Fletcher Tunstall, Leo FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 | Three other freighters con-|LeBlanc, Rennie Lalonde, How- ond 7:15 P.M. ond returning after Bingo Children under 16 Not Admitted | verged to aid the Manchester|ard Aldred and Irving Moxford. Exporter, including a' sister Eugene Vitale acted as an hon- | ship, | the p Manchester Merchant. arary bearer. Shouldice Letter To Robarts Disrupts Inquiry Session BIRTHS Lovise are hap- Py to announce the arrival of their son, on Tuesday, August 1, 1967 weighing 6 Pounds, 2 ounces, at the Oshawa Gen- i eral Hospital. First grandchild for Mr. TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Morton|ings on the grounds that Dr, and Mrs, Karl Stafford and Mr. and Shu evelle iS guns at At- s a TE. HAAG The aor banged Iman | d his guns at At-|Shulman had sat in on the in torney-General Arthur Wishart | quest with the presiding coro- and was himself branded ajner, but Dr. Shulman continued "psychopathic personality" dur-|to press Dr .Shouldice to carry ing Tuesday's action-packed ses- out some of the jury's recom- sion of the Parker commission mendations. inquiry. Dr. Shulman said that late in Centre of discussion during) 1964, he received a telephone the day was a Toronto hernia |Call from Frank Wilson, assist- son and 4th floor staff. DEATHS FURGUSON, Harry clinic operated by the late Dr. ant deputy attorney - general, At Oshawa General Hospital on Tues- who said Dr. Shouldice was up- day, August 1, 1967, Harry Ferguson of Earle Shouldice, internationally as up Oshawa, in his 89th year. Dear father known in the surgical treatment Set and had got in touch with jof Mrs, J. Hendershot (Irene), Mrs. 8. of hernia, where a man died in Premier Robarts. Adams (Ida), both of Oshawa, Resting at the Nerthcut! Elliott Funeral Home, | 1963. The fired coroner quoted Mr. Bowmanville. Funeral service 2 o'clock 4 confidential letter from Dr. bere as saying Mr. Wishart riday afternoon. Interment Hampton had tol Cemetery. Shouldice to Premier John Rob- «4, pple het oe arts concerning Dr. Shulman, | ton an {not to bother Dr. Shouldice any i s then Metropolitan Toronto' |more." said the coroner SCHWASS, Bertha Marie Entered into rest at the Belleville Gen. chief coroner, eral Hospital on Monday, July 31, 1967, was SV i rson-| Bertha, Marie Schwass of Frankiord, bei 25 2 Psychopathic person-/ DOS NOT REMEMBER loved wite of the late Nelson Schwass,/ality who constantly publicizes| 1 in the day, Mr. Wilson |dear mother of Arthur of Oshawa, John himself as the great emancipa- said he could not remember jof Frankford, David of Woodstock and Mrs. Lorne (Gwen) Corbett of North or Of the medical profession' talking to Dr. Shulman about |Bay. in her 72nd year. Resting at the and hospitals in Ontario." the case, where Au- Rowe Funeral Home, Frankford, funeral will. be held on Thursday, The letter, written in January,| George Walsh, counsel for the gust 3 at 2 p.m. Interment Stockdale 1965, said Dr. Shulman "should Shouldice clinic, accused Dr. Cemetery. jbe removed from his position of Shulman of trying to blackmail : | persecution."" Dr. Shouldice into implementing WOOD, Alice (Allie) Butler the jury's recommendations. He told the commission Dr. Shulman wrote to Dr. Shouldice Poaceae a i Ee The inquiry was ordered by losdstoc enera lospital on Tues j 5 - day, August 1, 1967, Alice (Allie) Butler,| Premier Robarts after Dr. Shul beloved wife of Les Wood, 72 Wellingtonjman was fired as chief coroner lhe Prontlag Bite setter ant ML. a by the attorney general in April) saying he could order a new in- liam (Mary Jane) Newell, both of Wood-|after charging that government|quest into the Burnett death, |stock. Funeral foe ae WD sire officials were supressing or in-|but that he had not done so in unera lome, lellington reel Heri; WooktocG: ch EFRNTT ote terfering with information relat-/order to avoid unfavorable. pub- Entombment --_ Woodstock HASUAEIROM, ing to inquests. 'licity for the ctinic. (Donations to Canadian Cancer Society' Dr. Shulman Tuesday charged, Dr. Shulman wanted to know or Canadian Arthritic Society gratefully accepted.) \Mr. Wishart with suppressing |his investigation into medical WORSTER, Dorothy M. \facilities at the Shouldice clinic whether any of the jury's re- commendations had been or were to be put into effect, Mr. | In Oshawa General Hospital, on Tues-/and his attempts to improve day, August 1, 1967, Dorothy M. Worster them. (291 Simcoe St. South), daughter of the te - late William and Ada Worster. Resting) After the death of Horace|simple blackmail," he said, Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home, rn t e § j Sbp Aine aaah TEeets een ein te |Bu so in the clinic dtrgs an Boy Shulman denied the George's Analicen Ghurch on Thursday, inquest jury recommende addi-| charge, saying the lette rwas Auaqust m Interment Stitional facilities for the clinic. "purely an attempt to bring the George's Samathry) Oshawa. (In lieu of A Supreme Court judgment hospital up t@ modern stand- donations to the heart fund would be appreciated.) llater quashed the jury's find-! ards." Walsh said. "This letter was pure and DONALD DUCK NUBBIN JULIET JONES HENRY MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER F WOW! HOW DID YoU GET 'THE SHINER?! on FROG TUR A PRINCE; | PRINCESS At WAPPILY BYE ? 4 ~N ay rman: ae «» REMEMBER A GUARDIAN ANG OVER THEM,DA

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