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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Aug 1967, p. 2

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insurmontable 30 lead in Stev- 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 2, 1967 | WEATHER FORECAST : Georgian Bay, Timagamt, Coch-!day. Seasonable tomnpergiares) FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Wi i ens Cup tennis competition for Sie CR NONED) -- : James Bay re-| Winds light. e oad nen -- en nig Forecast 'Temperatures |By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS players 45 years old and over, Tr A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE | » . sasional showers and thunder-| Low tonight, high Thursday | New Orleans -- Percy tc Canada will Play the defending | Increasing Cloudiness apie today, Variable cloudi- -- ee © : Bellet ig peg caren United States starting Rer ness with a few scattered show: |, 80 | Miami Beach, Fla. -- Linnes : : : : HS |London ... eye onserva 10n1S Ss Inning ers and cooter Thursday. Winds} Kitchener : 80 |Johnson, 163%, Miami, out- 0 owe y owers southerly 20 today, easterly 15) \fount Forest . 78 pointed Yama Bahama, 170, Bi-|f FREE Estimates, Reasonable ; _ QUEBEC Thursday. Wingham .. i 78 mini, 1. 3 | Rates, Repair Specialist. erp fag ths > : a ott Toronto, Hamilton, London, Algoma, White River regions: |Hamilton .. : «2 . Houston -- Dave Zyglewicz, paca 1ver @) u 10n a e d at 5:30 a.m, to- isor, Lake St. Clair, Lake| Cloudy with scattered showers St. Catharines » ste A |190, Houston, stopped willi rt marks attr la Lake Huron. and ob le pr se a . ae 2 a sass 217, Cocoa Beach, Fila., ' day 'alent N CP)--The battle, : | 4 Synopsis: Mainly cloudy show- southern Georgia ay, Lake Partial clearing Lee : | F CLERDOT OUST +2 > ¥ related to LS ergy pollution goes Explosion | Cops Drive Cabs Fee cls er is expected Ontario, Haliburtion regions: In-| Vari BIE DUCA Ge eben aan oi reese hag Sacramento, Calif. -- Roger) from the I steadily on, and on most fronts SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont NEW YORK (AP) -- New. throughout Northern Ontar asing cloudiness this morn- yeaa fl seek Tent Peeikornes : 5 80 Fisher, 19642, San _ Francisco, | It said F conservationists are winning.|(¢p) --_ An explosion Tuesday York City police can now, with day and able cloudiness ing becoming mainly'. cloudy iin a Me . Muskoka. 5 78 | outpointed Fred Lewis, 183, Sac-| clearly est says William Steggles of the!iore apart the cab of a truck,/department sanction , work as and a will likely with scattered thundershowers Thursday. oy canner Neen hae rc 75 ramento, 10. it per men tt Ontario Water Resources Com-| poking the downtown area and cab - drivers during their off linge area Thursday.|this afternoon, Sunny with a Ottawa and Montreal a prt I ys 5 75 II gest Dependeble Cedi Dispetched ment. _ mission. |scattering glass for hundreds of duty hours. They also may Increz udiness followed few cloudy periods Thursday.|Mainly sunny today. Mainly at ae ae 0 70 CANADA WINS | Plumbing Service. A similar The once - filthy Credit | feet, carry weapons. The new per-) by *rshowers is!Not much change in tempera-|cloudy with showers and scat- Ear on ey 5 70 FOREST HILLS, N.Y (AP) | SERVICE MADE US. lish was is River now is the cleanest wat- Don Hall, local manager of Mission is intendéd to reassure) in stor egions to-\ture. Winds southerly 15 today,)tere d thundershowers tonight Sault Ste. ] arie . a Plate Wetesled We dito in| Coll 723-1191 by an aide erway running through the in-| Kingsway - Dalewood Transport the public as well as robbery- day wi prospects for westerly 15 Thursday, and Thursday morning, Then ter BADUSKeSIng . 2 7) \doutlés play Monday for an The Cana dustrial south of the province.|rtq owners of the truck. said/plagued drivers. It also is ex- clearing Thursday Sudbury. North Bay, northern'coming mainly sunny by mid- White River .. 50 fis 1 di rag Monday nis The humber, too filthy t0|qynamite was used. He said he| pected that the move would ease that Premi freeze three years a£0. 1S)round several fuses in and near the shortage of taxi-drivers, ing the pi slowly improving. the cab had said | solve Canz The struggie at the Don is| The explosion was deliber- bitter, with the Toronto Harbor' atejy set. Mr. Hall claimed | Cargo Tonnage Up Commission still remOvVing! The truck's cargo was un-| TORONTO (CP) -- Foreign 1,000 cubic yards of soil and|qamaced 'but the seats and Cargo handled in the Port of _ ay garbage from the river mouth! hoorhoards were fragmented, Toronto to July 24, rose 9.8 per by "freedo daily. cent from the corresponding comniuntdy The Grand River, which runs ae | . 1966 period, the Toronto Harbor lawibe 69 through Kitchener, Galt and | Ban Mini-Skirts Commission said Monday, Ton- y / padi re Brantford, has improved to the FLORINA, Greece. (AP) --| 2@se was a t f yi); agreen.ents 501,248: a tote brought cz compared wi point of meeting OWRC stand- wl asc Bike etc an Sisal Eilili taracmmacals Quenec ant DISCOUNT ron Johnson he . veces shortly afte ericton by said he stu statement pani Mini - skirted women will not : oe, Ne pe : be allowed in churches of this Fe Soul -- Pajescenil ig on northern Greek city, the new hs oe suite ikits bishop of Florina said Tuesday. | : ee to par, Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Recreation Clinic Augustine Kantiotis also banned MONTREAL (CP)-- The Ca- Carnivals Banned women with made-up eyes and n Association of Recrea- WALLACEBURG, Ont. (CP) 4¥ed hair from churches. Kan- hold clinics for ¢ , . tiotis or as 2 t A ban on carnivals within Gece is known as one O! French - speaking recreation Wallaceburg was approved by) Ureece S pee outspoken con- joaders in Moncton, N.B., Sud- council Tuesday night. servative clergymen y st, Norbert, Man., ex- The action follows a July 22 . . v Yves Rajotte riot at the Wallaceburg's carni- Pharmacist Dies announced Tuesday. The Sud- val grounds involving 300 per- 3 i é bury clinic will be held Aug sons and resulting in damage, TORONTO (CP)--John Craw- 98.31, Pree n nee a eee etee totalling $15,000. ford Gould, chairman of the On- atc aenamind ay tario Retail Pharmacists' s0- z Ms cuties ndee"on private precaton end former prevaent of, Dancing In Aisles LONDON perty, for commercial promo-| Drug Tading Co., died a TORONTO (CP) -- O' year-old tion. ; home here Tuesday. He was Centre had its most unu boy is ex Council also recommended ac-| orn in North Tonawanda, N.Y.' opening night Monday whe London juv quisition by the Wallaceburg po-|!" 1898 and graduated from the young people dance i a a ' lice commission of better equip-| Ontario College of Pharmacy ire aisles and on stage during a the Sunda ment for riot and crowd con- 1916 rock and light" show. Centre year-old Lt trol. officials restrained their secu- The you Founds Club rity police when the audience Windsor, ( tioning afte found _ slee man's Car. MH | accepted an invitation to dance Plea Disregarded | MANCHESTER, Conn. (AP) from the main attraction group TORONTO (CP)-- Mazgistrate|A Worriers' Club has been --the Jefferson Airplane. George Gardhouse Tuesday oe by John Staknis on the Bi l P | P N Renal ee ; London Tu regarded the plea of a 30-year-|theory that, as Staknis says, i » Inspector old man for a jail term and)'worrying together is much Bill atients ' CANNED WHOLE 3' LB.! : " 36-TABLETS ! the provir yemanded him to Aug. 9 on amore effective than worrying MONTREAL (CP)-- Quebec's --w------_ IN FOIL PACKS! investigatic charge of possessing marijuana. alone."' medical specialists Tusday| ' ert "PANTRY SHELF" John Frederick White, of no started billing welfare patient ? é i y / ij uu a } 'ould prot fixed address, was set free on) CNE Man Dies slag ber Mapa ti Psing en \ CHICKEN Ls ALKA SELTZER Koo tit juveni said Tues his personal bail of $1,000. : 6 "My family has deserted me, TORONTO (CP)--F. C "May-|tween the specialists and the = oo 1391 ° Two othe and I am afraid that I might berry, 70, who retired as plan-| provincial governmnet. Dr. Ray- : -------- F a ae tablet ¢ ports Ag: et into more trouble if I am ing engineer for the Canadian| mond Robillard, president of the 1 /e- 5 = 'amous a Seltzer tablets free," White said. q National Exhibition in 1958, died| Federation of Medical Special- _ COMPARE AT 1.29 ane yea | in handy foil packs f An- first youth jin Sunnybrook Hospital Tues-| ists of Quebec said: "We are Lab Aa beh, : ee : other Stripe Value ! Save EACH panions, v asty 4 Fines fay skh \ el i Z oars 1 ' day. He earned his doctorate of resuming direct relationship Be Pe ae stripe: Value} 53¢ on each box ! day night é Criticize Yard philosophy at the University of|with these- welfare patients, sail igebrd agalideas BODY NE LONDON (AP) -- Scotland | Toronto in 1964, 51 years after!something like the current pat- The bod Yard was criticized by mem-|he first enrolled. 'tern in Ontario." - as ae was Palind bers of Parliament Tuesday for;~ ~~ a i : aS joi i s 5 ae R | iid ene ' : emoves Dandruff ! cdonald spending too siach x bite! C WITH MOD & i", Quality Hair Spray ! Sains 7 he money on its new headquarters. t T R t T lks 1 - ------ mu a ish. A report by the all - party pub- ar er ax epor a | ROD ROLLERS! 4 ADORN a lal Heol ig lic accounts committee dis-| } . " f bh) 5 au ag es an 1967-model closed that the yard spent) ss s RS a P ippily- 0 i 7-02. ; 6-02 Chief In $5,180,000 in fitting out the mas- F h P M t y . 1.89! ; -OZ. ive office block in Victoria| & MEALS, remiers ee Ing | a a COR, REGULAR 3.25 : dee Regular 1.50! of the prt Street--four times the original Pea , ' j > « cage tly public interest, the committee|_*REDERICTON (CP) -- The provinces will be ready by July 4 @ Ez der offenc anid. 'The new headquarters wae controversial Carter royal com-)1, 1968, to operate the plan as Zi cs " 9 cott of Cl Secinind last March |mission report on taxation is ex-|submitted by Ottawa. " (aN COMPLETE j EACH EACH arrested i p sc f |pected to top the agenda today| Alberta Premier E. C. Man-| ae A Bonus Buy! Don't Miss It! 4 4 save ppoteg peed Conditions rl dresses murder of 4 jas six provincial premiers con-|ning made it clear his province | He ' EEA LO eS CRN your hair! en Gets Back Skin |clude two days of talks behind|has not changed its opposition| * LOUIS VILLE, Ky, (AP)--|Closed doors in New Bruns-|to the program. | Nearly nine square inches of a\wick s new centennial office TALKS PLEASANT | More Value ! woman's skin, left on a car's|Dbuilding here. Premier Daniel Johnson, who| 4 More Savings ! L ; i Super Stainless Blades! windshield when it collided with} The report received some at- missed last year's conference in : rd a7 oO } peel ie gevinat nue another vehicle, has been|tention from the premier's as Toronto because of the Quebec GROG | G = LADIES a HY " grafted back on her forehead by their eighth annual conference hospital strike, said he was find- a + 1 et e Louisville doctors. When Mrs,|Opened Tuesday, but host Pr- ing the talks "pleasant. CLEA \ Hair Brushes _ 10's N' ~ #. Mona Washer and three other|Mier Louis J. Robichaud said 1 "It's good to feel you're not injured persons arrived at Gen-|iS so "'complex" it was difficult alone if you have certain objec- 4.02 "8 Values to 1.49! Regular 1.45! eral Hospital, doctors sent po-|to even begin to discuss it. tions,'" he said R | 1 09! ; ce lice back to the scene for the | The premiers devoted more The 52-year-old head of Que- : A eguigr. ts . a c missing skin. Mrs. Washer's|time during the opening round,bec's Union Nationale rm aa jj F = Cc forehead won't be "as good as|to several other issues, at least! ment, caught in an inte a Se i ct af a j new," Dr. Ilan Thompson said,|two of which are highly contro-|furor over French President A q e ch "But there may be no pro-|versial. Charles de Gaulle's recent. use Ai . ;. A é EACH nounced scar." ' They discussed possible modi- of a separatist slogan in Mont- can A big selection while they fast? Super shaving at Super savings! fications to the federal govern- real, said the sessions provide} A quality buy! Seve 32¢ Now ! EAR RLS eG PERRO RL RTE RERT ARE RELS: other swing at Ottawa for tuin- Great Reducing Aid ! |ment's proposed medical care|an arena for a 'frank exchange | an ; HERE AND THERE insurance program and 'ook an- of views." | -- Menss and Women's Styles ! BONUS IN PAINTING ing the long-debated off-shore P A $2 painting bought Satur-|Mineral rights question over to CALL OR SEE For Fast Pain Relief! "RAYEX" "METRECAL' dey by Lloyd E. Bradley, Osh-|the Supreme Court of Canada awa, gave him more than his} Premier Robichaud 1 *s worth when he dis-|80vernment is of the opin DIXON'S |. | "Anacin" ¢ SUNGLASSES COOKIES money s covered four pages from {Provinces will not recognize the FOR | EAST 100's Regular 1.39! | Y : * Values to 1.98! Regular 1.19! Toronto newspaper of June 15,|Supreme Court ruling regard- OIL FURNACES ! NE Die ae 1896 folded behind the picture. |/ess of what it is. e .. noun 9 . fe aN G He bought the print of a paint-/ EXPECT RULING IN FALL SERVING OSHAWA OVER | astm mt 2 te i" c c ng at an auction near New:|, phi yrs on whether the 50 YEARS A j i a, castle. The pages were a little federal government or the prov- ib ley Ee a ; eon 'but in good reading inces hold rights to under-the- 24-HOUR SERVICE EACH e ' : EACH EACH condition. a be the coasts is 313 ALBERT ST. Save 62c on this family need ! Buy NOW! Up to 50% OFF! Choice of 4 flavors! Save 42c¢! ASKS ACCEPTANCE Premier Robichaud, chairman 723-4663 Public works committee of Of the conference, said a Su- Oshawa recommended that the preme Court judgment would be p r of Miller Paving Ltd,,\recognized "'but then there are Toronto 6, in the sum of $420.-/0ther avenues that can be taken ee SAVE MORE EVERY DAY! TOOTHPASTE by... Toni Quality Buy! Regular 3.75! LIMITED QUANTITIES ON ALL FTEMS NOW EARN 6%4.% ii a "ur Bo gion That's My Color by investing in Guaranteed by e688 Shulton 8 which are Hair Colour Lotion! Reg, 2.25! Fire completely destroyed a|Surance program, but it had not 0 Lloyd David-|been determined which forms it broke out late/these modifications should take. afternoon, The barn) There were some reservaiions barn bel 0 {-lb. Poly Bag! Regular 1.39! | s0n, Tue 163.84 for the reconstruction of {0 overcome the difficulties cre 5 Y i ; , Athol Street East and Ritson ated by a judgment bad ear 4 als a - toad North and also the 'con-| Mr..-Robichaud, acting asva ree struction of Wilson Road North|Spokesman for the premiers G t d , a aoc Said he believes most reners | Guarantee "BRONZTAN" | "LISTERINE" "CURL FREE" are in favor of *'some modifica- Investment Certificates > EST ED ions'? . ine seiipis ie . i BARN DESTROYEL tion to the medical care in SUN TAN LOTION C 8-02. Size! 1.75 Value! LIMITED QUANTITIES ON ALL ITEMS LIMITED QUANTITIES ON ALL ITEMS EACH EACH located north of Raglan|in some areas as to whethe? the Road on Simcoe Street North. A --$$--$--$$--$------_-- spokesman for the Oshawa Fire! Department stated that the cause of the blaze was un- known. Damage to the. barn was estimated at $20,000, while the value of the contents de- stroyed was $1,000, The barn) had been rented by a Mrs, R. Davi DX c DX -- DX -- DX} OPEN SOON Sn ostawa $ISAVE $$ |s ai ee C TANNY'S OIL CANADA'S LARGEST end IPhone 668-3341 $ AND FINEST CHAIN OF ANT ODY? HEAITH Spa's ar: DX -- DX -- DX -- DX, ® , I 4 "SCOPE" Antiseptic Mouthwash That Fresh Taste! Reg, 1.53! LIMITED QUANTITIES ON ALL ITEMS the event co a Ti i rpg 7 uibsatiek cs TAMP x Children's "Playtex A gsr Regular or Super Size 39 BATHING CAPS ]-88 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST @ F : & SAVINGS coRPORATION Bp 40'S Regular 1.691 In poly bags! Regular: 2.081 nig big tc ly ty ee aay an gga gn cr CVO) 2x, Lea | IP, = 7 'COUNT "HEALTH & BEAUTY A/DS y "YARD" RAID 4 For Outdoor Insects 8 14-0z, Size! Regular 2.29! LIMITED QUANTITIES ON ALL ITEMS Investment Certificates Guaranteed--os to Principal and interes LIMITED QUANTITIES ON -ALL ITEMS ote Redeemable--oy "Moirs" Selection Chocolates ih 14-0z. Boxes! 1.29 Value! LIMITED QUANTITIE EACH Q S ON ALL ITEMS 24 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Open til 9 p.m. Thurs. & Fri.

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