Gaulle's leadership, the sources|Canada must disengage them-; -4 i yes ssive *| Gaullist Leaders Promote " to the success of any ref- eo a forsies pal | a S WILL BE BROAD THE CHHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Angie 9, 1967 17 NTON (CP)--Broad RES enE Seas al issues will take ce over local associa- s in a new monthly blished by the Alberta mn of Home and School ons .The paper is to be : sid : tsei xt g - Algeria, for France' erendum is the ability of the|sources said. -- oe Seernel Tepe pete foe eee pe hangs? | Gaullists to explain their lead-| Gaullists were temporarily at) . Foreign Policy Referendum ::,:°3', 733 2,022: |+ is 1 exnin tors' anata the Tues De ul | | : junderstand that the future of| De Gaulle plans to interrupt vation of peace in Europe de-|@¢tions in Quebec province last/our Freedom ,.. is tied to the his holiday at Colombey-les - ° e Air Of Expectancy Awaits e 5 ° Tito's Arrival In Egypt : PARIS (Reuters) -- Gaullistjthe country behind de Gaulle|pends on contributing to the re-)month which led to accusations|will to resist every policy that) Deux-Eglises Wednesday to. at- - J 4 | j i |tenc ak y of : ting here. beni i ; ' -e the dust of tontroversylestatlishment of a stable bal-|that he was siding with/tends to make a hegemony ofjtend a cabinet mee eS ey eon, wee 8 prema] Dut seme Westere Gplomats or : bhi anad rau pein his recent Cantante of power between the So-| French-Canadian separatists. any kind possible," Finance|Thursday he will deliver a tele- An air of expectancy sur-|nent peace in the Middle East,|with many years of experience viet. Union and the United! |Minister Michel Debre wrote in| vised speech that is expected to : te is rf i i r in- 9 f scheduled, trip to Cetra with So ee ee ee ahd gst dale The Gaullists calculate that a De Gaulle considers that to But they have started to re-| Left-wing Gaullists have de-| But observers predicted he ions|the surface of the problem and' sources here. some quarters hoping he has aj{® wards greater concessions formed . "peace referendum" would be-ido this, Western European gain their bearings. They point|clared that the idea of freedom|would also touch again on for- rounds President Josip Tito's|Tito may have already conclud- suggest he is just gcratching|" President de Gaulle's inter-|dian visit has settled. Nats REGAIN BEARINGS \a provincial paper last week. [support social reforms. Phone 723-0241 plan that can bring peace to the|than those revealed in Yugosla-|that the crisis remains as diffi-. They are confident of their or 728-0192 Middle East without loss of|Via before his departure. cult to resolve as ever. lability to rally a majority of!coms a new endorsement of de|countries and others such asito France's example of freeing'is as valid for Quebec as it hadjeign policy. eccteaeiat -- ' face by either the Arabs or Is- EPI s raelis. However some Western diplo- = mats believe that , despite his * ---- great skill as a negotiator ,the Yugoslavian leader may find ' his ideas shattered by the reali- ties of a grim political situa- tion. Tito's plan is reported to in- volve Israeli withdrawal from lands conquered during the six- day war in return for guaran- tees of Israel's old borders, ei- ther by the United Nations Se- curity Council or the Big Four. Thus Israel would win de facto recignition of its exist- ence without having the Arabs face the repugnant demand that they undertake direct diplo- matic negotiations with their old enemy. NO GUARANTEE But Israel would not win au- tomatic rights to use the Suez Canal. In fact Tito is reported to have expressed the view that any Arab leader would be com- mitting political suicide if he yielded on the canal issue. Therein lies the fatal weak- ness of the Tito plan. The Is- raelis want full recognition which would automatically give them the right to use the strate- gic waterway, now paralysed. The land they now hold proba- bly is as vital to their bargain- ing power as the canal is to the &, |» rae --- Baked For You By Jane Parker! JANE PARKER Reg. Price each 39¢ -- SAVE 4e - FRUIT CAKE as uc 35¢ JANE PARKER REG. PRICE loat 25¢ -- SAVE 10¢ BREA CRACKED 3 24-02 LOAVES re) 5 ¢ WHEAT JANE PARKER APPLE RAISIN Reg. Price each 39¢ -- SAVE 4e COFFEE CAKE -- 35 JANE PARKER -- Plain, Sugared of Cinnamon Reg. Price pkg 29¢ -- SAVE 9e CAKE DONUTS 2°::49¢ onasale! __.... NOXZEMA mecca Frozen Foods! = MEAT DINNERS tonsks Ie POTATOES 2-Ib poly bag 3 9: CREAM PUFFS rks os De JANE PARKER \ PEACH PIE FULL 8-INCH 24-0Z SIZE wo 39: REG, PRICE each 49 ~ SAVE 10¢ Prepriced at $1.19 -- SAVE 20 6-07 JAR 997 GILLETTE DEODORANT RIGHT anys 7-FL-OZ ¢ AEROSOL TIN | GUARD We never advertise a special sale item unless we have an ample supply. Once in a great while, the special is more popular than we imagined. ° ¢ PREPRICED AT $1.59 -- SAVE 600 So occasionally, we do run out of the item. Seg. oCCtOOd Buys! foams SEA SEALD BRAND HADDOCK .«:... 9, ' Egyptians. Tito's major influence as a middleman flowers from his But we never "run out" ona sale, If the item is sold out, just ask the manager fora "RAIN CHECK", Ie Coup ' widely-recognized role as a | moderate maverick in the Com- ; munist world and his close rela- tionship with Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser. He goes to Cairo as an accept- ed friend of the Arabs and as a man who has gained great in- sight in world affairs. It is like- SULTANA -- Our own Brand (Beef, Chicken or Turkey) FEATURE PRICE | VALLEY FARMS Franch Fried FEATURE PRICE! RICH'S BAVARIAN Reg. price 65¢ pkg. A&P BRAND BREADED FISH CRISPS we" 3 Qe | te 'This ALP Rain Check entities you te purchase the following at today's special price: SPRCiAL Pm it le ABP policy te sways have an ly Nasser will listen closely to R : ' Depa SAVE 100 what Tito has to say. Tito's awn VEGETABLES 9°" siorusrs*° 3 Oe] : he ; 1X OR MATCH Words Sony ve OF inereasing im: P FEATURE PRICE! Wee pkgs . REG, 450 -- SAVE 6e Reg. 590 -- SAVE 100 Check es Bh portance since a meeting is to take place in Belgrade to plan { East Europe economic aid for weakened Egypt. ; MAY SEEK MORE It is possible that if he is vi- (White Corn, Baby Lima Beans, Mixed Vegetables, Broccoli Spears) 'Tw "rain check" a goad for one week Irom shove date, MOTE: Redeeming store shauid thew redempiinn dale & store slamn a8 reverst sith "Super-Right' Meats--Your Best Buy! An A&P Rain Check is a certificate that entitles you to buy the item at the same special price, the following week. EVISCERATED VAC PAC -- 3 TO 4 LB. AVER. 33 CANADA GRADE "A" ROASTING CHICKENS | Support Seen In 'Grassroots' VANCOUVER (CP)--Opposi- tion Leader Diefenbaker said Saturday he has evidence of a 'surge of grassroots support if \he decides to fight for retention ot the Progressive Conservative *teadership next month. Mr. Diefenbaker told a news «conference that during his three-week holiday in British Columbia he has received a huge volume of mail, 95 to 98 We think that's the fair thing to do. We think that shows "WE CARE". Not every store can care that much. A&P can,..and does. * tay A&P be your store? SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY MEATS SIDE BACON --wicies"ic'nc wrod. Oy RINDLESS VAC PAC \TH CE CLOTHS st quality towels and quards, screen prints, Variety of colors % CO zee le$ D4 cach yularly 39¢ each 3 for 38e ESSIS" ET OF ichly satin bownd, id, sandalwood and ularly 12.98 each 2 D.BE cock DS OF LITY BATH TELS in absorbent cotton. .98, 3.98, 4.98 each el 1.99 con / up to 1.98 each lel G7Ze ch y up to 79c each 3 for 7Be ee ee i i MAPLE LEAP pd my piven rig Wi tn ERS VAC PAC LB 5 7 4 R E D B KR A N D fag anal convention as N lb 4 tin Toronto, sounding, more uke a ae | BEEF BOLOGNA re 053¢ FOR BRAISING vclared candidate every day, the} 'Tory Chieftain said that if the SX BRAND aiine announced leadership can- dlidates had all the convention strength they claim, '"'there vould be about. 6,200 delegates" instead of the 2,000 that will at- fiend. Mr. Diefenbaker once again declined to say whether or not We will run, Monarchy Best Fleming States POINTE AU PIC, Que. (CP) ---Donald Fleming, a candidate fer leadership of the Progres- sive Conservative party, says qpnstitutional monarchy is the bést system of government for Cuinada. de interrupted a discussion at a Conservative meeting here Swir tow ight, when, one, young (Me Lead 7500 2 2 B® +1 Pe c 1000 108 108 108 OILS, GAS | samera 733 450 450 450 aantt 370 $18%e 18 18% 'S Pete 500 240 238 240 +5 a Deni 400 285 (285 285 ( Ex Gas 200 490 490 490 00 360 360 360 ent Del 1175 $195% 19% 1914 -- 1% s hi Ht COllsds 1060 $16 16% 1614 + m Hel 1748 370 wat | Wil City 150 146 («150 700 71 wm + Ne Oils S40 535 $40 +15 Yumac wi 2100 95) 94 94 Permo 800 26% 26v2 26% | Peruv 100 200 200 | Piace @ 3500 280 278 278 = | Ponder 3200 44 40" 44 | Ranger 2200 340 340 340 | Scurry Rn 4590 $452 4414 444 --114 Spoon 25045 89 88 8 +1) Triad Oil 700 225 275..f00. The 4 Senso. Obdid $1 a pound for the i'vory and will resell it for export at $3. PORK SAUSAGE BEEF LIVER GROUND CHUCK SIDE BACON PURE, TRAY-PACI SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, SLICED FRESH ALLGOOD SMOKED SLICED RINDLESS mca ©2000 Buys on Fine Groceries! [eam ~aie Siack's (Stems & Pieces) FEATURE PRICE! MUSHROOMS 3::-::1.00 Geisha Mandarin FEATURE PRICE! ORANGES LZ. iitorinn Qe Pride of Jamaica (Sections) FEATURE PRICE! GRAPEFRUIT -- 4 vsticxin 9D ai Reg. Price 2 btis 430 -- SAVE 4o 2 11-fl-oz btls 3 9. DSHAWA PROVISION a 77. -- et DEAL) king size box 1 49 te refill SAVE 40 'ES pack of 10 okavae 5 Reg. Price 2 tins 45¢ -- SAVE 9e CIETY 3 15-0z tins 59. Reg. Price pkg 39e -- SAVE 90 MEMBERSHIP FE «ALS. 2-69. met or Coco Puffs 8!/2-oz. Reg. Price jar 33¢ -- SAVE 4¢ 24-fl-oz jar 29: NO French's MUSTARD soap (Assorted colours) @ WITTSBURGH PAINTS @ WINDOW GLASS @ TWINDOW @ PEACOCK MIRRORS - +, @re@ just some of the many Prodwpcts available at . . . CAMAY. tcccr 00) 3 roosuton 3 Je VISIT WITH US AT... Ty | €xP067 WE'RE SPONSORING THE "EGG GRADING FACTORY" POULTRY BUILDING -- AGRICULTURAL SECTION LAMB LEGS PORK CHOPS 1-18 PKG 7 9 4 IMPORTED FROZEN NEW ZEALAND Fresh Produce Buys! 49! 59 MEATY BUTT lb LIQUID DETERGENT 24-FL- x 39 REG. PRICE BOTTLE 45¢ -- SAVE 6 ™ ASSORTED FLAVORS AIDE DRINKS 4 «= ™ 99 IVORY SOAP 4:39. CARAMEL CORN 29% Cinderella eg. Price pkg 35e -- SAVE 60 RAISINS mis Tinie 29% SAI NO. 1G Personal Size CALIFORNIA, VINE-RIPENED, YELLOW FLESH * CANTALOUPES RADE, EXTRA LARGE JUMBO SIZE 23'S 3: 00 None priced higher at A&P ' Canada White Reg. Price jug 780 -- SAVE 4e VI N EGAR 128-H-oz plastic jug 6 9. Nabisco Reg. Price pkg 480 -- SAVE 4e SHREDDIES itozeko Be Yukon Club Soda Water or (Plus Bottle Deposit) GINGER ALE 7 s0A-02 bis Y Se GRAPE APPLE JUICE = MARTIN'S VITAMINIZED = 3. 48-fl-oz tins Be PILLSBURY CHILL tS 6M 9-02 pkg Be CORN SOCKEYE SALMON FANCY QUALITY %'stin 59e ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1967 -- OSHAWA, WHITBY & BOWHANVILLE g. PLUMS CALIFORNIA THOMPSON SEEDLESS, No. 1 GRADE LARGE FIRM CLUSTERS ow 3D? one DOs vos 39 Ss NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P CALIFORNIA, SANTA ROSA SWEET AND JUICY No. 1 GRADE NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P ONTARIO GROWN HYDRA-COOLED TENDER SWEET GOLDEN No, 1 GRADE NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P