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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Aug 1967, p. 6

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DSF & THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 10, 1967 ----" a 4 ' Wuntsville And Township Both In Semi-Finals py j By THE CANADIAN PRESS «| Huntsville Hawks and To- ronto Township Wednesday cap- tured their best-of-seven quar- ter-final series as they posted victories over Long Branch and - By Eric Wesslby Times Sports Editor the defence- Boston at his honeymoon, man wil! head for Bruins training camp OSHAWA GENERALS will open their training camp for i srosse Associat Junior A 60 boys on Sept. 16, taking [Lacrosse Association c : |play. |Hastings Legionnaires in Ontario) = advantage of the ice at Whit- by Arena. The club will con- duct twice daily sessions on Sept 16 and 17 and general manager Matt Leyden is look- ing for a good camp in this his return to junior hockey. Included in the list attending camp are all members of the Ontario championship Oshawa midget club. MOST OF the attention the first few days will probably centre around Dale Tallon. It would be unfair, however, not to pay attention to some of the other players lined up by Matt, Garry Young and mana- ger Ivan Davie. And it would probably be just as unfair to expect Tallon to make like a Jean Beliveau in his first erack at junior 'A' hockey. It's still a big jump from ju- venile ranks to junior "A", and few make the transition easily. ONE OF the boys who shovld be given star billing this year is Ron Dussiaume. A 20-goal scorer last season, when they were scarce in the Generals' lineup, Ron has the ability te make a name for himself in junior hockey. He's big and aggressive, which by the way, is the story on most of the talent available to Gen- erals. Tallon is big and so are several of the others lined up by Young during his scout- ing duties. FORMER GENERAL Bar- ry Wilkins will be married this weekend in Toronto. Shortly after returning from London. Quite active in base- ball in North Toronto, Barry probably played his last game of the season last night for Richardsons. WELL. THEY'RE no long- er losers, so you can't like them any- more. I'm talking about Oshawa Legionnaires midget "A" minor baseball team. They couldn't have picked a better time to halt their winless ways than in the first game of the playoffs, which they did in Port Hope Tuesday. But unfortunately, trouble erupted following the game and several of the play- ers on the team will march before the league executive tonight THE EASTERN Ontario Baseball Association won't have to go far afield to get evidence -in this' one. Presi- dent Jim Gilmer of Port Hope was umpiring and mid- get convener Jim Lutton of Oshawa was coaching. And vice - president Arnold Wade was in the stands. The teams resume their series at Kins- men stadium tomorrow night. OSHAWA BANTAM Legion- naires open the EOBA ban- tam 'A' major final at Kins- men Stadium Sunday after- noon against Belleville. Osh- awa won the league title but had a tough time in two games against Belleville, with one game ending in a tie. This will be a_ best-of-three series, with the teams return- ing to Belleville a week Sat- urday. Branch 10-6 to win their series 4-1. Toronto Township rallied in the final period to edge Has- tings 8-6, winning their series 4-2 Harry Menard, Ivan Thomp- son and Tim Kelly led the way !for Huntsville with two goals leach. Art Gouldie, Mike Payne, Gary Balkwell and Larry Ire- land scored singles Stan Cox replied with two for Long Branch, while Al Valillee, Bill Sheehan, lan Orr and Fd Travis addes singles. Veteran Barry Salovarra paced the Toronto Township at tack with three goals. George Wilson and Al Gordonier netted two each, and Bob Gardiner got one. THREE GOALS Jim rady collected three goals for Hastings. Don Gra- ham, Jim Gerin and Darryl Scollard potted one each Huntsville now faces the for- midable Oshawa Green Gaels, who Tuesday completed a four- game sweep over Brampton. They play their first semi-final game in Huntsville Saturday. Toronto Township will meet the winner of the' Mimico Moun- ties-St. Catharines Lakesides series, which resumes today in St. Catharines with St. Catha- rines leading 3-2 | Midget Champs Top Bay Ridges Oshawa Quality Fuels Mid- gets beat out Bay Ridges Juve- Huntsville defeated Long ! By BOB MacKENZIE OTTAWA (CP)--Margene Ad- kins, a highly - touted 19-year- old end from Tyler, Texas, lived up to his pre-season bill- ing Wednesday night as he led Ottawa Rough Riders to a 28-25 triumph over Edmonton Eski- mos. Adkins showed 21,803 fans that the Riders can be danger- ous from any point in the field as he caught six passes for 151 yards and two touchdowns. in the first game of the regular Canadian Football League sea- son for both clubs. The Riders, defending East- ern Football Conference cham- pions, were weak in the tack- ling and blocking departments in the first half and had to hang on in the dying seconds after taking a 28-18 lead on a brief second-half. scoring blitz. Edmonton narrowed the gap to 28-25 with 35 seconds to play and grabbed the ball on a short kickoff on the Ottawa 48-yard line. But defensive halfback Don Sutherin, acquired 'from the Western Conference Eski- mos in a trade last week, saved the day when he battled down a pass from Edmonton quarter- back Frank Cosentino intended 3 Ottawa 10-yard line. RALLY FALLS SHORT Cosentino was good on his next pass attempt, but halfback Jim Thomas, who scored two of Edmonton's three touchdowns, was knocked out of bounds by linebacker Mike Blum on the Ottawa 38 as the game ended. CFL action at Ottawa last | Ottawa quarterback Russ night. (CP Wirephoto) |Jackson's passing was sharp - -- ---jand he clicked twice with Ad- Bombers Beat Stamps, #85): € Two Edmonton Eskimo Rough Rider quarterback backfield for a loss during defenders trap Ottawa Russ Jackson in his own ling 48 and 41 yards-and once five yards and to get Adkins Sparks § Ottawa Victory Fe! To CHICAG Cubs have he game winner: years. Fergie yard runs while Perkins, who carried 12 times for 47 yards, got the other on a 15- round play. Kempf kicked a 35-yard field goal and three converts while flanker Randy Kerbow added a single on a 43-yard Ottawa with a net rushing total of only 43 yards. Cosentino also displayed a sharp passing arm, completing 14 of 18 attempts for 214 yards, including a 66-yard gain on @ screen pass to fullback Art Per- for flanker Peter Kempf on the! with fullback Rick Black for| three|interview Wednesday. touchdowns in 15 minutes. | Jackson also scored on a/Santana,... kins. Flanker Randy Kerbow caught seven passes for 87 yards. But all of Edmonton's touch- downs came on running plays. Thomas, who ran for 70 yards in 14 carries, got two on four- punt for Edmonton's other points. The Eskimos lost 23 yards at- tempting to pass and finished with a net gain of 107 yards rushing. MONTREAL (CP)--Toronto |Riftes scored two fourth-quarter touchdowns to defeat Montreal Beavers 21-13 in a Continental Footbal! League exhibition game Wednesday night. | It was Toron'o's second victo- \ry in as many pre-season games against the Beavers. The Rifles defeated Montreal /24-20 in Toronto last Thursday. The Rifles got touchdowns Sack Upsets | 'Top Ranker MONTREAL Sack of Clarksdale, Miss., the ;only major upset winner so far at the Canadian Open tennis championships is not optimis- tic about his chances of captur- |ing the men's singles title. "T"ll be trying," he said in an "But with players like Emerson and jon .a one-yard |quarterback Dunn Marteen in (Ce vesiet | Beavers. Rifles Defeat Beavers With Final Quarter Surge from quarterback Tom Wilkin- son On a one-yard dive and from Britt Hardy on a three- yard run in the fourth quarter. Ron Francis scored the other Toronto touchdown when he took an eight-yard pass from Wilkinson in the third quarter. Clem Turner converted all three Toronto touchdowns. ONE-YARD TD Montreal led 7-0 at halftime touchdown by the second quarter. The other Montrea! touchdown went to Mike Haffner, who took a 28- yard pass from Marteen for the score. Lou Bobich was good on one of two convert attempts for the Leafs Edged By Buffalo By THE CANADIAN PRESS The International League, dent he will bi 3. The lanky, hander who s soccer and b as baseball a has become | 15-game winne League. He hurled a out over Pitts the opener of Wednesday to 15-9 He also dre with a pair o} Veale, who | along with eig] Jenkins has plete games ir gone the rout year He has b cible in Wrigl he ig 12-3 in a | a chamber of pitchers becaus ative shortnes right-centre. RETIRES 16 § In registerin; shutout, Jenkir fanned nine at 16 consecutive third through tt Since 1945, o son, 24-11 in Ellsworth, 22-1 been 20-game C "Before, the -- thought I would I just doubled last year when Fergie. "But wl began doing so goal a little hig "Now, I don't ese oa 2 _ niles, in an exhibition softball game that had the friendly! keeper play, carrying six | idn' i i itchi 1 i 3 ' ' y six yards) Observers didn't give Sack|dominated by pitching through- make it 20. I cc B ki Las St ] ths alry touch, with the Midgets & apture eague Lead around left end. All four touch-|much chance of eliminating|out most of tie taaeon, saw the oo Too In co ee ers eae their former' teammate ee were converted by Moe fourth-seeded Jaikip Mukerjea,|hitters finally showing their . 5-2 ee acine. but he beat India's No. 2 player|mettle Wednesday night. S ; | Last year, when Oshawa Mid- gy WALTER KREVENCHUK|end zone to send Winnipeg, punt singles for Calgary; Larry Jackson completed 17 of 25|Wednesday in a marathon sin-} Buffalo ong broke im tr |gets won the All-Ontario title, wWiNNIPEG (CP)--Calgary|ahead with less than two min-|Robinson converted two passes for 298. yards in the|gles match 7-5, 3-6, 6-2, 1-6, 6-2.!lengthy losing streak by atl B t I utes gone in the contest. Liske pursued by Bomber de-'game with one interception. But) The game was continued For the next 30 minutes ,a fenders, managed to complete his backs managed only 88|from Tuesday night after Sack yards on the ground, which,!complained he couldn't play as ing a ninth-inning rally to de- feat Toronto Maple Leafs 6-5, Syracuse Chiefs rallied for an jthey had Dave Cranston as siampeders bumbled their way their ace pitcher. Pitching for|tg a 27-16 loss Wednesday night Bay Ridges Juveniles, he didjg Winnipeg! Blue Bombers.|stout defence sparked by line-|11 of 27 attempts for 203 yards, | Lose Another To Dixie The North O BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Brook- than a minute later, Cassidy ik ahaha in. the exhibition aon a | | ; j . lin Lasco Steelers dropped their|scored for Brooklin, Rowland taut clai@iay 17: SbARBOIE con-|This was the appraisa 1 of |b acker Wayne Harris kept|but had two passes intercepted coupled with 45 yards lost when|well under lights. Rain halted|g.¢ triumph over league-leading Horsemen Assoc second - straight game of their|again setting up the play. est, claiming strikeout vic- Stampeder coach Jerry Wil-|Stampeders in contention. Then) and was pulled down five times Jackson was tackled before he|play in mid-afternoon Wednes-|Rochester Red Wings and Co- fourth show of Brooklin|' liams at the end of the Western|Bomber Ernie Pitts intercepted for a loss of 62 yards . jcould get his passes away, left} day before the arrival of the} lumbus Jets whacked Toledo Five Points are: SBE Tuga Tae an attendance of ------ |Open's two big stars--top-seed-| mud Hens 10-6. ed Roy Emerson of Australia| Bourassa Leads second-seeded Manuel San-|_, 1" the only low-scoring game, OLA Junior 'B' playoff series} With the score 8-7, I Hewavne heeave ic OEHITe y rn 5 int against Dixie, with the visitors|opened up in a determined bid, ." ' Bey P eight) Football Conference game. a long pass and Winnipeg was hat was the reason Calgary taking a 10-7 verdict right onto te up the score but a hook- hits and Pog bby ta sd "Let's be frank," said Wil-/off and running for touchdowns |finished with minus seven the Steelers' home floor, Wed-|ing penalty to Drew eased the es res fe Witte ch Col-\jiams in the dressing room.|by Dave Raimey, Ken Nielsen) yards rushing. Coleman, held to nesday night. |pressure off Dixie and Anderson sath yh ' Ae ape wl . Jeol "We played a lousy football,and Ploen. 10 yards rushing, caught seven The loss puts the Brooklinjscored his third goal of the Ae ie ers and allowed just | 5ame."' With the outcome beyond| passes for 129 yards. brink of | S. He was particularly peeved doubt, Peter Liske threw touch-| Winnipeg had 152 yards pass- tators. There were s¢ ing the performz two of the con spills but no on |tana of Spain. Bob Bruce scattered six hits to Scottish Open | pace Richmond Braves to a 3-1 win over Jacksonville Suns. The Leafs bowed. when Jim EDGE OF UPSET Unseeded Luis Garcia of at po: ee iets t-S series ne ace a got back. " Gerry Welsh, with a homer a Lo rT 0 . only seconds left, * the 2 (down passes to Lovell Coleman |; shi - . : j Pot Cre@t heen, on eetaaiy Gert hemis,. for Dixie, tne pA ig while by Mg Bon ent to els au Gawntall with\and Bob Paremore for Calgary. 7 ag hn pea a | an DUNBAR, Scotland (Reuters) |Mexico was leading eighth-seed-| Russin lined into a double play hig evening weg a Sa gees tony geneia*\ana 'Lawrence Way each '\a minus rushing output , an| Hamelin booted two converts ht eight|~ Former Canadian champion by es aye Fitzgibbon of New|with the bases loaded. Jim Duf- The top riders iizin stack hand and tart. ¢ Keldi "and And ach Pair. of Singles, for the winners. opening-kickoff fumble and a\for Bombers while Bill Van|for 88 yards and Butch Pressley Jocelyn Bourassa of Shawini-| * or in the first set of the/falo, 3-6, was the winner. Gary were Jim Stra OnE 168, 0) Ree AN Re CeCe ay Ridges' best was John costly roughing penalty, \Burkleo contributed a punt sin-|led the ground attack with 51/82", Que., held a_ three-stroke third-round men's singles when] Roggenburk, 5-7, took the loss points and Mel take a 4-0 lead in the first/with three goals and three as. Ormiston Sith' two of 'hal Across the field rookie head|zle. Jim Furlong boomed twolyards on 10 carries. lead Wednesday after the sec Fain halted play until today. SS. points. period and this was the key/sists, were the big guns in the) eam's sateliee coach Joe Zaleski was delighted | ond round of the 54-hole Scot-) In the women's singles, CHIEFS RECOVER War thé dadies factor in the win, as the teams| Dixie victory, with Sparrow hav- '© MoE: a cc en Ain ella ANGE. helahe tish open girls' medal-play golf/eighth-seeded Benita Senn of| , chester scored four first-in- Heard with ten 2 ae championship. Toronto lost to unseeded Olga/M"$ Tuns off Jim Bouton of with nine. battled on even terms with two/ing two goals. goals apiece in the second stan- za and the homesters finished/the Steelers to get two goals, strongly, to outscore the visit- ors five - to - four, in the final frame. Keldie scored the first of his three goals of the night, on a neat three-way passing play with Rieck Dudley and Doug Baldwin. Late in the period, he made it 4-0 with his second goal, Mike McMahon and Gary Lewis getting the assists. Baldwin's goal early in the second period, made it 5-0 be- fore Johnny Johnston got Brook- lin started, with his solo goal. Anderson got his second a min- ute later but late in the period, Terry Rowland scored on a pass from Mike Beamish and the period ended with the score 6-2 THREE-GOAL SPURT Lasco Steelers had theiriscorers being Dennis Carvana,| K'SIDE BLANKS FERNHILL Ploen threw a third-down 22- Brooklin rooters cheering wildly when they came out on the floor for the third period and promp- tly staged a three - goal rally - that brought them within one goal of Dixie. Brian Drew scored on Dan Balson's pass, after 51 seconds of play and five minutes later, Tom Vann scored on a_ pass from Beamish, then a minute later, Johnston got his second goai of the game, Brian Cas- is nicknamed "Long Gone|had four hits each as he scampered for| John Wright and Kiraly thre sidy and Ken Cunningham both figuring in this one five players sharing their other tallies. | Pee Wee Petes Win ' Exhibition Game Peterborough's Pee Wee "Petes" visited the Oshawa Children's Arena Wednesday night, where they beat out the Oshawa Pee Wees in an exhibi- tion lacrosse tilt, 8-6. | Both teams spread the scor- ing honors around well, Steve Byers getting two for the visi- tors while Mark Vitarelli, Terry Heard, Blaine JLarock, Leo Scanlan, Tim Maro and Barry Bryan each getting one. Six Oshawa players their total evenly; the divided Roal- Jim Freeman, Peter Waldin- sperger, Jim Duignan. Jeff Rorabeck and Stan Cockerton. Jim Thomas Leads Western Scoring By THE CANADIAN PRESS Halfback Jim Thomas showed Ottawa Roughrider fans why he Thomas' two touchdowns Wednesday in | . Johnston was the only one of 19,727 fans--the largest crowd | Woodview Wins s Senators Win Marathon Miss Bourassa, 1965 Canadian | Montano of Mexico in the Wr to or tke situa ah ever for an opening home : sion women's champion, carded twojond round 5-7, 6-2, 6-1 g . ' ' f. 'hiefs' di » English Pleas: . "We picked up right where ' pone ot (a can Abs to lead 20m) Other women's seeds. per on h a et ins foe ulloch Wen On Free Ticket we left off in Edmonton .. .| n cMullen S Home Run Hughes of Wales who finished/formed according to expecta- Sakis two key runs with ry Ruth' Osbo ' the same kind of desire." gin Post. 19, of Oakeill |tions. Lefty Bill Short posted his Open Trail Woodview Park edged South- Bombers dumped Edmonton ane eda edema co ivnice| Judity Leong of Hawaii was|12th victory--tops in the league Brown, Bill Cru mead 10-9 to start the second| Eskimos 20-0. Winnipeg has By ED SCHUYLER JR. double and scored on Dick |Ort.. He page Hane junior) eliminated in the second round --for Columbus' Elvi si nee, Ambrose. half of the Kiwanis Boys Ban- sole possession of first place in|Associated Press Sports Writer |Nen's sacrifice fly. (cae On OTe rok at berics|by third-seeded Vicki Berner of|the league's leadin hitter at erat? Pleas tam Teague schedule with their,the WFC, two points ahead of, Washington Senators lost to| After six innings it had|}eats, was fire strobes behind vancouver 2.6, 6.2, 6-2. tu, paced Columbus with rose, Jack | first win of the year, scored|Calgary and Saskatchewan |Baltimore 7-5 in 19 innings June|looked as if the Twins would| pares Miller cy Och Faye Urban of Windsor, Ont.,|three hits. ss McCulloch mainly on a flock of walks. Roughriders. Saskatchewan|4. Eight days later, they| move to within 1% games of] 9, runner-up in thik ear fifth seed, defeated Inge Web. Bruce, a veteran, profited ss Up uating : GicmeRan ; ; vans an Denis Grady pitched the win gets a chance to catch up Fri- hooked up with Chicago White|the top. They led 7-0 and Dave nine day night when British Colum- Sox in the longest night in| Boswell was sailing along on a major league history in both in-| two-hitter. |was another stroke behind. Then with two on and two|_ A further stroke behind was for Woodview allowing Canadian junior championship, runs on six hits while Tom Lee bia Lions visit Regina gave up ten runs on only three, 'The trend of the game was "ings (22) and time (six hours, Li ; hits, but issued 15 walks, for apparent seconds after Winni-|98 minutes) and won 6-5. out, Senators exploded for|Jane Kirkpatrick, a 19-year-old the losers. pes's Roger Hamelin kicked) "fhen Wednesday, they got) seven runs in the seventh, | Toronto student. For the winners, Guy Char- off, catfight up in the second longest} Detroit moved into third | poppED TEE SHOT bonneau had a home run and a night game and won again, 9-7|place ahead of Minnesota and ta hh ee SHO' ah double with Brian Boddy pick- over Minnesota Twins in 20 in-|just two games out by beating B s aed seco round, at ing up the other safety, nings. Chicago on Earl Wilson's five- fee ccs reached the turn in 41} _Southmead managed only "I'm getting used to it," was hitter and Al Kaline's 19th/°, ih ale on a seven at the five singles and a triple by 4 VETERAN'S POISE the joking reaction of Washing- homer. haley shot Pigetons ysigten) s «| Ross McDonald leters arterback ton catche 1 Cas ' Veteran quarterback ae sotae oven alee a WINS NO. 16 |ferent woods to remain short of three marathon games. , Jim Lonborg flew in from At-/the green. : | Elsewhere in the American !anta, where he is serving two) Miss, Post fell behind to 159) League, Detroit Tigers topped| Weeks with the army teres the second round after tak- first-place Chicago White Sox|! beat Kanas City and be-|ing a 78 on the first. | Miss Miller, Ontario women's Rookie Ben Woodson dropped the ball and it bounced to Mor- ley Rolhiser of the Bombers. Kenny In another Kiwanis League Yard pass to Gordie Brown, game, Kingside Park trounced Who tumbled into the Calgary Fernhill Park 21-0 in a game eee played at Fernhill. The game A j "s fi 'pik : 4-2. Boston Red Sox whipped|come the major league's first! : was called -after five innings, Murray Trophy Kansas City athletics S41 ute 16 - game winner. He has lost;champion for the last two due to darkness. : fee i years, had rounds of 81-79--160. Me d : : fornia Angels blanked New, /!Ve. Eric Howard pitched the win lYork Yankees 7-0 and Cleve-| Jerry Adair drove in three ; | way in the second round but ber of Toronto 6-3, 10-8 in sec-|from run-scoring hits by Felix /ond round play. She seldom went off the fair-| ! Potato Race: d Stickwood vies. Flag Race: Me Brooks and Pat Pole Bending: cs Lonsberr: ney. __ Apple Dunking Jim Strachan an Cott. Men's Barrel: | Strachan and Sk Men's Special: "Skip Ambrose a eld. * Ladies' Special Milian ; he shackled the Suns. GO RACING! 1 GreeNWwooD = POST TIME: 7.45 NIGHTLY ij }=©THROUGH AUGUST 12 runs for Boston. Veteran left-hander Curt.Sim- mons, purchased by California from Chicago Cubs last Sunday, made his AL debut a success by scattering 10 Yankee hits and being tough in the clutch. Jose Cardenal drove in three for Kingside allowing only two S A H hits and striking out 11. Bom tays t ome bino suffered the loss for Fern- hill. A Port Nizio and Wayne Chappell)Murray Trophy missed 'fairly easy putts over the homeward nine. Miss Kirkpatrick, the least experienced golfer in the Cana- dian quartet, followed up her first-round 78 with a second- round 83, taking three succes land Indians edged Baltimore Orioles 4-3. Perry entry won the Washington's Ken McMullen in the mixed! homered off Jim Roland to give Howard: doubles lawn bowling tourna- the Senators an 8-7 lead in the e.|men: at Port Perry, last week. | {oP of the 20th. with Bob Donevan, Jim Grant) The winners with three wins|\ CASHES WINNER Barrel Race: Ricky Carrier a + mer. Children's Flag off, Ron Piney 2 Pony Express: August Special... Now On... Keldie's third goal of the a losing cause for Edmonton and John Rushnell getting two game, or son, got Dixie going again, mid way in the final frame but a minute later, Balson got one back. with help from team- mates Rowland and Vann. Sparrow's second goal, again set up by Keldie, restored Dix- je's two - goal margin but less TODAY LACROSSE OLA Senior 'B' Playoffs: Oshawa Lasco Steelers vs Oraugeville Dufferings; 2nd game of 4-out-of-7 series. at Orangeville, 8:30 p.m. OLA Senior 'A' Playoffs: Brooklin Redmen vs Toronto Maple Leafs; 2nd game of 4- out-of-7 semi-final series; at Port Credit Arena, 8:30 p.m. BASEBALL EUBA Bantam 'A' Finals: Cobourg at Bowmanville, 6:00 p.m. TENNIS Inter-County 'A' Mixed League: Oshawa T.C. at North York T.C.; 7:15 p.m SOFTBALL Oshawa City and District Assoc.: Georgian Motor Hotel vs Mister TV Towers; 2nd game of 2-out-of-3 OASA Inter League interlocking game Thomas' two touchdowns place in the Western Football Conference individual scoring race while his team is on the bottom of the western division after the 28-25 loss SPORTSCOPE '|AA' elimination series: at Alexandra Park, 6:15 p.m. and Scugog Cleaners vs People's Clothing; 2nd game jof 2-out-of-3 OASA Junior 'A' elimination series; at Alex- andra Park, 8:15 p.m. TRACK AND FIELD Legion Track Club: Nightly training session; at McLaugh- lin Collegiate Campus; from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY BASEBALL Eastern Ontario Midget Playoffs: Port Hope vs Osh-- awa Legionnaires; 2nd game of 2-out-of-3 Midget 'A' Minor |Series; at Kinsmen Civic Sta- dium, 7:30 p.m SOFTBALL Kiwanis Bantam League: Lake Vista at Kingside; Fern | hill at Southmead and Wood view at Storie Park; all games at 6:30 p.m. a pass from Ander- Eskimos in a Canadian Football hits each Andolsek and Bombino had safeties for Fernhill Park. this vaulted him into a share of first|-- WIN TOURNAMENT | . D. "Tommy" Thomas of {Oshawa and Mrs. Glad Mc-| Cutcheon of Stouffville won the| lawn bowling tourney this week at the Stouffville bowling club with three consecutive wins They were awarded travelling bags as prizes. : sive sixes from the 13th, wher she was: bunkered and hit he California runs . Cleveland got its four runs in the fifth, two on a homer by Vie Davalillo. and a score of 49, were Fred) Washington added another DeNure and Mrs. D. Bentley|run when Frank Howard cli- of Port Perry. Second place) maxed the seventh inning upris- went to Ewart Clemence and/ing, followed McMullen with a Mrs. Jack Biddulph of Oshawa,,------------- -- with three wins and a score (ILLIA ! Special O. two holes. H. Willoughby and Mrs. R. Willoughby of Port Perry had high one win, with a score of 43, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION | SPECIALISTS £5"D 1558 High for two wins, with a e score of 53, were Wm. Joyce CANADIAN RYE WHISKY and Mrs. George Read LsMno Oy mina WALKER & SHOWS UTED, WALKEAVILLE, CANADA Avoid costly major repairs OVERHAUL! EASY TERMS 1-DAY SERVICE FREE TOWING IIUIALAUUUULULUUUUULUUUUEU ULL Special moments call for 60, Available exclusively wi | cransmission centers thr: ak eee 1 POSTED PRICES | So you know costs before you leave your car '| LIFETIME GUARANTEE Special Old 'anada's most popular whisky Walker's ith Cottman in over 450 oughout Canada & U.S.A. Aisi alseactinlboscangd Smooth, mellow flavour. Decanter-style bottle. It's Canada's | sir | 149 KING ST.,WEST 576-2600 | best selling whisky OPEN DAILY 88 and John Lajoie second shots poorly at the next| | TUBELESS SALE White Sidewalls ONLY 9.95 ALL SIZES All Tires Mounted Free ! { SPECIALISTS IN: ak GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 534 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa GENERAL TIRE 728-6221 Moe Bois; Gerry Davey Piney.

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