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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Aug 1967, p. 11

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ADS emole Help Wented iN wanted for tad 985-7188, Port {s--Maele Help Wanted FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 qui Str 2-4 work. Aged 25 or over. ELECTRIC WELDER, ex fuel tanks, TAP MAN required at Hotel Genosha. Apply in person. No phone calls 19--Male and Female 18--Male Help Wanted iii UNDRY and dry cleaning firm re- res a driver salesman for full time Apply 50 Mill ect, between 9-1] a.m, and p.m. Oshawa, 'experienced din Immediately. Telephone 668- Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale . SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshawa and District for over 31 years 723-2265 WOOD ST. BEAUTY If you are one of these hard a 20--Real Estate for Sele GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 GORDON OSBORNE Real Estate Ltd. Dial Whitby 668-8826 20--Real t Estate for Sele 20---Real Estate for Sale REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board W.-L, Dougan Realtor 1363 Simcoe St. N. 725-1109 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 11, 1967 13 20--Real Estate for Sale |23--Real Estate Wanted bi space and it upstairs, cant, move right in, Call Steve Laken Ay 728-7576 for appointment to in spect. PRIVATE. © Close for rick and block building with Paved parking and ga ear-old, home, attached garage, six, large room: DUPLEX, $3,000 down, insul brick. Deep lot, two kitchens, two baths. schools. Telephone 728-6605. BUILDING | or light y~ manufacturing "Or workshop close to 401 Hwy. Attractive office large three-bedroom apart- two - storey Sy LIST WITH MILLEN Our stock of resale properties is nearly sold out. Each week we talk to many buyers on our various subdivisions. For fast selling action call 728- PANIO! Hes, Telephone Due to increased business in GUIDE REALTY to please home searchers, t the district, we are opening LIMITED then try your luck on this OSHAWA 20 MINUTES 48 KEEWATIN N 0 oh sande oe gk ie peas or 728-1678 he ve wee Sg Re have @ branch in Oshows, and im- 16 Simcoe Street South one. Owner has spent thou- SCOTT STREET Toronto 364-6622 Two year old brick bunaalow, Owner hos moved to hig new |ffescent. Wooded area at rear of Prop-| will decane anh veg Brsgiis ny Ca a ime. Tele mediately leave esreienced Oshawa sands of dollars modernizing 18 pening i large bed- O h 728 5157 20 minutes Oshowa. Built-in home: cand Givi: you. (one erly. Substantial down payment. 725+ cet tap aailarcn eave mare TICE needed for Modelia Hair bridget iad aa ne this roomy 2 storey brick sponte coed: 558) al snawa - Tappan stove and oven. Extra diote: possession, Three: or. lamomWTRBBMT I sheer awly aees| « Kat: or nepeen fe Manes Hie elfice. hie is your opport. Due to increased business we home. Kitchen loaded with eiplog, room and bs en, a 218 Dundas St. E. No. 2 Hw. large boneesoes it, er four bedrooms, 12 baths, at- jorated, Inside and out. Walk - out base- D t rm 723-7390 r only. unity to 'ome associate ave opened a Branch Offi new cupboards, large dinini ached garage. Almost an riage Beil es moving to inly 7 ment, extra lot. Must sell, moving to oug Trivett... 723- EEPER -- Mature women fe with one of the most progres- in Whitby and reais ale sb pyar in ining te ig of land close to school, at Whitby, Ontario 900 -- terms. Habe sirtiben pnd aie we USA. Apply 176 'Annis Street after §| Dick Pocock ... 623-7465 full responsibility 'rn house. sive businesses in the area, re tatives for Osh letel bath: fully landscaped. Priced at i i Larry Cond 668-8558 ' child presentatives for Oshawa completely new athroom ¥ creation room, refrigerator, i gg 5 Parmansne Tae For confidential interview. Whitby ond District. If you with colored fitxures and vcn- POO eel ROW, We. NNPer Is Th Rebbe ct ge hi / i golligh tage tec stove, and wall to wall breed. seme arog raid ina Loney Morison .. 668-2624 "ad OR SOR A Call have ever considered selling, ity. Forced air oil furnace NORTHWEST AREA ; gat bel er iuth re. ae We acres shia pees alos 3 loom. | PHILLIP MURRAY AVENUE -- ed Syd Goodfellow .. 723-7335 a a WALTER 'ERANK | 'ois.ancopamiment for' | ond foo many other wore | NORTHWEST AREA | toy ret over'rm cvs | Ourer ranted. Must be SEL UREAY AAR | Bil Pubbal 728-35 fax 0} all 942-1501, u confidential interview today while extras to mention here. @ Built in the midst of a . Hee P! wid raat di sos rae, eae 000 8s HUNTING and FISHING | room. This home is now vacant and may ohn Kitchen 723-3788 $5 REQUIRED -- 11 pm. to 3 623-3393 or 728-7518 with Oshawa's largest and Asking only $16,900 -- golaxy of brilliontly designed) of fond wie ef oor old: a 9: 600' Frontage on York River, |price'si8,90n, To Inspect eat! Liovd stire| Eat Gifford 576-1669 : doe ae pee ee moat prosredsiva " Realiprs: bailar mibvinlg: fe count and homes with modern electric sngalod, only 4 sents <1: ; 150 Miles from Oshawa. Ex. |at 728-3557 or 723-6772. J. B, McMullanjH. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. ATURE WOMEN to manage ENTERPRISING Call LLOYD G. CORSON, wants a quick sale. ee ae far Helgi pee ain caveat Dont' delay: SUMMER. HOME WITH cellent Fishing, Duck, and ine Sn oF pi price SAL 0Sw 9 Bagot Street , r: #: +s . . ul price + will : "Oshawa. Times ss REAL ESTATE satan obligation, eet BEAU VALLEY RESALE dining room and 4 bedroom or call to-day. TROUT PONDS | fully Hanke prog rignand buy this encalient, Meaorey erie, terme _ ibs.nasncl ae LE WOMAN to mind ¢ ------ Wr Of den, Large up to date kitchen 161% acres. Very scenic prop- ull Mee toy 'i 4 wen geri i Cann Se he SALESMEN EXPERIENCED 6¥%4% MORTGAGE | den. Large up to date kitchen! . ALLAN ST., WHITBY | gy near Tyrone, 6 room cor, | {ull price, $11,900. Pictures [Rismmslts iter Tteaalt wr rea = Friday. | Light housekeapiny Wented for our expanding BARTENDER also Featuring 4 bedrooms, lorge derful family room for enter-| Good family home, double toge with bathroom, brick sheagebaiene: jevenings. | CASH Adelaide East area, 728-471 kitchen and a dining room -- lari kitchi d { 1 2 Hl Oshawoe office. Excellent op- COCKTAIL WAITRESSES built-in garage. Exceptional taining. Swimming pool for the] garage, la oH te en an fireplace. Overlooking 2 large CALL Fear Down PAYMENT, Very nice =| cai MARES EES ti : m . tift i room = bri intry hi high i WOMAN for portunity for the aggressive, WAITERS a acatl Gack homie and balls summer days only a few hund-| dining area, lovely lot 66° x trout ponds. Beautifully woad W. L. DOUGAN \way 2, east. of Oshéwa. Also. included FOR YOUR HOME or y we Pp dred yards away. This home is 164', lots of room for the ed land with good stream. All t duties, live in. A self starting sales man who ed ya away s e ° is variety store and restaurant. Priced cD HAIRDRESSER is interested in making over Apply fully landscaped and hedged. @ pleaseure to show. Phone now children to play, also if you furniture included at $25,500 J25- ] wT to sell at $18,500, H. Millen Real Estate! Due to our intense Toronte ly Riveria Hair 5 Mr. Campbell Don't delay on this one. are looking for extra income -- $6,000 down |Lta., 728-1678. Street South. Srna eo $10,000. 9 year, Toa top r mer hi eee th ligetn WIL Recoil" tocar) Covering: owe. Nava Ean ENCED WAITRESS --reuTrex man we ates, excellent com- GENOSHA HOTEL PINEWOOD ST.--$20,000 Open Nike hee ce po Pe sty bse COTTAGE, Seek alleen rc pensied "Taantiy| gets waiting J yet agin 'olonial Restaurant, 10 Bond $F, missions, Muses, Srnpioyes in OO ee, calls N.H.A. RESALE 634% separate "schools Make an BOWMANVILLE WEST | ~ BASKETT a ones aoe Pnete "Cryster, 708985 | eee GI ato Mah o ; ' --- § D | a \ , | istrict, F ---- Eerie, maximum mares" |96--Regl Estate for Sale| tes thon one yeor ot ord | [ALL WEEKEND 28 PM. || Socitment now f0 pel BEACH | Se i ter Pai, "™P| Se Frm poral and swear s lH S ase St ty | > | . Sf Aes Re cPanel -| sete netna'e SR, | lrovay commact 2. || "*euncer avenue | Someone itm | PEGG Ltd, Rata Sa a et a arg 4. Young Ages Ltd., Osha i H Ne ree ' t RAT 7 ed. Screened veranda. Tor- 5 e n st conditi 001 - canine ne Se oe er kitchen, balcony off living PAVED DRIVE AND OSHAWA Gio cwher must aell' $1/550 [aren Celt rasieae Ww. O. Martin cent | 723-6461 LE WOMAN required for Sept. } room. Built-in garage and CARPORT ON 12 ACRE 1% storey brick house, that --full price Real Estate Brokers Realtor. : . re for one year old boy in my GUIDE REALTY many other extras LOT. FULL PRICE is in tip-top shape, Consist BROUGHAM SUBURBAN DANDY -- delightful four-| 723-4134 ° J I - ; ft | - meighy, fousekesing Ste REA $12,900, ing of 3 bedrooms, living | Call 623-3393, 728-7518 | [recom ana iaust te oold, 'vender. lesye| 723-0611 "LADY for housekeeping. For 165 'I ts south LTD, Oe iD iles. enct Gf city fimits | eli ate coat extras in- or Toronto 923-9174 942-0931 jing Canada Cal iKen Hann, 728-5103.) . formation telephone 263-8446 imcoe Street Sou cluded, roadicom, garage, " Naartin Realt cyt std tt on North side of No. 2 (Toronto 921-7595) GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE \E PERSON to mind chil Oshawa, Ontario PHOTO. MLS REALTOR ARAGE is hedged and fenced yard, After 9 P.M | |SOUTH-EAST -- Just listed! This lovely my home. call 78 1329 tevin asc suis 303 HILLSIDE Feb leaped big ee here ny patio, shrubbery. A 2 room Pat Ye 623-3077 | KINSALE lie: must ve eat 'Call John Sandy LTD = i 5 OPEN HOUSE SIGN JUST basement apt. rents for $75 : . 5 -- 15 acre lot: Frontage |728-5103. W. 0. Martin, Realtor i Male 'Help | Wanted _ -- Estate 576-0330 a na a aeared | WEST OF TRULL'S ROAD per month. All this for only ood ene platy of 500' on side rood just of \ciacoe-ai AGRTH Cations od WANTED __ aiesman very close to Separate and 16,900. Clore McCullough 723.7843 No. 7 Hwy. These are priced er two-storey home, completely re BROOKLIN DREAM Public School, A lot of home NORTHWEST AREA 50 ACRE FARM Rod Krieger steal 723-7900 reasonably for quick sale. Lil A ile gs Celia ahd Si lk' HOR IR Wanted for Oshawa oifice, Only--$2,500. down buys this for $24,500. 11] @ Lovely 3 bedroom brick] fight room brick house with Ernie Wilson 725 9750 1303 ee ro Peta Oty seer Ilent tunity fo i I ; : : ight room bric ouse wi Le 4 | | i pes salt - starter Maxie cute three bedroom brick, in JARVIS ST puree nicely landecaped. fot good barn, 2 wells, school Ete elaedighh near |-------- |20a--Summer Properties | simile goad alee ghey i i H t ff a beautiful little subdivision, ¢ edged for privacy (patio) ose! bus at door. In Beaverton Roy Foster Orono -5 c 4 t 9. 11cago, Illinois, Be Se amc craton close to community schools INVESTMENT to schools and churches. One| grea. Only $16,900. Weston Banister FOUR BEDROOMS For Sale wit Rent_ ean we harge you only 4% ---- U S A 2 sales persons. Also one and shopping. Happy, unhur- 3 FAMILY HOME finished room in basement as| Garden Hil! 102312 | at saves you $.... bates tty additional salesman needed ried living here. Call JIM Large 2 storey, semi- detach- well as recreation room, This is} SMALL STORE Howard Forder $4000 DOWN | 5 15 CALL TOM HOUSTON 2.53 to $3.48 in Bowmanville office. Call WILSON 668-6419 or 668- ed home with one half divid- a nice clean home to inspect.| on Whitby main street. Next Brooklin 655-3853 | ee! s CENTRAL ONTARIO hour (U.S. Dollars) Bob Johnston, Si7a: ed into 2 apartments, leaving Call. tonight. | door to Bell Telephone. Be in- George Beaton Excellent location, just a few | TRUST hoa 5 ae . 6 rooms for the owner. Extra 5 _| dependent and operate your Port Perry 985-2987 blocks from schools, bus and | PER FOOT | 723-5221 or 668-4416 US 10% PREMIUM Jack Ricard Ltd. COUNTRY HOME well maintained home with O H | own business. Make an offer. shopping. Large kitchen, 2 | 95 miles from Oshawa, go | ir kt YR SECOND SHIFT H Lovely three bedroom home new furnace, private entran- pen ouse | pc. bath on main level, ex- | east on Highway 401 to | rr 99 Kina St. E. with. attoched garage and ces, new bathrooms, alum. 3 | SIX ROOM pensive wall to wall broad- Highway No, 35 and No. 115 Listin S$ garag ' 2 - 5 all weekend 1] co] AE -AND ONE-HALF TELEPHONE double paved drive, close to storms and screens. Must be | 1% storey with family size- loom in living room, dinin to Peterborough. Go north on p 3 9 9 rgently Required FOR OVERTIME 623-2503 or 576-1050 Dutch school end church, sees. Srand new homes | kitchen. Three ya ably 66 area, hall and = stairways. Highway No. 28, 55 miles. 2 a iI ey es H lot of 80 ft. by 200 ft. | by 165' lot in Oshawa, Onl Ideal recreation area. Attach- nil th of B oft t a ae ine iN ieerdatioh fe ste of WAVERLEY ST. oy eae |! $10,900. : Y REAL ESTATE LTD. ed gorage. Asking price just "Beatle Lake Estates", : H KEITH LTD 12 ft. by 20 ft. Coll JIM $19,500 To T | i $24,500. with good terms. Soles personnel on property ' aunton then West | SUBURBAN NEAR 40 King St. E h hi : : ST hove twe or more POWER WILSON 668-6519 or 668- 2 YEAR OLD RESALE te Spearille: Reon. have » Mag Owner has purchased an- | every weekend. Sand beaches, REALTOR ; A za c ITBY other home and is anxious to roads and hydro, custom built a 's of experience setting up 3172. Very well kept large 3 bed- Drive 2 Blocks North to |} OSHAWA _& WH JUST LISTED | iJ ek er i NEED YOUR home now! Business ) blueprints and match- SUPERMARKET INCOME HOME room brick bungalow situated IROQUOIS AVENUE | $17,500 5 room cottage on sell. Call Irwin Cruikshonks | cottages. $2,200 complete. {has been good, the market !s active, . p Sve ' we | oe Lh | rin gage now at 728-5205. 10% down, 10 year open consequently our stock Is low. If you castings, weldments and Large older insu! brick home close to shopping centre 2 or 3 bedroom bric ome | Beach, situated on large lot | it 297-2407 Toronto have property you wish te sell call +r machine parts on one of Requires experienced Beautifully landscaped and with lower taxes and only 75 x 200. Has pressure sys |. Mortgage. 277-2407 Toronto. | willard Johnston 728-1066. Sehofield falloiar quires experien with four apartments, ie fenced. Large kitchen. Call RETIREMENT about $3,500. down payment. tem and in A-] condition. We | SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. \. Aker Ltd. ret Lathes a good monthly income rah tonite. BUNGALOW Will not last long with extra have the key, early posses- | 2 Ae | HEAD LAKE i Lath GROCERY trally located. New oil fur- IV @ Ideal home for retired) large lot. Attached garage, | sion. | | Sandy Beach ine Lathes nace. For further information ecencdvisaeneees ini i , | andy Beac iF FAKES ORE TF Rites ical 16 PPORTUNITY couple all on one floor. 2 bed start on recreation room and FRENCH SCHOOL | : stings te tical Turret Lathes call GORD PALMER 576- nya joo very tow faxes, small down| extra large: kitchen, This is | : = nelle slate | | COTTAGES and LOTS |ihey Se ate srnal Grinders CLERK 3145. aR i payment, large lot nicely hedg-| on immaculate suburban | one ee ee ynge- | Enjoy A Vacation | an efficient staff, good office leeation, ; | d par nekets B low, close by the French joy | 70 miles from Oshawa complete advertising facilities! If you ling Machines FOUR BEDROOMS Still @ few new homes left | ed, quiet neighborhood. Bus home and a bonus freezer school. All rooms good size | For Life In The | Hwy, 503 ---5 miles west [8m considering. selling your heme 'et ling Machines $ M I " in Pinewood Terrace. Pric- stop at front door less than 2} to the lucky buyer. and has attached qaroge. Lot | "u f Nort x one of our qualified sales representa- ' : Apply te Store Monager, Lorge two storey home ed trom $19,675: blocks to Shopping Centre. Must 66% 175: Open to off La nd Of of Norland. tives give you an idea of what your ial Drills 564 King St. East brick, stone and clapboard suis be seen to be appreciated. To| Barbora Reynolds 723-1887 See 324-9282 ey many pirGuiers @ullian 4c. + * - = a mal Grider ted in ewer: | | 694m NLA | | het al ta Ras Remo Taz | wornavest ovina | Three Seasons" | auc a Ra oe izont i awa, Dining r a y | Owner transferred ond anx- |Realty Limited, 723-8281, 16 Simcoe St. } -- Boring URGENTLY WANTED ed panelled recreation room MORTGAGES $15,200 -- FULL. PRICE N. Van der Broek 668-2675 ious to sell. This 1% peda 454-3736 185, comets Woe cinta ls ene vas pale ala Italian Speaking with fireplace. Completely Mike seuehesal as A 3 Ledioom bungalow on'o| clare Shack 723-5145 heme th dood conditina with Trade your home for tuxury | seiga cases Madoc, eur bedroom |oete offices te serve you landscaped. Call GORDON 50 x 126 foot lot with 2 finish-| Gordon White 668-6337 attached qarage. Lot fenced living in Floride, where you |Coitage, winterized, forced air. turnace,|-------------- ae STEADY WORK -- Real Estate Salesman $1450. DOWN PAYMENT NO LAY OFFS PALMER, 576-3145. SUBJECT TO APPROVAL ed rooms in the basement. Ven-| Vivian Halligan 942-0296 and landscaped 66 x 158. get more for fixed income jfront and side porch, tile floors, accous- |24--Store Storage UTOMATIC INCREASES We have on immediate vac- SERVICE. STATION i dor is anxious to sell, must} George Sullivan 668-6226 | Call for inspection. dollar: |mites, 723005. pannelingy %8) ORE FOR RENT also sullable for py ancy for an aggressive self This same style home will move. Carries for $86. monthly; ------_____________ a | ns < ee eet, 205 Simcoe South, ALL BENEFITS ' ; L d in Brooklin on No. 12 | SPLIT LEVELS Florida Sales D |FIVE-ROOM cottage, three-piece bath,| attract idential starting salesmon of Italian ocated in Br ' be much higher next spring for principal and interest after 3 : Oridad SAIES VIVISION Isnower, broadioom, fireplace, boal, ee ractive residential area Biscant. alps experience pra and 7 highways. Huge lot 6 'substantial down payment, 2 brand new B.V. split level Weer |motor, 'sandy beach, dance hall, restau. Sanaa FOR RENT, s wuitable for stor- r rapid transportation i P 19 ft. frontage on hwy,, plus , aps Y 2 | homes. Take your choice, Hol . Lamson |rant, 723-7088; nights 728-7288. ge. $7 monthly, Call 723-3211 .RTMENTS availabl h ferred but not necessary. Suc- 2 9 ys DON'T WAIT < Ages walking diterca' Helnt | cusstul applicant .must have large frontage on paved side INVESTIGATE WAREHOUSING lh Sfanand LENDS | Real Estate Limited [LAKE SCUGOS --" st. _Chrisiopher's COMMERCIAL, BUILDING i aan square ince. e y , 4 nese romes re Vv 0 Hi r siness r «storage. ple speak your etl a late model car. road, Opportunity fag for VI @ Two: storey block build ou ee We neal fai bs | 576-2520 or 576-2345 |nouse" with get MH tea gtea Lalla ta imanthi, Paldne' ond Ware. a: Car Lot, Cor Wosh, Fruit CALL 723-2265 ing located on the outskirts of er 8 batho ae 67 KING ST. E, OSHAWA [Situated on 2% lakefront lots, $9,700. cluded. 728:5103. W. O. Martin Realtor : interview, see our GUIDE REALTY Stand, etc. Call | GORD OW Oshawa. Approximately 12,000 fas joe Ce - ------" ----.|Please call Mrs. Jackson at cottage. |OFFICE SPACE for rent, downtown, pri- f CHARLTON, 728-8569. nS square feet may be vented for emily room |Blackstock, 986-4361. | vate entrance, first foor, four reoms and MR. CORBETT SLRS ee ste, h 2 REDUCED PRICE CENTRE STREET | |BANCROFT. Three lakefront coltages|ashroom, over 700 square feet, $88 16 Simcoe Street South COUNTRY STORE storage or any other use TRUST busier RIC ; lfor rent with boat, Salmon Trout Lake,; Monthly, Call Lloyd Metcalf. Lloyd Mer. For full particulars call.723-2265 large overhead doors to allow) 8 room split level with double N O FERS inside conveniences, propane cook stove. |Calf Real Estate Limited, 40 King Stree? 1g 12 and 13 ae ___ Oshawa ian were On No, 2 Nga in patel Ed D 725.9345 trucks to drive in -- lots of 19 Simcoe St. North garage, broadioom through- | PE T F | Good swimming, fishing. Call G. Hood, East, 728-4678. " Newt 2, s mm o and i : ahs - ah 4444 eer Sanaa doy or night, at the. PUBLIC RELATIONS ae ee eet | Mate bondeny Yanaese. | See eet © ie REAL ESTATE DEPT. Sat a ono cd | § Norge roOme, eh corase, (3¢UQOS LAKERRONT -- ion cotage, 25--Houses | for store. Excellent opportunity Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 RALP: CHOFIELD ia dean fe aapreciate. Vendor : i \fireplace, furnished, heavy -- wir 1G EDWARD HOTEL SALES POSITION for a go-getter. Asking price Willard Johnston 728-1066 GUIDE REALTY lu seas _ will hold the mortaage, easy | axe acy ae eee aay beach, $7,500, halt soe ed AVAILABLE SEPT. Ist 37 King Street East Open for young man between of only $29,000, Call GORD Marg Hall 723-1358 LIMITED Faieeecbenhdsccds LET ea | terms, | Treat Gia 60 with $4 000 ery Call_Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton,)| 4 bedroom, 2 storey, 11% = b y ' ' 4894 } , , -- i ae a Mut CHARLTON, "TARNAET Mer onl 623.5638 16 Simcoe Street South OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE down Call Jack Appleby |sciGoG LAKE -- cottage, 42 x A baths, rec room, carport, you cannot be present ot have own car and good driv- WANTED George Twaites 723-2008 Oe Retirement Bungalow 728-4678 gopoings 72aras0R: Gola [tens haces: Winaroem Wusiel: oO ie deg pe anehiy: time, write to: ing record. Excellent wages Sincere professional business Mike Belmonte 576-1908 723-5281 ONLY $11,900.00 for a Jack Hogan 728-1554 hood Brothers Limited 728- lwired with range, furnished, inside| ane she f ayaa Li -- weekly draw against com- d large centre hall Reg Aker 725-0201 | cozy 2-bedroom brick bunga- Joe Maqa 725-9191 5123 |toilet. Only $5,500., easy terms. H. Keith] Pave rive,. tence ic missions plus car expenses. AON, USSR CG lIcrof Bit Mck 725-1726 | or | ikke ta Wegniel Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 one Realtor. Cal Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton,) yard. All drapery included. . 2 LITTELL Remuneration for this situa- aed sont one Maree gases : BE SURE TO SEE fahaperiation ond RauataWh Mork Tomina 723-1206 OWNER TRANSFERRED | Leases s Two months rent in advance, . onnaught ar < . Ro e 5 | , rep ire ACHINE CO tion can be very high for per- rat id PAN Double garage OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Le Tales nly £21000 ie x oe 655 4803 Must Be Sold ATTRACTIVE, SPACIOUS "housekeeping Fost rid Referances requir \ : son who is able to work, full $25,000. to $50,000. Asking $11,900.00 -- Try ew ee 25-8585 Large twin home, electric [reasonable "rates, boats, included store pie Abe ge 100, Osh- sf 2 .D. s t h d a bait supplies. Sliver Brich Resort awa Times N. Ravenswood Ave. aren auicn. price range. Call DOUG CAR- ee PIN EWOOD vaste weal Ww. + fe NIGER 02 ein on 7 poeta ond |Saivar" RR. T Menden,_ Ontario, "THREE-BEDROOM -- bungalow, Wikon icago, Illinois 60613 MICHAEL, 723-7463. WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. en e list exclusive ond MiL:S. , - eat \ROR SALE -- Hunting camp, 190 acres |Road and Olive Avenue district. Ret- 9 B -- $10,900 -- h | t USA hee POY SPRIGGS BEAUTY plus ECONOMY argain PiU, i ied fiaalig Shebeine inane |with winterized new house, suitable for erences required. Apply Box 31785 4 101 plus | chooels ar ING jaroup. Moose, deer, bear, etc, near'EQR RENT = Twoslorey, fi a ae --- 2 3 on Five room bungalow tastefully MORTGAGES ARRANGED j King oo SEE AND wu pallial $2 a Poet |park, 106 miles north. 723-0479. room house, savage. Nassau Street Or 2 ; \ F with goo erms. For details COTTAGE FOR RENT on Lake Scugog awa. $ month elephone 468-2294 Electronic 2 CLASS A ger Ag li walk eee King a wet Ouse Directions V2 Block to Oshawa Shop call Murray Boyle, 723-4270. Carnegie Beach Three, bedrooms, inside sis MONTHLY. Two - bedroom house ! it! e, ee f den. (Central WILSON RD. NORTH ping Centre. Two bedroom JOSEPH BOSCO, Realtor, 728- see rer ces. Reasonable. Call Brook!in) with stove, Gibb - Park Road area. Avail MECHANICS ness Oe Pe kes bald 1 BLOCK SOUTH OF bungalow in good condition SAVE 7377 | SOE HEW oat se aarae [en Meumaately._ Gall 7252008 location, pave: rivewoy, i Bi = LA! NEW cottaqe for ren three NEW ¥ bi - '%. 1% baths, Technician $16,900. with terms. Call ROSSLAND RD. EAST | ond just newly decorated. The _lnedroomss August TS26, Lila, ake, Brit cone en, wae or FIFTH YEAR APPRENTICE DOUG CARMICHAEL, 723- finished basement gives you a COUNTRY RETIRMENT |$oibez'- boat, good fishing. Telephone come, Telephone Toronto 483-1796 after : 6 are seeking a young man flat rate shop, G.M. dealer, medical and medicine plan, 7463. REAL ESTATE LIMITED We have "Rec"! room plus third bed- room. As a BONUS this pro- the 115 acres scenic retreat prop | 22--Lots for Sale FINE LOCATION east Oshawa. Three after several months ori- a ; I erty, 7 miles south of Lind- | bedroom house wi arage. Available i i Ontario Hospitol and other 93. ACRES perty has excellent future | i | ; Be ee to company benefits. CONTACT All workeb's, with one mile REALTOR already SOLD commercial value --- Do not | Only "9 poe Ae, ges ees | MORE one AVAILABLE | |Bex 30047, Oshawa times. hile Oshawa Cable TV sys- E. A. NAGY, ROBSON MOT- frontage on paved road, Seven 21 King Street West 14 HOMES miss out -- Call at once for | lo eek ake gahactons | |BOWMANVILLE -- four-bed ; ORS LTD. KING ST. E. room house with new modern Bowmonville : SEP: | | indaag 324, 2970 | DOWNSVIEW PARK [September | newly, decree ---- ; is an attractive oppor- BOWMANVILLE 623-3396. kitchen, sun porch on the s We have left Good 10 Acre Lots H. KEITH LTD., R I | 40 fully serviced lots now P ia : ty for an ambitious man house, double garage. Call 623-3393 6 Homes Wa kk a { ealtor | gvailable to individuals or 26--Apartments for" Rent | desires challenge and re- IDSO WIERSMA, 728-5683. $3,500. b pede fa une z er | builders, underground wiring bility. £ i in ce : , but! ..+. driv r | , ' GTX. decrable but! net PLUMBER or COBOURG AREA Member Oshawa and District on Wilson Rd. N. walk) 1% mile north of Taun- BARGAIN | bull on ntial . TINSMITH 33 acres of rolling land, part- Real Estate Board consisting of 3--2 storey, 4 ton Road on Townline north 2.8 ACRES FOR SALE Contact' ---- Exclusive Agent x ei ly wooded. Two, year round OSHAWA bedroom homes with garages and see the nine parcels here. in | On Wilson Rd. N. at city i e G R E N FE LL further information please running streams. Good pond ald: 3=-5 (room. bungalows Most have breathtaking views | oa aie eendu:logth with "beaut LLOYD METCALFE call; hone 987-4822 site. Only $6,500. with terms. Variety store and Confection- with WALK - OUT BASE- over City and countryside b iful te enicabaie tdkal¢ REAL ESTATE LIMITED ; P Coli IDSO WIERSMA, 728- ery, good area. Must be sold. MENT and lake. Present prices $9,- eautitu We i noe sat ye f ne! 40° King St. E. -- 728-4678 723-5278 or 987-4222 5683 f $5,000. plus stock. '; : n caraces | 200 ond $10,700:, but sub- SOA EGRET Weer | POUESESELND a. 12 su CSR tic conned eases : 2 Bungalows with G ject to increase shortly. BNE: AiR B Bs a - ; Y 200 orest en WILL EXCHANGE home on Church| Oshawa --- Five Miles EXECUTIVE RANCHER BETHAN and BALCONIES on. Pine- wre er 1awa Cable TV JANITOR BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAP- SCENIC ACRES wood St Horselovers Especially ! Ue eure! | 40 ACRES | on ote i . fi 4 8 plex, Repl fidential. | Suitable for nursery or garden ~ sites ae Waeriree FOR MOTEL fier OF OWMAWA, cust ice wh per ee ae 5 Bingolend: wih built-in | Gieror unre sew, ant uality built Wr bor a7, Omnawe Times. | crops, large pond, paved OSHAWA'S LARGEST = 3 nights weekly. 12 P.M. to OM BUILT MAPLE KITCH- Good gravel deposit. $25,500. Garages on Beechwood St. in 105 glorious acres two q > piel i gg bungalow lecaind in] road. Priced to sel git Opportunities Cen eee OWA ANG ORY: | core, |. All Homes Ready | Gshawo. Splendid 'barn and A ek Gear aes! ORY nee tale tai i A - : shaw! endi rm an | i = Unlimited : a H32128 MT AE OWNING | GREENBANK 95 ACRES | for Immediate Occupancy | stables for 30 horses. Also rmstrong [Egg "PIT "Si manny." Faeroe | 623-726 and Best Location A tol i , . 8 room brick house, good other auxiliary buildings, NE WANT TOP MEN AuTe | Rae WAN Pall ROOM WITH BUILT - IN ; , All homes are COMPLETELY a | PRIVATE -- three-bedroom brick bun-| RAVINE LOT overtooking city of Osh FREE ly experienced CHINA CABINET. HUGE barn, nice commuter farm, stream, pond, etc. An unique H \galow, rec-rcom, patio, well landscaped.|awa, prepaid services. Owner anxious nN MAKING OVER" ys "Shen" steaks Lindeay. FAMILY ROOM. LARGE ie rentivs soil. $26,- ag Sey A ag ace opportunity -- for skceptiono! omes Can yaaa otter oe SAE Oe Fi. Wi ew ae. Call Warole. Segal at @ HEALTH CLUB $10,000 a Year BREEZEWAY BETWEEN . Terms. NIH.A, 634% Mortgages. country artole Wi ay COLUMBUS--Large T0room, Tisatorey| Realtor. . SAUNA ROOM "YOUR own business for inter-| THE HOUSE AND DOUBLE views over Lake Ontario. a] '00M, y sles e ENTERPRISING. ni II equipment on con- SUNDERLAND 200 Down Payments as low as Soon « 'natural' for beau- ONLY 6 LEFT home with two kitchens, separate |BUILDING LOTS (4), 13 miles north of ational company, all equipment o CAR GARAGE. PAVED CIR- $1,436.40 ) _for beat meters and lot, 16S* x 150'. Good value Oshawa. Nicely situated. Good roads.) @ SWIMMING POOL REAL ESTATE fianinent, No money. needed. sinino pre| CULAR DRIVE. LARGE LOT ACRE DAIRY FARM 430. tiful subdivision yielding re- at $12,900 with $2,500. down. Inspect this|Terms available. 576-1168. SALESMAN gram. 72-4163. a ' WITH 'COMPLETED PATIO, Excellent brick home, barns if you con qualify. markable profit, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION We7s76, SIBBY'S. Real Estate Lis. "LAKE SCUGOG "AREA, Oshawa 20 ee eee i iles, 28- lots, wid 7, $4,900 our expanding business oo ee ged 8 eit 'OR s76-1415 ae sae oa ape vy geo Built by KASSINGER OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOUL PRICE sree, 'Only $1 400. "io pric. ee Write. Box 066s, Oshawa FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS F i C wi i 0 0° | Ti | greatly increased en- Royal if stil Bblog Se tby, oom: a === 1 show place. $65,000. Terms. MAY Oe ae wind OR BUY 723-8] 44 storey brick house. Two separate kiteh:| Hes ries. To the successful saad ' ' $15,900.00 ~oll 623-3393, 728-7518 OPEN THIS WEEKEND CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST tied ine hydra rovers. Dont nis 101: /23---Real Estate Wanted FURNISHED or licant we offer: wairee for beverage room, experi- Bungalow with Finished Co Tarente 923-9174 1 p.m. until 5:30 _m. 723-5221 --- 9:00 to 5:30 ris Foul; 723-2563, or Guide Realty UNFURNISHED 1) Top Commissions enced man preferred. Mat tye good Basement 0! p p Limited, 723-5281, i : REAL ESTATE WANTED. c i e: employ 5 " a Eeone dell ment vApoly. Manager fiaady stcaster,| Brick, modern, 3-bedroom, 5- After 9 P.M Exclusive Agents AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL G R | F F | N heaton one acre lari inves' miles easi| | TRADE YOUR PROPERTY RENTAL INFORMATION mployee Benefits Oshaw. room bungalow on Park Road Joe Barnoski 723-5787 (NO TOLL CHARGE) of Oshawa on No, 2 Highway. Asking E L INFO 0 4) Maximum ; Wa HAVE AN immeCIATE ~opening| with three finished rooms in Clare McCullough 723-7843 SCHOFIELD-AKER Ltd. $14,500 with 1,200 down, Call. 723-3903 on a new N.H.A, duplex con- Management Assistance for a junior cost clerk to train iN} Locoment and extra 4-piece Ernie Wilson 735-9750 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 Real Estate Ltd. | PRIVATE -- Jarvis Sireet, $1,300 down,| taining 2 apts., live in one 5) Unlimited Scomunting duties, Grade 13 preferrec bath. Well kept home and 725-5788 360 King St. West, Oshawa Tom Houston 668-4416 |$13,500 full price, carries $120. P.t.T.| apt. --~ rent the other, Use - F attractive starting salary, working con- ath, We P Bob Johnston 5-5 'Allan 'Thompson: JOR OR? ee eth, Le tech save \dvertisement itlons and fhe benefits. Please apply ries for $75. month., in- Hock 623-5055 723 2265 an psi 0 ise oes ey your home as the d pe ase send resume giving fr ee Reblien Persotnel "Supire| cone 24 ciacinal ust be pen. Venta 323.7900 i Ralph Schofield 576-1680 $1,500. DOWN -- three-bedroom semi-| ment. To see if your home plete particulars to Box visor aisle Containers, Whitby, 668-| terest. and principal, Rod Kruger y : cas FOR detached two-storey house. Electrie heat: Ciglities for trade, please an seen. Call Jack Applyby even- Pat Yeo 623-3077 ing; aluminum siding, storms and 380 GIBB STREET sar Ones Tine ooo we EWS FOR OLDER man' Real! ings 723-3398 or Bolahood Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 ? ee ee ee 8,000 tog LTS Screens and completely sodded. Monthly} call without obligation ttre capri f'n prottanie owing] Brothers Limited, 728- S128, |) vation. Baniater WANT RESULTS: asi, eevnpenry ore sug serwomnent Te) pay cai Liovd: Stire af 725587 or 723-| JOSEPH BOSCO, Realtor | 0 F IT'S FOR meee 16 OUAWE Se ele Rew Gorden: Hill 102512 GET WITH THE ACTION! That's why. Ws "st eis 6772, J. B. McMullan and Co. Realtor. 728-7377 4 ie SALE iis Deo onsto.903, 4003, Richelieu $1. WANT-ADS DON'T Howard Forder sia a verte "in The time inane Seton ACTION CLASSIFIED PRIVATE SALE. Spiltievel, 'three bed | You'll Find: Whatever lenry, Montr: rooklin - Spies ° COMs, be af ION CLASSIFIED AD annTauR SRaUPE invited te siay in Gane Basten i people look for your ad. To get your per cent NHA mortgage, | $120 monthly, LOSE SOMETHING? Place @ lost ad_in Y Want he Vi a ¢ Y iber- Near Grandvi lassified t h the finder. Dial 723-| YOU Want--lIn the Times WILL SELL IT! - lunge Saturaay ateroons, 17) Brock COST--THEY PAY Port. Parry 985-29871 723-3492 rng yge ge ag 723-3492 So on ee ee Whitby, 668-9012 by appointment,

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