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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Aug 1967, p. 3

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1 colony is serious ef- on the to- irkets, Nu- items are their way s borders, mat Senjin itry is also member, that gaps rture were vehicles to lacing the itish mar- pan is loy- boycott, (NACES 1AWA OVER EARS SERVICE ERT ST. /ING pay tien pantie MARGARET TIMBRELL clutches her two foster sis- ters, Peggy, 5, (rear) and Valerie, 3, as she shouts at two officials of the Water- PM To Ask Big Changes In Parliamentary Rules OTTAWA (CP)--Prime: Minis- ter Pearson is hoping that Par- liament will make '"'far-reach- ing changes" in the way it operates after sessions resume next month. But whether agreement can be reached on such changes is another matter. More than most legislation, revision of Commons rules de- mands agreement from all cor- ners of the House. And almost every idea de- signed to speed up the ponder- Ous pace of the Commons in- volves cutting down somebody's debating time. Mr. Pearson has made clear that modernizing the Commons' rules is one of the main things he hopes to see accomplished before relinquishing office. The problem, as he outlined it to the House last spring, is that under present rules there sim- ply is not time to get through Parliament all the legislation that the government has prom- ised and wants to pass. CHANGE ESSENTIAL "If our parliamentary institu- loo County Children's Aid Society at her Preston, Ont., home Thursday. Miss Tim- brell's mother, Mrs. Arthur Timbrell, refuses to return quirements, in democracy too." ed member, Liberal Donald Tolmie from Welland, put it} KEY PROPOSAL BLOCKED even more strongly: "The totality of human suf-|for all-party agreement on time|thing necessary fering and economic waste|@llocation for debates has been paign." jcaused by outdated ritualistic | bust. Lo i Aa The rule, called the "guillo-| {ys 3s Sge gers the imagination and cries|tine" by some opposition mem- Victim Identifi bers, permits the government Despite demands like these--/to set its own time allocation if not confined to Liberal mem-/the all-party business commit- commit-|tee fails to agree. | | parliamentary procedures stag- out for help." bers--the procedures tee during the last session of provisional into effect in 1965. is one that, in effect, imposes! ment if it does not get approval for departmental spending esti- mates in the first 90 sitting days of the session. | Some features of the 1965 k QUEBEC (CP)--Parliament should have a legislative audi- over legislation that the audi-| tor-general has over public fi- nances, Progressive Conserva- tives were told Thursday. The recommendation was made at the party's policy advi-} sory conference by a study} group on "bureaucracy and government." mended that the federal civil] service establishment at Ot! tawa be broken up and distribu- ted geographically across the country. Philip Mitches, a federal civil) servant active in the party who gave the study group's final re-| port, said a legislative auditor) would watch over enforcement of legislation. "He would review the legisla-! tion to see whether all powers| are being utilized or whether} legislative powers are being ex-| ceeded. He would also study | side-effects of existing legisla-| tion and proposed legislation." Mr. Mitches said the civil @ PITTSBURGH PAINTS @ WINDOW GLASS @ TWINDOW - @ PEACOCK MIRRORS re just some of the many Baer n products available at . . . ' PAINTEGLASS CENTRE 273 Simcoe St. S. 723-1181 FREE Estimates, Reasonable Rates, Repair Specialist. Fast Dependable Radio Dispatched Plumbing Service, SERVICE MADE US. Cell 723-1191 |service below the deputy min-| ,, jisterial level ; tended tor to play the watchdog role|persed throughout the country|2@!®& So extended. jting "brainpower." | ------__-------_____--_-_------.| Commons | most of them founder on the op-|-- position's insistence that it has Legislative Auditor Proposed [rt ane hi To Keep Watch On Finances against what it considers to be bad legislation. should be dis-| as a means of better distribu- Aberfan Refuses To Lay Charges | and other kinfolk killed in last tions are unable to cope effec-,the question period and speech- tively with these legislative re-|making time and addition of | people will Jose|the 'late show" adjournment faith in Parliament and its pro-|debates cesses and they will lose faithigrievances, are generally " agreed to have worked out fair- A relatively new and frustrat-|ly well. sure' and changes, including tightening of | rules shabu cams ind of |who feel that debate could be| vigorous \list of possible reforms, that the | practice and allow members to "file" speeches without actually delivering them. }may consider their colleagues' ABERFAN,._ Wales (AP-| speeches too dull for delivery-- The study group also recom-|)People of this little Welsh min-|but take an entirely different ing town, who lost 144 children| view of their own. CHILDREN'S AID WOULD SPLIT THEM PRESTON, Ont. (CP)--A 43- year-old foster mother Thurs- day refused to return two little sisters to the Children's Aid So- ciety because the society plans to split up the pair. Mrs. Arthur Timbrell locked her doors to two stunned social workers and kept. the girls Peggy, 5, and Valerie, 3, in the house. "The Children's Aid Society wants to split up* these two children, put them in separate did. to E | of dat cei the children, who are. sis- ters, because the Society plans to part them and send them to different adoptive parents. \cel (CP Wirephoto) |Na Ky civ dealing with specific jing But a key change providing | to The rule has been used fully) kil "bulldozing," Almost all revision suggestions for involve time allocation, Mr. Tolmie is among those and fiery" without | He has suggested, in a long might follow U.S. The problem is that members October's coal-mountain slide, decided Wednesday night! against prosecuting any Nation-| al Coal Board official blamed | for the tragedy. | Lord Robens, chairman of the | National Coal Board, accepted | responsibility for the disaster | after a lengthy tribunal deliv-| ered its verdict. He offered to! resign but has been asked by| many people in and out of | public life to stay in his job. | LOOKING FOR A COMMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN? THEN GO TO THE Tally-Ho Room Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST. WEST Candidates Stand Firm SAIGON (CP)--Civilian can- Seven of the 10 civilian candi- Tran Van Huong and former : 'the party's "thinkers" confer- pes of state Phan hac ge ence, said in an interview that He {MP salaries should be boosted \to $25,000 a year from $18,000 to \"bring a better crop of politi- cians to Ottawa." have announced they will campaign publicly until they re- ernment of better facilities and security. : Thursday they asked the cen-| Manitoba Premier, Duff Rob- tral election committee to can-|!in also visited the party's poli-/said some sound thinking had campaign CY advisory conference Thurs-'been done, but he repudiated program which would have|4ay at the start of a brief Que- the "'two-nation" concept. taken them to a rally in Da bec tour. letter of protest by the seven Speaking to reporters follow- jcisms are inaccurate." | means many times that we are ready In Fatal Accident DELHI, Ont: The gov t then le Cote, of St. Michel. & Montreat|suzsestions that his political in time penalties on the govern- |, i¢e fal, couine Biongir agpieieg Bod is in fair condition in| fluence is limited to the Atlan- n and|Norfolk General Hospital, Sim-|'i¢ Provinces and:is counting on leaving in question the future |coe, with head and internal in-| Western support. usefulness of the rule. jJuries, Norfolk County some|trying to determine who was'Conservative agriculture minis- but | driving. 'ter, told a Toronto press confer- | i! By THE CANADIAN PRESS John MacLean, first of nine|er in the race at the moment. : r jcandidates for the national boycott of the presidential elec-|jeadership of the Progressive Should seek to remain as leader tion campaign and ignored two|,, | planes waiting at Saigon airport ates today maintained their Da Nang. es, including former premier Ont ve a guarantee from 'the gov- a reorganized ng today. to head off any further charges|make a major tour of Quebec) one of bad faith, nevertheless or- before the Tory leadership con-'dian. However, I'l] fight for all dered two aircraft to the air-| vention in Toronto Sept. 6-9. port this morning. When the rt . . candidates did not show up, the DIEFENBAKER ABSENT planes left again. Head of state Nguyen Van Thieu and Premier Nguyen Cao cept have declined to answer a ilians. aceremony in Saigon ay, Ky said: 'Their criti- nothing. I have vention delegates led when a car struck a steel Parliament was able to agreejonly once in its two years of|bridge near here early Thurs-| the party must develop an ap- on little beyond continuation of| provisional life--on the defence day has been identified as Mar-| proach to give young people a rule changes put|unification bill--and no agree- Cel Toupin, about 35, of St. Ca-/feeling of challenge and , in- | 1965 ment was reached by: the com- tharines, The only significant new rule| mittee, police are (CP)--A man Sunday. volvement. He was not disturbed by SEES NONE WHO LEAD Alvin homes," said a tearful Mrs. Timbrell. "I won't have it. "They're going to have to bring in the police. I don't give a damn what their policy is. These two kids are like glue-- they're inseparable. And I won't let them be broken apart. It's cruel." Mrs. Timbrell tried unsuc- cessfully to telephone Prime Minister Lester Pearson or On- tario Premier John Robarts for help. But if Brockville, attending lieved he cultures," Starr attended Picket Stanfield, touring the Hamilton, a former| SPRING Gardeninc Take A Drive To VAN BELLE GARDENS For The. s.5 DO-IT-YOURSELF @ FERTILIZER @ SPREADERS @ TOOLS @ TOPSOILS ® SEEDS, ETC. @ Advice on your Garden Problems © Van Belle Gardens "Your Friendly Garden Centre" Minutes East of Oshawa On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 CENTRE = OPEN THIS SUNDAY 4:30 TO 8:00 P.M. With ber facilities. Make your reservations NOW. Phone 723-4641. John leading Mr. Hamilton said that unless by Mir a candidate could get a major-,; ity of delegates in Ontario and Quebec he should not be leader. said after a campaigning in Ontario he be- had more delegate! support there than anyone else and he was off to do the same thing in Quebec. On the policy conference, he "According to the constitution He will return to Winnipeg)there is only one Canada and J ---- | The government, apparently,Saturday but will be back to| Would give equal rights to every- because they are | Three of the leadership candi- dates will campaign in British All leadership candidates ex-, ----------------___--_ Michael 'e some of the sessions at the Que- Brantford Strike bee conference during the four days of policy discussions.| Party leader John Diefenbaker | did not show up despite rumors |that he would make a last min- ute visit . Halts Services BRANTFORD , Ont. Garbage collection,' street and . ae sewer maintenance and other In Edmonton Thursday, Pre-| public services: were halted by mier Stanfield of Nova Scotia', strik * He added: 'Pressure for me called for a more systematic | said'a pproach to policy-making i : |based on party research and a pein by wt i lee agin gk provide them with every-|feeling at the leadership level ©MPloyees were set up at the to their cam-|for grass-roots thinking. Mr. e Wednesday. city yards and the city dump. The strikers, members of the ~~ |West, arrived in Edmonton|Canadian Union of Public Em- Wednesday after stops in Nanai-|Ployees, are seeking a one-year mo and Victoria. He meets con-| contract with a $3-an-hour wage in Calgary|rate. The city is offering a two- today and Lethbridge on Satur-|year contract with wage in-| day before flying to. Ottawa'creases of 18 cents an hour) each year. The present rate of | The 53-year-old premier said pay is $2.16 an hour. ' Sty :. W. A. Hunsberger, director of Waterloo County Children's Aid Society in nearby Kitchener, said his staff plans to separate the two because two families are ready to adopt one child each. RELIGION DIFFERS The children are Roman Catholic while the Timbrells are Anglican and it is society policy to place Roman Catholic children in Roman Catholic homes. Seven Viet | Diefenbaker, Starr Ignore Quebec Meet jence Thursday there is no lead-;\Columbia in the next two ironic" that Canada "is suffer weeks, number of next week Vancouver on former trade month of came out in Roblin. to hold them." Cana- (CP)-- Timbrell has the society of putting protocol Mr. before people. even told them I'll bring the children up Roman Catholic, if they'll let me keep them," Mrs: Timbrel!] said. "And Mrs. Paul church with her every Sunday." Mrs. Timbrell has raised nine children of her own in 23 years of marriage to a construction Diefenbaker| CONCENTRATE ON WEST Conservative party to enter the|f the party he would no Att ee ae gy nad : Ort! race, said in Quebec Thursday Sain the | { fly them to the northern city young persons find it too costly votes on the first ballot. to enter politics. The 40-year-old businessman, | province the last three days of He will be followed Roblin who arrives in and, power George Hees on August 23 In Vancouver former external affairs minister Howard Green of Mr.| Interviewed Thursday he said| he had considered Premier Stanfield for the job. 'But near- ly half the seats the party holds are on the Prairies and Roblin is in a better position to be able In Regina on Wednesday Mr Roblin said the relationship be- tween French- and English speaking Canadians is the most crucial problem in Canada. "It is more important even than foreign policy." | The 50-year-old premier ;would not predict his strength | in Quebec where his candidacy} |has been endorsed by Paul Tre-| | panier, president of the Quebec | English-speaking Conservative Association. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 11, 1967 3 SEND EACH TO SEPARATE HOME accused "It's a good Hunsberger know Mrs. Timbrell has a repue tation as a fine mother and it ts 19-year Nixon Lists Some Of "Tolts" | Foster Mother Wont Give Up Two Sisters an awkward situation," said. 'We family." The two sisters arrived at the Timbrell home last Jan 25 on Morin next two hours' notice from the soci- door has volunteered to take ety. They had been abandoned. the Roman Catholie Mr. Timbrell was at work Thursday when the social work- ers came for the children, but a -old» married daughter, Margaret, sided with her moth- er against the social workers. - Which Hit In Centennial Year TORONTO (CP)--Ontario Liberal Leader Robert Nixon said Thursday night it is, ing some of its worst jolts and twists' during its Centennial Year, {| At a party reception, Mr Nixon listed these recent "inci- dents"': --'The head of a foreign (President Charles de Gaulle of France) has indicated on Canadian soil his government's support of the separatist cause --"Quebec Premier John- son has been challenged and has refused to state that he does not lead a se- paratist party --"The New Democrats' na- tional convention has passed a dangerously vague resolution calling for a spe- cial status for Quebec. --"Some leading thinkers at the Conservative's Montmo- rency Falls, Que., confer- ence have echoed some se- paratist sentiments." "Emotions in French and Canada _ are 'running high and there can be supporting the @® VOLKSWAGEN AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE FULL LINE OF NEW AND USED CARS COMPLETE PARTS DEPOT PICKERING CAR CENTRE, AJAX, ONT. BASELINE ¥2 MILE EAST OF HARWOOD OPEN TILL 6 P.M. -- SALES TILL 9 P-M, TELEPHONE 942-1881 little doubt that we are ap- proaching another crisis in the constitutional development of our country." Mr, Nixon said he was unhap- py that the federal government was not closely involved in the planning of the Confederation of Tomorrow conference Premier John Robarts has scheduled here Nov. 26 to 29, 5-Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW EARN 6%% per annum for five years by investing in Guaranteed Investment Certificates which are Guaranteed----o3 to Principal and nterest Flexible--moay be used as Cole ateral for loans, Redeemable--by Executora In the event of death, Authorized--as Trustee Act: Ine vestments, CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 AYA) OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'and SATURDAYS led for Campus and Career " how are you fixed for... SLACK HOURS? HERE IS THE SLACK BARGAIN YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. | PRICE All By Famous - Great-Western-Garment Koratron processed Never needs ironing REG, 8.00 VALUE NOW AT ZELLER'S 'or 3.97 PAIR Never: press. ZELLER'S OPEN DAILY TILL 6 P.M. -- THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE DOWNTOWN OSHAWA, 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH dt ¢y4p-4 Uk y 4

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