Sabah ah Od UREA Mee PRESERVER pound a tack in a ib it through a piece o hold it while you y. No more bruised WA TIMES TURE -PRINTS AY PHOTO ERVICE ) -- 1.50 each -- 1.25 each discount on Orders More Pictures is our ry needs see IR DECORATOR g Street East MADE DRAPES | 725-2686 ] Write for FREE ATALOGUE Troister & : 105 Wingold Ave, oronto 18, Ontario hae 5, SKATING DRILL MAY LOOK LIKE WORK, BUT IT'S FUN FOR THESE BOYS .+. Skating, Puck-Handling and Checking Are Stressed At School BOWMANVILLE SCHOOL BUSY FOR BOYS SEVEN TO 17 Pros Teach Kids Fine Points Of Game By WAYNE WALTERS jto handle themselves on tie,or two-week periods. \ccommo-|tives from various all-star of The Times Staff jice. Bad habits are corrected dations and meals at 'he Erinlijteams in leagues throughout The temperature outside the|@nd valuable tips are given. Golf and Country Club are ar-|the province. hockey arena hovers around| According to Gamble, head |Tanged for out of town students. | (rag accrep the 80-degree mark, but inside|}coach and founder of the|Here the boys enjoy free swim." "oo" 30 boys don skates and heavy|school, 'we try to give the| Ming, golf and other supervised) Gamble at the sweaters and take to the ice in|boys ideas which they can take|@ctivities which keep them busy being assisted with the coach- what is becoming one of sum-| home and put into practice dur- during their off-ice hours. ing duties by Boston's Gerry mer's favorite pastimes. ing the winter months." Rates range from $70. perjCheevers. While Gamble The "Dick" Gamble Hockey| Assisting Gamble, a 16-year week to $130. for a two-week|Si esses Spode School in Bowmanville is typi-| Veteran of professional hockey,|session. For boys who live in t pha elves is omg <a cal of a summer phenomenon are Gary Smith, a goaltender,|the vicinity of the hockey school fartaws he goaNencers dnd' de that is sweeping the country. A|Who has played with Toronto|and will not use the Er:nli/°ncemen. combination of professional|and Rochester; Gerry Cheev-|accommodations, the rates are) Gamble said that the school hockey instructors, available|€ts, Boston Bruins' promising |$35. per week and $65. for two|stresses the fundamentals of rinks and scores of vacationing| Young goalie; Darrel Sly, a de-| weeks. hockey after which more coi- boys is turning summer hockey|fenceman with Rochester, as\ Boy. from two provinces and |Plicated position play is worked into a profitable and enjoyable to as the Canadian Olympic one U5. state have been at-|0n- Skating, shooting and moment is whe Di k" Gamble Sctool York' Boceies ccunies et tracted to Gamble's school this!Checking drills and tips are an e "Dick" Gamble Sctioo a Ss cras "summer, The sweaters which for example, offers 16 one-week fenceman. dot the ice show representa- sessions starting July finishing September 1. from seven to 17 are 10 and Gamble figures the school|tives from teams in Quebec, Boys will host about 350 boys during|Rochester, Kingston, Kitchener, taught|the summer months. Classes| Buffalo, as well as Oshawa and the basic fundamentals ofjare limited to 30 boys so that|the surrounding area. hockey, both theoretical and the three hours of ice instruc- ons af : practical. jtion they receive every day According to Gamble _ this can be individually given. jyear's crop of hockey students | sie jshow a great deal of promise instructors; FREE SWIMMING and ability. He points out tnat Sessions can be taken for one-|among the boys are representa- VALUABLE TIPS Qualified hockey train the boys in the proper way YOUNG GOALTENDER TESTED BY HOCKEY PROS ... Gamble, Cheevers Work On Style 1 ea Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-P @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec. Treas 16 SIMCOE ST. s., OSHAWA RECTOR HAS PROBLEMS BANGOR, Wales (CP)--Rev. W. L. Jones has been appointed the rector of Llanfaethlu with Llanfwrog with Llanryddlad with Llanfairynghornwy with Llanrywydrys in this Caernar- |vonshire diocese, But don't ask THIS EXCITING NEW RESIDENCE, LOCATED IN OSHAWA'S FINEST RE- SIDENTIAL AREA IS DESIGNED FOR QUIET COMFORT, AND GRACIOUS LIVING. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU. TO VISIT US, AND TO RESERVE NOW FOR EARLY OCCUPANCY. ROSSLYN ARMS APARTMENTS 745 STEVENSON ROAD NORTH PHONE 728-9724 or 723-1009 PHONE 723-5281 : : Hhim to Tepeat it. 2S it isn't. Not by a long shot. Only the new method pletely restores fabrics to their original beauty. Makes colors bright as new ... makes the finish soft as new... makes everything you wear look like new! ® We are Sanitone Certified Master Dryclean- ers, and we are dedicated to providing the very best care for all your garments. Try us today. PICKWICK Cleaners and art Shirt Launderers | Sanitone 728-5133 434 SIMCOE SOUTH tenses | hockey, | | | important part of the schedule which the boys later put in'o play. Gamble's hard, accurate wrist shot which is well known in pro- fessional hockey is one of the basics taught to the boys. He said the wrist shot is an important part of the hockey player's game and should be fully mastered before the stap shot is added. Students who attend the school and have no preference to the position they want to play have their abilities assess- ed and are put into positions where the instructor thinks he is most likely to succeed. we ; BOSTON'S GERRY CHEEVERS (LEFT) AND DICK GAMBLE (RIGHT) INSTR H .-. Cheevers Shows "Jim" Skinner of Rochester and Paul Dionne of Oshawa How To Hold Stick kaka aKa Kehr Ka Kae Ke Kea Kea KS r oa ; * *. 4, ¢ i UCT BOYS The Warm Heart Group On Big Centennial Trek DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP)-- "We're the warm heart, the warm heart--we've got the coldest hands in town." So goes the plaintive little refrain the folk singers of Nova Scotia's Centennial car- avan wrote about themselves in the midst of their provincial tour this cold, wet and windy spring. The four young members of The Warm Heart, all ama teurs picked by the centennial commission to woo crowds outside the caravan with song, usually do their show 'from an ouldoor platf equipped with a less-than-perfect sound system. At the start of their two- month tour at the end of April, they often looked as if they couldn't put down their four guitars because their hands were frozen to them. "Happiness for us is a warm room,"' said one of the two girls in the group "We sing indoors whenever we get the chance--church basements, coin laundries-- but mostly we're outside." Interviewed while warming their cold hands on cups -of coffee in a Dartmouth restau- rant between numbers were: NELLIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS ® GENERAL REPAIRS Painting Papering Remodel- ling "All Work Guaranteed" For Free Estimates Call... 728-2061 --Howie Solverson, 25, the group's unofficial leader, of Medicine Hat, Alta. A lieutenant in' the Canadian navy at Canadian Forces Base Stadacona in Halifax when not a wandering min- strel, he used his annual leave to make the Centennial cara- van tour. --Nancy White, 22, a former newspaper reporter, theatre public relations officer and a 1967 bachelor of arts graduate of Dalhousie University in Halifax. A native of Charlotte- town, she is a talented young comedienne, singer and bud- ding songwriter who played | leading roles in Dalhousie | drama and musical produc- | tions | --Betty Belmore, 19, a tiny, | bright-eyed brunette who did most of her singing before she sub- * joined The Warm Heart with her sisters back home in Caribou Goldmines, N.S. Now an arts student at the Univer sity of King's College in Hali- fax, she said she has always had "a few dreams' about becoming a professional singer, but plans to graduate from college before making up her mind about a career --Ken McDonald, 21, a cheery, non-stop talker, singer and guitar plucker from the Kentville area in Nova Sco- tia's Annapolis Valley. Ken has a diploma from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College and plans to start farming in the valley later this year. The tour with the caravan was an education project for him-- "IT wanted to see what show business was all about... . But farming is more prac- tical." ACCEPTED HECKLING The four talked about their initiation into the fraternity of wandering entertainers, with the caravan, which brings his- torical exhibits of the last 100 years to areas which won't be reached by train. "We really didn't have much time to rehearse before we started the tour," said Howie. "I guess we sang to- gether for about two hours and picked out a few songs during the car trip to our first atop." i # | HARRY'S HIDEAWAY in the|the beautiful the Centennial | IT MAY BE HOT OUTSIDE ARENA, BUT IT'S SURE COLD INSIDE .--Players Dress For Their Daily Three Hour Scrimmage ON THE TOWN: dancer, Hote] Genosha will again fea-|spice to the program. ture The Georgian Four as its} Danny Coughlin and his fivee key entertainment attraction| man revue returns to the Spruce next week. Villa Hotel next week after a | This is the quartet which has|four-month absence (which was |pleased the Hideaway patrons|far too long for the management no end in recent nights with|and customers alike). |their high - class Rock n' Roll] Coughlin's troupe has solidly |music numbers. | proved its great popularity with Robert Campbell, manager|the Spruce Villa crowd. Perhaps of the popular Hideaway in the|they will top their old record hotel's downstairs sector, says|which extended for several the group is one of the best! weeks. to perform there in the past 12 months and says their stay could be an unlimited one. They have several attractive variety ae ce ne yerincny jare presente wi soun snow- ins . wi 7 c i | manship and professional poise. the dais nee Fe org Tad Hideaway business should be|"0Pe ¢ ' + H ; cer - Mr. Music Man, himself. | brisk with this group on hand. lite will be assisted by Ray Bel- |monte, that crazy man of com- SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL ledy, on the stage. This is a |_ Executive - director Ralph/versatile music trio; but their Snow of the Spruce Villa Hotel| prime contribution to the world in Whitby is singing the prais€|/of entertainment is their comic these days of Hart Wheeler and/ routines which have made them His Escorts, currently complet-|extra popular on the cocktail jing their third and final week||ounge circuit. of their current engagement. | Ray has an all too rare qual- | The traupe's wide repertoire} ity of telling hilarious jokes and }of songs, plus fine musicianship} making each one seem new and and polished comedy routines,| terribly funny. For a fun night keep the Spruce patrons in a/on the town drop into the Stage happy frame of mind these|Door Lounge of the Hotel Whit- nights. There is also Cindy Kent, py, to add STAGE DOOR LOUNGE The Stage Door Lounge of the Whitby Hotel will have an old favorite back to entertain GOLD RUSH LOUNGE | The Dwan Trio Plus One will be saying good - bye to Osh- awa audiences for a little while Film Censor Speaks Out [is "certattzetth at |Gold Rush Lounge of the Cen- | LONDON (AP)--"The differ ie oe ee Jeihabitd ewe that fea Four will be on hand to enter- | orga censor is concerne |tain patrons with five shows with moralities, while I am not lnightly. Terry O'Reilly, Ralph I am merely an assessor of! Turbitt, Gerry Guatt and "Bill" public attitudes. McGrath from this top-notch British film censor John|quartet. You'll like this modern Trevelyan was explaining his|sound with a beat and your work while enjoying an end-of-/host, James Maher, invites you the-day drink in his office at 2\to drop in and listen to this Soho Square, in the heart of;ereat group bound for the big- Film Row. Thrice-married,|time in the field of lounge en- with twins sons of eight by his! tertainment. most recent marriage, he is a {baldish man of 63 with an en-) GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL aging frankness, His back-| General - manager Street of ' und is education, but his in-\ the Georgian Motor Hotel is so terest in films led him to join pleased with the "Dick" Valleau the British board of film cen-| Quintet - the popular Oshawa sorship in 1950, group - that he will extend their The disparity beween U.S.\ current engagement to four jand British censorship is cu-| weeks. They start their third rious The Hollywood Produc-| week next Monday. The dance tion Code, long influenced by|crowds in the posh Vintage pressures of the Roman Catho-/ Room like the Quintet ang can't \lic Church, is primarily con-| seem to get enough of them. 'cerned with sex and morality. The main concern of the Brit-- LANCASTER HOTEL ish censor over the years has| The Blue Horse Lounge of the been violence. _ Lancaster Hotel on King St. W. "We've had outbreaks of | will again feature the Jack juvenile violence, and we are Kingston Trio next week. very edgy about allowing any-|- They are one of the best thing that might encourage it,"| Country and Western troupes said Trevelyan. "The Brandojon the cocktail lounge circuit film, The Wild One, has never|today. Kingston follows in the been allowed in this country,|footsteps of great entertainers nor has Key Witness." \like "Hank" Snow and_ will British censorship predates|Carter, both of whom are his |the U.S. system by more than} personal friends. He has cross- 15 years. City councils here|}ed Canada as' 'master of cere- were given censorship powers| monies for both of these shows. under a 1909 act largely con-) Capital records was the first cerned with fires in theatres. to release Kingston's records in The British censor classifies! Canada. That was back in 1951 |films in three categories: |when his ever - popular song, U--For universal exhibition| Yodelling Cowboy, was releas- to all ages. jed, Arrow Records later signed A--For no persons under 16)Kingston to a contract. He now unless accompanied by an| has over 60 songs recorded in adult. \this country. One of his truly X--No persons under 16 great hits was, How Far Is She under any circumstances |Now?, (dedicated to Marilyn | The categories are listed in| Bell, the former swimming great newspaper ads and in front of|who captured the hearts of the the theatre. | sports world),