* 2 & | ON TELEVISION Role Of China In Boy, Girl Score Big On TV Show HOLLYWOOD (AP )--The nine-year-old Jones girl was fu- riously and. somewhat noisily rocking and singing to herself in an aluminum chair, The eight-year-old Whitaker boy, a furrow of concentration creasing his forehead, was trying to skip rope on one foot with a rope that was too long) BEVERLY HILLBILLIES for him. Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs The director was loudly and|make another guest appearance. somewhat futilely appealing for|Flatt asks bungling Jethro to silence on the set. jserve as director for his wife's Anissa Jones and Johnny | screen test, hoping it will be Whitaker now are well into|a disaster. (Channel 3, 6, 12 their second season as televi-|at 10:30 p.m.) Wat oa tae oe te SUNDAY star in a drama ofa promin- Affair presented them as two : . : nearly irresistible children. DOBIE Fe icnnl i td ent attorney who undergoes a " ; . (Dwayne Hickman) fs enthus-/bizarre trial by torchlight (Chan- Johnny was working Tuesday iastic about getting married to|nel 3, 6, 12 at 8:30 p.m. Chan- himself to be captured, (Chan- nel 7 at 8:30 p.m.) 1 SPY Kelly and Scott's assignment is to cultivate. a friendship with Don Ernesto Sil- vando (Boris Karloff) and aging inventor who has developed an anti - missle system. The prob- lem is that Don Ernesto, escap- ing from reality, keeps immers- jing himself - and the agents - in Don-Quixote-like scrapes with windmills, peasants, sheep and the police. (Channel 9 at 10:00 p.m.) TONIGHT MISSION IMPOSSIBLE - A physic joins the IMF on a bi- zarre assignment in Austria: the investigation of an expat- riate woman scientist suspect- ed of giving information to the Communists - on orders from her Jate husband's ghost. (Chan- nel' 4 at 8:30 p.m.) WEDNESDAY BOB HOPE - Cliff Robertson, Joe Van Fleet, Michael Sar- razin and Michael Constantine they were repeating the scene. FACE SCREWS UP His freckled face screwed up threat to the U.S. and Russia.|and Ron Carey. in frustration when the words! Discussing the rise of China are |10:00 p.m.) came wrong. But, on the side-| defense expert Henry Rowen of 'HURS 5 lines, Anissa silently mouthed|RAND Corporation, former Mal- | THU RSDAY both Johnny's and Keith's lines|ayan defense minister Sir Rob-| CANDID CAMERA - The cam- era focuses on children running ulars Jayne Meadows, Louis Nye, John Byner, Ruth Buzzi (Channel 4 at |China began to emerge as a nuclear power, becoming a World Topic For TV Documentary a race, men having trouble with parking meters and housewives doing play-by-play coverage of a children's baseball game, Co- hosts are baseball great Jackie Robinson and Allen Funt. (Chan- nel 11 at 7:30 p.m.) LOVE ON A ROOFTOP . Julie (Judy Carne) feels com- pelled to find out why Dave (Peter Deuel) never married his old flame, a lovely girl who seems all a man could hope for. (Channel 7 at 9:30 p.m.) FRIDAY RAT PATROL - Hitchcock's and Pettigrew's lives are to be sactificed unless. Troy and Mof- fitt can return a kidnapped Arab holy man, (Channel 6 at 7:30 she on ack te te his newest flame and Mr. Gillis}nel 2 and 8 at 9:00 p.m.) p.m.) eas : ; : was having trouble pronouncing (Frank Faylen) suspects that] STEVE ALLEN - Steve winds _ MOVIE . Tennessee Williams ; some words, like "hamburger" maybe he already is, (Channel up his summer stint with sing- Summer and Smoke; Starring j and "Venus fly trap" to the sat- 2 at 8:30 p.m.) ers Lou Rawls, and the Love Laurence Harvey 7 Geraldine iutaction of the scund man, so| STRUGGLE FOR PEACE -|Generalion, comics Jerry Stil-|Page. It's the touching study of | in the early 1960's Communist|ler and Anne Meara and reg-|the frustrated love of Alma |Winemiller, repressed daughter lof a small - town minister in |the South and John Buchanan, a handsome young doctor who jlives next door. Also featured jare Rita Moreno, Una Merkel, |Thomas Gomez and Earl Hall- liman. (Channel 4 at 9:00 p.m.) | The scene over, introductions fense secretary Denis Healy. were made, and Anissa greeted| Robert Beatty is host. (Channel the stranger with the poise of|3, 6, 12 at 10:30 p.m.) an adult. Asked about her ac-| tivities, Anissa said: 'Oh, I al-! MONDAY ways know everybody's lines--| VACATION PLAYHOUSE -| even my own, except when I Barry Nelson and Joanna Moore miss them." star in the TV pilot film, Heav- There was a little pause, and en Help Us. It concerns a mag- FRONT & YON as they spoke them. ert Thompson and British De- O'KEEFE CENTRE ONE WEEK ONLY ! GE EM. 3-6633 DONALD DUCK LI'L ABNER | Nov |her chubby hands reached up to| azine editor whose late wife re- | |two fat, blonde curls on each|turns to earth to help him find | AUGUST 14 to AUGUST 19 ~ OSHAWA CHORAL SOCIETY PERFORMS AT BIG EXPO FAIR |side of her head. ja new mate. (Channel 4 at) A bright sun shone on the shell Festival, a program of of advice to his proud choir assen, Mary Ruth Osborne, and district and holds a con- "Of course, they all miss|8:30 p.m.) i E Ss Oshawa Choral Society dur- free entertainment for visi- _ members prior to their per- | Rowland Coombes and Jack cert annually at the East- j|their lines too, once in a) PETTICOAT JUNCTION ing their recent performance tors to the big worlds fair. formance at the big show. ; dale Collegiate and Voca- |while," she said. |Steve's (Mike Minor) old buddy at Expo '67. The group par- Director Hugh Martin, above The Vocalists are, from left, Allin, The group has perfor- 8 Paula Jones, Anissa's|becomes his newest rival for| ticipated in the Expo Band- of the group gives a word Gay Quinton, Marion Jon- med extensively in Oshawa SHOW TIMES AT MOVIES | REGENT -- They're going a| On the same program, Cata laugh a minute in the funniest/lina Caper, in color with Tom- family outing of the year at}my Kirk and Del Moore. the Regent Theatre where Walt] Shown Saturday continuous ? " : ORCHESTRA MEZZANINE Disney's the Gnomemobile is/from 1:00 p.m. Sunday contin. SATURDAY Aug. 12 |FRIDAY Sept. 8 hit parade as chosen by Osh-|"script" together which. they/David to five scientists whol Rear ORCHESTRA & FRONT BALCONY . 33.00 now playing. Starring Walter! yous from 2:00 p.m. East Whitby Gala Night [Labor Council judging of beard|awa and district teen-agers and|Plan to act out for the crew. |have vanished - by allowing MIDDLE BALCONY .................cssss00, $3.00 Brennan. In technicolor. The Kinsmen Carnival - Bowman-!| growing contest supplied by the Disc Shop at -- BERG GMIRONY (2 aa $2.25 Shown daily at 2.50, 5.05, 7.20 starting on Thursday, and 9:35 p.m a horror movie eadly Bees, ; [starring Suzanna Leigh and|Centennial Caravan - [Carl Smith Music Show - Civic 1. All You Need is Love - Beat-| Wall Disney feataretie, The Leg:|#Tank Finlay. In color. UR Ot Auditorium |, es | AWARIS ONE TEST OF A MAN end of the Boy and the Eagle.|_n the same program, Elvis SATURDAY Aug. 19 FRIDAY Sept. 15 2, Light my Fire - Doors ...A WOMAN ANOTHER! } Shown at 2:00, 4:15, 6:30 and 8:45 p.m. Last complete show|Come, Easy Go. Camp itorium Sept. 15-17 Rascals | at 8:45 p.m. Sohwn weekdays at 7:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY Aug. 23 nee Age a Can | veg : Starting on Friday, one of Saturday continuous from 1:00|100 Years of musical comedy - SATURDAY Sept, 16 * Nel Diam -- "-- eso First "LILIES OF THE FIELD" the most looked for pictures of |P.m. Sunday continuous from/Eastdale Collegiate co corns Drumhead Ser- 'a mony | Then "A PATCH OF BLUE" the year, based on the exciting|2 p.m. WEDNESDAY Aug. 23 vice and Parade tabeanees Valley Sunday - best seller, The Dirty Dozen, in technicolor. Starring Lee Mar-| NEW ODEON - Now playing, a war is one test of a man Presley and Pat Priest in, Easy | East Whitby Centennial Kiwanis! CENTENNIAL © CALENDAR {SUNDAY Sept. 10 Whitby Military Motorcycle Display - SUNDAY Sept. 17 : Henry St. High School - Whitby | Decoration Day - East Whitby vin, Ernest Borgnine, Robert ere | 76 7, White Rabbit - Jefferson Air- Ryan, Telly Gavalas, Clint Walk:|a, woman, 'S anotier. See An'\FRIDAY Sept. 1 centen-\Centennial Fashion Show - All|, Plane ss sitinta hee Gamn them or praise them but beeing rain love story! nisl Ball + Civic Auditorium .(Séints' Anglican Church-Whitby|® Baby 1 Love You - Aretha ye will neved forget them. | pene ve me. Se § SIDNEY you a ee ee | battle. Adult Entertainment. Fomasae orb end Weav- wes Love Somebody - Bees MARKS - Now playing, Hell! Shown today at 4:40, 6:55 TE le i avi ike on Wheels, in color with Marty| and 9:10 p.m. Shown Sunday at 20-MULE AM aie Teas VHA Boe ait Gentle on my Mind « Glen| ects Adak al es é ADULT Robbins and John Ashley. {2:40, 4:55, 7:10 and 9:25 p.m. EXPO BOUND sek de .W.C.A. - 2)" Campbell | Topay AT: EON ro) , - IER TAINMEN | Starting on Monday, this hotel [SATURDAY Sept. 23 | 4:40-6:53 OD K inet (ange ina oc cP pp MERCER, Pa. (AP)--"I |Junior "A" Exhibition Hockey | 9:10 39 KING ST. PHONE 725-5833 . ee - a er e S| roomers flying around. See) wanted to cross the country |Game - Civic Auditorium JAMES CLAVELL'S : ' Z | Alec Guinness and Gina L0110-) i, the toughest way I know | THE RO PRODUCTION OF ; brigida in, Hotel Paradiso, in " ies f SUNDAY Sept. 24 : how,"' says muleskinner Jean |\- i Tee 4 , | rT) LY color. DeHaven Minnesota North Stars vs Los il i id | SRO Oe i ie ee ee ie eb ot aa LOVE um S us. Show Tuesd: . ; Stockee will invade | " Shown Monday, Tuesday and) co ine 38-year-old South Da- | A8eles (Exhibition Hockey) | : 5 Wednesday at 7:25 and 9:30 p.m.| yota rancher is travelling be- |Ci¥!° Auditorium ; nee THE SOUTH The wackiest road TIMES -- 1:30 - 3:20 - 5:25 - 7:30 - 9:40 MONTREAL (CP)--Robert; Starting on Thursday, Kirk) pind a 20-mule team. They're |Trooping of Guidon - Ontario } ' race ever run? Wagner, the Hollywood movie|Douglas, Richard Widmark and! headed for Expo 67. : Regiment'- G.M. south parking TODAY ' Vig star, wound up three days of|Robert Mitchum starring in, The, jx, cet out from Death Val- lot aE fl d A 14 | bo Weg? WALT moviemaking at Expo this week Way West. A western to top all| , He Set out from Death Val- | wEpNESDAY Sept. 27 onday, Aug. _--,, none the worse for the bum's westerns. In color. ie - his elite aon thie Toronto Maple Leafs vs Roch- ] vara GoD Lg DISNEY rush he had been given at one, Shown weekdays at 7:00 and| daughters and seven. other |°St®? (Exhibition Hockey) - Ci- SEE MONDAY"S H yy ZN " 2 |b of the theme pavilions at the 9:10 p.m. Saturday continuous] men vie Auditorium SPORTS PAGE | Weg eXg world's fair. from 4.00 p.m. and Sunday con-) 4.4, about a0 inlles a SATURDAY Sept. 30 : FOR DETAILS Pn TRAK y (/, rs Mr, Wagner, starring with|tinuous from 2:00. p.m. age SAMY Ps Chait 16 to 29 |Minnesota North Stars vs Pit- tO Sah sy F Yi Austrian-born Senta Berger in| Hey Kids! be sure not to miss "ene al tld "" |tsburg (Exhibition Hockey) tN / Aig the two-hour feature film The|this week's movie club, Satur- i : Civie Auditorium a a Wy YA Crooked Man, took it all in stride when an official of the Pavilion of Man the Producer| ordered him and his cohorts out of the structure Monday after- noon. The movie star and Miss Ber- ger were filming a 15-minute sequence using the fair as a day at 1:00 p.m. Herman's Her- mits star in, Hold On. | On the same program, Trip to Disneyland, U.S.A. PLAZA - Held over by pop- ular demand for a third great} week, To Sir With Love, star- ring Sidney Poitier and Judy| They spent the winter in Wessington, S.D., and moved out again this spring. "It gets real monotonous,' he said. "I've had seven men hospitalized, my daughter broke an arm, my son was kicked by a horse and I went | over a bank and was in the East Whitby Pony Rodeo and Animal Display Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S backdrop to the U.S. film by Geeson. A dramatic story of! hospital for a few days." TECHNICOLOR® writer-di 08 Stevens | the new beat, bold tempo, mods riter-director Leslie Stevens and mini skirts and the teach- FEATURE DAILY AT: 2:50--5:05--7:20--9:35 when the incident occurred. The film is scheduled for the. next television season on the ,, on « American Broadcasting Co. net-|, 500wn daily at 1:30, ivweted work and later will be released /:°9 and 9:40 eee on for general theatrical distribu- ?/°\ show. at 4s hist . DANCE call him, Sir. In color. BIG CHALLENGE The star of the spy-thriller ran into his biggest challenge of the Expo sequence when Chris- er who made them cool it and -- ne sereurut TERNATIONAL ELLA | ee WREST playground HWICOLOR |HIT PARADE 'the Oshawa Shopping Centre. Oshawa Home Show - Civic Aud- 3, A Girl Like You - Young Save up to tional School here. FOR TEEN-AGERS The following is this week's mother, is at the studio each |the attention of the Bradley | day. Johnny, one of eight little| girls. (Channel 11 at 9:00 p.m.)| Whitakers, Tuesday was in the} 8 | charge of a woman designated TUESDAY AFRICAINS by his mother who cannot al-| INVADERS--David (Roy Thin-| ways be away from home. in hi Johnny and Anissa get along/to prove that earth has been} TWO PERFORMANCES FRIDAY AN' MONDAY TO THURSDAY EVENING PERFORMANCES AT 8:30 ID SATURDAY AT 7:00 & 9:45 together nicely, and earlier this|invaded. The president of an} week, in lessons time, wroie ajelectronics firm plans to lead 6. The Boat that I Row - Lulu NOW PLAYING BOX OFFICE OPEN 11 A.M PRICES PER SEAT FOR ALL PERFORMANCES . TO 9 P.M. MON. TO SAT. Weln-Goldnyn Mayer presens A Carlo Pont Production NOW! You can 28% on EXPOG7 | HELD OVER N-0-W 'THOBE "MARY POPPING" KIDS * Starring WALTER BRENNAN: {OWELL GARBER - DOTRICE sw WYNN Deco RECENT Boy:Eagle graze as Cora FAMOUS maviRs ff DRIVE-IN : THEATRE ce ak? 7, TONIGHT pA INDOOR- OUTDOOR THEATRE JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE Ld 's te pain "anda orme Tonight MAR TY ROBB! A PA passports BOX OFFICE 8:00 P.M. FIRST OSHAWA SHOWING i ee a ee Capen a RE tnges vie | tonne i igyaaea ( admission, * Att COLOR SHOW & |i Sicard discovered that his staff NOW | BRENNAN Xo : ' of hostesses and guides was not s : TOM in the right places shortly be- $°) PLAYING Sots. 'nis aes LOWELL a fore the scheduled tour of the | a MATTHEW KAS 108 - pavilion by Pierre Mebaley,| = ERA UN CPS MEO OE GARBER - DOTRICE ouWYNN who represented President Leon M'Ba of Gabon, following a Gabon day flag-raising cere- mony at Expo. Wondering what had _hap- pened to the pavilion staff, Mr. | Sicard eventually found the lot} clustered in a group at @ sec- tion of the pavilion. : "Then I found out," he said, RUDY VELTRI Pao rag 2 . ota a and his New F Th . s ] ; everywhere! 0! ds t ack to Kh ons ; ia ta aad'ares] TRONADOS 1H 'THe Dick Valleau Quintet die ES going on." playing the yo. es de nee * pia oe vor Featuring vocal arrangements of Bob Hill us JB tae "Wh 2" he in- leaturing the lovely * * 4 ' : aac. MARIE HARRISON Appearing Nightly at the UF AYDE: "Don't you know this is Rob- ert Wagner?" : "Who is this Wagner?" insist- ed Mr. Sicard. "I don't know him. And besides, I don't have him marked down in my book. » What is he doing here? 3 RED BARN "Oshowa's Friendliest Dance" Back on a Return Engagement DANCING THIS WEEK to the sounds of GEORGIAN Motor Hotel 723-4693 CHAMPLAIN AVE. AT THORNTON RD. The Bank of Nova Scotia 'KEENAN WYNN-JANIS PAGE, EIT Taoison SEER. JAMES avcan - ROBERT stevenson Tockaleolor® "cssrsxc [toon 70 tre mame wait Disney Fon Tre PinesT i famiy ENTERTAINMENT | «bodies ... bodies CO-STARRING and ALDO RAY 4 ALSO ON THE SAME PROGRAM woes. | ,COLOR * Box Office Opens at 8 P.M.--Show Starts at Dusk 'MUGGS AND SKEETER GRANDMA