§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, August 12, 1967 BIBLE LESSON Paul Continues Work In City Of Corinth Scripture--Acts 18 By R. H. RAMSEY Recalling last week's lesson you will remember that Paul met no persecution during his short ministry in Athens. In- stead he was invited to address the city's leading philosophers from the Areopagus. An intel- Jecturai himself, Paul appealed to them on the grounds of intel- lectualism. The people listened politely, but his words made lit- tle or no impression. He was dismissed with the promise that they wished to hear him again. . . sometime. But Paul did not wait. Bit- terly disappointed and discour- aged with his failure, Paul left Athens for Corinth, some fifty miles away. He arrived, according to his later letter to that church, deeply depressed and physi- cally ill. Providentially, his path crossed that of Aquilla | and his wife, Priscilla, who been among the Jews recently | expelled from Rome by order of the emperor ,Claudius. In them Paul found the tonic maker by profession, as was Paul. In their home and shop Paul found the relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation he needed to continue his missionary work. As his health. and spirits im- roved, Paul resumed preach- ing in the synagogue on the Sabbath and was again success- ful. Silas and Timothy arrived, bringing financial help, and Paul was able to devote all his" time to preaching. Inevitably, his preaching roused opposition from some of the Jews and Paul shook out his garments--symbolizing he was shaking himself free of all responsibility for them--and de- clared his intention of working only among the Corinthian Gen- tiles thenceforth. Paul carried on his work from the home of Justus, and the fact that the house adjoined and were unwilling that Paul should leave so soon. They asked him to remain, but he would not, giving the necessity of keeping a feast in Jerusalem as his reason for leaving. But he promised he would return when his duties in Jerusalem were completed, and, in the meantime, left the Ephesian Christians in the care of Aquilla and Priscilla. Paul's visit to Jerusalem was brief and he was soon on his way to Antioch, After a short stay there, he set out on his third missionary journey, visit- ing the churches he had founded previously in Galatia and Phrygia. Luke interrupts his account of Paul's travels with a thumbnail sketch of Apollos, an Alexand- rian who had arrived in Ephe- TORONTO -- Greater use of parole and the erasing of past criminal records after a speci- fied period of successful re- habilitation are recommended in a brief prepared by the Anglican Church of Canada to the federal government's Cana- dian Committee on Corrections. It states that imprisonment is being used excessively and in- appropriate use is being made of existing prisons in relation to the philosophy of respect for the dignity and worth of all men and women. Church Plans Bible School A Vacation Bible School will be held at the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, 455 Bond Street East, Oshawa, Aug. Anglican Church Recommends Greater Use Parole System A primary problem is that prison industries do not provide useful work for pay and are not related to the kind of work obtainable in society, it states. The: brief, submitted by the church's social service depart- ment, was prepared by men and women from Ottawa, King- ston, Toronto, London and Win- nipeg. It will be reported to the church's national synod which meets in Ottawa, Aug. 22 - 31. DISCRIMINATION CLAIMED Present practices of arrest, jail and bail discriminate against the poor, the brief states. Release from custody pending trial should be based on character rather than finan- cial considerations. It says pro- fessional bondsmen should not be recognized in Canada. It sug- gests some social problems such as chronic petty offences, vagrancy, suicide, alcoholism and drug addiction be removed from the criminal code and dealt with by appropriate) health and welfare authorities. Provision for legal counsel for be the responsibility of the pub- lic purse, the brief states. It recommends again the abolition of the lash and paddle and cap- ital punishment. those unable to pay for it should). mailed to members of parlia-Jing, of concern for those who ment before the free vote in|have offended and of i the House of Commons. hope for change and moral and spiritual growth in man. The RESPECT FOR DIGNITY embodiment of such a philoso- "The entire correctional pro-|nhy in a program of action re- cess 'should be governed by the quires flexibility in the system Judaeo-Christian philosophy Of/and provision for continuing unfailing respect.for the dignity|eyaluation," the committee and worth of each human. be-| <iq. The Anglican Church also passed a resolution in support' of the abolition of capital pun- ishment in 1958. Two years ago it published a booklet "The Death Penalty"; an argument Freedom, encouragement and resources should be provided both prison staff and those out- Wesleyan research and experimentation, the report recommends. ooo ROSSLAND ROAD FREE METHODIST Pastor: Rev. R. H. James 725-1280 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M, -- "HE HUNGERED" Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Prayer & Bible Study Your Friendly Community Church side the system to undertake in favor of abolition, which was HARMONY . . UNITED CHURCH Minister--Rev. €. Frazer Lacey, B.A., B.D. Organist & Choir Director-- Mrs. Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T. MT, 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Guest Speaker: . MR. WALTER MITTLER 14 to 24. The nursery, beginner and primary departments for chil- dren 2 to 8 years will meet 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The junior depart- sus in Paul's absence and was preaching the Gospel in the the synagogue provided 'an ad- ditional irritant, but it could not GOLDEN TEXT "IT have planted ,Apollos | synagogue. Recognizing Apollos as a man had|be helped . But when Crispus. o¢ worth and talent, but defi-/for youth and adults by the min- described as the 'chief ruler Of| cient in his knowledge of the|jster. Rev. Richard 7; |Christian faith he was preach-'jn the evening. ing, Aquilla and Priscilla took him into their home and taught him more completely ment for children 9 to 12 years will meet 7 to 9 p.m. A course entitled "How to {Study the Bible" will be taught Barker, Zion Christian Reformed Church 409 Adelaide Ave. E. Minister Rev. D. N. Habermehl, M.Th., Under the theme, "God's| Power for my life", this graded} 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP A Hearty Welcome to All Church Hillsdale Public School Oshawa Bivd. N., GRACE LUTHERAN Lutheran Church -- Canade (Mo, Synod) Minister Rev. Walter Jewell 305 Rossland Road East NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Br. H. A. Mellow, B.A, 8.B. 9:45 A.M. PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fiess, Mini Sunday School en TOE. Phillip Heinze, Vicar '11:00 A.M: MORNI NG SUNDAY SERVICES WORSHIP OAS AM, You Are Cordially SUNDAY SCHOOL Invited 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP WEDNESDAY ~ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Church School 7 p.m. Worship 7:40 p.m. ------ FAITH Lutheran Church (Eastern Canada Synod) The Rev. Henry Fischer Pastor -- 725-2758 MASONIC * TEMPLE BLDG. 91 Centre St. 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M. THE SERVICE Rev. BA, COMBINED 'SERVICES in NORTHMINSTER Off Simcoe Street Minister -- Rev. C. ERIE STREET FREE METHODIST (next after Bloor) M. Bright 725-3872 11 am. they had much, watered; but God gave the | ' a . te oueh, Teey atte Jewish,| increase. So then neither is | So effective were they that ren stivitinn Gay oie ee oe ee (SIMCOE N. at ROSSLAND) Junior Church Up to 11 Years Provided Christian, had travelled exten-| le that planteth any thing, | Apollos moved on to Achaia |ii6 pupil the equivalent ts six | 7:00 P.M 10:00 A.M.--FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOO! fs os ; " 7 - |g 7 2 tiv: SIX} ; M, : M-- L sively, and Aquilla was a tent-| ee pg LE grag wae ot effective months of Sunday. "Scliool" ine EVENING. SERVICE REV. N. FRANK SWACKHAMMER, B.A. | yi 4 Pies eabutahaet esiGe wis aE __ struction in two weeks. | hace F 11:00 A.M.--FAMILY WORSHIP SERVIC! d | a --I1 Corinthians 3:6, : Using the finest curriculum|| Radio Ministry Chr. Ref. Church Minister in Charge ' E Youth To Stu y : scSAVED FOR LATER materials and latest, teaching|| {CKL®) Beck To God How (foen MRS. M. JOYCE, Organist 7:00: P.M.--FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR | . Yy hae) ane echniques, je sta as @s its gal lthe synagogue" was converted|(CP)--Jimmy Hastie saved a goal: each pupil matured in ues Ley etna: Suneay (at Tues. 7:30 p.m.--Prayer meeting and Bible Study (NO EVENING SERVICES) NURSERY AND JR. CHOIR AT 11:00 A.M, Many Problems = baptized, the Jews were) four-month-old gosling from) Christ. i |angered further. drowning in a pail of water by|---------- More than 5,000 students from | Paul, encouraged by a reas-| giving it mouth-to-mouth resus- colleges and universities around |SUring vision from the Lord, re-/citation. It wasn't entirely a hu-| the world will assemble for a|™ained in Corinth another year/mane act. The Yorkshireman GOSPEL HALL fhgee - day conference at the denominational headquarters of the Christian Science Church in Boston, Aug. 24. | charged with persuading men They will discuss everything from premarital chastity and the 'identity crisis" to the prob- lems of emerging nations and world peace. Previous conferences have also drawn students from coun- tries of Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America --with 887 colleges and universities of 36 nations represented. More! are expected this year. |boat was, undoubtedly, headed During the three - day period some 18 hours will be spent in assembly sessions, with most of this time given to student papers and discussion . One of the objectives will be and a half. Then an insurrec-/plans to have the goose for tion broke out against him and/Christmas dinner this year. he was brought before Gallio,| pease Roman pro-consul of Achaia, to worship God contrary to the law. | Gallio ruled that the Christian Gospel shared the same protec- tion which Roman law extended to the Jewish religion and dis- missed the charges. Despite such troublous times, Paul lingered in Corinth for a Tomorrows' | Reveals the startling signi- time. Then he, Aquilla and f Priscilla sailed to Syria. The iconcrith PROPHECIES. next 20 years! for Caesarea and stopped at M . Ehpesus en route, probably to} 9:08 0.35 PM take on more passengers and ; 'On Lacrosse Nights" 10:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 83 BYNG AVE. WEST OF SIMCOE ST.N. FRED C. SPRING PASTOR SIMCOE STREET allow those aboard to spend the Sabbath in the synagogue there. Naturally. ,Paul went into the The World Tomorrow will be heard at 8:30 p.m, and Sunday PENTECOSZAL CyURCH i (CKLB) Back To God Hour (each : | i | Centennial United Church BOND ST. WEST AT ROSEHILL BLVD. Minister -- Rev. G. J, Minielly B.A., D.D. Organist and Choir Director--Mr. D. Thompson A.R.C.T., L.T.C.L. 11:00: A.M. Mr. Donald Whitbread Primary, Kindergarten and Nursery A WARM WELCOME TO ALL 40 NASSAU STREET SUNDAY DRIVE-IN SERVICE 7:00 P.M. DOMINION STORES PLAZA -- MIDTOWN CRESCENT Speaker -- MR. G. TELFER of Toronto OTHER SERVICES SUNDAY; 9:00 A.M. --THE LORD'S SUPPER 11:00 A.M.--FAMILY BIBLE HOUR. AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Wednesday 7:45 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Meeting A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL | ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH |} ALBERT STREET GOSPEL HALL Sul Fo! By ALEX Of The Ti One of the bu ered civic units tes hat aoe eae 150 Albert St, Oshowa ORGANIST-CHOIRMASTER: HAROLD ELLis - -- a Sunday, August 13th SUNDAY -- AUGUST 13th 10:00 A.M.--Remembering the Lord awa today is the tion of the publi ment. Headed by stc Sherman Blakel, to explore the relevance Of| synagogue, not as a listener but 245 SIMCOE ST. $ Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pastor Christian insight as a radicaljas a minister. He preached a force in the whole range|sermon an: what d, apparently, of 5 he said fell upon \. the subjects scheduled for con- a ee sideration are: cheating, drugs, 10:30 - 11:00 P.M. YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US The Ephesians wanted more the "new morality," birth con: 10:00 A.M.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes Morning Worship ee 10 o'clock i oe eh ae rol, the 'death oj " theol- : pace aces ibalic on accuracy, perfor ogy, spiritual values inthe ere CHRIST MEMORIAL 1350 RADIO 11:00 A.M. Sermon--"CAN PRAYER HELP THE SICK?" pope ey seaniny Renan > Achat Rina Sinan ] trom contractor flicts .and leadership in govern CHURCH p ASTOR GEO RGE S MITH THE MINISTER WILL PREACH OF Pen j A el toe ment. (Anglican) HARMONY ROAD Nursery for Infants and Toddlers Tuesday -- 7:30 P.M. Prayer & Bible Study ¥ Geared to the A special guest speaker will|] Me d Hilleroft $ | ' i Blakely keeps t be Dr Harrell Beck, Professor || "°° "wero Sweet 1) BAPTIST CHURCH | Mesias oA et a oe three-men team of Old Testament at Bo ston 226 Harmony Rd. S. 7:00 P.M. : : a sida University. The keynote address | SERVICES pen : . er him are tr will be given by Erwin D. Can-| ee 4 Christian similarly equi ham, Editor in Chief of The| 8:00 A.M 9:45 A.M.--Bible School EVANGELISTIC SERVICE KINGSVIEW UNITED CHURCH The. and. them they mi Christian Science Monitor. : stn 11:00 AM Rane) ° with go vagpent 2 . i t 11:00 AM AIR CONDITIONED AUDITORIUM CHURCH SCHOOL and MORNING WORSHIP Missionary. Alliance. ea: we HEAR NN. MORNING at SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, 459 Bond Street East, Oshawa of the contract « | A WARM WELCOME ALWAYS AWAITS YOU 1164 KING ST. E. Rav. Richard J: Borkier!: Minister | -- WORSHIP | ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH 9 Cenacle be a ST. GEORGE'S |) sure aw » corn | [Listen to "SONGS INTHE NGHT" Sunday 1:15 CKLB-1350 | REV. L. WESLEY HERBERT, B.A Minster aay ] ox go ahead wastes AE! Discover the Difference. ) DOR Ra AIRGAS Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organi ; " Broadcast ANGLICAN CHURCH | | Gre Oueit -- Mie Aan ores de Adenia purge oo have completed DAILY : : : .M.--"Jesus and the Heathen" i The Rev, Canon F. G. Ongley, M.A. a team to mo a ag de pig eae j ' 7:00 P.M.--"Guardian of the Scriptures" i three sites the 130 - 10: am. "Assistant K S P | Ch h 10:00 A.M. No. 4 in series 'Have You met these People?" } ing Street Pentecostal Churc | ) x Maraiy. Alaa er An borcion SKILLED WOR WEDNESDAY 7:45 P.M. -- PRAYER SERVICE "Where You Are Always Welcome' VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AUGUST 14-24 Theme -- 'God's Power for My Life" 9:30-. 11:30 A.M.--Children to age 8. 7:00 - 9:00 P.M,--Children 9 and above Youth and Adults, THE SALVATION ARMY 133 Simcoe Street South Major and Mrs, John Wood along the roads a wooden tripod like a fishing li the most skilled the country. Th who bring the p ction drawings A firm knowl matics, which m onometry and g sential before t on the lowest 85 per cent of lives, surveyors be tough physi It is not a j risks or lighter : cars are drive' them at fast s] ly for the plea ing them jump occasionally art fice complaining ing back on the or three times. One whimsical once offered s Gambell bed = cause he return job three times. it is true they the same job times, it is not be made mist akes the same thing o In the final p ject they often DROWN Un KING ST. W. One block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre Sunday, August 13th REV, $, D. FELTMATE -- Pastor Parsonage 728-6662 Trinity XII Services 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Thursday, August 17th Holy Communion--10:00 am. [CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST Branch of The Mother Church -- The First Church of Christian Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts 61) Phones: Church 728-5371 "JESUS, THE ABIDING ONE" REV. F. J. LITTLE Guest Soloist -- Mrs. Harry Smith Simcoe Street United Church St. Andrew's United Church Joint Summer Services in St. Andrew's 'United Church 11:00 A.M. Rev. John K. Moffat Theme: "LOOKING FOR LIFE ?" 11 "Where Do | Get It?" 10:00 A.M. -- Sunday School and Adult Classes 11:00 A.M. -- WORSHIP SERVICE aa RIVE SERVICE AT THE SHOPPING CENTRE Rev. W. F. Rourke will preach at all service in August 1350 RADIO SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "SOUL Wed. Service (Inctudes testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Friday -- 12 noon-5 p.m. ° (Excepting Holidays) Listen te The Bible Speoks To You CKLB 9 A.M. Every Sunday SUNDAY MEETINGS 9:30 A.M.--GOSPEL TRUTH" Radie Broadcast, CKLB -- 1350 en Your Dial 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School and Bible Class 11:00 A.M.--HOLINESS MEETING 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC MEETING WEDNESDAY 8:00 P.M. -- Prayer and Bible Study OSHAWA'S FRIENDLY -- FAMILY -- FULL-GOSPEL CHURCH Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Catvary BapristT Corner Evangeline & Phillip Murray Pastor -- REV Postor REV, ERNEST WINTER WHERE PRAYER FOCUSES, POWER FALLS OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Branch Of Toronto Spiritualist Temple REV. E. M. McGRATH ------ THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. LUKE'S ST. PAUL'S UKRAINIAN SIMCOE ST. NORTH Rosslond Rd. W. at Nipigon i ne Simcoe St, South (Four blocks from King) Minister: Winer 86, et eg SF Minister Rev. J. Jacenty Rev. Waiter Jackson Minister Rev. G. W. C. Brett, B.A, REV, THOMAS GEMMELL Mi BA., B.D. inister Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M. Mr. Frank Walter Pastor: er. | -- NEW PREMISES Masonic Temple 91 CENTRE ST. at METCALF 9:30 A.M.--Church School . 5 Choir Director Y ' A SPECIAL GUESTS 9:45 AM.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES Music Director ra. J. Barkwel Musie Director i cee ie MR. G. SEAT, JR The Bible Is. Our Text Book ' S setae ' ; 745 AM. - ond CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 AM. NO. CHURCH SCHOOL Some uae REV. E. OJA ne re 11:00 A.M.--REV, DONALD VEITCH ake MORNING ce HUNGARIAN peepee : id i Bible School for all ages PUBLIC WORSHIP : Minister Rev. E. Seress 2:30 P.M.--Healing and Spirit Greeting runrer of TI - 7:00 P.M.--REV. DONALD VEITCH "LYDIA THE HOSTESS" MORNING oi Kom Grae James Ms 7:00 P.M.--Divine Service and Spirit Greeting 11:00 AM. and 7:00 P.M. Guest Preacher: W HIP % the Cedarda : : H a Evening Service Broadcast Over CKLB Radio. WORSHIP T f Ost FRIDAY 8 P.M.--Open Circle in Red Light _ REV. C LONG REV. ak M. WARNE, : MR. DAVID SAVAGE 3:3U P.M.--Worship Service jens. which Healing and Development WED. 7:45 P.M.--Bible Study HAVE YOU TRIED THIS? Soa hee, Suet Seeaker 2nd and 4th the plant wh P. $$ Service: SiGeee NRE ce RO Mp. DAVID SAVAGE Nursery Available Mailory hi ALL ARE WELCOME erga toh Bible Study with Personal Meaning--Wed, 7:45 P.M. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US 3 SUNDAYS for drink the e