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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Aug 1967, p. 9

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s Made Iderly the government nterest-free loan over 65 to help property taxes. -omes a lien mes, cipality in the pass a bylaw to homeowners to oan. $$ EQDORANT! E 58c! OZ. TT itstanding ot :E Trial Size! D.' 'essing LUE! to cover oy! ' for this one! EA' ME yi tae r TICK! iS?' ME \CH lue! SS fer! DN? | » Ss » Better I _ zation could possibly dominate THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 30, 1947 --_------_-- Cong Plots Sabotage By EDWIN Q. WHITE SAIGON (AP)--U.S. and South Vietnamese sources said today the Viet Cong have plot- ted a count¢ywide campaign to sabotage the--presidential elec- tions Sunday with increasec military attacks, terrerism and propaganda. The sources said information on the Viet Cong plans came from captured documents, intel- ligence reports and questioning of guerrillas taken prisoner. During the weekend the Viet Cong launched a series of mor- tar, rocket and artillery attacks from Quant Tri prevince below the demilitarized zone to the Mekeng Delta in the south. There also has been a sharp increase in terrorist kidnap- pings, murders and sabotage. The sources said one cap {ured document called for Viet Cong forces in the northern city of Da Nang to 'smash the buf- foonery of the election." It said that if the elections were a fail- ure, this would provide "momentum to force a new) political crisis, 7 Army Refuses To Take Over ADEN (Reuters)-- The British- trained South Arabian Army and police today jointly rejected an} appeal to take over power in the! terrorist-plagued South Arabian Federation. The acting chairman of the South Arabian _ Federal| Supreme Council cabinet, Sheik Ali Musai al Babakri, who appealed Monday for the army) takeover, announced his resig-| nation after being told of the| army decision, Babakri assumed the chair-| manship of the cabinet Monday, after its regular chairman, Sheik al Kaladi, was placed under house arrest by Arab nationalists in the provincial capital of Jaar. Nationalist groups were reported in control of a majori- ty of states within the 17-mem-) ber federation, | SAYS CONTROL LOST Babakri said in a broadcast the federal government and the traditional rulers had lost administrative control and appealed to the army to take! over to save the federation! from chaos. Third Party Planned In US. CHICAGO (AP)--A five-day! convention embracing virtually the entire spectrum of protest; against what its leader call the| power structure will begin plan-| ning Thursday political strategy) for what could become a third major political party in the United States. It is sponsored by the Nation- al Conference for New Politics, whose leaders say their immediate goal is the defeat of President Johnson in 1968 and an end to the Vietnam war. | In pre-convention publicity, several widely known advocates) of Black Power, including Floyd McKissick, chairman of the Congress of Racial Equali- ty, have called for "co-opera- tion of black militants and white progressives" to achieve NCNP aims. The convention will open Thursday night with a keynote speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who has been pro-| posed to head an NCNP presi- dential slate next year. King has been publicly cool to the suggestion although embracing most NCNP aims. Evidence Found | Of Commie Plot | NEW YORK (AP)--The New Yor: Daily News says govern- ment security agencies have unearthed evidence of a Com- munist party scheme "to seize direciion of the National Con- ference for New Politics as a vehicie for a new third political parly." In a Washington datelined) story Monday, The News says: "These agencies believe the Communists hope to turn the 'New Politics' movement into a political front as a successor to the defunct Progressive Labor Party." In. reply, William F. Pepper, executive director of the nation- al conference, said in a State- ment that convention delegates will pe accredited "only if they) have been chosen democrati- cally by a local constituent organization in an open meet-| ing. | "Therefore, no single organi-| the convention.' | STUDENTS HIRED | FREDERICTON (CP)--Dr. I. | C, M. Place, Maritimes region- al directorof the federal depariment of forestry and! rura: development, said 79 uni-| versity. students were employed | by the department this sum- mer. He said the students, most of them enrolled in forestry, biology or related courses, were hired to assist forest research officers in summer field work. SPECIAL! FULLY SKINNED -- LEAN -- SHANK OFF -- WHOLE or HALF SWIFT'S SUGAR PLUM e SPECIAL e PRE DRESSED Canada A Grade TURKEYS 10" Ibs 38: RINDLESS SIDE BACON == 79 & COOKED SMOKED c ae AMS LB. SPECIAL! PREDRESSED 3-LB. AVERAGE CANADA A tite FRYING + {ENS MUUCKVICREENTETAMPS Al NS) Ce REEV, oP aan. CLIP wis certizicate FoR THis FREE sows WITH $3.00 PURCHASE LIMIT ONE CERTIFICATE PER CUSTOMER REDEEMABLE at THIS STORE ONLY SPECIAL! LOBLAWS FAMOUS FANCY RED SOVEREIGN SOCKEYE SALMON 7%-OZ. TIN SPECIAL! ALL MEATLESS VARIETIES HEINZ BABY FOODS oe Q3° SPECIAL! BLACK ORANGE PEKOE LOBLAWS RED LABEL TEA BAGS z= |. SPECIAL! SUPERMOGENIZED JACK & JILL PEANUT BUTTER nt 35° CANNED HAMS w 1.5 SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PLAIN 12-0z. Bag or RIPPLE 11-ox. Bag POTATO CHIPS mmc 5° SPECIAL! LOBLAWS COTTAGE BRAND--Sliced or Unsliced--Regular Wrap WHITE, Cc WHelt, woald cae CRACKED: WHEAT LOAVES SPECIAL! DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE 3 .::. 89° CARNATION MILK 2 + 33° PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 30, 31, SEPT. 1,2 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH.COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE }-GALLON CARTON ONE FAMILY SITE TURE SPECIAL TWO 8-07. PKGS. TASTY TREAT TOOTHPASTE BIG "G" CEREAL ICE CREAM pa = MACLEANS cern TOTAL ©1 COUPON ExPiANS SEPT. 6 PVT SG 02 COUPON EXrines SEPT. 6 SETTLE ©? COUPON EXPIRES Serr. 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ° ONE 128 FL. OZ, BOTTLE HAIRDRESSING WITH PRUE ) spleel LIQUID BLEACH EXTRA STAMPS af WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10.07. PKG, WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 64 FL. OF. JUG WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1S FL OZ, BOTTLE DRY BLEACH LIQUID CLEANER CORONATION PPEPY BREAKFAST DRINK BRYLCREEM JAVEX LESTARE aha LESTOIL POMEL 4 couroN ixrinis str 6 05 couron axpints ser 6 06 _ couron nirits ser. 6 MRT 07 couron ixrunts srr, ¢ MIMI 8 couPSH mxrines s4PT. 6 ONE 131-07. PKG. ONE 12.07. PKG. ONE 10.02. PKG. TWO 14 FL. OZ. TINS ONE 18 FL, OF. JARS CHRISTIE'S POWDERED BUBBLE BATH BIG "G" COUNTRY WITH RICE WITH PORK IN CHILI SAUCE MecLARENS CRISPIE SLICED 4 GRAHAM WAFERS ameeebyal = MR. BUBBLE CORN FLAKES CLARK'S BEANS [ie DILL PICKLES O16 COUPON EKPINES SEPT. « POW Tg O17 COUPEN wxrinEs SEPT. « 0.18 COUPON HXPIRES SEPT. & SEY Tag C1? COUPON Exrines sHPT. 6 SET T TE o22 COUPON exeines Serr. 6 SPECIAL! LOBLAWS TWO CUP COFFEE it §Je SPECIAL! HOLIDAY ASSORTMENT Hostess Biscuits «7. 39¢ SPECIAL! HEREFORD CORNED BEEF x= 59x SPECIAL! Westinghouse Eye Saving 40, 60, 100 Watt LIGHT BULBS = 59 SPECIAL! LOBLAWS WHITE OR CIDER VINEGAR wes. 65e SPECIAL! MAPLE LEAF Liquid Detergent x:«. 7 3¢ SPECIAL! McCain Frozen Fancy Green PEAS 4 5c¢ Dre 43: SPECIAL! STOKELYS FANCY WHOLE _ KERNEL CORN 8 < 1.00 SPECIAL! AYLMER FANCY CUT WAX BEANS 2.5: 39¢ ASSORTED COLOURS CAPRI TOILET TISSUE «= 39e: SPECIAL! HOSTESS CANDIES SCOTCH MINTS «x 33¢ SPECIAL! Blue Bonnet Coloured MARGARINE 3: 1.00: SPECIAL! REGULAR OR DIET PEPS] COLA .:2 AQem: SPECIAL! Fancy Honey Pod Assorted Stokely's PEAS 4. 19°: SPECIAL! AYLMER CHOICE TOMATOES 22 55e SPECIAL! ORANGE FLAVOURED CRYSTALS 31-02 SWING Pahgnth nag 85¢ SPECIAL! AYLMER CHOICE HALVES Bartlett PEARS 2: 53¢: SPECIAL! LOBLAWS MADEIRA CAKE» 39¢ ' FROM CALIFORNIA! BIG PLUMP BERRIES! GRAPES wtilia .. FROM WASHINGTON STATE! NO, 1 GRADE! C BARTLETT PEARS 739 FAMOUS OUTSPAN BRAND Valencia ORANGES »<:, 4.9: ery SALTED Mixeo nurs pen 6 -CHERRY PIE RET TEM O° COUPON Expines srPr. 6 ITT TEE O18 COUPON ExPines sep. 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 13.07, TIN ONE 24-02. PKS. TWO 10 FL. OF, TINS ptaven FAWM HOUSE FROZEN FROZEN ORANGE DRINK HONEY DEW O11 COUPON Exrines Serr. & ONTARIO GROWN! NO. 1 GRADE CABBAGE 2 «99 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WIT @DUPON 8 PUREMASE OF ONE 2.1 mK y ONE} 2S FY, ROLL BOX BETTY CROC REYNOLDS ALUMINUM 'isouieK FOIL WRAP er couron 4 ms ° PON EXPIRES SEP 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH, COUPON & TURCHASL OF TH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY THREE 15.02. TINS ONE 14.02 TWO's PKG. TWO LBS. OR MORE TWO HEADS ONE 10-8, BAG BEEF or LIVER CHUNKS "heaae ke ONTARIO ONTARIO ; ONTARIO EXTRA SOCIETY exrra PIZZA TOMATOES LETTUCE POTATOES DEV TX O14 COUPON Expiets Serr. 6 PIVOTTE °15 COUPON wxrines smPr. & 'ai goieaed Kivess tert 'ak ema t ur 0.23 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. &

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