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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Aug 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 30, 1967 ! M s | Jabout one per cent of the total] who admitted to being religious 1 oe rene agistrate Wwo- @ar urve OWS adult population, of these, 989/are 30 years old or younger--in RESERVED SEATS ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE OR BY PHONE 1, ; . suit fhe Hale oo .{line_ with the widely accepted bt - Centennial Canoeists Beach Steps Aside ee ee ae ee prem w, a | S Ld t Citi R li . : | most successful with young peo- RUMBIA PICTURES PRESE y | 1Z ns us The survey determined that|/ple who have known only a BUZBBETH Ce. oe I C i IF VIP W ] LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Mag- ovie t e e 1910 only_three_per_cent_of_those|Soviet education. _ NY istrate Donald B. Menzies Tu@s-| yoscow (AP) Tw j AN : : neuf : MOS / _ enty-|450 miles east of Moscow, It aiken n apl 0 or e come day stood aside in the coed one per cent of the people pap bea two years to complete. RECORD-BREAKING WEEK ! Pe against five strikers charged/tigned in a survey made in al Nauka I Religia--Science and . By JOHN SLINGER voyageur of the pageant and, at|following egg-and rock-throwing |iarge Soviet city said they are|Religion--the official. macart H-E-L-D O-V-E-R Wie E a idl THRONES y \52, the oldest paddler, The disturbances at the strikebound| rejicious it di 3 bl ge are briicial magazine BUPION ZFFRELL ROYAL FMS OTTAWA (CP)--The centen-|?*, 1 da Vfwearccid, Geoffiimmeo "Lid. plant in London|" gious, it was disclosed Tues-|of Soviet atheism, published a PRODUCIION OF INTERNATIONAL /FAL _ nial voyageurs splashed ashore|Youngest is 17-year-old Geoff F Ld. lday. |report on the survey, The mag- Se oe me a a eee Gee eee PRODUCTION ' at the capital Tuesday. eg eer ga oo age sistrate had' come|., rhe Survey was the first of|azine did not say why it did this P ? A crowd of more than 7,000 yp en" geueitie Laer . < {ils kind observers could|but the purpose was apparently T | cheered the 60 paddlers as they|"eY has been "a gruc ling under criticism' for comments! remember being published in|to warn that religion still has a ap Ss awa , hauled: th 400-po d canoes| ordeal all along. n court that anyone convicted this officially atheistic country,|hold on a large part of the! Met. Wed,, Set. end Sun. 2 P.M. o D EON ; one sa) De ds a | _Pride in their province or ter- of violence at the strife-torn| where a thoroughgoing cam.| Public. | 9 . One Showing et 8 P.M. [es F onto the beach 97 days andi itory and pride in Canada. is plant would "not be dealt with|ssign has been waged' during | M , ] mith Lowe Office Open Deily 12-9 P.M. ocky Mountain ouse, Alta., ry 4é ' ' ' 5 © n nr Z niver- where their journey began May] said. ka eee SbPoIER cole Atl ELK Ors. Were FO MOnr: sity and the city's' medical For Choice Reserved Seats Call ° 24. ravage pala . remanded until Thursday to} The survey was made inlinstitute conducted the survey. : Today they are to be received! "Bach of the 100 paddiers--- appear before another magis-|Kazan. a city of 900,000 located They questioned 4,710 persons, 725-5833 725-5562 by Governor-General Michener only six paddle at a time--will trate on charges of wilful dam-| MGMpresents Acar | and later are scheduled to haul) receive $1,000 for their effarty, age, obstructing and assaulting : THE STORY OF THE | --o ne -- = --_ their 10 canoes to Parliament while members of the first. sec- policemen They are free on ROY te | ak 2.2.8. oo DD 2 oD DD D> Bod Hill for a welcome by Prime/ond and third place crews wil! personal bonds. IMMORTAL HANK she | , ENIERIA * . * Minister Pearson. receive an additional $1,500, 4 'date for resumption of ORBISON TERI AN 5 At their Tuesday arrival they $1,000 and $500 each. balla ro mia officials of Emco 7 : : f 7% HIGHEST RATING, the most * | were greeted by a flotilla of Greg Cowan, a 20-year-old [{d. and striking members of ' "AMES CLAVELL'S ' ° : | unique drama ever filmed... Lee * FO rowboats, powerboats, sail-/engineering student from Chat |ocal 2699, United Steelwork-| ig . > a 1 : ea" | Marvi tural for the rol * boats, a square-rigged brigan-|ham, Ont., said it was. sal's- ers, is expected to be set soon. PRODUCTION OF arvin a natural 10 Ba.» Che sd Tene et yea aca Sel OA | 'TO SIR, WITH LOVE" |X i200 Ce =m ona wan fald 16 ine VORR: gay Seeger bre issue apparently partly i 7 ie METRO GODWIN NEY mt, incidents... * ngs - 2 D arot ' -- 1:30 - 3:20 - 5:25 -7:30-9: KENNE AN { ; TAtiee salle sh Wiex: Mlotns evs. ot pacing, Tea ay TIMES -- 1:30 - 3:20 - 5:25 - 7:30 - 9:30 NNETH HYMAN PRODUCTION suspense reaches =f vette: those oy fellows {round met 50--some girls--that's hos- Hane i the SER workera| GEORGE HAMILTON: SUSAN OLIVER | = an almost x ty far i 1, its to see} pj a Kn eke 3 | , llio: there are. atl some. rugeed| sn Jby Bmmeo to continue plant) RED BUTTONS: ARTHUR O'CONNELL | * ge parlor " : The standings: production and insists they! in PAN | 4 arlo ee thay' Haally arrive at} Manitoba 507:21.51 ee KS | te WY. Di sp as ar Expo 67 they will have covered| British Columbia 509:41 55 R. W. Read, personnel mana- PHONE 723-2643 , 4 oe * come 3,283 miles of Canada's water-| ajherta 511:33.45 ger for Emco, said Tuesday zk gE ERNEST CHARLES ct ever } ways, portaged 60 miles, pad-| Ontario 514:13.43 here: Would be no sient dla a | MARVIN BORGNINE BRONSON * oe died more than 40 days in the) New Brunswick 516:25.11 of non-union employees when a x contin i A ' a, : ln alae new contract is signed and the Jim JOHN RICHARD rain and endured about 100! cashatchewan 518:52 ConA ft nights of parties. | Quebec 520:17:38 pat kon. a | x BROWN CASSAVETES JAECKEL he MANITOBA LEADS Northwest Territories | GEORGE TRIN! RALPH ROBERT * W raw | 524:09.16 The Manitoba crew leads the/°4:0)05 - IZZA KENNEDY LOPEZ MEEKER RYAN * a race in elapsed time and. won|} Nova Scotia 342:16.2 Teuy OUNT Cy the 214-mile spring after their) Nova Scotia 542:16.2 Phone 723-0241 } * End arrival here in nine minutes, 31) or 728-0192 SAVALAS WALKER * seconds--10 seconds later than) ACCENT ON FORESTRY ROBERT y SAR second-place Saskatchewan. Elmia 67, the European Agri EPI'S WEBBER Wj 4 employe Col. William Matthews of/cultural and Industrial fair, put 4 Ltd. vot Gabriola Island, B.C., is chief'the stress on forestry this year WETROCOLOR work ar _ -- . a ADULT * out, pr TaTietemetet 4 pany's 1 workers f * The Ge *« meeting q ance pre q x reinstate } *K tion for Oana, ir TODAY! x tive for Workers Ps Feature Daily: * They 1:30 - 4:05 work - af QA Prince FRayarr Theatie locate a 6:50 - 9:30 * Edward, WSO GGcCCCecececaced é Mona Monday oe és eae jority an fra men wo neers s | I establish VINYL i ok' FRID A Y >. ¢ | tions wil said VINYL 200 SHEET Oshawa Home Show BINDER ws, BOOSTER REFILL ATTACHE CASES ae n W ny Reg. $1.49 Reg, 98¢ 12x 16 x 3" Case Reg. 3.29 | SEPT. Ist | day night Back to ¢ ekg 11x 15x 3" Case Reg. 2.98 eer: Schoo Schoo! ¢ 10x 14x 2" Case Reg. 2.69 a | Sounds of the NOW Generation | Fire pecial : i THURS. FRI,SAT. ONLY IRS. FRI, 142" ring size. pen oo wide aes Kresge Back to School Special TTR ONLY | THE BIG FUN DANCE | oa -- Shawn-Jay | Lappe JACKSON ai ada - Ltd. ] $1,000,000 WITH THE The fil | . after 11 ; --a large MAJESTICS || 0 Sk hour. Dancing 9 p.m. to 12:30 Admission 1.50 betes. I of Gener: [> MID-NITE DANCE-IN | tight" He ~ Ka! 0 jobs and * SUNDAY x company ITS BIG VALUE PEN FLUORESCENT SEPT. 3rd | wnt' esti WITH VACUUM BOTTLE WITH 3 REFILLS lg THE GUESS WHO | president, Krespe Reg. 49¢ Kresge x ae: building | Back to og Kresge Back to ap ap Dancing 12 a.m. to 3 a.m. Admission 2.00 000,000. H se n> = )3¢ es be eb THURS. FRI. SAT. ONLY Special THURS. FRI, SAT. ONLY. deautifel 18" wide.flexible desk lamp with 15 bulb. Lamp and base in bronzetone. HOME SHOW Lunch boxes for school days and playdays THURS. FRI. SAT, ONLY ... complete with reliable vacuum. . Retractable Ever-Ready bal! pen. G6 hahoview Pa Gree i wit can| Boy (xii xR _NICOSt E Ip) Q2Wa peacekeer DO YOU HAVETHESE ITEMS ? MALDEN oe SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MO CHEERFULLY REFUNDED BUIL Your exhibit at the Oshawa. Ho: Show is an investment in your busines LA i e Ys aealtaey a : T : % ies 1 VINYL BINDER accidenta! and the business community of Oshowo. To make the most of this invests | = vary | Reg. 98¢ iillicatiiicc ti te A | 16-year-ole ment it is necessary to tell yo e of awa and District. econ 6g. 2B ¢ ¢ --_---- ---- fe rr Tuesday | Oshawo is the daily market ¢ of people in Ontario ond Back to School Special of Karmi, Durham County's and your advertising message in The Times reaches over THURS. FRI. SAT. ONLY ak OSHAWA UN sOUre 80,000 readers in this ready-to-buy market daily. Readers who poy for PLASTIC pede and welcome into their homes daily, this proven medium of news coverage sc end advertising PENCIL SHAPED PENCIL CASE scene t0 Kresge : ¢ The sou Back to School Special rifle fire village c¢ PAINT BY NUMBER SETS HELD OVER around a Reg. 79¢ BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 -- SHOW STARTS ela : which wa: reece Shacial 5 ¢ |) AT DUSK -- BOTH FEATURES IN COLOR } villagers | THURS. FRI. SAT. ONLY | Turkish-ce WOMiNe Soke | He's that playboy trouble- shooter | ho shoots th ! In Otta NYLON 4 f | .. WHO Siieeee the works!... Canadian s | 7 Comp. at $1.50 pr. b -- be ye identified Po 6 prs. to box : P. 30 pr. KNIT SHIRTS | get e24 as Riflem resge Special turns FRI sar ONLY Box Kresge | 19, of Sur rT) A Special ¢ | spokes ons FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS mee | details as Git years Horie ShoW-wok on oulatonding success beth from the stande IN. CERAMIC BASES . Spe C Ay source. | ; cial Y point af the exhibitors and the public. The biggest factor in the success was , Reg. $1.98 | 7 ; THURS. FRI Le ONLY " | as MATT a ao | "y h ; eau coneeeane he par ved by thé Times with thhic . eine arenes . resge Special irst quality slack socks with ong sleeved cotton knit sport 1 : the part played by the Times with their daily coverage e ally and in . sy a : : @ stretch Pion tee Gok size fits shirts for comfortable ond | in O rs = q age € Frenc the columns of the Home Show Edition. Again this year, The Times will be HURS FR!.SAT ONLY, we oe ae Availabe casual wear! Choose from a HIE ry 'eo =e a = e publishing an edit if toni i +: Bead oat a att ina wide range of colors. wide range of colors and pat- aterng\! 4 . ue g an ition a considerable interes and value to both readers 2" RING BINDER & terns in sizes SML, " Cri] = sy aryo Be Comil ond advertisers, Editorially, this edition will contain photos ond stories per- lealided: 4: mkeiche boule, 17H Vos. &/ i [BEVERLY ADAMS 3 if H e taining entirely to the Home Show and its Exhibitors. Also The Times will divider index, vinyl pencil cose, Compare at GIRLS' PARI be carrying stories and pictures related to the Home Show nightly enter- Reis Special . é Oe ft LUMINOUS DIAL BREAKS. AOR, 7 Education ainment, exciting prizes and demonstrations on a daily be We invite THURS., FRI, SAT. ONLY TARTAN | ah ity R 5 Cs paca wil you to tell your story in this edition. A Times Advertising Representative g SLIMS ALARMCLOCKS | x pS ADULT Hee Gaile will be contocting you soon to assist you in preparing your advetisements PERMA PRESS JEANS ' | ENTERTAINMENT siderable Reg. $3.98 || the F: Reg. $2.77 fnwe ape Kresge Special 4 4] ig Kresge | apy nisdpoptionsg of Quebec Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only "Fe' Kresge Special | Tuesday. = Special ® au ® ANN- The off HURS. FRI. SAT, | ill c : STEP-ON WASTE CAN THURS. FRI. SAT, ONLY Pea OneY MARTIN will *Equit)' brand spring wound alarm | . MARG Siete ae * Reg. $5.99 Tartan wool slims, in all . clocks in assorted shades of Pink, | MATT HELM Minister J ' vf Kresge Special e the popular plaids! , fst) Blue and Green, Features s KARL and. atte ave eg ane z CRESTC Adveverees row ae a will w= CAMILA SPARV:JAMES GREGORY BEVERLY ADAMS a they AOluMbDIA ment The major nes erfowl, "THE NEWSPAPER OF OSHAWA and DISTRICT" suai 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER sacsimaues Wanted and Welcomed Daily Into Over 23,000 Homes! SHOPPING CENTRE K R t S re} E f S OSHAWA YOUR CARS YOUR RESERVED SEAT. CHILDREN under 12 FREE!

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