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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Aug 1967, p. 3

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thwest 15 gusty Temperature High Thursday RIUM NCE MAN , plumbing, ete, utlding. . 1g experience @ rators. 967, ths = $2.85 hr, si )ENTS RM ON th 3, you are ium of the g Grade 9, ited below, so at once vill attend. gh Friday neven istitue Rd. $., 1s CSA CS B s, Monday tinue until ster ---- on iment. No joots ninistrator YOURSELF mber 18 3 offered / the As- Technolo- Fechnical aduation termined Present- WITH LABOR OFFICIALS, UNION LEADERS British Labor Minister Plans Canadian Talks By CY FOX LONDON (CP)--Ray Gunter, Britain's minister of labor, is They discussed the "success to visit Canada next month! or otherwise of the wage-pricc and plans to meet Canadian} freeze in Britain," Nicholson officials concerned with labor |said later. problems. | The Canadian minister, pon- Gunter, 58 today, also will dering the current strike by|CMHC IDEAS USED meet union leaders during his|Great Lakes seamen, also| The ideas came from. the Canadian visit, which will|exchanged views. with his Brit-| Central Mortgage and. Housing By DAVID DAVIDSON OTTAWA (CP)--Storm sig- nals were raised Tuesday as the general synod of the Angli- can Church of Canada spent} much of the day debating prob-| lems of ecumenism, particu- larly union with the United Church of Canada. D. R. C. Bedson of Winnipeg, a delegate from the diocese of Rupert's Land, was critical of the principle-of-union document ter John Nicholson of Canada f ada Friday, is scheduled to Tuesday, spend today visiting a housing project in Harlow, 20 miles north of London, where Cana- dian ideas and building mate- rials are being used. include stays in Ottawa' andjish counterpart on the problems |Corp.,. for which Nicholson is|alreacy agreed to by the Angli- Montreal. involved in such maritime dis-|the minister responsible. can and United churches. A power in the governing) putes. The building material takes) 'Members of synod must be Labor party, he was party) Gunter has had plenty of/|the form of wood from Canada,\aware that there are Canadian chairman in 1965 and is said to experience in such matters,| which Canadian . officials hape | Anglicans who do not take the wield much influence still in top | including last year's strike by| will find more frequent use in|. document as a sufficient circles of the organization. | British seamen. " |Britain, Brick is a predominant |statement of the faith of our Gunler met with Labor Minis-! Nicholson, due back in Can-| building product which Cana-| church," Mr Bedson said. POOR CREE RRS SER heen arc gers) (alsa wood must buck to make} "We are therefore not pre- good here. {pared to enter a new church | Nicholson told a London news based on the document," }conference that as of Tuesday; He said a body called the jthe pressures generated by the|Council for the Defence of the ny eae Great Lakes strike were not,Faith has been formed to help In Firm Position For Future sufficient to force 'special jexamiine the "principles" and action" on the part of the feder-|to determine a course of action al government. if the synod decides to proceed OTTAWA (CP)--.Latest fed-| inventories on hand to provide, But such pressures were|to union with the United Church eral government statistics indi-|a smooth flow of goods in pro-|bound to grow, and Nicholson|"on that unacceptable basis."" cate the Canadian manufactur-' cess through their plants, bar-|spoke of possible appointment! Mest Rev. Howard H. Clark, ing industry has completed a ring unforseen circumstances |by the government of a media-|Archbishop of Rupert's Land period of inventory adjustment' such as strikes in supplying' tor. jand frimate, said some Angli- which puts it in a strong posi- industries The strike by members of the C295 are heavy of heart about tion for future economic. But when sales or shipments | Seafarers' International Union|the possibility of union with the, advance. fall off, they inevitably pile up| of Canada began Aug. 17. United Church "but God is Back in January and Febru-|excess inventories until they| No exact dates for the Gunter |leading us." ary, the ratio of inventories to|have a chance to adjust. Hold- | visit to Canada were disclosed. | ' manufacture shipments was at! ing inventories in excess of real) ----------~_--___ _______!|WANTS TRUE UNION ssa seer ci . 4 the high rate of 2.33 and 2.34, current need is an expense to The primate said the Angli-) higher than it had been at any' the businessman. and a Haiti Day can church wants "a union time in the previous 2% years. | depressing influence on the sup- which will be seen by the over- case parallel experience in the} 649,300,000 in April. By June By BORIS MISKEW by manufacturing industries to $1,923,600,000 in May, though will be represented at the Ha1- Statistics Show Industry 2.02, its lowest point since last! Manufacturers ha ve been communions as the will Ackley, President Johnson's| 692,900,000. French - speaking Caribbean fall, before the recent pause in gradual] y letting their raw Goa" the economic upsurge was first | material inventories run down, Mr. Bedson said the council economic adviser, has said that) During this period, goods in| Country of Haiti will-be honored | business now is poised for process have grown moderately today at the world's fair amidst reflected in the statistics, from a high point of $2,- |believes that Christ's followers another upturn. in value. They were valued at |Clorful ceremonies. In June, the ratio was cut to' plying industries, whelming majority of go The Canadian figures in this |745,500,000 in January to $2.- ae TANYS ts : s United States, where Gardner|they had come up again to $2,..MONTREAL (CP) -- The, Brush Fire The ratio of inventories held $1,817,900,000 in January and President Francois Duvalier (AP)--A LOS ANGELES the shipments or sales those|they were cut to $1,863,200,000 tian festivities by Dr. Lebert|Prusn fire roared out of control industries are making to dis-|in June, Jean-Pierre, minister of coin- early today in an area of tributors and ultimately to the! Manufacturers' stocks of fin- merce and industry, during a CXPensive homes an suburban retail market is a sensitive|ished products grew steadily day which will see perform. Granada Hills, threatening a indicator of the health of busi-\during. this period to $2,- ances by the National Fotkloric Wide area. A ness, 467,300,000 in June from §2,-/ Troupe of Haiti and Le Jazz des, On home was quickly destroyed by flames whipped by wind gusting up to 60 milrs an hou. A fireman said the occupants escaped without injury. The flames could be seen in iowntown Los Angeles about 25 miles to the southeast. Thirty-five city fire units Jeunes orchestra. It was Findland's national day at Expo Tuesday and the star attraction brought from that country--a couple of cham- pion lumberjack log-riders-- F] was a complete flop at least so far as the dignitaries were con- cerned Premier Businessmen keep sufficient! 377,600,000 in January. Mississippi Democrats Choose Johnson Opponent vtuyctve iy re units JACKSON, Miss. (AP) --Jelection. The Republicans hav- .. Rafael Paasio of plans were announced to evacu- Representative John Bell Wil-|en't elected a state official this Finland and his wife, who head-| ate residents. ire on @ cided liams, firebrand 'opponent of|century. ed that country's delegation at) The eta i naar Pernane Wael the Johnson administration,| Returns from 1,957 of the 2,-\the flag-raising ceremony at ae mores put tue square won the Democratic nomination "hs oo gave Williams Place des Nations, walked! ales He 1 am or Mississippi governor in a/348, votes and Winter 294,-\away apparently disappointed 'getads Aras ' | evn chanecvnaye victory! 109. lthat the ric ky dneibersack panere wort pevaris of bo aL that left Negro voting hopes The election hinged on two show was out of their view as iD ih were hy 7 wrecked today. points from the outset: Whether well as that of the other offi. |. Mia a burning toward The 48-year-old veteran of the Negro vote would solidify cials on a special stand. a mae le sila? tated sp: of | two decades in Congress, who behind Winter after splitting in) The Finns blamed Expo offi-| in be ocueHih Knollwood | lost his seniority for supporting|the first primary, and whether cials for the flop, saying they| Co nite lub 8 | the Republican _ presidential| Williams could get the 124,000! should have provided a boat tol NY ticket three years ago, rallied)votes of white supremacist) get the log-riders to the middle | hard-core segregationists and| Jimmy Swan, the No. 3 maa in! of LeMoyne Channel which sep-| middle-of-the-roaders. to hnis/the first primary. arates St. Helen's and Notre cause with a blistering attack) Winter, a north Mississippi Dame Islands. | on liberalism. lawyer, had led in almost every ! LOOKING FOR A COMMFORTABLE QUIET | RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN? With reports from the last county in the northern half of 7 eae a ice THEN GO TO THE recincts from Tuesday's. vut- the state, but Williams, wio he current o e St. Law- bos trickling in, Williams' lead lost an arm in the. Second rence, estimated at more than Tally-Ho Room over state Treasurer William World War, cut into tis 10 miles an hour in the area of Hotel Lancaster Winter approached 60,000 votes. strength early in the night, then the performance, kept the log- | Ecumenism Debate Stormy ecsard hice At Anglican Synod Session #7: cr, ~~ Herded Into Vault, Shot Bank Manager, Tellers | 'women from Toronto and one A ' from Montreal Tuesday cap- should be ervey in the ae Of tured places on a Canadian the Gospel and specifically in sie yee ia Sahel the visible unity of all orthodox He ier Ba aly presicoe| the women tellers were herded into|of murder and robbery, bad ympiad. a vault late Tuesday and shot' An audit to determine the Christians. aaah inte | ¢ He said the council also _, Earning the trip to Deauville,!to death. A 24-year-old maa amount taken will be 'made agreed the "principles" docu-|France, during trials here were;was later arrested and charged today. ment is deficient because it)¥i Broad and Mary Bowden with murder and robbery. 4 short time before the three fails to recognize the binding Who topped a 15-round playoff} The slayings were discovered were slain, sheriff's Officers nature of the Apostles and|With 512% of a possibie 720 by a farmer, Norman T. Shur-|said, a young man tried to rob Nicene creeds, the obligatory) Points. tliff, who had gone to the bank! bait shop two blocks away. nature of baptism and Holy Their teammates will be to taik about a loan. -----_____ -- OVERTON, Nev. (AP)--The]Overton. He was hooked into manager of a bank and his two! Carbon County jail on charges} THE OSHAWA TIMES, 3 Wednesday, August 30, 1967 SUMMER BACHELORS You cen still enjoy good food with that home cooked flovor while the family is away at the cottage. GO TO THE LANCASTER HOTEL 27 KING ST. WEST Parking Rear of Hotet Communion, and unsatisfactory,Louise Mark and Maureen The bank manager, Larry describes the apostolic minis-'O'Brien, who finished second Stalk ¥, 27, and the tellers--Vera with 501 points, and Irene Rein-| Walkington, 30, and Betty Heit-| Van Belle try. : gold and Jackie Begin of Mont-|mann. 40--were each shot in! PREPARED FOR CHANGE real, who came in third with the head. Normally, two other Rt. Rev. W. C, Lockhart, 45814, persons work at the Overton Moderator of the United Church! Jn trials to select an open|branch of the Bank of Las of Canada, addressed the synod'team to compete at Deauville,|Vegas, but both were off. earlier Tuesday and said "'if/a Toronto entry led by captain} Terry Lynn Conger, a con- this unity is to' come because) Bric Murray collected its fourth|struction worker, was taken He wills it, it will come because victory Tuesday to remain into custody at his home in the we are prepared to make the undefeated in the six-team farming community of Moapa, Take A Drive changes necessary to voit 4a round-robin elimination.labout 15 miles northeast of To commen meeting place in -- igs Him." } . New Home Recipe VAN BELLE At a news conference later) GARDENS with Archbishop Clark, the! e moderator said that care must} R a g od] be taken in proceeding to union e uciIn an aot vouniilr because if it came about hastily) yy, simple how quickly one| tose bulky fat and help regain Fertili we could end up with three) may lose pounds of unsightly fat| slender more graceful curves; if @ Fertilizer churches, . | right in your own home. Make| reducible pounds and inches of @ Spreaders "I haven't had any articulate} this home recipe yourself, It's| excess fat don't disappear from @ Tools expression of dissent,"' Dr.| easy, no trouble at all and costs| neck, chin, arms, abdomen, hips, @ Topsoils Lockhart said. "That doesn't} little. Just go to your drug store} calves and ankles just return the © Seeds, Et mean to say it isn't there." | and ask for four ounces of Naran| empty bottle for your money eeds, Etc. Tne primate said that so far| Concentrate. Pour this into a| back. Follow this easy way en- @ Advice on your Garden Problems he hasn't seen any "grounds-| Pint bottle and add enough/dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves and graceful slenderness. Note how quickly bloat disappears--how much bet- ter you feel. More alive, youthful appearing and active. grapefruit juice to fill the bottle. 'ake two tablespoons full a day as needed and follow the Naran Plan. If your first purchase does not show you a simple easy way to well' for union in the Anglican church and this might be because Anglicans perhaps hav- en't yet "got the vision of what! a new expression of unity can} do in the world." Your Friendly G On Highway No. 2 t SPROULE"S SUPER SAVE STOCK UP FOR THE LONG HOLIDAY WEEK-END ... CLOSED ALL DAY GRADE "A" Swift's Premium -- 5 to 6 Ibs, TURKEYS | PICNIC 39: |HAM= Fresh Special Voc Pak -- Sweet Pickled Lb. 39° | 1.00 Fresh Killed Never Frozen 4 to & Ibs.. Maple Leaf -- By The Piece BOLOGNA Lb. Bag WIENERS 3 COTTAGE ROL @ FREEZER FEATURE ®@ FROZEN Red Brand Beef -- Galdeninc CENTRE Van Belle Gardens 5 Minutes Eost of Oshawa @ FREEZER SPECIAL @ Centre" 623-5757 sarden MONDAY Ib LS uw. 59° 10-LB. 89 BOX od Super Save 29¢ Value HAMBURG BUNS WIENER ROLLS 4 xs. 1.00 7 pe E ral riders fr getting away from Winter, who topped the firstadded most of the southera riders from getting away init fo pick party candi- counties. the embankment and the show 27 KING ST, WEST Front Quarter dates three weeks ago, led this) Charles Evers, state field sec-.could only be seen by those ' TURKE time in only 20 of the 82 coun- retary of the National Associa- near the edge. os | Contains Blode Roost, Short Rib Roast, Rib Steaks, ties. tion for the Advancement of Junior Expo officials Ground Chuck, etc. -- Cut and Wrapped FREE The Williams vote carried Colored People, estimated 169,- explained that harbor regula- CALL OR SEE white candidates to victory in 000 of the approximaie!y 185,000 tions forbid the use of motor a all 22 local runoffs where registered Negroes voted. boats in the channel and that DIXON sS IT 1S THE CONSISTENTLY LOW PRICES THROUGHOUT THE py corti Negroes opposed white candi- Negroes were in the runoff the lumberjacks would have to D SAVE AT SPR dates, dashing Negro hopes for for sheriff in four counties:'leave from the river bank and FOR MAKES IT WORTH YOUR WHILE TO SHOP AN winning sheriff's posts for the Claiborne, Jefferson and Wil- make it on their own down- first time since the 1860s, kinson in southwest Mississippi, stream. OIL FURNACES Cookin Ash dueson ; jand Marshall in north Missis-|~ mannan, || SERVING OSHAWA OVER Granulated CARNATION MOBBED BY FANS sippi. | sh vaAbe CHEESE Mobbed by several thousand) "We tried and we lost," CANADIAN SUGAR MILK I ES well-wishers at this downtown! Evers said. HEARING AID 24-HOUR SERVICE SL Cc motel. headquarters early He attributed the loss at last « 1 8.07. today, Williams called on Dem- partially to "a lot' of Negroes CONSULTANTS 313 ALBERT ST. 5-LB. ¢ TAL ¢ ] 00 ocrats to close ranks to defeat|who just still don't believe the 10 Bond St. E. 723-4663 BAG TINS PKGS. e Republican challenger Rubel Negro can do the job like the) 725-2771 Phillips in the Nov. 7 xgeneral'white man." 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Lean Rolled--Beef POT ROAST DD: 69 60: HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS bag CHOPS BLUE RIBBON PLUMP--FRESHLY KILLED--Oven Ready C NO. 1 ONTARIO 3 5 Ib Tenderloin End--Roast Tea 69: CHICKENS POTATOES 69 3-Ib, Avg. " Bags BIG 4--WONDER/ BREAD ro Tender -- Lean SLADE ROAST Tender Beef Shoulder ro PORK Lom 093 |Bag: Tender--Juicy Lean ROAST PRIME RIB c SLICED BREAD Fé id GQ: Steaks OOs| 2 un: 39° 6c Off -- Pillsbury Miracle ANGEL FOOD MIX -- FOR SANDWICHES -- oe Compore 75¢ -- 16-or. Jar Ingersoll gene 55° Coie bei let CHEESE SPREAD .... Sea Wave -- Fancy Red PICKLING --_ -- Ready to Eat Essex Cooked Tender eady to Ea oT Va ta BEEF ROAST 3-Lb, Tin e Heavy Duty DETERGENT ut QQF 39: NOW AVAILABLE FOR PICKLING Pickling Vinegar Fresh Dill, Fresh Garlic Hot Red Peppers, Pickling Salt MASON JARS small -- doz. SOCKEYE SALMON .. Heinz PICKLING VINEGAR -- gol, rel Ase A -- 12-0, tin LUNCH EGG FRESH LOCAL PICKED CORN on the COB ARRIVING DAILY! ite -- day, Frid d Saturday Night 'til 1 @ STORE HOURS: 0" Tonite -- Wednesdey vmple OFF STREET PARKING. @ SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE \ corner of KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA SPICES -- 3-oz. tin Heinz Strained INFANT FOOD Gold Ribbon DOG FOOD Country Fresh GRADE A" MEDIUM 3-qt. Jug 3. 2% 61° DELIVERED FRESH DAILY Save on Fresh Milk at Sproule's 67° PLUS DEPOSIT PRESERVING NEEDS Whole Mixed PICKLING 8 Jars 89° 10 'yin 1.00 3-qt. Jug kim 58° qt. Jug jomo 0 o'clock. Sed ted wine

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