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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Aug 1967, p. 12

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42 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, August 31, 1967 | : -- CHILD GUIDANCE 7 KN Strongly Sweetened Soft Drinks V D peti in Teeth oo estroy Appetite And Ruin Tee ca Accounts Payable Girl 17 Pho By GARYC. MYERS, gh early Bye years, they had ; There is some argument for | learned to get along with a rea- Oshaw Tells Her Side Of Story increase of liquid intake by|sonable budgeted allowance, a é £ children during the hot summer|they might be a, in the Pe ; d mba : months, But a problem arisés|amount they spend on any kind 'ome! 5 in the excessive consumption of |of sweets now. Dear Ann Landers: Theleyes on more than one occa- The re Jetter from the woman who was|sion, but never quite so hard as soft ial gag? ved ern If they have no such limita- pa ad at the jewelry store/last week. You told the wife reed 1 'ost ot 4 aai some|tion, many a family may have cause of the letter they wrote|/who complained because her phi iy t. hish as cat.|to cut down on essential needs weddit reminding her that they hadjhusband was a TV Sports Nut ede ah prea in food and clothi d fi "carried her longer than her/that everybody is nutty in one ng highly ree ont in food and clothing and face gnother" prompts me to write|way or another, You even said ine tite in Ma tah | considerable hardship, Moreov- amy first letter to a newspaper.| your own husband was a "work rs og oo age ore the ' bith er, in case your child has * 7 work in a collection office |nut." Then you counselled the + faatita 4H AAeea for (excessive money to spend on BRIDE . TO 2 BE 'and am one of those "terrible'}woman to consider herself reduce appe 1 i he feel i le who writes those "ugly" lucky she wasn't married to a! nutritious foods. If your young-|luxuries, he feels superiority i wre wid makes those "'insult-| 'girlie nut." ster eats very little fer dinner|over less affluent children-- saat -- rept a ng saiiais "" vill F tonight, you may safely guess|harmful to him and "i + ey 'anes aictentes tof {|S 'BUDDY NUT? he has had several bottles of| oe cl get casa comer, Sine er ae wow g d ident d unex.| Well, Ann, I have news for "pop" this afternoon. : 'dward Island, Carol Diane ichae hess and accidents and unex: | my husband is not a '"'gir- Unfortunately most summer| Comar, will become the a cerer pected trips out of the city. Wels ut but I wish he were. I REGULATE INTAKE camps, in order to gain added| bride of Flight Lieutenant Roman even expect people to have a) ia cont that. He's a "buddy| § Wise parents limit thel|revenue, make soft drink and| David Clarke Fleteher, Saturday Japse of memory occasionally.| "0H, th does a wife deal| amount of soft drinks their chil-|all sorts of sweets especially] youngest son of Mrs. Harry end M. we operate on the feee § pv with a man who loves to be| © dren may have, especially|attractive. Some elementary| J. Fletcher, Ajax, and the The b most people are honest an with "the boys?" It can be al & between meals or right before ajschools have dispensers of| late Mr. Fletcher, They will Mr. and decent. ie line|catd game, pool, bowling, fish-| } meal, They effect this limita-|sweets and soft drinks in their] be married in Saint Mary's son, Si s Since T have been in tis ave|ing, hunting, soccer, handball) | tion if, in early years, they had/halls. Many a child hearing of| Anglican Church, Summer bridegro 4 tate' a rege ae d oe --anything where men get educated the youngster to|the ill effects of caffeine and| sidv. Prince Edward Ie and Mi Jearned plenty. I have nae Mihe|together. If there's no buddy respect the little word No. They|other exciting drugs in his) land. September 9. Oshawa. ple swear tt mmm' unprintable|activity he can go to, he'll just provide a reasonable amount of|health courses may hurry out |-jcsmasamaeaammamaia is. tebe "ed Fog "en 'me | sit in a bar and talk fo the bar- soft drink at home and control|to the hall to consume some| dae. § ot calied to remina|tender. If you can come up with| the child's purchase of it else-|soft drinks strong in these stim- | Given i t they haven't paid /a solution to this you are a gen-| where through control of the/ulating ingredients. How! father, | gd at they havent paid @ ius, Thank you.--Bested by the money he may spend --hiS|absurd! mery. ; oe Boys : : weaeeee allowance. . | anewiihina question aONes OF PLE HIDE Dear Bested: Offhand I c When you go on a motor trip i s § Pan we send people out to/think of a few things a wile can with your children, it may be| Q. Can we hope to train our peng ed the house they sometimes hide|do for her husband that "the hard to get them by many gas/creeping or toddling child to By Colling 576-1411 bodice a and refuse to come to the door.| boys" can't. She can give him a} stations, they are so eager to avoid dangers wholly by) ly Calling ia The dr They act as if we are trying to|feeling of pride and importance| , i re ps pacit F gree] ger hed laa ag eo ong 'aggrowaigl fat | Loree reins ar sailing. 1G Garve was em te them take some-jin a y that the boys q -- weets, in children know . Hardly; he learns safety! r real estat ds and with | oe awey recog org cna oF cee Wiver Ptai listen | MRS. WALLACE McCutch- --~ The scene is from the Mi in the morning how often and|most effectively through physi-| Yoligation fo, you. 5 iaglaue basal pace + Please, Ann Landers, print|to themselves talk to their hus-| eon admires a painting by oie { how much they may spend for|ca] pain preferably instantly| pope ol cluster | gny letter and let some of|bands when they walk in at) Canadianartist Frank Pana- Cutcheon's farm near Gorm- THE STARS SA ling the last two weeks injeats and drinks, this matter/and consistently applied to his| J. J. WILKINSON arate rasta 'america's deadbeats see how/night they might get a clue as} baker in her Toronto home. ley, Ont. | December, too. |can be regulated. bare thighs in connection with|f 100 King St. €. prbtenig tas they look in the eyes of others.|to why the guy would rather be} de | st ill e Eating of snacks often goes|specific dangers, just as he| i | By ESTRELLITA | Stars will also be generous, 4 Monn Phone 576-1411 +Disgusted elsewhere. E M C t h |where your personal life is con- pir) vine of "pop." You/approaches or touches them. _' ; Dear Gus: I second the Sh if Pl FOR FRIDAY 9 ; an ave seen some young- - Be 'nen & wien va Wwicuuichneon elves rlans Vasstiay's. sdverse pisnc-|fe tetteate fay cemcas count ee ee es aes ; And now may I add a com-jhere: Kwitcherbellyachin', | . ' tary influences continue to alsual harmony in your domestic|?°P and crunching sweets at Lynda iment? Life would be a lot less| Your parents are the ones who Pendin Husband Ca 1 degree, so caution and conserv-|life--especially if you are care- many times a day. They are at Ronald rong if people would/should be complaining, not you. | g s mpaign atism will be "musts," whatev-|ful to avoid friction during the pr oighhng time we drop in oensy ; to ying things they don't}They are not '"'sticking thei ies, i | . ren pa) at prices they can't afford noses into your business" when| BY LILLIAN NEWBERY jnursing diploma from the Uni- haiters, oct to Mone boot! aniig Fmd Nod fe Not only in summer, but dur- Matthew to impress people who don't|they insist on knowing where| TORONTO (CP) -- Mrs. Wal-|versity of Toronto. At Red|pjlity of false '"information"|larly propitious peri oda for) ns Me school yest, many chil: las: Satu give a darn. and with whom you are, and|Jace McCutcheon has run into a/Cross outposts in Ontario in the|which, if acted upon, could/romance are indicated in Octo- dren consume an excessive The bi ack that you phone to let them|few snags with a centenniallearly '30', che delivered 17|prove' extremely costly later./ber, next April and June. Best| Smount of swestenc® soft dri Mr. and Dear Ann Landers: Your col-|know when you will be later|scherne to move her household babies. And, where your personal life is periods lee' neni and 'social a ee ee For all your the brid jimn has hit me between the!than was agreed upon. |down to the, farm. The blue-eyed blonde is her-|concerned, give no heed to gos-|activities, through which you When ped sit down to do home- drapery needs see Mr. an ; | "I know it's a selfish pro-|Self mother of five -- James,/sips or rumor-mongers and,/should make some stimulating be io Mog yor pe : eo Wilson, ' , ® . jiect," she says, "but we've|Dougias, Frederick, Mrs. Susan|above all, do not becomej|contacts: October, all of Janu- tdd's sahawieh 7 thal iF if fm B. The w onna mit n lance 'been trying to move for a year.|Portcr and Barbara, a student|involved in the disputes of oth-jary and April, and the period ein aa bart H ; First it was construction at Havergal. ers. between June 15 and Sept. 1 of| BECOME OVERWEIGHT INTERIOR DECORATOR father, t a . . strikes, then it was rain, now| Mrs McCutcheon carries her|/ror THE BIRTHDAY next year. This practice makes many @ 'own ot : ete 10r 10 e Ing it's the campaign." bro nag Ba family life to the!' y+ Friday is your birthday nord orig to be overweight. 15 King Street East Sith lily : | This summer Mrs. Mc-|Vanier Institute where she is indi t racticing so early and con- CUSTOM MADE DRAPES i * 'Miss Donna Smith whose mar-|dance were fellow workers of |Cutcheon chauffeurs her sena-|the cnly woman vice-president. see Gai cialis os SOCIAL NOTICES stantly in frequent eating and Hd tage to John J. Gerald Trainor|the bride-elect from H. G tor-husband around Canada to|. "We know a lot about what every possible opportunity to drinking, he may continue to Phone 725-2686 line, ane will take place on Saturday in| Roughley Limited * ""/collect support for his Progres-/makes an unhappy family butisqyance your status, both ENGAGEMENT consume fattening drinks and organza - Gregory the Great Roman| Mrs. James N. Cochran, Miss sive Conservative leadership|We don't really know what con-lrinancially and job-wise, as of|.,™M@t. and Mrs. Norman Irvine, foods excessively all the rest of the sk atholic Church has been hon-| Ann Smith, Mrs. Steven Lakatos, |C@™mpalgn. a %. DADDY 'formal E+! noy, a0 that you can teup tine] Dowmanyill, Aandunce Se ee MGhildren li pred at seyeral parties and{all to be attendants at the forth-| Meanwhile the living room of|' harvests for your efforts, star-/Sazement of their daughter,} - to had down to thowers recently. coming wedding held a personal |their ivy-covered Toronto home|CONSULTED BY HUSBAND | Promised during October. Shirley Marie, to Herbert) 16 rapa bee several . Prior to her return to Canada,|shower at the home of Mrs.|is crowded with furniture, cov-| Since his wife is al the| Achi te dari Larry Jamieson, son of Mr.|times a day in summer for the. bride-to-be was entertained| Steven Lakatos which w t-|ered and waiting to be carted cee Ghnrda of ie Bh. Joke chievements during thatiand Mrs. G. F. Jamieson, also|s0me soft drink or other sweets Jeanie &t @ shower held by Mi ws voedha ee BOs WhICh Was: at and waiting to carted| advisory boards of the St. John|month should not only give you|of Bowmanville. The marriage|@nd to ep for such néar their bap + Seeelay aah eee = rnd friends and former|to the new farmhouse at Gorm-| Ambulance association, the Vic-\a tremendous lift, but could|wil take place on Saturday,|school Building. If from their lla | y and atten y| Classmates of the future bride.|ley, just north of Toronto. torian Order of Nurses for Can-|spark still further sadvances|September 3 t 4.00 4 oung, friends and co-workers of No. 1| A presentation of a serviny i : ptember 30, 1967, at 4.00 p.m. Perkins Air Division headquarters, say Was Wane bY shine of the| Most of the McCutcheon ¢ol-)ada, the Girl Guide association during the first two weeks injin St, Andrew's Presbyterian| ' Gordon. CAF, Metz, France. Miss|employees of H. G.. Roughley|/ection of Canada art is already poe 2 hie mee Po ge pe fhroughout January./Church, Bowmanville. pride Smith was presented with a set|Limited where Miss Smith was/anging in the country house. hovalt ot Cnet at Bee Teel iMag be orke the Stephen' yal Ontario Museum, as well/the April 15-May 10 weeks, the OPEN HOUSE $f stainless steel flatware. jemployed. However, favorite landscapes id f latt tJ f Saturday " Friends and co-workers of the| Nelghbors of the bride-to-be as president of the Canadian/latter half of June and through-| Mr. and Mrs. Walter ©. The rospective bridegroom of No, {Arlington Avenue, presented hence, a Watson and Frank|Nurses Foundation, it is not/out next August. Do be consi)r-|Lynde are holding open house, tereen fi ee |Panabaker and a Nicholas dejsurprising that Senatorjvative in money matters in/Sunday, September 3, 1967, Sayweil Air Division headquarters,/with linen and bedding. Grandmai tel of d McCutch 7 yw " : : rom 2.00 - 5.00 p.m. at the RCAF, Metz, France pregented Pollbwinc the veheateal. Fob 7randmaison pastel o augh- cCutcheon consults her on November and during the first f, 2.00 - 5.00 p it their mony at 8 silenced pair with crystal|day evening, the members of ter Barbara will have to wait. public affairs. __ {two weeks of next April, how-|residence, RR 1, Ashburn, to } played t dnd a carving set the bridal pa ney ill bE eater: But Eva McCutcheon He often asks what I think/ ever, since you may face some|mark the occasion of Mr. ry Given 'A Witchen shower was held by| tained at the home of the future wouldn't have it any other way. and how general my opinion|increased expenses than and, to|Lynde's 80th birthday. Rela- | father, ¢ Mrs, Dennis Parfitt and Mrs.|bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs,| "If you've thrown your lot in| "*: __|meet them, you could offsetitives, neighbors and friends are length Scead *c! Dewi ith. Arlington Ave.-| wi "ve madi Mrs. McCutcheon tells him}gains. Avoid extravagance dur-|welcome to call. one. John Norris at the former's| Dw ight G. Smith, Arlington Ave-|with a man, you've made your) 1. thinks 'medicare will 6 fashionet home in Hampton. In atten-'nue. aon 'choice, she says with a smile.| oo overything hay wire." . e sure you ta ke adva ntage of a SERVED AS NURSE a are not enough doctors to > CONFIDEN ALLY YOU R th bi " a alee She's had plans knocked awry|provide services medical care me 4 ; fa -- crepe before, When her husband, was|Will make necessary, she says. Adan stonn rn. FO. e big money saving bustie-et appointed to the Senate and the| Despite the busy life, of " i B cabinet in 1962, she cancelled|Whica 'entertaining is only a p pete mo FI be de 3lst-----Ever heard cs paar te plans to go back to university/smali slice," Mrs. McCutcheon all in ene ite Tate what THE BANK ae c-- illusion and finish a nursing degree.|keeps her centennial project in OF NOVA SCOTIA has to offer with its new onial bo But ste is reading books on the) mina. : Personal Security Program. With PSP, you SE heart 1 courte. With their nine grandchil- simply choose a savings goal, then make daisies. At 58, Mrs. McCutcheon may|rev, the McCutcheons spend) monthly deposits toward it for fifty months. When you reach st The br go back to university but she|/every spare moment at the| your goal, Scotiabank pays back what you've saved... plus a Barbara won't go back to work farm. She's a favorite with the| generous cash bonus. And the total amount is life-insured from meer eee lan' ei * ___lyouny horses, perhaps because] the day you make your first deposit. So why not make that first tario, me m 2 * ee sane ame know she carries a bunch| deposit now? Anyone under the age of sixty is eligible, ig career, but I wouldn't advise it,|°f Carrots tucked into a pocket.) SUMMER IS A GREAT SEASON FOR KIDS, How they love to ' bridesm: Something suffers, perhaps the| mm run, jump, climb and explore in the big out- Lynn H sino the marsiage or meybe| Gos fa bow poner ae om the wife's nervous system. = | It's at times like this that I most appreciate oe. OF Before her marriage in 1934, | having NUPERCAINAL® CREAM on hand. Orovo, Eva Porland graduated with a} Being anesthetic, it soothes the pain of mi- ushered. ner cuts and pop reg igh Pied and " A a aper rash). And, since it is antiseptic as anque! EASY ORANGE ch' Nupercainal Cream guards against in- Corps h 8 P ICE CREAM og hl greg be without it at our house--nor should the coul hi c. orange juice ime een ee ee YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH IS OUR FIRST CONCERN trip. Fo c. sugar cea ea 1s % top. salt ees HOW CAN YOU PREPARE FRUITS AHEAD, and still have them va t hippl 2s . look tempting at mealtime? Here's a tip you'll % a ee ng cream, oa rey Pa It's a ving al roduct called y at prevents discolouration and H Saint <a Maitaing frat Aavour, Try itn apple ies. Leave your next roll of film at your friendly Tamblyn Whitby, Combine juice, s | they'll stay fresh-looking, even if prepared . Saturda: 'an pee ge ta hours ahead. Fruitain works beautifully on Drug Store and receive FREE a fresh roll of KODAK ding of | 'Holling, cool and polir into other fruits, too... peaches, apricots, berries, & i if : John | * |freezing tray. Freeze until mix- cherries, pears, pineapples, Raab Even on film the same size as your prints bride is lture reaches the mushy sta potatoes and cut meats! And it's a boon if you ° and M ee ee place teaver pra oe freeze or can Sagat Bagh gs for Fruitain . gc bg Whitby. a hi 7 store or supermarket. You'll find it in a convenient shaker box 4 . 5 LAC K therekn, vee [OF i Ra agen age Reap on the seasonings shell This offer applies to: an ad te he og oil 4 i 4 , » \ally. Makes 1% quarts. LET THERE BE LIGHT! There won't be, though, if we don't ; ; The F ; prem r ber to keep a good supply of > 5 © : arena ¢ ; SHOW R light bulbs on hand. Dominion Stores is ' E POWER | | cond ied ree Lig pepe ee mony. 1 sis ; 2 : | DOMINI I --and they garet | ' There's no reason in the flatteringly face-framing yet are made in Canada, individually pre- \T Take Y , wide, wide world that you keep the hair absolutely oe 5a oe v way' we ' : leon 'can't and shouldn't k i i ? ours, is is another easy way we ts ities Oe 'look pretty under the Bove rtd mee gO bag rr is t | housewives can save without sacri regs quality. So, don't let the by the Si au well Gh col oh 4 Wile AbIOH ih & OIME an : low price fool you--stock up now for the shorter Fall days ahead father, great variety of charming Satteen 4 is cu of vith Qual ay Pominion Light Bulbs trom te store en ae KO DAC 0 LO R Given 'caps are now available in dainty lace and lined with a re. Pai | many exciting colors, fab- vinyl. asn-n-Voarr | HERE IS A SPECIAL MESSAGE to fathers (and mothers!) of tonal rics and styles that are --By Tracy Adrian ' | brides. To keep that ballooning peening ang a Spae a © in @) Bikinis Mcrae ea et | 7 g. we i CH -- Canada's own prize pe FOR THE FINEST ' | DISCO NT P Prighte champagne --on the wedding list, Take your camera where the fun is > skirt fel i 10 RESIDENT ] President Champagne costs a good geal and your films to Tamblyn for fast Her he: Custom and b less than you'd expect and is purely deli . de soie 1 Canadian Champagne} cious. And a note for brides: for that first expert Photo Finishi : held a ' Ready Made LIMITED TIME ONLY thrilling party in your new home recapture P' oto Finishing Service. eu ca ' the rapture of your wedding day and serve . ' DRAP this outstanding Canadian champagne with pride. Brights ee President Champagne is the celebrated wine, for celebrated occa- oy b Ki S s ' in the latest Shades and Honk.' Baloy ah --_- ing treet East o ' uate Darang | ee HAPPY HOLIDAYS begin with that wonderful feeling of fresh- ' ness that's yours with DEMURE. I know you'll ; 723-3143 . | be delighted with this mint-fresh, gently med- CLEANIT $ | pater, Ceaipine oe Fe ong j emure re- q | lieves irritation and helps destroy odour-causing ee bids & cca ERVICE LTD. | bacteria to keep you forever fresh and lovely. ¢ Oshawa Sho i C t | exhenviy. inevatcs is 'Ask for Demure in its packable plastic bottle. pp ng en re i DRAPERY mouse --- AT THESE LOCATIONS -- ane 3 the mgrrorg' tc ag Megoete pencghtcts to 728 5101 i BI | apply Demure, get § , the modern hoseless S J4 CELINA STREET ie es 23-7827 © 92 Waite Strest © 12 Bond Eost feminine syringe in its cleverly designed ] "Free Cust: Parkin ile Shoppi "" @ 170) . case... now, and for a limited time only at a tir cassette i IE ao a Va Mary Krew © 924 Simcoe North 'Nacation Special" price of only $3.95 -- $1.00 below its regular f ; cost! At drugstores only. j Reems ld a ee a ae i ee * BREE

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