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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Aug 1967, p. 16

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c= See : E ce u a Se cesar ee ex SOP OS Oe Se Se ae ae ie ae Be ae | at i 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, August 31, 1967 He SE OSE ER Re GS RP Se OY RAG RR EGC ACER REBAR RMS Rs wt i be AE cg i BOND MARKET |. 2°, Government ot) Long-term Canad and provin.| Day-to-day money traded at ¢ Canada bonds were unchanged|cial bonds remained unchanged ae chur y Ddills were TORONTO (CP)--The Cana-| with the 5-per-cent July 1, 1969,/with the 5i4-per-cent May 1.|.-ceanged with che Si-day bills pag eg lh peg AE oy g at 99.10 bid and|1990, issue closing at 91% bid] closing at 432 per cent and the d in quiet trading|issue closing Seauiay wideececars - 99.20 asked. and 91% asked. 182 day bills at 4.60. { TODAY'S STOCKS BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT TORONTO 16:48 A.M. STOCKS 10:48 Net | Distributed by CP eyaeets fe") 1,000 Harvesters Replaced, rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change Is) CB Al B w 625 from previous boerd-lot closing gale. | C Curtiss 4 3 C Dredge 'a | 7 i "= 22.) Automation Gathers Crops MINES |. Su ais. Automation Gathers Crops Stoce Seiler High Low a.m. Ch'ge +s-4 : * A a ss 3 om P iim Sie is ise-- is] LADNER, B.C. (CP)--Mam-jharvesting to meet rising costs) Combines which harvest 4 $5\4 Sie Sve moth automated peapickersjof labor and to achieve better beans are manufactured in Wis- $103 10% toe "have replaced an estimated 1,-/quality," Stan Wickham, the/consin and cost $8,000 a unit. $14 14% 14+ 4 999 luman harvesters in gath-|company's manager of agricul-/ Mr. Wickham said his com- 3@ {if + n/ering this year's bean and pea|tural services, said in an inter-|pany has about $500,000 invest- C Utilities Sea "4 CWN G 46r $i4 14 4 | 3 Westham Island near) view. ed in automated harvesting Ger: ye eee ee lthis rene: delta community, |AUTOMATED FULLY which cuts costs by about 60 Ma | The combines--1l4 of them--| Mr. Wickham said the West-/per cent. 27° 4» |beloug to Royal City Foods Ltd.|ham Island operation is now] The peas take about four| in land its subsidiary company,|fully automated--a crew of 30/hours from vine to finished ~%* Delnor Frozen Foods Ltd., both|men can handle the entire har-|product, beans about six hours. {of nearby New Westminster. | vest. The company has contracts to | The New Westminster com-| The green pea combines--re-jharvest 45 pea crops and 17 'pany, which serves all of West-jferred to as vod giants|}bean crops annually. ern Canada with canned and|by company officials--are man-| x * frozen products, uses 10 of thejufactured by Food Machinary| TY coknar tails ata "/combines on pea crops, four of|Corp. of Columbus, Ohio They |, if mile h ia ick "ed 5 them on beans |cost between $20,000 and $25,000) 24 oP Fo 01 Oa 0 15) On» ; s*hanized the!eacn jacres of beans daily, averaging re Dae ----- |from three to five tons an acre. | Thirty acres of peas are picked daily, yielding two tons an + Industrial Index Rises sx The company secures the tro itd «275 $13 13 138 | Emp Life 190 $10%4 ole 20 7 li htl I S d t ;seed and schedules the planting oe aa 3 joperations, The farmers pre- Flee? Mtg 1100 $0" 180 "190 +5] S$ 1g y n econ Uuer e }pare the land, plant and spray GMC seo 8989 for weed control and can carry! $20 20 ' ' 4 anad: ie: anced Dp - x i 6 206 OTTAWA (CP)+Canada's|Ities, advanced 1.5 J oints GUI-! Wy to $135 a ton when crops are index of industrial production jing the month to 281.1 after harvested. moved higher in June, but not|/ adjustment to eliminate season-} enough to signal an upturn in|al influences |,,2ne farmers also obtain the general economic activity. | Expressed in percentage | discarded pods and vines for at rage "The index, which covers the/terms, the gain was just three- | Winter chide feed. $1894 18% 18% + '| hell-wether industrial sectors of|tenths of one per cent higher) is year's harvest started in| Wanted Immediately Several SALESMEN 25 to 35, previous ex- perience desirable, but not essentiel, es we have a comprehensive training plan, The leading Automotive exhaust system suppliers in Canada have an excellent record for steady em- ployment. Due to Company growth over the past 10 years we require additional sales-staff and we are prepared to pay $125 per week sal- ary, plus a sales commission. A company car is supplied, along with other excellent company benefits. Increased business demands addi- tional experienced staff in the fol- lowing areas. Time Study Production Foremen Production Control Supervisors If you are interested in joining an expanding company, mail in con- fidence full details of age, educa- tion, marital status and experience to: Reply & writing, supplying « complete resume, te genera! sales manager. All replies treated in strictest confidence General Sales Manager c/o Box 69, Oshawa Times Our Employees Are Awore Of This Notice! E. Mcintyre, GALT METAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED | travel 385 Dundas Street, | Canada ra Galt, Ontario. Hoky OW et bata ar a " mining, manufacturing and util-|over May. For the second rad finishes early in Sep-| 2 ----------|ter--the months of April, May) 'ember +4! Ind Accept 315 $22% 2% 22% | imp ©) 22 $6814 6814 68% 10:4 Net |and June--the index was only| Ind Miner] 2835 $16% 16 16 | _ Stock Imp Tob 200 $14%%4 1434 14% Seies High Low a.m. Ch'ge}one per cent higher than the j 1 10 420 4 & Slater St 00 $1034 10% 10% -- %/ ¢j dy economy. oe a eT 265 $28% 28% 28% Slater A wt 100 475 475 478 |tion of a steady e 3 H Kid Coper 30 83 83 83 =| Sogemins 40 $14 14 #14 +%| The first-quarter GNP was} ir ir ' Levy B pr x25 $2434 2434 2434 08 ms " Kirk mM 1000 i ae a Loeb M 1900 $17 12% 12%4-- Ve Stafford | 250 a ao }running at an annual rate of} 100 $31% 31% 31% | MB itd 220 $2734 27% 27% he Shea Can 813 $234 2314 23% $60,152,000,000. The economist} AM ee Tet ee oe ee ae *| Suptest od 25 $25% 2534 25§q---%4| said the second quarter may| "301 7s 7S 75 --s| MM Lt Mills rs si9 19 46 aoreaye $ Syed aera govz--t,| Show a slight increase in real| 72 165 165 165 | Mass-Fer 425 $208 20¥% 20V 7a nh | terms, followed by an over-all/ oo T Dm Bk 290 $13% 13% 13% Traders A 175 04 9% s+ | third quarter. Transair 1400 $64 6% 6 The index of industrial pro-| 4 a ' Tr Can Pi'p 20 sari ayia ay "| duction, based on the 1949 level) Tr Con Pw 165 855 855 O55 equalling 100, is a. by} Trans M+ 980 $21\4 21va 21+ Yel the Dominion Bureau of Statis-/ \ d ol 19a 19 1% Vi 1 Un Gas HS sist Ise iow "ities. A DBS analysis Wednes. Union Oli 50 $434 434 4 day showed mining prod noon sae a3) 'de '§ Ylup L8 per cent from May, man- TT b | Texaco pr 27 100 $28ta 28\e 2a + 9 mm OM 44) Bh pee We ae oe on in| Tom sey 38 87 41 steady improvement in the} ; Norends 500 $56% 567% 567% Nor Ctl @ 1900 $12% 12% 124 Oshawa A 335 S44 Ade 46a Overland 100 $10% 10'4 10% Wout 3884 87 em 7 +h 1 Pac Rate 356 $16% 1s 160 Un Won wt S15 5 M5 365. +30 |ufacturing up three-tenths of Newlure 6 1 16 +%\ Pembina "Was Sime tee iste ¥Rections 200 iv tag. Jone per cent, and electric w Myiame 2 20 21 +2] Phillips Ch 25 $57\4 S74 STV Versatile 95 $39 383% 39 + ve| power and gas utilities down 1.6 Bdater Tom B'S B"-- u! bitn frn H8 Hee em | WG ws By ik Su + Dor cent Rick Rim 3000 16 16 16 --¥4/ Price Com £100 $12 12% 12% Phere ieita ae Production of non-durable ae oe Ee GN Ges sn te 1 W Brdcast 335 $16 15% 16 + Ye) goods within the manufacturing Noriex = $000 21 20 20 -- 1 | ie ee ge eee Ww Sitneed Joo 300. 380, 34. +10 | sector was ahead nine-tenths of Nore. sew 8 4g | Relchhoid 25 $234 3314 334+ Ys] Weston 8 300 $19 19 19 + lone per cent, production of} No Gete" 11300 os ae ate L2| Rettman 100 $10, 10) 10 +1 | Woodwd A 300 $15 15% 154+ '%4/ durables down four-tenths of Opemske 1256 975 965 975 | Revelstk Sine ee el i 2 1130 one per cent Orchen 1100 268 265 268 4 @ | Robert Spr 200 $191 19% 19a-- Ve! Sales fo 11 @.m.: 1,130,000, per cent. Pamour 300 215 215 215 Patino 216 140 940. 94 Pex Int 3000 14 14 14 % 18a 1814 + % 325 +10 | Oshawa Is the daily 80,000 readers in ¢ | ond advertising culepe 2500 OILS, GAS & sé ~ 3 S Gridol: #2. Cén Sip © 10 8428 0 lt Cent Dei 2804 ui % Chiettan & 500 755 7% 99 | s 4 Eest Cr 2000 % WB 1) West P Pr 3 182 152 | el el f Dynemic 1 224 218 221 French Pt 750 605 600 405 a 9 9 | Gr Pleing 250 $16%% 16% 164+ Ve Gt COlisds 175 $15iy 15% 154+ Ve| * Hellum 4500 280 376 278 --9 | te Se emt er marks at Pete 4 270 975 +18 Cont 16600 93 993 ts Davies 1000 aM oF oy 1 humac 00 39S 370 3H +) umac wt 140 9% 96 9% + ishii i I i Permo 7700 31-303} publishing an edition of considerable interest and value to both readers Petrol 2500 a 2 | lece @ 900 mm sé Ranger 4250 40S 395 | Scurry Rn 793 $3% 38% 34 --14| . 66 99 ep a g 11 92 9 9} be carrying stories a lad 14300 222 219 222 +4 U Cente 100 355 355 355 +3 | Wespec mu 18 8 The "College" Study Lamp has been designed and en- gineered to provide exactly the right amount of light for comfortable studying. It is the only study lamp ever approved by the Illuminating Engineering Society, the world authority for lighting standards. Abit! | Acklence 50 810% 1 Alte Ges Y 120 $372 37% 37H -- | Algome & m4 323% 23% 2." nn "| | The "College" Study Lamp completely eliminates giare ing 100 siz 2" 2" * "| | and shadow and helps prevent eye strain and fatigue. It means better light, for better sight. It could very well ou ve. ae ee 6% em--%4) | mean better marks. Get one for the student in your yectien " oo srw 'tia "i'm %4| | home, Look for the lamp with the "College" tag your hydro F Inti Fin 90 165 165 tas aco be OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 0 em 3 oi | a '| ri ee Bs" ") . Me Ind Wire 350 $5 5 R Little A' 250 $11 11 TY first qaurter. Inlend Ges 1% 11% N19 | Rockower 200 $74 74 Th-- Mal" | Inspiretl | 4 sis 144 a4 '4| A government economist sald| BM 1400 24° 24 2 the performance of these key Int Nickel 253 «7K ~ | industries may well indicate lit.) Int Ufil 5 $23 234 + %\tle change between quarters in is gE tage EL the gross national product, the; iTL ing 3 295 25 -- 9s | Value of all goods and services Sethe her , ' 21's + '3/ in the economy. | | Jefferson 100 S49\4 49) am % 4 2 ™ me Jetfersn w $0 $4214 4214 4714 F114 @ $294 a4 9% | Labor income in May, report-| Jockey C 330 330 2 230 230 o/ed last week at $2,535,000,000, | Lape tea oe 7 a ae was almost unchanged from} . Labatt i 4 2 2934 02 1% 31% s Sacedl EC 82 81 Lafarge 300 $15 15. 15 --&| Simpson S 271 $193 19% 19% + Ve April, another important indica- 600 325 310 tau Bl be EXHIBITORS Your exhibit et the Oshawa Home Show is an investment In your business end the business community of Oshawe. To make the most of this invest- ment it is necessary to tell your story to the people of Oshawa and District. i Ourham County's and your advertising message in The Times reaches over and welcome into their homes daily, this proven medium of news coverage OSHAWA HOME SHOW EDITION Lest year's Home Show wos on outstanding success both from the stond- g point of the exhibitors and the public. The biggest factor In the success was speci the part played by the Times with their daily coverage editorially and in the columns of the Home Show Edition. Again this year, The Times will be ond advertisers. Editorially, this edition will contain photos and stories per- ainment, exciting prizes and demonstrations on « daily basis. We Invite | you to tell your-story in this edition. A Times Advertising Representative INDUSTRIALS will be ¢ontecting you soon to: assist you in preparing your edvetisement. She Oshawa Times "THE NEWSPAPER OF OSHAWA and DISTRICT" Wanted and Welcomed Daily Into Over 23,000 Homes! A aR Ns AR, LE. le Mie Oe es eb tagieg A ANE Sige dae AE dee he MEE COCO Le Se RT AT ee = safely ON GOODFYEAR TIRES Let us help you to "travel Canada safely" on your Centennial motoring trips... Drive in and let our experts check tires for safe, trouble free driving this Saaee. And if you do need tires, we recommend the new Goodyear Polyesters. They are OSHAWA H M E among the safest tires you can buy at any Price, because they are made with the new, miracle tire cord -- Polyester. It combines the strength of nylon with the smooth ride of rayon. ' Goodyear Polyester tires are longer eliminate im; SHOW wearing. They practi pact breaks and cuts. Yet, with all these a you can buy one for less than $30. Trav. Canada safely on Goodyear Polyester tires ++. they could save you more than money, To enjoy your holiday dri ; come in today and let us Sante Chant i your tires before you start your centene nial trip, market place for thousands of people in Ontario and | his ready-to-buy market daily, Readers who pay for | ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Adjust Camber, Castor, Toe-IN, Toe-Out -- Parts Extra... ... $7.95 BRAKE SPECIAL Heavy duty linings exceed origina! equipmere ficetions. Licensed mechanles thoroughly check the entire broke sys tem, including the master cylinder, wheel cylinders, brake hose, return springs, all hold-down parts and grease séals, After the new linings are installed the front wheel bearings ore repacked, all hydraulic lines are bled ond refilled with S.A.E. approved brake fluid, Our "Professional" brake Job will let you drive with safety, and we guarantee it! ALL FOUR WHEELS 24.95 @ Home Show and its Exhibitors. Also The Times will ind pictures related to the Home Show nightly enter- INSTALLED BEFC Pl Cc BOWM istrate's | Kimble. v less driv costs, or The Fug a young ! the top < The ch: laid as a rol on Hi; 'The office the car é ed the in ceptor of: When Kir officer to lowing hi; onto an \ the highy obscured he saw th ped on th Meanwi overhead, reaching | hurling a ditch. Th driver to | which she ross the re narrowly | "The f begin to | observed | ten, "'but deterrent highway : TWO CHA Convicti Stude Stand MONTR! Gilmour, Guelph taunicipal standing ¢ subway sy Richard tigator for portation station att standing o Expo stati immediate: AS a re delayed fir Gilmour been bumy tracks. "Is the standing o Mauric investigato "Yes, a trocuted,"" replied. In absen ing signs, Gilmour t costs,

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