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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Aug 1967, p. 8

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B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, August 31, 1967 PINCH-HITTING BY WAYNE WALTERS Of The Times Sports Staff i ' RECREATION DEPARTMENT ENDS SUMMER WITH TWO BIG TOURNAMENTS | Gaels De fea ; Seniors In Detroit Olympia \& | THE MINOR HOCKEY sio- gan, "Take Your Boy To The Arena" may be a little difficult to follow this year because the arena might not be able to take your boy. A recent sur- vey compiled by the Oshawa Recreation Department indi- cates there is an acute short- of arena facilities in the city today. This shortage not only strikes minor hockey, but minor lacrosse and figure skating as well. ARENA FACILITIES in Osh- awa consist of the modern Ci- vie Auditorium; the Children's Arena, an outdoor rink used solely for hockey in the winter and closed during the sum- mer. These three arenas are expected to meet the needs of a rapidly expanding and flour- ishing sports program in the city. Last year, for example, minor hockey had 2454 parti- cipants from six different age divisions. Minor lacrosse this year has 430 players on 25 different teams, and latest fig- ures show that 538 people were involved in figure skating in the city in 1966. WHEN YOU CONSIDER these figures and then add pro- jected figures for the next few years, you realize the need for expanded recreational arena facilities. Estimated expan- sion for minor lacrosse, for ex- ample, calls for a jump from 36 teams and 576 players in 1967, to 70 teams and 1008 play- ers in 1971. Because of the lack of. prime ice time in Oshawa, many teams are forced to go outside the city to find facili- ties. Not only is this a dan- gerous trip during the winter months, but it also means a loss of revenue to the city. Last year minor league hockey booked a total of 707 hours of ice time outside the city at a total cost of $7,937. THE ARENA SURVEY con- tains a number of comments from various people involved in minor sports in Oshawa. they almost unanimously agree that added facilities are needed. A new participant arena is the most common sug- gestion, with the enclosing of the North Oshawa Arena, (which is now under considera- tion by council) and improve- ment of present facilities in the Children's Arena running a close second and third. ICE AND FLOOR time dur- ing prime hours is a rapidly diminishing factor in Oshawa. Many teams are forced to go without practice sessions or have to share the ice with an- other team during practices. Ice time is often available only at very early or late hours, forcing many teams to go outside the city to find normal ice hours. A STUDY WAS made of rec- reational facilities in Oshawa in 1965 and a number of sug- gestions were implemented. But the major item of provid- ing additional arenas in the city was by-passed. It is up to city council's Parks, Proper- ty and Recreation Committee to impress upon council, the importance of expanding pres- ent facilities and giving the matter priority on the munici- pal agenda. For if this is not done, Oshawa sports which is running into difficulty now, will be beyond help in the near future. Oshawa Motorcycle Club Enjoying Successful Year | In August, 1966, seven motor- cycle enthusiasts formed Oshawa TT Riders Competition Motorcycle Club, for the sole purpose of putting on races in the Oshawa area to benefit local, as well as Canadian motorcyclists. That club has now grown to 25 members, under the presidency of Gordon Maxwell, and is an' affiliated member of the Cana- dian Motorcycle Association. -- its first year of operation, e club has been extremely suc-|as satisfied with 5] i e y sur S$ § pectating or cessful in putting on two excit-\helping the other fellows out. . ser in Oshawa, the second of which was televised coast-to-coast on) classes in the Ontario region. The club operates with the full Upcoming events are schedul-|co - operation of the Oshawa ed for September 24 and Decem-/City Council, ber 10, in Oshawa. All events/partment, Mr. are sanctioned under the Cana-|property owner, CBC Kaliedosport. dian Motorcycle Association. the} ing | throughout Ontario and Quebec in such centres as Hamilton, To- Oshawa motorcyclists are mak- a name for themselves' ronto; Ottawa, Chicoutimi, Iber- ville, Kingston, Copetown, Har- wood Acres, Mosport, Welland, Whitby, and have won as far) § away as Grafton, Vermont. The club has riders taking) § part in scrambles, road races, enduros and trials, Not all mem-| ig \bers of the club take part in| events, some members are just | DETROIT (Staff) -- Oshawa. | Green Gaels, Eastern Canadian |Junior 'A' Champions, defeat- led Toronto Maple Leafs, On- tario Senior "A" semi - finalists 15-8 in an exhibition lacrosse game at Detroit Olympia last night before approximately 6,000 interested fans. The two Ontario Lacrosse As- sociation teams played the game at the request of Bruce Norris, owner of the Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League, as an experiment to test the pos |sibility of holding lacrosse gam- jes in the Olympia during the | suminer and to see how lac- jrosse would be received in the; Uniied States. | According to Sid Abel, coach - of the Red Wings, with proper! promotion, lacrosse could be- come very popular in the United States. | Green Gaels, who just defeat-| -- jed Huntsville Hawks and Tor-} onto Township PCO's to reach| jthe Minto Cup finals, were led| | by a five goal performance by| 'Ross Jones, top goal - scorer in Ontario this season. 1 rd ' Trounced By By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Toronto Maple Leafs continue} |to skid toward the bottom of} |the International League as) |Boston Red Sox, their parent club, strengthen their bid for the American League pennant with help from the Leafs, Four pitchers--Dave More- head, Sparky Lyle, Gerry Ste- phenson and Gary Waslewski-- - |have been summoned this sea-) on to help in Boston's pennant; \bid. Only Waslewski has been ' |returned, | Waslewski looked anything like a major leaguer Wednes- Sessa Sse SOLES : 'Leafs Continue To Skid. year entry in the Senior "A" league were eliminated by Brooklin "Redmen"', four gam- es - to - three in the best-of- . seven semi - finals in the Se- nior "A" Circuit. Ron Roy potted two goals for the Maple Leafs, Bob Dav- idson, George Kapasky, Ross Othem, Ron "Groucho" McNeil, Paul. Henderson and Brian Kee- § gan had one goal each. Gasrard 'Pes Wees Get Goals Galore Both winning teams went on a scoring spree in the Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Asso- Gaylord Powless, top overall | ciation's Pee Wee League scorer in the league, Ron Moore doubleheader at Willow Park an addition from the Oshawa'this week Lasco Steelers Senior "B" team! Gus Brown Motors defeated and Don Stinson added tWO nearborn Shell 9-3 with Tim goals each. Briscoe scoring four goals for Bill Langley, Charlig Marlow'? |the winners, while Robbie White ' and Dan Morris each had two ded singles. Toronto Maple Leafs, a first, goals and one assist and Rick gree ~ |Sidier got their other tally. 'Mark Hutchins scored twice and Wayne McGuigan once, for the losers. In the second game, Oshawa Discount House thumped DX Oilers 14-2 with Kurt Badgley Millan's hit. Bob Robertson and Drew Armstrong each sco- slammed his 19th homer of the ting once for the Oilers. season for Columbus. Derek McCammond and Jim A walk to Dave Wissman and|Branton, each with four goals a single by Arlo Brunsberg|were the big-guns for Discount preceded Comer's home run. House, with Albert Liebregts Fritz Fisher surrendered three getting three goals, Chris Rich- first-inning runs and a single in : i the second before pitching hit- ardson scoring a pair and Larry | Watson a singleton. less ball the rest of the way. ROSS JONES «+. five goals. Chiefs 8 - 1 | CROSS CANADA PAVING has. 3 YEARS GUARANTEE This club boasts the top Junior riders in the 250CC and 500CC City Police De- G. James the and the St. day as he was manhandled by} Syracuse Chiefs in an 8-1! defeat. Toronto holds sixth place by one percentage point) ay oes over Buffalo Bisons. Waslewski| nr H |pave a three-run homer to Modems Beat Clint's In UAW Action Fisix"rernander in the first . i Z i he | Modern Dry Cleaners defeat-, Modern' Cleaners had Wally (Dnne and two runs in t led Ciint's Texaco 7-3, in their| Jackson as their starting pitch-|fourth eet poring na |UAW Softball League gameljer and he stayed around until) steals efeat agains this week, at Alexandra Park.|the sixth, when he tired and wins, Gene Supryka pitched the first Bob Lawson took over the slab RICHMOND DOWN JETS five innings and got credit for) duty. In other games, Richmond |the win, giving up a run in the' Vic Grabko homered in the) jthird inning when Len Foster second inning and Ted Whiteley | walked and scored on Gord Hen-| homered behind Bob Strutt's iry's single. Supryka struck out|singse, in the third, to make it five batters, while giving up 3-1. Strutt homered with two three hits. 'out in the fourth. In the fifth,| A scheduled doubleheader Ken Howard took over at the| Howard singled, stole second,| between. Buffalo and Rochester top of the sixth. He walked\and scored on Geo. Vail's hit.|Red Wings was rained out. Gary Butler with one out and| jn the sixth, with one out,| Felix Millan poked a two-run} Dick Moore then belted a hom- rad: Cobkert 'i 48 jsingle and Julio Navarro scat-/ er for. the losers' other two re vockerton homere ; Sam tered five hits in Richmond's runs, Howard struck out three in| Collins walked and Whiteley/vicicry, A balk by rookie Bob| two innings and allowed tw singied for the winners' last}Moose put Bob Cox and Mike} hits and two walks. two runs. Lum in scoring position before| DAVE BELL TAKES A MIGHTY SWING WHILE ED KOWALCZYK WAITS FOR CATCH The Game Is Blooperball, Introduced To Oshawa This Year By The Recreation Department also 6- 12- 18-20-36 month to pay Ne Poyment For 2 Months After Completion @ FREE ESTIMATE... Call 728-9292 Oshawa Bee, homer to a 4-3 triumph over) Jacksonville Suns, COMPLETE CAR CARE | STARTS HERE John's Ambulance. SPORTSCOPE TODAY BASEBALL Oshawa Legion Minor Assoc. Tyke League: Indians vs Tigers; 2nd game of 2-out-of 3 championship finals; at Knights of Columbus Park, 6:00 p.m. LACROSSE OLA Senior 'A' League Playoffs: Brooklin Redmen vs Brampton Excelsiors; 2nd game of 4-out-of-7 champion- ship finals; at Brampton Arena, 8:30 p.m, SOCCER Oshawa Junior League: Brookside Park vs Fernhill Park, at Kinsmen Stadium, 6:30 p.m. Darlington Junior League: Zion at Solina; 2nd game of 2- out-of-3 championship finals; at Solina Park, 6:30 p.m. SOFTBALL PWSU Junior Playoffs:-- Toronto Orphans vs Oshawa Junior Girls; 2nd game of 2-out-of-3 All - Ontario Jun- jor 'B' Championship Finals; at North Oshawa Park, 8:15 p.m. OASA Junior 'A' Playoffs: Toronto Texacos vs Oshawa Scugog Cleaners; 2nd game of 2-out-of-3 Toronto Zone finals; at Alexandra Park, 8:00 p.m. OASA Senior 'B' Play- offs: Oshawa Gale Lumber vs Kingston Indians; ist game of 2-out-of-3 Eastern Ontario Zone finals; at Megaffin Sta- dium, 8:15 p.m. GOLF District Two - Ball Four- somes Tournament:- at Osh- awa Golf Club, 9:00 a.m ! FRIDAY | BASEBALL | Ontario Baseball Associa- 'tion Junior 'A' Major play- joffs -- Hamilton UEW Rebels jvs Oshawa Legionnaires; 2nd game of 2-out-of-3 OBA semi- final series; at Kinsmen Civie Memorial Stadium, 8:00 p.m. ' | Union Rod - Gun | Win First Final Union Rod and Gun edged Tyke All-Stars to take a one. game Jead in their best-of-three finals in the Novice division of the Oshawa Minor Lacrosse As- |Sociation, played at the Child- jren's Arena last 'night. David Jobb potted two goals ; for Union Rod and Gun with Terry Harding picking up a ° | Single. | Rusty Lowe and Mark Sher- ; idan share the scoring for Tyke | i... i Bae OP elie Re, : 3 All-Stars, each scoring one goal. YOUNGSTER WINDS UP TO SERVE REMEMBER WHEN? . . By THE CANADIAN PRESS Gene Kunes, 26-year-old golf professional from Nor- | ristown, Pa., won the Cana- | dian Open 32 years ago today -- in 1935--at Mont. | Tennis Tourney Ends Summer Program Direct Reports from The Carling World real, as he maxked up 68, two under par, for the final round and an aggregate of | 280. Two strokes behind ppm vas vie ches of Hf GOLF TOURNAMENT Deal, N.J. Bracmor Gi SAMPLE OF FREE FREE BALL POINT 40¢ Small 377 Stevenson Rd. N. -- 728-0651 BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIALS ANY PURCHASE OF $3.00 OR OVER CIGARETTES -- All Brands .... 3.75 ctn. Open Sunday and Monday--Labor Day Jim Bishop CKLB Sports Director will present continuous reports over CKLB direct from the Carling World Golf Tourn- ament at the Board of Trade Course in Woodbridge September 1, 2, 3 and 4, FT & VARIETY HOSTESS SWINGERS WITH OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES PEN WITH A_ PURCHASE 1350 1350 50¢ Large The things he did to some juniper berries are unspeakable. Tomake gin, you needa number of rather exotic ingredients. Including Italian juniper berries. So in 1769 Alexander Gordon bought sackfulls of the best Italian juni- per berries money could buy. Experimented and experimented. And one day discovered that if you took the berries and -..well, something excit- ing happened. You could make the best tasting gin ever. So naturally, he did. 200 years later we still do. And Gordon's is now the largest selling gin in the world. same | E a | Still made everywhere to the secret formula. And, so that it always remains a secret, what Alexander Gordon did to those berries must always remain unspeakable. You always could buy a bottle of Gordon's though. And let it speak for itself. td OISTILLED IN CANADA BY TANQUERAY GORDON & CO. (CANADA) LTO. 7 EE A ee ee ee ee Motor Tune-Up Complete electrical system analysis. Compression test all cylinders, Clean and adjust spark plugs, set \ < $7.50 éeyi. hos. distributor points cA and adju: pl parts rf 8Cyl. slightly higher, carburetor. Better Engine Performance! Front End Alignment $9.88 safety-check your 8 F (Most cars) car's steering. Steer Clear of Accidents! Precision static and dynamic balance both front wheels to assure even tire wear and safe steering. Don't Take Chances! o Use General's Convenient AUTO-CHARGE Monthly Payment $ 5.00 $ 6.00 $ 7.00 $10.00 HERE'S HOW: NO MONEY DOWN «Take Months Your Purchase $ 50.00 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 $155.00 GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 534 Ritson Rd. $., Oshawa 728-6221 O Se By THE The F swinging Raltsmor pionship America though t near the Frank Raltimor left. Mini straight second } off Bos pace Brooks ble that victory © night an tworun ing Balt against day E,,ewh race, Bos home rur j ski and 1 kees 2-1. 14th viel games three key topped W iformia pt inning rt place Det Ro Co By Ki EDMON chewan R part of sti Edmonton giving up holding a ally mopp! them. The Ro Esks 21-10 ball Confe the game | sided than The Ro after one ¢ howled ap bounced ba the half, three quart BI SCO. By THE ( Ame Boston Mins. Detroit Chicago Calif. Wash. Cleve, Balt N. York K. City Wedne Boston 2 Ne Detroit 2 Ca Cleveland 5 Chicago 5 W Baltimore 4 Nati St. Louis Cinci. Chicago Phila. San Fran, Atlanta Pitts. Los Ang Houston N. York Wedne: Houston 1 ©. Los Angeles Pittsburgh 1: Philadelphia New York 0 Interna Richmond Rochester Toledo Columbus Jacks' ville Toronto Buffa'o Syracuse Wednes Tororto 1 Sy Columbus 2 Toledo 4 Jac Rochester at \ MAJ EQt Cory Fo for you Steel All St Block Aqual Aqual Multi Above Send Diator Alumi Vecu All Po Pox Low Cc No Do Fl A @oee00008080889 TROPICA| Major Poc Ltd. Call

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