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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1967, p. 24

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DONALD DUCK YOU'RE THE ONLY DOG EVER TO DEVELOP HOUSEMAIDS ¢ E ihuted by King Features Syndicate. , pe ii BUZ SAWYER YOU KNOW, AFRICA REMINDS ME OF MY SWITZERLAND, THE STARS SO BIG AND BRIGHT? EVERYTHING SO QUIET AND PEACEFUL, GieN IT BEGINS, IN THE JUNGLE BY THE RIVERA FRIGHTENED BABOONS SCREAM IN ANSWER, HYENAS LAUGHTER, LIONS ROAR... -BULL CROCODILES IN THE WATER, World rights reserved. LEOPARD COUGHS.» BEGIN THEIR GHOULISH BELLOW, ELEPHANTS TRUMPET AND SPLASH © King Features Syndicate, Inc, 1967. Tess FI oo TT, TLL HATE MYSELF 10 RATHER HATE MYSELF] IF I DON'T DONT FOR DOING IT ) THAN FOR NOT! » wy it ? LI'L ABNER A FRUIT THAT REWERSES THE AGING & WHO WANTS TO ITT \/ ONE ASehe" yy tyeey ONLY A FOOL !! IT TAKES 'p} 30 YIRRS TO DEWELOP ENOUGH FAT TO KIPP THE COLD OUT ."" --* ZS Pe ~ Ye ASS lee) JANE ARDEN SECRET AGENT X9 Ys THATS WHERE L GOF THE NAME BILLY ONE SHOT......WHEN I WAS IN THE CONFEDERATE ARTILLERY DURIN' THE. WAR, I KNOW IT, You' BARREL OF MY { LARGE SELECTION OF '67 MODELS IN OUR LAST ALLOTMENT we PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, VAUXHALLS, G.M.C, TRUCKS / OF COURSE, THE Ine, 1967. World rights reserved © King Features Syndicate SALESMAN SHOULD BE WEARIN' SHOES AT THE Time! JULIET JONES © Ring Passores Syndicate, ten, 1067, Peril dediey reerred I'VE HAD THESE LITTLE "THINGS BEFORE. SO DON'T MAAKE A FEDERAL CASE OUT OF IT, DOC. BESIDES -- I FEEL IN THE PINK AGAIN! MICKEY MOUSE SOMETIMES YOU DON'T LEARN FAST YOU CAN LEARN A LOT BY WATCHING "THE FLOWERS GRANDMA TO YOURSELF ? WHY DID YOU TIE STILTS} WH TO FREE MY HANDS FOR b-- APPLE PICKING.' ps Go MUGGS AND SKEETER ° ALE RIGHT, at, ae ee -- Time ! Ze OF THI L} - ; LC 1 Ae GO Zz I) %, R = MY = agg & pe PS \ ae MAAN Ma --_--- bys ~~ \ ' o- Yj a. Natt ~ on sy CROWD THAN I THOUGHT ! 1867. World Highte reserved. yedtiens, tne. PS WE HAD A BIGGER +.) "SHORTAGE OF GOOD USED CARS he CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. | TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buffalo Channel 3--Barrie Channet 4--Buffalo Channel 6--Toronto Channel 7--Buffalo Channel, &--Rochester Channel 9--Toronto | Channel 11--Hamiliton } Channel 12--Peterborough | SATURDAY EVENING | 5:00 P.M, | 11--Secret Agent $--Travel Film 7--Wide World of Sports 3-6-12--Moby Dick 2--Peter Gunn 5:30 P.M, 3--Dobie Gillis 3-6-12--Bugs Bunny 2--Danger is My Business 6:00 P.M, Vi--Let's Sing Out 9--Thunderbirds 3--McHale's Navy 12-6--Eric Sykes 4--News, Weather, Sports 3--Lost in Space i--Death Valley Days 6:3 P.M, 11--Wrestiing 9--Flintstones 7--Movie 12-6--Sounds '67 3-4--News, weather, sport 2--NFL Action 7:00 P.M, t--Away we go Captain Nice 4--Round Table -3-12--Numerality Sing ngers 2--News, Weather Sports 7:30 P.M, 12--Avengers 11--Dennis the Menace Go 4--Away We 3-6--Tarzan 12-0--Flipper 8:00 P.M, 11--My Favorite Martian 9--Movie 7--Something's Coming 24--Daisies 8:30 P.M, 1i--Peter Gunn T--Lawrence Welk 4--Mission: Impossible 3-6-12--Beverly Hillbillies 2-8--Get Smart 9:00 PLM, 1--Soccer : 3-6-12---Movie 2-4--Movie 9:30 P.M, 7--Piccadilly Palace 4--Pro Football 10:00 P.M 9--Garrison's Gorillas 11:08 P.M. 2-3-4-6-B-9-11-12-- News, Weather, Sports 11.15 P.M, &--Movie 12--Movie | 9--Movie 12:30 A.M, 4--News, Weather, Sports 1:00 A.M, 4--Winner's Circie 1:45 A.M. 3--Doug Garraway SUNDAY 7:0 AM, 7--Christopher Program 8:00 A.M, N--Sacred Heart 7--Beany and Cecil 4--Word of Life ife 2--Agriculture U.S.A, 730 A.M, 11--Bible Stories 7--Linus 4--Movie 2--This Is The Life 9:00 A.M. \1--Cathedral Chimes 9--Cartoons 7--King K ong 2--Captain Sailorbird 9:30 A.M, J--Italian Journal 7--Rocketship 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 10:00 A.M, 9--Stingray 8--Faith For Te-Day 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2--The Answer 10.15A.M, 6--La Boite a Chansons 10:38 A.M, $--This Is The i'fe 6--La Langue Vivante ook Up Live Som 2--Insight 11:00 A.M, 11--Lacrosse 9--Cartoons 8--Christopher Program 7--Bullwinkle 6--Vivre En Ce Pays (--Camera Three 3--Hymn Book 2--Faith. for Today 11:30 AM, 9--Meta 8--Soclal Security 7--Discovery 467 é--Recital 4--Film Feature 3--Spectrum 2--Greatest Show 12 NOON 9--Italian Atoum &--Adventures in Para- dise 7--Dialogue é--Les Cailloux jews, Weather, Sports 12:15 P.M, 12--God is the Answer 4--Let's Look at Congress 3--Film Short 12:0 P.M, 1--Father Meehan 7--ABC Scope 6--Horizon 67 4--Face the Nation 320-20 2--Movie 1:00 P.M. 11--Continental Minie- re 9--Spectrum 8--Meet the Press 7---Mind over Myth 6--Showcase 4--Amateur Hour 3--Herald of Truth 1:15 P.M, 12--Living word 1: P.M, 12--Cartcons 9--Insight 12--Cart loons: li--This Space Age Mavi ovie 7--Issues and Answerg 4--Science Fiction Theatre 3--Davy and Goliath 1:45 3-6-12--Gardening 2:00 PM, 11--Expo People 9--Movie 7--Newlywed Game 4-6-12--Pro Soccer 3--Cathedra!l of Tomorrew 2: P.M. 3--Movie 3:00 P.M, 11--World in Color 3--Pro Soccer j.2--Meet the Press ~ 3:30 P.M, 11--Spectrum 2--Polka Varieties 4:00 P.M. 11--Girl from U.N.C.L.B, 7--Laramie SUNDAY EVENING 4:30 P.M, 9--Daniel B joone 3-4-6-12--Golf Tournament ' 2-8--Pro Footbal 5:00 P.M, 1i--Movie 7--Dating Game P.M. 5:0 9--Brand New Scene 7--Movie 6:00 P.M. 9--Iron Horse 3-6-12--Walt Disney 6:30 P.M, V--Tiny Talent Time | ther, 'News, Weather, Sports 7:00 P.M, 1i--Time Tunnel 9--Monkees 7--Voyage 4--Lassi e 3-6-12--Get Into the Act 7:30 P.M, 4--2\st Centur Y 6-12--Hey, Landiord! 34 2-8--Walt Disney 8:00 P.M. 11--Movie 7--FBI 3-4-6-12--Ed. Sullivan Show 8:30 P.M. 9--1 Dream of Jeannie &--Let's Make A Deai 2--Dobie Gillis 9:00 P.M. 7--Movie 9--Combat 4--Our Place 2-8-3-6-12--Bonanza 10:00 P.M. li--Peyton P lace = 9--National News Tes? 4--Candid Camera 3-6-12--Century of Song 2-8--The Saint 10:30 P.M, 9--Progressive Conserva- tive Convention 4--What's My 'Line? 3-6-12--Struggle for Peace \. 11--Great Music | 12~Spectrum N--Ed Allen Time 11:00 P.M, 2-3-6-7-8-11-12--News, Weather, Sports 4-9--News 4--Greatest Headlines 11:30 P.M, 8--Johnny Carson 7--Movie 4--Movie 3--Human -- Jungle 2--Merv Griffin 1:35 P.M, 6--Movie 1:40 PLM, 9--Meta 12:0 A.M, 3--Hymn Book MONDAY 8:00 A.M. 11--Schnitzel_ House 4--Captain Kangaree 8:30 A.M, 9--University of the Alr 8:55 A.M, 7--Dialing for Dollars, Virginia Graham 9:00 A.M. §--Biography 4--Cariton Fredericks 2--Topper 9:30 A.M, 1l--Donna Reed &--Gloria 9--Cartoon Playhouse 4--New: 2--Jack LaLenne 10:00 A.M, 11--Movie 9--Uncle Bobby 4--Candid Camera 2-8--Snap Judgement 10:30 A.M, 8-2--Concentration 7--Dateline: Hollyweed 4--Beverly Hillbillies 11:00 A.M, 9--Flying Doctor 2:8--Personatity FELLOW To SIGHT DOWN THE J | MOUNTAIN CANNON.....A TWELVE POUNDER, NO LESS RE JUST THE -.ing Pgatares Syndicate, tac SMART TIME TO TRADE NO '68 PRICES AVAILABLE YET CROSSWORD ACROSS 41, French 1. Early river Britishers DOWN 6. Masts 1, Handles 11. Decorate clumsily 12. Daughter 2. Concept of Zeus 3. Establish 13. Part of in orderly "to be" connection 14, Squirm 4. Discourse 15. Burnett 5. Tin: sym, heroine 6. Glisten 16. Election 7. Markers winners 8. School 17. Apiece: subject: abbr. abbr. 18, Endeavor; 9. Yielded Scot. 10. Gym shoes 20. Blacken 14. Not tamed 21, Depended (on) 1 3 i¢ 23. Poker [Al (AIVIEIRit mmAlZITIEIC) Gas 8on ea stake MW 24. Expung 25. Bury 26. Safe: thief's slang 2 27. Raises GA 28, Female sheep 29. Sutures 4 30, Exclama- tion 31, Poetic 40, Sand wee 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, September 2, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) West dealer. Easi-West vulnerable. @K43 eKQ7 o¢--- &AKI10732 WEST EAST 31087 4Q Shoes 91054 o6432 @AQI985S 4 4995 SOUTH A9652 9s62 $K107 86 The bidding: West North East South Pass 1h 1@ 16@ 2¢@ "hd 4@ Pass Opening lead -- six of dia- monds. You never know in a team of four match whether some op- tional bid or play you make, or are about to make, will turn out well or badly, and to this ex- tent it can be said there is a lot of luck even in duplicate bridge. Foi example, take this hand played in the match between Italy and Great Britain in 1962. With Rose and Gardener North- South for Britain, the bidding weni as shown. The Italian West led a diamond and Gard- ener wound up going down one -- 50 points. Gardener could not have made the hand, even if he had seen the East-West cards, but he had passed up the oppor- tunity to double four diamonds, which would have gone down at least two -- 500 points -- with norma! play, Probably Garden- er should have doubled but, if he had, it is by no means cer- tain that North would have passed So Belladonna and Avarelli, who were East-West, avoided a catastrophe partly because Gardener failed to take advan- tage of a golden opportunity. Like all true champions, the Italians for many years have displayed the knack of squirm- ing out of trouble when they seem hopelessly trapped. The British team suffered another setback on the hand when Rose - Gardener's team- mates at the second table per- mitted the Italian pair sitting North-South to make five clubs, which they had bid. As the cards were divided, North would normally lose a spade, a heart and a trump for down one. But when the British East chose the ace of diamonds as his opening lead, declarer ruffed and was able to discard a space on the king of diamonds to bring home the contract and score a net gain of 450 points for Italy. So if you want to know how championships are won, here is a good example of how the deed is done. You have to be lucky, that's all! SPORT BRIEFS GETS PRIZE CATCH CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) -- An 855-pound tuna was caught Friday off the Prince Edward Island coast about 70 miles east of here. by Bruce Oland of Halk fax It was believed the firs tuna ever caught by a sports fisherman off P.E.I. COPS SAILING WIN MONTREAL (CP) -- John Dane of New Orleans clinched the North American junior sail- ing championships to win the Sears Cup Thursday, defeating his nearest rival by 1% points aftet winning the eight and mae y Race 4--Andy Griffith 3--Good Morning 11:30 A.M, 1l--Marriage Conti YOUR HEALTH 9--Mr. and "Mrs, 7--Family Game §#-2--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke 2-Ed Allen Time 12 NOON H--Little People %--Toronto Teday 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Movie 3-6--Luncheon Date News, Weather, Sports 12:30 P.M, 1i--Photo Finish 8--Eye Guess 12-3--News, Weather, ports 4-6--Search for Temorrew 2--Merv Griffin 12:45 P.M, 46--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, 11--Mike Douglas 9--Movie &--Dialing for Dollars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive 6-12--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 1:30 P.M, 11--Movie &--Let's Make A Deal 44--As the World Turns 3--Movie 2:00 P.M. 12--Ed Allen Time 7--Newlywed Game 6--Cuisine 4--Password 24--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M. 12--Summer Scene 1l--Perry Mavon 9--Voyageur Pageant J--Dream Gir! 6--Coronation Street 4--House Party 3:30 P.M. 11--Bullwinkle 3-4-6-12--Edge ot Night 4--Secret Storm 2--Mike Douglas Total Food Intake Governs Reducing By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD salad dressing, peanut butter|Short of the National League and shortening materials. Con-jrecord set by Cincinnati Reds siderable fat can be hidden in|in 1912 and tied by Philadelphia meat quite aside from the visi-|Phils in 1946. ble layers of fat, Dear Dr. Molner: I carefully count carbohydrates (rather than calories) and know exactly how much I am eating. I do not nibble between meals or while preparing meals. I suffer from hypoglycemia so the doctor has me on a high-protein, no-sugar diet. Still I cannot lose weight as most people do by keeping the carbohydrate count to 60. I lose slowly at 20 to 25, but gain a pound a day at 70, If I ask for a metabolism test can the doctor adjust my metabolism if it is out of kilter, or do I have to spend the rest of my life starving? I am only 0. I even exercise 15 to 20 min- utes a day and walk a mile or more daily. Is there any hope for me?--Mrs. J. S. N. You are correct in restricting carbohydrate to control the hypoglycemia (about emphasiz- ing protein is proper for this). 24--Doctors 3:00 P.M. NEGLECTING THINGS PBR te Seles aaa But you may be neflecting a $-4-12--Take 20 couple of very important points $4--Anether Werld so far as reducing is concerned. ieee You may know how much car- bohydrate you are eating, but that doesn't' mean that you 7-<Commander. Tom know how much you are eating 2-8--You Don't Say in total food intake. And if you 4:00 P.M, can't lose weight, you are 1)--Super Heroes either eating more than. you Hs Phas of need or exercising too little. You do not. mention your fat 3-612--Communieste intake--yet fat produces twice so meat fina! race of the competition. Second was Peter Warren of Marblehead, Mass, GRAHAM SOLD CHICAGO (AP)--New York Mets purchased right-hander Bill Graham from Toledo of the International League Thursday for an undisclosed sum. Gra- ham. 12-6 with Toledo this year, is the 23rd pitcher to be on the Mets' roster this year--one DONALD DUCK BLONDIE UENRY JULIET JONES vs Ce ee ee aa | 1] 30. or just going through motions? |Easy bending and arm-waving|ure. won't accomplish much--but up a hard sweat will do some an hour, will burn up some cal- should be as lean as possible and not cooked by frying. You need some- carbohydrate for proper nutrition, but you can obtain this from fruits and vegetables. Some also is derived from meat, since pro- tein from this source slowly converted to carbohydrate. I think you should analyze your diet more carefully with your doctor or a dietitian. Metabolism test? That's in order, If your metabolism is below normal it can be correct- ed with helpful results. But if it is normal, you must look else- where for the answer to your weight. NOT ENOUGH Finally, your last paragraph| | may be very significant, Walk- ing a mile.a day and exercising QUEENIE "Something the young would like to hear? Gypsy music? ... 2 waltz? ... the story of my life? ..." lady 15 or 20 minutes isn't what I would' call a very strenuous| walking four times as far, and program for a young woman of/do both as brickly as you can. I have no doubt that you will huff Is that exercise really hard,jand puff at first, but your wind exercising hard enough to. work good, A daily walk' of say four will get better. So will your fig- Dear Dr. Molner: What is rutin and what is it used for?-- Rutin is a substance obtained miles, at the rate of four miles|from buckwheat which tends to decrease the permeability of 4:30 PM, as many calories as either car-jories, while a stroll of a mile|small blood vessels. Hence it is \1--Fireball XLS" bohydrate or protein. Primej|won't do much for you. used in instances in which there oe scar sources of fat, besides the fat in| If I were you, I would start|is a tendency te hemorrhage, 3-46J2-Goll, Tournamentimeat, are whole milk, cream,sexercising twice as much and as in the eye. ' LZ eA prs \ MICKEY MOUSE 'MUGGS AND SKEETER

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