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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1967, p. 25

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, srday, September 2, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER Record-Holder in Masters' vidual Championship Play) st dealer. si-West vulnerable. K43 $Ka7 o---- &AKI10732 WEST EAST 11087 42 1983 91054 5432 @AQI985 &Q95 SOUTH @A9652 ws62 $K107 86 South s lh 1¢ 1@ - 8 4@ ~~ Pass s 4m ening lead -- six of dia- J Is u never know in a team ur match whether some op- | bid or play you make, or bout to make, will turn out or badly, and to this ex- it can be said there is a f luck even. in duplicate e. | example, take this hand d in the match between ane Great Britain in 1962. Rose and Gardener North- } for Britain, the bidding as shown. The Italian led a diamond and Gard- wound up going down one points. rdener could not have the hand, even if he had the East-West cards, but ad passed up the oppor- y to double four diamonds, 3 would have gone down at two -- 500 points -- with a! play. Probably Garden- ould have doubled but, if ad, it is by no means cer- that North would have 0 Belladonna and Avarelli, were East-West, avoided a trophe partly because ener failed to take advan- of a golden opportunity. all true champions, the ns for many years have ayed the knack of squirm- ut of trouble when they hopelessly trapped. é British team suffered er setback on the hand Rose - Gardener's team- s at the second table per- d the Italian pair sitting South to make five clubs, | they had bid. the cards were divided, » would normally lose a , @ heart and a trump for one. But when the British chose the ace of diamonds is opening lead, declarer 1 and was able to discard ce on the king of diamonds ing home the contract and a net gain of 450 points aly. if you want to know how pionships are won, here is d example of how the deed ne. You have to be lucky, all! PORT BRIEFS GETS PRIZE CATCH ARLOTTETOWN (CP) -- 5-pound tuna was caught y off the Prince Edward 1 coast about 70 miles east re- by Bruce Oland of Halé It was believed the first ever caught by a sports man off P.E.I. COPS SAILING WIN NTREAL (CP) -- John ef New Orleans clinched orth American junior sail- hampionships to win the Cup Thursday, defeating earest rival by 134 points winning the eight and race of the competition. d_ was Peter Warren of lehead, Mass, GRAHAM SOLD CAGO (AP)--New York 8 purchased right-hander raham from Toledo of the ational League Thursday n undisclosed sum. Gra- 12-6 with Toledo this year, 23rd pitcher to be on the roster this year--one of the National League 1 set by Cincinnati Reds 2 and tied by Philadelphia in 1946. QUEENIE ic? 2. @ waltz? ... the story of my life? o.." ig four times as far, and h as brickly as you can. I 10 doubt that you will huff uff at first, but your wind et better. So will your fig- r Dr. Molner: What is and what is it used for?-- n is a substance obtained buckwheat which tends to ise the permeability of blood vessels. Hence it is n instances in which there tendency to hemorrhage, the eye. ' 'MUGGS AND SKEETER DONALD DUCK WENRY NUBBIN JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE E ME SOON... IMISs you! 'Distributed by Kiag Festares Syndicate. TOME BACK ANDY] +BY MISTAKE T GAVE HIM MY o+-HE ASKED ME FOR TRANQUILIZERS! SOME ASPIRIN, BUT. BUZ SAWYER T Listen LEOPARDS COUGH! THERE! I TELL YoU, KLEY, SHE'S BEGINNING TO GET BACK HER MEMORY. HOW ELSE WOULD SHE IDENTIFY THOSE NIGHT THE OSHAWA TIMES, 25 Saturday, September 2, 1967 By B. JAY BECKER | (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) BUT I WOULDN'T BE T0O OPTWISTIC, SAWYER, THE QUESTION 15, WILL SHE REMEMBER YOU? SOUNDS... AND THE TUNE I WAS PLAYING? FAMOUS HANDS South dealer. Both sides vulnerable, NORTH ) KITS?) SLOBBOVIA IS TAKING 3OYIRRS {| Z) TO DEWELOP ENOUGH FAT FAT TO LARGE SELECTION OF '67 MODELS IN OUR LAST ALLOTMENT PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, VAUXHALLS, G.M.C. TRUCKS 7 NUBBIN/ STRAIGHTEN UP YOUR ROOM/ MY ROOMS ALL STRAIGHT, MOM / © King Feananes Syndisate. tne. 1967, Wedd sights vemerved. Y 1t'6 ALL THis OTHER STUFF q Q3 ry i Pan SECRET AGENT X9 Johnny Ace i Start down road, then... SHORTAGE OF GOOD USED CARS he CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. TELEVISION LOG | Channel 2--Buffalo Channel 3--Barrie Channet 4--Buffalo Channel 6--Toronto Channel 7--Buffalo Channel &--Rochester Channel 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M, V1--Laredo t--Superman 5:30 P.M, @--McHale's Navy 7--News 2--Of Lands and Seas Gres "THE MAN" HAS BEEN WARNED BY A DOCTOR THAT HIS ONLY HOPE FOR SURVIVAL IS MODERATION, =. ANO I CAN DO THE 100 IN TEN FLAT -- WiTH NO SWEAT! RELAX. YOUR}, PAL THE DOCTOR SPECIALIZES IN CALAMITIES, EVE, BELIEVE ME. aid until Phil and Cheryl the winding Alpine __ 10:30 P.M, | 12-T.H.e. cat 9--Cheaters N D. 6--N.Y.P. 3--Rat Patrol 11:00 P.M, 2-3-4-7-9-11-12--News, Weather and Sports 1.10 PLM. l--Pierre Berton 11.20 P.M, 6--Viewpoint 11:25 P.M, é--News weather, and ports 4--Greatest Headlines 11:30 P.M, 7--Movie 4--Movie 2-8---Johnny Carson 11.35 P.M, 3--Alfred Hitchcock KINDA CRUDE, ISN'T ITP )= 9--Mr, and Mrs, 7--Family Game 2-4--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke Shew 3--Ed Allen Time 12 NOON li--Little People 9--Toronto Today 3-6--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, 12:30 P.M, 11--Phofo Finish 8--Eye Guess &4--Search tor Tomorrow \2-3--News, Weather, 2--Merv Griffin 12:45 P.M. 64--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, 11--Mike Douglas 9--Movie axkise5s2 i : $k ott" «| [| wHATS GOLD Got To Do with THAT | [see THAT FELLOW YONDER, oEQTCS TWELVE-POUNDER CANNON YOU J | BILLY... NEAR THE LIGHT? =m our re /nEAR WHAT 1 50Y, BILLY ONE SHOTS WERE TALKIN' ABOUT 2 arn ar' hess s-- GOLD.....LOTS OF GOLD! i -IBS aos SA 33 Zxqsosss 7 43 Fe died SOUTH a 49107 @AIS2 q @A1093 tat A110 a The badings South West North East ee Craw. Ricct Becker Chiaraai fora dia 16 Pass 14 int Pass 2 3d Paso = = 3@ Pass 4@ Pass RIGHT, Y YOU-sHivERIr-SAD IT/7=1N 49 Pass 6@ BUT WITH WEIGHT AND POWER ON HIS This hannd was played in the ¥ i match between Italy and the 4| |United States i . SIDE, THAT'S GOING i ' in 1951. The jes) Yager Italians lost to the Americans that year, and also lost their match against the United States during the world Olympiad in 1960, but they have taken the measure of the American teams on each of the other ten oc- casions when they have clashed throughouth the years. Although the Italians lost de- cisively in Naples in 1951, they had many good hands to show for their efforts. In this one, for lexample, they gained a cool 11,470 points. The bidding at the first table | went as shown. Chiaradia's no- |trump overcall, as he and Ricci | were inclined to play this bid, jindicated a long suit, presum- ably in either hearts or clubs, Crawford and I sitting North and South, then arrived at six diamonds in the manner shown. Ricci, having listened carefully to the bidding, led the ace and another spade, the result being |that the vulnerable slam quick- |\ly went down one, Six spades, jas the cards happened to lie, could have been made. At the second table where the other Italian pair had the contract also was six diamonds, However, they succeeded in make ing the slam. The bidding went: North East . Fore Raped man quet Pass 2 Pass mis Pass Pass SMART TIME TO TRADE NO '68 PRICES AVAILABLE YET -- 4 Pass Pass 6 4 The Italians then as now, were inclined to bid their short- er suit first in order to identify 'la good hand, which accounts for Forquet's response of two diamonds, ) The effect of all this was that North became declarer at six di ds instead of South. With 6:00 P.M. @--How's Business 1.40 &--Dialing for Dollars East on lead, the slam could 1 Movie (srl een sae arene not be defeated. Forqute-Sinis- voa 6--Movie 6-12--Luncheon_ Date calco scored 1,370 points for a ; 4--Weather, Sports 1145 PLM, coe Millers nice Italian gain. News 12--Movie mre q 3-On Safari 10 A.M, 1:38 P.M. ; 6:30 P.M. diene Seer tne World Turns Hf ms re y sM. én s 1e i poem ne foe eat Tors Declines chews :00 P.M. f 3-6-9--News, Weather, TUESDAY lee Ae pH s i aptly 8:00 A.M. é--Pen Americana g tan | ent ie | RE i _ , Ny 300 P.M, 230 A.M, ? bey 9--Uhiversty of the Ale 2:30 P.M, By BOB THOMAS ry BR aa 8:55 A.M. 12--Summer Scene PRL 7--Dialing For Dollars, | 11--Perry Mason HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- He . Virginia Graham 9--People in Conflict scarcely fits the Walt Disney a--Fall Program sie ie rie Scearention street image, being stocky, goateed I WASN'T PEELING 2.4--Baseball soe. preers Phir ic gtd and gale soma » Aron WORRIED -- I WAS Romper Room inevitable question inter- FEELING STUPID. L clwmie een pa tc hand a8 Ee views, he sented: GETTING DresseD. pip Be A aT Fea "No, I don't want to be the . iiligan': --Donni d 'y WITHOUT MY $612-Singalong Jubilee ; "Cartoon Playhouse | Goren epee YOUR HEALTH second Halt Disney. T want to NITROGLYCERI --Gloria -6-12--Tak e the first Ivan Tors, peactically Pro 'Football Sey Vatatne Ca oa Yet the comparison remains, pac {Children's Musical toes hie (--News ae and almost every week brings : 10:00 A.M, 3:30 P.M, Ov d Of M d & "]announcement of a new project BEET Mcgee Movie 11--Bullwinkle erdose eaicine that makes it appear that Ivan 7--Something's Coming 9--Uncle Bobby 9--It's Your Move T is destined ttract thi rwtin ton | tee cern | Leet | Hae Serious Effect same kind of family. suflence hat ' 4--Candid Camera Pts oni A gre lA AL bacon AM. ore 2 hap bag aS Yerious ects that flocked to the late Disney. neentr :00 P.M. 9:30 P.M, DS Dateline: Hollywoed 11--Super Heroes By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ; Tors' latest venture puts him 7--Peyton Place 4--Beverly Hillbillies 9---1 Love Lucy into the amusement park busi- ee rico sriyi ee oe Dear Dr. Molner: Please} Since you ask specifically|ness, pioneered by Disneyland. 10:60 P.M. bcParemaliy 3-6-12--Communicate write ebout the effects of patent) about anti-histamines, these are|The film producer has an- 4--Coronet Blue J--Honeymoon Race 2--Mike Douglas medicines in larger doses than/used for many kinds of allergic|nounced he will build two large Bie ae ride el eo siete Pie prescribed; whether, it could|troubles but they also tend tolattractions, called Animal King- 7--Big Valley 11:30 A.M, 9--Movie affect someone's jeden eet & person and make himjdom, in California and Florida. 10.15 P.M, N--Marriage 4--Truth or Consequences)whils driving, and particularly|sleepy--so much so that the ; a demand for Demeey oecioin pe es Feed eealion Sime >. antihistamines <1... janti-histamines are used in Pg gg le that I If you'll alter the question tojsome sleeping pills. Therefore,| have been forced to get into the CROSSWORD read. "could affect someone's|if oue is going to be driving, be! business, whether I wanted to or ane judgment or alertness," I willjon guard against this medicine,| jot » he says, 'Also, the cost of ACROSS 45. Wheel 20. Brilliant fede a A af ny als answer with a flat "yes." : especially be wary of any over- keeping animals has become so priv aNe Herd musi- fielelemmifeleiie) | The drugs in patent medi-/dose. great that I have to find ways 6.Cutoff 46. Wary 22, Itiner: gM SGMiela} |cines, the ones you can buy in | pon'? MIX THEM of offsetting it." "from "DOWN aries: | MREIeIbattsiiey {drug store without a prescrip) Moi certainly do not use| The Florida Animal Kingdom entrance 1. Resort abbr. _[e/alalsleM™lnitfela] |tion, are ones which are rela-| medicines and take any alcohol.|will be located on 4,000 acres 11. Rains 2.Confuse 23. Exca- FEMI tively harmless if limited to the/The rule of don't drink and|Tors owns at Palm Beach Gar- heavily 3. Car vate [SIAM TBIE MOT? amounts specified on the con-!qriye is sufficiently well-known|dens. The California location is 12. Harden 4. Fix, as 24. Ever- Tt TIT MENIAlY) tainer, : ; ,,/-- and immoderately violated --)yet to be selected. : 13. Poker dinner green ELON 2 I say "relatively harmless," /byt remember that alcohol can| The plan is to allow the ani- stake 5. Plural shrub MEMS |because there is always thelintensify the effect of drugs to|mals to roam as freely as pos- 14, Occur- ending 25.Court Saturday's Answer risk of an idiosyncracy, OF, yery dangerous extent. sible and humans would be per- i rences ' Different session 38. at being more than averagely sen- mitted to drive soot ee - j 15. Dandy - Foe 28. Rub nobleman --_jsitive tv a certain drug, or per-| Dear Dr. Molner: One hears|their own cars or safa icks. ; fas i ea - inser Ye, ve sided be peed haps a drug taken under cer-/of the bad effects of smoking H all a 4 tain circumstances. but nothing is said of the effect GOT THERE FIRST i: 17, Therough- Belences: -. 86, Caatter, $7: By There is also the risk, and of chewing tobacco. I: know a i fare: abbr. 10, Pause 34. Calendar inflamma- ' Russians, under the leader- i ifi ' i . {probably a much larger one,/iot of men who have switched]; ' 18. Personifi- 14, Paradise abbreviae tion that erson may take a vari- t lelship of Vitus Bering, began j cationof 18, He had an tion 44. Dutch at © p M dici throm smoking to chewing.\.,nioring Alaskan. waters in --} light: Irish Rose 35. Sole meter ety of patent medicines with) would you comment?--Mrs. T.|179 i Polyn. the total effect adding up to/p, i 19. (72 73 [4 [5 6 [7 {8 |7 |!0-1 limpaired driving ability when} 'Chewing eliminates the ° Brundage 7 7 . +4 | just one might not. .,. ..|Smoke--and its toxic and irri- QUEENIE 21. Speaking Last May I read an article in}tant ¢ffects-- but it still leaves ee bLae dey 3 4 Motcr Trend magazine quoting|the toxic effects of nicotine. Scottish Dr. Abraham J. Mirkin, who|Thys chewing apparently elimi- accent Zs yi Y 17 was chairman of the American|nates the risks of lung cancer 23. Speck ' Medice] Association's Commit-|and respiratory troubles, but it og Bog 18 17 [20 tee on Medical Aspects of Auto-|doe; not eliminate such poten- 29. Wynn and Li motive Safety, that "There is|tial harm as may. involve circu- " laenicaa a1 a 42> |*4 [25 | |no question in my mind but|jation and stomach irritation, 30. Songbird that any drug used by physi- 32. Flat- oP 27 |78 cian or patient to alter the) pear Dr. Molner: Is it possi- bottomed paties.t's physiology will impair) pje to be allergic to cold weath- boats 2 sea abilty te drive." ' er? Every time I go out in cold 33. Exist A 33 And, of course, that is what weather, any portion of my 34. Thus drugs are for--to alter the phy-| body that is exposed or gets 36, Man's Arm ET) 3 WaT 136 siology. The question is: How cold turns red and itches--Mrs. nickname much alteration? 1H.S, 4G aoe 39 qo 7 q2 It is we entirely a matter of} Yes, one can bd Reeves to j judgment, although that is|cold, but I doubt that much can) , do I know they're a poe 43 4H involved in some instances. Will) be done except' to protect your- = planet? Well--one of peach ctird the patient become sleepy? Will|self against the weather. Some- them asked me if I was 6 girl 44, Wading 45 4 his reactions be slower? Will/times anti-histamines taken Or & boyeed? ird - his vision become blurred? before exposure.may help, - :

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