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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1967, p. 26

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26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 2, 1907 LIBRARY NEWS, REVIEWS Assassin Tries To Mystery Surrounding Girl The following reviews were |lems. Walters becomes involved written by Miss Maxine jin the domestic life of Jim Wray, who has been working /Orloff, the head of the com- in the adult services depart- | pany to whom he is delivering ment during the summer ithe aircraft. He jeopardizes his and is in third year Maths {career to help Orloff's 11-year- and Physics at Queen's Uni- jold son who is being trained by versity. |his father to take over the fam- The Twilight Man, by Frank/ily business. Gruber, is a novel of suspense} His involvement with the guaranteed to. invoke the read-|Orloff family is linked to the er's attention from beginning|problems in his own life and to end. The story begins with|he realizes that he may have to the arrival of a teen-age girl at] 'change directions and. move the home of Jim Rand, whojon to a new course." | lives alone in an isolated shack| One Way Street, by A. T. in the California desert, waiting|Holmsen. This is the first novel for his death. He does not be-|of a native New Yorker who lieve any of the many stories spent four years working on she tells him, but she arouses|Wall Street, where the story his curiosity and when he real-/takes place. izes that she is in trouble he Stephen Marlowe is a custo- wants to help her. mer's man in a Wall Street He follows her all the way investment house. He is only from California to New York./putting in time until he re- In the course of events Rand |ceives his inheritance and can uncovers secrets in his own!go to Europe to write a novel. past and begins to speculate|One day he decided to invest} about his future. Since Rand/his entire fortune and there fol- used to be a professional assas-|lowed a period of. speculation sin, he is able to use his skills|and suspense with the near col- to great advantage as_ he/lapse of the stock market. searches to uncover the mys-| The author has conveyed the tery surrounding this strange|excitement and bustle of the 'girl. jday-to-day happenings on Wall The Fifth Point of the Com- Street to make this an exciting pass, by Miles Tripp. David'and fast-moving story. Walters is delivering a new air- craft to a Canadian airline, an NEWS assignment he didn't really Miss Ruth Brooking, assis. 'want because of personal prob-'tant chief librarian, attended | Ten-agers Heap Praise -- On Youth Travel Program By ELINOR READING | Gilles Ouimet, 16, said: EDMONTON (CP)--"I think "We are walking down the; it's the best thing there is to! street and someone stopped and knit Canada together as acoun-said: 'Can I take you try," said one of the 24 Mont-)somewhere?'"' real teens. "We were received with red He meant the federal-provin- carpet and bagpipes," said| cial youth travel program, a) Father Tetrault. | joint ffort to send 4,800 young) The students made their own Canadians on two-week <enten-|rule on the train: Those who nial visits across the country. (were French would speak Eng- This was group No. 76,'lish and the three English- returning to Montreal withhispeaking would use only leaders Rev. Claude Tetrauit/French. But their conversation and Sister Claire Richer. The 12, bounced back and _ forth boys and 12 girls, aged 16 to 19,/ between the two languages. | had made brief tours of Ottawa). In Yellowknife their hosts/ and Edmonton and spent ajtried to use French as much as! week with families in Yellow-| possible. | | |and Russian, for the meetings.|Britain and America have pro- Low Budget ston Film Vigor By BOB THOMAS i LONDON (AP)--The vigor of the International Federation of the English film has resulted Library Associations, held for from development of what has the first time in North Amer-|been called--for lack of a better ica, at Victoria University, Te tetm--the "little picture." ronto, Aug. 15-20. More than| The "'little picture" is made 300 delegates were present/for little money -- usually less from most of the European|than $1,000,000, sometimes half countries, including the United|that amount. The leading play- Kingdom, France, Germany,|ers are often little known, USSR, the Netherlands, Scan-| The subject matter is often dinavia, Brazil, Tokyo, the|daring or far-out, and the direc- U.S.A. and Canada. The Na-jtion and performances display tional Library of Canada pro-|imagination and or an adter- vided simultaneous translation|ence to reality. The increasingly in English, French, German {sophisticated film audiences of There will be a new book-|Vided big profits for the little mobile stop at Beau Valley|Pictures that succeed. Having School, Ritson Road North and|been stung by foreign - made Marigold, beginning Tuesday,|¢Pics that scarcely broke even, Sept. 5 and Sept. 19, 5.30 p.m. American film companies are to.8 p.m. Parking off Ritson|investing in more and more lit- Road North. ile pictures. Universal believes that Mich- ael Winner is just what his name implies. The company backed the young producer-di- rector in The Jokers? about two brothers who try to steal the crown jewels from the Tower of London, Winner has strong views about studios. "They're a thing of the past --absolutely worthless," says he. "Oh, perhaps you might build |sets for historical interiors that you couldn't fihd elsewhere. Oih- erwise it is pointless to shoot scenes against cardboard back- grounds. Such rubbish! LACKS TRADITION His argun-ent goes counter to traditional Hollywood thinking, which argues that greater qual- ity can be achieved under the controlled conditions inside a : ss? OA 8 t MEDAL WINNER yo Forbes is a veteran of A 10 - year + old Oshawa (the little picture--The L-Shaped girl has won a Centennial |R0om, Seance on a Wet After- medal in the 10 - year - noon--but has also gone the old class in piano competi- |TOUte of the big Hollywood pro- tions held at the Canadian | duction--King Rat. He prefers to National Exhibition this |think little. year. She obtained a mark | 'The trouble with King Rat of 87. Paula D. Seed, 10, | was that the picture had to as- 477 Rossland Rd. W., the (sume the studio overhead daughter of Mr. and Mrs. |charges, which came to $800,- E. B. Seed, also obtained 000." says Forbes. "If it hasn't second place in the recent | been for the overhead, the film Peterborough Kiwanis Mus- | might have turned a profit." ic Festical, and first class Last year the director re- | | Often Means honors in her grade six Roy- | turned to the little picture, turn- al Conservatory of Music (ing out The Whisperers with examinations. iDame Edith Evans for $400,000. DON'T MISS THESE EXCITING TUESDAY farly. Bind. Specials On Sale at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday for 1 hour only (if quantities last) : PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Store Closed Monday, Sept. 4th (Labour Day) Re-open Tuesday, Sept. 5th at 9:30 a.m. Usually Much Higher Priced ! Women's Packaged Slippers Comfortable little slip-ons! Great for relaxing around the house ... Assorted colours of pink, blue, yellow, green, white. Made of fabric in assorted slings and pumps with a plastic ie case for convenience. Sizes small, medium and large SVEWIAM, PON. ieee ices aeereeiae weak SHOES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 2 Children's Shoes Back-to-school deal! For dress or school . . . oxfords, straps and loafers, Sizes 8Y2 to 4. . . colours black, red, brown and white . .. not every size and colour in the group. 2 ae BREW ay, OO. Seen os crt te ae coeee.. Se SHOES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 238 Women's Handkerchiefs Reg. .79! Fine Swiss lawn handkerchiefs with dainty corner motif of lace trim. White with assorted colour trims. : ] DOIN U6 ga ede se Saad gee ane 2 GLOVES AND ACCESSORIES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 202 knife, capital of the Northwest, 'Tout le monde--everybody | Territories. |--speaks a little bit," said They brought back bead/Louis Demers, 16. 'Bonjour! necklaces and mukluks given/and merci." them by Indians at Fort Rae,| "They made an effort to subscriptions to the weekly learn," said Howard. News of the North, crests of the; "It's a good thing for us, N.W.T., maps, books, centen-| because now we've spoken Eng-) nia] pins and "about 10 pounds |lish for two weeks," said Chan-| of rock"--lead and zinc ore/tal Lafortun, 17. | samples from the Pine Point USE THE DANCES Srining Operation, 200 malles| At Fort Rae, where the Do oe lerib Indians held a feast in| ASK ABOUT INDIANS |their honor, they "communi-| They asked about Alberia's|cated by the dances." | industries, quoted discussions in} Father Tetrault said they all, Yellowknife about northern/danced, not only Indian dances problems and wanted to know but modern ones. more about Canada's Indian) The long northern daylight policies. was the only hazard. Some of "I think it's one of the best/the visitors talked all night with places we could have gone,"|their Yellowknife families. said Howard Schneidermann,' 'We began to party at two in & | 18. "One would imagine them/the morning, when the sun to be isolated up there, butirose," said Gilles. their news is very swift and! 'After a week we began to accurate. I think they're more|know where to go and when to news-conscious than we are." go," said Fathr Tetrault. "It's too short," said Barry| Grannary, 17. But 'better. to! include their hosts in sight-| ranc es ut seeing tours instead of spending' h Minnesota Theatre Company is group from Grand Forks, B.C.. branching out, something new) soe, to Montreatdnd Expo. "there's something wrong with er. "Only--you see it once, and us." never again." The leading Automotive exhaust | system suppliers in Canada have || an. excellent record for steady em-_ || ployment. Increased business demands addi- tional experienced staff in the fol- lowing areas. Time Study Production Foremen Production Control Supervisors If you are interested in joining an expanding company, mail in con- fidence full details of age, educa- tion, marital status and experience to: E. Mcintyre, GALT METAL INDUSTRIES | LIMITED | 385 Dundas Street, Galt, Ontario. "All through Western Canada\"After a week everybody was people are more friendly," said speaking English and began to Brian Burton, 16 let it flow. Then we had to go jback." See know 'one place well than a lot/ Slightly."' | Others said they wanted "'to| meet people more' and to their days within their own By WILLIAM GLOVER weak nis al : hey will take their own turn MINNEAPOLIS (AP)--The'as hosts Aug. 17-24 when a in regional repertory. "We'll go everywhere they "Tf we can't do what we wantigo," said Chantal. to," says Peter Zeisler, the sat-' "It's an experience that ever-| urnine managing director, yone should have," said anoth- | In the boldest bid at easing ~~ the civic rivalry of Minneapolis and St. Paul since major league baseball created the Twins, the drama troupe hopes to multiply Look to its audience by dividing its attention between the two cit: | MAJOR POOL les. Now at the midway point of its fifth--and perhaps most prosperous--season of residen- cy in the bizarre-faced Tyrone Guthrie Theatre here, MTC is setting up a second home on the other side of the Mississippi River. Management foresees both | business and artistic gains. But in an ere of fiscal complexity, each segment is a separate, distinct operation. "The budgets have to be kept separate because you simply cannot expect one theatre to} pick up a possible deficit for the other,"' says Zeisler. Similarly, there is to be no| overlapping of productions. The | five shows being displayed this | summer at the Guthrie will be} shelved and three brand new exhibits staged when the play-| ers open their stand Dec. 26 in| the Crawford-Livingston Thea- | re in St. Paul's three-year-old Centre of Arts and Sciences. An important consideration in} picking plays is the fact that the Guthrie is twice as large as) TROPICANA oF division of Major Pool Equip. Corp. (Can.) the theatre across the river,| where dramas requirin '| Ltd. Call BRUCE CAVERLY. { EQUIPMENT Corp. (Can.) Ltd. For Everything for your Swimming Pool Steel Pool Kits All Steel Pools Block Pool Kits Aqualock Domes Aqualock Covers Multiport Valves Above Ground Pools Sand Filters Diatomite Filters Aluminum Coping Vocuumatie Skimmer @eeeeeeeeee All Pool Accessories and Pool Maintenance Low Cost No Down Payment FINANCING AVAILABLE greater spectator intimacy ure to be displayed. ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE 10 YEAR Installed in 3 Doys for Nominal Charge A )partan STEEL MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT CORP. (canada) LTD. 690 Drake St. Call 728-8609 -- Eveniggs 576-2287 'Peter Pan' Panty Girdle White or skintone Lycra with reinforced tummy and seat panels. Nylon tricot crotch, complete with four detachable garters. Sizes small, medium and large in the group. BPROIAL, CORN ok Or eee Ne 4,50 FOUNDATIONS, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 Clearance of Hand Towels Absorbent cotton terry cloth towels in a wide array of florals and plains. Generous size. Shop early if you want pairs. 9 dsc padceh Qh secud EC Ce Oe ae) SO ue rT y BEDDINGS AND LINENS, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 236 Clearance of Tea Towels Absorbent cotton terry towels make quick work of dish drying. Blue, yellow or green check pattern on white background. SPECIAL, ...........5...0.5.5 6 a 1.94 BEDDING AND LINENS, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 936 Special Purchase ! Cotton Pillow Cases Imported cotton cases for home or the cottage. Generous size. Blue, yellow or pink stripes on white. SPECIAL, peir ...... 2.50... PC COE ee 99 BEDDING AND LINENS, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 936 Girls' Lined Slims Fine wale corduroy slims with a cosy lining for cool Fall days. Colours of red or royal blue in sizes 6 and 6x only. 1 ? SPEGIBL. OBEN ik oo ha esaee 8 9 CHILDREN'S WEAR, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 Girls' Cotton T-Shirts Y Price Clearance . . . Reg. 3.98! Crisp plain and gay prints! Lightweight cotton knit T-shirts in assorted styles and colours. Sizes 8 to 14 in the group. SreUn, OO Ge ee 1.99 GIRLS' WEAR, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 211 Men's and Young Men's Socks Substandard The finishing touch to a gentlemen's attire! Knee length socks; assorted colours and sizes in the group. Easy-care oi 4 «+ washable. SPECIAL OnE oe for Ea § MEN'S FURNISHINGS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 728 * Earthenware Mugs Reg. 1.25 ! 'Stavanger Flint' mugs imported from Norway. A wise choice for coffee, tea or even soup. Excellent for the cottage or home. 79 SPECIAL, NEN ee a ae 8 CHINAWARE, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 252 Women's Scarf and Glove Sets Reg. 1.95! Nylon scarf with matching stretch nylon gloves. One size stretches to fit all sizes, Colours of black, white, brown or gold- colour in the group. 7 SPECIAL, eet. -*. c4.0%..5. poise eos We Wk cone eee s GLOVES AND ACCESSORIES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 901 VY Price Clearance ! Women's Belts Reg. .50 to 3.00! Choose from a wide range of leathers and plastics' in various widths and styles. Colours of brown, navy blue, beige or black. Sizes 24 to 30 in the group. SPECIAL, each .....:....... mre rare ees . 25 " 1.50 GLOVES AND ACCESSORIES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 202 Women's Nylon Tricot Petticoats Manufacturer's Clearance of Much Higher Priced Lines ! Soft pink or beige tricot with delicate lace trim. Waist sizes 24 to 30 in the group. SPECIAL, OHEN fo. is eich eres. s saad ae LINGERIE, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 209 Hair Brush and Comb Set Attractive blue plastic comb and brush handle with nylon bristles. A handy set for travelling. 99 BURR COR ye eke cs peas . DRUGS AND COSMETICS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 'Miracle' Cologne A delicate fragrance from Lentheric. Attractively bottled. Ap- prox. 134-o0z. size. SPECIAL, each ......... Ce EE SO DRUGS AND COSMETICS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 312 Toilet Water by Shulton Early American Old Spice scent has a spicy fragrance, Approx. 32-02. bottle. for SPECIAL, ..... dele paceyaae oe 1.35 DRUGS AND COSMETICS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 312 Men's and Young Men's Sport Shirts Reg. 6.00 ! Great for '67! Our own Maple Leaf tartan in rich textured, skillfully woven soft cotton: Short sleeve with one breast Pocket . . . neatly tailored for a good fit. SPECIAL, each 2.99 MEN'S FURNISHINGS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 428 "Men's and Young Men's Windbreakers Regularly 3.99 Comfortable spring jacket ! Lightweight cotton poplin with front zipper closing and two side pockets . . . button at the wrist for better fit. Available in sizes Small, Medium Large and X-Large. Colours . . . light blue and tan. : e SPECIAL, WOOh 8. oa ; 2 a] MEN'S FURNISHINGS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 728 CAINS in the Oshawa Shopping Centre ¢ VOL. 26--K PI JOHN CLAY' the Oshawa Gr taken for a ro unidentified Ne OSHAWA GRI goalie Merv M crouches to | taken by New \ 54 M In Sk DA NANG (Reé Vietnamese regul U.S. marines and a savage battle | which ended ear American spokesr He said the mar North Vietnamese 25 in fighting wh 15 heurs through and scrub-covere miles south of th can coastal base. At least six -m¢ were killed and ; other action in th NEGOTIA) Stri DETR( company with sco and litt! resulve | United the For averted. Negoti Bain'ng rent cot night We Walter resid is Ft employe the job

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