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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1967, p. 7

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predict that the answer to nner who seta. record.in Miss Greene,. of Rossland, THE NEW APPROACH. this will be the introduction of |Bostor Marathon Apil 19, 1926,|B.C , who last year became the|NHL referee. WE HAVE SIX planned by the Department fishing licence in the very lin his first try at the distance, |first Canadian ever to win the| Colville, an Edmonton native, DAISY MAYS will be 7 maenate - agree- pear. future. No tous tare is not expected for the ceremony| world skiing ghamplecshlp,. js - nly rn tian aed ex i ment with private Jandowners will be a great hue and cry t the Sports Hall of Fame . in Chile preparing to defend her $ i ; is Olexiuk picked strips or corridors of land, pecause of this, bit Ugo are | -mecometrore teain captain for six Mine He COME ON IN AND HAVE ONE OF OUR WAITING TO SERVE BD to 50 feet wide, on one or, to expect to have the use of was with them on a line with DAISY MAYS SERVE YOU YOu. on's only other hit, a in the fourth inning, third and deciding game semi-final series will be tonight, at Hamilton a : € : TROP will landowner will still soon get a "new dealin land, He will retain ful'use of |Acetes pers and chest Bey phiccready, now a resident of] tario, As a fot of ss is vod there tote ' a Canpdion: Nationg). exay> Regina when. he won Fl ; ' ion. legislature the Ontario De- system of watering Satiey bet Named to the Hockey Hall of ores. Se ae avail- | periment of tangs and ill nat be able o prevent the, Fame will be Tuek Broda, Neil Lv eg alent eves ee ests wili he able te enter public from in the area' |Golvii'e, Harry Oliver and Red not age mae | into agreement with owners unde. - agree' Further- |Storey. Nancy Greene, Gary © f of and which wg Mote 8 more, the landowner will be |Cowan, Earl McCready and streams running for these permanent | Johnny Miles will their ; them. This is a sweeping ap- agreements and easements to {names listed in the Sports Hall ace to the very poor land. insure continuous access to |of Fame. ] ' er-fisherman (and hunt- the iand by the public, This For the fitst time women will Broda, a native of Brandon, ers) relations which has ex- certainly is a step in the right |pe allowed at the ceremony 60 Man.. who now coaches Lon- ~ for "ee ce years, Angier = Ba long ap ote that Broda's four daughters ey Bite Re ay oe or 8 may attend, the streams have been hail this with pt A delight Lind- Junior A Series, spent 14 aod with 'No Trespassing" signs fe it will mean that oes wrt femeit peg v= in goal for Toronto Maple Leafs j the department has. again the sport of trout fishing (National Hockey League of the National League and ped the streams» will ke enjoyed, refused to attend his induction bags Bees ee sistent because there no public his wife and be faring, 'This 'meeme that the, AG IN ALL, NEW. ap- [Stlaren' wre not sllowed te Storey, one of Canada's great eee meee of trout has . proaches to complex problems |attend, NANCY GREENE oe gre Pere hipaa drastically with ere is the matter of the cost | Aji of the hockey nominees ++. only female named ares Srabdieree in the 1938 DOGPATCH NEVER Cae diminished stream both banks of selected trout streams. Two departments will co to admini the program. The Department 'of Publie Works will, on of administration and this new 4 wram will be no exception. @ private land for fishing use then we must pay for it, After all, a trout stream on private land 15 an asset the same as a field of grain as far as the LNs aaa at TORONTO (CP) & Canadian athletes will be cially named to halls of fame are expe Miles, the Sydney Mines, Bap . {Turk Broda Tops List Halls Of Fame Entries title. Cowan of Kitchener, Ont, jj is defending his United States j . amateur golf championship, Canada Fishermen Best | Grey Cup game, is being hon- ored for his nine years as an Alex and Mac Shibicky when the fangers won the Stanle} Cup in 1940 and the NHL cham- pionthip in 1942. One of the little men of hock-| | ey at 155 pounds, Oliver, a Sel-| BASEBALL STARS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | ies. Battimg---Ken Harrelson, Redjing Boston gue the Chicago three-hitter and!Sox, drove in four runs with aj White Sox 10-2. Pitehing----Woody Fryman, struck out 15 In Pittsburgh's 3-0 victory over HARD TIMES DAY 19° Philadelphi Las THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 2, 1967 rv Phil- na DRAMA DRAWS 7 Attendance at Canadian thea- tres exceeds 1,000,006 a year, = double, triple and homer, lead- HAD IT. SO GOOD Robbie's Highway 2 across from K-Mart LABOR DAY ONLY SEPTEMBER 4th FROM 11 a.m. to 2 am. In International Match WEDGEPORT, N.S. (CP)-- itadium at 8:00 p.m, SRE a hei a ca ee ~~ landowner. is concerned, HERE 'AND THERE: Fish- ing has been Maa over the past. week. Ri Lake pro- duced gome good fishing for Pau. Wysotski who, with his gon, took 10 pickerel in a little recommendation of the De- rtment of Lands 'oresis, negotiate and enter to agrevments, Lands and 'orest will manage the fishery nd du required stream im- ovement work, fencing or ign posting. Efforts will be kirk, Man., native, spent 11 se " ith Boston Bruins of the Final standings: NHL wheel his shooting and Canada swept all Brive g 2 St, Francis Xavier 617, Uni-| sticknandling set him in : class tan Miva co cea re am versity of New Brunswick 575,|by himself. a his 11 years Fe University of Western' Ontario picked up only 24 minutes fishing match that concluded 508, University of Mi: penalties, Friday. setts 353, Dalhousie $22, Japan ; from World [AMENT 's Director will rts over CKLB orld Golf Tourn. 'rade Course in , 2, 3 and 4, D™ | BOYD' So isso Service DON BOYD pen 24 Hours Dolly une-Up Specialists No. 2 & a Rd. Whitby, Ont. Phone 725-7622 TIGER IN YOUR TANK MOSIER et Metal Work {ONE 668-5281 10 Years €: ience e INDUSTRIAL @ COMMERCIAL @ RESIDENTIAL v ving Service fERING SERVICE K RENTALS 103 King St. East RNOLD AVING TARIO LIMITED lity Asphalt Work, and Truck Rentals Pickering 942-6943 fafford thers Ltd, ide to ee individual eas covered by 2. ts much as possible. Ue. tor bod four farm properties a vew.. Or the mere popular streams it will be necessary to buy land to provide for parking. areas on access roads. In still other cases, easements over strips of pri- wate land, to provide access te the fishing areas, may be required. WHEN NEGOTIATING agreements, the province will seek the right to carry out stream improvements, to pro- tect the Jand from erosion by plantwmg trees and. shrubs, to post signs that may be deemed necessary, and to erect fences as required. In the jatter case, certain areas for waterin cattle will be design the ag: nt, over two hours on the yellow Beno ... BILL SEYMOUR of Ajax' and Al §t, John and Bill Melnichuk, of Oghawa, scored well on walleye on the Trent River at Campbellford . CARL SEDORE of Brook- jin took five dandy pickerel on the Mepps and worm at Balsam Lake ... RON TUR- PIN and Cliff McKnight re- port only fair fishing at East and West Lake. respectively .ED POWELL reports Sturg eon Lake as poor . RABBIT SEASON for the townships of Pickering, Reach, Scott, Uxbridge, Whitby and East Whitby is from October 18 to February 28, 1968, Dur- ham County rabbit sea- son starts on September 30 and extends to February 29, 1968 while in Northumberland County the season runs from ber 23 to February 29, IT 18 WELL, to point out that this is not « program to purchase property because the 1968. In remaining local areas the season starts on Septem- ber 1 and extends to February 29, 1968. 'Howard's Three-Hitter -- "Gives Cleaners Title Modern Cleaners. oe softhall lea: ar in the UAW coer ktoat hanes eve- in in a win for 'Modern 'as-@ tossed @ three-hitter in pitcning the win and also had n excellent night at the plate. Ted Whitely ag a perfect, might at the plate for Modern Cleaners as he . had three singles, a double and a home 'run 'in. five times at the plate. ' Howard helped his own cause as he had two homers and a double, "Hootch' Lyon had a tri- ple and a double, Sam Collins a double and a triple, Claude Soilie two singles, with one hit éach going to Jim Strachan, George Vail, Bill Lawson and ¢ Grabco Palaer Cleaners picked w both their runs in the first inn- ing on a double by Wayne Lee factor jeaners eed Wilson's 6-5 at Alexandra Pivapne Goring scattered seven hits in pitching the win for Rus, sell's while Tony Lupel gave uf. 10 hits in faking the loss, Russell's scored what proved to be the winning run in. ther half cf the pe inning. Vaughn Brooks walked and then score on a triple by Bob Good- all to tie the game. Goodall then scored on a field- er's choice by Wayne Goring to give Russell's their sixth and winning run. Jo¢ Tullock led the winners at & late with three singl Eleven teams representing Japan, The United States and Canada participated in the three-day event. Points are awarded on the basis of one point for each pound of fish caught. The combined total score of the five Canadian teams topped that of the five U.S. teams, giv- ing Canada the R, J. Scaefer International Trophy. Fog and wind persisted throughout the three days. Woodview Boys Down Eastview Woodview Park scored 13 runs in the third inning and went on to defeat Eastview 21.7 to take the Neighborhood Parks Tyke Boys' Softball Association championship in two straight games. Woodview Park won the first game 18-11 Tuesday night. Brian Bird fanned sixteen Eastview batters in decid the least. one run, ag they picked Tom White had three hits for the winners, including a grand- up eight walks and six hits in| ; up. elgb (one team representing three universities in the vicinity of Tokyo) 316, University of Toronto 270, Harvard 249, Yale 187, Princeton 169, Dartmouth 168. REMEMBER WHEN? . . By THE CANADIAN PRESS Sylvanus Apps, 23-year old McMaster University student and considered the pick of Ontario's hockey amateurs, signed a two- year contract 31 years ago teday--in 1936--with Toron- to Maple Leafs. The same year; Apps led Canadian scoring at the Berlin Olym- pics and he was voted the NHL's best rookie in his first season. Carmeas home run, Gordon and rdinal picked up two hits each, with another grand-slam homer going to Bird. S. Lee and B. Keeller had three safeties each for East- view, R. Shetler had two, with singles going to Broom and R. Lockie. Now You See It -- Now You Don't The LAW RETIRES PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Pitts: burgh Pirates, Thursday an nounced the retirement of vet- eran right-hander Vernon Law, who pitched two victories in Pittsburgh's 1960 World Pgs al! had a single and @ nine with Wally: Kirk, Charlie Nash, Jim Carmichael, Goring and "Tonto" Helmer picking up singles. Tony Lupel and Bill Potts had two hits each for Wilson's, with Elme Lymburner, Bob Shearer goa Bob Clark getting one hit each. with Sid Arnold and Jerry Gar- net on base. Lee hit another ag in aoe fourth inning, - Palmer' er thine wp a soar second UAW softball a " evening, Russell's 'Texaco 'tea What tieaoe in a jones Se as they edged|$500 BUILD BIG BUILDING WINNIPEG (CP)Work . on the first part of a $28,000,000 development at. the corner of Portage and streets, a 30- storey office r to be known as ewe e, is under as p.} a cost of more than Il tr , Law, 37, had a recerd of 162-147 in 16 ifs. with the Pirates. "King and His Court" , 4Men Softball Team Sunday Sept. 10th Plus Press vs. Radio Battle CROSS CANADA PAVING has 3 YEARS GUARANTEE also 6- 12-18-20- Ne Pay for 2 M Sk inne te pig hs bigs Cosapta @ FREE ESTIMATE... Call 728-92 CANADIAN JUNIOR 'A' LACROSSE FINALS Oshawa Green Gaels fastern Champions 92 Oshawa pay _ If you get the idea 2 our Firebirds are : in a class by themselves, ; pela d ast = | 4 vs muments | New S ] ] llie 3582 Whitby eae rip nag. ht ae a ee nik Feebird Sprit withtanderd overhead cavenaing : . 1 Turning. out just another sports car isn't seally all that hard. Thesireets But even that wasn't enough. So they designed five Firebirds--for every - £ ; are crawling with inspiration. But that's not the Pontiac way. The search kind of driving. From the standard Firebird that puts out 165 hp fromits reg": A SERVICE ular gas, Overhead Cam Six, to the vaunted 325-hp Firebird 400, Naturally, all Firebirds share the same-exciting interiors, op- tions and GM's standard safety package. Add it afl together a ee ee for something special is the driving force in Pontiac country. This is why Pontiac's engineers refused to stop with merely designing the sleekest looking cars ever to sweep the macadam. They added wide- oval tires, And a practical, space-saving collapsible spare, And anne the widest traciein the.personal sports car . Licensed Mechanie re Check-Up grain styled dash. And: thes for Spring. Come I feket fertes No. 40 ' of a Kgl 5 dhe Sivice Ge Firebird by Pontiac 568-4232 ~ Bolahood's Sportshaven ADMISSION SS : a ws were - Auditorium Box Office Shans tides 413s $ee. your authorized Pouliac dealer: i es sc coleialianlena | ne eS Ty 'eaukas Vind Wiis 14 41S SPACE ce one " eee i paar a gry cela | me Ticket Holders i . 'qu auorroniun 266 KING ST W,, 103 DUNDAS EAST, "se a 'Up Seat br Fay | ey PHONE: 723-4364 PHONE: 668-5846. + oa - OSHAWA, ONT. WHITBY, al aa ' a , itt Ser neler + a aR Se oe rt a Bed ex Hee IEEE at a4 p" eee q OS hk sat

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