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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Sep 1967, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucsdey, September 5, 1967 ANN LANDERS Boy's Piping Voice Not Funny To Him Dear Ann Landers: I am a)unduly sensitive. w how to boy, 15 years of age. All the|play cards and wish to make it guys I go with have had their| plain that in both eases the host voice change already, but not|was one of the offending gentle- me. When I answer the phone,|men. my mother's friends always) Will you comment, please?-- say, 'Wilma, how are you?"|St, Louis Once in a while someone will] Dear St.: Why in the world mistake me for my 13-year-old|would a man sit with nine sister, women while three other males This is very embarrassirg| go off to another room? and I don't know'what to do} You should have gotten wu about it. It is also embarrass-jand left when the others did. ing.to the people who mistake/ You did not need a special invi- me for a girl and they fall all/tation to join the men. Don't over themselves apologizing,|make this mistake again. which only makes matters| Dear Ann Landers: I am 4 worse. 15-year-old girl. My brother and Do you know of any way to/his wife live two blocks from get a guy's voice to change|us. They have three smal! chil- taster?---Slowpoke a | dren. Dear Slow: You'll lau ASKS FAVORS phew: this one dey. although! Every time my sister-in-law t's sure you don't sep a year me (which is several times pot geal a ag Ba veal a week) she asks me to sit with| | ander Graham Bell, has had their children "tonight" or, this happen to him, and be|.'0morrow night," or "next| ge patient, lad, before you know it Saturday." I do not get paid.) ; in Last week I asked my mother) a will be right dowa in Thad to sit for them and she| Ann Landers: At 2 Said, "Not if you don't want) recent social gathering there)!. : were nine nl and tout men|, Friday morning my sister-in- present, including me. I am|/#W called and asked me to bel thoroughly masculine and am/sure to be on time that aight! because they were going to a tha lg interested in| arty. I told her I was not com-| ing. She was furious and hung BORED STIFF lup on me. I did not know my After dinner everyone/mother had told her I would sit. adjourned to the living room| Now I will never hear the end and the conversation was taken|of it. Do you think I should apo-| By LILLIAN NEWBERY over by the women. Ten min-/logize or what?--Black Sheep | TORONTO (CP) six| fF emotionally disturbed chil- utes passed and the three men} Dear Sheep: Your mother! V4 ' J edhead (ore announced that they were going/should not have spoken for you aned: tant oe ded for|SERK TO UNDERSTAND te the library to play ecards. Ijin the first place and then neg Trouble in ns AiMOUANEE Sib ducal: was not asked to join them and/leeted to tell you that she did, aes' a tak dbeearold lient, which was a surprise to spent the entire evening bured|in the second place. lvcounddn-cammand' of neigh.|me,'? says Miss Winter, a for- stiff, listening to over-the-fence| Your sister-in-law should not} anal in downtow To-|met probation officer gossip and cooking and clean-|ask you to be a babysitter with-|?°" gang in n 'Canveraation neni these ; voy|rontn's Cabbagetown district. } : he cane sort of sitesi oe pr orag she rewards your" y annie was in hot water for| boys is usually superficial brag- occurred with another group. I/ No, I do not feel that you owe| Skipping school. He broke store tise, Coen Mew an era was greatly offended and told|her an apology. I fell, however,|Windows, stole radios andi i sre naiine Gaat, tlle my wife later that I thought cigarettes. | Dove are agmng "Waat am 1 ike that you three ladies should sit ' | an this the ; | He had been in and out of|@ & person? oo , : belght of beg pe down together and have an| fuasalio gear tor ieniien and| ta Seen: te banyan understanding. vagrancy. A judge warned him|Probation officer Erik Bekker CHILD GUIDANCE and a probation officer coun-|five daye a week instead of selled him for 11 months. twice a month as under ordi- Adolescent Often Displays Doubts And Indifference Bu: Lennie continued to play|"@ry probation. By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D, jhis friends. We have constantly ie Youth Training Program Fills Empty Lives Of Wayward Boys member of Warrendale school beat up his sister. He roamed|forced into competition where the streets with his gang look-|he often lost his temper, Later ing for kicks. He was on the|in discussion groups he tried road to training school, jto understand why. In January Lennie got one| "We demand honesty and more chance, He was enrolled|confrort them when we don't they're PROGRAM DIRECTOR, SUZANNE WINTER, AT WORK ordinary probation, says Miss Winter. In 1965, when Judge Moore became senior associate judge of the juvenile and family court, he saw a need to bring children under closer supervision without taking them from home. He was enthusiastic about the citizenship training department of the Boston juve- nile court established in 1936. Norman Millington, then director of WoodGreen, offered the centre's facilities as a home for a similar program. WooedGreen serves 7,000 fami- lies in a one-square-mile area. Honsewives come to take off teen-agers hold dances; children play in day came; senior citizens drop in to chat. The community eentre was a natural setting for the Youth Training Program. Money came from service clubs, the provincial govern- ment and the Atkinson Chari- table Foundation. A dentist volunteered his services and the University of Toronto sent pour ds; |hookey, swear at his stepfather,| At WoodGreen, Lennie was offered to bring them here or with 19 other boys in the first|thirk Playing ball," "pressure" simply because we{combing your hair make your spend endless moments (and|basic plans for your day. Then sometimes even hours) warm- while you are on your way to to sender what 4 phy 9 ant work, figure out as well as you get more done with much less To Noise, Pressure By Concentration can how to make the plan planning, eliminate the warm-| work. By ROBERTA ROESCH =|) time and substitute a hot DIARRHEA....Do This: | Become Oblivious "What happens twice will line to action. Fourth--If you are the kind of person who can't plunge into the me in &/warm,up period first; avoid] str row," she said, "I've landed in|using pressured working hours Nausea, cramps 8 job where the noise is 60 con-|for a wasted warm-up pie by children or adults, easy fusing and the pressure is s0\em the routine moments 'Abwore aah tor, Nehigpeat ls ey D R. FOWLER'S EXTRACT gently restores intestina' "T left my last two jobs," she sald, "because of the noise and pressure. But now that I've hit this situation a third time, I'm wondering if it will follow. me all the days of my life, "If it does," this woman said, "I don't know what I will do." Those of us who dislike pres- sure and the roar of the "mad- dening crowd" know what this woman is. up against in her need to learn to combat it. But since we live in an era when pressure increases instead of decreases, it is best for every- body with a job to learn to achieve and get things done regardless of pressure and noise. There are several ways to achieve this. Here are a few of them. FULL ATTENTION First--Eliminate as many distractions and worries as you can by giving all of your atten- tion to the job in front of you. When you concentrate thor- oughly, you can't hear every sound that is made. Neither can you worry about the chores that ve Pye for you after you e' a physical education student, pg Pend kp oe at its Bruce Cameron, to help withlown game by plunging into recreation. Eight personSs\your work rapidly and proceed- experienced in experimentalling as fast as you can. When| gga formed an advisory ie make it your habit to work rd. ike this, your mind has no BOYS GRADUATED chance to dwell on the pressure In April, Lennie and the 19|and noise that surround you. } boye who began in January| Third--In order to plunge graduated to phase two, For|right into your work, get out of the next three months they|the habit of procrastinating and came in only once a_ week|blaming it on planning. It's true while a new group started|that some jobs in an office need phase one. well-+thought out plans of During the summer, YTP isjactions, But others turn into running on a drop-in basis twice a week. The Youth Training Program OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS has been given three years to Aveilable At prove its worth in rehabilitating teen-agers on probation. In the NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE fall, when Suzanne Winter leaves to be married, Erik Bekker will take over as direc- 251 King St. £., Oshawe 8 x 10 -- 1,50 each 5x7 -- 1,25 each When you are showering or onal Oh! Look, Mommy ! From the elders to the infants, they all notice the difference . .. and feel the difference when you have had BAKER'S Carpet care. New lustre; new plush, new fresh smelling. That's what BAKER care does. They rejuvenate your carpets. Call BAKER CARPET CLEANING ce. for fast, efficient carpet and drapery care NOW ! "FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY" --~ "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" -- "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER tor. He is already encouraged by signs of progress. "Lennie has become more aware of his responsibilities, Lately he's settled down, He's smart enough to realize his old friends don't do him any good." If you ask Lennie, he won't CARPET Ck aning Co. CALL ZENITH 9-9100 [any kind of work without | druggist lor Br, Fowler's Eutectt Yous look at you. He'll shuffle his We Pay The Charge "Dress Op' tickets for th nial ball org Oshawa and Council prod variety in dr Survey Big Pe: By DENNIS OTTAWA (C Canadian wome When a child in the grades of|take him to their homes since|Y0Uth Training Program, de-|Says Miss Winter: "They know WIFE PRESERVER feet and mumble. "Yeah, 20% Discount o n Orders f 1d" job high school, who got along well| we live further out th it of|signed to fill the gap hetween|the staff doesn't always agree - YTP's okay. I ain't got nothing of 5 or More' Pictures ing-world"' jo at books and school activities, tein Ab ans el He an eS prepetion ond einins sehool, but RgiA ne, by gg dy a aad to do al} day anyways." -- mod = sudd: " '| After gchool, five days a SS eS poh | Dat net often. week for three months, Toe with parents who aren't aware piseag ae ~ = attention. He may need the help] MY reply in part: and others referred by Judge|f proper standards they can ' @ Dominion of ap expert, Sines your sen. sepmeed M, Moore-ot, the juve-Jexpect from .their children," tics. not always be hls doing #0 well up watt last yest, [oifo'ena famolly court signed in|ssye Judge Moore." The study a Parents or tnchere, [eer nt ee Oy 20a 'oodGrem comm sity! Lennie sapaier aso ciange nthe . : concerne' ringing home bn Zhe mother of # Poy, 16, the/nothing about his relation to the centre his payeheque he neglected his a tremendous peony our children, other children.. Does he feel|LEARN DISCIPLINE son emotionally, number bg a, -- i ie as a himself as worthy in the family! 'rye boys built model cars,| Ouce a month, YTP etaff| & nen " * ag he was doing fine--active in 04 the other enildren? watched films, went to stockjmeets the parents to talk; When you wind up with a The study is sports and won a four-year Page ha your good ways Of/-ar races and hockey games.jover problems the boys face|"pair" of right or left-handed series prepared scholarship to a parochial high aes} Pay meet more bOYS!navid Tweedley led them injat school, at home and on the|rubber gloves, turn one of them ious aspects, 3 school. He is well liked as far an he of his age. In this basketball, broomball and pool.|strert. The parents co-operate|jinside out and you've a right It was co ge as we can tell. But he has ice G tcnnetes aoc: They roller-skated and swam. |far more than they do under and left-handed pair. = ty ri developed a terrific complex of| with him, taking along a few The main ae of oe _ Me aginghat some kind. He claiins he is 'not! other boys, gram is teaching self-disc tigre: oP pline. When the group goes to see a naval destroyer, the staff demands certain behav- ior. The boys co-operate or face the consequences and so they learn to think before they act. vividly in the 4 Here, nine out women with hig tion have jobs. women with o school education hep' (not liked) and doesn't even want to sit or walk up in front at church. One Sunday when a friend tried to hand him the collection plate, he refused At any reasonable personal sacrifice to you parents, let me urge you to seek counsel with an expert on such problems. It might be a counselor or psy- it, chologist at his : i i . "He went out for high school) pe a eeyehiaivuit te waa gee At first, Lennie was openly 10 are working. football the first semester of! physician would refer you hostile to the whole program. For married this year, and then quit because)" 'The kind of timidity he has|Day #fter day, he even refused) same age bracl he 'wasn't getting anywhere'| revealed at church is not so |t0 e@t the hotdogs and cookies |) of those with hi: mas were work of those with school backgrou | Mr. Allinghan provided for an _ afternoon) snack. One day, program director Suzanne Winter shoved a} cookie at him and hollered, "Eat this!" The next day he offered to make the hot dogs and felt the coach wouldn't) pic ever let him play anyhow. How (fect exnacieneas * mean hes he has withdrawn from sports, | including basketball, which he| ANSWERING QUESTIONS always enjoyed and spent many) Q. Would you build a fence hours practicing. jaround your lawn to make a "He doesn't seem to be inter-|safe play place for your tot ested in any school activities,|from 2 to 6? and @ week later was telling a | and claims he doesn't like the) A. Rather I would build|nmew boy, "G'wan, Eat it. school. He rallies back and|arotind this child an invisible| You're just scared. ba, forth at home from good moods|fence training him effectively; The activities aré a vehicle) to grouchy ones--mostly grouch- |not to go beyond certain clearly|for gtOup discussions led|| y! Our son was always a loving|defined boundaries, Well done,|twice @ week by high school | and good child. His teachers | there would be no one to leave teacher Bob Gray, once a staff [Lia SSWVoy LKQ have constantly told us what aja gate open. This might be se good student and how well liked accomplished in a period of a | he was. \few weeks. | i "His temper is short these |z } ARE LIKE days--which could be due part-| ... they work fast and leave} MODERN' are under new management To introduce the people of Oshawa and grea to MODERN'S new "'controlled" method of "BUYERS meet SELLERS" ly to the fact that I don't! always control my own too! well. I do try to be patient with him, and have attempted every approach I can think of. We have had many pleasant con- versations, but some end in| lain old arguments. He feels nameits'- your yellow pages hasit By Calling 576-1411 e isn't accomplishing much, |f fo spereisals of vour property and JNO rings. | i invi take advan and seems bored. Deep down, ay Beles Bvny 'without The source of drycleaning we rete you te onus bi I'm sure he'd like to participate J °l'setion to you. ok tha Walon bo of our special introductory offer. in sports. He's built for it, and| Please esi! tween men and wo- the coaches keep after him, J, J, WILKINSON i345, | coe ic evident tn SPECI AL 1 "He complains of not being|f 100 King se. §. childtheed: all popular, and yet does nothing Phone 576-1411 litle girls went to wd about making innovations with vi whe ever heard of AP 2 * . little bey who $,° Our town's got everything... fine shops, handy services, helpful people. And the wanted to be ¢ wares & CARRY one place to find them all Is in your Yellow Pages. Take, for instance, all the things to BOB TAKING \ * AT OUR do with music. Your Yellow Pages can help you buy, rent or repair pianos, organs, hi-fi es en a or COUNTER / 7 and stereo equipment, phonographs, records or any musical instrument. You can also find places to take music lessons or hire professional musicians. Yes, whatever you need, your Yellow Pages can help you find it quickly and easily... whether you're looking for an orchestra or just a guitar pick like.one of those illustrated. Yes, it's good to get in the Yellow Pages habit... everything's here in town. The modern girl needs only two friends -- one to talk to and one all your te talk about. Pp', theese] For ; 4 = 4 drapery needs see Set your really big problems B aside for @ brainy day. jetty Haydl And set your cleaning eside mrvenion esconaton [fg _ ae yeu weet on ood fe 15 King Street East Valuable, purse size lint remover HELMAC LINT ROLLER d in LIFE i As 9 WHILE THEY LAST With all Dry Cleaning orders FOR INF " d |drivers will pick up end deliver CUSTOM MADE DRAPES your germents promptly and reli- @ bly. Phone 725-2686 Gillard CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. 725-3553 "COMPARE THE QUALITY" Fis. MODERN DRY CLEANERS 8. DRAPERIES 821 OLIVE AVE. OSHAWA. PHONE: 728-464) FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY

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