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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Sep 1967, p. 12

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12 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 3, 1967 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Number 36 Draws Fine, Intoxication Convictions Charier Carlson decided to inaker, 253 Athol St. E., appear- fight a public intoxicationied in court. w re | charge when he appea d in HEFT Steating a dress and a pair|if aunion seeking to organize Oshawa magistrate's court Fri- y. | Carisor entered the box and) argued that he had been 'under the inflvence" but not intoxi- cated. When asked by Crown) Attorney Edward Howell "D | Gionet, of men's pants from Eaton store in Oshawa result- led in a fine of $100 and costs or {20 days in jail. for 289 ~Frontenac the T. Priscilla Ave., days. Tt was his second eonvic- tion DISMISSED A charge of public intoxica- tion against William Rose, 30, of 76 Royal St., was dismissed wher. the evidence indicated he jhads.'t been in a public place. LABOR ACI The H. W. Gossard Company of Fort Perry was convicted on a charge of contravening the Labour Relations Act. The evi- ldenc: had indicated that the plant manager Donald Morley had told some employees that employees went into the plant, the plant would close. company and its plant manager had sought by intimidation or Tne evidence showed that the) the Suez Canal zone when} Israel after the two sides fought a duel along the canal. jas the worst since mid-July QANTARA, Suez Canal (CP)jwhen the UN observers were --An uneasy peace returned to|posted along the canal. claimed it sank an United Nations observers|Egyptian torpedo boat. Egypt arranged a ceasefire between|claimed it knocked out seven Israe' and Egypt Monday night|Isreeli armored cars and tanks. Israe! said it had one man seven-hour artillery and naval|killed and one wounded. Egypt reported eight civilians killed | The hostilities were described|and 35 wounded, It accused the Israelis of shelling residential Uneasy Peace Back In Suez Canal Zone areas in the cities of Port Suez and Port Tufiq, knocking down several houses, hitting a hospi- tal and damaging two cargo) --_ one Greek and 'one In- jan. DENIES CHARGES © An Israeli Army spokesman in Tel Aviv denied the charge, saying: "Our guns were aimed only at Egyptian positions in an attempt to silence them, There/ day New President Says CUS Should Hold To Principles Member 'schools were asked|cil president at Memorial Uni- LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Hugh "We would like to see CUS use its limited resources, in areas such as academic reform and student participation in uni- versity decisions," hé said, Fraser March, student coun- Armstrong, 24, incoming presi-jeither to withdraw from CUS|Versity, Nfld., said Sunday his dent of the Canadian Union of|before the budget is drawn up university withdrew because it Students, says CUS should pre-|or to pledge to stay in the 'union| Was felt CUS overemphasi pare to lose more member uni-| after celiey ofits gh" international issue mig ed versities as the union devel principles. eg Otherwise, John Treleaven of - "Delegates from 40 universi-|sity of Toronto, ee cao. ties are thrashing out a stand|/ed the motion, said the finance a had ge a? committee needed to know ig congress at t ni-| which uni versity of Western Ontario. out. etoeoigs Wge Aira "I hope we won't lose any|committee would have to draw he said more schools," Mr. Armstrong, |up five or 10 budgets. from Ottawa': wa's Carleton Univer. UBC IN OPPOSITION Shaun Sullivan of the Univer- sity, said in an interview Mon- jay. the expense of student problems. No nagging was no indiscriminate shelling} "But CUS must develop a\sity of British Columbia, in Vi of populated areas.." balance between havin: ori opposition to the resolution ac ac e Egypt announced that during|school in a ie 4 ax said, "We cannot make a com- de : ' |wh leaded ilty to the|coercion to prevent its employ- i for|Whe | pleade guilty to c P ploy: s Ado po Nag Fagg gy 950% 99|charge. Magistrate Doddsjees from becoming members of Viet N Vote Result t[Stated "We are obliged to deal/the International Ladies' Gar- am years?" Carlson answered tha |severely with shoplifters."' mert Union. 7 been " iad "4 times See ee limerunsance ae eee one A | 1 ed I W hi the fighting three Soviet|with no principles and having| mitment to the national used to be bothered by - | 'deyilgabras \levied by Magistrate Dodds. in © principles and having|mitment to the national union Magistrate Donald Dodds told) Causing.a disturbance by us-| A second charge of discrimin-| cc alm n aS gton destroyers returned to Port/such rigid rules that only two} before we know in which direc- that rrltation at tae ange aed the accused "'I know that you) ing obscence language while be-|ation, Jaid by one of the female| ee Said st the Mediterranean end|or three will belong." tion it's going." Sed tired tedieg aoe Gob Dene know that I have seen you here/ing treated for a laceration|employees, was dismissed by) WASHINGTON (AP)--The|Chiet of State Nguyen Vanjof the canal and six Russian) The congress Monday tabled| UBC will consider withdrawal] Kidney Pills Smart girl Deda'e yale ™ many times. {received in an accident penultaditns magistrate. |Johnson administration and one/Thiev and Premier Nguyen Cao ships arrived in Alexandria.) resolution introduced by the|from the union if the. budget] *timulste the kidneys to help relieve DIE Before leaving the witness/in a fine of $50 and costs or 10) jof its sharpest war policy crit-/Ky. : The Red ships entered thre€/ University of Manitoba to force| Calls for higher fees, he said. ted feeling "Goon'oke tate beter Richi a box. Carlson, of no fixed ad-jdays for James Shrigley of 110) 4 jies appear in rare agreement Formation of the new govern-| ports just after the June war,/a showdown with universities) CUS costs each 'm b rested better. If you are eet iy r on ee dre:s, told the court, "It's not| Verdin Rd. Sbrigley claimed] Martin Rusk jthat South Vietnam's presiden- pant involves ectetans ranging promising Fr Noe AT A that may leave CUS after its|/school 65 cents a duduat had pg ong eaadebey edit poly rg Globe ne a free country anymore. It's\that he had bee -onscious " tial election has opened the way|from initiatives toward peace|sion agains gypt," but! budget A Racine & di z lobe - Ee | for economic reforms and pos-|and land reform to military and|recer.tly left. Friday. and policy are pret ad fees at | "ew lsrse site saves money. day in Nev sible peace talks. jeconomic problems of the Each side claimed the other i4 mn. Avenue H jgreatest complexity. started the shooting, which fog hea i» years ¢ getting to be as bad as Russia." before going to the hospital andj s Despite his not guilty plea,|"didn't know what was going| Plan Meeting : Carlron was convicted and,on." j | Officially, the election was fined $50 and costs or 15 days) | WASHINGTON (AP)--\welcomed Monday by the U.S. with the week he has already|M NORS | Canada's External Affairs Min-|government as a major step spert in jail to count. | Three people were convicted ister Martin and U.S. State Sec-|forward by the South Viet- ; jof censuming alcohol while stilllretary Rusk will meet here/namese in determining their conduct of the war, said the) An Israeli Army spokesman 10 DAYS miners. Eva Marie Bradica. Sept. 7 'to discuss a widelown future with a constitution. election could lead to "the|said Egyptian gunners at Port Wilfred Evenden discovered|!9. of 55? Howard St., was fined/range of issyes expected to ally - based, elected govern- opening of meaningful negotia-|Tufig, southernmost town on that going to one's prother's|$109 and costs or 20 days for) arise at the UN General Assem- ment tions with North Vietnam and/the waterway, fired on two the Netional Liberation Front."| Israe'i boats in the Bay of Suez, ' should not include|/her second conviction. Robert/bly' which convenes later this) « i ¥ vi rte Siblock, 17, of 519 Crerar|month, the state department) The people have expressed rye NLF is the political arm of} but failed to hit them. Senator Robert F.~ Kennedy,|began with a skirmish between who frequently has differred|Israeli patrol boats and Egyp- with President Johnson on the/tian shore batteries. Pilgn End @nart CAMERA DEPT. ; a Sloe emtpets werelAv?- was convicted of the| announced Friday. their choice and deserve our the Viet Cong. Cairo Radio charged that "an lyeading. an. arrested _person|Cha'ge of minor consumption of| Prior to coming to Washing- support," the state department) Kenredy called in a state-|armored patrol boat, a landing * from the Cadillac Hotel when|@lcoho! and fined $50 and costs ton, but on the same day, Mar- | $4! : }ment for 'genuine land reform,|craft and a tug tried to force MIDLAND Evenden, who admitted he had| 16 days. William C. McClean |tin will meet with Ambassador, But U.S. policy - makers/an end to virtually unrestricted|their way into the canal" at its es pil 8 20, 497 Raymond St., pleadec| irthur J. Goldberg, the U.S.|made no secret of the major|corruption and a_ substantial|Red Sea entrance and fired of) » q ieted ene from Toront tried to pull one;*">. § ? been drinking, ae leuitty to the same charge andjchief representative to the problems they see confrontinglimprovement in the economic|Egyptian positions on the west Sainte Jean hy 6 i pho oe ikea 2s was fined $100 and costs or 20 United Nations, in New York. '!the winning military team of'life of the villages bank. ra the officers received a torn The, | funsie - shirt and handcuffs had to be sy " cae og -- to Evenden, 149 Celina S y fist Perene : se The three Magistrate Dodds told Even- fe 5 Biola for the last hamlet of Mc the death si nine Dani French Jesu in the 17th Iroquois mis: It was the grimage of t Jear de La founder, J. ( He is a teac "den "I view these cases most : - gericusly. There is a steady ' trickle of these cases through! - the courts." | $100 FINE | The evidence indicated that Bertram McCollogh, RR 5, Bow- manville, had been consuming: alcuhol in a car along with two minors. He was convicted of having liquor in a place other than a residence and fined $100 lege in Belle educational | affiliate and costs or 20 days as the case involved open liquor in a car. DISTURBANCE | Calvin G. Winter was con-| victed of causing a disturbance) through fighting in the Genosha| Hotel Coffee Shop on the night! of Aug. 29. Winter, of RR 1,) Oshawa, admitted starting the fight but explained that the per-| son be had been fighting with) had been annoying his giri- friend. -- Magistrate Dodds told Win-| = ter, "You yourself have no ~ right to take the law into your) at - ewn hands." He added, "I i ~ recognize the feelings you must : " ~ have had at the time but you : = eannet do it." - IMPAIRED A fine of $250 and costs or 2 90 doys was the sentence im- posed on Gerald J. Bourdages, 23, of 137 Rosehill Blvd., when Church of Ca Mr. Wilson Brebeuf's gr church of § first Christia American no Later the p nearby Sain Huron villag guifstream water heater Keeum™ Ki | FREE ROLL OF FILM? BLACK -&- WHITE OR COLOUR; FOR EACH ROLL LEFT FOR DEVELOPING & PRINTING YOU NEED NEVER BUY (7 3 ANOTHER FILM! | SIMPLY LEAVE YOUR NEXT FILM BLACK -&- WHITE OR COLOUR AT K mart's CAMERA DEPART- PPPEP ey he pleaded guilty to a charge of impsired driving on Aug. 31. $209 FINE | Gaston W. Bernard, a father of three, was fined $200 and costs or 30 days when he plead- ed guilty to an impaired driv-| ing charge which resulted from a rear-end accident on Aug. 31.| UNDER SUSPENSION | Ronald M. Larabee, of Osh-| awa, was convicted of the) charge of driving with his) licence under suspension due to| } lack of any insurance, The youth was fined $200 and costs or 30 days. Magistrate Dodds called it a very serious offence} = and warned the youth "If you = come before this court again and fre convicted of a similar offerce you will serve a jail term." | Frank Cattellare, 16, of 135 Cator St., pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing a stolen bicycle and knowing it to be} stolen. He was convicted and| remanded out of custody for two weeks for a pre-sentence Dep Pa peters report. WITHDRAWN | Charges of assault causing! Teen. vou wa oer A na ROLL OF THE SAME SIZE, bodily 'harm and threatening) were withdrawn at the Crown's| request when William Wanna-| FAST, 'EFFICIENT SERVICE ! _ FINEST QUALITY PRINTS ! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! eeceeee ee FREE! SAME SIZE OF FILM WITH EACH ORDER! repeep eggs | won vg Pereygeys Oaday.Call -- onsumers' Gas 128-1363 29 CELINA ST. - OSHAWA 54/'---REG. THIS WEEK ONLY KODACHROME II Somm SLIDE FILM 20 exposure 36 exposure 3.99 9.18 BOTH PRICES INCLUDE PROCESSING BY KODAK GARY NESBITT Representative SUN LIFE Assurance Company ARARAAAARAAARAAR 18670 1967 of Canada Otoe Sevvins LOCATED ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY = PLEASE NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS © Phone 725-4563 = PEE Peet tree prs

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