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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Sep 1967, p. 18

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i | TACs Ts4esze) Th ie mosexual activities. & is YQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuosdey, September 5, 1967 A broadcast union said Monday O'Sullivan said. for |But it didn't say when. union probably would pick ~ 'the union's minimum demands gram is scheduled. would be announced at a news 2 TALKS BROKEN OFF | He said the requirements of CITY TEA ER conference at? p.m. EDT)"" 7 : ' the union for settlement of the: today. The old contract expired! O'Sullivan said talks broke 4... { ncathc € f ua oO 3 : e a dispute were basically in three) _, March 31 and was extended at off Monday night when '"'the areas--wage-hours grievance Father Brebeuf and was turned) ' a over to the Christian pavilion| for display for the duration of} A former - gra Kingsway College will teach this fall at Central Colleg- jate Institute. John W. Ly- -'ganchuk, son of Mr, and Mrs. William . Lyzanchuk, Aug. 31. federal mediators announced affected because they are mem-lresulved the dispute." Townline Road North, has { the work week," O'Sullivan], : ing 'his| So. seceny arauned tom | BBC To Have New Look ii).tejistpomet jou cutie'st Rega Calg, the) res Andrew's University, 1 [nine-hour days & week. How- Toronto suburb of Willowdale. | y6 Yee yk te Eb Se EEE EEE Ee ei) AANA gan, with a bachelor of arts jever, we will go for five days) degree in zoology and | wa, ® |with reduction of the week from seis i Via 30 New Disc Jockeys 40 hours." ee es ae | : O'Sullivan said the union hes! commussioner-general ; | Se ; F asked for a $300-a-week pay pavilion The Jesuits were wel- 1éu- | LONDON (CP) -- A venera-|millions of Britons--saved all scale, but said it would settle comed. on behalf of Expo by jble British "Auntie" is trim-|her attention for the bizarrely - for less if a reduced work week Fulgence Charpentier, a special |ming her Victorian skirts to| costumed disc jockeys soon to were granted. He said most assistance to Expo Commission- i |min: proportions and plunging! grave her household. NABET members now are paid! er-General Pierre Dupuy. 4 eu ares into the wild world of pop cul-) Seventeen are former $218 weekly. bbuehok Dict st tc bs EEE : re tu SAIGON (AP)--Nguyen Van| The rejuvenated matron is|/nouncers who worked for the) Thieu and Nguyen Cao Ky,|the BBC, which Monday intro- flock of unauthorized stations) néwly-elected president andj|duced about 30 newly-hired disc| which blared pop music and vice-president of South Viet-| jockevs slated for duty on BBC commercials at Britain from} nam, have no love for each|pop music network. other. Their marriage is sure to have reper- R cussions during their four-year beat Sept. 30. term of office. On that day, There already are rumble: and rumors of possible dissen- sion between the two. Thieu is " chief of state and Ky is premier | Whi in the military government! ment phi ' South Viet mu eae ' iia tas tun. South Vietnam The highbrow Third Program hippie hairdos. adic 1, starts grinding out the down all but two of them, Aun- tie has a legal monopoly on Despite possible dissension i appears that one of the firs things the new regime will do is | make peace overtures to North| 4dr Vietnam. President-elect Thieu| W! made a major plank of his plat-|® form a promise to seek a pause | of one week or longer in bomb- ing of the North, if Hanoi gives some sign that it will respond, as a prelude to some type of |particular akeup, negotiations. But hopes of suc-|Canad.ar-like feature novel to editorial! zing. cess are slim. this country. now is regional rather thanjage sale of 67,000 copies is ris-' the nearby streets. NOT POPULAR geared to particular towns andjing and other publications in promoters of the smoke-in former Philadelphia radio} Political observers agree the|cities. The new stations will the field are protesting that the\,siq Prime Minister | previous Thieu-Ky government|complement the work of the/magazine is ranging too far was invited, but he didn't put in|1945, and Dunn adopteed her| from its prime task of giving an appearance. |3\4-year-old son, Billy. had little popular mandate|four main networks. it plans to call a strike that; Despite the deadlock, network comment. I don't think there is) The networks turned down|time when a live major pro- the federal mediation servic Goldstein declined further co' Monday during new contract) The introduction of the new ment. negotiations in Miami Beach.|television season, which begins Sullivan said NABET locals One of them called for a four- tonight, was 'not expected to be jn the affected cities --New 5 day work week for 3,000 mem-|hampered by a strike. Regular\york, Los Angeles, San Fran-|2Ut2ck in 1649. bers of the National Association) series are taped in advance. cisco, Chicago and Washington of Broadcast Employees and| O'Sullivan said a strike would --would be notified privately|brot Technicians (AFL-CIO), spokes-\not halt broadcasting since the:today "of the time and proce- Phe. - |man Tim O'Sullivan said. jnetworks have libraries ofidures for initiating strike -- O'Sullivan said the strike taped programs. peng , sabes rocedures and staffing of color CBS employees would jot be there appeared no possibility to Piecision facilities, B | "We are attempting a major |breakthrough on the reduction Norm "pirates" - record-spinning an-|------ the BBC also radi broadcasting. OTTAWA | will pul new names on three of Her new additions raised first smoke-in Saturday was a 1946 for his. portrayal of "its existing radio networks. many a bureaucratic eyebrow quiet affair and the message--idrunken man in A Tree Grows The present Light Program,|at tke BBC's August London easier laws dealing with the use in Brooklyn, died Friday after ch features light entertain-| headquarters, Broadcasting |and distribution of marijuana-- a long illness. His death was in words as well as|House, as they flashed their was strictly soft-sell. announced Sunday. sic, will become Radio 2. |Carnaby Street costumes and The 300 hippies who gathered Dunn entered acting after fovsthe last' two years. r 1 on Parliament Hill smoked trying his hand at almost every i t|takes the name Radio 3 and the The ex-pirates, whose earn-everything from cigars to trade possible--including mark- {| wide-ranging Home Service, ings will average about $150 ajincense, but the RCMP, whojing stock quotations on ith its big helpings of news,|week, are not the only fresh kept a watchful eye on the pro-|board in his father's New York | ama, talks and good music,| faces at Broadcasting House. ceedings, found no evidence of brokerage firm. ll operate as Radio 4. A 35-year-old) man named marijuana. PEN FM STATIONS _ Karl Miller has taken over the) 'The Mounties did step in how- Temple in her first film, Stand| Later this year and in 1968, editorial chair at the BBC's | ever, to stop a group of Toronto|Up and Cheer, ithe publicly. - owned, non-com-|weekly magazine, The Listener, hippies called the Yorkville;appeared with her in Bright mercial BBC will open a total and turned the previously dra Diggers from selling their|Eyes, and Baby Take a Bow. | of eight FM stations serving'publication inside-out with new paper '"'Satyrday." The police His other films included The communities--a| makeup, new talent and new explained it was illegal to sell Very Young Man, The Payoff, ae iit ° anything on Parliament Hill so| Welcome Home and Hold That Radio in Britain) Te highbrow Listener's aver- the Diggers took their papers to Woman. Dunn leaves his wife, Edna, aj |24 Jesuits | e 'US. Strike Would Threaten Welcomed Live Programs On NBC, ABC wrt irre ind peri eat her mi he oo mn ot ange ake eo Monday to determine that six|for charity. saucer-shaped objects found) But for a while, experts had iving off "'bleep-bleep" signals|taken the episode seriously 'after a woman reported seeing 'a fiery object fall from the sky fter the objects werejand radio hams complained of exposed as @ hoax, two young|unusual interference on their) apprentices from the royal air-|sets. | craft establishment at Farnbor- ough claimed.they made the six "flying saucers' over a. two-\about 4 feet long, 2% feet wide "WANTED ered Jesuits received a warm ee . Saree 'nk | fe ES ; welcome Sunday when they | MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP)--jbers of another union, Richard Freund; negotiator) ached Expo 67 and the Chris- ABC, said: "I'd rather not) the six-month world's fair. three feet--was Horace Boivin, of the moke-In tian pavilion by canoe to end a/8! 575 mile journey from Midland, e,"|the route of the Jesuit mission- m- aries of 300 years ago and to cominemorate the massacre of five Jesuit priests led by|. Father Brebeuf in an Indian) The Jesuits--six priests, two hers and 16 seminarians-- 'left Midland, the site of the {massacre, after loading their jcanoes with camping equipment and taking aboard an ecumeni- cal scroll wrapped in deerskin. The scroll bore a quotation by The party was in charge an Lawson, a native of On hand to receive the scroll 'James Dunn, ee pene See ale Gvesaet ton sie Quiet Affair Actor, Dies HOLLYWOOD (AP)--James (CP) --> Ottawa's;Dunn, 61, who won an Oscar in the| He played opposite Shirley and also! Pearson|singer. They were married in} of | leould affect all live program-|sources were inclined to doubt! anything to say now." lOnt lming on the NBC and ABC that a walkout would be called! Richard Goldstein, NBC rep-| My A lradio and_ television networks. immediately, observing that the resentative, said: 'We're still Tne party set out in four 22-) a meeting under the auspices of|foot canoes Aug. 13 to retrace ,jin southern England "were | made in Britain--not Mars." The objects "Bleep-Bleep" Saucers Were Not From Mars. ONDON (AP)--Scotland| month period as part of @ Tag Aireraft Corp, sent°a man to | weighed about 100 pounds, were silver grey, and 11% feet thick. { The air ministry took some' IZZ A for x-ray tests, Scotland yar) sent five detectives to a distant Phone 723-0241 golf course where one _-- or 728-0192 located, another was impound- 'ed ty police and the British! EPI'S | "Social Groups PLAN YOUR FALL & WINTER PARTY NOW! OLD-FASHIONED and Clubs" HAY RIDE WITH MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCING 1.50 per person -- g roups of 50-150 Includes -- Corn on Cob -- Hot Dogs Donuts -- Coffee -- Tea We are accepting bookings "NOW" for this unusuel setting. COME OUT AND HAVE A NITE OF FUN (Ten minutes from downtown Oshewe) CALL ANYTIME 655-3821 ROCKING RHYTHMS OF THE MILLIONAIRES The hottest group on the lounge circuit +». WHERE EVERYBODY GETS INTO THE ACT! Entertainment Nightly--Saturday Matinee f DUNDAS ST | WHITBY FEATURE TODAY: ty HELD OVER - SECOND BIG WEEK! Based on the excitin best-seller, ye mg &, ** ' ae en cont tne (DME The Dirty Fra Dozen METROCOLOR -- 1:30 - 4:05 - 6:50 - 9:30 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT sel (ile CKINY As Earth Shaking as the Atom Bomb ALLAN DIBLASIO *" j A Human Dynamo | Direct from Chicago jithe Most Hilarious and Wackiest Presentation ever witnessed" "The Pinnacle of pep-personality and showmanship" The GOLD RUSH INN from South Vietnam's people; But on Monday, Auntie--as|prirted circulation to broadcast since it was a military junta|the 40-year-old BBC is known to' material | that ruled by decree. | Bot by omehio oven of ma ous | on irregularities arise, the F l Of Th W D d legality of the new government aml 1es e ar ea ee prepa eed only 7 : 'anoi but the rest of the wor! . as well, including the people of Sa d N ] ed In C d the United States on whom sup- 1 eg. ect ana a ST es aad ee e anig|_ WINNIPEG (CP)--Rev. Sid-ydren of the war dead have J vi | on ti) to, | i - | their premier will be a civilian, | °Seident peg foe never meee sxitistenity compen | but-if they choose one with lit-/tions of Canada, said Sunday sated. } tle popular following, the pur-|too Jittle is done for the fami-| First Vice - President Keith/ pose of this balancing act will|jjes of Canadians who died in|Butler of Kitchener, Ont., said be: lost. lbattle. Mr. Lambert, 81, who|the main point on the agenda of The 60-member Senate elect-|ioct a leg in Flanders during|the group's 3ist biennial ed. Sunday and 137-member|the First World War, said in an|Dominion convention is pen- House of Representatives to be|interview the widows and chil-'sions for amputees. elected Oct. 22 also are sup-;---------- Sea TR i SESS posed to provide strong civilian | balance to the executive and| the armed forces | The overriding question of the new government will be how Thieu and Ky get along. Homosexual | Ring Sought | LONDON (AP)--Scotland Yard detectives investigating a ring of homosexuals in which troops of the Royal Horse Guards and the Household Cav- alry are reported involved are expected to fly to West Ger- many to question five soldiers. | The five guardsmen, trans- ferred to Germany 18 months azo, are named in a Yard dos- sier as having attended homo-| sexual orgies given by men prominent in political, business -and theatrical circles. About 30 soldiers have been questioned about male parties! at a mansion in Berkshire and apartments in London's May-) fair and Chelsea districts to) which young soldiers were| allegedly enticed by money ifts and lavish hospitality. The inquiries were started several weeks ago by the Brit- ish Army's special investigation branch. Scotland Yard was called in when it was discov-| ee neers °F T-SHI COLOR CHEE The names of a playwright, a Pe HIDEOUS BEYOND BELIEF with an INHUMAN CRAVING DRIVE-IN THEATRE THORNTON RD AT HIGHWAY 401 . . 4 | ENDS TONIGHT DEAN MARTIN ANN MARGRET MURDERERS THE ROW SILENCERS STARTS WEDNESDAY CORNERED! ...An innocent girl is first prize in the dirtiest game ever PHONE baronet, a leading publisher | and several wealthy business- men. have been given investiga- tors by guardsmen. The detec- tives also have been told about | @ prominent churchman who is éaid to have often been seen at parties in Mayfair and at Ascot when guardsmen were present. | HAS MADE REPORT | Detective-Inspector John Minors has been put in charge of the Scotland Yard investiga- tion. Already he has made an interim report to the director of «public prosecutions. The cases poses difficult problems because homosexuali-| ty between consenting adults in| private now is legal. But it is still an offence for such behav- ior to take place between mem- CMAN -AATHACNE MERE bers of the armed services l Bi Charges also could be made if -- it is found that group of people rhave taken part together in ho-, Now that you have the new OSHAWA telephone directory od TR F euonae "Docelou your own personal directory up to date You can do this by checking your personal list of numbers against the correct listings in the Directory. And don't-forget to check and up date those all-important EMERGENCY numbers. If you need a Personal Directory let us know. Just phone 723-4601 we'll send you a free copy The number you write down is easy to re-call, It's easy for you to bring - COLUM ELMBETH int 4N PRODUCTION OF Mat. Wed., Sat. and Sun. 2 P.M. Eves. One Showing ot 8 P.M. Box Office Open Daily 12-9 P.M. INTHE iq SAnICLON PORES BURTON ZEFFIREL A ROYAL FMS " NGHERE INTERNATIONAL /FAI OF THE SHREW == ODEON}; 39 King St. Oshewe For Choice Reserved Seats Call 725-5833 725-5562 LAST 2 DAYS SIXTH RECORD-BREAKING WEEK! 'ites a: ss ae from Lon LO 9 <=> =e TIMES -- 1:30 - 3:20 - 5:25 - 7:30 - 9:30 PLAZA THEATRE OSHAWA LOVES "SIR" SIDNEY POITIER as the teacher who learns the ABC's don's turned-on teens! ie 6SPRUCE VILLA SPRUCE VILLA PTNCAME PARADE OF stars || Cay Mai WHITBY RESERVATIONS 668-3386 or Spur of th sores Black Panther Walk In. proudly presents SEPTEMBER EXOTIC DANCER ee | RESERVE NOW FOR OUR Gala Centennial Dinner SUNDAY, SEPT. 8, 5 P.M. 100e OFF OUR CENTENNIAL BUFFET DINNER KING ST OSHAWA OSC SSS SSL SSS © eS menue * HELD OVER... THE VARGAS 4 plus I gocs' Rock! ae Rock, "cx, CK, SATURDAY AFTERNOON MATINEE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY & SAT. AFTERNOON THE GENOSHA HOTEL OOOO OOOO OL OOK ~t @ Johnny *- Bill Phillips Bobby Wright -Tenn.Mt. Boys AND OTHERS TICKET PRICES: Adults 2.7... 548 $2.50, $2.00 Ghildieh oe eek 1.00 All Seats Reserved . TICKETS ON SALE AT: OSHAWA: BOWMANVILLE: Auditorium Box Office Jury and Lovell Travel Agency Bolehood's Sportshaven WHITBY: Bishop's Sporting Goods The Whitby Arena The Dise Shop AJAX: Merty's Record Ber The Centre Smoke Shop Wile# 7 Nv fa Jl Ban wd os | =) i MICKEY mocat DONALD DUCK BLONDIE » LI'L, ABNER 98 NUBBIN a GRANDMA ™M C7 ~ MUGGS AND SKEETER

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