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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Sep 1967, p. 19

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= IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 Ss YTHMS he lounge circuit IRYBODY 1E ACT! Saturday Matinee S10 SHOW As Earth Shaking as the Atom Bomb ALLAN DIBLASIO A Human Dynamo Direct from Chicago 'The Most Hilarious and Nackiest Presentation ever vitnessed" ity and showmanship" USH INN PP PP PSA SO OY >» ideaway RGAS 3 | R Ky Ce J JON MATINEE & SAT. AFTERNOON SSCS ESC C CCC CC CCC CC COC CCC Ce ~t Music ill Phillips right -Tenn.Mt. Boys AND OTHERS 'ICKET PRICES: ALE AT: \NVILLE: | Lovell Travel Agencv fs itby Arena tre Smoke Shop DONALD DUCK WHATS THE IDEA STAYING UP SO LATE? ak IM BRUSHING UP ON MY HISTORY, | ' x ~ ne fl =. WHERE DOES THE HISTORY COME IN? (Distributed by King Features Syndicate ALLOTMENT LARGE SELECTION OF '67 MODELS IN OUR LAST TO SLEEP --IT WON'T DO ANY GOOD SITTING THERE WORRYING ABOUT IT ~ | PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, VAUXHALLS, G.M.C, TRUCKS (4 CAN THINK. OF ONE P=) BUZ SAWYER I CAN'T SLEEP... WHO AM 1? HOW DO 'I. KNOW THE NAMES 'OF THESE ANIMALS IF I'VE NEVER BEEN TO AFRICA BEFORE? MANNERISMS... THEY SEEM TO BELONG TO SOMEBODY I KNEW LONG AGO.,, BUT WHO? SHE SEEMS TO BE HALF y REMEMBERING THINGS, THAT TUNE HE PLAYED GAVE HER HEART A WRENCH «IF HER MEMORY DOES COME BACK, HOW CAN I GIVE HER UP? if IN THE NEXT TENT? FELLOW COMIN' THIS SEE THAT WAY, BILLY? Hes Ri IGGED OUT LIKE A REGULAR fH) SPANISH Do; SECRET AGENT X9 2--Buffale 3-Barrie 4--Buftalo 4é---Terente 1--Buttalo Channel %-Teronto Channel 12--P @--Rochester Channel 11--Hamilten BILLY, HES THE MAN WITH THE GOLD, SHORTAGE OF GOOD USED CARS The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. TELEVISION LOG MATTER OF TIME UNTIL I FORCE THEM THROUGH ©). THE RAIL/ ls 7--Peyton Place 'etiicoat Junction $-6-12--Woleck 10:00 P.M, 9--Progressive Conserva- tive Conference 7--Fugitive 4--News Special 10.30 P.M, 3-6-12--Inside Quebe¢ 6:00 P.M, 18--Certoone li-Family Theatre iperman AND I'M NOT EXACTLY A TERMINAL CASE, I PLAY IT COOL AND IN TWO YEARS ve MADE A BUNDLE AND I. RETIRE ---- PROVIDED NOT ONE OF YOU PEEPS A WORD ABOUT MY RAT-FINK HEART! erry Mason 8--Littiest Hobe 2% PLM, 8--Tralimaster 3-Of Lands and 4:00 P.M, @---How's Business 7--Movie "| é--Reacn for the Tep 412--News, Sports, Weatner 1i--Pierre Berton wis 3 Weather; Sporte 7:00 P.M, i--Lost in Space 9--F Troop &--America 4--Honeymeoners 6--TBA Interviews 3-Gilligan's siand --News, Weather, Sports 12--Star Route 9--Star Trek 4--Doaktari 6--Danger Man 3--Candid Camera 200 P.M. 11--Daktari 3-612--Our Place 8:30 P.M. 9--Avengers J--Invaders 4--Spotlight 2-8--Occasional Wife 9:00 P.M. Lt Wife SPINDLE, OR AUTILATE ..." DO NOT FOLD, STAPLE, OTHERW! 130 P.M, VW--Merv Griffin TUESDAY EVENING 7--News @12--Vagabond Honey- 6:30 P.M. 14--Girl from U.N.C.L.E, 4--News 8-2--News, Weather, 3 .M. 3--News, Weather, Sports 7:30 P.M. 28--Girl from U.N.C.L.E. 7--Billy Graham Crusade 3-6-12--Expo This Week 2-8--Movie 9--Love on @ Rooftop 12-4-2-8-3-6-11-9--N: Weather and Sports 12-4-2-3-6-11--News &--News Wealher Sports 9--News 11:20 P.M, 6--Viewpoint Wer 1)---Plerre 4--Greatest Headlines 4--Movie 24--Johnny Carson 11:35 P. 3--Plerre Berton 11:40 P.M, 12:08 1--Mystery 9---This Is Expo P.M. Theatre 12:10 A.M, §--Movie 4--News, 2-4--Jeop AND ALL TLL HAVE TO BOTHER ABOUT IS PULLIN' JOE FALCON'S DEPOSIT-BOX KEY OUT OF THE WRE! 3--Good Morning 11:30 AM. Bonnie Prudden 9--Fiying Doctor 7--Family Game 4--Dick Van Dyke 3--Ed Alien Time 2-4--Hollywood Squares 11--Hot Line 7--Movie 9%--Toronto Today 3-6--Luncheon Date Weather, Sports jerdy 12:38 P.M. 912--News; Weamer; Sports 8--Eye Guess aan | assent rv. Griffin 12:45 P.M, 64--uiding Light 1:00 P.M, l1-Marriage Confidential jovie 8--Dialing for Dollars, Virginia Graham J--Fugitive 8--Bio; 4--Car! s 7--Dialiny Virginie jain ¥: 8:00 A.M Kangaroe 8:30 A.M, 9--University of The Air 355 A.M, for Dollars, ja Graham 9:00 A.M, N--Ed Allen Time 9--Romper Room praphy ton Fredericks 2---Topper 9:30 A.M, 1]--Hawkeye 4--Love of Life 9--Uncle Bobby 8--Gloria 10:00 A. 1i--Littie People #-2--Snap Judgment (--Candid Camera A.M, 7--Dateline: Hollywood 4--Beverly Hilibililes 11:00 A.M, N--It's a Match 9--Fractured Phrases 2-8--Personallty 7--Honeymoon Race 4--Anay Griffith 2:30 7--Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 4--House Party 44--As The World Turns 8--Let's Make A Deai 3--Movie 2:00 P.M. 12--Ed Allen Time }. y ame 4--Password 6--Let's Talk Musie 6-2--Days ef Our Lives P.M. 12--Summer Scene %--Peepie in Conflict o8--The 3:00 PLM, 9--Werds and Musie @2--Another World 7--General Hospital 4---Te Tell the Truth 4-4-12-- Take 30 3:25 P.M, +--News 3:30 P.M, N--Mike Douglas 9--It's Your Move 28--You Don't Say 7--Superman 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night Show 3-6-12--Communicate 4--Secret Storm 2--Mike Douglas 4:30 P.M, 11-8--Woody Woodpecker 9--Movie 4--Truth or Consequences 3-6-12--Vacation Time CROSSWORD ACROSS 2. Skill 21. Pitcher 1, Chet's 3. Fat 4. 23, Examie specialty 4, Senorita's nation 6. Astern farewell 27, Bonds ®.Exchange _5. Proof 28, Cutting 10, Pronoun, 6. Exclamae tool t 11 Clip once tion 29, Cue Tisai 7. High 30. Oil [SIOMMRIOIN EESTAIN] temper 33.Touch ~ [E|NICIAISIE MATZ [O[S} ature lovingly [PILIAITIONMEIGIRIEI 8. 3-legged $4. E PIVIRTEISMECTE ERIN] d 36. Minute Yesterday's Answer 11. Chest sound groove 13, Fathers 87. -- # apne 16, Stagger log 19.Poetic - of times _ contraction Australia 46. Arikara 72 13 [4 IS 6 {7 {6 4 rT) tt 12 13 4 5S 16 7 fi 1% (20 2 respect = baad overt 7% sa Li basa 95.10 place of % La La Lb a Bg 28 Negati ar 39. ive 31 3 3 40-Mix aie Y 42, Sun gi 3B 36 37 35 43, Weary GY a 45. Hardens " ry 47, Nothing ial kg! i ith q 46 perc) cry q 49. Little child a7 oy 60. Swellings DOWN 7 5 1, Drunk; Vs slang AWAY FRO} SMART TIME TO TRADE PHIL! WE PULLED IM HIM ON ONLY EDGE CHERYL-| | CORNERING TIGHTER-- BUT JOHNNY ACE CAN CATCH UP ON THE STRAIGHTAWAY! THE OSHAWA TIMES, $9 Tuesday, September 5, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Neigher side vulnerable, NORTH 4964 WKIT eden AQ & KQI85 73 ss Sioess oQ17 oK642 73 &K84 soUTH A102 #AQ6 @Ass T1905 'The bidding: i South West North East 1@ 16 2 # Pass 2NT Pass 3NT Opening lead - king of spades, When to win a trick is a problem that frequently deter- mines the outcome of a hand. The holdup play, so often used in notrump contracts has lim- ited advantages unless it is ap- plied at exactly the right time to exactly the right hand. Today's hand illustrates the use of the holdup play. West leads the king of spades against three 'notrump. If South wins with the ace, he must go down. Sooner or later he is bound to lead a club and finesse, whereupon East takes the king and returns a spade to defeat the contract i | NO '68 PRICES AVAILABLE YET HUBERT ru / NOW, THEN, DooLEy, BUSINESS IS NDERSTAND 3-12-6--Luncheon Date SIR, BUT IT WAS 4--Meet The Millers EATEN UP AT THE n--movie COMPANY PICNIC! FOR THE FIRST HALF, YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: I am a girl 16 and have had to wear glass- es since I was in the sixth grade. I would like to get con- tact lenses. My father said to ask you about safety. I know I would have to go to an eye doctor. About how much would the cost be? Some people say you have to have all the determination in the world to wear them, but I know I can.-- It was last year that I wrote about this in detail; now the questions are flooding in again. As long as you are going to an eye spegialist--and as long as you listen to what he tells you--contact lenses are safe. There are some people who just can't tolerate such lenses, and the only answer for them is to go back to ordinary glasses. The majority, however, have no trouble. It is true it takes a bit of practice to put the lenses in and take them out, but I ques- tion that remark about it requiring "all the determina- tion in the world." If it did, there wouldn't be so many peo- ple wearing contacts, FOLLOW PRECAUTIONS When you are fitted for the lenses, you will be told the pre- cautions to take: How to keep them clean; to report it at once if irritation develops; the prop- er way to insert and remove lenses; how long (approximate- ly) to wear them. Generally speaking, try to keep the. wearing time within reason. Do not expect to put them in and just leave them. That is an invitation to irrita- tion which can become decided- ly dangerous. The length of time they can be worn without Contact Lenses Safe It Instruction Heeded By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Better fix in your mind from the beginning that you will take |care not to lose one. A lens is lso small that it is mighty hard lto find. The cost usually is in the range of $150-$200 or therea- bouts for contacts. I repeat: Pay attention and follow the instructions you receive. Safety and satisfaction depend on it, Dear Dr. Molner: We had a hot argument on the impor- tance of drinking water. One person insisted that the mini- mum requirement of six to eight glasses of water should not include coffee or tea as they are diuretics. He claimed |the coffee caused the body to rid itself of at least as much water as the cup contained, possibly more. Others held that the water in tea or coffee could be counted in the daily require- ment. We decided to ask you.-- CAN COUNT WATER Yes, you can count the water in your tea, -coffee, soup, milk, fruit juices, vegetables, etc. Coffee does have a marked jdiuretic effect in some people, not much in others. But what your friend neglects to consider is that you don't drink all this liquid just to store it up in your body. The liquid, in passing through the body, tying off waste matter. and other faces moist, 'providing perspira- tion, and so on. sjthe day's receipts at about am a newcomer to this country, serves a vital purpose in car-|from Australia,--L.A. Your body will retain whatev-/number of the county medical er fluid it needs for the blood|society in the phone book, and internal purposes,|ask for the names of two or and the rest carries on thejthree gynecologists in your other purposes: removingjvicinity. Then call one t keepi sur-|make an appointment. contact wi more gene! one trick. Declarer should realize that there can be no advantage to winning the first spade, and. he should therefore hold up the ace. The underlying purpose is to sever communication in spades between East and West. When West continues with the queen, South again is faced with the question of whether to win with the ace. This time he should, for there is no good reason to refuse the trick, but ja good reason to take it. He wins with the ace prim- arily because it assures him of the contract regardless of how the opposing cards are divided. He plans to lead the jack of clubs next and finesse, not car- ing very much where the king is located. If the finesse wins, he is cer- tain of at least nine tricks; if it loses, he is still on safe ground and will make the con- tract. This is because, if East has another spade to lead, it means that West started with four spades at most and the contract is therefore safe. But if South refuses the queen of spades, he subjects himself to defeat. West may take it into his head to shift his attack -to diamonds, in which case South winds up going down one. $10,000 Stolen At Belleville BELLEVILLE (CP) --- Two armed, masked men escaped with an estimated $10,000 to $12,000 late Friday night when they held up a department store manager on the outskirts of Belleville. Provincial police found 'Sam Mulholland, 46, unconscious and bound and gagged at the side of a road after receiving an anon ymous telephone call early today, 444 hours after the rob- bery. Mulholland, manager of the food sections of a Rite Way department store on Highway 2, told police he was walking to his car in the parking lot with 11 p.m. when he was held vp. He was forced into a car-and driven to an isolated spot about three miles west of Belleville where he was dumped from the car, Mulholland was treated at hospital and released. HAMILTON GET HELP . HAMILTON (CP)--Fifty-two top Canadian corporations have donated $275,675 to the civic theatre-auditorlum project here. The donations helped boost the money raised in a pub'ic campaign to nearly $2,- 500,000. "No, no, Mr. Montgomery (good fortune' in fortune " cookies means luck-- not kisses!" Simplest way is to find the Or, if you wish to establish a physician for | care, ask for the irritation will vary from person to person, | Dear Dr. Molner: I want to|names of internists or general have a Pap test. How do I go'physicians. They also give Pap about it? I have no doctor and tests.

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