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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Sep 1967, p. 3

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* PITT PTT ED" cent of the 5,- ed voters in i by the guvern- d U.S. Ambassa- Bunker said the emarkable in the ts by the Viet showing puzzled xperts who had Huong and fore tate Suu to poll it was because Dzu's ticket was This could have th Vietnamese than 20 years of TE ler Kreitz, 52, Kitch- a two-car crash/near 1, 30 miles noytheast rd. FRIDAY Evelyn Gardner, 62, ond Hill, Ont., when a car while crossing in Richmond Hill, niles north of Toronto. ridge amunity juiet elegance located in eshawa's northern residential erea. Simcoe end Taunton re looking for a lot te , visit cedar ridge -- silder of your choice, mation. 1e 723-1194 ISHAWA inca --~ ) \ on nce true interest Account. No you so much ty Trust cal- imum daily os zes but with- . Minimum rust 88 of $400,000, 000, CALLS IT "UNACCEPTABLE, DIVISIVE" ' CANADA ABSORPTION BY U.S. SEEN. Diefenbaker Set To Fight Two-Nation Concept } JOHN DIEFENBAKER ~+. Plans Fight Y By KEN KELLY TORONTO (CP)--The occa- sione' blare of a trumpet is alright but anything like the powerful beat of a jazz combo ds out. With that suitably - conserva- tive dictum, the Progressive Conservative party's combined Policy and leadership conven- tion got under way Monday. Some 400 dele gates -meet from today until noon Thursday to debate and determine party policy. After that, they turn to electing a leader. All the placards, streamers, hats and costumes of a leader- ship convention blossomed in the Royal York Hotel, main convention centre until Friday's shift to Maple Leaf Gardens for the leadership nominations and Saturday's election. The amount of convention- floor demonstrating is severely limited. When canddates are nominated Friday, their sup- porters may whoop it up for a maximum five minutes. After that, said convention co-chairman E. A, Goodman at @ news conference Monday, they'l! be asked to stop. If they don't, "'we'll throw them the hell out of there.' "Mr. Goodman, co-chairman Roger Regimbal, MP for Argenteuil - Deux - Montagnes, and convention executive secre- tary Gene Rheaume revealed that leadership candidates will be required to sign a pledge to support the winner. Mr. Rhe- aume described this as norma but Mr. Goodman later conced- ed there is nothing to show that this was done at previous lead- ership contests. DIFF WILL FIGHT Though the Friday and Satur- day leadership contest tends to dominate the week's proceed- ings, Party Leader John Dief- enbaker injected special inter- est in the policy sessions by committing himself to fight cer- tain suggested policies. He took particular exception to the proposals of the Montmo- ren:y Falls, Que., thinkers. con- ference that the party adopt the two-nations concept of Confed- erat'or. Mr. Diefenbaker called it unacceptable, divisive, tending towards, Canadian absorption by the United States and lead- ing to second-class status for Canad@ans not of French or English descent. He indicated that before he decides whether to fight to keep the leaadership his spokesmen will ¢o battle in the policy dis- cuss'ons.. He is scheduled '2 arrive Wednesday morning and address the convention Thurs- day night. TWO WOMEN MAY RUN Deiegates get their first dose of candidate oratory Tuesday night when all nine men in the race to succeed Mr. Diefenba- ker will lay down their policy ideas There also are two possi- ble women candidates. Th candidates are limited to 10-minute speeches each with a 30-minute question period to wind up the session. Tie candidates: Donald Fleming, 62, Toronto lawyer and former finance min- ister; Davie Fulton, 51, Kam- loops, B.C., lawyer and former justice minister; Alvin Hamil- ton, 55, former agriculture min- ister; George Hees, 57, business execulive and former trade minister; John Maclean, 40, Brockville, Ont., auto dealer; Senator M. Wallace McCutcheon, 61, Toronto finan- cier and former minister with- out portfolio and, briefly, trade minister; Premier Duff Roblin of Manitoba, 50; Premier Rob- ert Stanfield of Nova Scotia, 53; and Michael Starr, 56, former labor minister. Besides the 71-year-old Mr. Diefenbaker, other possible candidates are former mayor Charlotte Whitton of. Ottawa, 71, and Toronto grandmother Mary Sawka, 51. Each candidate must submit a uomination with at least 25 signatures of accredited dele- gates. Nominations close at 10 a.m. Friday. Voting on 20 American-made votir.g machines to be set up in Maple Leaf Gardens starts at 1 p.m. Saturday. WILL BE BRIEF Chief elections officer Lincoln Alexander of Hamilton, Ont., will hold a draw Friday to determine the order in which the candidates make their acceptance speeches Friday. They are limited to 19 minutes each with eight minutes for their nominator and four for their seconder. W«thdrawals must be made in writing by the candidate directly to Mr. Alexander who reports in writing by the candi- date directly to Mr. Alexander who reports to the convention co-chairmen. The chairmen are the only ones authorized to use the convention public address system to announce a_ with- drawa!. However, Mr. Goodman. said, the '"'candidate who withdraws can use any device he wishes to give his marbles to anyone else, if he can." Convention authorities expect more than 10,000 to attend the leadership days Friday and Sat- urday, including representa- tives cf some 40 foreign embas- sies who have inquired about seats for observers. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 3, 1967 3 TORONTO (CP )--Leader John Diefenbaker will make a carefu!ly-timed entrance at the Conservative convention after the nine men who seek his job. Mr Diefenbaker arrives here by plane at 9:45 am. EDT Wednesday The last 'of the leadership candidates are due the previous day, permitting Mr. Diefenbaker's arrival to take centre stage. The drama of the arrival is) enhanced by his non-commital stand on whether he will seek to retain his job in the Saturday leadership balloting. Young Diefenbaker support- ers are circulating at the con- vention wearing "Keep the chiet" buttons. But even. they) Leader Diefenbaker Plans Carefully-Timed Entrance leader, along with anybody else, tas until 10 a.m. Friday to declare. Ai the convention, he will stay at one of the two $120-a- day vice-regal suites at the Royal York hotel, the main con- vention hotel. ASTRON Fast Action HOUSE SALES! Call @ Member of the OSHAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD ond List Photo don't know what the chief will! do. | "If he runs, he will win," one| Mi eal s} MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE said and left it at that. The MICHAEL STARR «+. Plans Speech is the lineup for this week's crucial political game for the leadership of the Progressive Conservative party. Nine PC Leader Candidates Unavailable On Labor Day By DAVE McINTOSH TORONTO (CP) Development --Following iness Announced candidates for the rural Canada. George Hees, 57, Toronto bus- | executive | regime, and Agricultural Rehabilitation andjminister. Despite this, he; There may be three other y Administration| served as trade minister in the|candidates. Also in alphabetical which may transform much of|dying weeks of the Diefenbaker | order, they are: | John Diefenbaker, 71, former Robert Stanfield, 53, has been|prime minister and Conserva-" former} premier of Nova Scotia for the|tive leader since 1956. \trade minister, is a hail - fel-|last 11 years and has success- low - well - met type who pro-|fully promoted secondary indus-|a grandmother who describes Mary Sawka, 51, of Toronto, fi * Poste panne | Ky Wants Premiership SAIGON (AP)--Nguyen Cao Ky wants President-elect Nguy- en Van Thieu to appoint him premier, the post he now holds, reliable sources reported today. leadership are listed below in alphabetical order. Donald Fleming, 62, Toronto lawyer and former finance min- ister, tried for the Conservative leadership in 1948 and 1956. He) placed third behind George Drew and John Diefenbaker in 1948 and second to Mr. Diefen- baker in 1956. Davie Fulton, 51, Kamloops, B.C., lawyer and former justice minister finished third in the 1956 leadership race with 117 votes to Mr. Diefenbaker's 774 and Mr. Fleming's 393. Alvin Hamilton, 55, one-time Saskatchewan farm hand and school teacher who is generally rated as the leading ideal man in the party. As former agricul- ture minister, he set up the bably knows more: voting dele- try. Quiet Bob has run a quiet|herself as gates by their first names than| campaign, meeting delegates | woman." any other candidate. He has|with: 'I'm Bob Stanfield. Look | been working for the leadership; me over." for at least two years. CHANCES SLIM John Maclean, 40, Brockville, chances of winning are moder- ate. He was the first to get into|paign without a budget, staff or| |Saturday in Maple Leaf Gar- the race--last Jan. 18. He may have a unique campaign here: He says he won't serve booze. Senator M. Wallace McCutcheon, 61, a Toronto fin- ancier who is unabashedly right-wing. As minister without portfolio, he participated in the abortive 1963 effort to replace|tion. He Mr. Diefenbaker with the late George Nowlan, then finance Michael Starr, 56, labor min- ister during the six years of the Diefenbaker government. A for- }mer Ont., auto dealer, concedes his|four-time mayor of Oshawa, he has pro Duff Roblin, 50, has been pre- mier of Manitoba for the last nine years and, like Mr. Stan- industry. He says he will enter federal politics no matter what the out- come of the leadership conven- Shakespeare, plays the bagpipes and says: field, blue-collar run his motional literature. has promoted reads "I'm a bit of a dry stick." the "last angry Charlotte Whitton, 71, former Ottawa mayor 'who has livened the political scene for decades. & Each candidate requires 25 signatures of convention dele- ERIC NIELSEN «++ Maps Strategy INSTANT BABIES young opossum, which ' The gestation period of the . is born in an immature stage of devel-| opment, may be as little as! « Contains a Unique One of the most common afflic- tions is a condition known as 'Itching Piles". It is most em- r ing for the sufferer dur- |ing the day and especially @ BLUE CROSS @ P.S.1. @ GREEN SHIELD worker and/gates. Deadline for nominations 1s leadership cam-/10 a.m. Friday. | Voting will start at 1 p.m. NEED NOT dens. There will be about 2,450) voting delegates. The winner will need half the votes plus one. If more than one ballot is required, as con-| sidered likely, the candidate | with the fewest votes is) 8 BOND ST. £., OSHAWA John Ovens 0. D. OPTOMETPIST PHONE 723-4811 PAY CASH! You Give Us The Doctors Prescription dropped after each voting} round until one candidate has aiDX -- DX -- DX -- DX We do the rest. majority. Ky was elected vice-president Sunday on the same military slate with Thieu. ~ The sources report that Thieu has not decided who he will appoint as premier. The U.S. embassy has been pressing him to appoint a civilian to counter criticism of the predominantly military character of the regime, To hold the premiership as well as the. vice-presidency, would require an amendment of the constitution, but this could be accomplished if Ky controls the Senate. : 'In Sunday's election, which also was for the Senate, Ky supporters were ahead. "Returns from 27 of the 44 provinces put four slates known to support Ky among the top six runners. Six of the 48 slates of 10 men each will be elected, forming a 60-day Senate. By DAVE McINTOSH ~- TORONTO (CP)--You've heard about those smoke-filled rooms where all the wheeling John Maclean, 40-year-old There was no one present, 1 ie NINE PC CANDIDATES Brockville b Mr. McLean, who has no vote 'at the convention, cruised around seeking del, rt and dealing is supposed to be done at political conventions? are all right. But on Labor Day at least there was no smoke in them. And, naturally, without smoke, there was no wheeling and dealing in them. ' Not only were they without smoke, the suites were also without the nine Conservative leadership candidates. The only candidate in fre- quent sight at the Royal York, main convention hotel, was The rooms -- suites, rather --|where,"' he said, But my cam- or suites of Donald F1 » in "T have a room here some-|toba. STARR ABSENT paign manager hasn't arrived yet and I don't know where it is."" ference. But the man in charge anything about it. she didn't know where the can- didate was. E D rik Nielsen, MP for Yukon and campaign manager A rumor got around that Pre-jfor Michael Starr, said his man mier Stanfield of Nova Scotia)was off working on a speech at was going to hold a press con- another hotel. own in the lobby, where at his suite said he didn't know|doctors and a gang of track) athletes were also milling] In George Hees' headquarters|around before their meets, a room, a pretty brunette said|party official said Monday morning that deals among lead- ership candidates would be out) at this convention. "To begin with," ke said, Lawyer Denies Telegram His TORONTO (CP)--A telegram the . e min g,|Diefenbaker "harsh treatment" reve Fulton, Alvin Hamilton,| unless he withdraws from. the upport of other|Senator Wallace McCutcheon or/iea. in favor of Pr the sunpe Premier Duff Roblin of Mani-|puff Roblin. of Manitoba. 1s the promising Conservative Leader being circulated at the party's leadership convention. $ BE WISE: ECONOMIZE! SAVE $$ -- WTH -- Phone 668-3341 FREE $ $ SF a DRUGS 1 to 5-Year the name of Wi lawyer' The telegram is signed with Dx --_ DX -- DX -- BX Guaranteed Maurice Arpin, a Roblin organi- zer who denies having sent it or having any knowledge of it} until if was brought to his) attention by Thomas Van) Dusen, Mr. Diefenbaker's exec-| utive assistant. | "T"ve consulted my Criminal) Code about uttering a forged) document if any use is made of, this fake,"" Mr. Arpin said in an interview. CABLE TV. NOW EARN 612% per annum AND ARE Guaranteed--os to principal and inter Flexible--moy be used os Col- Subscribers To soe | aggravating at night. | Ifyou want satisfactory relief --here's good news. A d Burning Rectal Itch Relieved In Minutes This Special Hemorrhoid Remedy Healing Substance That Relieves Pain As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids ment" was reported. This im- provement was maintained over a. period of months! Among these sufferers were a wide vari- ety of hemorrhoid conditions-- even cases of long standing. This was accomplished by a makes Soo f research laboratory has found a | unique healing substance with | the ability to promptly relieve | the burning itch and pain. It | actually shrinks hemorrhoids. | This substance has been shown | to produce a most effective rate | of healing. Its germ-killing pro- |perties also help prevent | infection. In one hemorrhoid case after another "very striking improve- City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Investment Certificates BNA Language Provisions Seen As "Very Limited' "we are out of office and there are no plums to hand around." | "Anyway, how can one candi-| date offer another a future cab- inet post in exchange. for sup-| port when six of the candidates| have already held high cabinet} jobs and two now are pre- lateral for loons. Redeemable--by Executors in the event of deoth, Authorized--os Trustee Act in- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST LOOKING FOR A COMMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN?P THEN GO TO THE Tally-Ho Room Member Cenade Deposit & SAVINGS CORPORATION - QUEBEC (CP)--A copstitu- tional change recognizing broader rights with respect to the two official languages would add a new. meaning to amendment to the constitution that would insert a federal bill of rights. Such a bill, he said, would guarantee the fundamental eedoms of the citizen from pobesio hig whether federal or provincial and neither Parlia- ment or the provincial legisla- tures would be able to modify it by ordinary legislative process. "Essentially we will be test- ing, and hopefully establishing, the one-ness of Canada. If. we reach agreement on the funda- mental rights of the citizen, on their definition and protection in all parts of Canada, we shall have a major first step towards basic constitutional reform." NAMES WEAKNESS He said the weakness of the Canadian Bill of Rights of 1960 and the various provincial stat- utes is that they do not pre- clude future encorachments. They may be amended in the Nor do they cover certain rights "which are special to a country like Canada, founded on two distinct linguistic groups." Once the constitutional pro- least the parties concerned want more and more to discuss the problems." Mr. Bertrand ,would not say| when the legislature's commit-|said, any wheeling and dealing | tee on the constitution will hold|will be done at a much lower) miers? Hotel Lancaster Insurance Corporetion new Bio- Dyne)--developed by a world- renowned research institution. This substance is now obtain- able in ointment or suppository form known as Preparation H. Ask for Preparation H Sup- positories (convenient to carry if away from home) or Prepara- tion H Ointment with special applicator. Available at all drug counters, Satisfaction er your money refunded. WE Because the Real That saved us $250.00, to us! Why don't YOU they charge you ONLY This meons they can get property ! CENTRAL LAUGHING! Estate Dept. ONTARIO TRUST just sold our house for us AND CHARGED US ONLY 4% COMMISSION where they olso have their own mortgage money. CALL ARE of CENTRAL which. is o lot of money list YOUR home where 4% TO SELL IT, and you more cash for your ONTARIO Real Estate Dept. "These meh are gunning for the top, not second best." Consequently, the official) 27 KING ST, 723-5278 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville WEST 623-2527 723-5221 Tom Houston 668-4416 Allan Thompson 728-2820 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 FOUNTAINYEAD Ralph. Schotield 576-1680 TRUST if eral government on the consti- tutional question. Mr. Bertrand said in an inter- view: "TJ am convinced the change tives taken by Quebec a long time ago and by Ontario which is holding a constitutional con- ference this fall." Asked whether he likes the change, Mr. Bertrand said: "At of attitude is due to the initia-) TEA MONEY STOPPED NEW MILTON, England (CP)--British Railways clamped down on an unofficial railway' timetable which had sion at this rural Hampshire office sold their own version at the BR edition which costs' six game way as any other statute. times as much. been out-selling their own ver- station, Clerks at the ticket four pence for more than 40 years, using the small profit for tea money. They now must sell Windows -- Doors RATES INCREASED i i ini Py ry . : | E Confederation, Justice suadeid i ic ri a meeting. The Union Nationale|level where promises oi, say,| NOW IS THE TIM | es Trudeau said Monday. ten of jegpharagih ot fade soverantet has named a com- senatorships, are much more| Ae TO CALL | cre age, Trpdeny eld the Ae cub gill ig to bring the| mittee, but it was not yet met. attractive. 4%) : Take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- NIGHTS annual meeting of the Canadian) wit tinted Back to Canada. Quebec began studying con-| Yes Virginia, there are Tie ra baanes wand u po Bar Association that, the lan-| constitu ill be to/Stitutional change under the|smoke-filled rooms. But sou \\ Sica: ede toys VO sete SATURDAYS guage provisions of the British) The next he formula |ormer Liberal government|have to get wheeling, dealing he es fs ie | DUNT ese i bg Act "are very ar One tanec of | with a committee of the legisla- ee tae them to make even 40 Yeane cxpemical fl imtied. 1 consider th ) : a id if agreement could be|final adjudication in the consti- | _ Zi Bh ig S prontat definition |tutional field by the Supreme) McL AU GHLI and more extensive guarantees Court of Canada. | ALUMINUM in the matter of recognition of} He said little would then | N the official languages "we will | stand in the way of a general | COAL & 723-348 1 have found a solution ae ina constitutional a | OSHAWA curries Ving Pe '"« C I C. ic issue facing Canada| he text of Mr. Trudeau's | ay aay" speech was released to the FREE PARKING l The justice minister criticised| press in advance. : "the fashion of constitutional WELCOMED CHANGE Alu minum Van Belle {conoclasm" and defended) Justice Minister Jean-Jacques _ Prime Minister Pearson's deci-)Bertrand of Quebec later wel- sion to deal first with an comed what he termed the céaeaiin change of attitude" of the fed- Storm/Sereen Gaideninc 623-5757 cs | | | Take A Drive Patio' Doom" To <4 § VAN BELLE Shelters for n creen an | ARDENS --Bus Sto 5 || =e" iow Storm Window troubles i a The 33 FOREVER... Install | DO-IT-YOURSELF Jolousies @ Fertilizer @ Spreaders Aluminum Siding m4 Feces ee ! @ Seeds, Ete. Pee gg @ Advice on your Garden Problems Inserts for | ona Widnes" Showroom and Factory || Wan Belle Gardens 95 ATHOL ST. EAST -- OSHAWA | "Your Friendly Gorden, Centre" et, PHONE 728-1633 | On Hi v4 To 6"% for terms of 1 to 5 years If you are not earning 612% on your savings or if your investments are not Guaranteed as to principal, come in to see us! CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION MEMBER, CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 23 King St. W. Bowmanville a 623-2527 19 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-5221 Open Friday Nights and Saturdays

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