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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Sep 1967, p. 14

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7 : {run a ski and shooting resort MYSTICS TAXED Social Service Means More = findin summer they urually el] cHaLMeTre, ta. (AP) fish and swim in ice cold Lac le|Fortune tellers and spirit medi. . ® Jeune. ' ums must pay a $100 privilege Than Social Affairs 0 Pat U ton In addition, Mr. Fulton has/tax under a new St. Bernard ; Parish ordinance. It applies to invested in a herd of Hereford z By LILLIAN NEWBERY 5. 11s ty ia gr ag ay wih ve, oe miodvaay Dubai my roe & have ne It' stream, our ablest people assist |/him on sides of the matter |power to s s' quarrels, 'ie ave Hele ral wl ned him right back into the) of rising food prices. find lost treasures, predict the siasm for her husband's cam-/stream." "When I say the price of beef|outcome of trials or invest. paign for the national leader- Mrs, Fulton is convinced that|is high, he says 'Hooray,' she|/ments, heal, exorcise or effect ship of the Progressive Conser-|her children, Mary, 18, Trish,remarked affectionatély. 'He|marriages between friends and vative party. 16, and Sebeg ie. Be ei doesn't understand ag of] enemies. i a great part of their lives work-|one pocket and into another." Se, t «ag Pat : ogg ote ri theliing. That's one reason she says| The Fultons met at the Uni- JUST FOR Bean ee cace all summer|day care centres for children| versity of British Columbia out of a ,sui oo a Pale vd are a proven need. where Patricia was taking a GLAMOUR ? or e anioy sink She is also publicity chair-|degree in social work. She : voter th ats 4 Ae tse 'ion man for the Vanier Institute of}headed the Vancouver ;hnenvel Lott Beauty Trainin means here tet 65. the amily. Children's Aid Society during |" {r4r,thet: AyProfessionel cores in "It's going to last for 100/the war years when Japanese], . . Security . . nd One » Glamour But Patricia Fulton can't help|years, To maintain its inde-|families were being sent to he |Pay Oppactunities, tol For free bro- wondering what will happen to|pendence the institute needs al interior of B.C: her own interests if, as sh€|/good deal of support--| "I've always considered it a) MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS hopes, her husband becomes) $10,000,000 so it can live on its|debatable move but the Japa-|3iq gicor st. w. Torti) Dank 'or 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 6, 1967 ! ANN LANDERS Youth Carries Guilt Of Tragic Accident & é aks Dear Ann Landers: A few/druggist got dressed and went days ago you published a letter - the a a wpe' nye up conde te store and fix ie eardrops from a teen-ager whose friends) ong aspirin. They aid, were killed in an auto accident.|«"Thanks a Jot. Charge it." That letter hit very close to' It's hard to refuse to give home because I was the driver|peopie medicine because they of a car that went out of control/owe a bill, but my husband has| and two of my dearest friends|to pay for his merchandise. He were killed. doesn t get it for nothing. : I would @ladly trade, places suai Aah, telt eae oer leader. income." nese settled where they were|Day or Evening Courses, Branches in wita either of my friendsjout there that merchants are| | "I hope I won't be submerged| Despite these interests, Mrs.|interned and made spectacular |°!! Principal cities. Established over 49 in social duties and can carry|Fulton does not begrudge the| citizens." Loerie ee because life hasn't been worth|not nasty people. They are ordi- living since that night. First,/nary folks who are trying to there is the horrible feeling of/make a living. And they can't] | on," she said as she sat in ajtime spent on the leadership| Patricia corresponded with Toronto hotel room surrounded|campaign. She finds it exciting| pavie while he was at Oxford by luggage. and fun because all the candi-lon a Rhodes scholarship and/| guilt. I was /going too fast. I/make a living if people don't i had too mayfy beers. The acci-/pay their bills. Thank you. What this articulate, petite pool are ane friends and|they were married after the dent ar y faa Fd I ond Mrs, America. -- is tse nee to bry 4 losely associated. war. : my s. If I ha en hurt,| Dear Mrs.: I had a tough, | on is her active involvement in| mugp FORGO LODGE KOS OTS ON Pee bad I mean, I would have felt/time deciding which merchant's volunteer social work. She) Campaigning has not left HOUSEHOLD HINT | PASTOR and } heads the family and child divi- ; : much time for the Fultons to| When loading your washing gion of the Canadian Welfare relax at their British Columbia|machine, mix large items with | ye ag mountain lodge. In winter they|smaller ones for best results. 8h A yg woh oo -- The BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing 3 REGISTRATION befors her marriage in 1946, Her appetite has been whetted, 172 King St. East | LOWER LEVEL | however, by the things she has SATURDAY, SEPT. 9th seen while travelling with Mr. from 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. Erickson (left), bridegroom of 25 are presented w Newlywe Married With a recent bri groom accompanyi their seats of honor Mrs. M. E. Erickso bridegroom of 25 better, but I walked away with-/jetter to print. I receive hun- out a scratch. |dreds. They all said the same When I see the parents of the|thing. But you said it best.| kids who died in my car I feel)Thanks. Hike a criminal, The crank let-/ ters en@ phone calls still keep} Dear Ann Landers: My hus- coming. They don't help any.|band is 66 years of age. He has Nobody ean say anything to me/always been a fine person--res- that I haven't already said to|pected in the community and so myself a hundred times. I know/far as I know he has never teen-agers get sick and tired of/done anything that would adults climbing on their backs|refiect poorly on his name. / abuuc drinking and speeding) 41; of a sudden he has started| but maybe if they hear it from/to tell me about the love affairs one of their own they'll pay|he had before we were mar- Fulton on his. political cam- paigns. SEEN SLUMS | "We've seen places the rest! of Canada doesn't know about. | In the slums of every city there | some attention.--Gullty of Mur-|ried. He goes way back to his are people who grow up, marry | der lcolleze days and names names and die on welfare. ; lait fs baron CANADA'S LARGEST became the guests Dear Guilty: Here is one let-|and places. We married when "Living that way it's easy for| , ; AND FINEST CHAIN OF reception held Wed: ter that should be clipped andjhe was in his early 20's and 1 a person to become thoroughly pee pore, Rammer Src OATH BAG ing in the lower a pasted to the dashboards ofj|can't figure out how he worked -- " " ; discouraged, Bd = neg crash} Secretary--Doris L, Olsen -- 725-3412 | H SPAS the College Park thousands of automobilesiin so much romancing. He MRS. DAVIE FULTON cross the country in his | . Programs s0 that when a man ; Adventist Church. pty hrf country, Thank sags bi e's | have ig Sel has been living out of a ae " eq ---- | ¢ Pg a the | or writing. j anc e lights are out, an en | suitcase for months as she e ership ol ; e rogres- rs. Philip 'oores Hint tani Yin niclece iene ree | sak ae tated a= Oe Ce Be sgt g 6 from the couple who was mad/ 1 do not know what to say to| Moores, president because the jewelry store wrote/nim when he talks like that, nor HALF 'N' HALF hot or chilled, add half 'n' half|' " enth ~ day pet ntario an juebe them an "undignified" letter/do 1 know what to make of it.| Half 'n' half is a dairy prod-|instead of water. Old-time cooks , ; master o cerem Y asking them to pay their bill) _siupned. | -osloften made baked rte : {uct that costs less than light! %! ie 6a custar : Se hd male yonds he igs | Dear Stunned: Stories about/cream: yet can be satisfactor-|With cream instead of milk, but cy Mrs. King and Mt their friendl aa ist (my hus-|P4St Tomances improve with/ily used as an alternate for it in| this is over-rich. So today's ; & had decorated the band) fog yh an and asked| time and since the ones you are/coffee or in cooking. It con- homemaker makes baked cus-| and the refreshment him to open his store and give|e@ting now are 40 years old|tains not less than 10 per cent tards with half 'n' half, saving} was centered wi them something for Susie's ear.|tueY must be dillies, |butter fat, with added non-fat|Poth money and calories. | : wedding cake flank g for Susie's ear- 'alae 'A H | candles, and place ache. | Write it off as a sign of age milk solids. S : CALLS SPIRAL ) Pa ® ackground of can two tall baskets of plus some uneasiness about his} To make milk soups richer,| WOULDN'T ASK DOCTOR linability to perform as he once| use half as much half 'n' half as; There has been a 140-per-cent| {oli and: chrysanthe When he asked if they had|did. The good Lord gave you| milk. And to give a rich taste|increase in the numebr of pa-} @ pi called the doctor they said,|/two ears for such drivel as this|to vichyssoise or other chilled ane ee Maar o tients going to hospital emergen-| a al "We wouldn't think of bothering}. . . let it go in one and out the| cream soups use half 'n' half.jcy departments in Ontario dur- ' ing the last six years. = reed tee os as the honored ct through the door w! ee corated with silver 1 him at this hour,"' The friendly other. In using canned soups, either ling their names, ' Joy". Miss Choban panied the songs ¥ persed the prograr a reading, and a depicting the differ romance. Following the ent: guests of honor, Glanzer (nee Kath dressed in her we of less than two marched down the arm of her father, ip Moores, who offic wedding. While M * stood in the aisle | sang to her "I Love following. which Mi presented Mrs. Er her bridal bouquet, of silver half doll: the streamers, the of their friends as: the evening. The Er! also presented with serole, a gift from Clare, who had req Moores to arrange as he could not be » who financed the ar | Tne Ericksons, w! chased a home o1 Road North, have dents of Oshawa fc at which time Past came to take over secretary - treasure enth - day Adventis Ontario and Quebec quarters offices at BROWN ANDBITTERGWIEET tthabl'dwe com, Aa ML No mess! No mixing! No bucket! Your hands never touch water! navy /gold. 13.00 The freshest new colour on the Beok- Bebo) histones pantwutt Rolie pik Easy-to-use Fantastik unleashes amazing new cleaning power! to-School fashion scene. Crisply Also navy /gold. 25.00 turned out by Teacher's Pet in easy- Long sleeve machine washable Orion living, easy-care bonded Orlon knit. pullover. Mock cable detail. Bitter- For your toughest cleaning jobs,..it's Fantastik! 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Take coupon to your store today! suttiorant mock werrantsite redemption, Any autasti fraud. Gash value 1/20th of oneteern te a For redemption, mail to: "i DOMTAR Consumer Products Ltd apaialen P.O. Box #3000, sf Se Saint John, NEW BRUNSWICK Expiry date--December 31, 1967. @REGISTERED TRADE MARK DOMTAR CONSUMER PRODUCTS LTO. JAVEX DIVISION y Pa Hee that To Da Hl dT Te) IEDEEMABLE ONLY ON "FANTASTIA" CLEANER WITH SPRAY ATTACHED. 16 C3Swetller fashions since 1867 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OO Ey in Gee Ae al athe A et AOL aE dee fete ee te a ae ed ee) i ee eee sl

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