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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Sep 1967, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 6, 1967 Exhibitors At Expo Offer Authentic Native Dishes Millions of visitors from alliIn the pavilions. of the partici- over Canada and the United/pating nations, the dishes are States have visited Expo 67,/authentic and often dramatic. situated opposite Montreal Har- For dinner the Switzerland bor. The average visitor spends ""Fundue Pot," a gay, cheerful $7.24 per visit food, entertainment, or other items. TO FEED THE CROWD Some 60 restaurants with &lang Chocolate combined seating capacity for} ¥ souvenirs Roude" 'Cheese, Bourguignonne (beef), Historically, Cheese Fondue 21,000 persons are located On| was invented first, not as the the exhibition grounds, in addi-| -ourmet delight it has become, tion to food stands and snack] but from simple necessity, as bars. As many as 300,000 meals) we were reminded recently by and sracks are served each day./Heiz Hofer, manager for Open Or Closed Sandwiches Make A Tasty Meal jNorte America of the Switzer- jlanfi Cheese Association. In os times in Switzerland, jbread was baked in the fall to jlast all winter, and often a |month or so became hard as wood. To be edible it had to be jsoaked or dunked in hot milk Sandwiches originally consist-\ 5, wire. The cheese of those ed of two slices of bread put. together with salted and peppered cold sliced beef, smoked meat, poultry or game. But that was in the day when ladies were preferred plump, and men hefty. Sandwiches were eaten out of hand. To help attain today's stand-|theee Pd canna pd aongghi ard of slimmed physical PrOpOr-| cater) The Ss cantons I tions, sandwiches are often); 2: 3 open, that' is, made with one slice of bread, and covered with meat, poultry, or choice of other toppings and finished with a garnish. They sometimes call for the use of knife and fork, | and are cut in quarters for con- venient eating. | Among the garnishes of choice are pickles; pickled crab apples; or drained pickled peaches; assorted olives; crisp) cress; celery hearts; red rad-| ishes with tender green tops; or half-moons of avocado brush-/3 ed with lemon juice to prevent/1 discoloration. CLOSED SANDWICHES of buttered white or cheese bread with chopped drained chutney. Put together with thin slices of lightly seasoned|2 chicken. Ham Sandwiches Washington State: Put buttered rye bread together with minced flavorful buttered }1 tbsp. lemon juice India - Chicken: spread slices|3 times also became very hard. A thousand or more years ago, |some unknown housewife tossed her hard cheese in a pot of hot liquid, dunked the hard bread, | et voila! -- Fondue was born. | Rub Fondue cook-pot or casser- | Teday there are as many var-| | jtaurant is a traditional favo }may prefer Fondue Neuchate. jloise, using half cessed Gruyere). Measurements are level AUTHENTIC CHEESE FONDUE % Jb. Switzerland Swiss spel h ; "My problem is my weight on admission, |all-Swiss restaurant in the "La and my height. I weigh 120 Amusement Area of pounds and I am only five feet Expo 67, specializes in three tall, This doesn't sound too bad jdelicious Swiss Fondues: except that I gain normally in KEEP IN TRIM By IDA real ol A 15-year-old boy' who is on the short side asks for help: weight and stay the same height. I look fat, Should I try watching my diet so as to lose weight? Or should I let nature take her course? I would appreciate advice." By comparing your height and weight to the average boy of 15 on-a physical growth chart, it is obvious that on the height score you are in the short zone. However, your weight is in the average zone. You are not overweight, so it wouid be a serious mistake to diet to reduce. The body's energy needs come first. When Not Dieting, But Exercise Best For Short, Stocky Boy following recipe|air bubbles rise to surface, add |from Expo's "Fondue Pot" Res-/lemon juice; a iby half-cupfuls, \rite. For a sharper taste, you!startiy with wooden fork orjin a Perth jewelry shop. The f -|spoon until cheese is melting.|slightly greyish mauve-tinged Switzerland| Add kirsch and spices, |Swiss cheese and half Switzer-|until blended. To serve, land natural Gruyere (not pro- enoug? food energy and essen- tial nutrients for your needs, growtr. suffers first. During the fast-growing years, 14 to 16, a boy needs a surprising amount of food for energy. 3,000 to 3,400 calories a day. From 15 to 18, a young man wil! require around 26 cal- ories per pound of normal weight per day: His need for essential nutrients and calories are higher during these years than they will be at any future time URGES DAILY EXERCISE Now back to our model who looks fat. Tone up and trim down with exercise. You can look fat and be flabby without weighing too much by the scales, With daily exercise you a gym bar. To toughten up, devise ways to exercise the big muscles of the body. You won't weigh jess but you will be lea- n er. Use @ daily food guide as a framework for your food choives. Pay attention to milk, fruits and vegetables--foods likely to be in short supply. Have four or more glass of milk a day. So as not to boost calories, choose skim milk or buttermilk, or two per cent milk Or have part skim milk and part whole milk. Dually Pattern: Milk: four or more eight oz. glasses; meat, fish chicken: two servings, three-oz. each, cooked weight, not counting bone. Eggs: one daily or five per week. Vegeta- bles: three servings one a dark green or deep yellow for vita- min A. Fruits: three servings, one orange or grapfruit, or the juice, for vitamin C. Bread-ce- real group: Cereal, cooked or dry, % cup: Bread, good-quali- ty: four or more slices. Such foods as cottage cheese, cheese, peanut butter and dried beans and peas can be used as alter- natves to furnish protein. Round out this pattern with other foods to meet, but not to exceed, your calorie needs. Talk this problem over with your family doctor. Although your height is set by your heredity, proper nutrition during your growth-spurt years gives you a chance to grow and develop according to nature's PICKS WRONG RELIC ROME (AP)--Marina Cashini thought the object she had dug out of the sand at the Tiber River's mouth was a 2,000. year-old relic. She slashed with a knife at the sediment encrust- ing it, then used @ hammer and chisel. What emerged was a Second World War artillery shell. Police said Miss Cashini was lucky her blows didn't set best plan for you. it off. 4 22 Simcoe St. North Norm Fisher's Meat Market Phone 723-3732 ALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED SHOULDER PORK CHOPS. «49° SKINLESS WIENERS can look and be lean, lithe and muscular Swim, play tennis, your daily fare fails to furnish bicycle, hike, jog, work out on us. 1,00 SWISS MISS Helga Gruenstrass and cheese ex- pert Heinz Hofer taste-test- ing at Expo 67 Fondue Pot | Restaurant. PERTH SHOWS PEARL PERTH, Scotland (AP)--A)| priceless giant pearl from Scot- then edd cheese tish waters, described as a once stirring con- in-a-lifetime find, is on display jole with garlic; pour in wine; | set over moderate heat. When Stirring) sem, one-half inch in diameter keep ; bubbling hot over burner; spear|#"4 Scaling about 8.6 carats, |bread cubes through soft side|was found in a mussel bed of into the crust, dunk and swirl'the River Tay by Bill Aber- in the Fondue. Serves 4 nathy, Scotland's only profes- NOTE: Alcohol evaporates sional pearl fisher. Nearly |from wine and kirsch or brandy,/every female member of the | leaving fine flavor. Royal Family owns Tay pearls. | Ask for -- Gino, who hos Eurdépean ee | RIVIERA COIFFURE 600 KING ST. EAST -- 723-8601 Take Advantage of Our - Anniversary Special PERMANENTS .. . 5.95 FOR SEPTEMBER ONLY Girls of all ages -- Phone 723-8601 | Training and Experience in Tor- onto's larger shops, or Olive Teetro former owner of Elizabeth's Beauty Salon. For An Appointment Call 723-8601 ss. 1.00 BOLOGNA yy rue piece vs, 69° OR TwIRL ? BLADE STEAKS ae Register SLICED AD tries BREAKFAST BACON = it: 49° Saturday, Sept. 16| ~~ . At OM @ FREEZER SPECIAL @ > FOR FALL TERM HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-6122 BEEF HINDQUARTERS __,, 65° Ae > FRESH VEGETABLES POTATOES -- su. 39° cheese, shredded or fine-cut tbsp. flour section peeled garlic 2 c. dry white wine tbsp. kirsch or brandy ¥% tsp. ground nutmeg | Y, tsp. white pepper | \% tsp. paprika | small loaves Italian or French bread, cut in cubes crust left on each side Mix cheese lightly with flour. smoked ham blended with 4% the quantity grated raw apple and moistened with mustard- mayonnaise, topped with thin- sliced firm tomato. Lobster Sandwiches from Maine: Slice crisp fresh rolls lengthwise. Butter lightly. Put together with a small lettuce leaf and canned Maine lobster diced small and mixed with Mayonnaise Piquante. OPEN SANDWICH Chicken - Liver Pate and Brisket of Beef: Spread 1 large thin slice sour-rye bread with butter and plenty of chicken liver pate. Top with thin-sliced brisket of beef (fat removed). Dust with whole cherry toma- toes and cress. OSHAWA TIMES | PICTURE RE-PRINTS Aveileble At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshewe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount em Orders of 5 or More Pictures ee ATTENTION High School Students! Dunn's hove oll your Physica! Educotion Equipment: SHORTS, T-SHIRTS, DUF- FLE BAGS, SOX, GYM SHOES, SCHOOL CARDIGANS cond LONG SLEEVED CRESTED SWEAT SHIRTS. For Donevan, Eastdole, Kingswoy College, MeLaugh- Hn, O'Neill, Central and Whitby -- Henry Street ond Anderson Street. SCHOOL JACKETS AND SWEATERS for Oshawa: McLoughlin, Central, O'Neil!, Doneven, Eastdole ond Kings- way College. For Whitby: Henry Street ond Anderson Street High. ATHLETIC SOCKS 1.00 GYM BAGS 2.29 SCHOOL CRESTED JACKETS 16.95 Long Sleeve School Crested Sweat Shirts 4.00 SCHOOL T-SHIRTS 1.50 GYM SHORTS. 1.50 SCHOOL SWEATERS rom 10.95 WHITE GYM SHOES from 2.99 trom] ATHLETIC SUPPORTS 20 OSHAWA : SHOPPING CENTRE Open te 9 p.m. Thursday end Fridoy @ BOTH STORES CLOSE WEDNESDAY AT 1 P.M. @ DOWNTOWN 36 King St. E. Open to 9 p.m. Fridey 7 peewee rar wr mre enmene 9 LDL MEG AED A Mini Class-bound Classics Intelligent dressing to return to the three R's scene. Left: You'll cotton te this medium wale corduroy A-liner jumper with its curved seaming and tabs se aglow with luminous pearly buttons. By Jaybee, in berry, blue or green. For sizes 7 to 12, 4.98. Sizes 4 to 6x, 3.98. Right: Non-stop sweaters that add up to a dress. This new fashion-math turns turtle, while its diamond pattern vies with its long ribbing. From the looms of Zephry Knitting Mills, have this turbo Orlon® knit in copper gold, splender blue or hunt green. Sizes 8 to 14, 8.98 Oshawa Shopping Centre -- 728-4626 ee ee 2 Headed for the Ski S/opes Soon, the northwinds will blow, and you know! But the snow-in set will be ready for action in these, Top: Colorful as snow-bloom- ing flowers is this nylon quilted jacket with attached hood, Lushly pile lined. By Mirado, in gold, blue or rose prints. Sizes 7 to 14, 11.00. Bottom: There's true stretch in these Perma-Press slims with Autoclave® finish. Tailored by Komac Knitting Mills in Cel-Cil® fibre to spring back to shape after every machine dunking. In navy, green, brown or brick. Sizes 8 to 14, 4.98 ¥ Oe ee checked and tattersal patterns, Size 8 to 16, regular 3.98, School special, 2.99. The slacks to wear with them are thicke set sorduroy Tee-Kays® by Monarch. In brick, thunder blue, brass, new brown, green or camel. Sizes 8 to 12, 6.00. Crewe per ae Two Bright Scholars All set to take top honors in class-dressing. The sport shirt is from a wide Perma-Press selection taflored by Starr Holly. wood and Style Guild. Buiton-down collar stylings... striped, neck pullover of brushed Orlon® and Antron® comes plain or with a checkerboard front. By Tiny Tots, in blue, red or brown, Size 4 to 6x, regular 3.98. School special, 2.98. With it, Fortrel® and Koratron® Fortrel® slacks by Majdell. In blue, brown or charcoal. Sizes 4 to 6x, 3.98 Bowmanville -- 5 King St. E. -- 623-5451 PN ee ee ee me ee COUNTY Oronc Draw: ORONO (TC) street fair and ¢ recently and wz fine success, wit ceeding the pre' tendar-ce. There the young, danci 'n' roll crowd ar Late in the eve draw for a cc was hele with berry, North 01 lucky winner. T! promoted by the Athletic Associa' ceeds going to a of the artificial . , Bible | ORONO (TC) - Bib'e Schoo! of tt Church conclude program with "Open House." ftiends of the 60 on hand to view which was on dis rooms of the group had a disp eagerness in adults to their p A replica of an wae displayed group while ot tom-toms and pa: projects. Hockey ORONO (TC) of the Chicago Bl of the NHL hocke visiting at the Or 8 and 9. He will part of the Hock meet and greet autographs and g to aspiring hocke Hockey Caravan munities all acro features a unique that electronical speed of a puck s net. Local reside the opportunity own puck shooti compete for high Fiddlers ORONO (TC) - Bunting recently the Old Time F held 'n Shelbourn f the 120 conte ladies division ir tion, she was ac her husband. Mr. old Ransberry, € tende: the conte a crowd of over two days and ev: Flower ORONO (TC) - Horticultural Soc annual flower sh outstanding arran F. Stephens, distr behalt of the C made a surprise | Mrs. Fairbrother diploma for outst the horticultural particular with t deners. Oscar Lt dick Street, Oron¢ ner of the most- award, There we growers well in the award. Water § ORONO (TC) - Swimming Club successful water gram at the Orc pool. There wer enrolled from nor to bronze bar inst instructress was Reynolds assisted Snelders, Mrs, Misses Debbie R line Johnson, Ele Margaret Middlet Nixon. Orono wa: in the area offeri bar classes in t program. These capatly instruct Reynolds, with centage passing. } were held with 1 charge. Tested w termediate, senit divisions. Twent were advanced ¢ intermediates, 11 bronz@ and one b' vious to these tes were passed. Attend § AUDLEY (TC) and ladies attend the home of Susz honor of Miss M Scarborough, whe Herb Richards Sept. 23. Annive AUDLEY (TC) Mrs. George Ba spent the weeker of Mr. and Mr Saturday was Ge silver wedding a Pilgrit AUDLEY (TC) Mrs Bert Guthri Mrs Fred Puckr annua! pilgrimas at the Hay Bay Built in 1792, thi Methodist Churct impre: was an CLAIMS § HAMILTON, C ald Fleming, Pr servative leaders says two member are preparted to seats for him to elected leader of Fleming reused disclose the nan MPs but eaid th seats are in Onta

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