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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Sep 1967, p. 17

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PICKS WRONG RELIC ROME (AP)--Marina Cashinj COUNTY LINES | s s 8 the politically-troubled: land and| Where were none of the hos-|normally are invited to attend ree 0 alr iclate his 21-year-old Danish wife|tile demonstrations_ that took | similar functions. received several bursts of| place earlier in Toronto follow-| Among the guests, besides . deeply influenced all major ciy-/during the arrival of the royal jought the object she had dug applause» when they arrived|ing the arrival of the king and | Mr. and Mrs. Chevrier, was couple at city hall, but this it of the sand at the Tiber 8 | Oron Str t F D . 2 from Otta le of hours| que ; ay ilizations'.' no oteet Fair, Vance A+ Their National Expo Day tar 2 ori "rin conan ant tne Roane Snake Rath |e eats re Mo AS, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 6, 1967 17 esar-old relic. She slashed with knife at the sediment encrust- g it, then used @ hammer and jisel. What emerged was a cond World War artillery ell. Police said Miss Cashini ey her blows didn't set off, iver's mouth was a 2,000. and dinner. | | Montreal, re ti "The French cultur Se Pgs pele! | queen were met at Central Sta- , representatives of the rench culture--the ¢ul- sO Derune SiOwiae 2p i ses bb about AM eath(" met at Central Sta Quebec provincial government ture of the majority of citizens ¢Xtended the visitors a welcome | Draws R an | MONTREAL (CP) -- King, The royal couple will arrive] ered in front of the Chateau| tion by Lionel Chevrier, com-|anq members | I i. : t use , s of the Montreal of Montreal--goes back directly of cheers and applause, e CO oman lg fe ~ Bite eines tn gl pie fe Champlain Hotel as the royal missioner genera for state vis-|city council. jto the Hellenic culture from! ORONO (TC) -- The annuallu: >. ie iciate| heavy police escort an couple was driven from Central|its, and by Mr. Drapeau when| yyy e as which came the greatest writ- WOODS CO street fair and dance was ted Sg early Methodist form | today at a flag-raising cere-| riven directly to the ceremony | station to prepare for the civic|they stepped from the special | royal eer ete ers, the greatest thinkers and) Today p, © ne ee HOMeANy aod' was acclainen a eHacng p, with two "'circuit) mony at Expo 47's Place des| honoring Greece's participation|function--one of the biggest| blue-and-white train from Otta-| atives of a country which gave|the greatest artists of all antiq- op} i nae Otp op ae tine eicchks with thecmowdext ee Dn horse-| Nations after receiving a warm|4t Expo, where they will launch) given by Mayor Jean Drapeau, |. birth to one of the greatest civi- | Uity." faa per cent of the total |back. The Reverend M.'Buttars| welcome at Montreal city hall|@ day of festivities. reputed to have a high degree; About 90 guests attended ba plone the world has ever| There were rumors that a po ot tere eran fer ft, ceeding the previous year's at- ; ; tendar-ce. There were rides for took part in the service. Tuesday night. The 27-year-old monarch oflof fondness for royalty. reception, at least 30 more than! known--a civilization which hadi demonstration would take place be the young, dancing for the rock 'n' roll crowd and bingo for all. Late in the evening the grand draw for a_ colored television was held with Harold Rans- berry, North Orono, being the lucky winner, The carnival was promoted by the Orono Amateur Be Athletic Association, with pro- \ ceeds going to assist repayment of the artificial ice loan. Bible School ORONO (TC) -- The Vacation Bib'e School of the Orono United Church concluded its two-week program with a successful "Open House.' Parents and ftiends of the 60 children were on hand to view the handiwork which was on display in various rooms of the church. Every group had a display and showed eagerness in escorting the adults to their particular work. A replica of an Indian Village wae displayed by. the senior group while others had. art, tom-toms and paste-ups for their projects. Hockey Star ORONO (TC) -- Dennis Hull of the Chicago Black Hawks, one of the NHL hockey stars will be visiting at the Orono Fair, Sept. 8 and 9. He will be in town as part of the Hockey Caravan, to meet and greet his fans, sign autographs and give hockey tops to aspiring hockey players. The & Hockey Caravan is visiting com- munities all across Canada and features a unique timing device that electronically records the speed of a puck shot at a hockey net. Local residents will have the opportunity to test their own puck shooting speed and compete for high score awards. Fiddlers Contest ORONO (TC) -- Mrs. William Bunting recently competed in the Old Time Fiddlers contest held 'n Shelbourne. She was one f the 120 contestants in the ladies division in the competi- tion, she was accompanied by her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Ransberry, Orono, also at- Meat Market Phone 723-3732? 4 AENT INSPECTED S. 1 Ae us 1.00 1ECE LBs. 1.00 oil LB. 69° IN pee, 49° ECIAL @ TERS CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN CHICKENS | VAC PAC for ROASTING or BROILING © 36 lb 3 TO 4-LB AVERAGE AtP Has The Meat "Buys" Check! Save! MEATY SIDE PORK SPARERIBS +59, r49y PORK SAUSAGE increas » 39% LAMB LEGS »49¢ BEEF BOLOGNA COOKED HAM «0s 59¢ us, 65 TABLES 10-Lb. 39° SLICED ALL BEEF BEEF LIVER nt 59% Know why? POLISH SAUSAGE « 79+ Because it's not for sale in most stores. Only'A&P. And 80, it's not the best-selling bread in Canada. But we sell hundreds of thousands of loaves each in just over 200 stores. That will give you an idea of how popular Jane Parker White Bread is. CHOICE FROZEN CHICKEN WINGS » 29: meee oectood Buys! Baus 44&P BRAND BREADED WHEATLEY BRAND LAKE PORTIONS PERCH FILLETS SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, SKINLESS "69% BURNS BRAND VAC PAC tendext the contest which drew Why? Well... ALLGOOD SMOKED, SLICED Re PKG $1.49 oe ee It's the one that's dated on the wra' 7 two days and evenings. pper RINDLESS pkg Hsin a ae SIDE BACON 7: Flower Show ORONO (TC) -- The Orono Horticultural Society held their annual flower show, with many outstanding arrangements. Mrs. F. Stephens, district director on behalf of the Orono Society, made a surprise presentation to Mrs. Fairbrother of the service diploma for outstanding work in the horticultural field and in particular with the Junior gar- deners. Oscar Luxton, Cobble- dick Street, Orono, was the win- ner of the most-points award. award. There were three local growers well in contention for the award. Water Safety ORONO (TC) -- The Orono Swimming Club completed a successful water safety pro- gram at the Orono swimming pool. There were 330 children enrolled from non-swimmers up to bror.ze bar instructions. Head instructress was Mrs. Shirley Reynolds assisted by Mrs. Nell Snelders, Mrs. Norma Lee, Misses Debbie Reynolds, Caro- line Johnson, Elaine Forrester, Margaret Middleton and Carol Nixon. Orono was the only club in the area offering bronze and bar classes in this swimming program, These classes were capatly instructed by Mrs. Reynolds, with a_ high per- centage passing. Red Cross tests were held with Ken Bunner in charge. Tested were junior, in- termediate, senior and bronze divisions. Twenty - two juniors It's the one with quality that equals or surpasses the others you might buy. It's the one with the flavour so good it's guaranteed to please your family--unconditionally guaranteed. mem. Frozen Food Buys! Exams STRAWBERRIES 4 "3x2: *-* 2 isceniss Be GREEN BEANS °° "3737, S02!"Z,rcui" &" 5 1402 phos 9De LIMA BEANS 2 rr02 phos 4 5c And remember, it's the one that's sold only at A&P. WAFFLES 2 rks 06 DZ e When you think about it, shouldn't A&P be your store? LEMONADE 6-loztin 1Oe ~*~ LEMONADE 12-fl-oz tin 1 ia It's the one that, chances are, costs a lot Jess. FEATURE PRICE! 16-OZ 12-01 "AY: | 25 3¢ REG. bag 59¢ -- SAVE 66 Reg. Price pkg 350 -- SAVE 6e 1b pko DBOe Nifty FEATURE PRICRI REG. pkg 59° -- SAVE 100 Sea Seaid Boston BLUEFISH FILLETS Kent White er Pink Kent White NOW! encontraron Jane Parker Bread has additional eonveniences at no additional eharge. Jane Parker - White - Sliced) Reg. 25: Loaf -- SAVE 10: NEW! "PONY TAIL" roby ey LOAVES LAMINATED PRINTED BAND \v ie. NEW: The Wrapper and Printed Band are now eel POWDERED ene unit, for easier bread removal W S 'A } L Ww DETERGENT "DAILY DATED" ~ "DAILY Reg. Price each 49c -- SAVE 18¢ abou "2-85. Betty Crocker (3 Varieties) FEATURE PRICEl dane Parker PUDDING MIXES 3 11-0z pkgs 1.00 Primo Reg. Price tin $2.09 -- SAVE 340 VEGETABLE OIL 128-f-0z tin 1.7 5 (With Sprayer) Reg. Price tin 890 -- SAVE 106 FEATURE PRICEt A&P PEAS 7 io-A-oz1ins 9c A&P Choice Quality FEATURE PRICE! DESSERT PEARS 41-10: 99e Choice Quality were advanced as well as 14 /ars irate tat bo 5.18 Chef Boy-Ar-Dee fieg. Price tin 850 -- SAVE 160 FANTASTIK = sprAY CLEANER _24-fl-oz tin 7 Qc ; i a vious to these tests 34 beginners KING e SPAGHETTI with Meat Balls 3 15 os the 89- Rep. Price pkg 4g0 -- SAVE 40 Jane Parker Reg. Price each 39c -- SAV wenn Peer: SIZE Chef Boy-Ar-Deo Reg. Price tin 350 -- SAVE 160 CRISCO SHORTENING Hbpko 39e SPANISH BAR BOX : The New Light Snack Cheese, Bar-B-Que or Corn Pokes : FOR sport shirt is Attend Shower BEEFARONI 3 15-0z tins 89- KELLOGG'S POKES avon pkg 47 C AKES C Starr Holly. a iedles | Sd emypael a a ie ala iataia Henley, opie Sur cee ue aner: With: Pork in Tomato & Led and ladies atlended a : i 'or' ato Sauce i a8 the home of Susan Richards, in 5 s FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 14-fl-oz tins 9 Yc ANN Jane Parker Plain, Sugared or Cinnamon Reg. 29e----SAVE 90 i honor of Miss Marlene Lanois, MacFeeter's Golden Bar Plain or Cinnamon : : S... striped, Scarborough, whose marriage to HONEY BUTTER 12-07 cn lle White or Coloured Paper Reg. Price pkg 55e --- SAVE 60 PAGE CAKE DONUTS 2 okarot iz 49. egular 3.98, hig oo takes place, Welch's Frozen ; WHITE SWAN TOWELS pkg +2 rolls 49: . grag ss GRAPE SUICE concentrate 2. 12-f-0z tins &@De Humpty Dumpty Reg. Price pkg 690 -- SAVE 60 28-fi & id B mY. snes nil dagil SOCKEYE SALA ug, POTATO CHIPS 11:63: in ¢ my Beauty Aid Buys! fem AUDLEY (TC) -- Mr. and E SALMON 7h-oxtin 5De bi ox tins under blue, Mrs. George Bamsey, London, Liquid Reg. Price jug 800 -- SAVE te Shirriff_Instant i ee adalah Antiseptic Reg Price btl. 99 -- SAVE 2te spent the weekend at the home JAVEX BLEACH 128-lor plasiciug Se POTATOES I-07 pks 5c S siten ee ce LISTERINE tathozbl Fe ~~ Saturday ae oe Toothpaste Reg. Price tube $1.49 SAVE 500 0 ; 49 = n® comes in blue, red , 2.98. With silver wedding anniversary. Pilgrimage AUDLEY (TC) -- Mr. and Mrs Bert Guthrie and Mr. and Mrs Fred Puckrin attended the annua! pilgrimage and service at the Hay Bay United Church. naa Fruits and Vegetables! British Columbia New Crop, Full of Flavour, Fancy Grade BARTLETT PEARS «=. 6-49: NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P! om v CA ROTS PEPSODENT -+::+99% For Upset Stomach or Headache Reg. Price $1.09--SAVE 21 BROMO SELTZER family size bil 8 8. 7s it i is i Idest ; : : Majdell. Im nee : Pic gg Ontario Grown, Yellow Cooking, Brushed and Polished BRADFORD MARSH, Sib None ¥, CANADA M/\/\4 was an impressive service, ONIONS Ne. 1Grade 3-Ibcsllo bag 39: SWEET and TENDER, Hl ¢ priced C Yi UM I\/\/ CLAIMS SUPPORT NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A@PI = y WASHED, NO. 1 GRADE piney pry FOR 40 YEARS jg67' 19 HAMILTON, Ont, (CP--Don- ald Fleming, Progressive Con- servative leadership canditdate, says two members of Parliament are preparted to give up their seats for him to contest if he is elected leader of the party. Mr. Fleming reused Thursday to disclose the names of the two MPs but eaid that both of the seats are in Ontario, Brazil] Valencia New Crop, Now at their Best, No, 1 Grade ORANGES scien 69e NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A@Pi All Prices in this Ad guaranteed through Saturday, September 9th 1967 -- Oshawa, Whitby & Bowmanville MK

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