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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Sep 1967, p. 3

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i take needed flexibil- the tax system. it said the party sider a recommenda. ined in the minority the Carter commis. uld have a corpora- a normal tax on its us a special 15-per. n profits it distributes Iders. stributions would not nd the 15-per-cent tax 1€ corporation would d to the extent that vidual sharenolder's ax rate was less than a past HEINTZMAN RENTAL PLAN ovel plan for parents o test their children's TODAY'S TOPIC B34 TAIT Premier John Robarts an- nounced yesterday a provin- cial election will be held Nov. 17, The Oshawa Times asked six persons which party would be successful. They said: Michael Boakes, 19, 33 Atha- baska St.: "I think the Pro- gressive Conservatives will make it. They had a big majority of seats in the last election, I think they will make it but I want the Lib- erals to get in. The PCs are not doing a good job and it will probably be a tight race. The Liberals will do quite well but they won't win." GLEN Lee Dove HOWE Max Case, 1010 Henry St., Whitby: 'I think Mr. Robarts' party will win, I don't think the Liberals have gained enough in the past to change places with the Conservatives but it will be a tight race. There seems to bea gradual shift toward the Liberal party. If Robarts held an election a year from now -- he wouldn't have got in." George Tait, 485 Emerald Ave.: "I think Robarts and his party will stay in. They're strong in . Ontario. They're not strong with me but they have the majority of seats. I think they MICHAEL BOAKES will get cut down a little. The NDP party will get a few more seats in the house." Gail Jordan, 18, 949 Simcoe St. N.: "I would like the Con- servatives to get in. Not for any. special reasons but I would just rather they got in. The family is Conservative." Glen Lee, an English teacher at Eastdale Collegiate: 'I would like to see the Con- servatives get back in again, The other parties have no ex- perience and little programs to offer.. The Liberal party couldn't form a government GAIL JORDAN MAX CASE and the NDP hasn't got the experience. The Conservatives have at least proven they can handle a government. I don't think the Conservative party has Japsed in its service to the province. We have the finest economical and edu- cational standards in Can- ada." Doug Howe, an FEast- dale Collegiate student: "I hope the Liberals get in be- cause they seem to know what's going on. They know what they're talking about, I don't like Medicare. The Lib- erals should get in." CONVENTION WHIRLPOOL STARTS \ TORONTO (CP) pool. reception pretty girls, cheers and automatic entourage. It was his first appearance leader Saturday. Mr. Hees lived up ing a high-style luncheon for press and workers at- which he net. So far Mr. kept the convention guessing as keep his job. He makes his own jentrance today, after he flies in from Ottawa, jmier Roblin gave their man a -- Candi- dates made big and 1ittle|promoted by the Roblin people splashes Tuesday as they vied) wasn't as big as the Hees peo- for votes in the Conservative|ple produced, but was just as leadership convention whi r1-| enthusiastic. swinging reputation by throw- said he would offer party Jead- er John Diefenbaker a senior place in any future Hees cabi-| Diefenbaker has to whether he will run or not to) corridors. Receptions, Big And Little | Welcome P @ Candidates |Liberal Leader Robert Nixon | uine Scottish accent. The crowd George Hees qualified as a CONTRAST EVIDENT big splasher by arriving at the main convention hotel in a dou- ; I ble-decker bus. The carefully-|Hamilton, who arrived at the included | front door in a taxi and walked n/in unnoticed. a All the serious at|Sought votes in a round of the convention, which picks a/hotel-room receptions that var- Their receptions contrasted with that for candidate Alvin contenders iously served coffee, liquor, ts his | Sandwiches, meals, handshakes and the beaming candidate. .|. Davie Fulton maintained his |low-key approach that included a visit to register as a delegate. One Fulton asset is a team of bright-eyed girls as ready with |a Fulton sticker as a smile. | Little hoopla surrounds | Michael Starr, sometimes seen jwalking alone through hotel | Mr. Starr, a Diefenbaker con- fidante and longtime supporter, |made his position clear as a Supporters of Manitoba Pre-| candidate, Saying he will run even if Mr. Diefenbaker does. LIE PMN oh THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 6, 1967 3 Robert Nixon | Opens Campaign | KINGSTON --_(CP)--Ontario| opened his election campaign| Tuesday by accusing the Con- servative government of '"'lean- ing on the Smith report for the hotel to register. No hoopla, crowds or head-turning activity. last four years as an excuse for, MACLEAN UNNOTICED é ; | Little has been seen or heard |" faking action on tax' around the hotel of John/teform. | Maclean of Brockville, Ont./ He told a news conference | {another candidate. here the recently-published | Someitmes the lack of hoopla report on provincial taxation, | area reine Santta yee radioed bra soverment | been fairly low-key to date, 2a erkcepaaaati group headed by| about 100 convention workers go°on'® accountant Lancelot) Smith, must be implemented in| held an hours-long strategy ses- full if a f it | sion Monday night in a show of Mie sa ee behind-the-scenes_ strength. as fg Teport sre imple-| Senator Wallace McCutcheon | ------------__._ | sometimes walks alone, but|/DX-- DX -- DX -- DX jmaintains a busy round of) | jappearances in _ convention BE WISE: ¢ | \hotels. Bu $ ECONOMIZE! bo FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? Don't live tn fear of false teeth loosening. wobbling or dropping just $ $ $| $ $ SAVE $$ --~ WTH -- Makes eating easier. No pasty, gooey + taste. Helps check "denture breath" Dentures that fit are essential to at the wrong time. For more security FUEL and more comfort, just sprinkle a | U little FASTEETH on your plates FASTEETH holds false teeth firmer. ¢ OIL Phone 668-3341 1 to 5-Year- Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW EARN 612% per ennum AND ARE Guaranteed--os to principal end a interest. Flexible--may be used es Cel- lateral for loans Redeemable--by Executors in the event of death. Authorized--cs Trustee Aet in- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Member Canada Deposit Insurence Corporation 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshewe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS end SATURDAYS FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE ility before purchas- . Heintzman will rent 'tractive, new small » months--if you de- urchase it, the six nt and cartage will be the purchase price. ce on Heintzman's hotel-arrival reception that) Donald Fleming made a sub-| Bealth. ear your dentist regularly lineluded a bagpiper with a gen-'dued first-appearance at the! Get FASTEETH a¢ all drug counters, iDX -- DX -- DX -- DX Sasso LL th Economists Urge Restraint TUL EYE KEPT BUSY MONTREAL (CP)--May Eb- |bitt Cutler of Montreal, Can-| ada's lone woman_ publisher, | with a series of seven books on | KF (7--_\ y y, ° t Terms. T Off t I fl t T d Expo 67 as her first venture, | COE ST. N Oo se n a 10n ren jhad to keep her eye on every | MCOE ST. N. laspect of preparation--from| 28-2921 TORONTO (CP)--A short -Jincrease spending in 1968, he|not to discourage it from exm-|conferring with the author on term policy of passive austerity | said. Spending estimates shonld|ing to Canada. The nation was|the book's contents to organiz- | appeared to be evolving Tues-|be given careful review and|facing a problem of attracting ing photographers: or artists to day within a committee on eco-/taxes should be studied. Goy- | costs and lower demands. handle illustrations and settling nomic development at thejernment programs should not; Mr. Kruger said the govern-|details of paper texture. Progressive Conservative lead-_| involve heavy expenditures. ment must be careful, however, | - aiaeeeeee ership convention. | Mr. Kruger agreed, but saidinot to over-compensate for The tone for restraint was set/he is more pessimistic. inflationary tendencies because by the two ecorfomists--Richard LOOKING FOR A i Pressures developed because of recent|foreseeable problems for about! have brought Canada to the|jong-term labor agreements |40 delegates, all working on the brink of recession. |providing for healthy pay|premise that a general election pris ls cle Nig by din, | ncreases. will be called next year. ng governmental spending; Tae labor force will continue|.. They suggested it may be dif-| eieregie bat ge Popa prejto expand. 'We've got the war/|ficult for politicians to go to the| edie: nee ee i car |baby boom in check by keeping |€lectorate with a story of aus- Hacometadstrae® were|them in school, but this ends|'erity and belt-tightening. : expected to be for mulate ay nis year and meet rear Dee | " today for forwarding to a gen-|Ple will be entering the labor eral plenary session Thursday. | free with high Sasitlvel eval Mr. Scott - Ram, forecasting) Mr. Kruger said the nation's . ; ee ; trouble ahead for the Canadian |€¢ pr jare being economy, said the federal goy-|@ssravated by actions that) ernment has over-extended|have frightened foreign invest-| itself in spending programs that/ment--Liberal Walter Gordon's | require heavy borrowing over task force promoting Canadian) the next two or three years. ownership, sensational reports | This year's federal budget was|dealing with the Carter royal extremely expansionary with --. i a | Vy -------- ] Mp THEN GO TO THE Tally-Ho Room Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST. WEST He predicted wages and|it will create pressures of| Scott-Ram of Montreal and)prices would continue to rise|¥nemployment. i Potted ligase ieel y p, Arthur Kruger of Toronto--who| next year even if a recession| Both men were discussing ANS --" N 'p said that inflationary "Specially Selected" Fresh Young Ontario--Tenderloin Portion LON 5 Q: PORK uw. AQF Fresh Never Frozen Chicken at SPROULE'S Legs « Breasts "Ideal for Baking or Frying' end portions lb PEAMEAL BACON u. 19° THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION EVENING CLASSES Grade 13 DR. F. J. DONEVAN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE 250 Harmony Roed South For Roasting Ave. 3-3% Ibs. Fresh Boneless Picnic Style Shoulder (with dressing) | ROAST OF PORK and | The federal | commission on_ taxation besides Canada. i 5 i IM Leon Meaty ... Fresh Never Frozen. . . "ideal for Stufting" ' a ceil oko pense | PORK SPARERIBS 69° FRESH WIENERS 3+ 1.00 ir ere are cther me oe an i to outlets" for foreign investment ART GEOGRAPHY iB. . availability of funds from the|S°vernment should be caretul BIOLOGY HISTORY... ? Marie teat Brond SLICED ™ ae | ' = d ; ) yD ie " hin i Mr Scott-Ram wstid Income Cita on aes CHEMISTRY sive : | BOLOGNA, 5) sue pce vu 39° BACON PIECE: it Si * ~ E. from this source will begin I ENGLISH * 725-27 declining in 1969. a | ri © FREEZER FEATURES : Muntelpal ana provincial] DIEKOIN'S [ff reece PHYSICS | ° FREEZER SPECIALS nei gf REEZER FEATURES spending, which the federal FOR | : : | 67* Quality -- Flavour ond Nature! Te nad government cannot control, was Grade 12 Technical Diploma Ls. eon SIDE OF inden HIND rapidly increasing. OIL FURNACES <i aT tr Co er cant ot ee quan Ky QUARTERS Mr. Scott - Ram said: SERVING OSHAWA OVER | Ryerson Business Certificate Courses bei eee ace | "Canada is just tottering! under the ceiling of recession.| We have been on a big spree for the last few years... even private industry will have to, hold back." To avoid recession, the fed-| eral government cannot! GLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 LB. 73° MeLaughlin Collegiate & Vocational Institute 570 Stevenson Rd. N. Telephone 728-9407 TURKEY LEGS » 39° u 49° « §9° | IT IS THE CONSISTENTLY LOW PRICES THROUGHOUT THE STORE THAT MAKES IT WORTH YOUR WHILE TO SHOP AND SAVE A SPROULE'S ! CLASSES will be held on one or more of four evenings, Monday to Thursday, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and will continue until the middle of May. COURSES will be provided if 15 or more people register -- on or before opening night. REGISTER IN PERSON ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 or Seve 2¢ -- Fleischmann's CORN OIL MARGARINE Reg. 89 Volue!---12¢ Off Pack GLIDE SPRAY STARCH New Mint er Reguler CREST TOOTH PASTE BACK-TO-SCHOOL FEATURE Compore ot 39¢ Peanut Butter OZ. 1-LB, MBER 13 SUPER SAVE REG. 69¢ 24 69° 55° WEEKEND SPECIALS Ce esate roe SelM orm ta | BOARD OF EDUCATION, OSHAWA irriffs -- 24-or. J Save 2c @ MEAT DEPT. @ G. L. ROBERTS, Superintendent of Secondary Schools FREE! FEATURE -- NEW BRISK Shivifs -- 24.08, Jer suk tative pT) od EE A §. EF. LOVELL, Chairman J. R. BACKUS, Business Administrator | ¢ sa 5.8. GRANULATED [| Spray Cleaner | MARMALADE | MARGARINE ROA " | SUGAR 22-02. ¢ 4 -LBS. 57* BLADE @ SHORT RIB @ CROSS CUT DURHAM COLLEGE OF APPLIED IM With the purchase of & General Blectrie PLASTIC 69: SPECIAL 49 SOFT TUBS @ Light Bulbs ot the regular price. ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY Announces PORK SAUSAGES __.. 49 THE 1967-1968 PROGRAM FOR Bran LK 2 con 33° GARBAGE BAGS 10 jor 59° W cso" PRESERVING NEEDS -- PEAMEAL ql ADVANCED TECHNICAL | CARNATION MI FOR LIQUID -- Gee MOP is sancekeasagss ay Heinz Strained Gold Ribbon 15-02 PICK | BACON ENDS a 39 EVENING CLASSES T INFANT FOOD 8 rs 89° DOG FOOD 10 Fins" 1.00 ff Sait -- 3.0, tor oonneeeeessseees By @ GROCERY DEPT. @ Registration at mast Ge dees yicshccae Country Fresh GRADE "A" MEDIUM R. S. McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE & VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 570 Stevenson Road North -- Telephone: 728-9407 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 or WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 24-02. LOAVES 16-02, 2 TINS Heinz PICKLING VINEGAR 89° Full gallon (160-0z.) ..... seeeeeceeee Whole Mixed PICKLING SPICES -- 3-oz, Tin 89° 33° BREAD CARNATION MILK noo |EGG 39: MODERN 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. TISSUE BATHROOM 4 FOR 1.00 Classes will be held at McLoughlin C.V.!. ROTIVERTD FRESH DAILY ' STOKLEY'S 15-0Z. 3° on Monday and Wednesday Evenings, starting September 18 @ FRUITS & VEGETABLES ® Save on Fresh Milk at Sproule's COR AM 2 TINS 3 These courses are equivalent to the day courses being offered C : sare at the Institutes of Technology and ore recognized by the As- FRESH NEW 3-qt. Jug 3-qt. Jug 3-qt. Jug FRENCH FRIES pee oe 53° sociation of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technolo- cin 1% Dias Skim 2-LB. gis. : EREQUISITES FOR ADMISSION ARRROTS BAG 1 5 83° ee eee caRROTS 14-0z ¢ ie mame for admission to the Advanced Technical Cc ¢ ORN -- PEAS & fel 45 Evening Certificate Courses is the Secondary School Graduation 4 LOCAL ARRIVING PEAS -- CARROTS tins ig naga 12 in Ontario) or its equivalent as determined gg CORN on the COB DAILY ! EPT. FEES: $25.00 PER SUBJECT SERREUCE DEFT.© The following credits have been approved and may be present- ed in lieu of the subjects indicoted: Grade XII] Chemistry for Chemistry | Grode XIII Algebra and Trigonometry for Mathematics |! Grade XIII Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry for Mathematics |! Grade XIII Physics and Trigonometry for Mechanics | or Physics ! NOW AVAILABLE FOR PICKLING -- Pickling VINEGAR, Fresh DILL, Fresh GARLIC, Hot Red PEPPERS, Pickling SALT ite -- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night 'til 10 o'clock @ STORE HOURS: 0 Tent -- WoteM AMPLE OFF STREET PARKING © SPROULE'S ROSS -- di 2 ns. 49° 3 ron 1.00 wach 23° GRAP. ES SEEDLESS CANTELOUPES wo. CELERY HEARTS 1967 XW Ve i | Drafting for RIUM £_DRUGITIE DIPT. 9 ee xan eee Be HAIR CREME Crag 79¢ ay Anatied perehy ie ister in rson TABLETS a oe R. S. McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE HILROY LINED Vv TION nt Mrs Sy ee SUPER SAVE om TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 or 174 RITSON RD. S., OSHAWA FREE PARKING AT THE REAR OF THE BUILDING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. corner of KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA Lew

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