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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Sep 1967, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 15, 1967 7 4 Punch's Fine Plan Chisox Love To Play Those Extra Innings By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS|man past second base for the;home run ball to Don Buford E S it ell For the second time in as|Indians and surrendered only|and that ended. it | many days Chicago White Sox|five hits. Meanwhile, saree] Chic: F 1 i went into extra innings in a|Cleveland hurlers--Steve Har-| ee ee 1% games : ' | scoreless tie with Clevelanc|gan, Stan Williams and Orlando} Pehind the front-runers, a dif- ls Indians, and for the second|Pena--stopped the Sox until the|ficult but hardly impossible sit- a " : Z time they came out winners. fateful 10th. uation to recover from. ig Rider wep . at ae ae Hansen andj The Braves beat the Mets on place in ght American|Duane Josephson and an inten-|Mike l 2 i i ini i | League pennant scramble, shut|tional pass to Smoky Burgess|in ioe high. ent hana aie . 'adn! Pelerb roy Oat called Matti : th a i out the Indians 4-0 Thursday. loaded the bases with one out./Mack Jones homered for the : (te ali-rtar veteran' has centre but rather had. agreed Today, the Sox open a three-/Ken Boyer struck out, but then|Braves and Ed Kranepool hit a! sc aileciy convent te scart cam: assessment of the game series with Minnesota|Pena delivered "8 é |steadfastly refused to start con-|With Ivan's assessment of the / Twins, tied with Boston Red/- a grand-slam! three-run shot for the Mets. lditioning until he has a signed|Player as probably having a Sox for the league lead, and the| leontract with the Leafs and|future on Chicago's third line. i vi i ay 2 .|Stan Mikita centred Chicago' heavy-hitting Twins are not il - ' |Imlach said Monday he was fin go's likely to give Chicago all those} 1 nson an t eep By THE CANADIAN PRESS sing og ragetion ag raed brag Monday for the first Despite a spate of harsh /fi with most aspects of the time aft i words early in the week, Punch|0ffered contract, he was unhap- perra er seg bes ~ Imlach still is not able to fine|Py that there was no clause) UY (3st month during ae defenceman Tim Horton, the|0ffering a bonus for helping the @xhibition game in Winnipeg. only player refusing to attend| team make the league playoffs. - ling Horton $500 and $25 a day |first line last year and Phil| 'for each further day he was|Esposito the second. | Pe ON DUSSIAUME returns to Generals extra innings to get some runs. Somebody who hopes the Sox} score early and often is Al} 'Kaline of Detroit Tigers, who} are in third place, a game behind Boston and Minnesota. TORONTO (CP) -- Success "This is the first time all/for Tom Wilkinson is turning year I'll be rooting for Stanky," into a phantom goal line that is said Kaline of the Chicago man-| yanked out of reach every time lager. The Tigers have no more he gets one stride away games left with the Twins and) t's absurd to the point that ust depend on the other clubs' Wilkinson could end up without 0 help out by beating the front a job because he's in the unique position of being wanted by two, | In the only other major separate football clubs. league game scheduled Thurs-| Wilkinson was Rookie of the May, Atlanta Braves beat New/yYear in the Continental Foot- With Football Worries He received permission to practise with Toronto Argo- nauts of the Eastern Football Conference but, in the mean- time, the Continental League reinstated the Rifles who decid- ed they wanted to keep Wilkin- son, After Wilkinson practised with the Argonauts Wednesday, the Rifles gave him a cheque for a game against Wheeling, ork Mets 5-4 in the National) bal] League while playing his 'Chichee Bo colecaind ane first season with Toronto Rifles / v , WhO jast year, The former Univer-| ; pent 17 innings Wednesday sity of Wyoming star began his| "before the White Sox won 1-0,| second season with the Rifles a) emed ready to do it again|few weeks ago. | Thursday. | Last week, | 0X BATS SILENT |dropped Toronto because of Cisco Carlos, a rookie pitcher| failure to meet financial com:| [just up from Indianapolis, was|™itments and the 24-year-old) "performing brilliantly on the | qwarterback found himself out ound, but the Chicago pats|f a job. -Va., which was never played because the Toronto club was under suspension at the time. Along with the cheque came} a directive from the Rifles to| sions. "IT don't know what I'm doing or who I'm playing for," Wil- kinson said Thursday. 'I can't even sleep at night." Ywere silent, as is often the ease. Carlos didn't allow a single) "Toledo Wins Third Game TOLEDO, Ohio (AP)--Dave Campbell's three-run home rua in the ninth inning snapped a tie and gave Toledo Mud Hens a 7-4 victory over the Columbus F ; Houston 59 401 32 Thursday night in he | New York 55 "377 3544| By THE CANADIAN PRESS | National League | W iL Pet. GBL! 619 -- | 548 1014) 544 11 530 13 507 14% 507 1644 497 18 455 24 | 91 80 80 79 75 74 73 66 56 66 67 70 St. Louis San Fran. Cincinnati Chicago Philadelphia Atlanta Pittsburgh Los Angeles American League L Pet. 63 571 63.571 64 .585 66 554 2% 71 510 9 77 473 14% 80 .463 16 82 .442 19 81 .441 GBL Boston -- | Minnesota Detroit Chicago California Washington Cleveland New York Baltimore 64 _ Trotter Musical Comedy, right, lunges into a_ jog- cart, tipping it over and | throwing .the driver to the the league|return to their practice ses- _ track during a recent work- -- driver trainer Bruce Nick- Playoff Game Scheduled BASEBAIL SCOREBOARD In Case Of First Place Tie NEW YORK (AP)=-In case of a tie between 'Boston Red -Sox and Minnesota Twins for |series to determine the cham- ipionship will be played in Bos- /ton, Monday, Oct. 2. The second and third games would be played in Minnesota. This was decided at a coin-| Series would open in Boston and \tossing ceremony here Thurs-|if it should day at which the four leading) Minnesota, the first game 'wo HE ISN'T HORSING AROUND the} Tigers to play the first game | American League pennant, the/Boston, Minnesota or Chicago, third games on Oct. 3 and 4. \first game of a best-of-three if any of these situations pre- late. Clarence Campbell, president of the National Hockey League, earlier told Bud Poile, general-| manager of Philadelphia Flyers, not to fine holdouts Ed \Van Impe and Joe Watson and this has been taken as a blan- ket warning to all general-ma- nagers. No reason for the deci- 'sion not to fine holdouts was given. But Imlach said Thursday: "Campbell isn't running this team. I am and you'll be sure} ;I'll get that money one way or CANADIENS START TODAY But, on the-bright side of the training camps, Montreal Cana- diens opened their workouts at home today without a holdout in the 56 players scheduled to report for preliminary medical examinations and equipment} issuing. Emile Francis, New York | general-manager-coach, signed] former holdout Arnie Brown as} well as Reg Fleming. Poile got; Gary Dornhoefer and Forbes! Kennedy to sign up along with minor-leaguers Jim Johnson another." and Keith Wright. MARTIN A HOLDOUT General - Manager Milt Campbell's decision probably Schmidt of Boston was all, is saving a number of players a/ Smiles Thursday night when he lot of money since New York announced that rookie sensation : Rangers have Rod Gilbert and Bobby Orr was expected on (AP Wirephoto) (Orland Kurtenbach as_ their -- g ------~ most prominent delinquents {while Earl Ingarfield and Al, | MacNeil are refusing to report \to Pittsburgh Penguins and Pit | Martin has abandoned Chicago. | The 24-year-old Black Hawks! | centre is unhappy over the con-| tract offered him by Chicago} general-manager Tommy Ivan! and over what he considers a} Other possibilities of a two-,announced any playoff. would) Slur on his ability by Campbell. club playoff call. for Detroit! start on Oct. 2, with day games| In a telephone interview from at exclusively, and the second and|his Windsor, Ont., home, Mar- tin said that during a three-way | eu haas : ;_|telephone conversation between val caransons alsa were made ptmsel, Campbell and Ivan ; 4 Fe eas ' * breagce ; concerning the dispute, Camp- The second and third games ties. In case three clubs tie, the bell affirmed that he considered would be played at Detroit. winner woull be determined by Martin "a third-string centre." If Chicago and Boston tie, the A round ron igh if club elimi-|""Martin, obtained during the % 1 nated after two losses. _ |summer by Chicago in a trade of a four-team tie,|with Boston Bruins, was the series would) only Bruin to score 20 goals last ells) was spooked by a water truck. No one was hurt in the incident. out at the Meadows, Wash- ington, Pa. Accident took place when Musical Come- dy, under the guidance of AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS Avoid costly. major repairs OVERHAUL 60, POSTED PRICES So you know costs before you leave your car LIFETIME GUARANTEE Available exclusively with Cottman in over 450 transmission centers throughout Canada & U.S.A. EASY. TERMS 1-DAY SERVICE FREE TOWING case best-of-three be Chicago and In would be in the Twins' park be played to determine the two season and said he expects *includes clutches, gaskets, sealing rings, seals, labour t ¥ rnational Lea gue's final! Thursday's Results 86 .407 ders for the pennant finalists, who then would play a more than last season's NHL) playoff series. The win gives Toledo a) New York 4 Atlanta 5 {Kansas City Today's Probable Pitchers Thursday's Results epresented. Joe Cronin, league president, best-of-three series for the title.|average salary of $18,500 but | 149 KING ST.,WEST 576-2600 | In this case it was deter-| was being offered less. mined that Minnesota and Bos-| Campbell, later in another ton would play in one series, | telephone interview, said thatl opening at Boston, and Chicago) -- sara Finley Makes Request | To Move Baseball Club i ticsctat'as iuttntw'witie| Handsome new decanter. Smooth, light flavour. three-game-to-one lead in the) Chicago (Nye 12-9) at Atlanta Cleveland 0 Chicago 4 best-of-seven series for the Gov-| (carroll 6-11) N Only Game Scheduled. OPEN DAILY 88 @rnor's Cup. The fifth game is)" cs) Louis (Carlton 13-8) at! probable Pitchers Today Lat Toledo tonight. | Cincinnati (Nolan 13-6) N | Kansas City (Dobson 9-9) at / Mud Hen reliever Jack Dilau-| [Los Angeles (Drysdale 10-15 California (Brunet 11-7) N | fo, who came on in the ninth as| and Singer 11-6) at Philadelphia Minnesota (Chance 18-11) at| the third Toledo pitcher, got the|(Bunning 16-12 and Short 7-10)|(yicago (Carlos 1-0 or Horne! win. : Twi-night 106) N ; It was the second relief per-| San Francisco (Perry 13-15) : sman 2-0) at) KANSAS mance in the two night for' at Pittsburgh (Blass 5-7) N Pg ele N , |Charles Ay Finley, lauro, who came on to retire Friday's Games Cleveland (O'Donoghue 8-7)|Kansas City Athletics, Thurs- last six Jets in order to pre-|Chicago at Atlanta N at New York (Barber 9-16) N |day made his first official move Wednesday's Toledo vic-|st. Louis at Cincinnati N Baltimore (Phoebus 12-8) at}toward requesting permission CIT Y (AP)--,vote, he told the Jackson A owner of|County sports commission he| Played at Boston and son am would not decide about the| And if there is no American franchise until the end of the|League tie, the World Series season, with the National League me _ |ner, probably St. Louis Cardi- The telegram to Sharpe indl- nals, will start in the AL Park cates he has made a decision. ' Wednesday, Oct. 4. Los Angeles at Philadelphia TN| 50+, (Morhead 5-3) N to move the club. BASEBALL San Francisco at Pittsburgh N daisies Cieaee He notified City. Manager LEAGUE LEADERS Saturday's Games Carleton Sharpe that he doesn't By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League ABR H Pet. lemente, Pitts 522 95 185 .354 onzalez, Phila 446 69 153 343 . Alou, Pitts 493 77 166 .337 epeda, St L. 532 87 177 .333 Staub, Hous 532 87 177 .329 Runs: Aaron, Atlanta, 106; Brock, St. Louis, 104. Runs Batted In: Cepeda, St. 105, Los Angeles at Philadelphia N San Francisco at Pittsburgh Chicago at Atlanta N St. Louis at Cincinnati N New York at Houston N Kansas City at California N Minnesota at Chicago N Washington at Detroit Cleveland at New York N Baltimore at Boston intend to exercise his option to renew the lease on Municipal Stadium. | Finley has conferred with officials at Seattle and Oak- | Saskatchewan's Fans Draw Official Protest TORONTO (CP)--The_ gen- f land, Calif., recently about the possibility of moving the Athlet- ics. Earlier, he hired a firm to study Oakland, Kansas City and Seattle and report on each has 3 YEARS Fer 2 M CROSS CANADA PAVING also 6- 12- 18-20-36 month to pay GUARANTEE city's offers. | Ne Pey After Kansas City voters approved by a 69 per cent a bond issue for a 45,000-seat th come 'orn Som te baseball stadium with a unique @ FREE ESTIMATE... Call 728-9292 Oshawa hs After Completi Now-you know why Hiram Walker's GoldCrest tier >) Louis, 108; Wynn, F | eral of the Ottawa|box to register his complaint at) >85¢ t i rs and Cl'-. --s 7 Hits: Brock, 187; Clemente,/Roygh Riders has filed an offi-ja time when Ottawa was ecg Foon gg ger) ae Pittsburgh, 185. cial protest about the conduct|ing 23-21. | ; SERVIC Cc ow ge Staub, Houston, 41;/¢ Saskatchewan bri sored O'Quinn feels that when a vis- go a alah ee ifans during an interlockingliting quarterback. comes to the Triples: Williams, Chicago|¢ gn adian Football League|line and can't make himself ee ena Cincinnati, 12; | ame between the two teamslneard over the crowd, he em ot Sunday. should be allowed to reconvene soacsinaes Reme Res Wyan and Redlhis huddle. If the same thing General manager O'Quinn said Thursday he'd put his complaints in writing to Allan McEachern, CFL com- missioner, with copies going to all other team managers. "From the second quarter on," said O'Quinn of the game in Regina, in which the green Rough Riders beat Ottawa's red Rough Riders 32-23, "'we couldn't call audible signals. It wasn't that the crowd was uncontrollable," he said, "any- Aaron, 37; Santo, Chicago, 30. Stolen Bases: Brock, 47, | Wills, Pittsburgh, 28. Pitehing: Briles, St. Louis, 12-5, .706; Hughes, St. Louis, 14-6, .700. | Strikeouts: Bunning, Phila-| delphia, 218; Jenkins, Chicago, 205. occurs the second time, he said| the home team should be given a penalty. 'REMEMBER WHEN? . . By THE CANADIAN PRESS After 18 seasons with Montreal Canadiens, Mau- rice (Rocket) Richard announced his retirement seven years ago today--in 1960. Then 39, the great right-winger had scored 544 goals in 978 scheduled games of the National Hockey League and 82 goals in 133 playoffs. sea Now..You can ee on Pittsburgh fines American League AB R H Pct. F. Rob'son, Balt 435 75 137 .315 Yas'ski, Bos 524 97 162 .309 i. a . - i time (Ron) Lancaster held out Carew' Minn 459.59 136 .295|his arms you could hear a pin : i drop." ' a ae O'Quinn also made an official Runs Batted In: Yastrzemski, |Protest with the game timer, 103; Killebrew, 102. i ied Fees Hits: Tovar, Minnesota, ; MARINE Yastrzemski, 162. si: con MASTER & MOWER Doubles: Tovar, Minnesota, 30. @ LAWN-BOY AUTHORIZED SALES AND . SERVICE DEALER $ GOLD CRES1 CANADIAN WHISKY When a whisky is as' smooth as Gold Crest, you've got something good going for you.) Because everybody likes it. And since a whisky like this doesn't happen very often, we've! decided : to? cele- brate this Centennial year by putting Gold Crest up in a new kind of decanter. Tall and cylindrical. Clean, clear, and slim. With a cut glass sunburst in the base. goes farther *k stays fresh longer *k washable > AVAILABLE NOW IN A WIDE CHOICE OF THE SEASON'S MOST POPULAR COLOURS +370 GALLON SAVE $2.00 GALLON Triples: Blair, Baltimore, 12; ' Buford, Chicago, 9. f we ¢ $ Stolen Bases: Campaneris, | Kansas City, 51; Buford, 33. | Pitching: Lonborg, Boston, | 20-7, .741; Horlen, Chicago, 16-6, .727. Strikeouts: Lonborg, 218; McDowell, Cleveland, 207. ". ¥ g ". & Home Runs: Yastrzemski and| Killebrew, Howard, Wash: | ington, 34. UP to 25% Off All New Mowers Including LAWN-BOYS mss @ BRIGGS @ STRATTON @ CLINTON "Wind FACTORY APPROVED SALES AND SERVICE It lets you show off just a lan : ; bit. Because it looks great, aay M rN S T E R OR SAVE 50' QUART ; and tastes so smooth and tro, MARINE AND MOWER THE BEST PAINT IS ALWAYS THE BEST VALUE light. It's the kind of whis- ky that goes well at any kind of party. Try it at your next party and see. Gold Crest.iThe Party Whisky. TAUNTON ROAD EAST AT ZION ALSO SEE -- The Famous Funtastic Snow Cruiser by Outboard Marine -- Peterborough 725-1901 Jack Hoar& Son 1725-1901 ERNIE CAY LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED 53 Albert St. Oshawa 725-1121 Hiram Walker & Sons Limited, Distillers of fine whiskies for over 100 years,

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