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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Sep 1967, p. 13

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al Estate for Sale |20--Real Estete for Sale 24--Stores, Offices, Storage| 26--Apartments for Rent THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 16, 1967 13 a for Rent 18--Male Help Wanted |20--Reol Estate for Sale e |20--R | WORTH WEST -- You'll love this four|3,$00 SQ. FT, heated storage space for ONE-BEDR ft eight- IMMEDIATE bedroom 1% storey Gaerinan -- style|rent, loading dock, cement floor, sult plex, heated, relteeretor and 27--Rooms for Rent 30--Automobiles For Sele ROOMS FOR RENT -- Nightly and|i964 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, 26000 weekly rates, $12. weekly, maid service.|miles, 6 cylinder automatic, power st stove. Available immediately, $102.50 monthly. Telephone 668-6980. FOUR-ROOM modern home, fireplace, dining room. any ex-jable for lift truck, Telephone 725-464) tras. Call John Morissette, . W. | between. 7 a.m.-7 p.m 03. Martin Realtor 728-5! |7,000 SQUARE FEET of fipor area OPENINGS ROYALE furnished base- ADS UIDE IRICAR For qualified -- machinists. REALLY DANDY country rancher, just|Will rent part or all. 1405 king sired ment apartment on Chadburn Street.| Restaurant on premises. Queen's Hotel,|ing, radio, etc., excellent cor : i 5 indition. Telee Steady tila ne RE REAL ESTATE fee nded from downtown 6 shonping, Trees | East. Telephone 723-1605. t t felis to shopping and bus. Tele-|47 Simeoe North. phone 728-1939. om 8 Sina eenditien, Ce rooms, attached garage A m Bt ct resoreashesor COMPLETELY furnished bedroom and|ALL P. , " Fadl working ALTY LTD: and 'den. See it! ' par en ) BASEMENT APARTMENT, kitchen with sink, refrigerator, i. prortge Mls Me oy "9 ou te as 25--Houses | for r Rent NEW BUNGALOW, five rooms, no sm no 8 children, close to bus, apply 350 Tra- falgar avenue. Ritson South and Wolfe lawn arden. John Ravary 576-3701. Realtor 728-5103. Peel TOP RESIDENTIAL location -- Bow- manville -- smart three bedroom brick close to south General Motors, entrance. $60 month. lephone rb, SIX-ROOM __ three-bedroom apartment in new triplex, main floor, garage, close and television outlet. Suitable for gentie-|Bloor Street East, 723-228 725- Lindsay 324-5212 WAITERS 576-1050 623-2503 119 Nonquon Rd, man. Apply 237 At a "door 3 an. Apply hol Street East. [/6 PONTIAC four door inder standard, Lic, 19068. week. Bill Whittick Motors Ltd., isastrt, 16 Simcoe St. S. TWO LARGE furnished rooms, pri ---- 'emale Help Wanted i bungalow, built-in refrigerator and St. area 2 . 1 ocktoil Lounge experience, Q MRE mfort, and con- |to Shopping Centre, $145 per month.lentrance, newly decorated, suitable for |, WTOY 'Ch HE 1EV " Part and full time 723-5281 BESSBOROUGH DRIVE -- seve. Largs, nicely, Mand tandscaping. (BRAND NEW 35,000, Executive home obo higenag this outstend. | eePhone | 725-3212. a __|married 'couple, or two ladies, 214 cat ime MERCURY, | mechanically A-1, needs HEST Long, low ranch style bung- 4 Scvoct area. Call Dost Awan |e" 2000 square feet, plus two car 1 ONE-BEDROOM furnished or untur- iMac Avenue South or 723-3541. jody work. Telephone 723-0974. Apply in person sean wo Or Marlin: Realtor. 728-103, ing all-electric building, No |nisned apartment, new. building, Por!|ROOM FOR eorege, built in dish washer, radio inter- om. 400 alow on huge 75 x 125' lot natural stone fireplace and in Oshawa will 5 . . 'ou nitby, fi hyd: fi i MR. STREET TRI-LEVEL in the heart of this exclusive LLY WI@ SHOW = Exxceptionsilsavere "foot. family roam, overlooking} Where y Pence Miao War ae ee tea.s070 faction. FU A ; y | fi f find such value for your rent- 13 ates WANTED. Factory hardtop for Austin MOR' ESS. KOR GEORGIAN ini north-west section of the cit bedroom, modern 2'% storey brick|beautiful ravine lot, are just @ few o' ~ _ = Pp fo us! ON aE ere ies Tove, ||, @ With finished family room, 4 , ee ein went end, huge lot, double gar-|the exclusive features you will find.| ql dollar as you will ot The |THREE-ROOM apartment, abl ~am|\Healy 3000, Telephone 725485" after. We Will Train You. MOTOR HOTEL Loving core lavished on this} Many ye in¢lude ba i deca Hed, Immediate, pos Substantial rent, Phone 723-6541. Royale. Large balconies and |, or Information apply sva Drew for | single man. After 6:30 telephone p.m, pr dians Daa wale" 6 i -| place, joths, patio, etc, |session. Cal le Crysler, J ane: BEDROOM home, on Dwight Ave- ete ' :s '62 OLDS -- Dynamic 88, maroon, tour JUNIOR EXECUTIVE TYPE. Per beautiful property money can : in Realtor, 728-5103. G suites equipped with extra fa q a 10 investments, Collections, or suleM ure for @ sales type individual| not buy. Perfectly balanced| Give us a call. 0. ealto $115, monthly. Yelephone 7as-vel.| C18 once, laundry room |SECOND FLOOR aparimentione bed:|FURNISHED BEDROOMS, cooking facil. Gor hardtop. Power steering an iveries, actus fo contact with the public. -- five-room brick bungalow 2%. mh between 9 a.m. - § p. m. closet space, laundry r S room, three piece bath, kitchen, park-\ities, near south General Motors. Park-|>rakes, white walls. Good condition, on -3568 Shresyear initial salary. pi me| shrubbery. Excellent !awns, $1,000, DOWN -- Your |en lot, 40' x 100, four yeare old $\4|THREE - BEDROOM house, Pickering} ©" all floors..No damage de- na. leungry facilities, $70 monthly.) ing. 604 Oxford Street. 725-7824 bof i ss 941 between 5-8 Fridays -- incentive compensation and all group| stone barbecue. Paved drive. ° om per cent NHA mortgage, $108, PI. Com | a/63 Near schools. $125. monthly Includ-| posit required. Apply apart- yallobie. now. Telepnone (ae _.|TWO ROOMS for rent, partially fur LBs sata a opie: choice three older es. q ith 10" st benefits. Oshawa area resident pre-| Immaculate, pleasure to show ' pleted recreation room with stone |ing heat and hydro. Telephone 942-3589.| ment No. 104 or call DUPLEX, two-bedroom modern (|nished, own entrance and bathroom, Nie OLDSMOBILE, licence Sssav8 HOTEL DESK CLERK ferred, age 21-40, no travel. Position). anvtiny 3 Two duplexes earning $190 | bar. Hollywood kitchen. Located south: si als . ment, spotless. Adults preferred. Telephone 72-1522. joor sedan, good condition. Telephone offers stable career with substantial in- ytime. monthly, or a smaller one ni h to mortgage. 725-4623.|COUNTRY LIVING | -- two-bedroom lfrigerator, stove, and laundry facilities 159S's101 Marijan's Garage 290 Cordova e and to the right person manager f A ii bungalow in home on large lot, $125. per month with | supplied, parking and garden space. Sim FURNISHED rooms (iemaie). Home {Rd wer 21, to work days, some ia" oppertunty Reply in. gontidence to LARGE LAKEFRONT family home in Tyrone with |VERY CLEAN, fiveroom bungalow Mone year lease. Call 576-0390. H. Kelth 728-5282 |coe Street North. Telephone 725-si49.. |o0ked meals i desired, Newcastle, 987-| ae Cie VROLET-- cence Tieai feo perience on NCR posting Box 34567, Oshawa Times. LOT asking price of only $7,500. {43° commuting to work, $13,500 asking Ltd, Realtor. meee ' lsdnaar "two-bedFoom ~ apartment i "in| ot esha, tena bbe ads Bd ith gr. price. Call Ernie Holmes, 728-0796, W. o THREE BEDROOM brick house, oil apartment buildin: a |rnace room, central ms 5101. Marijan's Ga nachine, also PBX. AMBITIOUS YOUNG man with grade | a, i stage 290 Cordova i ° . . Bates jartin, ealtor, , * M sa | available Sept. 15. Teleph 7 192. = 4 < : 12 education, to work, in our production I. @ Are you thinking of} ADELAIDE AVE w neh Martin, Realtor, 728-5103. __. |hgated,: central, Telephone. Teron, 66'+) T23e 0525 p eo one S761232, |l0cation. Telephone 66e-24sé planning department. Usual fringe bene-| building a cottage, if so we odernized rug brick older [URGENT -- Leaving country. 706)" potion | UPPER TWO BEDROOM dupiex, cen- LARGE housekeeping room, close to ai CHEVROLET, licence 54439E, r Box M75390 fits." Plea a a 8 ce eetront tor 180'| home with four large bed- |Marlow Avenue, threebedroom | side FIVE-ROOM bungalow for rent, $125.) _|MPPER TWO BEDROOM duplei, can igty General motors "ana" doumiows [Rtniign veg eae nt oe Bathurst Containers, Whitby. 668-3371. jave 6 large lakerront | 1 ; spilt 6% per cent NHA, Telephone 723- monthly. Up to two children welcom ember 15. Telephone 725-3090 or 723-/Parking. Suitable for quiet lady or 5101, Marijan's Garage, 290 Cordova Rd ae TAN ee ea DOORMAN, sped 30 to 00 years, algo] % 290' at View Loke which is) rooms, 12 baths, finished 378 Nipigon Street. Telephone 723- $200. | FURNISHED AND 5) | gentleman. Telephone 725-6881 We -MatbORe ae ages 2 ore ; PART TIM yong ee ino If yeary for plats] 5 muiles east of Caesarea on} rec. room, gorage and hedged ve ~WWaatorey, newly deco: TWO-BEDROOM house 'with gas space FIVE-ROOM apartment, immediate pos-/ TWO unturnished rooms, upstairs, Apply| Chevrole. Best ie Se ve Thea' ply in person to manager. ; nd onl miles} back garden, inside and out. Walk-out basement, heater, $70 monthly, Telephone 728-0314. WBeebepies Ses:ish ht 273 Pacific Avenue. 576-1561 anytime ak: Scugog and only | fee a tant sail irvine' te USA. AP UNFURNISHED ession, town of Pert Perry, Complete a e OK 25 years or "older, prefer- tro 1 Oshawa. z extra tot 8! . 'TWO-BEDROOM house for rent with bathroom, hardwood floors, spacious liv-/SINGLE furnished bedroom in clean./1 ns teritncareemneetn RT SRR OOK ae gl Apo ects. "Chicken| Oshawa | $15,500. -- Full price for |ply 176 Annis Street after 5 p.m. AMIGA Ie bay. HDS amine: Heattal | ng room. Telephone 519-941-2627, quiet home, gentleman. preterred, Apply 16 "EHEVY tr a I "fey § ie even: Villa, 301 Dundas St. W., Whitby, 668- | new home in Newcastle near |BRICK OUPLEX -- two kitchens, two area on large lot. Telephone anytime. | 1, 2 and 3 bedroom modern WHITBY-AJAX area, one-bedroom apari.|65 Elgin East. Telephone 725-6146. ulate condition inside and out, new tir. OAR. CAMPBELL 6801, SEES 401 Split-level entrance belereom, Seveecroan Bree iin, ae 728-5344 : | apartments. 22 ft fo 32 ft. contained, healed, hydro|FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, also Best offer over $1,200. .942-5995. . Tv SERVICE MEN, tull_or + ti alivwor k n i: oS BROOKLIN -- Two-bedroom house, five-| , s and refrigerator elephone 668- light housekeeping room for one or two '62 RAMB: GENOSHA HOTEL soeey we ean Searle (PEN HOUSE ih A "ee a lot ager Ones 'evenings 7253398, piece bath, garage. Large lol. $100, | Re chee tae steve! bh gentlemen. Telephone 723-6542 or apply autenatie: Ue Sry Soe wane tliat "HIS SUNDAY bas | " f * |Bolahcad Brothers Limited, 728-5123. | Month. Telephone 655-3698, _ Weguard service, two elevd- | rwo.BEDROOM apariment with stove|563 Ritson Read South, Bill Whitfick Moters Ltd, 1. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE SALES AGENT required for Waterman ' Impossible to duplicate et | = h civie FURNISHED eight-room house for rent] tors, play area for children, | and retrigerator. Suitable for one or wo|WHITBY. Large furnished room, hol $7 PONTIAC COACH" al ee Che RIENCED WAITRESS wanch Pen Company. Apply P. A. Phillip, Box »-5 PM. this price. Pat Mabel] MAN Fant iin Drew - Ritson area, Apply 221 a ng girls. Teachers preferred. Tele-\water, central. Telephone 668.5996 et. Telephone 576-0846 a nro steaks 1S. Bond. Ste ean neice dts, Seti Se Tororo 1412 LAKEFIELD AVE S d |Tnree bedrooms, living, "dining room, Mitchell Avenue Maa 7% interest per annum . phone La ee mn WORKING LADY ONLY -- furnished 62 CHEVROLET 327%, automatic fours ye 723-0481 after 2 p.m. DISHWASHER wanted. Apply in person ° 198 ACRES -- Well operate four-piece bath, kitchen. Finished recre- FOUR-BEDROOM house, Oshawa, cen-| paid on all security de- were, Modern two-bedroom apart-\room with cooking facilties, in private idoor sedan, perfect shape. Telephone ND W, of Canada, : to the Bo-Peep Restaurant, Oshawa Shop- 2 very productive beef farm |ation, laundry and storage roams, three- trai ication, oll heat. Available October 8 it, refrigerator, Stove, drapes andihome, Five minutes to Oshawa Shop-'728-5496, after 5. Z Tesiten ona ws 'tine wether ping Centre 5 bedroom bungalow just.a bit north of Port Perry, [piece bath, 668-4547 after $ for appoint-'15. Reasonable rent. Telephone 668-6124 posits. h ral included. Available now, Telephone|ping Centre. 728-8780 after 4. p.m ii CHEVROLET UIC R a ss - ; : ' 668-314 , ! Age 18-3 arab marrea, RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in bathrooms, 3/2 years old. Good barns, buildings ond jet Bnytimefor_more. Information : ' : -----| FURNISHED room for gentleman, near'dard, radis, A.l condition. Inger sian. Sroemeg, pleasant personality, live Oshawa and surrounding disfricts in On south on Park to Phillip } ' P rti JARVIS STREET. 3-bedroom recreation) Your inspection invited. THRES ROOM, upstairs apartment, Pri-\Seuih General Motors. 155 Nill Street,!$s75. Telephone 728-6916. icinity. Flexible hours. Uniform pro. fario county. Trade well established. Murray, left one block, then yome 20a--Summer Properties room, garage, television tower. Tele-| vate: bath, stove A eH AIO SUP: | 576-2369 'Mg IAG Whaghelie SHH Ta" Neted ah i Full rite my ' r 0? | plied elephone - inette, as o ° pm don Transportation home Seti Coe tio-tet, 4005, Riche right on LAKEFIELD. 36 ACRES -- With good For Sale or Rent Phone 576-0233 or 987-4952 723-2347 P WURHISHED. Team, "double" Ged Ches-|iton nts cline SA ie Nomad shee P fe Burger Family, awielgh, | Pept. ' ' , -- , BOWMANVILLE -- WAVERLY Road, FOUR - ROOM apartment and bath. |terfield, refrigerator, stove and sink.|$100, Telephone 728- 728-573) St. H Montreal ph 28-6068 lieu St., St, Henry, Mo! bush and stream. The asking (COTTAGE FOR RENT. Bobcaygeon, In- rick home, seven large, bright rooms Private entrance. Bus stops at front suitabte for couple. Apply 25 Division), ~ URE = reliable woman to help NEED MEN, with heh be Levi ihe hd | price of only $8,500. surely | side felephone é2397100 furnished, new oil furnace, $125 monthly, Telephone $100 monihiy., Heat and water Sup: | Street (2 PONTING "ie "cree Sutometic, for two children, light housekeepin: to take over a Watkins Products bran f/ Bee | 725-2539 | elephene 5 - D1 or ck wi qua interior. Li- 8. Private room, good salary. Tele. office. Guaranteed salary and. comn is-| $2,000.00 DOWN j sounds igs Also some | WoIRA LAKE, Madoc. Four - bedrooni | 'THREE ROOM apartment" "Atherand |TWO, "nals, fooms to rent. Close toicence 260ml, Price $975. 660-S800. ARES ret sacs. immediatly. Premag ha tonl tll. @ On this 114 storey] 10 acre lots. jcottege, for sale or rent: wintirlies, 26--Apartments for Rent | area, Telephone after 5 p.m.,\93g7 ' '65 METEOR, four-door six cylinder ringe its), . - | forced air furnace, front and sii orc! ha | 723-8892 automatic, gold with beige Interior. Li- tod NeRD feller required. Apply ity if you quality. Apply Box M747. | sturdy brick veneer home. 3] Wilfe Hawke 983-5274 |tile floors, acoustic ceilings, mahogany | BEDSITTING ROOM, nicely furnished,|cence 4osase One owner In" showroom nto-' leminion jon Bank, Whitby. -- . | * UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, upstairs | bedrooms, kitchen and living Harold Peck 986-4252 | panelling. 98 miles. 723-1605. - for refined gentleman with permanenti condition. Price $1,995, 668-5893. LIFIED hairdresser wanted, -- good 19--Male and Female | aisil hdres aa The best value in apartment MONTH'S RENT wiy decorated, three rooms and bath, | position, in decent home, near hospital a - 'ing conditions, High commission H Ip Want J | room as wel! as a bright airy Mac McDonald 623-3911 21 Farms for Sale living aie Be cea at available now. Telephone 723-5952 after /and bus slop, $10 weekly. 723-0258. 1064 | COMET, four door, ik Griindrs y Ozimek's Hairstyling (Heide's), elp ante summer kitchen leading to a] Jack Ricard 623-3154 an Bi i x standard transmission, finished in blue e | | ac icar 1 ectabioten -- / it frikigld este : i Road South, Windsor Plaza, very nice garden and lawns John McPherson 728-7207 | MODERN UNFURNISHED "apartment, 28--Room and Board en matchie, interior, Licence 79450. i. : * Six le nc and! ie ees T hi Phone tonight to inspect. |--Rob Johnston 725-9365 os | She ee arnten entrance, redecorated, |FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, 195, . "fie t separate entrance, ; 6 CADILLAC convertible, ninety-t URE LADY WANTED to teke 'Reach owns Ip | | c : He orate lav and Garden, seoiciean, quiet home, parking, close to' bus.|per cent restored Vin feo "sais: ge of motherless home, five in Dick Metcalf | | y 9 pe stored, Iliness forces sale, Abstainer. Telephone 728: 7018, ball Sch | A 5 | | monthly, includes utilities, adults or|43 Garrard Road, by K Mart, --_ | Reasonable. Telephone 725-9297 TRESS REQUIRED, 41) shirt. Sc jeje) rea | For clean, modern living see Smal! family, preferred. Responsible ten: |WHITBY-AJAX. area, room for two/ MUST SELLi '67 Rambler Rebel, four- calls, Apply Me Gan shift. We OPEN | t oe Oshow. s largest 1, 2 and 3 Sy Eee Sevens boarders, Lunches packed. Telephone door hardtop, excellent condition, $2,800 + Campbell, Gen- ° bid 9 A od eri THREE large rooms plus kitchen, in 668-391) or best offer, 728-6168 after 6 p.m. Ask oar FOR INSPECTION bedroom apartments. Close to : 1 \ aPER iC | Reol Estote Brokers 349 MARLAND AVE. ents > | private home, ground floor; garage, tele-| ROOM AND BOARD for ladies or gentie-\for Bill. elgg taal pare tor Three chil- (18 miles north of Oshawa) Fabulous bungalows with ' GHAM | shopping and schools. Child- | vis } rt ower: heavy duty wiring, Bus men, seven-day week, laundry optional. Pe cen aera it, household : carports or garages, 3 bed- | BROU | "ren welcome. at door, Rilson South area. 725 Near Shopping Centre, 725-2684. 31--Compact t Cars for Sale int 649-2471 before 6:30. ' Teacher for Junior a le bane 942-0931 [ais waned wer BASEMENT apartment, three - piece | ROOM AND BOARD 'or gentleman.) FOI TAN and NICK'S Ada. F / ] D urnished or + Qiet good meals, lunches packed. . Close to KTAIL LOUNGE waitresses wants at Central School, Prince ALL. WEEKEND 2-5 PM. AND | Ww modern: home. Suit' two' geniemen orloc , inte 21 King Street West (Toronto 921-7595) | : +4 bus stop. Parking. 72-86. Your Authorized Datsun ng couple wanting-child cared for cen | ntie- | | 723-870 1 REAL ESTATE LIMITED | Must have own transportati F, ieee " intment telephone 942-5890, ed Me Albert, Ont. IROQUOIS AVENUE Bowmanville KINSALE ee ng day. 728:7288 ROOM or room and Soard er en ond Filet Dealer y. nnn enes MeN, near opping entre, phone | eR cat ct for Junior Grade BROOKLIN -- THREE room heated 775.3)59 | it KEEPER, live ai Teacher Drive north of Taunton on - | artrneaty:cpeléate. bath ana. ontewnien: ae . | Specializing in Volkswagen P enitren, 18, 15. ana" 'ive '325 per at Central School, Epsom, Somerville or drive west 623 3393 OAKWOOD ipa @ PREMIER @ YOU $10. monthly, Telephone 655-4693, Beam 'AND BOARD for gentiema Repair and Service Responsible persons only need ' fork ; 100 acre farm, good house, wer MARLAND AVE could be the Py wink -4--|good home cocking, lunches packed, : Box 493, Colborni Ont. from Simcoe one bloc Member Oshawa and District nine rooms, barn and shed, des : i le NE bedroom apariment tre. $48 Ritson' Road South. oe 160 Simcoe South HAIR. STYLIST a Sol chaddle in attect North of Taunton Road. Real Estate Board good soil, Owner occupied | psi LUCKY TENANT © [essen sore. ROOM AND BOARD for one gentleman 728-0051 cess Colffures, 39 Simcoe $1. N, mrely s 400. ' $25,000 or best offer. Ear! to win 250 DOLLARS in private home, Northeast area, 728+) _ ee Mery 'by later or telechone | KENDAL HILLS COTTAGE | powswell 640-3876. | MODERN 1 AND 2 wiih your apartment number [mavy suly, slave ene evtrigeratee. 71 oct * VOLVO and PEUGOT -- iMiTED "Oi ortunity epiy 4 s ol 2. bedro | ith your apar iumbe ater dN ROOM AND BOARD f ntleman, ings. Lats We ee giving qualifications, name of COMMERCIAL PROPERTY | poeta oe saich" Basti: BUYING OR SELLING, any. size Gon: BEDROOM SUITES to be drawn on January 2, ; Rood North OF JONDNONE ee ice to scuth. GM. ond heh Lidl Tele. * MERCEDES BENZ ings | management and sales. last inspector and salary ex- iV-@: So \stores ond: 2 Opes gy co aereg lend "oll jtect cl SMe y ley Wi evap). © NEWLY DECORATED 1968. HN Eg UF cain Be idle al phone 728-7873 General Repoir and Mot, _section manager, 725.9442. pected to: HUTT ONG Tague 1G 9B eB eo TH PONE: ff E ; - @ STOVE AND FRIDGE Bidutina teen 800 oT Root snd hydro included. $90 monthly, |ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen. Auto-Electric Service NION, abstainer, for widow in Mrs. PATRICIA LOVE feet on. Oshawa's main. thor- landscaped. Good stream. Ex- {CASH BUYERS from Toronto area for edsitting room -- Two heat and hydro included. $90 monthly. |relevision. Lunches packed, Six days a health, light housekeeping duties, rs. ' ee cellent value at $16,000. farms and suburban preperties, anything e@ BALCONIES bedrooms $119 and $129 : week, Near north GM plant. Phone 725-| Jake and Bill's Garage in, Write Box 74481, Oshawa Times. ec. oughfare. An excellent oppor) Tene. [tee tree "apprstaat cal Ta Te ea lines e@ FABRIC DRAPES Incl.: stove, fridge, water, PIV BL Marian AVY, eae jele ed | 449 R Rd. Si ag TABLE MATURE lady for house- RR2 PORT PERRY tunity for a great investment. now. J, Wilkinson Real Estate, 100 King LAUNDRY. FACILITIES hydro and electric heating. phone 576.0668 Bee : te Rent diel rg ing duties. Must be willing to move 985.2307 For full particulars call tonight. BOWMANVILLE, E. Member of ODRE Board. Tel. 576, © robe ne ' EGUR ROOM Seaton Gen 29--Wanted to Rent Oshawa 728-0921 rent. Ene On St ore an cbsecuets ee i ONTARIO STREET [Nain | @ FREE HYDRO a CALL ka sal daa eral Moleeke iminvedigty eat Lo TWO ROOMS, kitchen and living room 1966 WHITE Volkswagen, red leatherelle ih two ichool-aged children, Experienced Real Estate Sales- JARVIS STREET 4-bedroom, 2-storey home. LINDSAY AREA -- acres, 35 acres) @ BROADLOOM IN HALLS La aes phone after 5 p.m, 668-4870. (unfurnished). ane, aul Write Box |veholstering, 11-500 miles, $1,900... Toler pply in writing to Box M74402, mon or, Sales Lady urgently V @ Full price $11,900.00) Very central, Good clean ba Hope yp yen Siva Note | @ ELEVATOR Details of draw given with |yewLY DECORATED 'three room sha |phone 723-0420. a required for small established only $1,400.00 down will put} home. Priced for quick sale, sn Abt ell ts | |__ applications only, _ __ apartment, private entrance, close to | THREE. -ROOM, -- unturnished apartment 1 VOURNALE arate, TRESS ri required. "Apply. in ) person to office. Good commision ar- you into this 6 room 2 storey $13,000. Terms. 22--Lots for Sale © LOCKERS ee "8 bi Telephone 'nso ete slur day: care while: mother works. Ca ln paige tor the salen, parte, condita "eo. mt, Oshawa Shop- rangement plus jocentive brick home. 2 separate kitch- Ee 35 ACRES @ CONTROLLED ENTRANCE | GOVERNOR |THREE:ROOM ~~ basernent fier 6 p.m., 725-9985. |with deal, Full price $576. | Must be seen Py c+ Tine = bonus. All replies confidentia ens, 2 hydro meters, Don't P @ AMPLE PARKING private bath, Close to bus s EY NEE ane Laon ¥ ME, ta] 4 ON haire Call Jack mad 576-1200; ped this pet Call for an ap- peounie) new core fae residential bordering the city © CLOSE TO SCHOOL: MANSIONS jonly. Telephone 723-7819 after 30--Automobiles for Sale \ BRNEPED i ve hire i -5836, f j i ow, many extras, lo! x \Two-ROOM iment, refrigerator and said dal to Boing in, to ed ( eve. 728 3 pointment to inspect tonight. 200' attached garage, rec. of Oshawa, $2,000 per acre, CHURCHES and SHOPPING ADULT PRESTIGE ' stove. Centrally. located. "Suitable <n W A NT = D ; Siriaas nieces 'nearre PMhowenle ne Ele R. MARTIN Oshawa Office room, fireplace. $21,500. | excellent volue. Call Clore | sppiy 349 MARLAND AVE, | RESIDENCE Jame Taiher Sipeme ne! Pelee 18 Good clean local cars for ia, VOLKSWAGEN a5, "Wnalnas Bis, wmbnces sheet presser, REAL ESTATE LTD. Ernest Mueller 728-0208} Terms. McCullough. W. FRANK Two 2-bedroom suites, SIMCOE AND ELGIN, one-bedroom apt.,| cash. Telephone 725-1890. Hour, Martinizings Whitby. cd 172 KING STREET E. Allan Bertrand 985-7251) Ci) 623-3393, 728-7518 or REAL ESTATE RLTR. 723- PHONE 725-2227 a dies Octuponey stove and rig, sullable. for Busines! | AACRLEY STALKER |i. VAUXHALL DELUXE fear dor door 8: ' nm I. ------__------_--_ i 4 4 * v | BOY OR @ GIRL tor morning Bape, rate bya , bee chk Toronto 932-9174 7843, 728-7585. | For appointment to. view. (eee PS cieieatoine MOTORS |Whiltick "Motors. Ltd., 668-5871, . in eatrice, Tecumseh, inset, lack Gri ws Cece cian ; CENTRALLY located in Bowmanville, |e VOLKSWAGEN uxe coach with --Male Help Wanted Sew re area. Telephone $76) jean Peacock 725-4330 After 9 p.m. Cor iN VERY DESIRASLE vprenela:| OSHAWA'S BEST these luxury apartments, [Ground floor, four-room 'apariment. Pri- 137 King West white wall fires. Ue aE, $10 weekly. BE eit EA Evelyn Cassel 725-3710] Joe Barnoski 723-5787 {Underground hydro. 728-0194. please call entrance, bath, heavy wiring, tiled! 723-8311 723-6322 | Bill Whittick Motors Ltd 71. YOUNG MEN We Uae ae ek ie tyes" Runer| Leonard Bissell 728-2070} Ken Hockin 623-5055 | SCENIC TEN-ACRE lots, , beautituly, to-| RENTAL VALUE MRS. FORREST B ae tine et sae [2 TRIUMPH, _ twedoor "hardtop, with 4 3- FA A ' '-- a | ti lack tchi Li- pg Od and Bowmanville Tele-| Vernon B. Corson 723-9785| Pat Yeo Ee eo rN ee er miss tna onper-| (fasident: manager) ADELAIDE STREET WEST, twobed RAMBLER (cae est "price $095, 4683093. » ': __ ERAS TOO Steve Englert 668-5313} Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 |iinity. They are going fast. 983-5129. S E E room apartment in an apartment. build. - © assist manager in local APPLE PICKERS, Apply Mr. ir. B. NOS! - Morris Fogel 723-2563| Weston Banister pel LL erat 723-1712 ing, retrigerator, stove, broadioom. One SALES -- SERVICE a CORVAIR, two-door 's ix cylinder hein "erpanisation, Expert wr taneny 2 nce, | Leon Marios 728-2784] Gorden Hil 797-2218 je eat wet ea | -- ah on ere ee and PAINT mie ete Sata ah aM rei = rer for dance wal | -- innibuaiieacianineiinstniesiiioritesucasitieaputainiatane on seated per 'pay Me Ypoul Konkler cere of Music-| Ernest Mueller 728-0208] "Howard Forder North Osha a, Townline Rane in East| TOWER on O h R | TURMEROBIC Abana Tai ane New and Used Cars taking price @f $6 66e007% nce unnecessary, in educa- land, Brookdale Plaza, Peterborough.| Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Brooklin 655-3853 | younship. Call us for prices and de-| snawa enta hydro included, suitable for couple. Tele- Easy to Finance at 132--Trucks for Sal ion field, mt yet ie able 705-742-9841. Lucas Peacock 725-4330} George Beaton tall, Douglas J. M. Bullied Realtor. 723-| t | A phone 725-9843. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. |2"-- tucks for Sale ee: 9 converse intelligently. een er Dick Youn: 723-7183 Port Perry 985-2987 GREEN | ONE-BEDROOM apariment in. private! * |1962 CORVAIR handy van; 1963 _Inter- \pplicants must be: 20--Real Estate for Sale i Member Oshawa and District we AAO RN GSC aie bid| e | gency home, private bath refrigerator, stove|___ WHITBY -- 668-3331 national pick-up; 1960 GMC 980 Dump; Aged 18-26 Whitby Office Real Estate Board house, one thousand down, in Oshawa.| Superb apartment accommo- ncluded. Available Séptember 15. Tele- bid Chatont tanene: em, ive Mer- . Neat in ranci yoo - te Poord ______|Dorothy Vivian 263-2138 (no fol!) Qyerlooking the park located | dation in all parts of Oshawa, Phone 723-6483 after 5 pm. | pth A i rn i a bl Spreerens George Nymeyer 728-4241 |HousSeE AND DUPLEX, choice north|Kelth Peters Realty Ltd. bn' Marv St Nonh | TWO . BEDROOM apariments in_new| 1964, CHEVROLET Van delivery. » Able to stort immediot- Kathryn Armstrong 723-1884 area, six-room brick, plus two one-bed-|CHOICE LOT overlooking lake, city! sa | VALIANT buliding, large balcony, electric heating, MOTORS LIMITED oer. Telephone. 738-3361, Slee ly, room apartments, modern in every re-|water, 65 feet by 170 feet. Priced for} Swimming pool, sauna bath | D free laundry, steam room. Telephone! s 1950 FORD pick-up, A-1 condition spect. Heated by hot water oil. Owner|quick sale, $4,500. Call Mr. Bolahood Hg 7 DEVELOPMENTS LTD. _ 7259398" or. 728-0123 | R.R. No. 3, Oshawa throughout. Asking $400, Must be seent SALARY: GUIDE REALTY has other interestg, Priced at 54,000 tor at 728-5123 or 725-8333, Bolahood Broth- gym room and rec room. | "CALL" DREW STREET, 74 three rooms, fur-| . TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Telephone 983-5122 after 6.30 p.m. pile ees plone Srotiara it ial Rosato i ant Our model suite is furnished | 795.9934 728-4283 ished, central, adults or working couple Price paid for Good Clean | 's3_ CHEVROLET. pick "up, | licence, fair Vv 'oad, excellen ' be sags mn or ree individuals. jo «children, a dit 1 $110 weekly LIMITED [Limits "a (ogee ney, 8 tinitety Goene| bY WILSON'S PURNITURE, | 723.6022 a eo iy ee MP ae eS i Fj 16 Si Street South fecitte. this' ana ene Se Fiat sarees belanaad Braiars fies , 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. : pus TALBOT COURT, 596 -- three bedroom) ---- ONE. engine. Excellent condition For interview call NEON OUPet OU |home is the. answer to your housing|ited, Realto Oshawa Rental anariment, fe ae are be. seen Lic. 4687V. Peleshok Motors, lax. : probi Listed at only $12,600 this) an a : : Sipe Ssh Bae a 725-2541 723- 5281 | head Ee an ultra-modern kitchen, cae ACRE Property for sale south of tea ee aa FURNISHED, one bedroom apartment, MORE CASH 59 CHEVROLET Viton, good condition, dreon PINEWOOD ------ |e, rota ee PCL Oats ofr Bo R ao Agency hydro included, parking. Telephone | paid for Good Clean Cars, |Telephane s76117 he aay Trade up or down, Liens paid. cently deccrated this is the buy of the b ointment fe ip Toon "edhe eal cating |23- Real | Estate "Wanted -- | or by appoi Superb apartment accommo- | MODERN four room apartment, private |33--Automobiles Want 5 week, A OLIVE HOWE George Twaites at 723-2008 for appoint- 576-2280 or 725-9750 dation in all parts of Oshawa, [28M Good. parking, Eatrlgeratt one DODD MOTOR SALES |-> CO UNTING ment to see. ScholleldsAker Lid. Re eee Se dadasisthecd eee UY PARK ROAD SOUTH CARS > WANTED to | | VALIANT 25-4935 -- ; ? CLERK 1 BLOCK SOUTH OF REAL ESTATE LTD. 'Lance: FAMILY HOME, seven room. WANTED W. FRANK DEVELOPMENTS LTD, |f¥9 SRDRDGM stirineat: ge gee) 7283 23-9421 | _ Buying A New Car? modernize ni rr 0. : " "" , | " : ROSSLAND RD (REALTOR) |area. fall. Joho MePherson, 728-7207.) 004 cider style home on REAL ESTATE LTD. tac esi CALL ssi ae |Sireet 'Gast Telephone S76 300. Dundas OSHAWA eee there ri dl ' y Jack Ricard Ltd. F - a " " Grade 13 preferred. ; 515 Brock St. S., Whitby |pranb NEW 'triplex on Somerville) Masson or Mary St. or similar | 2] King St. W., Bowmanville 723-6022 CLOSE TO DUPLATE, modern "ature | TRANSMISSION SERVICE| Cor Dealer and "Save". Apply i : EAST ON WILSON RD. Drive in Orono, three two -- bedroom] good area. We have out-of- | aoa ees a ae sli tale oh eperinent | 8 pivel New convenient location TED CAMPIN MOTORS pply in person to: NORTH 668-5853 mbar fnen ay Reet RR aug anthlats town buyers waiting. We full basement." Telephone 725-8363. 116 BOND ST, WEST 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 S. Emmerson meters, large lot, $6,000 down. Also two,| charge you only 4% that APARTMENT BROCK STREET--sell-coniained three} We now have the facilities |WANTED: Cars and trucks for wreck (Beechwood -- 2 Blocks west LET'S GO TO THE three and four bedroom homes, now] saves you $ . NOW RENTING NE BEDROOM room apartment. Elderly couple pre-| to do all general repairs. jing. No charge for towing. Best prices P | Di ++ A under construction, off Taunton Rd., CALL TOM HOUSTON 16) ferred. Immediate possession, Telephone Guaranteed work, paid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime. Rob- _ Personnel Division of Wilson) COUNTRY |elose to Highway 35. J. Ochonski Con- SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND 72:84 grantee: er Nichols : 2 Storey, 4 bedroom homes 8 room older home, nestled Seen cawrne a ena = CENTRAL ONTARIO More and more of Oshawa's TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished, _ pri Call 576- 2610 SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cara y 2 ' | sas vely, two : tia va ntr , ; fi Serer: me | GOODYEAR with garages -- room on 3 acres, huge modern kit- year-old, brick, large, morn." bunga- TRUST nicest people are enjoying $ 100. vale entrance, parking, central. T8I¢:/19s) CHEVROLET four door _2ulomatic. | pou GE for Oe toe and_me meta bungalows with walk - out | chen, separate dining room, low with three bedrooms. Lovely tand- 723-5221 or or 668- 4416 | reasonable rents at the EGANISHEDT Sate AE ae |radio, Motor and body in excellent con IRE & RUBBER CO Hd 9 aa fe betes Spel || __|scaped lot. Fenced-in yard -- located on | -------- . Le | B, a fa-Foom |dition. Must sell, Telephone 723-8944 WANTED, 'cars "and trucks fer, os . sements, some with garages" | pc. beth, oil heating, sma dari Court, Earl session. Onl n es ment apartment, semi-private entrance, ing. No charge for towing, Best prices IF and_ balconies. | barn with hydro, For further $19,500, wih ier. YS ieitcpp ea We hove out tof town buy R A A o/s 3302 an OrY: Well Heated: modern. retrigerator, Hie CORYAER,, Sour saved" Wik Berke paid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime. Rob- CANADA ED E information call Audrey Moore evenings -- 723-33 Bolahood Brothers; ers waiting. Some with all stove, ante nna, Bareings Home privil: | 555 9059 lert Nicols, : 2 te) | 723-3: | i eges. Telephone 576-01) RES ETSI TS STiniee eae --oee ALL HOMES READY FOR! ot 668-5853 or 668-4088, | Limited. 7 NN bei CON or sul Tantial Gown Poy O R P REGENT ARMS seattmenr to ren io couple, 35 1960, OLBSMOBILE, A', "afomntic:|34 Automobile Repair Bowmanville, Ont. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY |FOUR . BEDROOM HOME -- Only one] ments, Cosh in now SPAR ENT TO vent etraccee stoss |power steering and brakes, hardtop, ne At ee All Homes are completely CALL TO-DAY Thapad. Caine Poser uate dining room, Call 576-0330 S M A Two bedroom apartments. supplied. we rooms and kitchen, Tele-|!/Tes Foe ras 723-7521 =| AUTOMATIC i ej : phone 725-8946. 1962 alcon wagon, % "Cylinder, f decorated and lots complete- for an appointment to inspect a eee can ee HEN H. KEITH LTD > S R Quiet building, adults only. | Tike ROOMS and GAIN ebeond" Tian |doote..stanuard: Asking $690, Telephon | TRANSMISSION REAL ESTATE ly sodded. this 4 bedroom 1¥2 storey lin Call George Twaites for appointment . . 723-6944 private entrance, stove and refrigera.| 723-9436. ke CENTRE ALL HAVE N.H.A. 634% older home built on a large |'9 see, at 723-2008, Schofield-Aker Ltd., Realtor E ag for, share garage. Television hook-up. |EXCLUSIVE Scotia. Plan, bank finan-, 1938 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 GES fl | Realtor. : --- or 723-6455 after 6 p.m, |Bus at door. Ideal for one. 725-3952. jcing available at Wellman Motors on f LE MAN MORTGAGE lot in a good residential area ar ne) NEED Your | . Have cash and Y M | Ce tele a. warranted auaiity| . Tronsmissions are Our Only DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW in Whitby. This home would |GIBB STREET -- All the work is done|term buyers. If you "want to. sell, call pe SIR ie ek cae ae NL a Sit bea il eh at hol sche R Aalst i lin. this fine two-bedroom home. Newlwitlard Johnston, 728-1066. Schofield |26A--Expo Accommodation \s<¢, cars, You will be amazed at how Business --- Repairs, Adjust- fanted for Oshawa office. AS $1,436.40 IF YOU CAN be a good investment for kitchen, four-piece bath with vanity;|Aker Ltd N E LUSANNE VILLA RESERVATIONS "ale Retr much you save on finance charges. Call! ents, Exchanges. All Work a j ; . ce --= nol 8 rt ol I iquiries treated confident- QUALIFY someone who is looking to- |r joorns lage, ols vaites at. 729.9008/CASH BUYERS, for 3 and bedroom N N uble room in modern private. nome. in 47" FIREBIRD 400, eight Thousand miles,|__Cuaronteed. lly, Call W. Baldwi ward the future. For addition- [for appointment. Schofield - Aker Ltd.,|/homes in north section of Oshawa, For 330 GIBB STREET Monireale st per couple, $s haa Haag 4 eight 8 ee el OC EDER CTALIE ata aaa bs itis BUILT BY al information call Marie | Realtor Wilkinson Rea edite, Wo King St." T | Exciting prestign building, /Saple: $10 family of fur. 122355. _|pftoe "czvans i) PRED STONE 39er, ' hs x hg ppacticggyg "Pos yes ey " ing 9%. Es, 8 sth bd THREE-R ais -- -- st KASSINGER Wits ot 668-5853 or 728 PRIVATE SAL -- Ranch bonaigw Oshawa 576-1411 [Se S Centrally located, electrically [THREE:ROOM around lor aparimeni |6a CHEVROLET stationwagon, 1 hing) Brooklin --- 86 Queen St. E. W FRANK N : ; Le genta completely landscaped BUYIN or sling -- a meh ahs heoted, Roomy breakfast nook {Fairbanks Street, ~_Telephone 7 725-3289 oma ie' CM ee cpt Automotive Machine Shop ve and decorated. Telephone 728-5251. + an r ond kitchen. Tennis court |ONE-BEDROOM 1 tment |radio, white walls, wheel discs. Best) 2 OPEN THIS WEEKE D JUST AROUND THE ATTRACTIVE TWO beaicom heme fll Sulount a ia Real Estate Realtor. PHONE 728-9724 __and barbeque. with private bath: ereitie eae jotter 135-9807 alter 6 REBUILT ENGINES REAL ESTATE LTD. 1 P.M. until 5:30 P.M. CORNER" basement, all. modern conveniences, on tte ea SURGHAGE Cacia ocr Be a | Titerong,: 7256918, 11958 CHEVROLET sedan pdtlivery and | OVERHAUL AND . he ; : number ighway. Newcentie el : ------ |1956 Chrysler with new tir lephone | 506 Simcoe St., Oshawa or anytime by phoning from the R. a reg aglepnene, Ryan ee ae, Fence prrapee, ey % Ae ii RENT ® 27--Rooms for | Rent | 723-186 we a ENGINE PARTS Gl School, this well kept four [$2,000 DOWN. Large income home three [ U X U R ¥ pt. Houses, Rooms, Room |1965 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4-door hard-}-- 728-7585 Exclusive Agents bedroom semi awaits your bedroom apartment for owner, plus $300/94__ Stores, Offices, Storage and Board. Office Hours: "ATTRACTIVELY |top, power steering, power brakes, wh F f th i $12,000 full fi D oi 9 f s: 5--Lost and Found REFRIGERATION SCHOFIELD AKER family, This bome features auick sale. Write box "5362" Ochaws The N ONE- and eo) 1p ert a.m. to 6 FURNISHED ROOM isos redio, tow mileage. Telephone 12 Taube, Tenale Cal ay we " . broadloom in living room, |fimen e New p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. Availab : d chest. Oshawa Shopping Centre LTD. dining room and hall, four |BARGAIN -- NEARLY new brick spilt TWO-BEDROOMS LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION Call bi 7 " B ad Pipes gees rn ee. fig ae 72 "Reward, Telephone 725-5462. MECHANIC é bedrooms, lovely recreation _|!evel-_ bulll in, stove and facet PRUDENTIAL BUILDING | Ochawa's Largest Suites | 23 Athol West 728-1070 Piet ee fee LOST. Dark brown wallet containing perienced, permanent po- 360 King St. West, Oshawa room. For further information --|73-1021 Keith Peters 1,800 SQUARE FEET and Best Location EEE LE PRS See ia ani 82 PARK RD. N. IS CHEVROLET, Bel Air, 2door 'archaeon pone and other important ion, available now, 40 hr. call Elspeth Hilts at 668- |NortH west -- $14 STORES OR OFFICES. FREE SHELDIAN "MANSIONS 728-8671 |tap, Fadia, & cylinders automatic eee papi vie Generous benefits, good 723-2265 5853 or 668-5017. bungalow. with finished recreation ream, air conditioned cal TH UB ' ieee ite St. canéaeuanis __| telephone 725-7582. ory onan: } , hedged lot, Monthi 5 @H CL @ Sublet large 2 and 3 bed- HED, 'front bedroom. |.47 DODGE Dart GT, slant sixy three- ferences required. Personal LOOK WHAT | FOUND! |e4,,2(00 rah cing prince! ra] ____ pone 725-9478 @ SAUNA BATH room suites with two bathe |pniy' Telephone "Suedaue CMe" speed automatic, conale, radi buckel Someone icati ' ; j terest. Call Irwin Crulkenanks now at/AVAILA uare vy oe seats, snow tires inclu offer EE ae SELL! This charming 3 bedroom fray <" scheoaker ae a ee ee ee @ SWIMMING slovators © Free hyde ond [MOTE oqaccommedations, weekiy.|Teleehene saben 2.) Wants ! i : to deere , i dist : S, + single rooms, ; i ISHAWA GENERAL ! featurnig huge hollywood kits ATTENVION, -- ie gown wi et fessional phy wittaar' Blea: "wiles POOL parking @ Outdoor swimming two rooms, $25.; three rooms, $35. Tele- 18 FORD "GALAXIE, io aay No SELL H recreation room, broad- {with dining room, garage, fenced yard,| 02d South, days 725-4791, evenings 728 Family and Adult Floors. pool, Phone 668-5201, Hollywood Motel, Whitby. /dewn payment, only $22. monthly. Your PITAL chen, recrei 9 | I heating, freezer and | <lose to schools and shopping. To inspect | 258% Furnished or Unfurnished. CALL 728-2502 ROOM TO RENT, weekly gr monthly, |Stalker Motors, 137_King West PLUMBING SELL ! loom, oil heating, d cali Vern Corson 723-9785 or Guide Real-/STORE FOR RENT, opposite Simp- _| Privileges of television and kitchen, alS0/j949 CHEVROLET, 'four-door, sixcylin-| 44 / : * refrigerator, paved drive, iy Limited 723-5781, =n, downtown. Can be used for of RENTAL. INFORMATION FOUR ROOM upstairs apartment. Ap. |Pa'King. Telephone 723-6308, der, standard, licence 40442. Very clean on t ants 'and br landscaped lot, nicely locat- RIGHT DOWNTOWN -- Close to shop- ents For ae {prermation telephone ply 287 Verdun Road. LARGE furnished bedroom, in a quiet |throughout. No down payment, only $26 ' ed in Whitby. Call Audrey [ping and everything, two. storey brick|725:2900. er 723-259: . wat me. Close to north General Motors,|monthly. Stalker Motors, 137 King West. That's The Job y completely furnished IEATING MAN Moore at 668-5853 or 668- home, three bedrooms, nice kitchen,|STORE FOR REN' suitable for bed - sitting room. nah hoot and downtown. Available Mow. |74) RAMBLER American, six, standard, Of Times 4088 garage. Only $18: $12,900 but hurry Call Ken office, ae rit art Too Simcoe St, $ 380 GIBB STREET bus stop at door. Immediate, "Phone 728-7283. sound body and running gear, 35 miles) AY Courteous ady work, experienced only. bail We OS eis oe ss Call 725-2630, 34 BROCK STREET EAST, Oshawa,|for gallon. Very clean, Licence 114147, , ; : . Want Ads |"CENTRE STREET" -- B kept "ton CADILLAC AV) me "Fares. |{rnished room in quiet home, Close to|$219. Hcbbs Motors. 668-6880, -visor EVENINGS CALL 668-4088, - r ENUE NORTH three j vIso OULD HEATING ' . [two sory older brick home, near down: RESULTS? Use Times |teom basement apartment with private hospital and north. General Motors, Able BONTIAC two doer | hardtop, six cyl] ill be h 987-4223 668-5017 or 726-3937 AND jon, idl uur rte, fo seas are Ma, Wt, Bey gg gh A a Wi alah ow, : h i | 723-3492 WEEK-ENDS, 725-0010, 'W. 0. Martin 'Realtor 7285103.(J. B. -MoMullan. Company. Action Want AdS;: lTissone cae ne Oe emie or ie Ti aa Teieshone 728-| to help you , : ( y > : t

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