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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Sep 1967, p. 5

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television audience main a pleasant fellow to his last shattered Even so, their restraint mirable, » the "'instant inter- were a source of irrita- y did little actual harm, case of the CBC, they he junket to Toronto » reporters from posts the heart' of Alberta the Atlantic shores more te. John's Anglican Church Men's|study; Benevolent Rebekah) Club; Blair Park, Vista Rate--Todge; Knights of Columbus; | payers Association; Garden-/Qntario Ladies College Castle view United Church Women;|Chapter; St. John's Anglican Girl Guide of Canada Whitby Church WA; Ajax Holy Trinity District Association; St. Mark's! Anglican Women Church Year; | United Church Women Unit 8;|Ajax Senior Citizen's Friend- St. Mark's United Church Wo-jship Club; Ajax St. Paul's Unit- | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, September 16,1997 SMI PP Pim RMHMRHHH Hw = {men Unit 9; All Saints Ang-|ed Church CGIT, WHITBY -AJAX CALENDAR MONDAY, SPET. 18 {Union; The Antique Club; Al- Co-Op Credit Union banking|monds United Church Women QO jlican Church Evening Guild. i pHURSDAY ' |TUESDAY, : | Whitby Baptist Church Cubs; Pentecostal Church Youn &/salvation Army Women's Home | People's Christ Ambassadors; League; St. John Ambulance | Al-Anon Family Group; Whitby | Cadets; St. Mark's United 'Whittlers TOPS Club; Whitby) Church Women. Unit 3: Faith | Shrinking Violets TOPS Club; Baptist Church Women's Mis- |Red Cross work room; Faith) signary Society work night: Baptist Church Pioneer Girls; | Ajax Happy Melting Shadows night; Whitby Baptist Church|Evening Group; Ajax Kinettes. | Women's Christian Temperance pops Club. (the Ontario Agricultural College Service Contractors th and served in the extension on e IN THEIR enthusiasm, vanipulating the mighty lemonstrated a_ fright- apability for "coercing" than "covering"' a con- They showed all ob- could be lost through volvement. Many of the pot reports were actual- ng more than old-fash- umor mongering. Their vailability to the astute n quite conceivably can » undue influence on the f events. his respect television 'uss Jackson and Ron er a fairer break than it Explorers; 1st Whitby Scouts; | WEDNESDAY All Saints Anglican Church Ev-| Whitby St. John Ambulance; ening Guild; St. Andrew's Pres-|st. John Nursing Cadets; Sal- byterian Women Group 3; St.!yvation Army Prayer and Bible | FRIDAY | | Red Cross Senior Citizen's | C. B. Holden |Club; Co-op Credit Union bank-, | jing night; Salvation Army Tim- bral Brigade. Representative 'sctunos\ | Salvation Army Young People's UXBRIDGE -- Everett Biggs, | Rand. 'deputy minister of agriculture: SUNDAY and good, recently announced! st, Mark's United Church Hi- the appointment of C. B. (Cal) 'C Group. Holden as associate agricultur- -- al representative for Ontario » men in public service P f tes > County FREE 24-HOUR the democratic process, , xe 3 _Mr, Holden, ee yaa oe ig hig so a - ie y, is 19 gr ate of ui ag re, peruitied, tp, plas SILVER TRAY PRESENTED TO COUNTY CLERK, WIFE ne Oniario i cute their plays without : : It's difficult to_ surprise managed it Thursday even- and Mrs. Manning have re- Reeve of Whitby Township , ai M ' an interference or medd- the knowledgable clerk of ing in Beaverton when they sided in Brooklin for all for three years previous. jbranch as ei a eee SAWDON Ss Pept for ag paps Ontario County, William presented a silver tray to their married life. They Warden Charles Healy is Pewaclaiene a eran hai Agee te the Manning, especially on the clerk and Mrs. Man- have two children, Carol 17 shown presenting the tray, he the past yb ae Brg F U E L Sy num er cars iors of the madiitg county affairs, but ex-coun- ing for their 25th wedding and Dennis 16. Mr. Manning --_ the reflection, in silver, is Ppa ee Be hie MMe a the events it is sup: ty wardens and members aniversary, to be celebrat- became county clerk 20 Mr, and Mrs. Manning. Rainv. River while serieulturat FURNACE OIL -- y be covering. of the 1967 County Council ed later this month. Mr. years ago and served as (Oshawa Times Photo) FepPRReEMLIVe., Minn Rbie, ye: STOVE OIL AND COAL turned to university to obtain 244 Brock St. S., Whitby "AMERAS gave us ring- {Keeler; Mrs. Herbert Meier; | his master's degree. 24 its at a historic Earl WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS |Mrs. Marguerite Trevail; Mrs.| W@WMan a y Mr, Holden commenced his 668-35 f tremendous impor- A. Mussleman. Proceeds for une | duties on Sept. 14. oe t was a major breake Mr. and Mrs. William Hei-| Whitby General Hospital build- ------__ ________ -- erence aera : : Mrs. P. G. Gordon, former- ; ¢ 7 Pl in communication. For ly of Montreal and a Whitby [nen 323 Rosedale Dr., had WO a hostess served ampaign an' re it rests with the tele- resident for the past few\their guests, Mr. and Mrs.|® Inty junch. | é SAVE ON EERCers to recognize months, left for Coventry Eng-|Hubert Houtman, British Col-| 44\.. joyce Osterhout who is, PICKERING (Staff) -- The , | vi hed responsible re- land where she will visit rela-/umbia, who were accompanied | attending the registered nursing campaign of W illi am New- ay rae Pte ihe io yone just tives for several months. |by Mrs, Houtman's father, Gra-| s ssistants course in Toronto ™@2, Progressive Conser- A Whitby. Benevolent Redexan| {ence Head flown tom vised her parents, Mr. ang)vauve canaiaate tor Ontario §=6-s ALI TO) INSURANCE Lodge 132 will be guest Sunday | ee ne en Jour' Mrs. J. A. Osterhout, 1010 Dun-| South, wil age eens --. Se ta ° : ay ineyed to Montreal to attend the das St. W giant "Newman'"' rally, with . of Joy Rebekah Lodge and willl wedding of Tom Houtman. The|°** *" Ontario Premier John Robarts| If ra are an Abstainer you save up to attend Brougham Church Ser-/Houtman and the Heinen fam-| 4 executive meeting will be 8 keynote speaker. The date $22.00 on your auto insurance. cae esis jilies became friends while resi-|,61q for members of the Whit-|has not been set. * Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steeves, |i" in onan had = by General Hospital Women's} Robert Byron, Pickering, is ee 58s of the aircraft operat. Frederickton, New Brunswick, |s5 4, one another for more than Auxiliary at the home of Mrs.!managing Mr. Newman's catm- in a mae Mrs. Bp sagged] ning | piieel fe 2 cla 338 eo ie ge ith Fog ago * 'minal, none could be New Brunswick, Mr. an rs. las Tr q Mr, | Dr., to make arrangements for) candidate is Aja i as being in flight near Murray Willett, Trenton ea digit aie en eect, - the general meeting of Sept.|and lawyer Henry Polak, with INSURANCE LIMITED LIKE NEW at the time of reported Mr. and Mrs. William Collier|Palace St., is leaving Sunday|2) to be held at Kathleen Rowe | Mrs, Betty Quantrill, Whitby, PRESIDENT --- CLARE A. SHANK i Checking with David and childrén Darlene and Ste-|to further his studies at Kempt-| School. | co-ordinating the campaign. 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Observatory the object ven, London, Ont., were thelville Agricultural College. Doug- M Cari | Mr. Newman, 39, who lives | * yas unknown to them. , guests of Mr, and Mrs. Charles/las in his. second year. |_ Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Carrigan,| | i necial report submitted Jorden, 507 Colborne St. W., Kingscourt Apts., Ajax were ac-|in Balsam, has served as om Project Blue Book and attended the Jorden-Gem-| St. Andrew's Presbyterian|companied by their daughter|reeve and deputy reeve of} | rters USAF by Lt mill wedding held at Bradford.|Women Group 4 met at the|and her husband, Mr. and Mrs.) pickering Township. He has| - | ke seorge P, Freeman, Jr j_|fome of Mrs. John Frost, with peardoch Fitzpatrick, 137 Bil-\ three children. | isted two types of cigar The Whitby Jacks and Jills|Mrs. Thomas Brown in the|lingsgate, Ajax on a vacation o square dancing club were in-|chair who reminded membersjin Nova Scotia. Mrs. Carrigan FO. It was one of these vited to dance at Pioneer Vil-|of the Women's Association|had remained for an extended! ldy Cobel sighted April The object remain lage. al and _-- eh ata general meeting of Oct. 16./visit with relatives. ' : wi s. ey cy - . waite dandy Toronto. group the Swinging ae UM, ss aioe' dad Gener Mr. and Mrs. John Cassells, 1967 OLDSMOBILE DELMONT 425 Sedan 3 Yours truly, Eights led by Nell and Cal Car-|Oct. 4 at the Church hall. Mem-|17 Thorncroft Cres., Ajax dur- Shade light windshield, chrome trim package, automatic transmission, white wells, Mr. Donald W. Golding @y and afterwards members/bers suggested several money ing their vacation spent few Balun belts, power brakes, power. steering, radio; Serlek SAROTAINE EEE: rch St., and their families enjoyed ajraising ideas for the annual ba-/days in Ottawa and toured the was tua , Ont. Picnic and toured Pioneer Vil-|zaar of Dec. 2. The next meet-| Ottawa Valley. 'as $4, $ lage. ing will be held Oct. 2, a change ; : : SALE PRICED The St. Joh [of date owing to Thanksgiv-| Westminster United Church, ONE NATION e St. John the Evangelist|ing weekend. The hostess serv-|Manning Road, Whitby is hold- aiialey : CWL traveling bridge andleq refreshments. ing 'Rally Day" this Sunday, : or: pig Pog a ae ~ or ae a a a |with a special service at 11 a.m. : "QW IMMEDIATE DELIVERY y ite 7 is so) s wi rs, iss Norma Moth, as-| which will include a dedication | . : as Feng ~~ Finan as general convener. Any|son St., Oshawa opened herjof the Church school teachers. f | 1967 OLDSMOBILE DELMONT 425 Convertible y the "Deux Nation"® lady wishing to join is asked/home to members of Whitby | Promotions will take place in » PHONE Four barrel carburetor, automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, electric elock, dopted at the convene to contact Mrs. Finan at 668-|Benevolent Rebekah Lodge} regular classes at 9:30 a.m. for y remote mirror, radio, electric rear antenna, white walls, hydaulic suspension, shode light ess than one-third of the 5415. Games are played once|members and friends for a|those nine years or over. At windshield, deluxe belts, special chrome trim, electric windows, custom wheel discs. s. How can the adoption a month for eight months in|euchre evening. Winners were:/11 a.m, for nursery, kindergart- Seriol 356677M160472. onal policy be represene individual homes. Proceeds go|Harold Wickett: Mrs. Donaldlen and primary departments. f the people, or the toward CWL projects. (self when more than is have neither read it d it. As a di 0 yi d are beusd ok Ue ee pen en ers ee bakes 4 ath iene ae For Hospital ons splitting the coun- Was $5,482 $ SALE PRICED 4285 1967 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 Door Hardtop CHARCOAL : : | Vinyl top, positraction rear oxle, power brakes, power steering, 327 engine, 27§ horse- power, powerglide, wheel discs, white walls, radio, Serial 1648771108221. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH | BE =---- | 419 Brock Street N. REV. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister YELLOW alf. The BNA Act and WHITBY (Staff) -- The new) ; : | Was $4,217 gg i Doogie Whitby General Hospital will SUNDAY SERVICES | aaa =«C=Pro GET YOUR FREE | "ak a $3195 he rights of both founds cost $3,600,000. nes | ier BROCHURE ON s. Why all this furor and Tenders for the building were | | i PATIO DESIGNS ' | of a two nation theory? opened at a building committee | 9:18 A.M.--"Foith Tidings Rodio Broodcast --= : TO-DAY! = | ical double talk it has oe of the -- revetins 1350 On Your Dial oo | in our dialogue as true at campaign headquarters 1s. Or are the political Thursday. IMPALA 4 Door Sedan ts working on the prem- Building committee chairman 9:45 A.M.--RALLY ROUND-UP IN 1967 A : lid oak) uae iit ride and conquer? Abra. Dr. K. C. Hobbs of Whitby told OUR BIBLE SCHOOL ee ae Bee rae, Fee ing and peat Sales ee coln once said "'A house The Times today the low bid| walls, radio. Serial 1646971101785. against itself cannot was $3,600,000 and within the} : : } Was $3,958 approved budget for the build-| 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. a | PRESENT SALE PRICED $2895 trast the United States, ing. | THE PASTOR WILL PREACH istory is only slightly Nine contractors took out/ in ours, has with the Specifications for the new hos-| s * me founding races ase pital, to be built on Victoria 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP HOUR - Another line up of talented | with the spice of other Street, north of the existing roups become the most Ontario Hospital in Whitby. -- | * BEAUTI ES 1967 CHEVY II SEDAN nation in the world. Dr. Hobbs said no further in- mon bond is communi- formation was available until WEDNESDAY EVE. 8:00 P.M, iit: x Deluxe steering wheel, wheel discs, white walls, Serial 1136971 191157. The common _lan- the architects contact the low UARTERLY BUSINESS MEETING P English. The theme bidder for further details, The! Q $ tion Indivisible,' name of the successful contrac: | "There's Al " ALE PRICED : ed no second class citi+ tor was not made public. ye 8 Nee & Feh : a " division of our people. ai, yne nation by the name eek ba : da. We have six million - EP gs ho are neither French Maia never Seacieiet. ish by parentage. This "third force' are . patiently withholding 'imony lest this ume jonable EMMANUEL |] ST. ANDREW'S || REFORMED |] PRESBYTERIAN 403 Rossland Road West Corner Byron at St. John Whitby Meise SMa Rev. .W J. S. McClure, B.A. MISS LOVE 1967 OLDSMOBILE F85 Cutlass Sedan Shade light windshield, deluxe belts, special chrome body trim, automatic transmission, Rev. 'Harold Hesselink power brakes and power steering, wheel discs, white walls, courtesy lights, clock, radio. BUSINESSMAN LUNCH i Ae | Serio! 3366971100404, id division of a two- ' Wes $3,870 . 'onflict transgress on 10:30 A.M. AFRO Se eens x EXOTIC DANCER SALE PRICED $2995 it rights ivi- < | erent rights and privi Hydro Enolish Service end | 9:45 A.M,--Church School i] ' Yours truly, . Installed Sunday Schoo! H Classes iss) pies Feldmann doe! Poteaenie Ratis. Diswatched | 7 P.M, | Ue ee ee | jar PPRAAAAAL Oneness } owne ve., SERVICE MADE US. indergarten an jursery b. Ontario, Coll 723-1191 ENGLISH SERVICE | Care during Divine Worship }} ENTERTAINMENT ie OPEN NIGHTLY or 10, 1967. EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED | Everybody Welcome i FOR | ! | EVERY NIGHT ] (ROK Created To |} ST. MARK'S WHITBY 3 SHOWS NIGHTLY KINS & SELLS Individual | UNITED CHURCH | BAPTIST MOTOR SALES nior | ners, Greet Briton 668-3552 one ik 2 | Inn (Ajax) 942-5580 -, mary, Infant Care, Junior §] Bible Study & Prayer bad the World. 318 DUNDAS EAST Congregation. | : " / | a rouse n n jax | . ° 728-7527 EVERYONE WELCOME Excellent nursery facilities. HOURS: -- Monday té Thursday 9 to9 -- Friday and Saturday 9 to 6 hey Be acetate te, I China hee Sow maces | SANDY SCOVILL TERS & CO. Dwsean He eae erie an, we. atic, SINGER tants a | | = iv ani STAFFORD BROS.|| "wcsssi0, Wy emcccome seace | PLUS Eve Yous Apuen ENON sas: | INFANT BAPTISM M. a Calgary LTD. | CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--#tle School Classes DOUG DAVIS TRIO 140 BOND ST. PHONE 725-6501 orge Vancouver MONUMENTS 9:30 A.M.--4Junior, Intermediate, for all, romemexnnnareerrrermsrorvesmmmmmerrenmcemtins i : " ee

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