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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Sep 1967, p. 8

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 16, 1967 Jo's JOURNAL BY JO ALDW!NCKLE Women's Editor of The Times been nominated for a Cana- dian Oscar. For school chil- dren, theré is an opportunity to see it tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. in McLaughlin Library. Every child .should take this helicopter ride across Canada and, maybe, if the Mums and Dads requested it, the library staff might accommodate them at a later date, It's really worth it. HEADLINE STORIES, local color and characters of the past were revived and recon- structed at a bon voyage party for Mr. and Mrs. M. McIntyre Hood, given by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Farrow, Christie Street, last weekend. Guests were Mr. Hood's for- mer Oshawa Times associates and their husbands and wives who provided their own en- tertainment in recalling hil- arious back-stage incidents that are all part of gathering A SURPRISE VISIT on Sun- day stirred up memories of the news and presenting it to Oshawa's halcyon days of the reading public. baseball when the Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Hood are re- Merchants drew enormous crowds to the Kinsmen's Sta- dium and handsome Mike Mellis, their pitcher, was an undisputed idol. The Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vrabel of Woodside, turning to Scotland next week. They have been in Canada since the end of June when Mr. Hood's first official duty was the opening of Oshawa Folk Festival Centennial Week, June 25. They have New Jersey. Mrs. Vrabel is travelled about quite a bit Mike's sister and she and her since then, visiting friends husband had been through to and relatives but for Mr. Peterborough to attend the wedding of John Mowat whose father, "Andy" Mowat, was an executive of the Osh- awa Merchants. A trail of broken hearts followed Mike when he left Oshawa but time marches on and just for the record, girls, Mike is happily married with two equally handsome children. Hood it has not been all play. At the request of the Mc- Laughlin Library Board, "Mac" has compiled a_his- tory of Oshawa, developed and expanded from the ar- ticles he wrote when editor of The Oshawa Times. The manuscript is now in the proof stage and will be pub- lished in time for the pre- Christmas book sales. Some five hundred copies have already been ordered, mostly by members of serv- ice clubs and organizations, so it has been planned to bring "Mac" back to auto- graph the first edition when it goes on sale at the end of November in Oshawa Shop- ping Centre and local book shops. The first edition, fully illustrated with old prints of Oshawa, will be bound be- tween hard covers and sug- NOW THAT THE smoke of millions of cigarettes and thousands of cigars has been blown out and Maple Leaf Gardens and the Royal York Hotel refreshed and tidied, we can look back at the Pro- gressive-Conservative Leader- ship convention. What emerges? Is the circus atmosphere of bands, balloons, dancers and bikini-clad - beauties bearing placards conducive to the election of the right man as posure can be cruel and if we lose the best man for the job, we all suffer. How does a large corpora- tion go about selecting the chairman of its board of di- rectors? I think: my "man on the bus" has 'the right idea. He says the elected members of parliament should -- elect their own leader in the house. They should be able to judge by performance who is best fitted to be their-leader. To my mind, Mr. Diefen- baker showed lack of states- manship in not making his intentions known and provok- ing an atmosphere of uncer- District Historical Society on "Early Days in Oshawa'. Mr. Hood is a past president of the society. and right now his subject is uppermost in his mind. Everything points to a pleasant and diverting evening. BACK IN THE late days of spring at a time when stu- dents were writing their Eas- ter examinations, an out- standing, centennial film, made by the National Film Board and entitled "Helicop- ter Canada" came to Oshawa, The management of the Plaza Theatre invited educationists, heart but there comes a time when every public figure and actor should quit the stage. It takes a brave man to. -re- nounce the life he has loved and make his final bow. Time is master of us all. I have my eye on the clock. au revoir. view and all gave it the high- est praise. However, either because the time was incon- veniet or because the film was given second billing to a farce with limited . appeal, many who wanted to see the film missed it. "Helicopter Canada" Too Fat To Work? Dedicate Yourself To Basic Rules By ROBERTA ROESCH Today I am back with those) has or restored breads and cereals). low through on this plan, enlist the help of a doctor or join a |diet watching class for the| group therapy involved. feelings. accepting adequate portions salad and thinning foods an going very lightly on any fat-/ences tening foods you feel you must take. Let the hors d'oeuvres go right by you by closing eyes and reciting to yourse "These, too, from me." If you think of fat- tening food as poison, it helps a the YWCA and better.) Sixth, when entertained at a friend's home,|your break. your diet only eno as not to hurt your \W1 You can do this by|highly ofjand money matters. Do make | strengthen security and add to dajthe most of these good influ-|income by while they last since Original ideas will be given will turn somewh you are must pass from your food. But set up a program you will stick wit Don't plan something that you know you won't do. Eighth, one day at a time--or even a half day at a time. Don't think of your program as dieting for) weeks on end. | Remember as you do these) ,, things, that even if you havel pt I 7 eet ake Pel try to avoid friction in domestic wi ry W ) dae 4 i , S| Second, to make sure you tel. gapesel aie pei jcirclées in late October and in| watch your The Scandinavian Spinn- ers' Group and the Oshawa Weavers' Guild are joining forces in a centennial pro- ject at Tuesday next Wednesday and salad. Top if off with coffee from 3 to 9 p.m. in a dis- play and demonstration of spinning and weaving, two of the earliest known to man. play will include Their THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA keep For Tomorrow gests a most acceptable the potential prime minister Christmas gift. of our country? or tea and fruit instead of Before Mr. and Mrs. Hood The business of running the |frappes. leave, he has one more as- country is big business for Fifth, since you should never signment in Oshawa. Next which we, the taxpayers, pay. |he ravenously hungry, Friday night in the auditor- If a man is elected simply |;aw fruits, carrot and green ium of the McLaughlin Pub- because he has a rich vocabu- {pepper _ sticks, lic Library, he will give an lary, or a magnetic personal- pimientoes, and radishes address to members and _ ity or a good television image, {your desk at work and refriger- guests of the Oshawa and_ we pay dearly. Television ex- |ator at home. (Frankly, I like being away members of city council and tainty. There is no doubt {little bit. the centennial co-ordinating that he is a true: Canadian Seventh, add to your daily committee to a special pre- with a fire of patriotism at |exercise while you subtract weight HOUSEHOLD HINT ting avoirdupois block her|keep a record of your weight way in a job. Here they are--|and a daily accounting of every| and they will work for you as}morsel you put into your) long as you work for them. mouth, This helps to keep you! First, instead of falling for|from cheating yourself when (a) another crash diet, or (b)|you are honest in your wish to pills that make you nervous, or|be thin. é (c) on-again-off - again pro-| Fourth, take your lunch to grams, give your body ajwork with you if eating in a chance to see what it can do on|restaurant or office cafeteria three meals a day of small|makes you forget to diet. When servings of basic health foods. |you go to a restaurant, auto-| Food Groupings matically order an omelet and/ These, as everybody knows, | salad or beef, fish or poultry] are the milk group (whole milk,} i skim milk, buttermilk, and) cheese); the meat group (meat, | fish, poultry, eggs, dry beans Custom Made or Ready-to-Hang DRAPERIES @ HOMES @ OFFICES @ INDUSTRIAL -- Since 1919 -- WARD'S Simcoe St. at Athol ugh so| as 0 hostess' | wil our A if: |extravagance, |bank balance: : stuck to a polished table top,| : n 0 Third, paste a picture of the|coften them with olive oil and hints I promised every working|way you would like to look on|they'l] rub off without scratch-| woman who wants to avoid let-|the cover of a notebook. Inside ing the finish. With tions, pizza, too, but I've found that); ,i,ment of all types. fruit and vegetable snacks work ainmen yp yesterday's family interests, For The Birthday If tomorrow is your birthday, Day After Tomorrow 'horoscope indicates that, | f the first of October, you| developments around your\|>Y 1 enter a month-long period|yjace of business on Monday. |f@mily. stars hander: afts dis- planetary celery,/ restrictions lifting, Sunday 'TN! should be a most pleasant day. | TO DEMONSTRATE ANCIENT CRAFTS ;months for romance: October, jnext April and June; for travel land stimulating social activi- \ties: Again, October and, i | organizations. 1968, January, April and thejnative of the Raglan area, is |Cardiff, Lindsay, Reaboro, weeks between June 15th and/well known for his interest and| Prospect, Myrtie and Oshawa. knowledge of horsemanship. , A child born on this day will|is one of the directors of the | Especially favored: Social func-)he endowed with a friendly and|Brooklin Fair and is also | enter-| outgoing personality; could suc-|member of the Masonic Lodge 'ceed in almost any area of the jin Brooklin. | September Ist. four kinds of spinning and | expert weaving. Here Mrs. Reginald Bryant and Mrs. W. D. Arnold try their hand at different types of spinn- ing wheels. entertainment world. propitious for both job restrictive on November Ist, and you will have to avoid all|For The Birthday speculation and chance-taking of any kind for a full month. Next good periods for advancing your occupation- al status and adding to your ber, Early January, the Decem- first two weeks of February, late April, promi. ised gains h early May, the last two weeks '| of June and the entire month of occupational and monetary | August, 1968. Despite the star-|interests: October, the first two in April, this will be another month in which to st you may face some unexpected! throughout next August. Crea- ress conservatism, expenses. early ful If bits of paper have become | situations. than usual in since your horoscope indicates a fine and personal aspects of your ous influences and, if you take Personal affairs will be gov-|many Virgoans among them-- rned by friendly influences for|should experience highly inspir- ost of the next 12 months, but | January. This you can} jeasily do if you are more tact-| Most | es | NU-WAY PHOTO OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS 0% Available At SERVICE Discount o n Orders of 5 or More Pictures 251 King St. E., Oshewe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5 x 7 -- 1.25 each and peas;) the vegetables and) PIANO CLASSICAL POPULAR 74 Burk St. DAL 725-4587 OSHAWA fruit group (citrus fruit and) dark green or yellow vegeta-| bles); the bread and cereal group (whole grained, enriched, ONE LUXURY YOU CAN AFFORD 1S GOOD TASTE Patricia Juch | 725-1151 | THE CAREER SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING Are pleased to announce the opening of a New Branch Location, in OSHAWA at:-- 145 KING ST. WEST PHONE 576-3558 Day and Evening Classes we are now taking ap- pointments, Models are welcome. @ GOVERNMENT LICENSED @ annoying | auspicious | | | Our customers come from all walks of life to take advantage of the fine furnishings and exciting ideas that make living indoors more fun. Live a little yourself, come in and see us soon. Betty Haydl Co. Ltd. Interior Decorating, Fine Furnishings FOR THE FINEST DRAPES in the fabrics Dry Goods & Draperies Custom and Ready Made latest Shades ee hs Mé&C EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 "Free Customer Parking While Shopping at Our Store" and 15 KING STREET EAST 725-2686 4 ; n' ~ mr] sur Keep in close touch with|) "embers of the immediate|daughter, Nangy Jean to Rob-|have not only their love but jert Rennie Walt, son of Mrs.|their respect, as well--Aunt | 5 ' |Robert Watt, GShawa, and the| Margaret You may have a chance to) Ds pal age Oto ne theljate Mr. Watt. The' wedding|SPEAK OUT bn 8 \will take place on Saturday,] Dear Aunt: You did those careful planning. 'Mr. And Mrs. Lloyd Evans Celebrate 25th Anniversary Raglan, their friends last Saturday evening|/were placed around a silver on the occasion of their twenty-|money fifth wedding anniversary. ried in Myrtle on September 12,| (Oshawa Times Photo)| 1949 bi member of the Eastern Star, Port Perry Chapter, jparticipates in various church) attendance along |Evans, twenty-five years. Evans toasted her father, and Christ Memorial Church. Overlooked Dishonesty Leads Child To Steal Dear Ann Landers: Summer, mon with a sign reading, Fash- is nearly over, but I would like] ion Show Begins at 11:00 a.m. to say a word to parents wh0} How dumb can you get?--Madi- may not be paying gee atten- son, Wis tion to their children because peyiee 'i A i ; "| Dear Mad: If you'll wipe the cnet aa spot hang aimvaneons foam off your mouth and listen, : ' ' y gai ied {was playground isructor|1 reves, Nobad ov car for 10: weeks. Plays tour : T said it.is in poor taste to go to instructors have very litt le church barefoot, in bathing authority over the children. suits, shorts and bikinis, Got it Almost every day plaground) os aight? equipment disappeared, acous- : tical tiles were knocked out of the ceilings and carried cff, class projects were stolen before the paint had a chance to dry. It is impossible to watch every child every minute and I never believed it was necessary --until I became a playground instructor. Please tell parents to keep an eye on what their children bring home. If a kid turns up with a "strange'"' ball, bat or other sports equipment, he should be made to take it back.| Kids who are allowed to keep things they have carried off get the idea that it's perfectly all right to do so.--Bug-eyed at What Kids Steal PARENTS BEWARE Dear Bug: Thank you for your letter. Small acts of dis- honesty when ignored encour- age more daring acts. Take} heed, parents. Dear Ann Landers: "Phila- delphia Gram' prompts this letter. She is the woman who sent her grandchildren cash for |birthdays and Christmas and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans, of|son Donnie toasted his mother | never received an acknowledg- ' and father. | ment. babe ign " Many gifts were received) My niece and nephew were amily and)trom those in attendance and|extremely negligent about let- ting me know they received my tree. Mr. and Mrs.|gifts. Sometifmes their mother Evans cut their three-tier anni-| Would write, 'Oh, by the way, versary cake and later a buffet the kids sure liked their Christ- luncheon was served to the| mas presents." One day when they were visiting I told my sis- ter I was getting tired of won- active|ding of twenty-five years ago,|dering if my gifts had arrived. Mrs. Gordon Harrison, Mrs.|She snapped, "Oh, get with it. |Evans' sister, and the best|Thank-you notes are out of and alsO| man, Lloyd McGahey, were injStyle." (The children were with other|present.) I told her and the from Perth, Toronto,|children that thank-you notes weren't out of style as far as I was concerned and that I He} wasn't going to send anything SOCIAL NOTICE else until I heard from them. That was several years ago, 21 YEARS OLD? a. RAGLAN COUPLE FETED When you turn 21 you are no longer covered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. You must 'take out individual | membership within 30 days. Get your ap- plication form at a bank, a hospital, or the Commission. home by The honored pair were mar-| The bridesmaid at the wed- Mrs. Evans is an Mr. Evans, 4| cuests a and they have never failed to ies waa ENGAGEMENT write and thank me for every NEW JOB? Miss Joyce| Mr. and Mrs. William H.| gift since we had the under- reread Their daughter, was hostess this|\Gibbie, Oshawa, announce the|standing. We have a much for Pe § d\forthcoming marttiage of their| warmer relationship now and I prise party and was assiste Miss Joyce children a bigger favor than you may realize. Burning in October 7, 1967 at 4.00 p.m, in a t! close attention. If Monday is your birthday, year ahead. Both the business life will be governed by gener- advantage of every opportunity available, you should do excep- tionally well. Best periods for weeks of December, January, the first half of February, late} April, early May, late June and there tive workers--and are ing--and _profitabl between now and the end of January; also next June. activities are in the stars for October, and the weeks between June 15th and September ist. Single? Look for new romance or the happy outcome of a current one during October, in April or} P People should not have to on leaving.. June. | drag their finery along when A child born on this day will) WIFE PRESERVER they go to the woods or to the be extremely competent in han- dling his affairs and, being unu-|. sually versatile, could succeed in either artistic world, depending upon his personal inclinations. silence is no way to improve a situation, I am a strong believ- er in setting the record straight. Often people don't know how you feel until you tell them. Dear Ann Landers: Have you lost your marbles? Why did you say worshipers on vacation should dress up when they attend church? To keep insured fol- low the instructions on the Hospital In- surance "Certificate of Payment--Form 104"° that your present employer is required to give you rycles Travel and stimulating social next January, April seashore or to a fishing camp. A vacation should be a vaca- tion. If one were to follow your advice, it would be appropriate to substitute the bulletin announcing the title of the 'ser- When. broiling meats, put water in the broiler pan. Pre- vents smoke and burned - on grease, and the drippings make good gravy. the business or the PLAIN DRESSES _ eet: extra) NO 2 PAIR SLACKS o2 TROUSERS NEWLY WED? ARNOLD PALMER'S SPECIALS OF THE WEEK! The "family" Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your "group" without de- lay or if you both pay premiums direct, no- tify the Commission. LIMIT FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY -- 723-0961 | Your Wholesale and Retail Cleaning! SUED E e e e e COATS e SUITS ARNOLD PALMER'S 4 _ ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE Plan e JACKETS e GLOVES e ETC. % OFF CLEANING CENTRE . King Park Plaza -- 255 King St. West NEXT TO A&P Col Des By JAMES of The Tim For 16 portab sitting in an old Durham College a and Technology looking school. The portables white wood buildi side many high schools about as Gordon E. Willey. president, resemb type headmaster ago. The portables < pastel shades of and yellow, and modernistically d rectangular classr Polished pine through the ceil the fluorescent sectors. Fresh ct surround the wir some classrooms walls have wood Only six of the the ordinary "'s listen to the teac classrooms, One i trative office. The room and health ing; a teachers' | terview room, a | istry room, scienc DR. WILLEY, "

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