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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Sep 1967, p. 12

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12 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 19, 1967 ; po--Real E Estate | for E ARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS UID Call The Direct Classified N umber 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. -- 16 Simcoe St : fj 8--Articles fo! r Sale 17--F --Femi BUSI N ES S SERV] CE D| RECT Reeys---Believe It or Not! jesse serin' cnn = ale Help Wanted |18--Mole Help Wanted 793-5281 Pee a i - . , GLASS REPAIRS fo aluminum and COSMETICS r SALES TRAINEE - . Free Saas and aluminum ncreens. pete Positions with growing e el ees Ladies to di 'ompany offer: CONTIN ogy pe lemonstrate ~ 4 g "" A ' cones, BEDS fr from $29.95, marl metics at ho ang --Professional status. JUST LISTEC ccountants B Peon all sizes, headboard: me beauty semin- Care ih Led \ uilding Trades \ zs ird off. Factory outlet, 723-3869. ors, or - er training program. mmoculately cle WILLIAM €. HALL, B.Comm., Charter-/ATLA\ ---- Rug--Uphol i DRUMS -- 'complete set of | Stewart iste d hiseure salted eal --No seniority for advance- veneer two ond half s Arc ncgp Lela Oa aban anges |" WNTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. cuieeTeRE pholstery Service awn drums. Only few months old. Call 725 ons. Full training provided ment. plex. North-east area Teves, Gone Tara, "|e at al wor aura, oy enters |HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME CHESTERFIELDS re-pholsered on for selected opplicants, Work | --Potentiol ye Se se wade . Certified General | Years. 723-0281. rial for ate. our nel full 4 : 'otential year! ow you a remarkab! ag he a +s part ad rr EA pei. nl Rootin IN SPARE TIME He order. Malton' Upholstering. 7s 'Chevies| 1 er $8,000 to $12,000 tert on this small investmer BOB CLANCY'S Account jehimneya, -- eavestrougning, "°tirepiaces,| eae De BUSHEL HAMPERS and lds, aed once dibbalel dilibael ds kG Applicants age 22-58 fohight: for full. patticu! Complete bookkeeping eh we |masonry, Gord May, Whitby. 668-2774 repores you to write exomin- RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. like new. Telephone 7: 7 used once, Jeffrey. Positive and Sports- e coe Street N., 725-0397. Res. 72 im-|ROOFING, hot tar and gra' otions to receive Ontario. -1asee cme, Yenra. Work stab- | fay --Rec -minded poe Street _N., 725-0397. Res. 723-7603. _ | repairs lar 9 shingles. Dip! teed. Free manship guaran-| LONIAL MAPLE aa room sul eptive to new id DUPLEX THOUSAN aaa Tinasa heion Chasak | ROOTING - lenge and small jobs. L. and H iploma. Grades 5-12, Im- tresses je estimates, Credit ter te} early American sofa, two Sas GENOSHA HOTEL Have drive for sales a, oe Game ae ied ads i . prove your education at yo eases, [ebullt. | furniture re-fintshed, chairs, coffee table, table | ub! an Heys JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered eccoun- Da basa: Low lndalinenis. (eae ype sled escah acces hice paells orieed" tee-| Wednesday, Sept. 20th pointecr coat Ti is Cn Hea A india al tant, Licensed Trustees 7 include book UEP PAR Sse set ee aa east ' jowor ert. ve storms and scree ee NDE AN athe Al CARPENTRY, recreati guides. Write ein ik ouee Sales les and Serv Tate on ret 9--Market Basket trom _11_o.m, $0.9 Bm, oni. ees 2a OM, A aa ati aay INS, BEADLE AND CO. Charfer:|8" Ports, garage ation. rooms.) brochure to : ; IN THE NORTH St sell, contained. 8 ed Accountants, Financial Trade Bulld-|cement ie Stab Does taken 's ~~ APPLIANCE. Pas ga Yours for only $12,00' 'ng, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On-|/ BAVEST #1, Dorion Shanque. American School, Dept. 8 IS TRAVERSED FOR NEED EXTRA MONEY? REAL EST. fario, 725-3509; §. T. Hopkins, CA: H. E EAVESTROUGHING, Tree estimates,| , BOX 2, Kingston, Ontario REP. 7 MILES BY A TRAIN : ATE "4 Beadie, CA; E Lukow, CA. -|guaranteed work. | Murray -- Hol N s eet AIRS THAT Showing our beautiful li Beadle, CA; E Lukow, CA, arkrtessenert ty olliday. ame .. yee E 1S SPLASHED BY } utiful line of OLD BUT... RS Fidelio neenger yee AND CO., Seen IFRARANO PAVING. WW aart t | Address Tel. eas ort wa 'iced to all makes SEAS potty cards to friends, SALESMAN Ill @ in excellent shap poate, agg egy Fi ons in ness. Romane we ie rn busi] shers, dryers, ranges, THE JOURNEY ' : A he rs, relatives is one Wanted for Osh ; show you this 2. stor Oshawa, 728-7371. "117 Bond St. East. 723-5841. jAvOREY M. ROBINSON MPSE teacher ALSO P. ; \ ot e easiest and fastest ways Inquiries t awa office, home close to downto Blueprinti Carpent leek Apceiatmvanis: meds bY. calling ee Sah oct Mclnto h don't paal dnearance bl ths: iol pga ill al All rooms are large a Pp ing ry : jaeeakiog: Aoroln ments made by calling ALC S ss Hebi Ss ohn because 'ally, Call W. Baldwin, ma= is also a sizable recreat BELL. DRAFTING and, Reproductions Quality Carpentry [fein taser. Pea "Theory'| FURNITURE A AN bec ee | ore ds etal ame or $d jorth. 723-4661. |For information contact Patrici \ND AP' wenTLen wn in a9 rental area anc Blusprinting and photestatle. copies. 3 GENERAL REPAIRS 7a Burk sree contact, Patricia | Tuck, is ast oa veo helps you to get W F able for a rooming ho ome impro BAL # a rn - | "tude Owe } pien re) . . Building, Trede | ong ne ET tron, a |--teloe 7-0 areA, $2 Per Bushel | %"Ysuorszond"oan . FRANK ior moro | an strict [Oshawa Shopping Centr: cademy, - WA s cards on ap- RL e for Many Years. swan 9 e. 725-6122 NOW | WAS EXTREMELY proval and free catalogue. TR. "CH REPAIRS Honest and Dependable Service [sone "colle Yossie, Bi ees Bring me your mowers, tillers, | or ee Pp sot Cord Co., Dept. 22, REAL ESTATE LTD hi ip ge ave 1 m ) j : ; B ALTERA Phone 725-8576 12. Tuesday' and Thursday evenings, et! outboards, all makes, air W KUANYAMA Cannon, Hamilton, 506 Simcoe St., Osh - bedroom, sp TIONS | or 623-3411 ire, "Opeinaraalinnie- in' ny thon cooled engines, Parts, ond | VALUE BY IMITATIONS ot OA MAIDENS A 728-7585 or ine oa i ei c fe ie - ADDITIONS Rett abortions, recrein rooms Sree no Sal a" siaca| peice, Largest service in | 4 Ciaee Agia ADVERTISE THEY ARE SEEKING EARN EXTRA See asa Son recrweton © to8 trim 'works come! 4! aes me ia HUSBAND - to irs, Telephone ef SATURDAY MORNING junior typing] 74 BARRIE AVE. FROM RICE FASTE BRCOPATIVE ie 7 TE O MONEY one fag el wy OMES- Sete Caan Sauitay ok Catia ee 728-2791 | Panes bests Li, Yoon dis ea Ne StaLP RCHAR DS b Show Canada's finest li autifully landscaped | OMES-OFFICES- FACTORIES | (Beonimaling hess College, September. 6." Inaividual|@UARANT or 725-4633 E AND THREAD . | Saline entde, Wiens, Nee sashes bk ec Rooms a itchens Pe chk baad Choice of sessions, $1. per EED REPAIR to ail_wrin | velties, etc. Ove ibis e a . DRESSMAKIN aturday. Free literature, Telephone 72: washers and ranges. F. ger | : , etc. Over 300 items. 5 Specialty 3 ING, | designing, ateratons 3075) 0 Simcoe St. N. one 725-lCall 78-1742 of TOO. aes |3--Sportsman' 's Colum Thickson Rd. N., Whitb For free, beautifully _illus- Reliable energetic man "CHEVROLET STR James All ds Call Mrs. N wo mubiawmesonwoals (7117) pel he n__|8--Articles '~~ Sale " itby | trated catalogu i re- V aM ; en and Sons airs Me a at ost *|Jan 'or Servic VACUO hd polisher ~~ Fepairs, all HUNTING. LICENCES approval fue samples, on quired for. factory in Aj @ Must be sold, i 725-6126 DRESSMAKING ~ expertly fitted sults,|---- ice ine nem hoses, brushes, new motors./guns bought, sold -- New and used! SUMMERT val and the fastest ser- Would hag dining room, broadlo ROOFING CHIMNEYE; all ype a? piel pce Beastly pftted SUIS ALL TYPES OF CLEANING, floors,| pick pend" delivery. 726: fon and hunting 'supplies. Valiey "cre, IME SPECIALS [Pik YOUR OWN jomsloes, Spanish | a ee Greetina Card iis aryl opplicant to be draperies and' natural { ; CHIMNEY: jcovers, drapes. Mrs. To lls, wi f 16 Bond o' ring ing in Aj es5061, 5 a rallied sewaleee etc' ALTERATIONS AND ee of lidential. 728-9538," a, CS TYPEWRITER SERVICE -- $4.95. Serv- = = iz pair | Wil te F Bate. pol of Roy "Nichols Garage, | Hamilton, te alee hcl ati Meek Balai ahs ia ; povindm McCann, RR 3, Oshawa. -- (SeWing. Telephone 725-0865 or 207 or ----------________--_-- judes cleaning, lubricati 4--Mot bi ke Ea | 1iSsOon s e. Go north to first corne: : - ion ro Baia nal Ln Pana ta Bloor new ribbon, liner adjust on, | 'orbi es urn. | Ba Sadi LA Ui thea No bar ond built: COMPLETE HO) St, West. Mort: Ci justment and repair. /|------ 2 PEARS, Clapp' r and built-in desk ¢ ice in Oshawa oy ares. Reliable "Tele tgages ty pickup and delivery. 725-8915. "YAMAHA - SUZUKI -- Authorized _ dealer. | Smooth top mattresses 29-95 jel. Bring paddies ee we PART TIME Call 942-1540 ves. Landscaped front ¢ reasonable. M. Lafontaine Cons. rdening and Supplies | Mortgage Loans "Sule Seis bee ive will buy and sell ih chesterfield suite 109.95 fe an LAR ORA ee SHORT ORDER COOK CENT! with Han and sieve : " ve will buy and sell.) '3.pc, bedroom suites 99.$ acINTOSH RED, $1.75 a bi for weekend: RALAB entry to covered patio CHIMNEY reds SEPTIC TANKS ci : itech date Ri es 99.50 |miles north bushel, 12, fOr weekends and two even- CANA ait teplacea, masonry "work cence First Mortgages Sires" bills KS cleaned. Prompt serv-| 5 '5--Trailers | 20 CHURCH STREET jNorth. | "Bring. your own containers, bial 7? apes? Apply LTD ses pari Buiagg Pola Listens joors, sidewalks. Free estimates. 728- EN ' lest, Whitby, 668-2563. a R 7 TOMATOES for canning, $ A ; . e an app 5264, First Mortanges arranged |g |HOUSETRAILER for rent, parking ta-| Suns UTHERFORD S | bushel. Bring ee ee a 50 per | Co ekan anes AJAX, ONTARIO £0. cep ip eKecunye Wy YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. | pha y. Current rate of 8%. urveyors [Telephone "s76078. north of Newcastle} Bed, m groups, Living Room, |own. Don Linton. One Leg dace ie | a SHA HOTEL 1S today. for and repaired, oa lin- SUPPLIES | pen half-vearly without no- /H. ~FLIM, ONTARIO" LAND Surveyor. | 64 CITAT ae, Dining Room. $399, |'2": ao:| NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE S -- e Ings Instolted) roots repal hone 723- | tee or iors Furst mortgages Office 47 Prince St. Res. 103 Servevor| belie ATION, 18 7 eng, wall-to-wall F 9, Bact $699. Easy 9A-- Eggs | a Poul _______| EXPERIENCED WAITRESS TOCK ROOM MULTIPLE USE range: on pure! 71 | cold water,| terms. Immedi oe T wanted. SUPER FINE GRASS MIX | Agreements for ge cae |DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On fang el big tathrechs sinses ian layaway oats haceeddst [EGGS "DAISY Fositry phone joe ie tb St Ean Tee SUPERV congo CLASSIFIED RATES NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX ed [tario. Land Surveyor, Commercial. plug| Many mor more extras. 623-7274. ka RUTHERFORD'S White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. MATURE and rellablepoenan te hale OR Vi @ room living quo WORD ADS PARKLAWN GRASS MIX Second Mort eee nee ne MOBILE HOME, 1964, Giendaie, com-| 156 Simcoe St. S ess up, delivered at store or home. duties. Private' room, light Rovaekeoping main floor with self ¢ Cash -- | insertion of 24 words, 1.20; SUBURBAN GRASS. MI -- aaaes: Towing pletely furnished two-bedroom, 10° x 50' . South F E duties. Private room, good s wy. Tele. Electric component apartment upstairs. Lar inc dUerded aber a each; 3 consecu- TIMOTHY ond ee | cond mortgages arranged at a excellent condition. Lot 24, 668-4041, .|| CITY TV televisions, radi | 'armer's Column Mari eel : turer located in Aj Meigs attached to home preser ° le | interes 0' -- . Fig, Someries ot 28 Wo Pee MEDION BLUEGRASS interest cate of 10% 10.12%. TOWING! 1962 GME aitton pick yp with camper.| Serice Ghd" hepulre' Savick: | |e beer SRIFPLED Tarai "aock |charoe, of roetheiese heyee te, wens responsible man to superv! for business, double gar ye reenoe 24 words. 5.76; addi- KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS | 'ice Or bene: S ut seamed Woe "ne HOUR SERVICE an, lets ae 8h open 7 days a week Promesaltehechmnen coecteriotinlin' 360) out. "Abstainer. "Telephone 28-2018," two employees in thie gables He large corner lot 11 c eacl | . Second mort- NAL TOWING | ee I Iso T.V. + fo jampton 263-| HOUSE! ar. ISepnone 72-78, | Gnd ih room eet, for f INDIVIDUAL GRASSE! | gages also § FROM $2.50 |TRAVEL TRAILER ™ .V. towers, color and . Licence 101-C-67, HOUSEKEEPER, Ii to do shipping and recei more -- inf Charge--10 per cent additional cher; SES s also purchased. For your co Icellent iti = sleeps five, ex-| black and white 7 ra : Ithree children, 18, 13 In, five-day week,| ing. M 9.908 receive please call if not paid within 8 days. oe) GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 | Rates for arranging mortaages : nvenience we |hose. jconartion stove, frig, lacks, white T.V. Anten- |11--Pets . |week. Resi oy 13 and five, $25 per ig. Must have experience. ' EVERGREEN 6.9 Poco van | maintain a tow snuck ot 6 . Phone 576-1512 nas, rotors installed 11--Pets and Livestock leet ponsible persons only need For ; . M ry y moderate i ast ; led. Sales cb BB etn pply. Box 493, Col oppointme: stnltne SoS Rapist heat eM gt 24) EVERGREEN WEED KILLER | cording to Tariff and ac- | and West Locations. 6--Marine Equi and Service 9 a.m. to9 pm. ping all breeds, pood SERVICE--Clip.|GOOD HAIR TT 1540. oe COTTAGE OR HUN initial, figure or abbreviation Gents os C.1.L. TURF 10-6-4 | Will invite your comparison | Oshawa Towing | quipment | ra Quebec St. Call 725- Pree pickte pe Paysites Our. 'saaclalty.|ccincess - Colthures, i Fs aN CAMP sre, words phone. umber counts. tw SO-GREEN 7-7-7 Eee ea PHONE 728-7711 | CHRIS CRAFT lane 500. All work guaranteed. __|ian' Solin erent ae Gon umciaven os CENTRALAB Sit ec De yea wenke ~ winch. hana hi R T Set So f - oelae Notices MBONEMEAL | (Arranging Pritdiilg |TV--Radio F Repairs | M Rita and SeRY ICE [phone Whitby, ne Kenney 655900. nn tt Snes "Become" Benuty Counseler, CANADA LTD come Ts 3 ig oe E: for o 30 | cVay fibreglas sail boat: USED TIRE: aviv RUMI |) Be eeenings: in man inselor. | ____ * camp is 1¥%2 acre p $2.50 per insertion with PEAT F over yeors) S, TIRES, most all si: SUPERS and sh Mrs. E! agement and sales, FREER IER PEG a oe ee i anes done. ees 26% King Street East, TV SERVICE ee Peterborough and Geodrich_w King sre zee Bak |tgnsonably, priced. Als a maermpocing | Mis. Mot _szcin_maneger,_ Tar, CHEMICAL PROCESSOR" lend on Huy. 2 near, IN sMEMORIUM Pi shawa, t. runabouts, Evin- M REPAIRS, all . keepi lady for | We i 7 be ideal tc $2.50 for the Sirst 25 words and 6c Ev badd SUPPLIES ____ Telephone 723- 4697 COLOR rude outboard motors. baled oR Pick-up, elivery. anon, Ronit ones planed brown, male, two|!0 Moratto." Live. % ae J ie penance sa haten on ca purpose, ae only § sch Bere lttional eharoe ft tet pol mening forte goren . bt or Schava Vachinaven feet OC ee ike DN Fralneds FG Tele eric "win two. sche home ier'vent;| chemical Prcslss S ke Cl Sopa: aie acs charge if not paid CONSOLIDATE | BLACK and WHITE Ome 52h [ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Service, PUPPIES and Wraltea Bosc toe are Ochteg reac! 2, ,;choolaged chiigren.| company Is locate Apis erat CARDS OF THANKS 00 er-Smith $1, 1,600 Pay Mthly. FOR THE BEST CALL [Stetiyelee GREW Traveller boas | asda Senter 204" Bond 'street sling Teenie Up. Delivered." Tele: Colewa times, lox M74402,, and provides fully paid conn ee ee cg ic en Oh SRR Soba, SRR a vinrude motors. Open seven di oe FULL - TIME, EXPERIENCED hare) pony fringe bi 9 louse, barn, m pach th | $2,500 week, Mari jays, a| MAN'S __|QUALITY resse; if RIENCED ge benefits. Wage a tharos it'not peld within 8 deve | $4,000 $50 37 | week, Maing, crorame Ae SUEY) TG alee ie er cog ff ail 'breeds. Telephone. 720509, HOUSEKEEPER Trine <a he if prota experience poppies peda hg | , a eae : = Pea nv eReicio nn ant * oni Maa i ce: a3 COMING EVENTS, 16 al or | Mortgoge euninples Baiad Or TELEVISION [We cineete 'snowmobiles, a os condition. one 'sport ri in| POODLE lddbe japecialist.. Stud ihe Pre-school, and # {ive nto care for] menc sy i co al the City just off No. ne isplay); $2.00 fi H term z » or cash paid.| RELA: "tdaadindlcde pupples foi le, % J ig) sehold 4 iately, wa! Bape bersateate| 7232912, 723.1199 | inert 1 Toe ron TEGEWISION [ihe anti lg Rra A-OSTEER tT Be OEY RANG, ag eg REW ont AUCTION SALES DEIVER? Sen MIGe } -- (2- oe a oe eee en sirmet East Ganener TASER: Ore letter. Telnene pees or est ech gle i One, "Hours Martini Paty. Pete. Ca Oa: rity a "CHESTERTON AVI nnum l\9:FOOT Cal we ee ae Basso re In foal to quar-|ph ing, Whitby. Tel 'all 942- $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION veel prelete on amount born our Own IFOOT CABIN CRUISER, 0 HP Gale|ty PEWRITERS, 309. N ter horse, Pony, Pinto. We pd ade cr + 0150 IX @ Si i , i a | C orrow= ut $2. 0 money down, . Western saddles, ea Ee - @ Six room brick | seliaue TOP SOIL | ed. Interest caleulated on the TV TOWER {aes oes Sm Tesnme 2 263-2997. rani toi Yee Bi new, used. SHETLAND clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662. GIRL FRIDAY requicad far ana Rian: ATTENTION: If | can find ~ toched garage in fine ES _ reducing balance. Properti \top and trail |; 1S4t, convertibie|Raglan, 1-985-7160. I Hamilton, |Colties, SHEED DOGS -- miniature se eet ot omtentlal, must be willing) oF honest man wi with lovely surrounding: WORD ARS Filagt bewithin & cle) oe own 728 5 eat After 6 p.m., telephone] MODEL" @9 Winchester silly comple Pelee yore euceies voune _ oults: © learn. Apeliestions treated wim. sirict] Sat Rin ios stl @ car I'll canine. nindiati: ite 4 Lm. y or - ae u ai , ., a ppt Scag MANURE limits. me c 143 |1¢FT.,. @inch TRAVELLER Polaris pl extra site ee bets ment guaranteed. Teluphone aszgeane RELIABLE GIRL WANTED f income ales ana Matic : igh room and many Once Ser AAO OF PUBLICATION CAC. REALTY omer Bond ond Division Se' rth ie teen cla tte Tae SONPURTe 725-1895. CoAT none eniee ir horses WHT bow Gear ce ne 'a care fr ness. This business teoaata sionally landscaped anc BIRTHS AND DEATHS No. 1 processed top soil, | Oshowa Shopping Centre hone ea old, $1,500, Tele-|suite. Barely ving 'room an 'and bedroom pa alae , eS capabie Sater éam | YOO, after year. No money re- rag Call and arrange to 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION No. 1 processed and blend- | Gm, _728-1691 T V T SS eSOT MAHOGANY GOs Mark Ts|Atter 5-50, Tan tase Deters AU ee tel old, field s; regisiered, alx weeks |age three an to pad two boys, edi to start. Full or part thie elon ieee hom IN MEMORIUMS and ed with cott! | MORTGAGE LOANS «Ve RS Mercury motor, Gaitor tilt trailer. Full 1895, ' ©.m, Phillip Murray area. phir 7.30-5| time BENDEL os : le manure for top ap TGAGE LOANS ou Jequipped. "Many extras, Telephone iy |VACUUMS, used, GE, 7 Elecirolux, Sing. (BEAUTIFUL 1 sb BUBGIES, andy CAR HOSTESSES at 576-1762.__| Apply to Wesley Walms! "CEDAR VALLE' ¢ p.m. DAY PREVIOUS ressing. Well rotted cattle "Ss have immediate funds to LT IN OSHAWA" sid NSS EES 3 ewyt, and Juno, "Reasonable. Apply for training, talkin: ain. Ap bg are VIP's, Our bright LL, and W| 304 Golf St., Oshawa. Phi tk X @ Three bedroom b CLASSIFIED DISPLAY manure. Prompt delivery loan 8 st and second mort wy AT OUR OWN PLANT Mee yg ge Brood tte iain uo, APY Tee cer ant at ite very spacial] 22970296. See California redvood. bi ud aes on ontro! Sratamenarabaien are "4 1 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 eol- gauss. Hise advice arrange- e give you a better tower |$175-_Telephone Whitby" ou room couch and coffee. tab men | seTTE R, 18 months, have|2nd they Rave' NON Portier tooth = Hollywood kitchen spac CANCELLATIONS pia day previous. 655-3331 me p ray Se oe in your for less money. |i4" CEDARSTRIP boat and tee-nee trall- crib, carriage and. stroller, ia SET i _____]12R av. smart uniforms pfeil gg REAL ESTATE SALESMAN ae room and recreatio CORREC ; N member ler, $150. Will trade for Harley-D ; a ate Mi males, Re registered | people i ey work with the nicest} Wanted fo 'ar port and landscape 5am. DAY OF PUBLICATION | OSHAWA GARDEN | oO Mont. Broks. Assoc OSH east Telephone 839-5123. HOUSEHOLD iscardablen_ removed, "No Pe you vou tink 'yoo"eon guaity customers. if} Prefer i ce eo Full "Price "$1,900, Fe ny advertisement cancelled bef es evenings and week- 5 Le 723-6981. value to cover truckin, ss Car hostess call 728-5731 perienced iad particulars call tonight. publication will be™ehi pAbipad ends 728-5623 2 . \/----owap and Barter aS Mary _| MIDDLE. CRIES, nced manager to hel dsldae pula jarged one: day's SERVICE LTD. oe ye ons ceeas SUPPLY LTD. |WILL TRADE 9° x oat STUDENT iT TYPEWRITERS -- all makes) eae a een tor two DLE-AGED WOMAN fo leokatier| YOU: Join Canada's forces e BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 __|NEED CASH to consoridate your bills, : | (used once) for. boat and motor or = anteed one years 3% reconditioned, guar-|HOUND --_La ____# _|pre-schooler.vicinity of Windbon tn one| realtor, a firm with @ proven "11 SUITES" Adil Al iad Pela t ilgl rhe to| MERION-KENTUCKY We feature skcond mortpeges oh a2 pa TAUNTON RD. E. |fibreglas boat, etc. $76-3034 anytime. ice, McLinton' peo gt sollte hat batalla tag Se ae ig ee retl.| record of sales, Contact l.iyod X1 @ in a perfect renti forward fooles to Be suecmes Ss Se BILE: GRASS SOD | {earn Ra Fis & Just East of Ritson) ier oan, Als brenre 'ait an Suman, Yat Whiby" Bog. Pound, Brockley" Amly"sRotunge"Reserant M8 Kin G. Lee, F.R.t., Vice-President, tion near GM. 'Sout sept no liabili is. Call 723. 4 ssure te Mi PS estar '4 4 H dernaned allagee te. erae of loss or! = AI|-G ee ON 788. $133. 72 tana to ers kitchen' and caine units Covering, teats sic, ike" Brown vinyi |POODLE "CLIPPING "and -- shampoaing, rial weeds H. KEITH LTD. ea excellent. 19 rae ca eras eta Sod G Nursery oe AND INO rorianaes avaiable" We 3-8132 [fre Sorte ted tle Bg ee ike" new: Breakin |feasonbly price, alte. stud servie.|18---Malle Help W 181 Eglinton Ave. 000,00, "stoves and. fri plies however caused whether b' ' uy, sell and arrange. F nn 17937088 OF z sh . Chinn. |ty TOWER SPECIAL -- aw airucure elephone Whitby 668-6977. : lelp anted Tor . Stoves and fric s fic rowers latvia 9 'or personal or 728-7288. | WER SPECIAL -- «- tenet vy _668-6977. -- onto 12, 487-3333 corns oF otherwia ths tines will , licensed broker, phone 728-9191. | TELEVISION -- RADI all. channel ant 4-H. structure |HORSE, geidi oe oe cluded. Plenty of pave 5e responsibl not Visitors W. FI 1 fe] eile antenna, $50. TRIO + gelding, eight years old. Pal j ° 2e responsible for 'replies uncalled for! 725.9674 -- Pore ie s FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, ey 24 Hour Service 8--Articles for Sale ae TOE: [ribo me. Ocenia lee. tie Ger. STOP! THINK! JUNIOR | EXECUTIVE "TYPE. Perms. ee nen hah y ; i s H yaar Ware BEng oun le. : e . . ime to REGULATIONS | Ya Mi. North Taunton Village re, Hen Barristers, 31 King ennick HOLMES sone nearly cLaA ae i f10. and._up. Telephone 942-3326. sale ASK YOURSELF for @ five! inelvicuel con, gi ° Ic. THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL Pe | NOW acai 12--Articles Wanted oe W : lary plus handsome * RESPONSIBLE FO NOT BE |Paintin = | ICNIC TABLE famil ula on here Will | Be 5 Y and all TISEMENTS 5 sUMBlrTED. OTHERWIRE J. KAMSTRA Foyer g_and Decoreting ELECTRONICS SIX SERVICE BAYS raler ues i Golden Hine, SI each, [SEWING MACHINE, 'preferably | Singer = Now? ees awa, area resident apr: Rata 2 PROPER TING NOT FOR. comp! G and paper hangl 460 R2. elephone Little Britain 'and in' top condition, 725.| ® How Much Will | le career wi! + position reasonably pr THAN ONE SREERTiON orn mplete and exterior. Free est ging, Interior | | ene i Be come and to the with substantial in- : abet Ea VERTISEMENT,, NOR BEYOND ie| LANDSCAPING fas Tones mim | TV Towers FOR FASTER SERVICE |SUARANTEED, UseO wrinoe: wasiera| goes price Cal aryine" Machells| 6 Worth ocice gap (Bee tae ene omar Cook ths one over ond: SERTION IN WHICH dnd GARDEN SERVICE 0 IF WOW while th the weather Is nice.| Towers | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |¥>. Alcan ae $24.50 and| Furniture, Seesusiy soba | 68 Am Planes Heel lP ag IMBiTOss Soe bores Ur ee lecorating. Free esti Ch Simcoe South, 723 452 eniority: UNG man with grade buy this solid well bui The Oshawa Times reserves th mates. F. Schmidt, 725-9572 Satie PHON ev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- +0011. @ Am | Being Paid 18 eeecatlens 46 Gok In wie ee solid well built | mare cnt ones eG) 728-B267 Baa fous senisary | SO, RA i ae Cag ee ae fm Being Paid Whot pei earmen Un rig be excellent shop. In the coses S ye A . | GooD ST eae . snr We Broce steer eniperienced TY. Rentals | ihe esl Mad and city. Fase Bors Pein, at ce Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- NOW !! Bathurst COMeiN Wine ieee EULL e The T of display advertisements | OCK 2938. et East or 725 NEW. SE | rrect castor an comber- } South, 723-1671. es, Wi " Ny Vv V SERVICE MEN, full of pert time, PRI a phe Times will act be bald espareinle| CULTIVATED FIELD OD pear aN Sere ALCAN align toe - in and toe - out to TYPEWRITER, standard, 815) portable 'fe Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee kale Wide Income Protec- |s#lary to Ce MEN full or part tim $15,500 a actual error occupies. The Pilon Excell fe) Plumbing and Heating | FURNIT N correct condition .... $7.95 ia racine SC typewriter, sit soon rs, Punch Bowls, Bridal saitiongl "soles romlires « ica a Xill @ Store ie K endeavor to reprodt xcellent Quolit z | » also elect: ' ; ni sales oe Neco Wi ETT aa er aero) rey and a he setter Seo "Gat essume: no bity Loaded OF. i ag | P| b D APALIANCE. @ Parts extra if required GUARANTEED, GUNS ree cea vag tig bop bids Sad aera area. Men. se eae mera Ti ee home. 3 bedrooms, kitct rtisement if any inaccuracies V . | umbin : " : vision, refrigerator, et urs, Mink Stoles. ected will be traine - |office, Guaranteed 's_ branch ing room and dini any form are contained therein. iis isitors Welcome. | g Viscount | 452 SIMCOE SOU @ Torsion bar adj up. Alcan F + efc., $34.50 and , ido ada rained at head - |sion 'st salary and commis- ining F . TH justment {YP Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 SARGEANT'S RENT, office at co sion starts "immediately. Age 1 the south east area on edly v6 he) | 149 Brock St. North i 723-0011 extra, 'oe South, 723-0011. . NTALS ona mpany expense |(Pfinge benefits), a. life-time 050. iad Graal TIMES ACTION WANT AD 725-9674 1. W : BUY AND SELL nocd Gala ois 463 Ritson Rd. S., 7: can expect executive in- y_if you qualify. Apply Bo: Mauer : . Call tonight fe | HITBY -- 668-660 ee ee and appliances. - good used furniture | 25-3338 come from both ; EXPERIEN ib ie alata information. Coll Clossified Direct - ] | JOE' S BRAKE SPECIAL arena ences: One location 'only. Pretty ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred d F new business lished CED SALESMAN for estab- NURSERY AND FIELD | COLO TV ure, 444 Simcoe South, 723-2271, |People: Oshawa 7. y to one hundred| Nd established accounts bread. route, (local), steady year 723-3492 ee eles a s Direct - you, plumbing sup~ | and Radi R aie & pular cors, First FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted tree.| parking' 72377 weds. "Bar, "xitchen,| QUALIFICATIONS : or ig A ol wage INCOME HOME FOR FREE esi a ptaebil as Pa ip payin ely ae mesaaae from: Western "Oll" Company. |W at canine © CAR rel see Only experienced XIV @ Full Price $13 INDEX TO Hels demolishing old ulldinge, cnsin ae ey EUROPEAN RADIC ay $14.88 poReTuRe Tr a plies, Als" Re mache le oe 9 @ BONDABLE FOUR MEN needed for paroreigars be $205.0 work and cutting trees, 2 : ADIOS AN -- Three rooms of new|----- entals, 105 Bi : work, steady outside nied a . 728-1 63-2111 D furnit rooms of new eatrice 725-1644, e » 44-hou! le - CLASSIFICATIONS «joe or en ban TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS Plus $2.00 per whee! |Home. Furnishings" 424. Sincoe"Soumne | V4---B: FREE TO TRAVEL and over 25. Rete si7s soar ie Betas io 1---Women's Column GENERAL LANDSCAPING (and home SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m 13 Bond W aon (labor cost) Free ee eter | south usiness Opportunities No experience necessary TWO MEN needed one aed pecans arrenient, A reo! --Persona! filles Twice lt einige roto: eee miral, 21-inch Dum ps, 21. ;|GARAGE FOR RENT. Good business for For Appoin' orm Sopenence with ra Mah r, Inspect and ma . z a , : t 6 tracto Sa Magen tded 9 ence." 85'35) -- SLOSS WEDNESDAY SERVICE CALL ONLY 250 _ bane BALANCE SPECIAL! "ohare, s49.;_ 217 gill RS Peek ere oe Two, pumps, holt PES) S eanavat) - feature Justin bilias : : i able $59.3 ; § pe ee varen. Equipment Instruction Shi Telephone, AND MEATING | ba 8 Fast T.V. Servi her aad weights per wheel, |All_sets guaranteed." 5 rear, wee PRIVAve Th dela (233921. " Wed., Thurs., Fri ae an TSTATE ces pers ines. "DUNDEE AVENU 7--Swap and Barter a Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and En -V. 2ervice OCH verse eee $1.95 [APPLIANCES -- late model refri ATE. Three bedrooms, liv -- urs., Fri., Sat., Sun. {ean be trained for a satisfying th whe g--Articles f -----|gineering, 255 Simcoe St 9 En. y for, range, jel _refrigera-|kitchen and store. Two b war 8 to 10 a.m. We have an immed! ing future, XV @ Nice 3 poMarket Basket " whine PAY-RAISE ALC TYPES ee oe an DOMINION mocee MUFFLERS, Tora price' ae "resmonth warranty. bea lek ain "on ar Sone tront, 725- 725-2551 iat. ars "Een Dove: ore Spacious rmer's Column for f new and used mi jodelling, -END WORK 23 Is . On Highway 12, near , Realtor, 723-1168, livin pes 11--Pet: ¢ ree 100 " aterials. Reasonabl at m. underland. Smail di [Seer 5 9 room and dinin Ni--Pets and, Livestoce one alla ol age Fates. Estimotes tree. 720-191, ees TELEVISION COMPARABLE PRICES MOTOROLA. televisi 2 Tq [accept new model ear bee ee Cetin --_--|19--Male and F Landscaped grounds ¢ Articles tor Rent train at home for top paying |Rug - Upholstery Se "| 728-5154 9 am. to 9 Nomen ee sl ol Asli ie YOUNG Help W. ane all schools. 61% .% inter iscEmployment, Wanted fobs. Check. your group. RE- ieee ervice |ryroweRs SPECIAL eed ith UNIROYAL ONE SINGLE BED, c -<;,|!5--Employment Wanted -- N oe oll Ii baa 16--Agents Wanted ER STERING "|structure, all-ch = 40-foot tower ents' overcoats, cheap and Ii 0 | MOVING, Experi ct tonight. erence, Help, Wanted ® pageant CAREER oo, 725-9332 ee josnawe Ty toper eltaa ee CENTRES Foun Telephone 723-2451. s soot ads with or without que Rant foce "ith Noth sn manager in local men oh Sah ie sate Sales- ed A jelp Wanted e SINESS CAR' ide select ast, just east of Ri , PIECE chesterfie driver. 728-28 coast to ady 'urgently 19-Male or Female Help W. EER ion of Fibrics st east of Ritson Road. The Ne table, tw Id suite, coffee | gy chain coast required for sm: t 2o--Real Estate For Sale asad ? en NONERING id Workmanship Guaronteed |2--~Personal DONIC THE ev cael room suite, Teese asta" bed- STENOOR APH Four yearteani| ence wee Experi- office, Good: ra raha GUIDE REAL ey r Propertl (five r De cats ee . » i s < Zim Farm fo sole © DRAFTING CAREER © foo tudor Toner) ELECTROLYSIS Wp heehee im type! Hime Wie Box 74 Ooh] 1. comerag must be able | bonus. All replies confidentoh LIMITED ale g --Fre varlabl sets so PR {9) . ie i j eee Estate Wanted . pas La CAREER " ry : 723-4641 Phone 725-6511 main foo ae ee RELIABLE en Park Read and is pe sacctellis ws ole Call Jack Picasa fculll 16 Simcoe Street 'Sot s Offices and Storage NG CAREER ver years experie! | emoval of fi 4 ae Seer ge in her home, Park Road fen si eve. 728-583 2 ' 25--Houses for Rent CANADIAN ° THE FURNITU perience | superfluous hoir Sees new. Cost $125. 0 radio, almost {street are: 1, Aged 18-2 6. IN' FURNITUR 3 Mor ----| ona, 25., asking $70. T. a. Telephone 376-2415 6 - dioExpo Accommodation SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LD, |-----20_2 Pig eo Ad Coens tn 38 thant '7 P U MIN on AavRIOaRATOR-- sieohone |LOVING DAY ARE by Seer wel 5. Neat in appearance R. MARTIN 723-5261 om i s vo mae Shin talc ale ' ' n TOR, gee ag ren, ° e i . = sr feces for Rent Suite 275, ed Adelaide St. W., PROFESSIONAL eae ah on Genosha Hotel U M Tenia deer Ce ie piomane oe free pick-up and delivery. S16 ely. 0 stort immediot- REAL ESTATE LTD ; rf ths ' Pa ee NAME RUG CLEANING |e see rin, Shull ae ay car Ty nln my tre SALARY bite thal i SELL! compact Cars for Sale A isi Serta iz @ AWNINGS fili s, office chairs, steel shelving, |S iveday week, tra no my heme. : BOY OR GIRL Es 32--Trucks ft ie DDRESS . RE 2 NESOME? We lov ing cabinet. Bill Hamilt INDr | Tel . transportation provided. i for morning pa Pd esd Al 1 | city eee Fires Pde Service Pele you meet them. go ye RU @ WINDOWS SPACE SAVER, tu " eee bay exh Uscil he $] 10 Churenitt Saari marang paper route SELL ! Autores Repsi . <Up and Delivery |Frendshie Service, Box 14. Oshawa ja @ DOORS THO Tolar eae ane oe [eee tn REE GIVEN to one ot two cil WEEKIY Se eae es, ares, Telephone S76 y 35--Lost. and Found |STUDENT re a 8u" a alll ditcandnild BoA || ome, four. cn Mn 6--Legal | ngus- Cr quires ride to Scarbor TTON ACCORDION, one. and Olive ; $100 WEEKL on ie--Logal | WANT-ADS DON'T gus-Graydon Centennial College for classes Bet ro Oe Vy fect condition Pag snd rae Tn per: [osze 'ren, Telephone "376 For interview call irri oy oc mere full or part SELL! %--Coming Events | - p.m. 725-3204. Troe 77° S elephone 723-4084 » OFFICE, STORES < air 7 es wnitoy 'ond wow 09--Notices | COST--THEY PAY: [234 - i ~ N | $ S 12GAUGE SHO cleaned to or, uinest places 25-2541 fae manvilie Tele L TIME male bartend LADY WOULD LIK T GUN, electric st perfection. All work gua ' je 1 = RIDE refrigerator é f ric stove, | teed. Res guaran PIANO a That ii Mr, Cempbell, iy Tolan econ Folens" rineae e's for 8.13 SALES LTD. phone 7289263. Guhihe MOI TIRE ee ee S 9-noon Apply coat ikl cate ok Notte! ; bbs -- @ 728-0588 atter 6 p.m, 15 Prince St. ONE ICR SCOOTER, "ail Day ¢ CAR h ee) nana' Brookdale Plaza, ° Peterborough. Of Times 725-4632 |venace Geen tt tiOTe GI 10 5 am. B for child in my home 8 a.m./SIMPLE THING BF bn iedeeny Telephone stray RowtTowni district, sell things you irl gat Classified Ade WANTED --- Full time "end parla Want Ads cash. | tex! part-time sel tt attest, ceca 08 -3492

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