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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Sep 1967, p. 15

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OUR ECONOMY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 19, 1967 15 HELD WRITE-IN Canadian Wheat Board _ -its'tnm aurea 8 A SL HO -isi~ Ci-- 1 ~4 cod Se rw |} .-- Wena ee | igh data ed tot ttt ttt ULTS ie -- Purse $2,000. Allow- n two-year-olds, foaled in w, Grubb 4.50 3.19 3.10 d _ oo A PS abr L pat os + itasimmons 490 3.99 ; - : 3 sands of Nazi bombing victims BRS a aaloaie, Trine E AY bd of the Second World War. A sate "S BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT orced To Lower Prices _ jis" :/ttbit's jing nd Twin Guns 4 | ton also was daubed with: -- Purse $2,200. Claim. = TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Can € 7 1 | : ; "Make love, not war." roids and up, 6 Furs a Distributed by CP Can Ment" iO aaa Atte tate + al e ° By WARREN BALDWIN | The first warning of thejto keep wheat on the farms) ------------ simmons ad ta Toreaie, Siek: Sichanee-- Sent c Packs ® 2 2 92, 2 | innl o u ture ase j OTTAWA -- Two months ago) break ~ through came in July, | through government measures miLeblanc 4.50 2--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex.| cst. 1150 $33. 32'4 324 -- vel it was a low yield of prairie the day after negotiators of the but this might be equally un- n Priers. Pone canis Fights, xe Exwerconts. Net change is Cdn Brew 175 88. + Me) wheat that had farmers wor- agreement met in Rome. Unit-| popular. In any event, with a , ; previous board-lot closing sale Con, Con A 100 $12 124 124 -- Me + ried; now it is low prices. Andied States wheat prices dropped| prospects of a large surplus it = eis ke MINES C Curtiss 2050 170 160 160 --3 f W R f Art the last state could be more below the floor but recoverediis possible that U.S. govern- RACE mat orpgned . S Prasee. 2050 ae a et VU ers ] e al lige serious than the first. For the| before it was necessary for the| ment policy will to be unload. aS gn Sk Sua as 1a: aa. e hinee ai a Se first time in the 18-year his-/Canadian board to fall in line.|Some early recovery may be! , Arm'g . i f mer Be oe | Bnk Me Va la i 3 5 y i y , ' S " | ck, Gomez 680 4.10 Accra 2265 9 Ee BK 2035 Sie A+ WINNIPEG (CP)--Greater| The board Jumped them allinipeg; Rainbow Stage: spends) 'TY of International W hea t/But two weeks ago the Can-jexpected but there seems to NS hie Gullitge, is me au aw eA C Nerconl 3135 $7 6% 7 + % Winnipeg's lively but subsidized|together and found they have/up to 96 per cent of its $110,000; bese ho setting minimum) sdian price, following that injbe no doubt that the producers) ' $ eS +i" | ' ig $ "! . F i Rs Fe Ini aI fo, AMr. Colon, and Sun All Pitch 1000 13. 1313 3 | EpR pp 3483 $63 62%" 63 + 9 Ate stand up well under hard-|combined budgets of approxi-/ Manitoba Theatre Centre about|4%¢ maximum prices the Can-|the United States, dropped 22/are back in a buyers' market Pa ae ee Ang Ruyn 400 103 100 103 +3] C Petrofin 150 sim 14% 14% -- ww nosed scrutiny. jmately $1,700,000 and employ)$0 per cent of its $525,000, and Pras by ig venga' von Mg ed a bushel to $1.91. jfor this year at least, F Ayarra and © H_ Stur- Argosy 1200 75 75 «75 Chemeelt. 200 $11 Tile TM A swing around the culturaljanywhere from 53 people year-|the Royal Winnipeg Ballet Hose in fie sonia gtr ch the) Canada and the United States| |The behead Price, like the near a bi y a bab ele Amare, ae. ae, Clairton 180 374 7' 74 %scene was made by the indus-jroun to almost 300 during the/about 70 per cent of its total price, --_ have agreed on consultation and|Crop failure expected earlier, | Talend : | Aunor 200 235, 738, 238 9 | Coaville A 200 430 430 490 --10 |t ria] development board of/fall and winter season. | budget of $550,000." True this floor price at $1.95t4/frequent exchanges of informa-|Will have no effect on farm in-| ACE--Purse $2,000. Claim. Bankfield 1000 101010 Cominco. 890. $291 29% 2% |Greate: Winnipeg and the find-| Much of the money contrib-. But the board finds that dol-|@ bushel for No. 1 Northern tion in @ co - operative attempt! Tomes either in 1967 or 1968 che kelly "1210 5.30" 4.30 { Bethim 1120 620 415 68 Con pacer, 45h Sagme Gave So2-- lings were published in the/uted to the support of the arts lars-and-cents values are out- at the Teakhead js 21 cents\to maintain orderly marketing) . -- rial price of $1.70 , Gomez 5.20 4.00 ' BL Hawk 1500 39 99 39 Cons Gas" 478 $0. 19% 2% + \Doard's monthly Industrial Top-|comes from sources outside the weighed by the benefits whichjhigher than in the last agree-/of wheat. With prospects of anys ushel will be paid for wheat F scaar mateor). Fest aay, | pot as ae eS omy 125 $30 3% 1% --% ies bulletin. |province, such as the Canadajaccrue to a community with ajment and perhaps it is the American record crop of 1,590 gous before July 31. But | and Seventh Line y Broul Reet S00 44 44 44 Crain RL 280 Se0% 82 2 14 The city's 500,000 people, in|Council. The rest is donated by|strong cultural base. moment to look back to 1952) million bushels, better harvests th Prices stay at present levels tas' was Wandla tka. Brunswk , 300 00 600 600 -- F | Crwn Trst $0 $45¥2 454 45'2--2 |the board's assessment, are|the provincial or municipal gov-| "It is becoming increasingly when the minimum price wasjin Australia and Argentina and)! ' berg leave only 21 cents ee Calmor 1B 7450 80 78 80 Soe ent yR3 $l) i! alt, /offered the widest range of cul- ernments or by individuals. apparent that the quality and|$1.20 a bushel. But the Wheatja near average crop in Can-/0 Huse. lo pay Wheat Board C, Mines 1000 64 59 61 + 4'| Distl Seag 415 $394 394 3914 tural amenities of any city of "Almost all the money is)variety of cultural activities in Board action, forced by the/ada it is obvious that poeta pe xi | cover what will prob- = TRIES Cant cis a eee a ee eke ed t+ * comparable size in North|spent locally," the board notes./a city are an attraction for sudden drop in U.S prices, was ing countries will delay buying|@ A e the smallest. final pay- C Tung 500 220 220 220 Dom Giass 100 $10 10 16 America. "The Winnipeg Art Gallery,|prospective new workers," the/¢nough to send Canada's Tradejuntil the last. minute. If -Can- Te years at the beginning ' iar dds, 6 fore (10) Gna ek ee DiLime w 720 90 90 90 | These are the foundations: |the organization which is most/report adds. a ob gg hurry- +4 and i ee gg Map OF ace Oe ' io Boy 117 Cdn Nisto 6000 56 56 56 Domtar 980 $134 13% 13% +%%\The Manitoba Theatre Centre.| likely to spend money on acqui-| Be ing, to ashingion for whatithe price line at a level o eeeiecdaeaeaen Se rid, No Boy 114 Candore ea Dupont 50 $29 29 29 +' the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, the|sitions outside the provinte or bah ee OF bahar me | was probably the first of many|something over $2 a bushel| "i Me ona carte erode eel Hi eater Eas Inv p 10 $43¥4 vs i +4 Winnipeg Art Gallery, the Win-| the country, actually spends 75). ere fs evidence that 'in-|talks with U.S. authorities in}they would eventually have to! Executive Sales Verto Cassior | 175 S166. 16% 16m | Emeco 300 $162 162 162+ \4/nipeg Symphony and Rainbow|per cents of its $153,000 budget )'Pes, because of its reputation/ attempts to bring prices back|purchase their needs. € es Mee kite eer ie 1G sll em em 7 Stage, Winnipeg's summertime] here in this field, is securing many|to reasonable levels. Bit Oliawa suspects that the Opportunit Dittfach 119 Chib Kay 1000 13. 13° «13 | Fam Play 75 $36 3534 36 | outdoor theatre. "The symphony spends its,"€W professional and technical) 'Technically there is no floor United States neither can nor y 8 Bey ae Conigo Woon 94 78 77 --14| Fed Grain S00 $614 6% 6m | --- eae oe - __.. | workers to fill the needs of our orice until August 1968 when Gs hela the n ' non, Fitzsimmons 117 Con Gls Ti a eh Ga | RPE te la iu ta | tambien See 8 ae Shell Inv w 700 $1$ 147%» 147s -- t» BrOWing economy." PAR Mow AWorh Wheat Accce ee oe eae eee eee MALE or FEMALE cist, Gomez 111 CG Arrow 7225 15 15 15 FPE Pn pr 10$126 " 16 126 Leura. Sec 159 $13% 13% 134-- 1 sue Che 2557 $324 B24 32. % Back-up support for this vieW) mont iespteted at jepeat eg nd fons ah price system has le: i Bp eee Se" 5 %} & 0) 4 ave 44 142 14a +! Paha d veneva and t "| ' gover : : ; , a ae xiv ci Seed alee, oe ee ee w+) Sper"ch ico tn" go'" ae" 3" is included in published com- Rome comes into effect. [or a ment control over. the whew @ With Large International Organization Baze ; ' 4 Life Invest 1 wily's 5 men rom Industry an om-|., i g ' . inven XX C Marcus mm mM || GMCs ghaie ee ote Life Inv Yea 190" 120 198" 410 | Silverwa A zo 6 "6 ie : merce Minister Sidney Spivak: (Yee producing countries are that goes to export as price ae-f Must have a car. Age 28-40. Salary, commission +! u ' tn 7 mpsons Ma 35% Me | " 2 Se eas '| vit egal cli 7 f jimane. 104 £ Rete en a til Gt eee te 4 i cee ae ie fe ie Sister St 261 $1111: 11 4a George Heffelfinger, _president| ot esicn eat Rona & Jegalicline. It has legal power to' and car allowance. lo Boy A-114 € Shawkey $000 19 18% 19 + v| GL Power S00 $2) 2)\% 2ive Loo GB pr 100 $27 27% 271+ \4\ Sogemine 720 $15% 15 15% of National Grain Co., and Dr.| Protection. But Canada contends impose an export charge or : ree Stable and Hartfield Cop Fields 100 133 133 133 (fio Beh est if $9 $14 13s Iya We ST Redo «2 $4 MM -- 2 OM Sibley, University .of| (fat there is a 'gentleman's!the producer but. wheat 1s no For appointment call Mr. Harwood at h | MB Ltd e| an " U 1 ' ee 7, Sity 8 " as . . a ¥ oil cnn ig Boerne at 7 7 | Hard Crm, A aL) Magna) rm tm 7m | Tomb" Te Sate ie He 8 Manitoba dean of arts and sci-/gerre mie 400, Observe Pricesiless political dynamite in the 576-1340 -- Purse $2,800, allow- I, "8 | Maher pr - aco ' Ma 3a SMe f v' ree 0 by United States i b. ee Monee Bielde." a9s00 phe 728 283 411 oe Ce ee ee A gl Ma qe ae ar ek ee ee vigdionds both importers and exporters ae An dene veal + Y 4 , | ad it iy y y 'one Cra' Me 8 ve ~- ivak> *4 ' / Pe en Gor Sy Baal Gems te Me ietatag--y| Goer, Batata yy! Teor eu YY amenien are stressed inall of) ST 1. No Boy 11 Dome 200 S45% 45% 45% + %) : i we Markbro w 300 235 «(235 +5 raders ~ s B X18 tig, H Bay Co 375 $19 192 19% -- A Mass-F $37 $21 21% 214+ % Traders B 100 $8 8 8&8 --~&% ; A 1 No, Boy 112 : Dunraine 50) a) a0) 4 .2'| HB Oll Gas 1015 $37! 3718 378 Merc. $00. $25. 320 325 | Transelr 325 $6 i aie (OUr printed material and films , Kelly X15 East Sull 125 Sa $40 san +m | Hughs-O A 100 Sid 14 14 +1) Met Stores 110 $29% 24 2% | Tr Can PL 1660 $32 317% 31% -- ve By virtue of this wealth of cul- j gering) " Endako 500 $113 11% 11% 4 ve} Husky Ol! 2020 $20 19% 20 + 14 Molson A 4 ce us Hh f uy a 4 Pe in an a" gece tural life, there is the feeling of - Husk $67 7 7 r in w - rf - ¥ RACE -- Purse | $10,000 i ae ae ee ne | Husky Ow Sa st tow tt Montex 1100 195 198s Trans Mt 785 $20 19m 1984 -- Wo a -- wna hag poet' a Nei itakes-Handicap"' 4 ct | Imbr 50 $6% 6% 64+ % Moo: Ms & "J 4 rans + 7% ta conflicts. in me, rav an dup 64 Furs (11) ce an ae thet imp on Ww ss 6s as Murphy 100 $7'4 Ta Mm-- 4%! Un Cordid 236 821% 212 7144+ % ooets ansbclatad with Wouch ; Griffo 109 Goldrey no 7 #7 «77 imp Tob 870 $14 13% 14 Nt Contain 103 89% 9% 9%4--%, Un Gas 200 $1S¥e 15% 15'0 § _ as wi Ll kh H ki Th F . ey | la ee alee ily i A Ai MP eo hook Here. . . . For The Best In Service - Products - Prices! 'm, mez 4 5 Wii u e x y v ;, id | ~ 3 Bare 118 7 Cue: ae A at) ee, $0 $37 3088 37 -- We Noranda 252 855% S514 S5\4 Un Won wt 235 475 475 475 Mr. Heffelfinger: 'The arts No Boy 3 i Granduc 600 560 $60 $60 --§| Inglis A. $iie 11% 4+' Nor CH @ a $4 ys A + 7 yee bet} Bd "a: ag +" help to create an atmosphere itt 2 . Inland G 350 S11 1 WwW r 7 . "a | " cote 112 ; Granisle 00 7 Inspiratine» 100 150" 150 180 ---$ | Ont Steel 100 827% 27% 27+ %e Versatil A 160 $13. 13 134+ %@ Which more than makes up for RUSSELL'S TEXACO DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre 1 No Boy 116 Gunner 145 187 167 «187 +3) IBM 728550 "550 550 Oshawa A 2825 $49%4 48% 492 + 'i Walax 300 $17%@ 17 17+ % our dearth of such natural No Boy 114 Hallnor 300 296 295 296 | Ae ue w FH e Pec fee a5 $106 19 pi -, ak SW 18 Fath 44 363 resources as climbable moun- featuring e ine DRAPERIES @ BROADLOOM 2 : Hollinger «275. $27¥%&@ 2714 27a-- Vu, Int Nickel eed V4 1 ac Pete w ~ , me " @ Allen tronie Tune-ups for Fall @ Firestone @ Good- PAINTING and DECORATING tute, LeBl 0 --%| Int Util 250 $38% 38% 38% -- Pembina 400 $16% 16% 16% + % Westc'st 200 $28 27% 27% -- \«; tains or useable river: ae Im'BIbn'T 2600 95 90" 95 42'| Infor Pipe 1905 $23. 27% 2% -- 'x| Pow Corp 200 $104 10% 10 -- ie Wes! ind 300 700-220-220 | Sr. Sibley: "University peo-| ye Te CONTRACTORS ACE -- Purse $2,000, claim. Iso 1100 143 (341 «141 ~~ 1 | Int Pipe w 2095 $11 Tile 119+ %, Price Com 1770 $11M 11% 11% -- Ve) Westee! 250 $224 224 22% | } Ls? : | 24 HR. SERVICE hree year olds and up 1 3-16 Jaye Exp 1000 18% 18's 18'%-- | Intpr Steel 2800 385 390 980 --S| QN Gas 227 $10%4 Wm 10\4 W Brdcest 210 $17% 174 17% jple in particular know how! OSHAWA TOWING 461 PAR ' 107 BYRON S., WHITBY = ps 7800 30 292 30 +1 | Inv Grp A 650 $9 9% 9%--- he! QNG Sie pr 25 $80 80 80 --4| W Cdn Seed 250 335 325 935 |much a symphony orchestra, | K S., OSHAWA 728-7711 John Ketela, 923 Glen, Oshawa hth | Grobe x10). reed e- Nd nn had died ly ie vi a ay peti | io se 3" Fd wince is sem 1 0 lan art gallery, a ballet com- | + Grubb X114 pelt 71 8 «68 (BO | sorfersen ya a7 gy 'fi + Revere We pine 1s ay t " Wain Fiegd ot B4 wv Hi pany, a really good theatre can XXX109 5% i | Jeffersn w Ma ockower a ut he a : one ponse, Gomer 118 ee ee a | jockey © | wb Se 930 RD Ronald Fd 200 $1512 15'9 15ia 4 Iu) White Pas 100 $1914 19% 19% add to any community and in] LOOK In Freshly WIGGERS New Location bt ins 119 ' Kis Coper 2000 70 70 70 --4| Kelly A 604 $5% S% 5% + '| Rothman 500 $29%e 20% 2+ Ve Woodwd A_ 100 $16% 16% 167% --- \e this respect, Winnipeg doesn't YOUR REUPHOLSTER Ne lace Be ottth te tear? 10 te A ae a ets GE YG Tan So" Tt bc ett any DRY CIEANED Ro ating P= "RENEW tok Se j na . ; " + Oe . + Kelly X14 { Duteut oe iy 13 13-2] LOnt Com $00 415 410 410 --§ | Secur Cap 400 380 30 840 Seles to 11 @.m.:_ 1,060,000 \ city. | BEST OM FURNITURE ' for that "LIKE NEW" fook Fitzsimmons 11% Lengis z300 35 «#435 «(35 R. f Refinish Os! awa 728-7585 C: XX-7 Ibs, AAG: XXX-10 ; Leitch ie me 9m 0m 410 epelrs & Refinishing UPHOLSTERING SPECIALISTS AT 3 Mecdon A p.m. Mone mp» . Specializing in woodworking end W FRANK REASONABLE PRICES. Mattgm! 625 $144 14% 14h veneers, be +e Purniture Refinishing & Resteri Mc Adam 2200 50 50 50 --2? Whitb Cleaners Ltd. © Custom Woodworking REAL ESTATE 'g i' ' Mc Intyre 350 $80 8 8 +% { % Custom Bullt Furniture, McWat 1000 48 a8 156 COLBORNE E. 668-2345 216 Mery St, ene CEWAY Merrill 800 100 100 100 (Rear Darlington Upholstery Meta 1100 9% 9% 9 Ajax Cleaners . Whitby 21 King W Midrim 7300 166 165 166 --2 : ere 4 Bowmanville ed: Invincible Pick, Treas i 2, 12 «2 72 WARWOOD E. 942-0310 Ph r ay Petunia Miss Dean Great. pr '3 em as 8 one 668-5376 Bowmanville 102 King sf. W. 23-7261 er C. finished First, placed Lee Ms m0 4 4 Interference New Celi "oj oo masw : 4 : ; we CH -- Mile pace, purse N Imperal 100 325 825 325 + § A Really Good Place To Buy A Finer Used Car jn 7 e - "arkin 4.10 3.30 2.80 | Newnor 4000 11, sos swaiker mee Wick Rim tooo ig ag 1 166 KING E, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-3396 5 Nebask ---12700-75--« 77S: +4 ed: Castleton' Gilt, Dream Norbeau 1000-3)? 9 : ISSUE OF Marshall Veillencourt, 17 Biliott and Atlantis Noriex 9500 22%" 21% 22%----% Bridget Quinn ri Normetel 100 985 98S 98S ACH --~ Mile pace, purse ' N Coldstm 3425 139 131 131 --3 p 5 000 000 Ey toighge vor wae Et $525,000, ACLEAN CAR WIN LP REGORDS FREE! pi , Feagan f .! F | North Can - EREA Each week mames of local persons will appear in these adver- dnd crore! ved ne Peto 73 ef da id +6 (OR TH BOUTS) Is WORTH tisements. If you find your name, cut out the od .. . bring Cabinets S Hae - 4 Patino ' AL ed 105 15 --» 5 NON-CALLABLE it into the Oshawa Times, except for the Genosha Hotel winner. . Te nny A i izi ey ph dome ny any : Pewee 70 8 18 we +2 MORE boa must claim their prizes one week from the issue of Frecpononeliy a § eerless + i 4 and (4), pald $62.10 en Ae eee ar Say na room built-ins, q Ve 4 ee eewe cee ere GOVERNMENT OF CANAD teat eae vee Nei Os We Shoe Wt Mary bane of ione ; yrami mg any types of mouldings end rbes, Kopas 6.90 3.30 2.90 Q. Chib 3250 37 v0 37. +71 4 : Frost, curren 380 2.40 3 @ Maitgm! 300 142 142 142 TED OCTOBER 1 1967 HEARD S TAXI and CARTAGE designs to choose, les 3.10 Quemont 100 745 745 745 DA ) Car Care Centre é Quonto 1000 Sia Sia St 124 Brock St. N., WHITBY -- 668-3732 @ Free Estimates ed: Ambition 8., Larry Dil- 3 Rio Algom 1496 $34% 34 34 = Me . toe " : Leuat Bond St. W. 576-1440 pene Bl oe Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minster of Finance to reeive subscriptions it oni ae Radio Equipped For Your Convenience 576-2980 : Ryanor 1000 16'2 164 1644-- Ve for a loan, to be issued for cash as follows: RACE -- Mile pace, purse a San Antoni 500 24 2 24 +1 <= . q tioned 4 Sarimco 4000 212 21% 21% h 43 bonds due December 15, 1968 100% PROTECTION ON ALL 22 CRITICAL RUST AREAS World 2 ' Miller 11,30 8.50 4.40 { Satellite 5500 52 50 50 --1 --l1 year 23 mont (i ' mu08 World's Largest Rustproofing Specialist Grattan, Wellwood 7.40 4.00 F Sherritt 3185 515 510 510 ; i : p02 posts «NPT DOOR PANNE -- mision pong d, Ellicott 280 y Silvrfids 70 400 400 400 --10 Issue price: 99.00% | ass ® ) 1-5 ' Sil Miller 500 (17 WV v - e Taucate 'i ray Noth 4 Ae ee eit Yielding about 5.61% to maturity ree 7 ] eb art janrc om a Also ol@rten Siena cee, a en ee Interest payable December 15 and June 15 ® : Teck Corp 106 475 470 470 Two and one half months' interest payable December 15, 1967 pawn ZO AUTO - TRUCK RUSTPROOFING ACE -- Mile pace, purse Texmont 1000 878787 Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 ! . ng : Nik he Tex-Sol 00 vs Wie Mine Ws ipeittoly Swi eee pee | N : 660 DRAKE ST., OSHAWA -- 576-0810 ) De, Feagan 11. : hi 1 iethim AS ae ee on WEE | Sammeel an 7 icCallum . U Asb j Un Keno 210 $65 565 565 --2 year 24 month 54% bonds due December 15, 1969 ELMWOOD You'll Be a Style-Leader oe and Amber ehiet sae : Weer' Mine 3000 298 250 280 15 Issue price: 99.25% Zoltan & Nicks If You Have Your Wardrobe sar Mian. aie sar Be Be BA BT | oe leek ESTAURANT || capace Meds By z Yale Lead 1000 281 28% 28'2-- '2 lelding about 9. tO maturity . ' 275 yun ee tee ine 124 Interest payable December 15 and June 15 Daten: Soles & Servies ILONA'S 3A Lau S Two and one half months' interest payable December 15, 1967 -- Roth. mectad 728-0051 seine! OILS, GAS Denominations; $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 © Quality" workmanship Whitby aie ee ers : orts Alminex 100 520, $20, $20, -- 8 aha : ©. pene o 20d. Besant 3 Specializing In... Ban' Ma 16% Nei ¢ i Serving 441, Simcoe CS Pete 1500 229 229 229 F MIL JELINEK §, Gyocetins & photse © Se VOLKSWAGEN 4% C Dehi 100 290 290 290 3 year 6 month 6% bonds due April 1; 1971 Sallelous ome cooked meals @ iia A Gi a SO es oe pen 6:30 A.M, till 10 P.M. Daily CS NTO (CP) -- Officials Co Sach 2G 925 725328 +10 fee __ AWNINGS except Tuesday. Repairs & Parts 728-0042 ational House Builders' € Homestd 250 490 490, 490 a Issue price: 100.00% Townline 0 ona Oshawa TAUNTON RD. Ri agg cot the Hera be € West . a is i : vis ee Yielding 6.00% for 3 years 6 months Evening Calls Welcomed Just West of Thornton Rd. imcoe St. 3. port o} e Economic Dynamic 2425 228 220 220 See of Canada coroborates French Pt 1400 715 715 715 +8 H 4 > PI 300 $17 (17: «17 YOUR SOUTH END %*% Patent Drugs CO acca ee are pecruigpigl HIGHLAND jk eda eh ant tannin selena mincny" 2900 189185185 at the option of the holder, on or before April 1, 1970, VAN and STORAGE : puncil report, release N Cont 300 111 105 105 --6 1, 1993 Formerly John's Moving RAY'S said housing will have N Davies 1000 18 18 18 -- ie into an equal par value of 6% bonds due October 1, Exclusive Agent For MAYFLOWER WORLD-WIDE Sake 5 i tine Tine echariny te ae : Eire noousniens ec] Numac 1800 410 400 405 --§ A Mf the economy to meet numee wt ten m8 98 51 Yielding 6.00% for 26 years Cohawe 728-0661 sas-ssniitey see re Bryer i188 bis a & 's housi s alta Y jaeelinn in the Howeing ily ecat ae ane Interest payable April 1 and October 1 starts dropped to 135, Pinnacle P 1600 270 25 265 k--- Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000, Beautify & Protect With EI { . | Ww k SIMON?S year from 167,000 in Place @ © 2000 315 - ae : ; Eee eady had led to serious Gee. a ae es The Minister of Finance reserves the right to accept or reject in whole or in part any ecirica or cts, it said. Bet. ee wun oe oe subscription and to allot a total of $525,000,000 plus or minus up to 10%. Complete Electrical C SHELL SERVICE ee ae bas a Spooner 1m 8 { Bank of Canada has agreed to acquire a minimum of $175,000,000 of the new Bonds, @ SIDING @ @ Industrol, Residential end 97 King St. E uC 1320 370 365 370 { open as to maturity. i 'ommercial + &. on over the last few W Decalta 350 290 285 290 +4 Pe y aon es + ++ by Keiser! PGS @ Communications ||. @ Electrical Heating Specialists > at Mary as had a detrimental W Decit w 100 134 134 134 = 1 | Proceeds of the offering will be used to redeem $350,000,000 of Government of, Canada @ Extra insulotion @ No Main. |]. @ Redio @ TV , : on eee INDUSTRIALS ah due October 1, 1967 and $175,000,000 of Government of Canada 44% Bonds farpeetl A) Ye GONE Tae neal Qtsibent CARLO'S : WV, 576-1360 2 ue 'ober 1, ° ELECTRI ee Abitibi 250 $938 9% 9% : : CHAS. c , c icles Weg d UE at The new Bonds will be dated October 1, 1967 and will bear interest from that date. Principal GALBRAITH ' STEREO Member of Ontario Electric Heating || @ Complete Car Care Alta Gas T 7250 $36 36 36 . be » Assay g Rt Association, mallee ee oe Alla Gas w 2100 790 790 790 and interest are payable in lawful money of Canada. Principal is payable at any Agency 140 Elgin East BRAD'S ELECTRONICS mins ee 'ais ik Tne Ge Wayne Foster. ¥red Algoma St 173 $M 2314 24 | of Bank of Canada. Interest is paste at any branch in Canada seer Ibs) (a te 728-0181 1437 King E. 723-0331 R. J. Ross, 781 Mary Ignition & Carburetion Specialists and Fred Taber. Der RE oe i ae ! without charge. Definitive bonds will be available on or about October 2, 1967 (without Rte Ga ae nat payment of accrued interest) and thereafter in two forms: bearer form with coupons " Argus C pr 200 $10% 10% 10% i: ith i FUNERAL OF AN' Sugar §00 $11'2 11'2 14--W attached and fully registered form with interest payable by cheque. Bonds of both forms FREE DINNER OHN T. MULLEN Auto Elec, 280 $84 8% 834 will be in the same denominations and fully interchangeable as to denomination and/or a ACM In z 4 4 . . ° : : ! : >m High Mass was sung Bahama 900 00 form without charge (subject to Government transfer requirements where applicable). GROCETERIA & VARIETY If you find your name in this ; Cross Roman Cath- Bank N$ 2157 $15 14% 14% The new Bonds are authorized pursuant to an Act of the Parliament of Canada and both Protect Your sigs Ses Mlk As es dat advertisement, bring. it in to irch at 10 a.m., Sept. See ae ee a principal and interest are a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund. of Canada. TRUCK OR TRAILER ideo! Jug Mill, At Its Best ; || the Rib Room and receive one John T. Mullen who Bow Valy 625 $20 19% 20 +1 i : Sandblasting & a ork: utle. Soahettl Stores Dinner Free. Compliments of the pt. 15, at Mount Sinai Bow Vivw 1490 $13. 31% 13 + 1 Subscriptions, subject to allotment, may be made to Bank of Canada, Ottawa, through Spray Painting % gxcreno Coffea" Bagh orate iby Rev Brazil, T0110 Sith Mie 144 + Wo any investment dealer eligible to act as a primary distributor or through any bank in E me Ss Ee eee nay "OPEN" GENOSH A hei * 7 : Lita = Canada. M : 7 Days A Week Darby, pastor of Holy BC Frest p z10 $52 52 52 HOTEL "7 Br Intl Fi 0 160 150 150 +20 'hurch, Interment was CAE ind 905 $184 11% 1180 => ses SANDBLASTING VESUVIO 576-4310 70 King St. E. sregory's Cemetery. CAE ind rt S215 72 46 6 -- 6 | PIZZERIA 102 NONQUON M. A. Pankhurst, 627 Dund allbearers were G. Wa- Sear 1. ee ae ae 485 Weterloo 728-9791 || 376 Witson St... 728-1491 . A. Pankhurst, jee White, ©. Stickernod, Can Com 0 $392 94 A+ re - te, O. Selleck and J,

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