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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Sep 1967, p. 1

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-- Flat Styles les. 3' hems on. flat anels on both sides, Id-colour. Terrier y yi) 5.60 secseeseee O40 oo eee eseesee 5.60 er eo 6.40 6 Combed Cotton secceseeee OOOO Lie Oe secceseses OiOR secseseee D000 poe 436 PHONE 725-7373 Stenson cro Te nee | 73 9 p.m. HON, J. W. PICKERSGILL HON. PAUL HELLYER CADIEUX NEW DEFENCE MINISTER NEWFOUNDLAND POST OPEN Pickersgill, Hellyer Change Official By BEN WARD OTTAWA (CP) -- Transport Minister Pickersgill's resigna- tion from the cabinet to become president of the new Canadian Transport Commission was announced Monday by Prime Minister Pearson. Defence Minister Hellyer, 44, will move into the transport portfolio and be succeeded, in turn, by Associate Defence Min- ister Cadieux, 59. Mr. Cadieux becomes the first French-Canadian to hold the defence portfolio since the after Confederation 100 ago. Mr. Hellyer and Mr. Cadieux are expected to be sworn into their new posts today by Gover- nor-General Michener. There was noimmediate word on the appointment of a replacement of Mr. Cadieux in the associate defence post and informants said this portfolio likely would be left open for some time. REPRESENTED NFLD. Mr. Pickersgill has Newfoundland's years been in the cabinet and selection of a replacement is expected short- " Government sources said the choice is probably among Rich- ard Cashin, 30, MP for St, John's West; Don Jamieson, 47, freshman MP for Burin-Burgeo, and Charles Granger, 55, a for- mer MP now minister of Labra- dor affairs in the Newfoundland cabinet who is reported plan- ning to return to federal poli- tics. Mr. Cashin ts parliamentary secretary to Fisheries Minister Robichaud. Mr. Granger could return to Ottawa if a byelection is called in Mr. Pickersgill's riding of Bonavista-Twillingate, Mr. Pickers gill, 62, will become responsible for launch- ing the work of a 17-member agency that is to take over reg- ulation of all transport under federal jurisdiction. It replaces the present board of transport commissioners, Air Transport Board and Canadian maritime commission, Legislation setting out the duties of the new commission was Transportation Act that Mr. Pickersgill steered through Parliament last winter The salary of the commission president, to be set by the cabi- net, is expected to be in the range between $40,000 and $50,000, Mr. Pearson's formal state- ment made public an exchange of letters with Mr. Pickersgill this month in which the veteran minister accepted Mr. Pear- son's earlier offer of the new transport post. Mr. Pickersgill said one of «+ Shifts from Defence . +» Transportation Head time of Georges-Etienne Cartier representative included in the National the main reasons he joined the cabinet in 1953, under Pri Minister St. Laurent, a as assist in Newfoundland's transi- tion to provincial status. That work now has been completed Mr. Pickersgill came here in 1937 from Winnipeg where he was a lecturer in history at the University of Manitoba. He was assigned to the prime minis- ter's office by the external affairs department and Stayed on to become an_ influential adviser to Mackenzie King, then prime minister, and Mr, pane successor, Mr. St. Laure ent. _ Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- ario and Durham Counties. 10¢ Single Coy BSc Per Week ge Belivered VOL. 26--NO. 217 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1967 Ghe Oshawa Cimes Weather Report Sunny warm weather expected to continue over Wednesday, Low tonight, 55; high to. morrow, 78, Authorized as Second Class Mall Post Office Deportment Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash EIGHTEEN PAGES U.S. FOR Levesque Asks 'Separate State MONTREAL (CP) -- the former Liberal government|"complete the transformation of the prov-|association with ince of Quebec into what helPanads. described as a "sovereign! State." 'of ig of Launier told party, > Liberal Party will same stand on the question of Quebec and the Canadian con- stitution at its provincial con- vention next month. Mr. Levesque outlined a reso-/ quo." ) Rene|lution he plans to submit to the Levesque, a cabinet minister in|convention which proposes) independence" for in Quebec, has joinéd the cho-|the province of Quebec but with rus of separatists in calling for|the privilege of close economic the rest of Quebec must become "freed" what he described as the The member of the provincial out-moded Canadian Constitu- legislature for the Montreal rid-| tion which was adopted a centu- em-|ry_ ago. 'Monday night he hopes the eis nirst necessary to rid take the|ourselves completely of an out- worn federal regime," he said. "The problem cannot be solved in the maintenance or even /manipulation of the status|*** U THANT CITES RUSSIA, UN FAILURES Recourse To Violence Seen Biggest Threat CORNELIU First Communist Elected |suggested that he be authorized|Thant said that inability to MANESCU Press Gallery Receives CBC Apology On Ethics OTTAWA (CP)--An alleged|vative Party leader Monday on | breach of ethics involving a/his 72nd birthday as a tribute to report of what John Diefenba-|a long-time news-maker, ker said at an off-the-record) The invitation to Mr. Diefen- dinner given by the Parliamen-|paker and to gallery members tary Press Gallery resulted specified that anything said today in an emergency meeting was not to be reported publicly. VISITOR BUILDS SIX-FOOT WINDMILL REPLICA FOR SON erected on the front lawn of Nick's home, a proud memory of the family's 60- foot high windmill in Hol- land. A feature of the rep- lica is the Canadian centen- nial symbol. his relatives here are ask- ing Mr. Vanderstoop for a model windmill, also. Ac- tually, he enjoys making them--and they take some- i ; we ait where in the neighborhood Mr. Vanderstoop is a miller whom he is staying Leta' of a week to finish. His and his family over the gen- his six-month visit to Can- visit will end -in October. x : erations have always oper- ada. Trouble is, many of The multi-colored replica is --Oshawa Times Photo ated windmills. A keen wood-worker, he built a six- foot replica of the family windmill for his son, Nick, of 217 Meadow Road, with Neil Vanderstoop just can't stay away from wind- mills. He is here in Osh- awa from his native Hol- land, visiting with his sons. WASHINGTON (AP 'a.m. a busy apology to Mr. Earle at 3:37, New President | Takes Over UN UNITED NATIONS (AP) --!/events and views... UNITED NATIONS Secretary-General U Thant, (CP)-- in| posal Thant's mention of the pro- could breathe new life a grim annual review of the|into the Canadian idea and the work of the United Nations, said Tuesday the third world war." He cited as particularly dis- appointing the continuing con- flict between the powers"--the United States and the Soviet Union; evolve an effective and"accept- able peacekeeping role for the UN and failure of the UN bring peace to the Middle East. a_ step East As Middle to designate a special repre- sentative to the Middle East. "Such an serve as a much needed chan- nel of co toward mmunication, "two super- failure to solution, appointee tol later on." possible ations, |resolution, or a revised version y continuing |of it, now could be put before recourse to violence and threat| the 22nd Gen 1A oe eral Assembly violence brings the world|which opened today. closer to "the nightmare of a| 'Thant said that while the UN might mount a new peacekeep- ing endeavour in the Middle East and keep the peace for a time, "it now should be fully clear that this is not good enough, that more than this must be done in order to avert janother round of hostifities On the question of a UN Thant|Peacekeeping role in general, agree on "guidelines and ground rules" for such @ force could|is due to fundamental differ- ences on the interpretation of as ajthe UN charter with regard to reporter and interpreter of|UN activity in behalf of peace. and as a Corneliu Manescu, the tall,|sifter and harmonizer of ideas|OPINIONS DIFFER handsome and affable foreign|in the area." minister of Romania, takes the| jgavel today as the new presi- jdent of the UN General Assern- bly, the first Communist to be elected to the office. Manescu, .51, is one of the/ferred to the summer emergen-|that architects of his government'sicy session of the General a Canadian but then put aside when the| threatens, Others, the Soviet Canada and some others feel This idea is along the lines of|that a peace force should be intro-| organized and trained, ready to duced in the Security Counciljenter a situation where violence resolution Middle East debate was trans-/Union among them, maintain attitude of aloofness towards its! Assembly, fellow travellers in Eastern Europe. Romania began its efforts to} withdraw from Soviet domina-| tion shortly after Manescu took office in 1961. | His government's independent} course led to its recognition of West Germany earlier this} year, much to the consternation} of the East Germans and other Communist governments of Eastern Europe. Armies Wage : Gory Battle HONG KONG (AP)--Two ragtag armies, each led by uni- formed militiamen, battled for six hours with mortars, rifles and machine-guns in a town near Canton, a Hong Kong Chinese said today. He claimed 20 or more died in the street fighting. of the gallery executive and a However, the CBC in its 11 of Commons and that he will 0 nt, called an emergency ses- ville at the mouth of the Rio/+,,; everything said at the Charge again changes course, Beulah|lated a motion for a general )--T 0 p)tive vice-president of the Centre|ing the charge Monday, insisted dollar crop, and up the coast'TV national news, wired an | lead to bitter dispute over the wrecked a hopeful peac move) proposal, CBC apology. |p.m. EDT national television The dinner was tendered to! newscast made use of Mr. Dief- the former Progressive Conser-'enbaker's remarks that he may Biase ea ie ay ~ |never again speak in the House Texas Braces |not seek re-election. Within half-an-hour Gallery President Tom Earle, a veteran CBC parliamentary correspond- BROWNSVILLE, Tex. (AP)/sion of the executive for today. --Hurricane Beulah, already a He said the ea A the ni . me. meeting was '"'to deal with the -- -- Sty A iat Si a8 killer, swung toward Brow ns violation of the undertaking = Grande River and the lower|Diefenbaker dinner... was to ( )=( ) er t e Ipples Texas coast today with GmiNoUs he treated strictly on an off- P ry ' fury. | the-record basis." Unless the massive storm! Other gallery members circu- e } : threatens a devastating strike meeting of the 125-member gal- ace 1S u Bas \through the citrus groves of lery to deal with the situation. | 5 . Texas' lower Rio Grande Val-. Harry Nuttall of Toronto, Bruta ity ley, laden with a multi-million- executive producer of the CBC officials say the United States for the Study, of Democratic] that Johnson's letter enlarged | TORONTO (CP)--Lawyer past Corpus Christi, will co-operate with private | Institutions and a former Bee ain Or of negotiation HO nee Golden who. lave he (Port. probes for peace in Vietnam|winning newspaper _ editor, /North Vietnam. j/has sworn statements alleging even though they sometimes;charged President Johnson) Ho turned down the Johnson Johnson administration's cerity in seeking peace. The latest uproar s when Harry S. Ashmore, execu-! The stat 'hi Minh of North Vietnam : f erupted eet Febeuiy, : halting U.S. air attacks on e department, reject- North Vietnam and stopping the, In a letter to board of control, Mr. Golden said Monday police Scientist Leaves Britain Vietnam if Ho would stop infil-|the public during a demonstra- tration into the South. tion Aug, 20 in the midtown Yorkville coffee-house area, HANOI NOT READY Mr. It tied f 'ti |police brutality, has peer al U S A e e e ; : ; called for setting) council to order a _ judicia t a t sin-|with a tough letter to President stage for peace talks byjinquiry into police conduct. . . n 1 1S Sl e Ss em = ei . bd ba vs. mary baie n sone eee') WATT] Protect All Regions WASHINGTON (AP) -- The; The exact locations of the|scientists claim, is far more . |U.S. defence department's plan/anti-missile batteries, each with) advanced than the only other Golden is acting f0F/tq Huild a $5,000,000,000 Nike X/several miusiles, remain secret.|missile defence in existence, William P, Bundy, assistant) David DePoe, a hippie spokes-| ,n4;-pallistic missile system|But one official familiar with|the Soviet ABM. . 1 Ra in Controversy secretary of state, said Ho's)man and member of the Com-|i1) provide each region of the the plans said the main line of| 1 S response to Johnson and to pany of Young Canadians, who United States with at least one defence will centre on several) sta- sible nuclear missile attack by : other peace probes conducted led a series of demonstrations | pattery of warhead intercep-\anti-missile complexes LONDON (CP)--Soviet Scien-|been anaset me ee February meant Bi pagee erat wee eitioc - coe, Seer bars, tone tist Vladimir Tkachenko Jeft|taken Kk : ses not ready to move toward) Ave. to traffic by a sit ; Defence scientists' made: this| border. regular his will, They later released| time." Mr. DePoe had said. earlier| here today aboard a regularjhis w Peace at that time : PROTECTED BY MISSILES i clear today in interviews about Russian Aeroflot flight for Mos-) him State 'Secretary | | . Dean Rusk| that police had been brutal and Defence Secretary McNamara's : alf-] F : : cow with an international con- eke nthe' Ponte repeated the administration Pehaved Res ebcsived en rips go - called "light" defence troversy raging over the way,half-carried up anes stand that the United States is) Ways during the demonstrations)" |... lear attack. apinitehy papa an "ane two Soviet embassy ay to negotiate with Hanoiand the board on Sept. 1 asked Benny clear atlas western and eastern seaboards, | Britis 'e hauled him off ajplane by ish police: hauled hit the officials. Another pushed him from behind. The decision to proceed with jn the Midwest and in the anytime the North Vietnamese him to supply details. indicate they are "prepared to} : a a | do something constructive" to| What he said were excerpts) |from sworn statements of wit-| Moscow-bound plane at weekend, Pale, gaunt and looking-like @ pyps CLOSED sleepwalker, Tkachenko, 25.) "'tachenko's eyes were closed end the war. peers! -- bundled aboard the airliner and his chin slumped on his) mphe Ashmore-state depart-| te asked for a judicial after his wife accused British! nest enko told a ment controversy is the latest] inquiry on the ground that sub-| announced is one of the biggest) United States system was announced by|fach site will be protected by a McNamara Monday in a speech | battery of Sprint missiles. at San Francisco. | permission tioned just below the Canadian} {marvel of.the 1960s which, U.S.'deployment of anti-missiles, Its prime purpose: to defend what McNamara termed a pos- China in the 970s. "It would be insane and suici- }dal for her to do so, but one Sh. é {can conceive of conditions Other anti - missile sites will) under which China might mis- be interspersed along the U.S.| caiculate.' McNamara said. In addition to providing region wide defence, some Mr, Golden Monday produced|deployment of an anti-missile'southeast and Deep South.| Nike X missiles will be deploy- jed to protect {missile batteries against Soviet Government sources als0| attack. Although the plan hejindicated Canada has given the} to| AIMED AT CHINA U.S. offensive tae it, the ABM decision was made -- primarily to counter a_ hostile officials of inhuman tactics in) Galina Tkach "whi i isi J isto-| S| he vital mis-| B McN : trayed : : i ' rj | oena power "which would be strategic decisions in U.S. histo-/establish one of the vital mts-| But as McNamara portraye blocking his departure. press conference at the Soviet in a ars going par tinal natal my clients during ry, it is not the full-blown anti - sile-detection radar sites on She said the' British action/embassy before the de a and contriniting 1) BuNue ey ithe: cone of a judicial/|missile system which would Canadian territory near the ae her husband in "'a very bad that, "the "inhuman hie SAE congressional debate over the inquiry' would make it possible|have an estimated cost of up to Great Lakes. State, the authorities in tls eet administration's handling Otlte identify the police oicers} 850, 00.00.00. McNamara. Nike X is a The British said they acted/resulted in what 1s noW @ VON) se . Hinvolved, . opposes such an outlay, put of fear the physicist had'bad state," \ 4 China in three to five years-- - technological, not to match the Soviet Union's = | aisausncsisu SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Court has ruled that San Francisco voters should have the chance to express their opinion -- on the ballot--on United States involvement in Vietnam. The court, in a 6 to 2 deci- sion Monday, ordered the San Francisco registrar of vot- ers to take steps to put on the Nov. 7 city ballot a meas- an immediate ceasefire and U.S. withdrawal ure urgin from Viet o nam, ties have broken out, the charter permits UN intervention only after hostili- avi TAA ENE NEWS HIGHLIGHTS San Francisco To Vote On Vietnam Schools Open In Detroit DETROIT (AP) -- School doors swung open today for 300,000 students in Detroit, ending a summer vacation that was prolonged by a 13-day teachers' strike. Teachers re- turned to their jobs Monday after winning an across the board raise over two years of $1,700. 24 Forest Fires Burn In Ontario TORONTO (CP) -- Extreme fire danger ratings were reported today in the White River and Kemptville dis- tricts by the department of lands and forests, which said 24 forest fires were burning in the province. were located as by districts at Sudbury, nine; North Bay, three; Kapuskasing, Cochrane, White River and Tweed, two Swastika, each; each, Kenoza, The and Kemptville, Lindsay nnn ..In THE TIMES Today .. Wicks "Of course we need anti- missile devices .... | build them!" Advisors Attacked--P. 9 Another Water Bon--P. 5 Brooklin Defeated--P. 6 Ann Landers--10 City News--9 Clossified--12, 13, 14 Comics--17 Editorial--4 Financial --15 Obitvaries--14 Sports--6, 7 Television--1? Theatres--16 Weather--2 Whitby News---5 Women's---10, 11 The California Supreme fires one

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