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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Sep 1967, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, September 19, 1967 SPORTS BEAT By Eric Wesslby OF The Times Staff OSHAWA GENERALS held a brief, informal get - to- gether yesterday, during which members of the press and radio got to meet new coach Ike Hildebrand, plus members of the team's ex- ecutive. Ike didn't promise a first place finish for the club this season, which must be regarded as a rebuilding season, but he did say the club would play an entertain- ing brand of hockey. HILDERBRAND said he thinks a club should be brought along slowly during the season, hitting its stride after Christmas or near the playoffs. That's been the Tor- onto Maple Leafs' story for years. They let the other clubs knock themselves out scrambling during the season while the Leafs usually lang- uish in third or fourth spot, making a big rush at the end of the year. GENERALS STILL have more than 30 players in camp, but Ike hopes to have this thinned down some by Saturday night's exhibition game at the Civic Auditorium against Peterborough TPT Petes. Some of the holdovers will have to scramble to catch a position on the team. Con- census was that if an 18-year- old showed some potential he might be kept instead of a 19-year-old hitting mediocre Pace, SATURDAY'S exhibition game is just one of several scheduled by the Generals. They play a return game in Peterborough next Tuesday and following those two games there's a_ possibility officials will huddle to discuss player trades. Petes' Roger Neilson isn't entirely satisfi- ed with some of the holdovers he has and is certainly look- ing for some experienced help. SATURDAY'S game will give Oshawa hockey fans a look at the talent lined up by Generals, but it's too early to expect much. Many of the boys haven't played-anfthing but juvenile hockey and no matter how good a hockey player is, it takes a while to adjust to beter company. It's much the same as a top pun- ior going into the National Hockey League. Unless he's a Bobby Orr, he doesn't be- come a star overnight. WREN BLAIR brings his Minnesota North Stars to Oshawa Sunday night for a contest against Jack Kent Cooke's Los Angeles Kings. North Stars have two exhi- bition wins to their credit and Minnesota publicity director Dick Dillman said yesterday that having the club get to- gether at Haliburton last week has helped considerably. Saturday's junior game starts at 7:15 p.m. but the pro contest Sunday gets under way at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are now on sale at Civic Aud- itorium. ALTHOUGH HOCKEY is moving into the sports pic- ture, summer sports are still front and centre in Oshawa and district. Eight area ball teams are involved in south- ern provincial finals this weekend and officials are hoping the weather will stay fine. In softball, Oshawa Gale Lumber will be out to defend its senior "B" crown while Oshawa Pam _ International will play in the intermediate "A" final, Oshawa Scugog Cleaners in the junior "A" final, Oshawa Jaycees in the juvenile "A" final; Brooklin Concretes in the intermediate "C" final and Bay Ridges in the junior "B" final. OSHAWA LEGION Minor Baseball Association has two clubs competing for Ontario championships this weekend. Legionnaire bantams will tra- vel to Niagara Falls Saturday afternoon for the first game of a best-of-three series, with the second game at Kinsmen Stadium Sunday afternoon. Sunday's game will be the second half of a doublehead- er, with Legionnaire tykes meeting Chatham in the first game, the opener of a best- of-three final. Injuries Hit NHL Clubs In Pre-Season Action By THE CANADIAN PRESS Injuries have started hitting|single goals going National Hockey League clubs/|Balon, at their annual training camps, | to Dave Wayne Connelly, Bill Dolsworth, Bill Collins and Par- but it is the players not in/ker MacDonald. action who are hurting the! most. While most coaches and managers are saying the play- ers are only hurting themselves by not attending the camps, generally because of salary dis- tion there is considerable con- cern over their defections. In the meantime hard hitting and slow reflexes after a sum- mer of fun and lax muscles are beginning to take their toll. New York Rangers have lost centre Red Berenson for four or five days with a bruised ankle|been in town since Saturday. WIN THIRD GAME |Both are under $500 fine for /reporting late. and winger Larry Jeffrey has been lost for 10 days with a knee injury picked up Sunday. defenceman from Toronto, was they report. "The next move is up. to Philadelphia Flyers are hav- ing similar troubles with Ed ; + ad - and. Brian McCron each hit Van Impe and Joe Watson at » hi their Quebec City camp -- and Doug Seeley hit a although both players have At Guelph, the Kings jney, a 10-year veteran of the) \ victory in as many nights with| | | | lfensive play, both clubs settled) REXCO: |away after the first inning to) WOOD'S: present championship stature, Batteries: in the Oshawa Softball finals last night at Park when Wood's Transport 6-2. VANCOUVER (CP) -- Offi; cials in Canada's. senior lacrosse championships appear to be trying to get the series completed as soon as possible says the coach of the Brooklin, Ont., Redmen. Fred Whalley made the alle- gations Monday night after the Redmen took a 13-4 thrashing that gave Vancouver a 3-1 lead in the best-of-seven finals. "It looks like the officials feel we're not going to win the series so they might as well make it as short as possible," Whalley said in an interview after Brooklin's third straight defeat. The next game is Wednesday night, Whalley said he was fed up with the refereeing and that "they were handing out penal- ties to our players for infrac- tions that Vancouver was get- ting away with." In Monday night's game, Brooklin had 30 minutes in pen- !BROOKLIN DOWN 3-1... - Officiating Criticized As Redmen Lose BOB HANNA «+ » optimistia Rexco (Reynold's Civil League they Extrusion! In Co.) won their second decision doubled and he Service, Ray McAvoy followed with an- championship| other two-bagger. Alexandra |singled but after that, Howard | defeated was too much for Wood's except! that Bob Boyce the third, Ted Roberis scored when Dave Harl. tripled in the After a session of jittery de-| 6th, with one out. 201 020 1--6 12 2 101 000 0--2 7 2 Howard }and Rexco won it by virtue of Craggs; Boyce and Piper. jsome_ outstanding defensive moves, both in their infield and | outfield. Rexco scored a pair of runs, jin. the first inning when "Rick" | Craggs singled, |Ted Lutton's sacrifice and then with two out, Ken Howard drew a walk, Dave Whiteley singledian Oshawa team captured an and Jim Pipher doubled, }complete the rally. Craggs walked to open In the fifth, Craggs singled, to Ontario Baseball championship but thejhave a chance at jthird and scored on Lutton's honors this season, in bantam) single and a double by Howard./and tyke competition. The last Oshawa team to win} It's been eight years since} Association | two teams provincial} was forced by Lutton, then with/a title was the 1959 juvenile| two out, Whiteley singled, so did/squad which defeated Chatham! Pipher and a wild pitch enabled 'in the final. Pitching star for the Chatham their sixth the Chatham |run in the 7th on a double by/Pitching star for the Chatham! - team was lanky Ferguson Jen-| |the first two to score. The winners got | Howard and Pipher's triple. Ken Howard gave up seven kins, today one of the top win-| hits but Wood's could only score|ners-in the major leagues with! twice. They got a run first on John Piper's triple and} This \@ sacrifice fly by John Camp-|carrying the Oshawa Royal) PORT PERRY (Staff) -- Zion) | bell. Branch 43,|Panthers won the Port Perry at 1-1.- \ton. homer for Oshawa, Glen ham had a triple, Gary Sherban awa came from behind to defeat L : sus- Rrampton 10-6 and enter Steve Hunt, a 20-year-old|pended indefinitely Bill Swee- final against Chatham. Oshawa Tyke in the'Chicago Cubs. weekend, Canadian Legion, \colors will \Ontario finals. city Saturday afternoon, the second game ' _ __|Sunday afternoon as part of althe series : ; Legionnaires | doubleheader. Pittsburgh Penguins general-|blanked Brampton 6-0 here at manager Jack Riley says it's}Kinsmen Stadium, Saturday, to up to holdouts Earl Ingarfield|tie their best-of-three Ontario| and Al MacNeil whether or not| Baseball Association semi-finals|2¥@ 84 it will start at 1 p.m./Panthers, Sharon' Lott had ajr, ssociation semiina's'The teams will play back in| homer, double and a single, Gaillyunior club in the _ final. two teams) in Oshawa 'Port Perry. The first game Sunday will pit Rexco Wins Again, In Playoff Action | } | | and) ¢ | Oshawa Teams ravened on! I Ontario Play | Zion Panthers Win | Goals' Softball Title) i open best-of-three|and District Ladies |Championship_in four straight . L T k | The bantams will meet Nia- ith 15-7 victory over egion y es jgara Falls in the honeyanton Sculeg Island last night in Port) eo In OBA Final with| Perry. Zion won-the third game of' INJURED Peter Nevin, the Oshawa crashed heavily boards during a_ practice last night. Reports say that Nevin could have a possible shoulder separation. players were sent back to the Oshawa hockey team. This leaves 29 players and four goalies still trying out for the 20 available positions. alties to 18 minutes for Vancou- ver.' Whalley said the penalties have been one of the main differences in the series--"but we're not giving up yet." Statistics show Vancouver has gained 10 goals in the last two games on power plays while Ontario was shorthanded, MAKES DIFFERENCE John Cervi of Vancouver, series leading point-getting with 13, got seven goals on power plays. Whalley said John Davis of the Redmen, picked up from Peterborough for the finals, got three minors Monday night for six minutes in the penalty box, yet had only 12 minutes in pen- alties during regular -season play. Asked whether he thought a change in referees might help Brooklin, he said: "Why? We've seen four of them now and I'm sure they haven't got any better." Vancouver lost the series opener 9-8 and moved Cervi to the power play point for the second game, which appeared to get the team on the track for victory. Cervi netted one goal Monday night and assisted on two cth- ers. Defenceman Bill Robinson and forward Gary Stevens led Vancouver with three goals each while Gord Frederickson netted a pair. Singles came from Sid Warick, Pete Black, Dennis Nagy and Bob Babcock. Brooklin's four goals came from John Dale, John Davis, Ken Th and def n Bruce Wanless. Manager Bill Vipond -- said after the game, '"'Brooklin play- ed well and had lots of spark. They didn't get any breaks at all and the officiating was com- pletely incompetent. Chapman played exceptionally well for Vancouver and certainly help- SANDY DOBERSTEIN «+. refereeing problem WHALLEY ANGRY returnee to Generals, into the Three {with a Junior "B" 'North | Pee Wee Softball Champs North Oshawa and Bathe |Park emerged as |from the Oshawa Neighborhood Association's pee wee softballjman 8, tournament held at North Osh- jawa Park over the weekend. North Oshawa won the championship with a 2-1 vic- tory over Fernhill Park, while|Lake Vista 7; Bathe Park took ries with a convincing 11-2 win over Connaught Park. In the "A" game, North Osh- |hits to give North Oshawa a 1-0 jlead, The team added one more jrun in the sixth when Gary O'Connell hit a home run. Fernhill came back strong in |the bottom of the sixth wheal |pitcher Wayne Patfield led off triple and scored on Terry McKee's single. Fernhill trailed by one run going into the final inning when Don Shier {hit a long drive to deep centre! scoring |field only to have Bob Hutton|Dearborne Shell 13-0, in the retrieve the ball, making a fine first --~|relay to third, where Gary/|doubleheader in the UAW soft-| O'Connell's throw nipped reve champions|to score. |Bathe 12. "an "BRB" se-|Storie 0; Kingside 0. the Fernhill First round scores were Har- Connaught Vista 9, Sunnyside 0; Storie 13, Second round scores were Harman 9, Baker 0; Fernhilll1, North Oshawa 9,1 puns in the sixth inning when John Halleran doubled home Charbonneau Blair who were on base Semi-final round scores were 18, Harman 2 and 4 i e North Oshawa 5, Eastview 4. " jawa opened the scoring in the! In the final game for the "B'"'|Singles. : ay inning when Bob Hutton)series consolation round cham-| 5 mand Chris Salmers combined|pionship Bathe Park defeated)games in the "B" series were/Ronald Garrard, Mrs. Connaught Park 11-2 behind the| Connaught 15, Lake Vista 9 and) wright and Jos. strong pitching of Ron Rankine.|Bathe 13, Kingside 9. Lake 3} Lue Seguin runs and Terry at home plate as he attempted! Bathe erupted in the second | ;, inning for six homer by Rankine and base hits by Stark, Wiggins, Wayne Piontek. | |Bathe took a 10-0 lead in the fourth on home runs by Hai and Piontek. with nsen|! 13-4 ed to keep them In the game in the early stages." 'An angry Fred Whalley said, "1 just couldn't believe what I saw. We took some of the most fantastic penalties I've ever seen. It was strictly @ case of not letting us play our own game. It's tough to score while playing a man short for almost the whole game, but we haven't given up yet and now that our backs are to the wall maybe we'll start to roll." Brooklin's Sandy Doberstein said, "I was amazed at the officials coming to me on the floor after stopping play and telling me to take it easy, Im- agine they didn't call a penalty just told me to take it easy." Bob Hanna stated, ""Remem- ber it takes four games to win a series and it's a long way from over. We'll be back Wed- nesday and we'll be a lot tough- er." Oshawa And Bathe Withdraw Trio Capture 'Hobbs' threesome the annual | day. Connaught collected their two ture the top honors. Results of the and Tom with wins and a total of 50 points. semi-finall The Port Hope entry of Lillian Brown, ski, spree game of Softball Season. Mari L tne | we shall be the "Y" ; Marlene 1am ot it TWO! sentative on the club executive. y u Chatham tykes agaiinst Osh- homers, a triple and a single for} Jt was learned that Mr. Lloyd|for five times at bat, Jim| afoy will be instructing a| Strachan and Ken Howard had age 11-14 years, four hits each, Ted Whitely and! Gets Underway ton clib of the 'YMC A held| Modern Cleaners had at least! its first meeting of the 1967-68|three hits in every inning and| At this meeting, Mrs.| Scored at least one run in every/had the three hits for Dear-| Next in line was Mrs. Jean Saywell, Mrs. Muriel Judge and |J. Entwistle was introduced as|inning. of Whitby, finals, |Park Saturday. Dearborne Shell. repre- went on a trounced Modern Cleaners and Each player on hit in the game. George Westfall had five hits) ball league best-of-three semi-| played at Gene . | }son_ hit Badminton Club Ken Howard tossed a three-| | jhitter and struck out 11 bat-| \ters in pitching the win, while| |Stata and Robins shared pitch-| single, ing duties in a losing cause for) doubles, Jim Strachan, Ge Supryka three-hitter this time for Mod- ern Cleaners and fanned eight, scheduled | while Goddall and Pettis took the loss for Dearborne Shell. Supryka hit Alexandra| double and a single, Lyle Nel-| Third prizes, in the two-win to the Oshawa homer, Ken Howard had twolentry of Ernie Cay, Mrs. Flor- doubles and a single, George/ence Litster and Cec Litster, Westfall hit a double and a/ski, with 54 points. Whitby came into the picture 0 orge in the high one-win section, with Vail and "'Hootch" Lyon each| Wm. Lovelock, Mrs. Sadie Mac- | Donald and Burton MacDonald, two Modern Cleaners Win Two Advance To UAW Finals pitched a homer, singles Bob Strutt picked up one safety. and hit Wm. Cooke, wins and a total of 47 points. |Hope, with two wins a plus-4 points. a division, went two} Gillard, Campbell and Pettis|skip, scoring 49-plus-6 points. 10 Saturd i ' the|borne Sheil. il aturday in|the assistant program director,|Cleaners picked up at least one First game of the finals will Earl Judge, ibe played Saturday. skip, 'with 46 points. from Toronto Withrow Park captured The Fred Hobbs' Memorial Trophy, mixed trebles 8\ tournament here at the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club on Satur- Hugh Aitken, Mrs, Anne Cul- en and Tom Cullen, skip, from Withrow, scored three wins and a total of 53-plus-2 points to cap- Runners-up were three Osh- awa Club members, Mrs. Glad Joyce, Mrs. Elsie Biddulph and George Read, skip, with three with three wins and 48-plus-14 points captured the third prizes and fourth prizes went to the |Oshawa entry of Ewart Clem- ence, Mrs. Lillian Clemence and skip, with three High two-win prizes went to an Oshawa entry, Gordon Pirie, 'Mrs, Mary Pirie and Jack Hun- ater, skip, with 58-plus-1 points and runners-up were Margaret Highfield, Mrs, Freida Highfield and Vic Highfield, skip, of Port and 55- Jerry Thompson tossed a four- Chatham the following week- Bartlett hit two doubles and a for boys and girls on Tuesday|George Vail picked up three} S |them," he said Monday at/hitter in pitching the win. while ""™ putes, there can be little ques- | Brantford, Ont. "We're not Copp took the loss for Bramp- jgoing to chase them." {FACE $500 FINES Rick Sirko hit a single and a Kirk- Storie Wins | Leads Finals -- | Storie Park edged Kingside | Park 5-4, to take a 2-0 lead in) On Sunday in Brampton, Osh-| Softball Jerry Thompson started. on Association Bantam the win for the first casualty of Montreal| American League, for walking the mound for Oshawa, and was Storie, allowing only three hits Canadiens' camp when he was/0ff the ice without permission | relieved by Glen Kirkham in the|and striking out 10, while third inning. The two combined|ard gave up 10 hits in a losing) v the Brampton team/cause for. Kingside. Springfield with 16 goals and 50 only three hits. Copp and Bin- f assists for 66 points; was not cell cut over the eye and nose Mon- day in a collision with winger Claude Larose. KINGS LOSE 7-3 Larry Johnston, last year with Springfield Indians of the American League, knee injury at Los Angeles Kings' Guelph, Ont., camp Monday the Kings at Hamilton. suffered a/general-manager-coach lost a 7-3) camp. game to Minnesota North Stars or valid excuse Sweeney, who last available for comment. Suspensions also are being jdiscussed by Punch | Toronto Maple Leafs, at elub's Peterborough, Bob Pulford returned to dyri ng workout Monday after leaving bounced back for the victory. It was the first start of the Saturday. But Brian Conacher pre-season exhibition for the Kings, from Real Lemieux, Brian Smith and Bill White. schedule | and who got goals Horton are still absent veteran defenceman Tim Conacher left Saturday Pulford. with Horton visited the Leo Tiffault scored twice to camp Saturday to have talks pace Minnesota to its second) with Imlach SPORTSCOPE TODAY SOFTBALL Oshawa City and 'District Assoc.:-- Brooklin Concretes vs Pam _ International; Ist game of 2-out-of-3 City Championship semi - final series; at Alexandra Park, 8:00 p.m. East York Intermediate La- dies' League:-- Richmond Hill vs Whitby Scugog Cleaners; ist game of 4-out-of-7 champ- ionship finals; at Whitby Cen- tennial Park, 8:15 p.m. SOCCER Oshawa Junior League;-- Baker Park vs Fernhill Park; at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium, 7:00 p.m, WEDNESDAY LACROSSE Canadian Senior Ch ship Finals: Brooklin Redmen vs Vancouver Carlings; 5th game of 4-out-of-7 Mann Cup series; at Vancouver Kerris- dale Arena, 8:30 p.m. 4 SOFTBALL Civil Service League Play- Transport vs offs: Wood's |Rexco: 3rd game of 3-out-of-5 championship finals; at North Oshawa Park, 8:00 p.m. Kiwanis Bantam Boys League: Kingside Park vs Storie Park; 3rd game of 3- out-of-5 OMSA championship finals; at Storie Park, 6:15 | p.m. 'LAWN BOWLING Mixed Doubles Tournament: Annual autumn "Fowl Tour- nament"; at Lindsay Lawn Bowling Club, 10:00 a.m. |BOWLING NEWS HUMORESQUE BLIND LEAGUE High bowler for last week was Scott McColeman, (204-132) 336 followed by Ada McDonough -- (106-110) 216. Rolly Cousins (96-111) 207 and Freda White (104-89) 193. With handicap, va Forrest (60-45) 105; Vi Pike (74-30) 104; Vera Sibloék (52-51) 103; Clara Suddard (51-51) 102 and Eva Wakely (50-51) 101. | PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES | High Triples -- Harold Cornish 804 | (300), Harry Keys 774 (282), Jim Hux- table 750 (286), Dave Bowler 697 (291), |Harold Creamer 684 (272), Ethel Tonkin |703 (251), Lily Ree 675 (294), Nore |James 567, Marle Upton 670 (255) and |Grace Cork 655. |) High Singles -- Fred McKee 273, Jack Mcintosh 265, Doug Pelow 264, Ray | Branton 263, Al Hardsand 248, Audrey Keys 275, Doreen Goch 256, Lenka Mayer 248, Peggy Branton 243, 233 and dean Allin @35, year led to allow the loss for Brampton. ; Rick Sirko, Doug Seeley and give Storie the lead. In the|an air-line distance of 250 miles, | Imlach, Tom Robinson had two hits|second inning, Stovell tripled)" Saturday. | and then scored on a ground |ball by Rorabeck. Storie added| birds competing in what proved Ont., | and Dart picked up one hit each.|three more runs in the top of to be the fastest race of the sea- one time the fifth inning. Taylor doubled, | son. but scored on a double by Ross, ofieach for the ham, Brian McCron, Thompso _ BASEBALL SCOREBOARD | |Philadelphia (Bunning 16-13) N 'H REMEMBER WHEN? . . or Singer (Rohr 0-0) N at Chicago (Jenkins 18-12) Atlanta (Niekro 11-8) N Oshawa, Glen Kir Oshawa trailed at the game 5-0, ~ with a homerun to give Storie 1285.30; a 5-0 lead. Kingside fought desperateiy 1,2,8.29- as they scored three runs in 1,974.86; Van Staveren, 1,269.10; |plished this feat, with a 9-4 vic- the bottom of the fifth inning.) Van Staveren, 1,263.13; Van Sta {tory over United Steel Workers Grant veren, 1,261.89; J. Vanden Bos.|in a game played at the Chil- scored runs in the inning on a/1,248.69; W. Bevan, 1,242.60; W. dren's Arena last night. | Johnny Pattman 1,235.80; J. Levett, 1,224.50; J.|hat-trick for Green Gaels, Jeff) Howard walked in the bottom | Vanderveer, 1,203.73; J. Levett,|Keenan added two, with singles of the seventh inning and then 1,198.25; J. Vanderveer, 1,197.05; going to Mark Kashul, | then j|scored on an error to make the |C. Perigoe, 1,175.00; C. Perigoe, |Mountain, Lex Goleski and Ian! final score 5-4. By THE CANADIAN PRESS Pancho Gonzales of Los Angeles swept over Eric Sturgess of South Africa 19 years ago today--in 1948-- fo take the U.S. amateur tennis championship in three straight sets. He won again in 1949 and turned professional. By THE CANADIAN PRESS | National League x--clinched pennant Tuesday's Probable Pitchers Los Angeles (Drysdale 11-15 12-6). at New York St. Louis (Hughes 14-6) at San Francisco (Perry 14-15) Cincinnati (Nolan 13-7) at Pittsburgh (Moose 0-0) at ouston (Von Hoff 0-2) N single, errors. Howard, two Dewey walks How-| With two out in the first in- . : 5 gave up ll hits in taking ning, Taylor doubled and then| Whitby Central Racing Pigeon) scored on a single by Ross to|Club, from Cornwall to Whitby, | and and American League W L Pet. GBL Detroit xSt. Louis 95 56 .629 -- (Boston San Fran. 81 68 .544 13 Minnesota Chicago 82 70 .539 1314 Chicago Cincinnati 81 70 .536 14 California Philadelphia 77:72 517 17 Washington Pittsburgh 75 76 .497 20 Cleveland Atlanta 74 76 .493 2014 /|Baltimore Los Angeles 68 82 .453 26144|New York Houston 62 88 .413 32% Kansas City New York 56 93 .376 38 W .L..Pet. GBL 85 66 .563 -- 85 66 .563 -- 85 66 563 -- 85 67 559 % 78 71 .523 6 70 79 .470 14 71 81 .467. 1414 68 81 .456 16 66 85 .437 19 59 90 396 25 Today's Probable Pitchers Chicago (Horlen 17-6) at Cali- fornia (McGlothlin 11-6) N Minnesota (Boswell 13-11) at Kansas City (Nash 12-14) N Minnesota (Boswell 13-11) at Kansas City (Nash 1214) Twight; Boston (Stange 8-10 or More-| head 5-4) at Detroit ( olich 11-12 | or Sparma 14-9) N Washington Cleveland (Siebert 8-11) N New York (Barber 10-16) at |Baltimore (Palmer 2-1) Night (Ortega 9-9) at triple, Joy Watson picked up alafternoons from 4:30 until 5:30.|hits apiece, Bill Lawson had, double and a single, Deb den hit two singles and a double, | wij) ; Les Chamberlain, Barb Morden,|neighboring clubs, or be host-| Lyon and Vic Grabko. Carol Gifford and Brenda Mor-|eq hy these clubs. This arrange-| Gillard had two hits for Dear-} ;ment was quite successful las I Er, | § visi itby, |"! a homer,|year as the club visited Whitby lie. second. came: ot tie) doubleheader, Modern Cleaners sweep of den had two singles each. S. .Fralick had \double and a single for Scugog|Cobourg and some members \Island, V. Eden hit a triple and|went as far away as Ottawa,} : rs a double, N. Crozier hit a double; Peterborough, and Picton. pate the best-of-five Oshawa Minor!.q two singles, K. Demara hit] The executive decided to hold|Seties, as they swamped Dear- championship finals, in a game a triple and a single, and D.itwo nights of the | played at Kingside Park last Relies ang cule night. Taylor pitched | Local Pigeon Rac Cornwall - Whitby, A race There were 10 lofts and 110 The results are as follows, in 1 i , then Boswell brought in Ross\yards - per - minute. W. Bevan, Minor Lacrosse history, a novice Schoep and Son,'team has won the Pee Wee Son, |House league trophy. 1,281.09; 4 Novice Green two Bevan, 1,171.20; F paramere) By and C. Perigoe, 1,092.63. Schoep and Schoep and Son,} 1,242.20; W. Wor-} host | adults until 10:30 Pp. was Through the year, tournaments this year. ----|be on September 25 from 7:00; p.m. and on Sept-| @ jember 27 from 7:30 until 10:30) ip.m "Any adults interested in learn- ng to play badminton, are in- vited to attend. Rackets, and meld by. ine | birds will be supplied. e safety. made a clean instruction for) jtwo safeties, with singles go- ng with ing to Gene Supryka, "Hootch" t/borne Shell and Denault had) the borne Shell 15-1, to advance to | the finals against Quality Fuels. WIN A NIGHT » ™ TOWN @ Chauffeur-Driven Car To Toronto @ Free Spending Money Every Time you Ride With Mercury Taxi, you Get Another Chance To Win. . ks NEXT DRAW ON OCTOBER 10th MERCURY TAXI . "A Night On the Town". 725-4771 Winner of the First Draw made on Sept. 13th -- Miss Donne Lovell, 199 Centre St., Oshawa. These wil Bevan, Bos, | Cullen. Bos, | Vanden Vanden Novice Gaels Win Trophy For the first time in Oshawa | Gary Lintlop scored twice for !1,158.98; R. Fredricks, 1,154.13) Steel Workers, Bobby Small and) \Marty Rayman added singles. Gaels accom- scored the) Mike Avoid costly major repairs OVERHAUL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS Es hinte gaskets, ¢ EASY TERMS SERVICE -B FREE TOWING POSTED PRICES So you know costs before you leave your car LIFETIME GUARANTEE Available exclusively with Cottman in over 450 transmission centers throughout Canada & U.S.A. ling rings, seals, labour 1-DAY [ 149 KING ST.,WEST 576-2600 | OPEN DAILY 88 STE here's one of them. «f * Miss Jenny Kubay of Hamil- ton, Ontario has won a Lon- gines Watch with an Instant Gift Coupon found in a pack- age of Belvedere. Every month, more than 2,500 Belvedere smokers win Instant Gifts... but most people smoke them because they like them. This was the scene i Cardinals dressing after the team capt Red So To Gra By THE ASSOCIATED Boston's Dalton Jone Minnesota's Jim Kaat « ting pretty today, but i four for the seesaw American League pennat ground, The Red Sox outslu Detroit Tigers 6-5 on 10th-inning homer, the equeezed past Kansas Ci letics 2-0 on Kaat's I six-hitter and California unseated Chicago White in Monday night's rene the Great Race. When the dust settle Red Sox, Tigers and Ti had a piece of first pl >was a four-way deadloc ~ Rick Reichardt's RBI si UB the ninth inning at A sent the White Sox ree! the way to fourth plac half game off the pace. Baltimore Orioles | New York Yankees 2-0 other game on the AL sc HITS 40TH HOMER Jones, a former bont making only his third st month, beat the Tigers | fourth hi it of the nigh Carl Yastrzemski's 40th pulled Boston even in th It was the Red Sox' fir: - ry in four starts. Yastrzemski, who pa league in homers and R drilled a double and s wrest the batting lea The "Exodus" WwoO | Mut 3} Sunda CT

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