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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Sep 1967, p. 25

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THE OSHAWA TUES, Wednesdey, September 20, 1967 Mexican Proposal GENEVA (Reuters) --Mexi- co proposed today that the pro- jected treaty banning the spread of nuclear weapons should bind the nuclear powers to help other countries develop peaceful nuclear industries. Jorge Castaneda, Mexico's delegates to the 17-nation dis- armament conference, also pro- posed an amendment to the treaty which would oblige the nuclear powers to undertaken negotiations on a complete test y me tae td nieas ae CLIP wis certiricate ron THs FREE bonus Geant total disarmament, WITH $3.00 PURCH ASE ) & Ou (4 Your r Mo Back: goad ay eed oe LIMIT ONE CERTIFICATE PER CUSTOMER ») for the nuclea r powers to ' REDEEMABLE AT THIS STORE ONLY } ee ee PIRRRIS bog toed ides, Anodes Wer core Goi cae ae : Tel fresh meat you buy from LOBLAWS Ft ly f oe toe cial aac oe ae. PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT, 8 20, 2,22, - va 7 / guards left blank for further negotiations. MEN'S : Prmcemrms temmertie SPECIAL! ALL MEATLESS VARIETIES GERBE the U.S., might find material in the Latin America 1 COTTON fae cone hate which would useful in dealing with the safe- YJAMAS | guards-issue. : s g. K mart Price $3.97 18] Security Discount Special Arrests Made y] 97 CAIRO (AP)-E gy pt nas| SPECIAL! 30¢ OFF - FOR AUTOMATIC WASHERS | " the beginning of the Arab-ierae i war ta June, a semi-official ALL DETE 41B.11 0Z. PKG. Be SPECIAL! CALEDONIA FANCY PINK » SALMON SPECIAL! LUNCHEON MEAT THURS. FRI. SAT. Cairo newspaper said today in nted and plain colored tat 70,000" Egyotians Bad been SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS 29° SPECIAL! ASSRAIES Sah ee jamas in comfortable, arrested in crushing a plot to ll OZ. 24 BIS ored styles. Available In yerthrow President Nasser. : : sites "Tae, ac seer! CUSTARD SQUARES CELLO BAG WHITE pang hg ) thinking, 1s SPECIAL! JACK & JILL ¢ SWAN : rr a Foy "a va PEANUT BUTTER | reported Friday in a copyrig 1 LB. NET JAR story from Beirut by Fred SPECIAL! PURE SHORTENING Sparks that agents arrested Dad ei tare salty ee SPECIAL! MIX OR MATCH-MEAT LOAF 15 0Z. TIN OR ¢ ' 1,000 people a day. The News vig STEW TINS wa we te | MASTER DOG FOOD «22 prison compounds hundreds of : miles from the nearest oasis, SPECIAL! FROZEN - CHICKEN, TURKEY, BEEF OR 8 02z ¢ MAT MERI Gilty baked most Lf BEEFSTEAK & PKGS. SPECIAL! ALL VARIETIES DUNCAN HINES SPECIAL! BLUE LABEL NO 1 WHITE CREAMED \ of the arrests to "negligence" KIDNEY that led to Egynt's defeat by ; gee CAKE D vcs §9¢ BEEKIST # 59 ¢ Israel and an anti-Nasser plot 2 LB. NET SPECIAL! \ ries Maretel Ace Cae | ¢ ' MIXES 10 FL. OZ. BOTTLE HONEY so puastic carton who the government said com- SPECIAL! ALL VARIETIES - LANCIA SPECIAL! In another development, 1. 218 FRITOS 10 02. ToRadio's Voice of the Arabs| SPECIAL! IMPORTED -- SHORT SHANK : canon i PKG. 43° CORN CHIPS 9 «c. 43° was reported fired after 15 E ED years of Nasser's No. 1 Broad- WHOL C SPECIAL! FANCY TENDER BIG ASSORTED SPECIAL! ASSORTED COLOURS KLEENEX casting adviser. or wt ' TS No reason was stated for Saeid's dismissal, but there had Green Giant 9 "." 43¢ PAPER 2 ROLL joo been widespread criticism of Pp EAS ~ TINS TOWELS PKGS. his hard-line propaganda etate- .{ ¢ patel le <i Br SPECIAL! IMPORTED ' SPECIAL! BIG 'G' SPECIAL! CHOICE GOLDEN CREAM STYLE 97 ses" LAMB " BASKET % » C CHEERIOS 9; 4Q¢ AYLMER BR ° 100 . THE eh ; CEREAL bic CORN TINS Open Switch SPECIAL! SX BRAND SPECIAL! SHOPSY'S SPECIAL! BETTY CROCKER HOMOGENIZED SPECIAL! FILMAR FRESH Fudge, Chocola' ! titer Cp Seen Cause | RINDLESS , All Beef , PIE CRUST 2 vx joo ORANGE 20: 97° Mount wasHINcTON NE! SIDE BACON vicrc Frankfurters_ VAC PAC MIX . PKGS, JUICE BOTTLE the cause of Sunday's derail- f ! . Mount wating wit ONTARIO GROWN! CAN. NO 1 GRADE! FINEST QUALITY! C fooked he Pog ofan oulen WEB = | 25 POUND as the possible cause of the | BAG ment of the cog railway train Winslow E. Melvin, etato | SECTION NO. ] 16 GIANT SECTIONS ii inee e Ov- } cee Sees | st ono ORANGES «=. 69°. 49° ye a gl | FR g | : LIFETIME 2 PART BINDER ORAN SIZE poz. SIZE 02, steep mountainside track. BIG BLACK BEAUTIES! nid. outesamt a ine cones ot WITH THIS COUPON 2 PART BQ SECTION 7Q rowoalll 6 the wreck. Two other investiga- AND 3.00 PURCHASE © | BINDER Cen 2 THRU 16 EA tions are under way in the crash, one by state police and the other by the railway. King viewed the crash scene Mon- WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF B WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON @ PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'WITH COUPON & eng o" redipbongieohe TR sd day. otf Ay hel borne ont ape Soranns mpaaplety hpi " + = cee ees biel id 7: n- OnY ate {I WKS see bee tag te ees ENDEN SHAMPOO ICE CREAM AEROWAX staM.ess wvLons COFFEE ra IGRLES "I ' 4 p assen g ercar which broke 8) «= COUPON EXPIRES Sarr, 27 STAMPS 2 «COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 37 RB = COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. a7 84 = COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 37 RB COUPON HXPIRES SEPT. a cour rt P, i e $15. 99 saps ia oe oomuarade oe WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPCN & PURCHASE CP WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF art Pric . B the engine fell off the tracks. piliapoppettenprery pesgeah glenn, "ssea Sai oe, GA pty) ONE 32 FL.OZ. JAR A one 608. san count Spec t-} FELL BELOW SWITCH MAPLE LEAP OF FOOD WRAP KITCHEN FLOOR CLEANER PLASTIC BTLE. ut OGORKI SKIN CREAM The car travelled about 500 "SOAP FLAKES BAGGIES VISTA WAX STA-PUF RINSE DYSON'S DILLS HMMM NOXZEMA ? q feet after the engine fell 10 feet 86 COUPON ExPines sur. 27 AY COUPON EXPIRES SUPT. 37° A8 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT, a7 AP COUPON EXPIRES SUPT. 37° R10 COUPON EXPINES SEPT. 27 TPT Tae 2i2 COUPON wirines serT, a7 7 to the rocky ground. The engine * fell from the track about 50 feet WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE. OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF URS. FRI. SAT. below a switch. ih} ald ied ged ay See ee peindlve gh goa ONE 12-02. PKG. gps ONE REGULAR SiZ8 TIN HANES h i it LADY SCOTT PRINTED TENDER LEAP QUAKER mi cide after leaping the tracks on WEINZ SOUPS: puro TiS TEA BAGS CORN FLAKES DEVILLED HAM iran DUTEH CLEANSER a curve. Average grade on the RID COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 27 R14 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT, SF RIS COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 296 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. oF R37 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. STAMPS . 344-mile t is 25 per cent, ioc evin. pase ublic WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH GOUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PUReHASE oF WITH couron & puscnass oF IWirhe COUPON © PUREDASE 6F ; ta i Pl ONE 14-07, AERO TIN + ONE TFL OZ. BOTTLE ONE 647.02. JUG ONE 12-07. PKG. ANY TWO G-OZ. PKGS ONE 1-15, TIN ONE SLB, BAB 'TWO 19FL.OF, TINS utilities commissioner, sa id eaiy $A jaeee ean LANCIA PLAIN oe ASSORTED CHAN SUPER WHiTs Lowes 'WITH PORK tiptoe np Bvidente of overione LESTOIL HAND LOTION BREAKFAST DRINK EGG NOODLES Sita: CHEESE ev PASTE WAX [PM KITTY LITTER LIBBY'S BEANS pole cpap cal car. The car R16 COUPON Expines SUPT. 27 RI COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 27° R18 COUPON wxPiREs SEPT. 37 R19 COUPON ExPinEs SEPT. 27° R20 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 2 TET Tage 841 COUPON ExPines suPT. a7 PS 7-Y Ta 9E R42 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 2 $' The railwa M sald {it will COUPON coUrON CHASE OF win a PUR WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF resume service on the line after ih} Weiter na gosta oy seep ny akon pa tae ra ih sg eo 5 apse "Sorase me vo wnce he a check of the track, whic! MONARCH COLOURED BANDED DEDDORANT SOAP LiQUID DETERGENT DEEP - BUTTERED SUPER SOFT 20 MULE TEAM BORAX " : : probably will take Jess than a MARGARINE DIAL FELS LIBBY'S VEGETABLES ONION RINGS CELLULOSE SPONGES BORATEEM CHEESE SLICES MANDARIN ORANGES > BY BOOTS week, pital 82) COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 27 R22 COUPON ExPines SUPT. 27 229 COUPON ExPines SEPT, 27 26 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 37 4 R31 COUPON EXPIRES Serr, 37 933 COUPON ExviRts ser. PSPyrregl 232 couron cxvints str. 37 234 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 37 Workers began dismantling BABY | Discount the wrecked engine and car and WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF With ouen 9 reatuael oP WiTn courcit & punchius OF airs eaaven's roma 68 i e trac! ont Two 147.02. '0 Special ny ga egal aa Wo 1508, rem an -- dad ad eg wn oe te oom wunumous pers P' at the crash scene. GOLDIN ACRES FROZEN RICH WHIP FROZEN eure one INSTANT LUNCH BAGS PRVIETTE BANANAS long Three of the injured) [MEAs MACARONI & onEESE TOPPING fy RED KIDNEY BEARS ORYSTALS Masato re Ree SERVIETTES arcing ony remained in critical condition stamps fea COUPON EXPIRES SEPT, 27 R27 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT, 29° g STAMPS land "COUPON expmes serT. 37 g TSE Y Tage 23? COUPON mxPiReES SEPY. 37 STN Tao 840 COUPON EXPiREs SUPT. 9 SPT Tage 24S COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 37 STAMPS fam COUPON EXPIRES SEPT, 7 only i A cd FRI. SAT. at a Hanover hospital. ESS FLATS AIDES AID rice $2.93 Discount CALGARY (CP) -- Twenty ated Special school aides will help public out school teachers keep records, sign. | $2 supervise playgrounds and look ack, after audio-visual equipment in pare NAO a a TATENEGEE aides, ol school pi gn were trained in a six-week pro- : cl lUh[7e Se = OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Wed., Thurs. & Fri. till 9:30 p.m. DOWNTOWN STORE Open Thurs. & Fri. till 9 p.m i i ; 4 I } \ \ ( Hin Win ee Wee Wer es ee wt A mre <5 "ge ae ee oe ARADRRARRLATA DEL

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